Now that we have the reveals, when will /ourguy/ have his time to shine?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Neo is the hottest girl in the game and she's stuck in a crappy series where she does nothing and goes unused!

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Go away Yumifag, know superior German engineering.

Attached: Superior German machinery .jpg (1920x1080, 135K)

>most bland senran
fucking japs

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Dumb babu

What happened to the one with the yellow sweater and sword? I thought she was the poster girl and was in the announcer voice files.


>fake, memeing blitzkampfags
Hardly any of you existed before this announcement

I have received no conclusive evidence that Yumi is not a terrible wife.

Irrelevant and cast aside

Be afraid Neofags,

Attached: Blitztank.jpg (700x636, 41K)

I can't help it if Japan loves her more than the actual MC.

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Know that when the Kamikaze winds blow, so will B-Tatsu.
Godspeed fellow Blitzchad.

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Fucking Adachi got in and thats ALL I care about.

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I'd thrash all your asses so hard if any of you played unist on PSN

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Boobs are temporary, CHESTO SUPER is eternal.

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i have replays from before evo and have beaten helheim, how about you?

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I like Jewpuncher. But I just like tits more.

>no vanguard princess rep

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Celica got in.
Pretty happy about that. Not sure there will be more dlc in the future, they didn't tease anything at the end.

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When will the Nazi party come? More than half of the reveal were the villains.

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All of my mains are in.
I look forward to ohohoing at the nonexistent playerbase.

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Let's face it, Asuka is also pretty bland. Homura and Miyabi are both better if we are just looking at the group leaders.

> Implying the Jewpunchers don't have satisying man-titties.

Attached: Adler.jpg (576x1024, 43K)

>paying for internet twice

How can other robots even compete?

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I don't hear the PC lobbies having many akats to begin with, forgive my complete and utter skepticism of your existences

I like how this image accurately conveys Celica's nature as a developmentally stunted child.

You did watch the stream where tank got regularly bodied when it’s his turn to fight?

Here's your titties.

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>thinking these guys care for any of that aside to meme and go completely quiet after the patch releases
They might as well be snekfags who post terumi but are garbage with him. Probably can't even do 236D > 5A > 4D


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They kind of did with the "who next " line at the end

Bang is the only respectable character you suggested.

He has one of the best zoning options as well as defensive options considering he has super armor and parry. He also has the best anti-ground attack. His recovery is expected since he's a literal tank character. Blitztank is definitely best if maneuvered strategically. In other words, big brain, big set up options.

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>wanting Litchi and Tsubaki over Susanoo

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The one legit PC Akatsuki comes and goes through the week along with his psychic parries.

>blazblue crosstag battle

If it's Rion then he kind of doesn't count because he bodies NA pro players like they're trash.
Plus he plays a ton of other characters to the same degree

>litchi and tsubaki
>not respectable choices
they're older than you are
yeah yeah its in the title but still

Speaking of parries, Akatsuki with his DP as parry, he has now one of the best counter options. As opposed to characters like Hakumen who can't easily deal with projectile based characters, the parry can constantly be used.

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Just one?
That's hilarious
That's even better
Do akats even exist?

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Merkava is the ultimate lifeform.

No, not him. I wouldn't be surprised if he has an Akatsuki himself, though, considering that he's extremely strong.

I don't know how you guys do it, getting so hype over fighting games. You must have so many people to play with, it must be amazing.

Did they deserve the spot?

Attached: celica minerva.jpg (3828x1888, 1.44M)

He has one, I would know
He thrashed me then and I can bet he can still thrash me now.

All I needed was one other friend to play MVC3 with me for it to last me 6 years

Who should he interact with? He seemed to start with Blitztank.

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In terms of character, she's a generic upbeat protagonist type, just as Homura is a meaty meme and Miyabi is practically a female Ragna.
Gameplay-wise, despite being one of the most straightforward in her game, Asuka could potentially be one of the more interesting of the four if her moves and her powered up form were well translated to a fighting game format.

But of course, they'd never have the actual unique characters who might be way more fun to play than the leaders.

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Everything Minerva does looks really cool. I'll play her.

He and Weiss will discuss work camps.

>muh military secrets
>muh hunger
No clue


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>thinking mori and his meme team are capable of playing their own game properly

I wouldn't be surprised. Last time Rion dropped by the PC lobby a few days ago, he kicked everyone's ass solidly. I don't think anyone took a round off of him.

Like I said, even NA top players acknowledge how well he fucking knows the game. A ton of them cite him as Top 5 in NA

Considering that the previous new characters had 0 interactions at all, I'm expecting the same for these new ones.

They're adding the missing interactions in 2.0
You can see as much in the Evo trailer

How is it that the Unist community on Yea Forums ended up actually becoming decent enough to stand on par with top players where as every other community, no matter the genre of game, turns into dramafagging and waifushittery?

As much as I'd love to say Rion is one of "us" he ain't. He's his own fucking being that thrashes discord as well as Yea Forums equally.

We already saw Hilda interacting with Adachi and Neo, and Susanoo interacting with Adachi.
Also, in the first 2.0 trailer they showed Naoto interacting with Ragna, implying they were adding interactions to the characters that didn't have then before.

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Does he go to tournaments? I took a cursory glance for footage, but seems that there is only netplay videos of him. Seems that with how monstrously strong he is, he would give the JP players something to sweat about.

I want to see Adachi become even more of an asshole due to hanging out with actual villains.

And make it canon

No, he avoids those
Ego problems, apparently

Oh dear.

>actual villains
>when only terumi/susan counts

Sounds like Clayton but for UNI. He also doesn't go to irl events because of people just trying to be clout chasers. That and his crippling illness.

>people just trying to be clout chasers.
What does that even mean?

People wanting their 15 minutes of twitter/discord fame

People who try to become e-celebs and gain social media followers instead of just playing the game or trying to grow the community.

What does that have to do with going to tournaments?

A bunch of attentionwhore nobodies who think they're hot shit but go 1-2 are a common persona in tournaments

We will never get to see Amane astral the crossover rosters.

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Seems like he already has it here with all the dickriders.

Litchi is a fucking trash character and everyone laughed when she got cucked by science.

Tsubaki is just boring.

Best girls together at last

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If you haven't gone to a tourney in recent years, these types of people make up a big population of attendees now. They basically act like celebrities or sports stars and prop themselves up as pillars of the community.

I main akat but I'm legit dogshit.

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>h-hes good, he just doesnt go to tourneys because they are teh lamezorz

It's kinda autistic, but I think one of my absolute favourite things about the upcoming Version 2.0 Expansion Pass is the confirmation of Ultimax, starting with goddamn Chadachi. That triple-threat interruption was a bombshell of a reveal, seemingly adding onto Neo's previous surprise drop. Really shocked they went with Susano'o over Terumi, but in no way disappointed.

Yumi and Carmine for team crystal.

>Using Gouha on other characters
>Linne in her previous body
>Merkava before he went Void
>Mitsuru and Akihiko in their P3 original outfits
>Heart stays the same because she's perfect
>Yumi is flat

who are you quoting

I know they wouldn't ever go to the extent of making unique transformations for every single non-BB character in the roster, but I'd happily take generic versions of his Astral Heat if it meant he could get in. I suck as Amane, but I do appreciate him as a character. His interactions would be fun.

Because UNIST is hyper niche but in that level of appeal that still draws audiences in without going overboard on the anime designs. It has good gameplay too so depth keeps it going. While most of the GG players pretend to play GG with only like 3-4 people on this board who actually plays them, and BB players busy jerking off to Break Blue, UNIST players played everyday since 2017. Thats enough to be mildly competent, with some actually making it to high level play

Yumi saving the Blazblue franchise.
Yumi is so popular that she'll probably convince the Yea Forums uni guys to drop the game for bbtag.

Based Renegade

Then why are you here projecting instead of playing, hmm?

Im actually labbing BBTAG right now

unist is not exempt from all the bad things that accompany anime fighting game threads.
It just so happens that, as you mentioned, it's so niche that the main draw of most people here, the porn, is either non-existent or incredibly low quality so people don't bother.

And people tend to be really quiet when challenged

True. But people actually playing in the threads makes a huge difference. I wont deny it has bad eggs, but people actually open for games is such a great thing. Usually I get greeted with waifudumping and dickwaving contests when I go into GG threads, and Xrd is actually my main game right now

Are there any people online in Xrd these days? I remember waiting in queue in training a few weeks ago and didn't run into anyone. This is on PS4 btw


I feel bad for any Senranfags hoping they'd have more then Yumi but getting thot slayer Adachi (thus confirming P4U2 characters) and BASED Susanoo was worth it. It's entirely possible there will be a few more DLC packs too, maybe to be shown at EVO Japan.

There are full lobbies only during certain times of the day. Usually 7-8 pm West Coast or Europe. Of course Japan will always have lobbies if only connection with them is good

>Susanoo actually got in instead of that shitstain Terumi
Genuinely based.

not a fan of senran kagura, but i winced at the fact that the original face of the series wasn't even given her due by being included as a rep. i can understand the reason for why they included yumi, given her popularity in japan, but it still looks like a metaphorical slap in the face for the main character.

We already know shes coming. It's not like they could put all the new characters in 1 pack.

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Look I never played that shit and I'll be the first to admit it, but Jewpuncher was my shit in UNIEL and you can't take my CHESTO from me.

So Neo’a win pose is her changing into her volume 6 outfit

Man, someone at Arcsys really somehow powered through every RWBY episode


This. I still have a mexican memeing faggot I still play Melty with on occasions. Its been almost 10 years.

When's Byakuya and Wagner?

Anyone up for some unist on pc?
Im trash

Where'd you get that from?


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a few matches fine with you?

Why is cappy there on Nine's head?

Japanese version of the stream

Isn't Labrys forever low tier?

She gotta keep the pressure to keep Red Axe but she doesn't exactly have the best rushdown tools.

what was the full reveal list? missed it.

Celica A. Mercury
Tohru Adachi


>liz is in
>adachi is in
>susanoo is in
>hilda is in meaning i can training mode with her theme in the background

Pretty satisfied, how about you guys?

I won't be satisfied until I can have Byakuya's theme

only thing I'm annoyed by is Celica; rest are great.

She relies heavily on a partner, but absolutely hits like a fucking truck. With the buffs they gave her in 1.5 she can get into red axe more easily and deal with projectiles a bit better. She can do like 10k off a very simple string using 1 bar and can delete characters with setups into her 214BC.

i was hoping for more arcana heart characters i love their new spirtes

She’s an easy character here also with gigantic buttons and ways to recover red health

Susanoo now has everything unlocked like Izayoi so he’s free to go unga

Adachi doesn’t have status but keeps his air C

Elizabeth is the same

Hilda is the same with missiles as an assist

If you're in EU I could play if you want. I haven't touched UNIST in over a year so I doubt I'll do too well, but I wouldn't mind playing for a bit.

Does Blitztank have his old theme or a remix?

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based and babupilled

Its more than likely the same since Akatsuki's is confirmed to be this

tell me about Yumi.

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fuck off, not even funny at this point

Why does she wear the diaper?

Akatsuki's actual theme is dope as fuck compared to that theme he has in UNI.

I'm like one of the only hilde players in my group because she's easy to fuck up.

takaki should get hit by a car for what he did to asuka

Lotta loyalty for a hired baby

Because the theme in uni is the game's theme.

Honestly I was never as fond of his theme as some of the others, especially Anonym and Murakumo.
That said after a decade his theme has become more comfy to my ears

>no Terumi with Adachi
Pretty sad ngl. Susanoo just ain't the same.

Terumi's voice actor is in it as an introduction with Susanoo. Plus, considering the last season has 22 characters for $20, I don't see them charging $25 for just 9 characters. It's just a feeling, but hey, I seriously doubt it'll stop here. We still need Asuka and Sho and Eltnum in this bitch.

Junpei doesn't get the invite though.

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Asuka died because she lost her spot in this game and her own

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Anyone saw the stream and how Neopolitan fights?

SHE'S FUCKING BROKEN. She has like x3 the options of any character that's in the game right now.

Fuck you.
Blazblue Cross Tag Battle.

Only reason Celica is in is because Mori is in love with her. Not even joking.

I'd wait until she comes out before passing judgement, but she does seem to have a lot of strong options.

Attached: Rest in peace.jpg (1013x733, 106K)

user, what is the game called?

She does look like she has low damage to compensate her options but her near the endless throw supers will make up for it

Why are people against Celica?

I always liked her healer gimmick and arguably it works even better for her here now she can heal her teammate as opposed to just herself, though I guess it's somewhat redundant with Elizabeth also having a heal and her getting in too.

Because it’s Celica, a new character that got pushed really hard as a heroine. Also she can only heal red health here

I thought she's so small!
She got long legs!

Neo's like 5 feet tall.

>Hilda is the same
Hilda is heavily redone due to the game's combo system not working like UNIST and what they did to her tools. They took away her main 50/50 setup, made on-demand pin metered and at the same time made Anti-Dispersal free, aaaand Skewer is now a normal that confirms into a combo. Tag's Hilda is pushed more heavily into zoning.

Attached: DlEeXSCXgAAmIG7.jpg (1000x1000, 115K)

Mori pushed Celica so hard as the "heroine" of Blazblue that it kinda made people push back instead of having a modicum of acceptance of it.

>Tag's Hilda is pushed more heavily into zoning.

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This is probably the case. It's likely there's going to be a few more character packs not holding my breath for any new RWBY/AH/SK/AKB characters though and they'll be free if you get Version 2.

>Yumi looks really strong
>Adachi looks really strong
>Hilda looks top tier
>Elizabeth looks top tier
>Neo is defonately top tier

I'm feeling mad power creep. Hope everyone else gets major buffs to keep up.

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Adachi bros we did it

I’m not sure about Adachi or Yumi but hey, anything can work with the right partner

If Adachi can set up meaty ziodynes at the end of his combos, that's mad oppresive for something other characters need assists to do.

Yumis rekka look like they cover half the screen and one route end in fucking kunizite

Well. This is the end.
>helicopters keep flying over my house
>get gang stalked every single day
>just lost 540 dollars in stocks (literally all the money i had)
>family wants to murder me
>keep hearing niggers giggling 10 feet from my window every night
>older brother has recently came out as a tranny and has admitted he has sexual feelings for me
>younger sister has picked up off me and now will literally not stop watching hentai
>step dad does nothing but smoke weed and drink knock off beer, also sometimes hits me
>mom is starting to do harder drugs again, tfw have seen her come into my room and take money from my wallet

Since you guys have always been my favorite board, and have kept me entertained. I'll return the
favor this one time. I'll be streaming my suicide in about 5 minutes. In the mean time, I shall answer any questions, suggestions, etc

>inb4 go out in a blaze of glory
Nope, not going to ruin other peoples lives.
>inb4 why dont you just make your own thread
(((they))) have cucked my ISP range, so just posting this in the first thread i see.
>inb4 is there anything i can do to change your mind
Nope, its Happening.

stream link/url + more quick rundown:

Goodbye Yea Forums.

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Based, Yumi is my wife.

Based aceman.

is this the 5832nd time you've posted this? fuck off

I hope that Adachi's anti-whore aura makes so less whores get added to the game

I can't believe Blazblue main villain isn't in. And the stupid gorilla for brainlet doesn't count.

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I hope Enkidu gets in. And maybe Adler.

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I'm mad that Asuka didn't get in. I don't like Yumi as a character but I am excited to play her. The Yumi bias is too goddamn strong

They made Akatsuki's b tatsu across the screen.

Yeah but, double jumping, air dashing and air blocking takes away a lot of its threat and it doesn't look like he can convert it solo. It looks like an insane active switch tool tho, since the last hit is still an overhead.


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Adachi doesn't have an anti-whore aura, he just tosses whores once he encounters them, but he encounters no more or less whores than the average man.