lol could you even imagine
Lol could you even imagine
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Based. All he needs is his 1D waifu.
That dude should just quit his job and dedicate the rest of his life to trying to fuck Magilou
ha ha yeah that would suck
haha I bet he jerks off to mommy porn videos on spankbang every night like a real loser lol that would suck if that was me
>no side quest where Velvet gives him a pity fuck
She truly is an irredeemable demon.
Maybe he should just get a hobby?
not really
but i can relate to him, 25 lvl here, only 5 years to achiev wizardry
>only 29 years
ha ha probably has to masturbate until he passes out every night to avoid crying ahhah
What a poor guy Jesus Christ what the fuck is wrong with monks.
>died at 82
>lvl 99
Does just seeing women reset a hidden xp multiplier?
But he likely died happy, user
hahahaha I bet to kill the pain he posts coom memes and makes fun of people who fap and have sex even though that’s what he really wants more than anything in life and genuinely feels like one day he might just snap and take it out on society hahahah could you even imagine hahahaha
>Jesus Christ
answered your own question.
he cashed in those XP boosters from mountain dew bottles
Yeah I bet he was so happy to die with his instincts and his entire being constantly reminding him that he failed his duty as a male
Imagine being this big of a fucking loser that you think you can take pride in never seeing a vagina
If he does happy then he was an irredeemable faggot
I don't have to imagine, user
Thats not how it works.
Never seeing a women and being raised around perpetually chaste monks probably turned him into the purest motherfucker in the world
You get an automatic prestige class upon hitting 30 without losing your virginity, which comes with a huge XP boost ostensibly to catch up on levels, but the result is that you end up capping level 99 at like 56.32 years old. It's why you don't fuck with wizards IRL
Imagine being a normalfag that's THIS obsessed with sex
or the biggest gaylord
but that other user is retarded, i bet that monk became new buddha
Gayest mother fucker around you mean. Imagine being proud of never having seen a vagina lol.
I think the final straw was realizing how many people, male or female, were utter scum at the very core of their being. People are so senselessly cruel and so diametrically opposed to self-improvement or truly reaching for those radical goals in their life. There just isn't anyone worth loving.
Sex is responsible for literally all life on this planet. Imagine not treating it with the respect that entails.
very dick move to laugh at the dead
haha what a gay
not really, fission was more important
If it wasn’t for sex there wouldn’t be people, and since people give value to everything else (i.e something not important until a person places importance on it) the process that creates people is as important as people themselves.
Hahaha...yeah imagine...
>Plankton are responsible for literally all life on this planet. Imagine not treating them with the respect that entails.
now THIS is seething
Plankton aren’t capable of feeling. Plankton aren’t responsible for cognitive thought. If you really want to stretch what I said you could give respect to the process of evolution, of which sex has become the pinnacle way for mammals to express genes.
Been there done that
>Sex is responsible for literally all life
This is just reddit-tier stupidity
vagina's are fucking gross dude
What? Are you kidding? You know what I would give to live a life wholly ignorant of women?
I should have clarified all sentient life, but it is.
T. Homosexuals
>Yeah I bet he was so happy to die with his instincts and his entire being constantly reminding him that he failed his duty as a male
Your sex drive dies when you're not around women. Your body is smart. It knows not to waste any energy if there's nothing for it to be expended on. Guy was probably content as fuck for the entirety of his life. I'm not sure why I'm trying to explain this to an obvious coombrain with fried dopamine receptors who spends 90% of his conscious thought obsessing over sex and women.
t. toasty roasty
It's precisely because I'm not a faggot that I would want to live in a world bereft of women. Do you know how much time I waste on women?
>I’m not gay but I would happily never see a woman in my life
Not every faggot is a homo, if you catch my drift.
I have given up. even in a fantasy setting this is just too unbelievable...hahaha... right fellow chads...hahaha...
37 year old wizard here yes I can.
Unless you’re in a wheelchair or something I can’t possibly imagine how you managed to go 37 years without having sex unless you were actively avoiding it
I've been getting actively rejected for over 20 years. getting a woman is not this magical easy thing everyone makes it out to be.
It takes a little effort, sure, but it’s not some impossible task and there is no way you can be 37 AND have tried multiple times and still be a virgin unless you have 90% burns or are in a wheelchair.
What do you think you’re doing wrong?
at least he's got ricky
that's just it I don't believe I'm doing anything wrong, I work, have money, etc. but nothing is good enough, I'm never what they're looking for.
That which commanded the skys, giving life its fullest brilance
Are you autistic or socially awkward or something? Can you speak to men? Cos it’s not that much harder to hold a conversation with a woman.
none of the above, I'm not socially retarded, I just think it's the area I live the women here are all shallow as hell.
Where do you live? Are you ugly? Fat? What do you do for a living?
west coast, not fat or ugly, I work in shipping and receiving.
How are you a fucking virgin then? Do you have Tinder?
I do not
what a lucky man, how can we even come close? I unironically envy him.
Download it. It’s pretty easy to smash on Tinder. Since I got it I don’t even go on dates anymore, just find a girl who’s up for something casual every couple of weeks. It’s really good.
>I envy never having seen a vagina
>casual every couple weeks
how many diseases user?
no, I envy him never seeing a woman. know the difference.
That's pretty stupid. He must really fucking suck at talking to people in general, but this is fiction so I'm not gonna worry about some scripted dialogue.
how did he deal with masturbation? looking at female monkeys?
I wish
Hey if you woke up with a used condom in your ass, would you tell anyone?
You dont get the urge at all to begin with if you have no idea women exist.
Well yea, I'd like to find out who fucked me in the ass.
To tame the animalistic desires that dwell within my being. That is my dream.
fuck fucking women GOD DAMN
He's got the same problem as every other guy who can't get laid; his standards are too high. He's probably a 6 at best but is only attracted to 8s and up, usually a result of too much porn consumption from a young age.
The issue is terminal, you'll never get laid until you are willing to fuck uggos or pay a hooker.
>gf keeps mentioning how good our sex is and how she cant wait to fuck again
>she doesnt know i lost my virginity to her and have no idea what in doing like 80% of the time
She only had one partner before me and he must have been really bad at it. Also, based on how amazed she was with my average sized dick, he probably had a micropenis too.
Great! Wanna go camping?
or you're just betabux and she's trying really hard to appease you
you realize some men are ugly and dont get any matches?
I'm a 6 and more than willing to go for 5s and 6s, I don't think anything higher than that is even attainable unless you're loaded with money so that's some nice assumptions you got there.
also all the reviews literally all of them for Tinder are very bad.
How does one obtain this power?
I dont buy her stuff, though.
Even when we hang out she always insists on splitting the bill and, when i do pay for everything, she makes sure she's the one paying the next time.
Its a numbers game.
You have to understand that the sexual market is more unbalanced than ever.
Tinder is an app for women. They log in, handpick a some if the 20 matches they had that day and wait for one of them to prove themselves worthy of a date.
Ita fucking horrible amd i hate myself for using ir, but it works.
The chart on the right is very puzzling
Remember rule of 3: Multiply the number of partners she says she has been with by 3. If she says 1 then she's been with 3. If she says 3, then she's been with 9. If she says 9, then stay the fuck away. The only way this may not be true is if you were close friends growing up and were privy to her romantic history but that is precisely why the friend-zone exists; women don't like to date people who are aware of their romantic history unless there is none to speak of.
>women are shallow cunts and want nothing but chads so 90% of men don't measure up
>men are happy with someone who's moderately attractive and consider a large amount of women acceptable
what a shocking turn of events, women really need to grow up and get out of fantasy land.
it is pointless if you arent atleast average looking, you wont get any matches
if you atleast have a decent personality you would have much higher chances irl
it implies good looks=good personality since it all comes down to seeing a pic in the dating profiles
What the fuck how is that even possible
what class do you call this? obviously he transcends white wizard
>growing up
>ever leaving fantasy land
yes I know, whatever was I thinking...
First, I hope your scale isn't fucked. What grade would you put on the woman I've attached? If you think she's anything less than an 8, then your standards are too high.
If you consider her an 8-9 then your scale isn't faulty but you probably suffer from the other fatal flaw; a shitty personality or just being plain boring. Have you ever travelled overseas? Got into some trouble with the law? Really, do you have any really interesting stories to tell? If not, that's another problem; go acquire some life experiences and have some stories to tell.
Halo-effect and human attitude towards "normalcy" I guess you can call it.
People tend to have a more positive perception towards someone who's attractive even if they're a complete asshole, while someone who's not attractive tend to get treated like shit even if they're the nicest person on the planet.
Personality is a joke, humans are much more primitive and cruel on the social level than most want to admit.
Something as simple as "being nice" can be perceived as a weakness, while being a jerk can assert your dominance in the group.
Only thing that could make women grow up would be reducing them to objects again either by the collapse of civilization or the introduction of something like sharia law.
The same thing applies to men, people have it too easy.
It also applies to real life. Just look at how the antisocial, weird, ugly or outright handicapped kids are treated in schools by their peers.
It's a point of view that we subconsciously carry with us into adulthood.
>women only want criminals
can confirm, almost every chick I know around here has a boyfriend that's been in or is fresh out of prison.
Or maybe people just have different tastes and what is an 8 to you might just be a 6 to someone else.
Lol I legit have herpes but it doesn’t bother me really. Every few months I get some blisters that scab up for like ten days, but after that it’s fine. It’s like a summer cold level non issue.
OR your standards are just too high and you need to adjust your lens.
>Plankton aren’t capable of feeling. Plankton aren’t responsible for cognitive thought.
Neither are women and you're still expecting me to treat them with respect
Why though? Flirting and dating are like the most fun thing an for a man to do.
Don’t shoot up a garlic festival Incel-kun
>flirting and dating is the most fun thing a man can do
No, the most fun thing a man can do is sex, most people don't give a shit about what comes out of a woman's mouth. Pic related.
that's disgusting user, enjoy your eventual AIDS, etc.
Thats bullshit I’m average (literal 5) as fuck with terrible teeth and I’ve still fucked seven 4-7s this year.
It's also still possible to be objective about someones appearance despite your preferences. I know pic attached is a 9-10 despite the fact that I don't find dark skin or frizzy hair like that attractive in the slightest.
But if it's not your lens that's bad, then it's your personality, not that I could tell you which is the worse problem to have.
Women can feel and think Incel-kun
I like talking to women and enjoy having female friends.
Don't they hurt? Or leave scars or something? How is that a summer cold level non-issue? There's medication you can take dude
Herpes really isn’t a big deal
I don't know whether to feel sad or happy for him. On one hand, he missed out on a large portion of life experience by being born in and staying inside the monastery for all his life.
On the other hand, his entire life is a unique experience that no known human has ever gone through and he likely died happy even if in ignorance.
it's nasty and disgusting.
As in a summer cold isn’t really a big deal. You get a bit of scaring for a few weeks but doesn’t look to bad. Haven’t had an outbreak since March and my dick looks normal. You can’t spread it unless you’re active anyway so no one insleep with could ever tell.
Doesn't it just transfer onto other men? If there's no woman in his life then when puberty hits and all he sees are males....
You can totally spread herpes when you're not having an active breakout, you fucking monkey. I hope you're at least using protection with those poor stupid sluts.
It’s really not that big a deal unless you have be an outbreak, and if you do you just don’t fuck for two weeks. Problem solved. IMO coughing is more disgusting
this is the most based pic rel in existence
i right swipe everyone excepts fatties and those that are older than me.
you disgusting fuck
No you fucking can’t. A DR told me it can only be spread during an outbreak.
67% of the population have herpes. It’s not that big a deal and outbreaks are super rare. Like once a year or something.
fucking shit this is disgusting. I will keep my virginity thank you very much.
And they say being a virgin is a bad thing.
Nigger have you ever had a friction burn? Cos a friction burn is more painful and lasts longer. It’s really not a big deal at all. I’d much rather have to deal with a herpes outbreak once a year than be a virgin.
>Cos a friction burn is more painful and lasts longer.
it doesn't last for life you degenerate diseased fuck.
That's me.
I'm 40 and a women has never scene my junk or touched me. I just don't give a fuck anymore HAHAHA!
i hope you are doing well in your other aspects of life user, did you collect your first million? do you have property?
>Has a bf
Were done here please exit stage right and cut your throat with the longest knife you can find then jam it up your cunt.
It’s like two weeks out of a year. It’s not a big deal at all.
>tfw found out that my gf made out with over 20 different guys
>she says like its now big deal because according to her her friends did way more than that
A-at least it wasnt sex, right?
>my balls and anus and mouth will be bleeding and sore for two weeks, it is ok goy, go and have segs with randoms.
fuck off
i rather just fuck my mom. at least she loves me.
You know what you need to do user.
Based Monk was probably the most content motherfucker in the world when he died.
i feel that way when uggos/hamplanets make an attempt at flirting with me. no means no you fucking whale, stay away from me.
If you had a girlfriend would you like someone talking about her that way?
It’s not the whole thing, it’s like the size of a cigarette burn at most. And it doesn’t bleed it just into painless blisters for a few days then turns into a scab. That’s it. I’ve had pimples that have looked worse and been more painful than a herpes outbreak. Shits really not a big deal.
Yeah, this.
Ive had multiple partners before and female friends and, if i had to make a list of the most shallow and uninteresting people i know, im sure the top 15 would all be women.
I unironically wish sometimes that i was assexual or at least gay so i didnt have to deal with their bullshit. But fuck me, kissing, fucking and cuddling feel pretty good
whatever nigga, I ain't no fucking no diseased hoe
Probably the gayest motherfucker in the world you mean.
>that pic
It's sad, really. For some reason never in my life have i wanted a gf, even though some girls were hitting on me, i always ignored it, and simply becouse i don't really want to have sex that much, i just want that someone that is there for me and vice versa, someone that i can have a meaningful conversation, not just random gibberish. Am i retarded?
67% of people have it, it’s such a non-issue I think you’re just using it as an excuse.
Is it really their fault though? Media kind of brainwashes them into liking or disliking things as they grow up.
>look user, majority of people here are cripples, it is normal, believe me it is ok :) .
>why yes I never had sex, how could you tell?
Gay or not, he probably died happy and content, both of which probably wont apply to you.
You are not a gamer
It’s nice having a girlfriend user.
It’s like a blister you get for a few days every year. 99% of the time you’re fine and not contagious. Fucking hayfever is worse that herpes.
I’m happy and content and not a virgin. Your move monk.
>i just want that someone that is there for me and vice versa, someone that i can have a meaningful conversation, not just random gibberish
Then get a friend. The average women will fuck off as soon as you start showing weakness.
Youre supposed to be there for her, but expecting the contrary is apparently too much.
have sex incel
Im not an incel, i speak from experience.
But whatever helps you sleep at night, user.
I’ve never had a girlfriend like that. Most have been excellent partners.
Imagine generalising 3.5 billion people and then trying to talk with authority lol
What does a man do after he takes the black pill though?
Realised it’s just weird incel propaganda and gets a girlfriend user, as it’s not that hard.
I did not know magic ability existed at this level. He didn't die, he fucking ascended to a higher plane to rest among the Old Ones, his limitless power flowing back into our universe in the form of beautiful, mind-bending cosmic events.
He has dedicated his life to God. His soul is pure and not spoiled like that of those who are slaves to porn and their sexual desires. Of course I do not expect chronic gamers to understand that because they brain is basically destroyed, they creative thinking has value of -100 aswell as their motivation and self-discipline.
They are living in lie but do not have the will to actually do something with it (hence porn addiction) so they constantly seethe. Life is possible without women and wordly pleasures. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a gynocentric brainlet.
By ‘slaves to sexual desires’ you mean ‘lives a fulfilling life’ right?
What sounds better, dying at 88 surrounded by a family that loves you, children and grandchildren who’s input into their lives you have changed for the better, or dying at 88 having never seen a vagina lol.
aka become a beta provider, got it
>life is possible without women
Fundamentally untrue. Without sex he never would have existed.
both sound good
cant miss something you dont even know exist dude.
t. gamer
Nah just go and get a girlfriend. How low an opinion of yourself do you have to have where the only status you can imagine in a relationship is that of a ‘beta provider’
Beta my provider then alpha my nuts.
Probably died among the monks, lifelong friends.
>vagina lol
Thank you for succinctly summarizing the entirety of your conscious and unconscious thought.
He’s still a dude. No matter how hard he repressed them he still had a basic biological urge to procreate. You can an absolutely miss something you’ve never had if that something is a basic existential need.
But didn’t die surrounded by his genetic progeny who love and respect him in a way friends never could. It’s the ultimate tragedy.
Go fuck yourself.
Thank you stifler
Oh user...
Women who want to own you for whatever reason ALWAYS love your cock. They love the smell of your cock. They love the size of your cock. They love that it's uncut. They love that it's cut.
I have this friend who is cut in an majority uncut country. He always proudly tells me that women prefer his cut dick. Little does he know. THEY ALWAYS SAY YOUR DICK IS THE BEST ONE.
>Friends can't love and respect you
Honestly, you sound kind of unhinged.
Probably easier never seeing them
Ignorance is bliss
And I have always told every woman I’ve been with that they are the best sex I’ve ever had. It’s just something you do in relationships.
>posts a dude with bitchy wife and two daughters
Friends can’t love and respect you in the same way that your children and grandchildren can, no.
Don’t be mean Incel-kun
Thanks to surrogacy you can also have children and granchildren.
Nice meme faggot.
is having a daughter the ultimate cuckoldry?
He didn’t though did he.
Only if you blow her asshole out like a floppy vagina.
It may be different but it is still a form of love and respect from people you've known your whole life.
Was he happy and content or was he miserable? I can't know, but I don't rule out the possibility that he has a nice life. You on the other hand can be entirely reduced to
>Dude pussy lmao lol pusssy pusssy vagina vagina no life with out vagina vagina
You reject the notion of happiness being found in a life that contrasts with your own and you are obsessed to a point of spamming "vagina" when confronted with it. You may be happy and content, you may not be, I don't know. But you don't seem like it. You seem kind of unhinged.
For you.
I fundamentally believe that it is impossible for a man to say he has lived a happy life if he hasn’t known the love of a woman. It’s something that defines a person more than their own myopic view of their life.
But then again "a happy life" is very debatable. Everyone has thier own intrests and goals, what makes them happy and what makes them sad.
For you, experiencing love of a woman might be something you deeply desire but for others it might not have the same priority, if at all.
>I fundamentally believe that it is impossible for a man to say he has lived a happy life if he hasn’t known the love of a woman
That's your belief and I don't necessarily agree with it. Further, I doubt you can prove it.
Funny meme.
>give away half your life to rause your perfect little princess
>just so she can suck dicks and get fucked like a whore
Having a daughter is suffering
No u is the meme fuckstick
Does any guy actually want to have a daughter? I know some say they do, but do they ACTUALLY want a daughter?
I'd put her around a 7, but I think an 8 is really pushing it. I'd like to meet the guy who thinks that's an 8.
It’s the kind of need that has been biologically hardwired into us. You can’t escape it. On some level that dude knew he was missing out. If it wasn’t such a fundamental part of the human experience then there wouldn’t be so many angry virgins posting RyanGoslingScreaming.jpg and complaining that all women are whores. It’s my view that this monk should be pitied.
>Can't comprehend lives and circumstances that aren't his own garnering a reaction that isn't his own
>Calls others autistic
If the meme fits.
>I'm right and you're wrong!
I have a daughter. She’s seven and I love her immensely. I don’t like to think of her having sex when she’s older, but then again I don’t think my parents like imagining me having sex, or I them. It’s just how it is with all family members surely.
However I’d rather when she was older that she ended up finding a partner, and all that entails, than growing old alone and being miserable shitposting on the internet about how other people have it better though.
>It’s my view that this monk should be pitied.
And I don't share it. It's possible he was miserable, it's possible he wasn't. Humans are pretty strange and complex. What might be considered hell to some isn't even noticeable by others.
And you've proven nothing.
>I don’t like to think of her having sex when she’s older
Don't think about it user. Don't think about the miles of dick that are going to run a train on her when she grows up. All those dicks user. So many dicks, in every hole, while she calls them daddy. Don't think about it.
>biologically hardwired
And yet some people act out of thier biologically hardwired nature, proving that you can't just generalize an individual based on general facts regarding how MOST people behave
>On some level that dude knew he was missing out.
You don't know that
I don’t think about it, as it doesn’t matter. Surely if you tried your hardest to raise a child, male or female, you would be disappointed if they grew up to be an adult virgin.
What tales game should I play now? only played berseria
You absolutely do. Humanity wouldn’t have gotten to the place it is today of people could just turn off their sex drive when they wanted.
Wait for Arise
>I don’t like to think of her having sex when she’s older, but then again I don’t think my parents like imagining me having sex, or I them
Your thinking about right now pervert. Good job incest kun!!!
So...fathers would be relieved if their daughters came out as lesbo?
>you would be disappointed if they grew up to be an adult virgin.
don't care dad stay mad.
If that bitch would go to the club alone and then talk with the nice guys over there, yeah
I can't imagine being proud or disappointed in their sex life one way or another. As long as they're not stripping/prostituting/porn then they can do or not do whatever.
I would be
Being proud isn’t the polar opposite of being disappointed. You wouldn’t be proud that they had sex, but you would be disappointed if your child never had sex because you would see yourself as failing to raise them properly.
>realizing how many people, male or female, were utter scum at the very core of their being
I learnt this the hard way when I was younger and this probably contributed to turning me into a cynical and jaded person. even my mother told me :
>"you know, I was looking at some old pictures of you and you used to smile more"
You are the cause of fucked up kids. Kill yourself and eat a bullet then the kid because you fucked it up.
Robot waifus and husbandos will save us all
Now you're implying that no one in history of mankind simply didn't want to procreate, which is bullshit. Ofc humanity got to where they are, but thats becouse a HUGE majority just cannot turn thier sex drive off, and implying that there's no individual that can/could do that is like implying that the only lifeform that exists is on earth, while we discovered so many other planets capable of sustaining life
>taking a LARPer seriously
cant wait to jack it to your daughter's porn vid in 11 years time
Hey man my dick is hard here.
Being a woman probably sucks lol. Imagine you getting fucked instead of you fucking someone. You're not in control since YOU are the one getting fucked, and that sounds pathetic
There goes the /r9k/ scientists. Disregard everything they say
Imagine telling your bf that his dick isnt the best
Just like imagine telling your gf that her tits or whatever isnt the best
Like yeah you're average but I can't get better right now
Try that, just try that lmao
I'm sorry, but those posts dont mention anything about trannies
Sounds good to me i'm lazy anyways.
Why so angry Incel-kun?
That's a simple fix you just kill the bitch then the mother the kids the dog and the mail man.
I don't know please tell me why your mad.
I imagine it’s the only action you’ll see in the next decade lmao
I might not be up with the time, they dropped the black pill for the tranny one or what ?
No, it's an infested breeding den for them now.
Amazing. Every somewhat developed culture, even those who never contacted each other, hold women as impure beings. I wish I was that monk. The true enlightenment.
What's the appeal of sex? No buzzwords in answers, please.
Daily reminder!!!
All women are whores
Get blackpilled and live life happy
Kill chads
Kill stacys
MGTOW is the future
Sexbots are on the way
Do not let people make you feel bad for the following
How you live life
Anything you play
Anything you eat drink or what you wear
Do whatever the fuck you want have kids if YOU choose it or don't and let the rest of the 7 billion cunts do the job
Fuck everybody and do not trust a single soul!
Ultimate intimacy.
>What's the appeal of sex?
So normies can feel better about there shitty empty lives.
Marry, insol.
It’s fun
It feels good
It’s a basic developmental need
It propagates the species
It propagates your family line
Can you elaborate on it being a developmental need?
muh hierarchy of needs and muh genes must carry on. whoops you said no meme answers? sorry no such thing. sex is the biggest meme since the creation of life itself.
This post is just virgin cope lmao
>It propagates the species
Eh, I'm not too jazzed about that one.
Dudes are better at blowjobs anyway
Sure. Maslow's hierarchy places sex in the physiological needs category along with food and breathing; it lists sex solely from an individualistic perspective. For example, sex is placed with other physiological needs which must be satisfied before a person considers "higher" levels of motivation
>all these buttmad impure whores getting mad in thread
Are you 12? Physically, not developmentally I mean.
T. Virgin
Why do you want to know?
A copypasta from a wikipedia article doesn't weigh that much, and Maslow's theory isn't the cornerstone of psychology.
I haven't been able to get a single date out of Tinder, let alone get laid in the two years that I've been using it.
Maslow explains it better than I do, and it is one of the cornerstones of modern psychology. What do you disagree with him on?
>Tinder experiment
You lost before you started
I hear people say that all the time but I just can’t relate. I’m average looking and have had sex several times using tinder. Where do you live? I’m in a pretty big city so there’s always loads of girls using it. I suppose if you live somewhere rural it must be harder.
Here we are again...didn't think i had to post this video again. Your all still living in la la land.
enjoy your herpes
>inb4 it's not a big deal!!!!
that dude got a girlfriend and has had sex. If he could do it what’s your excuse?
My is excuse is i fucked your dad
It’s really not a big deal tho
Im not a normalfag like eggy
Fuck society laws and rules.
>Where do you live?
The first year and a half in my densely populated tourist city. The rest in Tokyo, Japan. I haven't even gotten a single like in the past 5 months.
your sense of priority is really skewed if you think having herpes is worth not being a virgin
Oh dad, you old horndog you
Fucking loser.
Are you asian? I’m an average looking white guy and have been to Tokyo and Hong Kong on vacation and had women literally throwing themselves at me in bars. It was crazy. I slept with six different women in two weeks in Tokyo and four in ten days in China.
if i had the option to hit one button to kill you all i would. i would laugh and laugh and laugh while i hit the button 30 times a second why? because society needs to be ended cleansed and replaced by good humans not trash.
Having herpes is such a non-issue though. It’s like a rash you get for like 10 days, once a year, sometimes even less than that. It’s literally nothing to worry about.
it's not a blowjob, it's a brojob
>if you have had sex you are not a good human and I would kill you
School shooter detected
literally me
>Life is possible without women
it literally isnt, thats basic biology retard
Not cool bro i only shoot loads.
you are still a whore and by default objectively worse than me
cry about it
Asian women love white guys
I never run into this problem anymore.
When I ask a girl out, I make it explicit that I'm attracted to her and that my interest is romantic.
> Hi, my name is user, I find you attractive and want to get to know you better. Go out with me.
On the first date I also explicitly state that I expect sex on the second date. I'll try and segway it into the conversation during the first date.
This way the girl can decide whether to go on a second date and what my expectation is after the date. If she still goes on the date, but refuses to put out, I just go home.
I also explicitly state that for the first two dates I expect to split the bills.
This way the only loss I incur is time (so I keep dates short), and I can quickly weed out acceptable girls for unacceptable girls without drama and bullshit.
>worse than me
Oh sorry I thought you were the virgin I was responding to earlier
you sound like a whore
These webms always make me feel sorry for the Asian guys. How do they not kill themsevles after this.
>cry about it
Like you cry about never having touched a woman?
>touching a women
why does Yea Forums place sex and women on such a tall pedestal?
are you a >le humanity is evil faggot or what ?
>never saw a woman
And suddenly it turns out you don't need modern medicine or a good diet to live 82 years as a man.
Because Yea Forums are 100% morons and trash. Never allow Yea Forums to make you feel bad.
I dunno about "evil" but I just don't like people and wish there were far less around.
I think it’s more correcting incels who go full ‘fox and grapes’ and try to use their lack of sexual experience as some gay badge of honour.
These are weird, like what is the dynamic ? They have asian bf but are drunk or whatever and cling to random aryan out of pure lust ? Or passive aggressive move toward their boyfriends ?
Homo or incel? It’s hard to tell.
whores are just mad that they cant control themselves and get absolutely furious when you call them out
Just move to somewhere where they are less of them. Density distribution is really uneven, there is room for everyone.
Tell me about your mother.
The average Asian penis is 4.3 inches long. Imagine if you were one of these women who had never seen a white guy except on tv, and your dicklet boyfriend takes you out for raw squid and beer or whatever it is you do for fun over there while he humiliates himself in front of his boss because ‘muh honor’ or whatever. Then when walking home you see an actual tall white male. You know this might be the only chance you ever get to see a real penis and have sex with an actual man. Would you give that up without trying whatever you could?
>Things nobody can control over
How is having sex not controlling yourself? You would have to have quite a lot of self control in order to make yourself appealing enough to another person in order to have sex with them, surely.
Good woman, I love her a lot. We don’t talk that much anymore, but that’s mainly because I live so far away now. She really is a great mum though.
yeah but then you realize that none of these people are appealing
T. Elliot
None of which people?
*fap fap fap*
tell again again she is a g-good mother
*fap fap fap*
Oh yea!
>If you think she's anything less than an 8, then your standards are too high.
>old jewress is an 8
lmao get the fuck outta here
My sides LOL
So all incels are perverts? What kind of woman is your mother?
It was also posted like a month before he killed those people. Imagine being such a dicklet it drives you insane lmao
Haha yeah ikr
thank you.
My sides really hurt user!
Yes, and so does jerking off
if you were happy and content you wouldn't be posting on this website.
Why? Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /g/ are funny and sometimes informative? Why does one need to be a bitter virgin in order to post lmao?
>Yea Forums and Yea Forums and /g/ are funny and sometimes informative
now THIS is bait.
Just be yourself, bro.
I find shallow and pedantic
>the only way a Tales thread can get 200+ replies is by baiting incels and virgins into an autistic rage
What a world we live in. Hopefully Arise will be good.
worst thing about this game is the slow running speed. wtf were they thinking?
Unironically this, but if yourself is shit, then improve yourself first
Lmao Yea Forums is so retarded. This board is beyond help.
>Are you asian?
No, I'm spic but could easily pass off as European. I also have green eyes. I think it's because of my height (5'7") and my slightly fucked up from acne face that I couldn't pull any in the entire time I was here.
There's absolutely no point in getting a non-virgin gf.
Ok, be someone else, bro.
You sound like a faggot.
But this site is where I get my laughs from
>Just be yourself, bro.
Normal faggot.
You are a huge gaping vagina
Virgins are shit at sex, don’t know how to suck dick, and get really fucking clingy and weird after you’ve fucked them.
There you go user, that’s three.
Note "capable" of sustaining life. They don't actually have life though.
Imagine not having any female friends lmao
>This is society now
What a joke LOL
Imagine being a faggot lmao
>tfw slight above average length but under average girth
>would rather spend time with men
>calls others faggots
What's wrong with a clingy gf if you want to spend the rest of your life with her?
Sure you have user.
>>would rather spend time with women not fucking them
>>calls others losers
would you rather have fujoshit?
>there is no way you can be 37 AND have tried multiple times and still be a virgin unless you have 90% burns or are in a wheelchair.
normalfag cope. you're pretty much doing the equivalent of plugging you ears and yelling LALALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU
>plugging you ears and yelling LALALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU
I do this with Yea Forums all the time
What a fucking disgusting thread and yet this rampant newfaggotry has been the status quo for a goddamn decade/
T. Someone who has never slept with a virgin
It’s terrible
T. Someone who has never dated full stop
You don’t date someone because you want to spend the rest of your life with them. You date them because you like them and it’s fun. If something more comes from it then that’s good, but you should never go into a relationship thinking ‘this is the person I’m going to spend the rest of my life with’. That’s fucking psychotic wtf.
>T. Someone who has never slept with a virgin
Another prime example of the failure of society LMAO
How fat and poor are you?
>this entire post
I fucking despise what the society has become.
Not that guy, but I'm 55kg and make $120,000 a year at 29 years old but can't get laid to save my life. Prostitutes aren't cutting it anymore. At the end of the day I'm all alone.
I dont see how sitting inside playing video games and fapping to anime tits would help
Why? You’re meant to date and have fun when young. I 28 now and have been with my current girlfriend for four years and am about to settle down, but if that was my only relationship experience I wouldn’t be. You need to have fun while you can, and that includes dating different people.
Literally me
Hahaha yeah I totally don't fondle my mo mas she giggles then furiously masturbate to her giant swinging milkers for 6 hours while edging to weird shit
Are you autistic? Because clearly the problem is with you. Like how do you have such a bad personality that you can’t get a date when you earn that much and aren’t fat lmao
absolutely based
>settle down
It irks me every time when someone uses it unironically.
>settling down at 28
Let us know how that first divorce goes.
Please don't respond to it, newfriend. He isn't looking for a realistic response.
Your all losers fuck Yea Forums fuck society die in a house fire kill your family never breed and i hope sand niggers show up and cut all your heads off.
no it doesnt
>are you autistic
>he asks on 4channel
we love you too nigger.
low iq intervention
love you to nigger
>Are you autistic?
I think I might have some undiagnosed mental issues, but I simply refuse to settle for someone I'm not attracted to. Every single women so far that has shown any sort of interest in me has been either fat, ugly, old or a combination of all of them. I'm at least a 4/10, why should I get less? All I ask is for you to not be fat, older than 30 and have a passable face. Is that really so much to ask for?
Since you posted a Berseria pic i am allowed to post some based Eizen.
>tfw more girth than length
coomer meme isnt making fun of people who have sex lol
>Sex is responsible for literally all life on this planet.
It's not even responsible for all animal life, let alone all forms of life.
What the fuck are the jannies doing?
smelling my finger :)
King of the Robots, Master of Wizardry
This F is for him.