Gears of War

This game makes me wanna do a jigsaw puzzle its so boring. Holy shit. Why does anybody play this?

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Fucking kill yourself.

because its made for retards
the game just plays itself

>shilling some 12 view video that is obviously your own
>making a shit thread
Go fuck yourself OP. I didn't even watch it but I disliked it

His other video literally is titled zoomer plays WoW classic

Didn't even get up to act 2 and dropped it.
Same with gow4 got half way through dropped it at act 3

Didnt play judgement but I feel the same thing qy I do about halo and gow as I do bf cod and gta

First 3 games are great the rest is absolutely shit

4 had good multiplayer. I liked 5's campaign myself. I'm actually impressed with The Coalition.

Fuck that gow4 mp was the same boring shit

Sp was ok but Gow5 was so boring I cbf even playing it

So had shitty no name offbrand characters with some nigger who only cares about his robot
Not Marcus and Dom are boring as fuck as well also the girl is absolutely cringe it just sucks the levels suck the gunplay sucks the sound design sucks visually it's bland and cut down for garbage 8 years old console hardware

Doesn't innovate or so anything new compared to gow2/3

why is she so fucking ugly?

why do you talk like a fag?

I dunno I thought 4s multiplayer was well balanced and fun. What multiplayer game is not boring to you because the violent gunfights keep me entertained.

I'm playing it exclusively for Laura BESTily

>everything kills you in 2-3 hits on anything above normal
Sure it does

>im so wrong i had to post it on 4chin to show how wrong i am

Ignore the sony shills, the campaign is better than 4, pretty close to as good as 3, and the multiplayer is great.

Horde is really boring though. Idk how they ruined it from 2, I tried playing and quit out of boredom at 20.

Escape is cool, although aits a bit barebones

Campaign was fantastic. Multiplayer almost feels like a downgrade from 4 tho.

you can afk while AI team does everything on max difficulty

You can play the game for literally $1. I got the xbox game pass for pc for $1 for the first month, and will absolutely cancel before the end of the month.

It's a pretty generic game. Really shitty story, extremely bland characters, and it just feels so fucking tired. All the main characters from the first game are in it, but old as fuck, so it's especially sad (in a bad way, not in a character connection to audience way).

I just don't get the appeal of it. It wasn't really fun to play, and I'm glad it's done because it was a 60Gb tumor on my hard drive.

people dont understand that the gnasher is what makes gears so fun. wall bouncing like a fucking lunatic one-shotting an entire team felt amazing.
idk about gears 4 and 5, but gears 3 had a good balance of the rifles and gnasher. the rifles, specially if you had active reload, would basically stick the enemy in place if they were running right at you, hell the retro lancer was OP as shit.
if you were good with the hammer burst you could take them down in a little more than half a clip in almost a second.
if the gnasher wasnt there, then the gameplay would be a completely dull and slow cover shooter where everyone just hides behind cover and waits to regenerate health.
its like taking out the BR and grenades in Halo 3
couldnt give less of a shit about the gears story or singleplayer campaign though

>School project

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>hasnt played the game
More like you cant walk two feet and jack going down again.
Fucking retarded robot.
At least the AI seems to prioritize reviving you when a boss isnt already clipping you from 10 feet away with its instakill move or you arent getting softlocked into a menu or not being ABLE TO FUCKING SHOOT
I just got to act 3 yesterday

I just refunded Rage 2, holy shit that game was crap.

Has Avalanche ever even made a good videogame?

Based good taste user.

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>lets make a berserker fight only different
>now it can jump around the room and hit you from 20 feet away with invisible "shockwaves"
Why was this the most retarded unfinished fight?
The ranged attacks were fine, the gimmick was fine. The fact that you could get downed from halfway across the room just from it landing was not.

That's how 5 is now. You just see one of two shitters complaining, either shotgun fags who think that should be the only weapon, or the new player that doesn't realize the shotgun is supposed to be that good.

3 campaign was sperg tier
unironically killed the franchise

I know its supposed to be the strongest, I just don't think that makes for very interesting or compelling gameplay

Then its not for you.
Why is that so hard to grasp for so many anymore?

I agree, its not for me, and I share those opinions, have a problem? cry me a fucking river

Here a russian video

Sounds like he just doesn't like GoW in general, therefore his opinion is irrelevant

What an ugly cunt. What’s wrong with her voice?

0 range boring voice acting everything she does is the same shit

>uses Overwatch and Halo as positive examples
>complains about "skill ceiling" despite obvious bad aim in the video footage
>esport argumentum ad populum, by that logic Quake is less of a game than Hearthstone
>"it's just another shooter" vs "it's entirely about close range shotgunning" - literally a contradiction ya dimwit
Couldn't stand more than 1 minute of this faggot but that's how much I picked in that time alone.
Stop trying with the retarded meme of starting yet another "I say I don't like thing and pretend my subbjective dislike is a srs bsns argument" channel. You can't argument for shit and the audience for that shit has a 100 of other faggots to choose from anyway. The ship has sailed off, deal with it .

>uses Overwatch and Halo as positive examples
yeah they have more interesting weapons, that was the example
>complains about "skill ceiling" despite obvious bad aim in the video footage
is it not true that it has a lower skill ceilling than other shooters?
>esport argumentum ad populum, by that logic Quake is less of a game than Hearthstone
yea thats kinda shit
>"it's just another shooter" vs "it's entirely about close range shotgunning" - literally a contradiction ya dimwit
yeah I guess that's kinda unique, but it's uniqueness diminishes in value when there are 3 other games in the series that do the same

thx for the view, watch time and criticism bby

Not him but this really bugs me user.
>it's uniqueness diminishes in value when there are 3 other games in the series that do the same
>franchises shouldnt do what they do best
>change for the sake of change, not because its a good idea
You are why infinite warfare exists

I don't mean that they should do a 180, but you need to expand on what you have, otherwise its like my man dunkey said, feels like a ps3 era game with a fresh coat of paint

like, whats one reason to play gears 5 instead of 4, not much other than it has more people, I don't really like that

also I don't pretend this is anything more than an opinion piece, if you watch until the end I say that

Yet he praises other games that are literally ps2 games with a fresh coat of paint if its a franchise he likes.

Because it is more gears if thats what you enjoy, thats literally it. Not many shooters even come close to offering what it does.
>but gears 4
It wasnt as good for one and for two that was 3 years ago. Didnt realize that a franchise getting 6 games across 13 years was a bad thing.
Oh wait thats because it only is when it suports your side. I forgot that having more of somethings a fucking travesty on this board.
Get new material assholes.

Imagine having such pleb taste

>Yet he praises other games that are literally ps2 games with a fresh coat of paint if its a franchise he likes.
who? dunkey? or me? cause I don't think I said that
>Because it is more gears
playing more gears 4 games is also more gears, rip

Your eceleb genius
>new content is bad because the game isnt a different game
Kindly fuck off, clearly the franchise isnt meant for you because retards like you are why judgement was so fucking bad

what is the new content? same guns, same movement, same old same old

>hurr i dunt have to have an arguement
Like I said, Fuck off before you ruin anything else because thats all you care to do

you can't answer my question tho, what's the new content, big boy?

>im too stupid to know what a new game is
new mechanics, a new campaign, and new maps in the multiplayer with new guns.
wow so hard, almost like its a new game in a franchise so you get what you want only more

what new guns? I only see shotguns.
what new mechanics? (spoiler, there are none)

>doesnt play the campaign
>doesnt play the new multiplayer modes
>doesnt use the new guns
>hurrr no new content guise do i fit in now :^)
Yeah were done. Have fun posting to no one after this

>still can't answer the question

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