>Game doesn't allow you to play as a woman
Game doesn't allow you to play as a woman
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that we respect women here on Yea Forums
>game doesn't let you play as a transexual nazi eskimo
>start a harassment campaign (assassin's creed unity)
Why do feminists (male) do this?
>game allows you to play as a women
>shes ugly
>medieval setting
>playing a woman isn't hard mode
Whats the female equivalent of coomer?
>mc isn't autistic
How am I supposed to relate?
>game allows you to spam the same bait thread many times
Who cares for the model jeez, GO TRY AND GROW A PENIS YOU UGLY WHORE
mount and blade will always have my respect for doing this
Fix your femjak.
Is this really what autism is like...?
Go back to your containment board, fagget.
>you just have to cook and get raped occasionally
>hard mode
Hmmmm... sounds more like a simple case of being stupid
it is obviously that chick who shot up youtube
Kinda, it's social stupidity.
pretty much
Still have literally no clue of what it is or what it entails other than being a bit of a baka with concentration problems
>be vegan
>shoot up youtube hq
>0 kill count
epic simply, epic.
what's her powerlevel?
Look it up?
Its literally being socially retarded with a dash of OCD
and awoiaf mod makers will have my ire for making the targaryen faction all faggots who won't marry me
huh, never heard about that till now. Good thing she was just using a 9mm.
I like to say it's like riding a bike with one flat tire, and you don't know it's flat. You're pedaling and pedaling as hard as you can, while everybody is coasting by easily.
Trans woman here.
Have sex, Yea Forums.
what kind of stupid fuck likes strawberry ice-cream? chocolate is objectively the best icecream
how can someone with autism have such normie tastes?