How? theres no way the game even sold half that amount of sales

how? theres no way the game even sold half that amount of sales

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Other urls found in this thread:

What's this game about anyways?

>Paying that much fucking money for a game hardly anyone even knew existed, nevermind something that was actually hyped

Gets you wondering how much other devs got paid for exclusivity.

Vidya PR guy here (not Epic but still), having your game perma-frontpaged does absolutely huge numbers for you. When you're anywhere on the Steam frontpage, AAA usually sees 5x the typical amount of sales, and indie is usually around 30-50x. It's really just that big of a deal.

I saw a post earlier today saying it only sold around 120,000 copies across all platforms according to analysts. If that's the case, even if all of those copies were on EGS, or just using its revenue split for shits and giggles, Control only made $6.34 million (though the actual number is significantly lower due to the PS and Xbox revenue split). Control flopped hard. The EGS paid exclusivity probably helped them recoup some of their losses, with sales it might eventually break even. I have no clue about it's budget, but it doesn't look like a cheap game to produce.

I didn't think being on the front page affected sales that much. Thanks for teaching me more about the most insane industry in history, vidya PR user.

>theres no way the game even sold half that amount of sales
I think you will find it made $10.45 million in sales.

the only really nice thing i have to say about control is that it reminded me of the fun i had playing alan wake.

To add to my post:
Basically Epic paid for exclusivity by essentially guaranteeing them 200,000 copies worth in sales.

Not the worst thing as it reduces the risk and amount of copies needed to break even. Control was a risky game to make, and a risk that didn't pay off, so I can fully understand wanting to mitigate said risk with some of that Fortnite money.

i wonder if they'll even recoup the cost from actual game sales instead of fortnite bucks

I only ever remember seeing it once at Sony's last E3 and getting a lot of Quantum Break vibes.

I'm going to trust that you're not roleplaying. Thanks for the lesson, user.

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This is classic Chinks strategy, it's nothing new. All those money will be back once they destroyed the market and gain absolute monopoly.
t. SEAmonkey.

I think Epic is doing these deals knowing that they'll lose money on them. They want people to use the EGS and to compete with Steam. They're going about it by forcing people to use EGS because of the exclusives and then keep using it.

I don't think it will work as well as they'd like in the long run.

>I don't think it will work as well as they'd like in the long run.
accepting short term losses in order to increase market share is literally long-term thinking dude.

This. Epic's spending money to make money. By nigh-forcing consumers to at least glance at their storefront and popups because they've got libraries on EGS, they can ease off buys later on once they become their own niche (or at least that's their goal).

except all they are doing is pissing me off and ensuring i never download their shitty launcher


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Actual long term thinking is making PC gaming more accessible for emerging markets. Which is what Valve has been doing.

More customers that buy OC games, a more lucrative market for everyone involved.

The issue is, if there's a game that I can get on EGS that's also on Steam or a console (depending on genre) for around the same price, I'm getting it on Steam or console. The EGS is not a good service to use at the moment and its more of a hassle than I'd like. Something they should do is use thier smaller revenue share to lower the price of games a little bit and undercut Steam's prices.

It seems like Max Payne, but with a gravity gun.

Enough to be in the black even if they had to pay back every single dollar spent developing the game prior to release, including Kickstarter funding and preorders.
Phoenix Point developers said as much.

Maxine Payne explores the world of SCP.

Yeah but what isn’t understandable is why the fuck Epic would want to use some of that fortnite money to mitigate the risk on a game any idiot could see was going to make jack shit

I see /biz/ brainlets have invaded the board. Protip kiddo, it's called costs vs projected future income. Lots of businesses does it, selling at losses just to stay relevant and earn customer respect, only that epic actually can afford it without the risks of being bankrupt.

>we'll give you 10 million and promote the fuck out of your game
>in return, we take a higher commission til we make our 10 million back, then we go back to standard cut

sounds like a good deal

>It seems like Max Payne
It should've been like Max Payne but they basically turned the MC in to a superhero.

It's easy when you're backed by the chinese government.

>Remedy gets to make assured bank, equivalent to 230k steam sales
>steam faithful just have to wait a year, then buy it for a small discount
seems like a win-win.

they want to play the long game by building up a library of games you can only get on EGS, but that's not going to fucking work due to the one year exclusivity and people still thinking epic is scum (rightfully)

Can you imagine how much money Fortnite has to be making for Epic to throw it at devs like this?

>we take a higher commission til we make our 10 million back
That's the exact opposite of Epic's business model. They keep trumpeting about how much nicer they are to indie devs, because of the lower storefront cut.

Imagine Alan Wake being a single incident in a world where these constantly happen.
Control is set in the agency that deals with these. It's a literal sequel.

None of what epic does earns customer respect. Everyone recognizes it for the cynical attempt to get you to install their shitty featureless spyware infested launcher it is.

As long as Fortnite bucks keep coming in it won't even matter for Epic.

people are just too lazy to look for shit. this is really the reason for "I can't find shit on epic" problem valve is trying to combat with myriads of exploration features.

They also get the profits from Unity engine.

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It's tencent throwing chicom money at it, fortnite is a drop in the bucket compared to that.

>mfw GO ON LAD
Thanks, Tim.

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Indirect sequel. Calm thy shilling.

It's not about this game, it's about getting just about every new PC game to hit EGS first by 6 to 12 months so people migrate over there instead of Steam. Also by taking the bigger budget titles it leaves all the low effort and asset flip uncurated mess be practically all that's new on Steam which makes it look even worse in comparison to the curated and new release schedule of EGS.
They've sucked down the new release schedule on Steam so much that last month 2 adult only VNs made it onto their top new seller list worldwide.

>promote the game
It's on their store, but they're not doing any advertising for it. The net effect is anti-promotion, essentially.

And yet they get more relevant each passing day. There's a reason gog galaxy and other launchers pretty much never had any threads besides origin shitting (Only due EA).
Their tactic to raise brand awareness works, even if plenty resent it.

Suggested filename: voting_with_wallet.jpg

>reddit memes

I'm just saying that you should still play Wake first.
The AWE dlc has the fucking cover in it.
Should have includes the game with Control desu, or have a recap somewhere.
They fucked up.

Yeah, everyone is aware that it's shit.
I get there's no such thing as bad publicity but this is taking it to another level.

>company says they want shit on multiple launchers and store exclusivity is gay
>not even a week later they pay 100k+ for exclusives

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It's a long term investment, the more exclusives the more attractive the store will be

They won't do that unless its temporary and nothing below a $10 discount. No publisher would ever agree to voluntarily lowering the buy in price permanently.

Tencent is a chinese company. If you have any understanding of how china works that is more than enough proof.

It's an indirect sequel. You don't need to have played Alan Wake to understand the story of Control, and references to the former are vague, and add nothing.

It's not about sales. It's about forcing people to install the Chink botnet. Even 100k sales are worth it when they get your credit information and spending habits and name and who knows what else.

>I saw a post earlier today saying it only sold around 120,000 copies across all platforms
Dude, that post was based on a twitter screencap made by some noname. Stop spreading misinformation.

>b-but steam does it too!
Steam is not owned by the chinese communist party.

What's so hard to get? Nintendo, sony, Microsoft all pay for exclusives and has for years. Is the concept so alien to pcfags their mind breaks at the concept that you don't need to be a console for exclusivity? Fucking Valve required you to install steam to play HL2, even with a physical copy

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Not really. All marketing is not good marketing. They just hooked some people with free games. Which is idiotic. If you have no interest to ever use the store why not just pirate these games in the first place?

>dude trust me
So it's based on fee fees, not proof. Gotcha

Max Payne in a wig, same jawline

Valve made half life.
Any games epic actually makes I won't bitch about being exclusive to their spyware launcher. Using bottomless chicom money to create artificial exclusivity is the problem.
You knew this was false equivalence when you posted it chang.

They're not appealing to Yea Forums you know? They're appealing to the masses, including children who play fortnite who can't torrent due parental or other restrictions

No, it's based on understanding how the chinese economy functions. Your ignorance on the matter does not change that.
Information on the matter is freely available. It's not even controversial.

Text book Walmart style muscling in into an industry. Tencent has more money than all other publishers combined. It can be a loss leader for the next 5 decades, and not feel it. They'll just keep guaranteeing indies and AA success by removing the customer form the equation through "guaranteed sales" cash lump sums til they become the biggest store or the industry crashes, which is the more likely outcome seeing how this is exavtly what's happening with Netflix attracting all the multi nationals like Disney who throw their money around like there's no tomorrow. Continence has been removed from these industries, and convenience is the only reason for Steam's and Netflix's success. The industry will shrink back to its pre Steam, pre Netflix as everyone goes back to the older, now more conviennt delivery methods (piracy and TV/ondemand). Console manufacturers must be over the moon with this. Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo are about to regain a huge portion of the industry again as they are the more convenient, and less scummy close garden services. At least they use their money to finance products.

>steam faithful
Jesus, you people really sound like religious zealots.

Ok, mr source


Can Remedy do anything that ISN'T ripping off Max Payne in one way or another?

I know its the only good and successful game they ever made together with its sequel but really?

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the epic launcher/store made for fortnite shit in the start?

Worst thing is I get why devs would jump onboard. Epic is giving you free money for basically nothing. Problem is we have yet to see whether devs can put a price on reputation and customer goodwill in the long run. How will the Steam audience react once these games are free of exclusivity and come over to Steam?

I think they paid for exclusivity because it was one of the first games to use ray-tracing as a marketing point. They want you know know Unreal Engine does ray-tracing and ray-tracing is the future, etc.

I know that Anglos, especially Americans hate white people and is trying to destroy the west. Do I have real proof? No.

tim is trying to make you his bitch. he will spend some of his mtx money to do it

That's the jews user, and there's plenty of evidence towards that direction.

why do you brainlets always pretend no one knew this game existed
it was at e3 twice and had constant threads

Epic hasn't won until people decide they'd rather get their games there than on steam. Anything up until that is effectively done at a loss.
As of right now, the actions of Epic haven't given anyone a reason to pick them over steam. When they eventually run out of money to burn, the masses will return to steam and still use it as their main platform. All Epic is creating is a lot of bad press and general annoyance.

Any questions about how Epic can afford to spend so much money while making none can always be answered with one word.


It's that simple. China wants market control. Epic is the sock puppet with China's hand up their ass, and China gives no shit about profit. They want to gain control of the market and spread their oppressive influence. It's a power play. I doubt anyone at Epic minds this for the same reason devs will sell out any potential for their game to sell well.

When you're already assured a steady job and good pay no matter how shitty of a job you do, why care? It's a very attractive prospect.

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>unironic use of chicom
I see the reddit electionfags is settling in nicely before the next election. Welcome lads.

I personally shop from GOG since they are the most bound by European Data Protection Laws.

You invest in exclusivity now and lose out on initial capital so you can establish a market for long term profit. Are you fucking spastic?

No. This is on the sub white angloid insects.
The angloid beast is a special breed of subservient animals, bred forth in the pits of Judea thousands of years ago and sent across the world. Only the islander strain survived, their mission to erode the world under a banner of theirs, at the behest of their masters.
So powerful, so subversive is the angloids ways, even innocent humans, no matter race or creed, caught by their cultural dominion too, slowly degrade to an unquestioning and loyal servant, if not an unwitting one. Do not let the angloid corruption take over the earth. It will gain no one, but their own and superiors.

Good will and reputation don't matter if the industry survives, and accepts this tactic for essentially the entire lifespan of a dev. It's a business first and formost, if they make guaranteed profits with 0 risks, they'll take it every time. Similar to how tech companies that "develop" products can just keep getting government handouts for essentially doing nothing, but the government doesn't want other countries to surpass them in that field. They can just keep "developing" tech without providing a single functional product, even if that's the end results. This happens all the time, corporate welfare is a very real thing, and that's what's essentially happening here as you remove market forces from the equation by guaranteeing success. This is why "vote with your wallet" is a meme, your wallet isn't big enough to compete with corporations backed by the world's biggest economies that essentially have infinite money.

epic takes all this shit triple capital A games i start to wonder if i should thank Tim for dodging shit everytime

Thats the strategy China is using for everything nowadays.

The country is in even bigger debt than the US government because they keep pushing out more money in order to fund more investments globally in order to gain significant market shares.

Shit like Huawei popped up in the west only a few years ago and its already a dominatant force on the android market. And Tencent bought their way into pretty much every big AAA publisher and even directly took over development studios in the west.

China wants you to know they are strong and they are here to stay and they will dictate the rules now

esl says what

Ok. Say you are an average Joe from a bumfuck nowhere in America. And now Tencent, corporation in China, knows your credit card info, your name and some habits. Question one: How can they affect you? Question two: do you really senile enough to think there is no database floating in the black market with that exact info, which anyone can acquire for much less money that Tencent spent, so far?

wow, dude, so epic is literally paying for shit games and helping games no one wants to actually play

Exclusivity deals are actually shrinking on consoles and considered an outdated business model, the PC is even getting a lot of console exclusives from back im the day.
Instead companies are working on beating the market by offering better hardware, which is a good thing because now companies are less focused on coming up with stupid gimmicks and spending ridiculous amounts of money to tie a game to their console.

So what EGS is doing is outdated, and because it's even less common on PC, The paying consumer base isn't wiling to help make EGS the next steam. I see them being the next Origin, sure, their pockets run deep, but they'll never get to Steam, and forcing paying customers to use your store by holding the gamekeys ransom isn't going to change that.

How do you establish a market for long term profit ? I'm genuinely curious
As of today it's likely that the overwhelming majority of epic customers already use steam. Once Epic stops bleeding money into the market, what reason is there to further split your games instead of getting them on your older platform ?

>use epic store to get free games
>use it to launch said games
>The store becomes a part of your subconciousness whenever you want to play said free games
>see the storefront every time you launch it
Its not that difficult to grasp anons

Made by Max Payne, bro.
Who doesn't wanna support the guys who made Max Payne.

What, why?

Control is a great game, I am not surprised at all that modern gamers are too stupid to get it.

This. It's literally why and how they run the anglosphere. Trump, brexit, Murdoch, all paid by the chinks to destabilise the world.

You got it completely wrong retard. Triple As and Japan are the only ones not selling to Epic. It's the financially unstable double A and indies that are tripping over themselves to sell out. Triple As can make more money than the lump sum Epic can afford to pay them, Epic can't afford shit like Rockstar exclusivity, that would cost them too much. So much for "saviors of the industry" small studios have always been the first to sellout at the first hint of success.

tim is a great shit magnet

Tim has effectively implemented a third party Steam Greenlight. Any game that's too shit to sell on Steam goes to Epic instead.

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But if you look at the new releases on Steam, you'd wish this was true, Epic isn't filled with pixelshit shovelware unlike steam

>port scraps
Oh yeah, I forgot to thank the pcfags for cleaning up my plate for me

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kekking kekkers!

China hates freedom and choice but knows you can't simply shoot people till everyone obeys you. That doesn't work. It just creates a whole lot of blood. They're also incapable of winning people over with quality because none of them have intellect or skill.

What is a facist superpower to do then?

Rig the game so everyone has to go to what you offer if they want the product. When you are the only one that offers it, what will everyone do? According to china, buy anyway!

Stupid cunt.

>How can they affect you?
>what are targeting algorithms that zero in on your IP and shower you with ads political and otherwise
>the retard thinks that an updating system feeding your info and habits in real time is the same as buying second hand data
Suck Epic's cock more you cancerous shill.

that is a "you" problem. except for the few BIG games that gets advertised on the front page, most of your feed will be based on what you play and what you have bought

When will you butthurt fags realize that this is how democracy works? If the majority don't follow your insipid Facebook slogans, then you're the one who is wrong. They ARE voting with their wallets, it's just you who can't handle the results of what you preach

Umm no sweetie, the customer doesn't decide who' wins the store wars, the publishers do.

I can't figure out why Yea Forums keeps posting this every other day. So far nothing is confirmed and it is all based on a few proven false tweets.

I highly doubt Steam pays people to post this shit. Who has the agenda to keep posting this combined with no fucking life?

>stupid cunt
There it is, the brainwashed anglo rat furious at being called out for his evil actions paid by the chinks. Keep doing your masters bidding, little rat. One day you'll destroy white civilizations, I am sure.

Except that doesnt work when the minority can outbuy the majority.
See whales vs normal customers

I vote with my wallet. I've poured at least 200 euros in GOG and i'll keep shopping exclusively from GOG. Are you mad epic shill? Mad yet? Are you mad?

Attached: epic shills be mad.jpg (1137x572, 130K)

So if epic stops funneling money the publishers still just won't put the game on steam ? Why exactly ?

>vote with your wallet!

Consoles exclusives are everyday less of a thing. Pretty much everyone agrees its something very stupid to do that pisses off more the consumer than actually ensure sales.
Pretty much all Xbone games are on PC, and all third-party ps4 games are on PC. We are talking about one generation with like, 3 or 4 exclusives total.

it's from 505's parent company's earnings reports

Tencent bought epic stock for 330 million, fortnite generated 3 billion in profits last year. Epic doesn't need chinese money to pay out all these developers.

>preordering anywhere

They should stop taking Chinas shit and finally put some pressure on them

>Japan hates China
>India hates China
>Russia has border disputes with China
In case of a war China would be forced to fight on atleast 3 fronts. Not like the chinese aren't used to getting fucked in the ass by foreign forces.

Guess what, people with money is more important and valuable than poorfag Slavs, angloids and spics. Shocking news, I know

>vote with your wallet
>buying unfinished games

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>Corporation backed by an international giant that's backed by one of the biggest governments guaranteeing a product's success with their infinite money regardless of consumer input is democracy
Bro just outspend the corporations and governments lmao. Don't like it? Just start your own multinational corporation and government.

>yet another butthurt betatester
Still living in the paradise of consoles that is 720p 30fps I see

democracy has nothing to do with market transactions
the market is not a democracy

>muh targeting algorithms
>but that's okay when non-chinese corporations do that
You're nothing but a hypocrite

I see the reddit army is in full force today, armed with their latest ebin maymays and buzzwords

Attached: Reddit on epic.png (558x563, 72K)

I run a +1 million dollar company in Europe importing and exporting flowers (inherited it) and one of the main rules I've learned is that customer loyalty should not be expected.

These people buy from me because I bought up this month's supply of a specific flowers or plants so my rivals can't sell them on for example France's mother's day, they don't care for me or my company and will buy from anyone else when the price is right.

The only loyal customers aren't even loyal because they like me, they're actually people that buy from me because I'm 50% French and they get to speak French with me on the phone and they feel at ease buying from a French guy like themselves. But again, that's another barrier I can use to my advantage and not something I should ever mistake for customer loyalty.

What EGS is doing works if they could keep it up and if it makes them huge profits, but it doesn't and they have absolutely nothing that gives them an advantage over Steam.
EGS can't keep this up and when they have nothing to show for it, everyone is going to leave again. They don't even hve basic funcrions Steam had in 2003, how on earth will they ever keep this up?

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cope harder epic shills you'll never get my money


>epic's chinese backers, tencent, incredibly mad because steam is a PRIVATE company, thus, they can not buy up like they did with epic
>even angrier because chinese in china prefer steam and PUBG
>HOT AND STEAMING because they see that the vast majority of devs and publishers -- and shareholders, of course -- would prefer their product on steam
>they launch weird smear campaign against steam via video game media and their own launcher
>try to demonize steam with lies
>this kind of weak deception does not work in the west as it does with citizens of china
>says steam is anti-dev even though it's the most open and most diverse for devs
>all this was done in order to try to "force" steam into a "corner" so they can get "desperate" and open the gates as a publicly traded company
again -- this kind of weak, see-through smear campaign, full of lies, just does not work in the west yet. my biggest thing is that they actually thought this would work. i'm literally baffled, but then again, it's cheating, sniveling corporate chinks who either buy up the competition or try to destroy its competition.
all steam had to do was stay still and say nothing because they knew it was tencent just throwing a misguided fit. honestly, though, with the kind of money epic and tencent has, they DID have a chance at giving steam some competition, but it's the retardedness of chinese "businesses tactics" that held them back

Attached: sankyuu.png (200x200, 9K)

>chokes on Chinese cock

I know you're shitposting, but modern money operates completely on Debt Wizardry. Consumers have literally been forced out of the equation. For decades by now. Probably before most people reading this were born. It's so bad that the ability to accrue debt as quickly as possible can be an asset. It's just a matter of how you got that debt and if you can keep getting people to trust you so you can keep racking up more.

Consumer opinion only matters on a personal scale, but shockingly the Debt Wizards thought of this too. Personally own buisnesses have already been eradicated so they cease posing a threat.

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can't believe people get mad when i hold people in my basement against their will but not when the state does it

I’m not a pc guy maybe someone can explain this to me in simple terms. Why do people have such a hard time dealing with two launchers? I mean why is it so difficult to open a different application on your computer? I mean nigga just click on it with your mouse lol.

yet another angloid insect voicing in his irrelevant bought opinion.

can you learn english

I was so uninterested in it that I didn't even know it was exclusive. Rest in piece, Control.

I don't want to be forced to use an inferior launcher because then even more inferior launchers will show up. I wish games would release in every storefront so that each storefront could compete in giving me added value

The "two launchers" argument is an overblown meme by chink defenders.

Steam hasn't been the dominant force for quite a while. Origin, Uplay, Bethesda net, Battlenet and so on have been in the game for years.
It's just that nobody wants to use EGS because its chinese spyware which tends to get its data comprimised every few weeks. Make an account and watch how your mailbox gets flooded with third world attempts to log into your account


Attached: Hot from reddit.jpg (534x963, 84K)

I miss the times whenever China started getting out of control, you could just drown them in opium and laugh at their rotting bodies.

>I’m not a pc guy
Of course you dont understand, consolecuck. You're used to your favorite games switching consoles at the last second. You even see no problem in buying a new console for $300 for it. Of course you dont understand why PCfags dont want that kind of cancer
The opinions of peasants have no value, so run along now

>internet money guy act
Just barely above tough guy act really

That's pretty low for a AA game.

>I highly doubt Steam pays people to post this shit. Who has the agenda to keep posting this combined with no fucking life?

Yea Forums fucking hates video games and desperately wants to find new failures to shitpost about.

Nice try, Wong. Go suck a WANG lmaoooo

It's obvious. Epic is backed by Tencent. Fortnight is making a shitload of money. Tencent and Epic are willing to lose to money to establish a foothold as the go-to digital marketplace. Just like how Walmart will sell things at a loss just to get you in the door. Whether it will actually work, I don't know. Is 10 million a big hit for Epic? No, I'd imagine they don't give a fuck.
Also, their customer support ends tickets with "have an epic day" which is pretty epic.

Attached: 1543800151637.jpg (640x640, 66K)

Businesses don't deserve loyalty. That's such a weird concept to be loyal to a sheaf of papers in a clerk's office. The papers don't care for you, and none of the employees will feel the need to show up to help your parent when they get sick because you've been such a good little consumer for them.

People comming to your store cause they get better service there, and refusing to come when they don't, is exactly as it should be.

It's not that EGS exists, it's the fact that they continuously snatch games away from everyone's main launcher Steam, then offer these games for barely any cheaper than the original price, and barely outsource their keys so they never lower in price through the competitive market.

EGS is also ran by Tim Sweeney, a man who worked for Steam as a codemonkey, felt personally affected by the company and left, and then went on a crusade against Steam's price cut saying that it's outdated and greedy, despite the fact that they use outdated tactics to bind games to their store.

Funny thing coming from the cucks who stole every word from Danes and Norwegians. But please, do tell me where I erred according to your angloid insectile brain.

That's only true if the long-term gains are guaranteed. If you're gambling on short-term losses for something that might never even come, then you're fucking stupid. Take WeWork for instance, that company makes no money because it spends a shitload on property, but they will probably never be profitable

I have Blizzards, EA, Ubisoft's and Steam launchers, plus a GoG account. Im fine with launchers.

Epic has publicly said they dont care about what consumers want, just what publisher wants (IE, no scoring or review systems, no forums, no mods).
Plus they are owned by chinks and their software is a legit spyware

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you have your history of the english language all messed up aussie

>few no-name games
>mash-one-button batman games free on epic's launcher
hey, shouldn't we actually thank tim and tencent? they seem to be taking all the shit taste games for themselves -- fucking paying for them too!

any predictions on the next game tencent will think is a good game and then make exclusive to their launcher???

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Who could be behind that post?

Attached: C2VZC7ZUUAAoBdo.jpg (1200x675, 195K)

Ever wonder why you Brits no longer speak "real" English? Oh yeah, since nords literally cucked you so bad you adopted their laws and language. Embarrassing really



"Anglo" didn't originally even mean British, it was name for conquering and migrating peoples who established their realms in Southern Britain. Very few modern day English are related original native British.

Tencent is literally already an investor they are not funneling more money into Epic you fucking retard, they bought in to get paid, not to pay more.

>When it couldnt stay exclusive to it's own store because normies dont know about GOG
>implying steam isnt normie central already

I don't know how to prove it to you, I make about 1.200.000 euros a year netto. I'd probably make more if I got my dad to swap out some workers for newer and better ones that actually went to school for their degree, as well as fixing up our website.


why are you so bad at english aussie

>implying steam isnt normie central already
You're right, but there will be a LOT more running their mouths due to Cyberpunk.

How much for Shenmue 3 i wonder

This. Anglos are basically THE mutt cuck race. No such thing as a pure anglo. Their ancestral daddies were all cucked by everyone else. This is also the reason they bear an absolute hatred towards the racially pure whites.

Again you are assuming the motivations of a Chinese company are the same as a western one. This is an assumption that has allowed china to gain an immense amount of power.

If owning 40% stocks of a company makes you the owners nationality, shouldn't USA be considered chinks too, since they're owned by chinks?

I want to play it but I can wait until it's $15 or less. I've learned to just wait on all new releases unless it's something that I'm specifically looking to play, like Doom Eternal for example, which I'll buy on release.

But games like this, there's just nothing that appealing or groundbreaking with it, there's no reason to play it now, and pay full price, but it's probably worth playing through in the future.


It's all over Google. That last sentence is the most interesting.

Attached: google.png (668x191, 14K)

>selling flowers require a degree
How stupid are you, from the anglo to slav scale?

Yeah, 2 out of 11 really means they run the shit

Gotta spend all the money from Chinese investors which would burn otherwise.

Literally the only good thing about trump is his attempt to tackle the china problem. He's a kike shill in every other matter.

>games cost a dollar
Look at the intelligence of a steamcultists and weep. Preorders already covered this cost alone


>40% of the company owned by a monolith cannot push major decisions by itself

Yeah sure

Kek it didn't even make NPD in the month where it was the only new multiplat release

This has been stated before. All they have to do is get minority owners to agree with them to make that 40% into a 51%.

They earned my respect since I'm not a fucking retarded incel.

Keeping Remedy afloat is a good thing.

Children who play Fortnite don't play on PC.

Attached: fortnite-chart-6.jpg (1311x882, 76K)

>Control was a risky game to make
How? It's a AAA narrative TPS graphical showcase. That's probably up there with the safest genres you can cater to. Sony, Ubisoft and EA consider it their bread and butter.

>nintendo kids too smart for fortnite

>Keeping Remedy afloat is a good thing

When was the last time remedy made a good game

>expecting multiplayer batlle royales to be playable in 720p 30fps
>and even the fps count is not steady
>online lag because switch
You know as well as I do that nintendies would be shilling this game to death if they could actually play it

It wasn't released on Switch until June 2018.

Epic is an indy dev scheme to trick bugmen out of money.

Nah, I only hate most western games.
And Epic, those niggers abandoned PC to dicksuck consoles, they should stay on consoles where they belong.

I've never seen a game get propped up so much and still barely get any hype.

I think it's a combination of the dyke protag and the dumb title name.

Seething Steamie

It's mostly because Sony had exclusive marketing rights and they didn't show up to E3 this year.

This, lose a battle win a war. It doesn’t matter if it tanks.

A warlord collects all the supplies regardless if he uses them so that he can starve the others out.

Wanna know how I know you were born after 9/11?

non multiplayer, nonstandard narrative, boring setting, female lead

This august.

>shooting is less fun than max payne 1
>one of the worst maps in video game history; map was essential for navigation of compound and they didn't even try
>boring, simplistic guns and powers that we've seen before 1000 times

Control is just not a good game.

I'd add unimaginative enemies. They had all the possibilities for wacky SCP monsters and related stuff, but almost all enemies are just possessed security guards with conventional weapons.

>one of the worst maps in video game history; map was essential for navigation of compound and they didn't even try

They actually added the map as quite literally the last thing in development, they originally intended the signs to be only clues for navigation and there would have not been any map at all.

>when you have that fortnite money

So why is he letting tencent have their way via epic?

Just to put things in perspective, a company spent 10 million dollars so that you couldn’t buy a product unless it’s the way they want you to buy it. Capitalism is great guys!

>I'd add unimaginative enemies

that too.

>They actually added the map as quite literally the last thing in development
That's no excuse. If they can't see the massive need for a detailed, rotatable, floor-selectable map in this game, they are bad video game designers

people need to stop keeping remedy alive, the studio just isn't good. Alan wake wasn't even good. Their last good game was over 20 years ago

dont even get me started about quantum break which is basically a worse stupider version of control

>but almost all enemies are just possessed security guards with conventional weapons.
Don't forget magical everyday household items, because that's also super spooky.

Guess what this resulted in

Alan Wake, roughly 9 years ago.

And yet steam is what killed LAN gaming on PC and eroded ownership of our games first.
The funny thing is that you think it matters.

>wahhh steam doesnt have a game no one on steam even wants
Do you like being just as bad as sony cunts?
They love complaining about shit they would ever buy as well

That's like 150k copies

>dude if u don't arleady know my made up fact u must be stupid XD

except when you sell at a huge loss to kill the competition, because you can afford to. That is illegal. At least in Germany it is.

>steam killed lan gaming

such a bizarre perspective as this can only come from being really young and trying to peace together events decades after they happened with no real sense of things

Why it's so hard to educate whites about this even after SEA, Africa, and Straya already fallen into their hands. Chink don't care about loss, they don't care about product quality, they don't care about image, they also have no morals. What they want is a total control of your life.

Christopher waltz cross dressing in a video game

>dont worry about the only large platform that managed to come about on the PC space because i can just deflect to another thing
How about no.
Steams integration is the only reason LAN options started to die off more and more on its platform, not other platforms retard, to the point that you are lucky to get it anymore.
Steamworks is garbage and doesnt work in half the games that use it either.
Workshop is the only idea they every got right and thats still fucking garbage compared to actual modding
Amazing how quick you are to defend garbage just because worse garbage is at its doorstep

>3.5 development cycle
>Many lessons learned after Quantum Break's colossal failings
>Control was the best thing Remedy could shit out

Sad. Hopefully this is the end of them.

Thats a cool screenshot of reddit user
But you have to go back

Epic, pushed by their Chinese backers, is attempting to do a hostile takeover of the industry by strongarming consumers into using their service through exclusivity deals. They look for promising upcoming games and buy them out with a deal that involves not releasing on Steam for a time-limited period (or sometimes permanently). This includes games that were previously planned to be released on Steam, and even had Steam store pages pre-arranged for their launch.
In one case, Steam was working with the developers of Easy Anticheat to get the program working on Linux so that games that used it, such as Paladins, could run under Steam's Proton. Epic then bought the rights to Easy Anticheat and all plans to port it to Linux were cancelled.
Their practices in seeking exclusivity is nothing short of predatory.

On top of that, their launcher is terrible. Barring any talk of it being literal chinese spyware, it lacks crucial features and doesn't even have a fucking shopping cart. Customer support is spotty at best, which has lead EGS users to actually retreat back to Steam's discussion boards to seek support for their EGS-exclusive games.

They've also stated publicly that they do not care what the consumer wants and their store is all about pleasing the publisher.

It is not as simple as "having two launchers." I imagine most PC players have several launchers on their PC by now. Steam,, the GoG launcher maybe, Ubisoft's launcher, possibly Origin or the Xbox launcher. EGS is different, it is a terrible program ran by a terrible company and everything about it is anti-consumer.

Explains why Germany is such a poor shithole

Its literally their business model, they give you money upfront and take it back with sells until they get their money back, 9 million is nothing for an AAA game.

>call him out, and watch how he recoils, screaming "I've been found out!"

>hostile takeover of the industry
this is wht steamdrones actually believe
That a single store is a "hostile takeover" because they are using the same exact practices seen across every single other medium of entertainment

Its lamost like they are upset their preferred choice of entertainment is now so popular that actual businesses are using actual business tactics.
Shit happened to movies as well back in the day, theres tons of material to read up on it.
Probably happened with books as well.

But they do based retard, it makes more than every western game, only chink gacha can beat fortnite on pc.

I don't really think that megacorporations are a preferable alternative to strong state. Big tech keeps proving over and over again that they want cultural bolshevism for the masses and are much better that governments in actually striving to achieve it.

Take your meds redditor, or just stop copy pasting reddit comments

If they paid this much for Control how much did they pay for BL3?

But Tim owns 51, he is the fucking owner of epic, he sold 40% of his shares to tencent, you fucking sub 80iq steam drone, get your brain straight before you kill yourself

>150k copies sale guarantee
It's nothing, literally peanuts

You basically explore an SCP facility with all sorts of other dimensional experiments, but nothing quite as good as actual SCP content. Gameplay is just a third person shooter with some psychic powers.

>complete and total lack of understanding caused by growing up after all this has already happened and looking back without any frame of reference
>deciding who you think is the bad guy and sticking to it because big company bad


Then why is steam software so garbage?
Why has steam abandoned more project in recent years than sony?
Why is okay for Valve to be literal shit in 2019?
Is it just because you "are old enough to remember when"?
Fuck off faggot, that is no fucking excuse for the state of steam.
It use to be a big fucking deal getting you game on steam, greenlight use to be worth voting for shit.
Look at it now faggot. Hope theres enough asain shovelware for ya since they couldnt keep the movies on board.
I feel bad for anyone who actually bought into the whole "steam sells everything" idea and got the mad max movie bundle, not as bad as for anyone who got a steambox though

The goal isn't to make profit on these individual games, it's to build up these exclusives in order to push people to EGS to eventually make a profit over time as their userbase increases.
This won't work for a variety of reasons, but it's nice for the devs taking the money I guess.

>It use to be a big fucking deal getting you game on steam, greenlight use to be worth voting for shit.
>Look at it now faggot. Hope theres enough asain shovelware for ya since they couldnt keep the movies on board.
so youre just a salty indie nigger. just make a better game retard

it isnt the issue. i just dont want to support their practices and therefore dont buy anything on their store. the fact that this is apparently inconceivable to you tells me that youre unable to wait for or ignore a game you want to play

No I'm an angry customer that use to be glad to buy shit from them.
People use to be excited whenever valve had a new game coming or steam had a new feature.
Now all you can do is hope they dont break things any further because Gaben dorito fueled conga line is starting to show its cracks.
Maybe there next cash grab of a game will ease the pain like artifact did.

Too bad you dont have an actual response.

I only launch epic store to get the free game every week, building a nice collection of free games up. Got a bunch of Batman games this week. Steam isn’t giving me free games every week. But it doesn’t matter cause I just play wow classic atm

Honestly surprised they haven't taken Paradox games yet, especially since tencent has a stake in them. The Steam community has already given them shit twice over their malpractices, their forum is moderated like a Chinese social media network, and it's clear they don't give a damn about the consumer.

too much

a "free" thing that you feel inspired to pointlessly collect is called an obligation

They make that much in few days from Fortnite.

Same user.
I have tons of steam games but lately have just been playing shit with gamepass since its easier than pirating and you get to play shit online still.

When will steam start giving away some games? the other big companies have been doing for years and years now but valve just takes all our money and tweaks an algorithm it seems?

>Any questions about how Epic can afford to spend so much money while making none can always be answered with one word.
They've made billions with Fortnite you fucking retarded reddit nigger.

I'd literally never heard of it until Yea Forums started talking about the EGS acquisition a few weeks ago, and I watch E3 every year, so it must have been boring enough at E3 that it had completely passed from my memory.

youre irrationally angry. theres no logical argument that will convince you of anything. i dont know why you hate valve so much but you just do and its irrational

One decent thing Paradox does is that in multiplayer, only the host needs to have expansions so that everyone can play with them.

Anyone else just fucking had enough of Remedy?

Because sweeney wants to pay for every pirate, games are on him lads, no guilt

since its only a 6 month exclusivity it must have been way more money. im guessing 22 million.

Epic paid for the game so I wouldn't have to.
t. pirate

I appreciate that fact and abuse it as often as I can, but I still feel guilty coercing a friend of mine to buy every dlc.

They're too occupied with the dumb shit that doesn't really matter, and that's a lot of stuff.

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>goes from funding and making great games
to Dota2 and artifact
>goes from having a great platform to one thats updates ruin more than they fix and is somehow not even able to compete properly with the worst store thats been out so far
You tell me genius.
Theres a reason more and more people are suggesting gog galaxy 2.0 because steam is that fucking bad at doing the one thing it was suppose to do

>why so angry dont be irrational its just a store
You realize how upset people are at epic launcher but they dont even have real reason to other than some shit business deals.
Steam on the other hand has had over a decade and is somehow further behind than ever

I'm that guy in my circle of friends, but they pay for my troubles with alcohol and pizza orders so I accept our deal.

>to Dota2 and artifact
dota 2 is one of the most popular games in the world, just because you dont like it doesnt mean theyre doing nothing. dota underlords is also pretty popular. artifact failed but to make good games you also have to make some bad games and take some risks

>>goes from having a great platform to one thats updates ruin more than they fix and is somehow not even able to compete properly with the worst store thats been out so far
the number of people using steam keeps going up and the amount of people spending money in it also keeps going up. why is your opinion more important than the opinion of hundreds of millions of people?

>You realize how upset people are at epic launcher but they dont even have real reason to other than some shit business deals.
im not though? i think epic is doing an alright job at what theyre doing and both stores can coexist in the world and succeed

>Theres a reason more and more people are suggesting gog galaxy 2.0

lfmao where

This. Fucking art of war shit. Make the enemy resources weak, turn the enemies against each other, import spies, gather information and demoralize. Win the war before it actually starts.

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everywhere people who are in the beta say that it is awesome

>its okay that updates actively ruin features for users cause its popular
>its okay they are being outclassed in every conceivable area aside from being the dumping ground for games
Its not and your complacency is why steam is losing so much ground outside of asia.

it shows up often enough on here/reddit/articles on the internet/email/jackinthebox/youmomsass/and also here
If you havent noteced it you arent paying attention or your just a casual 4chin user and dont spend hours here a day

Hey, this ones on Tim. Hip hip hooray!

>Epic makes a shit ton of money with Fortnite
>Immediately starts throwing it around to secure exclusives and fucking the consumer in the ass

>Steam generates Valve a shit ton of money
>They do shit all with it, except sometimes funnel it back into Steam updates or some VR project

While Valve could be doing something more worthwhile with their fat stacks, doing nothing is preferable to fucking up the digital storefront space with exclusivity garbage.

>Its not and your complacency is why steam is losing so much ground outside of asia.
where are your stats on all this ground theyre losing?

user nobody uses gog and nobody will ever use gog

it will never be a thing.

Probably the fact that more and more AAA studios no longer want to deal with them anymore.
Its pretty lame that what use to be the go to platform for gaming doesnt even have the latest CoD, just sayin

you realize thats because blizzard paid a bunch of money for it, right

that has literally always happened retard. even minecraft was never on steam. some developers just dont release their games there. nothing new

Valve could have bumped those exclusivity deals and undercut epic' s offerings. Effectively killing epic. Does valve think they'll just die out or something. Investment money from tecent obviously isn't going to let that happen.

I would like to thank Tim for picking up the tab! A toast for Tim "this one is on me" Sweeney!

gabe doesnt think exclusives are good for the long term health of the market and so he doesnt do them. valve funds a few projects (especially for VR) but doesnt enforce exclusivity on them.

crazy how different the tone of this thread is compared to anything steam/valve related. epic fags suck epic's cock while claiming stream drones are cancer but this post isn't flooded with 'steam drones' flaming epic for whatever reason possible

We need a world war 3

Attached: 128468534.webm (720x1280, 844K)

You seem to have missed your incel thread

Remedy had absolutely zero fate in this game.

Whats funny is that back then you would never se minecraft or a console game on steam
Now that all the console games are coming to steam like gears of war and halo tons of AAA devs are backing out

>get forced by someone else into playing their game

this is not how smart business is done

> it's based on understanding how the chinese economy functions
t. shitter who doesn't understand how the Chinese economy functions. Government spending in China is different from private spending. As much as 10c is a government influenced company they still operate with the basic capitalistic mindset. If it ain't got profit it won't be done.
Also keep seething about Epic, it's American and it stays American because 10c doesn't own the majority share. You just want to deny it's your own people spying on you and selling data again like the 50th time. Just so much easier to blame it on the chinks.

You do realize there is an economic and resource war at the moment don't you?

>it's American
Yeah, they just bought up almost half of it to have no say or influence in anything.

I sometimes hope epic wins only to watch all the faggots that shill and root for them getting absolutely btfo when they start taking 50% of sales and jack up prices by 200% the moment steam closes. Fucking chinks.


the inflexible thinking on this is absolutely remarkable. You think fucking shares and stakes matter? lol. That company is chinese bought and chinese owned and the chinese government makes its high level decisions

it is a chinese company. the fact that you think fucking real ownership matters. lol.

you think tim sweeneys kids are safe if he doesnt do what hes told? lol

How can one person be so wrong

besides payroll and their various experiments valve's profits probably go into whatever the shareholders think is a good investment. could be literally anything.

epic is a bigger company than valve is bro
killing epic's game store would probably save epic money not hurt them


a private company still has shareholders my friend

SCP 3rd person shooter

yeah not really? that term specifically applies to not private companies

Yeah, it happened with movies. Cinemas would buy exclusivity to movies so only they were allowed to project them.
Guess what happened: the law forbid that from happening and every cinema can now have any movie.

Attached: HCdtS1x.png (382x130, 7K)

valve has not issued shares. ownership is contractual

According to your logic 10c is a South African company.

China Tencent money is paying for everything

Tim is just swimming in money

No shit retard, thats what I'm saying.
This has happened many times before but idiots are too fucking stupid to read up on anything so they screech to high hell and back rather than realizing that precedence is a hell of a tool.
Too bad movies today still have "exclusive/limited" showings so a lot of good that did

you are a grade-a retard

>Because they are using the same exact practices seen across every single other medium of entertainment

When did film go through it's exclusivity phase?

So glad I'm to smart to not install Epic.

Tim "This one's on me lad" Sweeney

I literally thought it's a dlc for that shitty quantum break game.

Those are the kind of deals where a certain establishment gets to show the movie a day or, in very rare cases, a week in advance, not a fucking six month exclusivity deal like those struck by Epic.

it basically is

uhhhhh right now with all the competing services

its not it's

Thats more like 1-2 months and sometimes longer depending on the other movies releasing.

Netflix and such are a direct result of aping the videogames industry where exclusivity has been accepted and even embraced by the consumer.

And since it is doing well, it's safe to say that people really do not give a shit about what they have to sign in for just as long as they get their entertainment. These people deserve to be swindled. It's just a shame that that means everyone who did not buy into this crap goes down with them.

Max Payne + SCP + feminism

>+ feminism

Not really. There was zero politics, and it would be exactly the same game with zero dialogue changes (except for pronouns) if Jesse was a man.

TV stations have had exclusive content forever kiddo

>character is a girl
>"f-f-feminism!! save me, thequartering!!

Attached: rest in peace hamambe.jpg (557x385, 43K)

True, but a vast majority of that content has been produced by the network that was broadcasting it, so there's no problem with that. First party exclusivity is not an issue.

>what is rebroadcasting
Still exclusive to those few stations but the ones that didnt have any hand in production just get to piggy back on for extra dosh.
Sound familiar?
There are often even exclusivity deals where one station has to wait x amount of time before they can show the content thats already available elsewhere.

>implying shit like blockbuster exclusives didnt exist for movies AND games
Try again

epic makes 10 million in a day from fortnite they don't care if these exclusives sell or not they just want to keep buying any games to try and convince more people to purchase a game on their store, once someone spends money on the store one time they will be likely to continue spending on it

It's not about the game, it's about getting people to download their shit.

Yea Forums seems pretty mad about Control, what exactly is it that's so bad about it?

Two words
epic girl

It's feminism when you make your main character look like a man and say it's a woman.

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Are you a school shooter

because that does the opposite of what you want it to. If one company is 100000x times the other and will never suffer even if they sell something at an enormous loss that will force others out of the industry. You will then be left with no choices.

regardless of better service it doesn't matter. Because no matter how principled you might be the general mass is not. Company X could offer dogshit service but a product that is 10% the cost of what Company Y is offering even if Company Y has the better service. At the end of the day the good is what most people care about.

Company X will then be the defacto monopoly then raise prices to whatever it wants while keeping its shit service. You as the consumer have no choice. If you bitch about it, then they will just say that "back when you had a choice you chose us, so now this is the consequence" and once a company gets too big to fail it is hard for others starting out to even get a foot in the door.

Pic related is her model/voice actress.

Attached: courtney-hope.jpg (750x423, 47K)

Hola reddit.

>epic exclusive

I don't follow? I mean sure, the main character is a powerful female character, but she's the MC, she's supposed to be?

But it's also on PS4?

no one cares about control except people doing battle with the chinese government via being mad at tim's store

It's about epic exclusivity. The people who say it is because the main character is a woman are memeing. If the game was on GOG and Steam you'd never have this hate. Epic = hate. Epic = lost sales. It's that simple.

How are devs still struggling to transfer real faces into games? For fuck's sake Half Life 2 did this a decade ago

They arent, your just retarded and dont know how angles work

>But it's also on PS4?
Are you new? This is Yea Forums. Most people who post here game on PC. Consoletards are an autistic minority.

he really is a very aesthetic man.


Attached: Control_20190905113621.png (1920x1080, 1.72M)

With a jaw like that, you at least know that there's zero risk of getting chinlet sons with her.

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>Steam controls all games! DEFACTO MONOPOLY!
If you stopped regurgitating Tim's drivel and used your head, you'd realize how fucking wrong you are
>At the end of the day the good is what most people care about
This is why piracy was such a thing back in the early 2000. Torrents, knockoff CDs, emulation, etc all very nearly killed PC gaming back in the day because devs saw very little profit to be made from it. Your PC game didnt get advertised, and as a result, nobody even knew about it to pirate it. Steam came in and centralized everything, and even that didnt go down without resistance. When steam first came in to the picture, every single steam game was easily cracked and dozens of torrents and cracked source code for steam games were everywhere. When buyfags were forced to use steam, they got pissed and pirated future steam releases Steam literally had no chance of winning at the time because pirating and buying legitimately made no difference. This is where the "Piracy is a service problem" came from. The only reason steam is still alive, much less as big as it is, is because of offering a better service-benefits you wouldnt otherwise get by pirating. All those features you keep dismissing? All of them played a role in that
Also, calling steam a monopoly is retarded as fuck. Steam is a storefront, they dont make these games (the last game they made was artifact). As a result, steam has no control whatsoever on these games, where they are sold, how they're priced, because all that is the job of the game's publisher. To use a food analogy, you claim that the store that sells Pepsi like Walmart prices it, and if walmart becomes a monopoly, they'll hike the prices even higher and other monopolistic tyranny shit when in reality, they're just selling something priced by Pepsico

Get your eyes checked, tranny

It actually didn't it was against the law. Blockbuster couldn't get the exclusive rights to rent X movie in DVD/VHS when it came out, over another video rental chain.

Maybe you should first

Attached: jaws.jpg (472x634, 70K)

She looks fine outside of those two images posted by that one autist.

Data collected from "users" is worth much more.

>has no idea how business works
The law isnt the end of a business deal user.
Blockbuster did do just that and it cost them millions not in lawsuits but in DVDs no one wanted because it had their logos plastered all over them

As an indie dev, what is stopping me from say:
1. Making a game
2. Hyping it up
3. Getting $1mil for exlusivity with Epic
4. Changing the name, models, visuals, story
5. Selling the modified game on other stores

>If you stopped regurgitating Tim's drivel and used your head, you'd realize how fucking wrong you are
You do realize I'm arguing in the general sense to how dumb the quote was that I was replying to, and I'm anti-Epic, so I don't know what you think Tim has anything to do with what I said.

Don't also know why you are bringing steam into this as it wasn't mentioned at all, however; to answer your steam question. Steam is no a Monopoly in the traditional sense of the word. Any what market share it has (albeit a huge amount) has not been down with shady, disgusting, dirty, immoral, hypocritical tactics that Epic games and Tim are doing.

I don't understand why you are replying to me? You seem to have quoted the wrong person. I do not necessarily disagree with you.

The contract you sign.
>he thinks he can out lawyer millions of dollars worth of lawyer

>goes through the effort of hiring a celebrity and scanning them
>forgets the half-ton of make-up they wear on a regular basis

>As an indie dev, what is stopping me from...
Because contract clauses exist my not so smart user friend.

A simple example of such a clause would be that the dev party is prohibited for x amount of years from releasing another game of the same genre and similar playstyle in competing stores y, etc.

Learn to real world my naive friend. Contracts can and will fuck up your life.

Even better.
1. Making a game
2. Hyping it up
3. Getting $1mil for exlusivity with Epic
4. Dropping developement and claiming it's finished
5. Actually finishing it but selling it as a sequel/definitive edition (or whatever would be legal with Epic's contract) on other stores

what's to stop you from making a game and then making another game?

>theres no way the game even sold half that amount of sales
No, but they make lots of money spying on you.

Attached: 1547728744020.jpg (298x877, 54K)

>people are scared that asia is spying on them
>while posting to Yea Forums
>from a smartphone or windows computer
Oh the ironing

there are lots of smarter people than you and they became lawyers, not """devs"""

But they wont be able to do this with 1 year exclusivity clause, in long game they are loosing to Steam. They are playing exactly the opposite, fast and loosy game, get as much people on platform ASAP

Cry more, bitch boy.

Chinks don't know shit about games, much less SJWs and modern western soi devs. They believed any game that popular devs make would sell like hotcakes

That is politics though. By making no statement you're saying you're a radical centrist, and its feminism because there's no reason for mc to be a woman when man is the natural default

Except chins are fucking ugly and unattural. Looks like facial cancer


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America fights the good fight. I don't mind CIA having my info as long as they stop China and terrorists

yeah, it's good for devs alright. but if no one will buy it, the good deals will disappear. it's like any other hipster company. dies in flames.

Control is actually good, luckily Epic has no safety measures whatsoever so it can be easily pirated.
I will buy the game once it will go on steam to support Remedy.
I can't even blame them, 10 million dollars for their small studio? You'd have to be a dumbass to say no to that.


is it going on steam?

>By making no statement you're saying you're a radical centrist, and its feminism because there's no reason for mc to be a woman when man is the natural default
Gee I sure SJWs make this same argument all the time...

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Except that we are right, and sjws are wrong, morally and logically.

control is actually worse than quantum break and they tried to "fix" the stuff they got negative response back from people that played or reacted to qb
in 1 year instead of 6 months

Yeah, but you're not untainted zoomer fortnite generation. Youre gonna die, but the zoomers will live on on the epic shill store.

thank you. fuck that. I'll torrent it then buy it on sale.

Epic truly epic.

>Except that we are right
Okay sure but are you saying nobody can ever be wrong if they were once right? Not to mention that other anons statement clearly wants the same things as SJWs and it's forced politics in games and that's, ya know, like something that pissed off Anti-SJWs as well. So yry not to act as if this mindset isn't equally as fucking stupid

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Is this a horror game?

I just started and I saw the janitor and I stopped playing because I can't do horror alone.

>Women exist
Ok Muhammed

It can have some unnerving sequences and the very first enemy encounters can feel tense, but once you get the first superpower it'll be just action adventuring while you fling tables and chairs at enemies.

>Still preordering
>in the western gaming world of 2019
You faggots deserve every single disappointment.

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No. The janitor is just Finnish

How that fence pole feeling so far up your ass?

Nice non-argument, retard. It must suck seething at the sight of a woman you raghead goat fucker.
>How that fence pole feeling so far up your ass?
I'm guessing you're a 2016 Election tourist or underage. Probably both

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>being a part of the movement that saved Yea Forums BAD

you're making me want to play it, and I know that I'll be disappointed

Fence is the best place to be retard. No run along and cover yourself in shit as you always do.

>saved Yea Forums
Sure thing newfag

>tfw never be this based

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>Being a newfag is being "part of a movement"
>Spreading misinformation making idiots belive Celeste is a tranny and Control is full of blacks and women and tokenism is "saving Yea Forums"

>being a part of the movement that saved Yea Forums BAD
It didn't help this place but it sure helped out Israel

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>Too stupid to see the high level plan

>giving the finger to a giant corporation offering a free product by paying another corporation

You have to work hard everyday to be this retarded. Console wars are insanely stupid but at least you can argue about the exclusive first party games but this Steam vs Epic is on a whole new level of retarded. Both are just stores, you should buy the game you want in the place they are giving you the best price. I don't buy games anymore tho.

these people are mentally ill

This is so cucked

>muh china
tencent owns as much of epic as some south african company does tencent

Nah, she looks fucking horrid. What you see in the game is her actual jaw shape minus the favorable photo shoot lightning and makeup. She has a tranny manjaw skull.

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Courtney Hope is literally a soap opera tier actress whose main career is fitness business, so I don't think she was very expensive or tricky to hire.

>and references to the former are vague
user you can literally find a page from Alan Wake's script, at which point Alan Wake himself appears and reads its contents to you as some kind of psychic imprint or echo.

I pirated the game day1. But yet to even install it.
Maybe buyfags have a notion just like this, but they obviously don't spend money on it, until the right time to play comes. And it might never come.

She looks like a person with gender dysphoria, or a transexual as people like to call them.

the struggle of women in the male dominated workplace

it's honestly too bad because i think the game was really great. I pirated it though, fuck Epic

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That would only require around 200,000 sales to make. That isn't a lot.

Control of social narrative.

Controlling beta males.

Nah, I just drove into a crowd after panicking.
Funny thing is someone had a heart attack when it happened.

Look at this nightmare section of the game.

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Making Yea Forumsincels seethe

>Hell is just being a wagie in a cagie for eternity.

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no one knew or cared.

It not even a game, this is like kojima went retarded and made game play non-existent.

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I'm telling you guys, epic funding is the new kickstarter scam. Make a bunch of fake photos of the "game" you're making, build up hype, tell epic you'll go exclusive for a fat wad of cash, and then fuck off to a beach in the Caribbean when epic shells out.

Nah, hell is realizing that your entire existence is just in an eternal loop for a brief moment before returning to when it originally began with no memory of that being the case.

Being american is a disease.

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subhuman chink cant make more then 2 words

>steam is what killed LAN gaming on PC
I think you'll fid consoles and companies requiring parity between consoles and PC is what killed lan gaming.

If they can convince you to buy one game on the platform you‘re much more likely to buy more. They‘re willing to pay out the ass in order to get reluctant consumers to break the ice. Don‘t fall for their horseshit. Please just pirate.

so can I game the system to leech money off tencent?
like make some shitty indie game and get cash from them up front.

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This is the same feeling I got.
I completed both games and while Control is visually more impressive, Quantum break was more "fun". And that's an easy distinction to make.

some feminist anti-trump shit

based as fuck

It doesnt really matter if the games Epic moneyhats for exclusivity make profit. Money is like water to epic. Theyre building up a platform and they want to do it fast. Exclusives give users a reason to try the service and as epic increases its userbase and increases the amount of exclusives it has it will eventually become a viable competitor to steam. Its a long term strategy to gain a position in the market.

I just use epic to get their free games so that I can inflate the number of people getting free software from them without spending money on the website.

I feel so triggered and oppressed, those female writers really nailed what it's like to live in a patriarchy hell

I think a better question is how much money are they actually making from fortnite to be able to give away so much shit for free. The absolute madman Tim literally gave away every arkham game along with dlcs for free. How can this possibly be a functioning business model, especially when you consider the fact that the core game in fortnite is also free.

When will poorfags accept that yes, they're worthless next to people with money, just like in every other case

>The absolute madman Tim literally gave away every arkham game along with dlcs for free
Wait, what?

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Let the desperation sink in, also realize how off things are when they are able to do this.

This is just TOO fucking based

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Even free I ain't downloading that shit

Just makes you wonder how much they're making from data mining.

Fortnite generates enough money for Epic to hold every new game hostage until enough critics give in and install EGS.

I'm not really into pc gaming. Is there something wrong at using EGS and frown upon?

They are desperate. Consumers hate their guts and offering a single free game doesn't cut it. Fortnite is in decline. They are literally trying to build a consumer base by throwing free games at people but they are still incredibly unpopular. I personally am never installing their client.

Is that a man lol

Not for long. Revenue is already down 40% YOY.

Orange man trained us to attack anything suspected of chinkery

>Fortnite is in decline

That shit still prints money.

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Fortnite made billions last year, it isn't going anywhere.

Shitloads guaranteed. Probably more than they knew what to do with it as the sudden influx of a billion dollars without proper infrastructure to spend it or careful plans to expand pre-existed. That money would be sitting in the bank until it could do work, so this seems like a haphazardly put together plan to make the money work.

Its a hastily put together long term plan, spend the cash now that otherwise would just be sitting, and reap the rewards a decade later once the zoomers have settled in in your ecosystem. Current opinionated gamers will be replaced by a new growing generation eventually and the bar will move along, everyone will forget there even was a principle of some sort. Much like DLC and microtransactions have become acceptable, by just keep pushing and waiting for the generation to funnel in that have no experience to compare it to anything. As whats 'normal' is relative.

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She's a pretty Bog-tier chin

>the 'movement'
>saved Yea Forums
How do you even reach the idea of making this sentence
It's weird as hell

Yeah, basically just don't spend more than they'll pay you to make it

That's pretty cringe bro