Do you tend to go as high as possible in ranked games or do you set a limit and simply enjoy the game once you hit a certain rank?
Fuck rank degradation btw.
Do you tend to go as high as possible in ranked games or do you set a limit and simply enjoy the game once you hit a certain rank?
Fuck rank degradation btw.
Fuck you I hate you for knowing where that image is from.
Cringe ass voice acting to be honest.
I have never used a ranked ladder system, they are a complete garbage system designed to prevent people who were once good from ever looking bad.
I want Lucina to step on me!
Lucina lets me fuck her senseless 24/7 while an user is constantly busy posting about how she warms user's heart.
>tfw manlet
>tfw more than 2x taller than myself.
Whelp guess I'll look at size stuff later even though nothing new ever comes out
I want her to pick me up and cuddle
So, there's something called the squared cubed law. It states that any time something doubles in size, in octuples in weight.
Eight times the weight of a 5'6" woman (Averages to 130 lbs) is 1040 lbs.
Lucina weighs just over half a ton in that picture.
While I was at first intrigued at her crotch being perfect standing-cunnilingus height, if I were to be good at my job and she leaned on me, it would quite literally kill me.
Giant girls:
Always make you're you're on top.
thanks Einstein
>Lucina weighs just over half a ton in that picture
Now imagine if she weighed that much but was also back to being ~5'6"
you can reach her sweet spot without bending over
lol dumb flattie
>under 5'6"
bro you're a midget
based fellow 5'7"er
You should avoid ANY game with a competitive rating system that meant to "reflect player skill" because it only really works one way.
You get noticed by the dev team as a Deluxe Goy and you'll get preferential matching treatment where you're put into games you'll always win
The devs don't like you, but don't dislike you either, you get put in PURGATORY where you will play more or less the same game EVERY TIME WITH NO DEVIATION
Bad Goy zone where you are INTENTIONALLY MATCHED INTO GAMES YOU WILL LOSE REPEATEDLY with the hopes of getting you to drop out of the player base and community before you manage to influence anyone else.
That shit is literally the fucking devil of any game.
I don't give a fuck about ranking to be honest. It's just that it's easier to play online in that game mode
Depends what you mean.
If you mean matchmaking rank then you should always be the rank for as good as you are. If you improve you will go up. No reason to force it.
This sounds oddly specific. Which game does this?
No games
That's what I was thinking too. I was just curious which game he was bitching about in his mind.
Actually, it's the volume that octuples not explicitly weight, not to mention square cube presumes density.
I would need to ask her to crouch slightly so I could reach it.
Some people will make any sort of crazy excuse to keep from accepting that they're a worse player than they thought.
I make an effort to not give a fuck about ranked solely due to the fact that when you get to the higher ranks, you deal with nothing but turbo faggots, which saps any interest I would have in the game to begin with.
That other user is a faggot.
However, to name a few specifically
I mean the only game that comes to mind for me is CSGO. But it's easy to get into the "preferred" matches. And they are hints about if you're in it or not. It's mostly a time thing since it is free to play, so it's an attempt against hackers and smurfs.
I've just never heard of some conspiracy as far as how the other user described it.
I don't pay attention to rank much, just try to steadily improve every game. Fighting games online suck dick anyways.
Any proof of your claims that higher ranks purposefully get easy matches?
Seems like a bold claim. I've been playing CS for every iteration and I've never heard of Valve doing this.
Smash Ultimate
It's almost like that game deliberately sets you up against playstyles you fucking hate when you get to a certain GSP.
It was the same shit in smash 4 with for glory.
I try to but my opponents all suck and so I can never be happy with where I'm at. I always feel like I deserve more and more. And most of them do legitimately suck.
Nigger look into some of the shit that went into lootbox lawsuits, and the tech they've patented to try and push them.
If i dont care about the game, im not going to play to a rank above where rank decay is. Not gonna play that shit on a daily basis just to not lose rank.
>a literal womanlet
fuck Japan
The first time I stepped into the hyper competitive environment of the top 5% of something, I realized that it's not fucking worth being there
wtf I would have to stand on my toes to even lick her pussy standing up.
Not sure what that has to do with the topic.
Part of the information gained from the lawsuits is that companies actively manipulate the odds of lootboxes to certain players to deliberately mislead other potential consumers as to the actual odds of them, additionally attempting to match players with other players with a particular cosmetic to try and pressure players into trying to get aformentioned cosmetic (Which may or may not have it's odds manipulated)
Lucina's so flat, its pathetic
Luci's voice does funny things whenever she gets mad.
SAUCE? What is it?
Luci's voice, so irritated I muted her.