Sengoku Rance

Are mods pruning Rance Threads? Come here to find out

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Other urls found in this thread:

I like guard break for Rance. His guard break against an Ashigaru usually does more than his Rance Attack which really speaks to its effectiveness

what do

they have no reason to it's a game

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whats the operation set do?

Reminder that kentarou is a giant fag

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Belongs on vg with the other hentai and rance games

Yeah, but it's a blue board so depending on how discussion goes it enters a grey area. I went for Guard Break.

Nothing belongs on /vg/

are there any freeplay mods or just mods in general. Core game is so solid. I would play even if no hentai.

There's no such rule.

What do you mean discussion? Where do you think you are? You're allowed to talk about whatever you want but you can't post a nipple.

I don't have guard break as an option.

there's a kichikou rance mod, it's only for free-for-all mode though (think it's called national mode in the new version)
as for freeplay that's pretty much what the kill the monkey route is

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Oh, that's right, it's an upgrade of Samurai Attack 2. So i guess go for that?

this is not a video game but an erotic VN stop spamming Yea Forums with these threads

Newfish fuck off.

How is Kichikou's gameplay? As good as Sengoku?

It's not a visual novel it's hentai GAME. The porn is pretty old and mediocre. No one is even really talking about anything but the gameplay brainlet.

most hentai games have generals on /h/
/vg/ is a blue board

>he thinks Sengoku Fucking Rance is just a VN

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>tfw getting my ass kicked

I forgot how hard it is on a fresh run, I'm still using scrub units until I can fill out my roster.

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There are differences that make each of them unique. Sengoku has deeper gameplay but KR is still pretty good.


it literally is

>game throws like a billion bullshit mechanics and events to prevent you from wiping out the demons despite being more than capable
I love just barely beating 6 demon units to take control of the final settlement in a province, only for the shimazu jobbers to ambush and get crushed but still say I didn't win.

too much gameplay for pure vn status. it's just a porn game now.

>"I make claims about things I have no knowledge about!"
Yeah I know.

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>too much gameplay
it hilarious you think it has 'gameplay' because the gameplay is almost nonexistent

welcome to 5-star mode

The higher difficulties are wild.

Doubling down on your retardation?

There's more tactics/strategy than porn. You literally have no fucking clue what this game is.

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I don't even think that's possible to lose with so many farmer piñatas

Why are you just making shit up, on the internet of all places? This is supposed to be a bastion of wholesome honesty.

>turn 52

>turn 53
>those gains
>that sat

It's not like you're gonna end up with any points from turns on your first playthrough anyway.

I grabbed it off Google, I swear. I'm bad, but not that bad.

Probably went for tokugawa too early

these threads are making me want to play again but I don't want to struggle though true history again. what is the optimal strategy to take? the first time I played I went hara > ashigara > tokugawa > muskets > uesugi > mikos > takeda > one eye > tenshi + ninjas + hojo all at the same time and then at that point the demons had taken over everything else. I think it mostly worked out but I wasn't able to capture any of the monster girl commanders because I didn't have the moustache kid and you can only get the tactician from takeda on the first playthough. is it better to ignore one eye and try to go for mori instead? on the other hand masamune was critical for beating xavier and going easy meant I only had to fight in one direction when the demon army appeared.

>stop discussing video games on Yea Forums reeeee

And rightly they should. You need to fuck off to if you wanna have a circlejerk over Ranshit. This board is for discussing Yea Forumsidya.

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How come my declare war option didn't show up until after I killed the ashikaga messenger? Every says to do Hara first but I literally couldn't.

Ashikaga should automatically declare war after you kill the messenger. Either the day after or turn directly after

I know that, how come I couldn't declare war on anyone else before then?

>This board is for discussing Yea Forumsidya.
Which Rance clearly is?

that's a pretty wild route but i guess it works. one-eye doesn't get targeted by xavier though so if you really think masamune is needed to beat him (he definitely isn't) you can just wait until after the demon army shows up to fight him.

you can declare war on hara on like turn 2, you probably missed it

What is this game like on the harder difficulties? I've thought about trying it but normal mode already has balance issues with a lot of units and abilities being worthless so I figure it's even worse, right?

Why the last thread was sent to 10 and archived instantly instead of 404ing? That's a little odd.

It's clearly not.

Do tell. I'd love to hear the logic behind this one.

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It depends on the clear bonuses you take with you. For example, to do a 5 star run you basically need the Takeda house bonus that lets you start with the Takeda guys. Generally they're not that bad so long as you work your way up through them cause you'll keep unlocking stuff that will help you out and your knowledge of the game will keep growing.

>one-eye doesn't get targeted by xavier
ok I couldn't remember if this was the case or not. what other units are strong dungeon characters? although in my first playthough I didn't know how to get reinforcements so I didn't have uruza or leila so maybe that would make the difference.

ITT fatefags trying to push another pure garbage VN as a 'game'

The higher ratings require a lot of optimal play and to not fuck around with bad commanders, and also definitely expect you to have some of the bonuses. 1-star is pretty manageable without much extra, but 2 and 5 star without the Takeda or One-Eyed bonuses are very difficult.

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Ok on cycle 2.
whats the best way to start filling up the points purchase book with items and units? should i do that thing where i avoid fucking with the temple and go to turn a million?

Yea Forums was talking about Sengoku Rance before you were born, little one.

I'm a grown man who has sex with guys and even I think you're a faggot user.

the best method would be to do a different route. Ran's route is very fast so you can get turn points

>shitting on porn
>shitting on Rance

Zoomers have really dragged this board to a new low.

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Our age is gone man. Remember the amount of love and threads in 2009?
Zoomers won't play anything that isn't gacha or smash bros. Rance is too manly for them

>shitting on porn
That's a good thing. Rance's porn is garbage and only good for a laugh.

oh god oh fuck
how do i avoid this

Best girl and my wife and I love her!

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what should I do now?

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Why is this game being pushed and shilled so hard on Yea Forums lately? Shouldn't this be on /vg/ instead? Why don't the jannies purge this threat yet? I don't like this development. Before long, this board will be filled with more non-vidya weebshit like FGO, FE, Dragalia Lost, and VNshit.

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I've never even seen it happen. But if you don't want to lose Ranmaru, a bigger concern is just not letting Shibata die.

don't lump me in with gachafags they have no shame

Get best girl Senhime.

exterminate tanuki and hannies

real men play FE boomers, you know? Fire Emblem. Real 3D graphic and animation. Actual tactic and strategy involved.
>b-but muh porn!
hahahaha dumb incels. Fire Emblem has tasteful romance without the stupid fantasy.

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I don't know where she is.

Maybe, just maybe because this board is for vidya instead of for porn? We already have boards for porn. Go there if you wanna discuss about porn.

Because there was an official translation.

But if you think Yea Forums never talked about Rance until now, you must have come here with the rest of the 2016fags.

It happens if you take a silly amount of bonus commanders in new game+, where it has to delete some of your starting commanders to make room for them, or it happens whenever a plot-important character has to join your faction and you have no room either.

>Maybe, just maybe
found the faggot who types like a woman


You are reading my response to your posts

This. Senhime is an incredible asset. I usually try to get her early game.

Which skill should I get for Ranmaru?

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Let him burn out his autism. He doesn't want reasons or logic, he just wants to throw a tantrum.

actual strategy games with gameplay >>>>>> your shitty porn visual novel

Is Kenshin NG+ only or I did I fuck up letting her die?

I hate rance as much as the next guy but it’s not a vn.

You done fucked up

its too shallow to be called a game

You still have yet to disprove the screenshot, and are just whining about the porn like some advertiser despite nothing of the sort being posted.

Rance existed years before fate was even a thing.

anyone have a link that isnt google drive?

You fucked up horribly.

Mercy charge has the most utility, lot of factions that are much easier to handle if you can capture their good commanders

*angry joe theme starts playing*

what objective metric are you using and why does it only apply to rance and not other threads of games being posted?
why aren't you shitting those threads up too?

But to most of us, gachashit and VNshit are literally the same things; waifufaggotry simulators with gameplay thrown in as an afterthought. I don't think these belong on this board. They are not vidya, after all. Jannies need to do their job, goddammit. The absolute state of this board these days...

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>I hate rance
But why?

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Haven't encountered any Takeda leaders in combat and now i'm up to the final capture. 2k troop fat mounted fuck is cock blocking me from eradicating their mounted scourge from the face of the nippon

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It's on animebytes :^)

what's your problem with google drive

Were you complaining about Sengoku Rance threads at the start of the decade, too?

Stop responding to obvious bait.

Well I tried the first Rance and died to a catgirl. My epic quest has ended. I have no desire to try again. Why do people like these games again?

Getting early Senhime is always a priority for me, one of the best units that isn't just outright broken.

>tfw the first time I played this like 7 years ago I made it to the demon army without ever realizing I could spend money to recruit more troops
I have no idea how either, I just remember getting fucked.

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Maybe because the games made after 1989 are better?
Just a thought

I mean, the game does basically autowin for you on your first play through. It assumes you're retarded.

I'll never understand this.
Ignoring them just makes the actual retards who visit think they're in good company since the opinion isn't contested by anyone.

Why is the official typesetting sucks egg so much

Because it's literally Ironic Weeb Reddit: The Game.
>Holy epic! Rance our boi rapes a girl XD!
>He's endearingly assholish, literally me XP!!!
>I wanna look at this girl's panties, lol I'm such a weeb :DDDDD!!! Anime lovers, unite!

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Don't forget to catch this little bastard. You do want 3 free wins, don't you?

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Three guards in the back that exist just to take up time

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I would literally just throw my troops at the enemies to whittle them down and lose. It took like 10 fucking turns or some shit to capture territories.

Switch port when?

back 2 reddit you whiny bitch

Because people who do this kind of thing thrive off of response from other people. Nobody will sit down and type out a bunch of bullshit for hours if literally no one even notices them.

Fuck off retard.

The hannies have been going to kyo for a while? I got the option to intercept them ages ago and I haven't seen them since.

This is why it's good to have a monk. Or some anti-footsoldier moves.

since you're so familiar with reddit, feel free to post about cheering on a rape there and return with the results

You need to investigate the shinsengumi to progress that event chain if you let them through

>cheat cause 2nd playthrough
>"you couldn't have gotten here unless you were really really good or youre cheating"

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get fuck you fucking trans.

If you intercept them you get their moe swordswoman, IIRC. She's an OK unit. Not amazing.

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Currently playing Rance VI. Is the mission window supposed to be empty? I can see my current mission but no details or anything. I'm at the part where I am robbing a bank and I've ran through it a couple of times and have no idea where to go. Only place undiscovered is the guard area but I'm not allowed to enter. I've found the evil dude in the basement and that ghandi dude fucked him up, after that I'm lost. Any hints where to go or what to do?

I left them alone I forgot to mention.

anytime now mods

she's good in dungeon fights if you didn't do them until then (like me)

Any particular regions I should aim for out of the gate?

>rance bullies and abuses the fuck out of her
>her story conclusion is she suddenly decides she loves Rance for no reason
>good end
she also had a bonus ending in my game where she got incinerated by gigai because i didn't have demon kentarou at the time


Sengoku Rance has been around since before ironic weebs were a thing, retard.

Stall tactics are legit.

If I ever get a switch I'll port KR and Daiakuji to it. That's as close as you're gonna get.

Miko institute for god-tier commander and to own a sex mansion

usegui is sort of a push over, you can auto-win with rance in the first province and then once the rebellion happens you can easily sweep up the second to get 2 excellent units

She's just OK in dungeons. There's way more reliable dungeoneers. But when you need to save the good moves for deeper levels, more commanders is better.

It's the other way around btw, you can only get her if you don't intercept them.

Hara -> Ashikaga is the best way to start. What you do after that is up to you. Yamatai might be best to get third because Natori is arguably the best character in the game if you aren't playing with bonuses.

>once the rebellion happens you can easily sweep up the second
yeah haha
still can't believe it took me 5 turns



a smash thread died for this

dumb weeb trash """game""""

I've noticed that I've always recruited the Leazus commanders, never Zeth. Are Zeth worth it?

anyone getting like 20 fucking sound errors on on this scene?

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Explains why the zoomers are so mad.

I am a noob. How to install Sengoku Rance from the link in /vg/ thread?

I downloaded it and it does not have installer

absolutely. Rizna is decent, Urza is a monster, Magic is okay.

wtf, my game won't start at all now I just get a giant error box

Just click system40 and start the game

what? just click system40 you tard. If it's not loading then just go into the ini and change the reg to wherever you installed it

Did Rance VII get an update or are people just rediscovering the game because of a youtuber or some shit?

I don't play Rance games either but holy fuck calm your autism and just ignore these threads dude.
The majority of shit Yea Forums plays is fucking gay, but that doesn't mean you should go into every thread and sperg out like a literal autist about how you don't like seeing people talk about games you don't like.

What is it with teenage girls ending sentences with ellipses?

official english release

I tried it. Now it keeps being not responding.

It got an official translation released recently. Apparently that matters to someone.

Fully translated and uncensored by mangagamer.

everytime I start it now I just get this shit send help

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Ah this problem, Some other people were having it. What you have to do is attempt to open the game a bunch of times, maybe 10-20 times will be enough. Eventually the game will actually load. Then go to settings/startup options/and turn off prevent noise prevention. The game should load every time now.

>Haven't encountered any Takeda leaders in combat
don't you automatically get an event where they attack 4 times in a turn?

For real?

Natori must be godly on that difficulty.

I got a story prompt that made it look like that was to happen on this turn, but nothing came of it. It's finally over. I can now take Texas and then Kenshi

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Yes just use task manager to quickly close when it crashes and you can get it to load in about a minute of trying.

Anyone know what the fuck I should do? I managed to get it to finally open but it would literally not stop barraging me with sound errors and I couldn't click anything.

can anybody say if game is harder/easier than the translation? I felt it was somewhat broken when I played it last year, some battles were a pushover and randomly, 3 turns later I'd be locked in a seemingly unwinnable battle

It loaded. Is it "Perform Noice-Prevention" that I should untick?

Yeah that one.

bls send fucking help lads I've tried reinstalling several times and I still can't play anymore

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were you still able to recruit their strategist without defending their attack?

If I'm trying to clear as many houses as possible for the NG+ bonuses, should I go Kenshin route?

Thanks a lot

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Maybe try and install direct X take make sure its up to date, Go into device manager and try and update sound drivers. If all that fails just go into startup options in the game and try and mess with turning off some of the direct sound options.

directx 11 is installed, I don't even have a sound card I didn't think people used those anymore

so how do i prevent akashi from getting fucked in the ass?

Sound drivers not sound card. Your motherboard sound drivers

Rance Quest when?

Thinking about it, i want to say maybe i avoided their blitz by attacking through Kairapace. Blitz might only start when they lose territory on Shinano

fuck them in the ass first. You got like 30 turns, more than enough time.

Ok I tried everything and nothing is fucking working man, why the fuck did it suddenly decide to just bork?

I never found a use for her. As a generic unit she's ok as fodder as guess but I can't say I'd miss her if I didn't take her.

You don't understand MOE

You get a lot more flexibility in how you play on NG+ since some events don't happen, like Mouri or Takeda taking over another faction.
Alternatively, declare war on both Tanegashima and Akashi at the same time.

you can still avoid those on true route, having points to spend just makes it easier to avoid

Shit's still absolutely fucked, anyone have any idea?

How do I make Kazemaru use Hibachi in battle? I gave her back but she's not in his units. Also, what bonuses does she give? Just increased stats?

She is a decent filler dungeon character that has little hassle for recruitment and gives some SAT.
Since every route has a commander battle in the end (and two of them an obligatory dungeon crawl), you need to stock up on a few decent extra damage turns.

Any non-7 stat gets increased by 2, so if he was all 6, he gets boosted to 8s.
Also. Hibachi adds a flat 50 to all his damage, which is cute.

Its just stats as far as I remember. Making Kazemaru useful really isnt worth the time investment, its only worth doing his territory for the satisfaction points from fucking Hibachi.

You also need hibachi to capture another unit I think

Does anyone have the patch?

I know he's not the best, but I remember really liking his character when I first played it a couple years ago. I'm just going to use him even if it's not optimal.

She went from 萌え to 燃え. Well done, sir.

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The blitz takes a while to happen (might be random) after you first see the event. You probably just cleared them before they ever did it.

haha what the fuck does intelligence do


you can make him pretty damn good with a little investment
give him low tier stat books to bump his shit up to as many 6s as possible
give him back hibachi, bam, he's 8 in all the combat stats
that extra damage from hibachi is also key in a lot of commander battles, he can do some solid damage against xavier for instance

Makes guard percent higher

The update moron. So I can try to fix my crashing with it.

>He Doesnt Know
>Calling someone an idiot when he doesnt know.

I think Diviners use it for their magic attack too.

can anyone post that galaxy brain peasant uprising image

Increases guard percentage and the damage of magic attacks

Should I hold off on doing dungeons if I'm going Kenshin route?

When Ieyasu used his charge, and then attacked on a later turn, it looked like his charge didn't actually go away. Is that thing actually effective for multiple attacks?

then whats the point on non-magic using non-ashigaru units?

Reduces magic damage taken
Increases magic damage dealt
Increases the guard % gained when using footsoldier guard
Increases strength of Tactician buffs

You can do dungeons to the 2nd last floor to get bones, then save the last floor for when you get kenshin.

>how to power up Rance
Because Rance starts with low stats and low army count, he's not great to level up for army skirmishes.
But, Rance is mandatory and really good at officer/dungeon fights.
The only powerup Rance really needs is Rance Attack.
After that, build up his level.
Keep him out of army fights.

I can't fucking make him appear in battle, ever.

lmao I figured it out guys, it wouldn't launch because my earphones were unplugged I'm not kidding

>Keep him out of army fights

Tactician buff strength is also based on it
Beyond that I have no idea


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First run, am I doing ok? I picked a fight with Takuga but they were way stronger than I anticipated and I'm having a hard time breaking them. Now I've got the event go confront not!nobunaga preventing me from invading

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why would you wait so long for iga

yo my nigga CUCUMBER ANDOU is fucking shit up this run

whoops I clipped the bottom part off

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free prisoners and men

Why are you at war with three countries?
And never bother with Iga, they have a gourd, their country is worthless and they keep coming back to be a giant pain the ass.

Someone told me to leave them around so that their gourd wouldn't break

Really? I deleted him shortly after getting Dousan, he didn't seem all that great other than being a pretty early onmyouji.

>metagaming on your first run

why would you not?

Are troop counts that low normal? Maybe I'm the one playing wrong, but I tend to pour my resources into recruitment.

Asai went to war with me but I wanted to get kenshin so I ignored them
Iga declared war on me forever ago
Takuga I declared on because I thought they'd be pushovers but they have commanders with 3k+ troops

for 45 on a first run it's good enough. I'd start doing dungeons though to boost your level, your gonna start getting some rough commander fights.

He's got decent stats, and RNGsus typically won't give you a decent diviner, so you're stuck until you go straight to the OP ones like Souun.

Little point in rushing high troop counts as there's diminishing return and you constantly deal with supply cap.
Also you can earn interest on stockpiled gold

Thats fairly high for that point in the game. Remember enemy troops somewhat scale to your troop number so having more will just give the enemy more.

How long can I delay confronting nobunaga at the temple for?

>they keep coming back to be a giant pain the ass.
Or you could stick Suzume in your party when taking their final castle.

Sort your fucking commander list

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I haven't played this game in ages, but that one feisty, short, green-haired maid girl is both the best girl and was my favourite unit gameplay-wise (she was a tank that also had heavy counterattack damage)

> stockpiled gold
yeah but if you're not buying more troops what are you using this for

you can't conquer anyone until you confront him. If you have kenshin, senhime, and the various reinforcements you can probably run a few dungeons then take him on. If you lose a commander battle the game resets you right before it but lowers the difficulty but you lose points. Not like your gonna get many on your first run

Right. Lately. Of course.

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Why can't there be a "sort by troop type" button? I hate when another footsoldier joins and I have to organize up my list one row at a time to get them up with the others,

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You stockpile gold for when you actually need the troops in an unexpectedly tough fight. Like when Takuga or the Demon Army suddenly throw 2k+ units at you.

click the yellow lines to the left of the units friend.

There's definitely been an increase in Sengoku threads since Rance's official translation came out.

Ok cool
How long do I have until the demon army shows up? Enough time to finish off Takuga and Asai at least? I don't think I'm going to be able to beat Mouri or Takeda in time

Increase troop counts on a staggered basis as opposed to continuous
eg 500 to 1000 for frontline when demon army attacks

Sure. But it's not as if Rance had no precents on the board until then.

>install patch
>doesn't remember seen text to skip when starting

Where the fuck am I supposed to be finding time to do dungeons and search for treasure or boost affection? I'm always at war

You only need to spend one action attacking typically per turn. The rest is used for that shit

Oh really? So I was fucking up by attacking as many times as possible per turn to conquer fast?

Yeah you don't need to rush. Especially on your first playthrough its better to take a balanced approach

2 per turn is good but 1 is fine. if you took the third action fan this leaves an extra action per turn which really adds up

Being aggressive is fine, but you have to know what you're doing.

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just beat everyone your at war with then focus on developing your units and acquiring shit, demons come like a dozen turns after honnoji and they'll just take everything over.

>It appears that if your prison is not over 20 people full, and you've Light Attacked, and then annihilated a capturable unit without using an insta-kill attack on that unit, it will be captured. If the unit is not captureable, but not critical to the story either (e.g. the unit is a generic with Assassinate 2 or something like a Monster), the unit will be killed. If you did use an insta-kill move on the unit, it appears that the effect of Light Attack is negated, and whether the unit is captured, killed or simply routed is left to chance. Interestingly, Light Attack also seems to let you capture or kill more than two units per battle.
So Mercy Charge is rendered weaker or perhaps even ineffective if your prison has lots of prisoners, even if you've still got room left for more? Never knew this.

Huh. I had no idea what "For Interruption" was implying. I hope they translated that better in the official one. Thanks user.

no cute maid daughters for me I guess

Yeah, but there isn't much reason to let your prison accumulate when you get HPs when you release 5

Is tsundere + megane the worst combination?

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What to use Rance's satisfaction bonus on once I have all of the reinforcements + elite troops? I have everyone but Leila right now at 70 satisfaction and I was waiting to get elite troops until I could get his speed to at least 6 but it doesn't seem like that's going to happen becauise I have no speed books. What do I take after elites? Just levels?

Megane is nice on its own, at least. That is a bad combo though, agreed.

Weaken enemies is good

+3 affection to all commanders is what I typically use it on. It lets you clear characters and gain SAT points that much faster.

Extra actions is no good?

That was kind of why I was stockpiling them. So that I had a wide selection of garbage to release whenever I wanted to level up.
That said. Speaking of the Happiness Pokkurs. Better to give them all to Rance, right? What with him being the central figure in various obligatory battles, and it also strengthens Rance Attack does it not?

Pretty much yeah

Extra action is the very first thing you should always choose when you can, but they only appear at 50, 100 and 140 if I recall correctly

Well obviously you take that, but you can only gain up to 5 fans, and a lot of people won't get the 5th.

what do?

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extra actions is such a no-brainer theres no point in even discussing it, always take extra actions whenever possible

Upgraded attack

Why does dragging an item too close to the edge of the game window freeze it?

Stat up ---> Speed is good for rance. But for turn 30 your Rance is at a pretty low level and might have trouble in dungeon/single encounter battles so maybe you want to raise level+2. Remember if you release 5 prisoners at once you get an item that raises a units level by 1. This should always be used by Rance as he is important in single unit battles.

sorry I meant combat extra action not fans

>when you remember the threads that happened when the game first popped up
>when the banner on this thread for me is "does not make your hyper weapon bigger"
>there are unironic fucking kids here saying this is shitty porn and not video games
every time i see a thread for stuff oldfags liked and its full of people calling it reddit just kills me inside

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dunno, just ctrl alt dlt and it fixes itself

Is it supposed to be impossible/extremely hard to beat things like Mouri and Takeda on your first run?

Does the Ninja with Dungeon Scouter have to participate in the dungeon for the effect to take effect or is it enough that I have one such Ninja enlisted?

Is it possible to get to the guys on the West before the demon army comes in your first game?

Get all you can. Some commander fights have Rance fight solo, and you're fucked if you run out of actions.

Mouri is doable, Takeda is probably the hardest/2nd hardest faction in the game. If you can get all 4 general though you clear the house and can use them in NG+ which is obscenely broken

Within six months.

If you mean Mouri yeah but its really hard if you dont have previous knowledge of the game or now all the mechanics. If you mean at the VERY west end of the map then no. You cant declare war on them.

Since there's no way to character clear Kenshin or Isoroku is there any reason to raise their affection?

Takeda is much easier to beat if you can pen them into their original 2 provinces and take them out in several turns, but most beginners will probably have allowed them to swallow up Hojo or Uesugi. Same with Mouri, but if you time things right with the Demon Army's arrival, you can also take them out in several turns.

When should I use this?

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>people playing this now

You faggots better protect the loli's purity.

you fool

Yea Forums has always been this cancerous

satisfaction and level ups, Kenshin has a high level cap.

Still get satisfaction from fucking them. In Isoroku's case it also lets you get her assassinate skill.

Powering up their skills. It's less essential for Kenshin than Isoroku, though. Since Kenshin is already very good unit, but you should definitely teach Isoroku snipe or the line attack.

Post tracks

It only raises the maximum recruit limit, not the actual troop count. It's useful if you're trying to get 1000-man strong units for your battle permits.

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Spineless faggots like you are the reason why this board is filled with nothing but non-vidya weebturds like "I want to fuck this FE3H / FGO / Dragalia Lost threads.

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>a monk unit
>with counterattack rate up 2
That actually sounds very exploitable. It may be a generic unit, but couldn't I release this dude from prison. Actually invest in him in spite of being a generic unit. Then have him heal himself a bunch in battle and have the front row suicide into him? Then by the next day he'll have a full stack of troops again thanks to being a monk, without me having to spend a dime.
Or is it unlikely to be worth it?

But Rance is a game. Like, even in this thread most screenshots are from gameplay situations, people asking for advice on power-ups, what they should do next, etc.

Is the the new FOTM on Yea Forums? I guess AC and DxM aren't cool anymore? What bandwagon should we drive next, Code: Vein?

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>a thread about an actual video game
>one beloved by Yea Forums for almost all of the website's existence
>lumping this in with threads about people spending their life savings on jpegs
faggots like you belong on a cross

If he has high attack and defense, it might work pretty well.

the official next bandwagons are the crystal chronicles remaster, the ffvii remake, and minecraft dungeons

Okay bro, what is the optimum unit compositions in Clash of Clan and how should I angle my birds to accurately hit the targets in Angry Bird? BTW, where can I catch Pikachu in Pokemon Go around Texas? See how retarded you sound like with that argument.

>fucking Ran got a route while Senhime didn't
What the FUCK broskis?

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Uh no. Every game you just listed is a video game and can have its own thread. Whats your point.

They saved her route for another game.
...Actually it's pretty insane that she's a one character that didn't get an appearance in Quest. Even Masamne's spider-wife got in.

Go make a thread those games if you want to talk about them bro.

Ran may have got a route but Senhime becomes a main girl in the next 3 games. She wins

anyone has the download link for the 1.05 patch mangagamer released today?

Maybe you should ask those questions in threads for those games.

Much better to be Senhime than Ran of all people.

Because Senhime is shit

she's not in Quest and her role in X is minor

How are you even supposed to know releasing prisoners gives you free levels?

would I have been better off not conquering tenshiism?

Her role in 9 is pretty major.
Also Ran isn't even mentioned at all other than than from Souun and that quest in 8 where you put together Chinu thinking it's Ran.

first playthrough is the learning playthrough

Just bring him to a battle every round. He'll have a decent sized army by end game.

Can I take over Mikan for as long as I don't take over Naniwa, or will that still eternally piss of the Tenshi?

ok I'm not sure what that has to do with me objecting to saying she's major in the next 3 games
she's major in IX and that's it

Hello newfriend

Why is being Souun suffering? Is it because good-looking bespectacled men in anime are destined to suffer?

Good joke

Seigan's pretty good, but if you have Natori, he's just your backup.

Are either of these two worth recruiting?

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Ashikaga gives you a very good item.

>he doesn't know about the choushin powerspike

Hara is the "bitches and whores" choice.

Shouji is okay to have in early game because he has 6 neg, but Ashikaga is only worth having around once you enter a route and only for the item he gives you. After that, you should dump him.

because TADA equates glasses to suffering
on cute girls its MOE

He's been sitting in there for a long time should I still recruit him?

If you recruit Ashikaga you can get a ring that increases every stat. Other than that no. And make sure you dismiss him after you get the ring.

chousin gives you an item that boost +1 all of your stat

Kentarou is also a good idea to level up. There's a solo battle that is very easy to lose with him.

Guys, I think I'm addicted. The past 3 days all I could think about was this game. Whenever I am away from my computer I feel dead inside until I hop back on. This game is crack.

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just one more turn mom

Just save some dungeon clears until after you've recruited him.

This is what basically happened since my moms birthday was yesterday and she flew in to celebrate.

Welcome to Yea Forums like 10 years ago user. I'm glad you finally got here.

>sengoku rance
>new FOTM
What a sorry fucking state Yea Forums is in right now.

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Yeah but only because there's an Alicesoft/Rance general on /vg/

most of Yea Forums was just little cheddars on the cob when the original translation came out

Like your face

sengoku rance is pretty much a Yea Forums classic
you should look up old /jp/ thread where they wrote long ass paraghraph about some obscure strategies to pull off completely inane objectives

have sex

Why the fuck is everyone against porn these days? Sex and rape is as essential as torture and killing in video games. If it fits the narrative (Which very well does in Rance's case) Then it should only be +. If you are so easily triggered by something so elementary and basic to humans then you might be lunatic.

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keep throwing your meme around. it wont make it true

They are under age kids who think going against everything is the cool and hip thing to do.

Rance really is literally Yea Forums. If you transform him into a girl he kills himself instantly.

how do battle orders work?
im interested

Erafags raiding

we have entered a neo puritanical era where the people who pretend to be the purest are actually scum that do all the shit they admonish others for

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warosu is under maintananje right now but you can search rance in the /jp/ archive by sorting from the oldest

user,are you sane?

i remember one of the strategies was about how to clear that unbeatable dungeon boss without cheating (and when you do it the game tells you you cant reach this point without cheating)

So this new release is actually good or what? No hamfisted western shit?
I already own it physically, but having it officially translated sounds tempting.

Don't forget to do the shell dungeon

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So i got Agireda in true route and despite being the unit with more soldiers i dont got the love scene. Shes even in Trusth and theres no advance.
Also how does the money adventages work, do i need to save money or not?

On 5 star, most of them aren't really that useful for combat. Urza is an absolute beast in every way, but the only other unit I'd rate is Leila who is pretty decent. Rizna + Magic are trash, but Rizna's Absolute Magic Resistance has some niche uses. Kanami is useless besides for her unit count which can be used for a battle permit with some investment. Maria is good on lower difficulties, but worse the higher the difficulty, as raw damage isn't really as useful. You should get them all anyway to get heaps of SAT for more action fans.

How come no one really talks about Rance IX?

Bad games use it as filler content. Even the worst game on the market can get by on 2d tits. Gacha content is the best example.

Porn addiction is also a thing if you care about actually having sex anytime in the future.

Do I take the Hannies by force or by revealing the Hanny king?

>doesn't like sexuality when it is apropriate in games
>reddit spacing
kill yourself and go back to the shithole you came from then kill yourself again just so you don't leave your shitty corpse here.

Rizna with the demon killer item and the aoe attack is really good against Demon Army.

Force if you want H-scene, revealing if you want to save time.

The exactly same can be said about any aspect of video game.

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Do I have use two fans to talk to his daughter to actually get her?

I didn't say it was bad when it was appropriate. In fact I said the complete opposite of that.

Also double spacing has been a thing since Yea Forums began, so you first, incensed fag.


Game loved by Yea Forums gets an official English release.
>wow, why are there so many threads about this game???

So what games out there have similar gmaeplay to Sengoku Rance?

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Overcompensating is a thing. And raging against porn games, when porn games as good as Sengoku Rance exist, is utterly retarded.

I don't know why you're lecturing me too, I was just explaining the uptick in threads.

>doublespacing has been a thing since Yea Forums began
no redditor, reddit spacing has always been a thing and it has always been an easy tell so you can find the scum who overflow from their shithole.

Its not like there aren't going to be 50 more by the end of the day.

How do I beat 5 star?
I am only getting by because of Omachi. And I can't even defend myself
I stole this image from you user

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I remember playing this a couple of years ago and got frustrated by the fact that I could not kill Orochi. Must have tried for hours. I might pick it up again. Any tips?

Why was this the best sex scene throughout the entire game

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Pure happiness in his eyes

Big Bang Age is another strategy game with a world map and combat minigames, though very different at the same time. Highly recommended, though the method for full clearing units is esoteric as shit. You probably will need to consult a guide for their events, since clears mean powerups in newgame+

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Does Otohime's coral blade thing work with skills like Volley?

Chaos is one of the best characters in the series

Why does Suzume look so much sexier in her nude sprite compared to her normal sprite?

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Thought you may have been the same user.

Sure thing, MangaGamer. But I still wouldn't buy your game despite all the shill threads you created on Yea Forums because my principle is to buy only video games, not cinematic experience shonen anime simulators.

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I bet those girls are really happy that Rance conquered them.
Seriously. Their province got like way better funding, better protection, overseas technology, and got to engage in a baller orgy with a cool sword thanks to Rance conquering them.

What would be the 'best' dungeon party, at least for levels? I know Rance can get to 99 and there's another one, but I don't have 'em. I'm currently eyeballing Kenshin, Natori and Senhime, but if there's someone I'm potentially missing, would an user help a broski out?

The same can largely be said of, for example, third person over the shoulder cover based shooting.

It's not people being against porn, it's the fact that porn turds should not be posted here because this board is for discussing godfucking vidya, how hard is it for you coombrains to understand this?

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Rate my conquest

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Explain to me how Sengoku Rance is not vidya

The thing about dungeon exploring is that its largely just about beating the time limit. Best way to do it is just to capture as many commanders as possible with a decentish level and use them to grind the floors out while keeping your best units for the end.

EraTohoK is kind of like a Touhou themed Sengoku Rance, but not quite as good. The best part of it is fucking around and doing dumb shit like having incestuous threesomes.
It's entirely text based though.

Tokugawa Ieyasu
55 lvl cap
Strong attacks
4 or 5 attack moves

Gotcha. Ty user! Really enjoying the game so far.

I like this game, but I also hate it when games more or less force you to use guides to clear everything, unless you want to spend an eternity. Because then it's almost like the walkthrough becomes the game. It's a shame
Certain PS1 games come to mind

Urza is strong for dungeons as she is a fairly high level if I remember correctly with a high cap, her crossbow shot does a lot more damage than you'd expect, heaps of action fans, and provides start of battle buffs as a tactician.

Kentarou has the potential of being strong too as when he is a fiend (fucking arunaru) he's invincible to all enemies besides Xavier and Orochi.

He can't, so he'll probably start bitching about smash threads or something.

Had you played it, you'd know Sengoku Rance is a good fucking game. But by all means, continue your misinformed shitposting spree.

Nobody is raging against porn user. They just think it's obnoxious that porn addicts are fueling shit games. Sengoku Rance is one of the few exceptions.

Look further up in the thread. Kneejerk reactions to the fact this game includes porn are very clearly happening.

Only a 40% chance he does that

>best girl explodes
It's not fair!

why do the purple nazis only employ homeless men and children

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at least you fucked her before she did it

Monk attacks cause additional battle shift I think from their charge so it has potential to leave him as a solo Frontline in defense battles with a weak backline that just is there to support the monk and get additional troops

How come I never see you dumb niggers acting like literal unpaid Yea Forums janitors telling actual shitpost threads to go to /trash/ but go into threads like these telling them to go to /vg/?
You must just hate videogames so get bent


If you have more than 20 prisoners you are less likely to capture defeated units btw. Light attack is an exception that a unit hit with a light attack and anhilitated will if it has a capturable commander end up in jail

Shitting on porn and vidya is the only thing SJWs have after getting btfo by an orange cheeto. Can't wait for the hilarity of 2020.

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Does light attack have to be the finishing blow? I don't remember the rules.

no, but it gets negated if you use assassinate

Why indeed

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What's the point of the blue storage box?

what, are you going to use an orange storage box like some kind of fag?

SR threads are always so high quality and civil, it's really surprising.
If this was your average Yea Forums thread it would be full of waifushitflining, /pol/ shit and people trying to argue that Xavier didnu nuffin and Kou had it coming

Takeda is pretty annoying to unlock it's bonus. Involves defeating the blitz without losing a single battle, then capturing all the commanders when they're hired by other houses. It can take 70+ turns before they all get hired and then on top of that you need to steal them

What was the point of /vg/ again?
To kill this board?

What’s the difference between regular and national mode?


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Wait until you assault the Akachi

Nope so if you end up leveling ranmaru up give her light attack too since she's pretty bad so her and the kuge sister target juicy targets or just ensure two caps a turn.

Wow, that's surprisingly merciful for a mechanic in Sengoku. I just assumed you had to whittle them down for it to be useful.


It's a niche game, so if you want a (you), there are better threads to go to. Plus there a bunch of oldfags who know the game like the back of their hand from playing way too much.

Is it worth upgrading Rance's speed? He only has 3 moves as is and does he really benefit that much from attacking first?

Don't worry, porn will always come on top

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pretty damn good if its your first time. just take over kenshin quick.

National mode has no story or sex scenes, everyone is at war with each other, and you can play as any house.

>Rance attack
There's also action skill books. When you get Rance to 9 attack yes it's worth it.

well, actually...

Wouldn't I be better off raising someone like Yuzumi's speed to 7 instead of Rance's?

Assassinate doesn't always work, there are certain units where assassinate never works. Rance will always be useful.

Do I make Teru 8/6 in terms of attack and defence, or 7/7?
The way the multipliers on her counterattack rate up 2 skill and that 50% counter boost spear item work, I figured going all in on attack might be worth it. But I am betting the defence would feel real nice after the demon army starts pushing my shit in.

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The unit types have specific modifiers about how much the stat affects them and the cooldown after attacks.
While Yuzumi will attack first very often, her next turn will come after a long while IIRC.
It's also why you do not really bother boosting the speed of mage units, they will always lag.

Is the official version better than the fan patch in any way?
Is there an option to use proper Japanese naming order? e.g. Uesugi Kenshin instead of Kenshin Uesugi
Do your old saves work with the official release?


Better to get the defense up. Teru should always be hitting Guard after all. Heck, in 2-5 star runs or certain monster army battles, you will want to give her the damage nullifying armors instead of the counter attack spear

You can now skip attack animations that attack all units (the numbers pop up all at once). Less text overflow.
Old saves should work, yes.

>recruit one of the tanukis
>only way to get him to join is to ride his back like a horse

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How do I unlock the orochi dungeon?

A few years ago, after changing my profile name and picture to "Ashikaga Shit", I got removed by my only friend on steam.
Never talked to her anyways, but still it hurt.

Have Fuuka and Natori, progress their affection

From what I've played, there are a few QoL changes that I'm aware of. There is an option to have AoE attacks/healing hit all units in one animation instead of one unit at a time. CG mode now shows the alternate scenes of CGs. (e.g. Rance raping Kenshin, Suzume's 2nd ero scene, scenes from 'Tonight at Rance's Estate) FFA not crashing when trying to start a new game. Stat numbers having different colours instead of just one.

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should've seen the muv luv thread the other day. Yea Forums is dead, this is 4channel now.

all the muvluv niggers moved to /vn/. it's one of the two vns they talk about

>you will want to give her the damage nullifying armors instead of the counter attack spear
Are you sure? Because the spear stacks exponentially with her skill.
That's why everything dies instantly when they attack her. Even if they're twice her troop size.

God danmit i cant kill the final boss of true route and i almost 100% the game years ago, he just nuke Kentarou and Rance.


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I think some guy on /vg/ made a patch for the names if you want to revert them. Said it works best on a fresh run though since names for commanders are apparently stored in the save file, supposedly making the patch have no effect on your roster if you don't start a new game.
On the same effect though, I think this means that if you use an old save file then the names will be the old names even without his patch? But I wouldn't know I started a new game without digging up my old saves.

But yeah I'd say the new translation is much better, if you can just get over (or patch out) the ridiculous choices in translation that occur.


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Although I cannot give you exact advice without the commander list you have, here are some pointers:
1: Deploy Suzume and/or Kanami and switch Rance or Kentarou out immediately. When one dies, have the other come out.
2: Have Natori heal Rance/Kentarou, or a diviner throw them a shikigami. The longer they stay alive, the better
3: If you have monks, use them to restore moves from your more powerful units (so you can reuse strong attacks from characters like Rance, Kenshin etc)
4: If Xavier throws his AOE out and your units are about to die, throw your strongest attacks immediately. You want to get the most out of each unit
5: Do not bother leaving trash units out unless they have specific utility mentioend above (aka, monks, diviners, fast ninja that switches units)
6: Visiting a couple dungeons or getting Sat bonuses to enhance Rance or Kentarou can make things much easier. Check how many turns you actually have before game over (you can even stall the event)

Yet another game that got a "fuck you Arunaru" patch

What was the other one?

>Actual tactic and strategy involved.
>Three Houses

The game is piss easy chief.

If anyone has this patch please link it

Sukisuki. I'm quite sure there was 3rd game but I can't remember which one

oi m8 hope you have a kabuki loicense

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Even gacha games have more difficulty than nu-FE

I checked my history and found this. But I thought there was a more recent link. Don't quite know if this is the one you actually want to use, but it might have been this one.

>Call for reinforcements
>Wonder why it's taking them fucking ages
>Maxed out national power


Thanks user

i've got the old translated version off of Yea Forums a billion years ago
should i replay that or is this version better and where do i get it?

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I wish they had actually worthwhile choices for all the satisfaction bonuses instead of those joke options. You need to waste 2 of those for Toshiee and Mitsuhide powerups, which turn them from bad to average units.

tfw >only reason i realized it was national power related was because one of my units died

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Dismiss Niwa

Links have been posted in the prior threads.

Is it worth waiting for levees or should i just get books as soon as possible?

the game is pretty fun desu, one thing unique about it that nobody mentions is that pretty much every game plays differently after the first complete run. While people say you should play it even if you have to skip all the h-scenes, they fit in a lot of the characterization of the female cast there. You would be hard pressed to skip them. Your enjoyment of the series depends largly on if you actually like rance or not. You either love him for every ounce of a bastard he is, or you hate him due to him being a bastard, there is pretty much no in-between with such a "strong personality".

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Mangagamer did the official English release this week. New translation, where I'd say the only necessary improvement was in the parts where people talk about recurring characters since TakaJun translated most of those as gibberish. They also gave you the option to display multi-attack moves on a single animation, which does good things to your sanity when fighting against Hojo or Demon Army.

I love games like this but I'm not really into cute anime girls. What do?

Just play it, it's the strategy aspects that are the addicting part.

my operations permits just got removed from all my units and have been greyed out I am unable to reassign them does anyone have any ideas how I can fix this?

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>even if you have to skip all the h-scenes

I only found out about the “soul sucking pussy” in that particular h scene

nigga ive played kamidori alchemy meister, sengoku rance and bunny black with Yea Forums when they came out and it was awesome. FOTM games were amazing and everyone that got on Yea Forums after 2010 should be shot

It's weird, I get the feeling sengoku rance doesn't really try to arouse. The situations and art are usually pretty kinky but the text is written from a comedic perspective instead of an erotic one

That weekend Yea Forums was playing Evenicle was magical. Hadn't had that much fun here in ages.

>any ideas how I can fix this?
I don't think it's fixable. I think it's what happens when a unit with a permit goes on and attacks a demon controlled territory.

Rance has been a meme on Yea Forums for over a decade dude

>Worked really, really, REALLY fucking hard to get the kitsune milf
>Her sex-scene is a literal fade to black

What the fuck

Its so weird having the text fit in the boxes and actually be themed.

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Evenicle is cute.

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please understand

Do you get new game+ points to spend even if you go game over? I think the takeda boomers are about to rape my ass

On earlier runs before you have unlocked any house bonuses, you're kinda forced to only bring like two or three units to each fight unless it's a major fortress where you genuinely NEED that strength.

Dumb question but do stats like attack/def actually impact commander battles or is it all troop size dependent? Not sure if stats are just for dungeons or not.

Let me guess, you own a pride flag?

Stats are for field battles, levels for dungeon/commander battles.

It makes a huge difference.

Imagine Omachi at that difficulty level.

Literally one-shots your entire army.

Wait. Shizuka isn't a satisfaction reinforcement?
My memory is jumbled up from 10 years ago. Then what was Shizuka's deal?

NG+ option and you need Maria.

>Vassalizing shit
>Not having beaten Tenshi sect yet
>Turn 52
Nigger what the fuck are you even doing?

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Honest question: is there a mod to disable the h stuff? Played the game through twice now and just want some fun strategy, preferably with a dead monkey and no rape stuff inbetween

I've never used the skill before. But doesn't the predictable nature of the Miko attack buff passive for male units actually make it quite useful?

A fun thread like this is fun

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No. Just CTRL

There's a streamer playing the game right now, and they are using a patch that blocks out porn. The scenes still happen, though.

Oh. Oh right. Shit.
You used points for bonus characters don't you? I completely forgot all about that entirely somehow.

A CG eraser?

How to acquire speed scrolls?
Random dungeon drops?

From what I remember, stats are basically a multiplier for the troop count
More or less


Bump bump

Neither the in game text nor the wiki appear to say anything about this.

Bump bump bump~

Bump bump bump bump~

You dumbasses, we're at autosage.

this is a falseflagging retard. 100%. in the next rance thread you'll see a screenshot going "look how dumb those rancetards are" or some faggot shit because this loser has nothing better to do with his time

Triple hannies

Nin nin~
Just playing around~~

Oh yes the good old pretending to be retarded

I don't think this is the case because I made an irreparable mistake after Xavier took over the rest of japan and had to go back around 15 turns I think on my original timeline my units happily use their permits to attack the demon army however for some reason on this second timeline the permits have become unusable if I can't get them to work again I may have to start over again because I have no clue how to defeat the demon army without them since they attack 5 times or so per turn and I can't really keep it up because I suck at this game

Someone, just go create a new thread already, right effing now.

If they attack demon army in Africa regions.

Where the fuck is the new thread? This thread is nearly reaching its limit, for fuck sake. Someone, get your ass off and start creating a new thread, right fucking now. So fucking slow.

do it yourself retard

okay that makes sense one of the different things I did was take over that roided guys land so they would have attacked Africa thank you

Bruh, still no new thread? Jannies, if you're reading this, please archive this thread immediately so that no one can post here anymore. This will force them to create a fresh new thread.

The MG people working on Alice Soft games are incredibly autistic when it comes to making the text look nice. I heard the text display routines were completely rewritten for Evenicle to support stuff like hanging punctuation and justified text.

Attached: IMG_20190922_140826.jpg (1282x772, 289K)


That's the kind of autism i can get behind

Here you go

Welcome to Sengoku Rance