The last surviving Prothean, who can provide invaluable information about civilization 50,000 years ago...

The last surviving Prothean, who can provide invaluable information about civilization 50,000 years ago? A character that stands as a testament to the sacrifices the Protheans needed to make to give the next cycle of advanced life a chance?
Fuck it, let's make it a DLC companion.

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Wasn't he an online pass thing that came with a new copy of the game? I played the fucking thing but can't remember.

He cooperates with Liara to release a book and research about the Protheans after the war is over.

>can provide invaluable information about civilization 50,000 years ago
Except he can't.

>Jamaican racism joke character

wow so worth putting in the series, even as DLC

Some of his assets were in the vanilla game, locked behind a single flag that could be edited. Doing so didn't unlock his dialogue, cutscenes and mission, but it was clear proof that he was sloppily removed from the main game to make you buy his DLC.

Huh? But the canon ending is everyone dies.

stand in the ashes of a trillion ghosts and tell me that honor matters.

He was the best thing about ME3. His observations on the asari planet always amuse me.
Protheans being basically space romans was an interesting choice.

fuck off snowflake

Pointing out legitimate failings of a race is not racism. Sorry bud.

some nigger

sames, hes one of the better companions

He was just day 1 dlc.

Worded that badly. More meant "Character that is a forced way to introduce some nigger accent as a character without him being a complete joke, and using him as a proxy to make fun of the idea of criticising people based on legitimate failings of a race as if it's some antiquated thing from thousands of years ago to still think that way."

I mean he sounds Jamaican yes, but he's trying to act like he's a samurai.

>space romans
Considering their whole thing is "join us and become prothean or be destroyed", that closer to space mongols

Javik and the inclusion of the protheans in ME3 were a hasty afterthought. Protheans becoming a word for the prothean empire and not a single species was a hasty retcon.

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Protheans should have been spindly tentacled weirdos.

There's plenty of hentai for that, user

So more monstrous versions of the big stupid jellyfish?

Best thing about ME3 was that mods fixed it

>But the canon ending is everyone dies.

Extended cut

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This. If anything he has no chill and last time I recall the stereotype of Jamaicans is that they are.

why does this guy look nothing like the statues on the prothean planet you visit in ME1?

is it because they thought "wait, shouldn't these look more like the bug fucks from ME2" while simultaneously forgetting the fact that those same bug fucks were supposed to be extensively genetically modified by reapers (so much so that they lost every bit of what made them prothean to begin with - a truly horrific loss of identity only possible in a sci fi setting like this one)?

why was ME3 so fucking bad in literally every respect

actually slight correction - in every respect except MP, which was admittedly pretty fun, fucking lootboxe faggotry aside

>why was ME3 so fucking bad in literally every respect

Citadel DLC

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ME3 retcons the protheans technically twice. He says the beings depicted on Ilos were actually a species from the cycle before the protheans', but those figures are the ones we see being turned into the Colllectors in ME2. It's technically a double retcon and utterly shits on the lore and ME1

because it was trying to build off of ME2's shitty main storyline. The collectors feel incredibly tacked on to the overall storyline. Supporting the fallout of ME2's plot created many of the shittiest parts of ME3. Cerberus in general basically.

>fucking lootboxe faggotry aside

At least it didn't cost actual money

The Prothean Empire had been collapsed for centuries before he was born. He could only tell you what it was like living in a post apocalyptic nightmare.

hehe Mass Effect fans.
Whinged and REEEEEEEEED’d so much they’ll never get another game.

He was a really well written character too, which is odd given that ME3 is a game where most companions were either generic or had their arcs fulfilled in previous installments.

I should have know. I should have fucking known something was up the second I heard they were making a fucking Prothean a DLC-exclusive character.

But I was truly blind to what was to come.

and that's a good thing!

>why was ME3 so fucking bad in literally every respect
We've been telling you for years, quit fucking asking if you're not going to fucking read.

it's a rhetorical question you dumbo

>fucking lootboxe faggotry aside
They never actually banned anyone for using cheat engine to give yourself the points needed to spend on said lootboxes so it was a non-issue, everyone could whale all they wanted and just focus on the game.

Sure it is, kid.

Cerberus was in ME1, they were just very much a background thing.

I know user, I know. Should have stayed that way.

See I'm fine with them taking the time to flesh out Cerberus and show they're not just some human supremacist group. What I have a problem with is "they're this super secret shadory organization but they also have tech on the level of the earth government and their whole army, and they're led by the smartest human ever that's played by a big name hollywood actor". They went to far, I would've been perfectly fine with them being a big focus in 2, they just shouldn't have gone hollywood on us.

I just think killing off shepard for an excuse to force him to work with a corrupt organization was nonsense, and as a result, the whole ME2 plot was nonsense.

Fun squad mate lore though.

lol is this a serious response? ESL or just not capable of using context clues?

It was clearly an African accent, racist

>the whole ME2 plot was nonsense

ME2 is objectively the worst Mass Effect, maybe tied with Andromeda

They did a lot to reverse Cerberus in ME3, making Ilusive Man into a retard, and general cerberus troops into cannon fodder - hey went back to their ME1 "generic evil group because reasons" portrayal

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You mean the cringiest DLC pack ever created?

>is it because they thought "wait, shouldn't these look more like the bug fucks from ME2" while simultaneously forgetting the fact that those same bug fucks were supposed to be extensively genetically modified by reapers (so much so that they lost every bit of what made them prothean to begin with - a truly horrific loss of identity only possible in a sci fi setting like this one)?
ME3 retconned that, they always looked like bugs now. They even edited the Prothean Beacon flashback scene in ME3 to have the protheans look like bugs instead of Protheans.

The Leviathan was a bigger fuck you
>the only being in the universe that knows what the reapers really are
>lock it behind a paywall

>the Reapers are exterminating all life in the galaxy
>let's throw a party

>Mod that makes it happen after the ending of the game only
>Feels cathartic instead of retarded

mods really fixed this shit didn't they

You're thinking of Zaeed. If you buy the game new, you get access to the Cerberus Network thing which gives you some free DLC including Zaeed and the Normandy Crash and new hover vehicle I can't remember because you can only use it for 5 boring planet explorations

Its more an issue of tone and timing. There is a way it could've been more natural
>stress toll due to the war
>everyone on edge
>mandatory normandy repairs
>party to heal the stress and remind everyone whats important

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wait what the fuck? You recruit a prothean? I just finished ME1 and that's weird.

You fail to realize that Mass Effect was never serious about its story. They invested untold amounts of time into building a decent universe only to shit on it with terrible plot lines that make you cringe. Seriously, go replay ME1 and tell me it ain’t fucking retarded, power rangers level faggotry. ME2 has the same issue, main plot line was written by a retarded 12 yo. At least some of the crew members had cool backgrounds/missions.

Thank God they did.

He was "free" in the digital deluxe edition which wasn't exactly a bargain.

The prerelease demo contained all his lines for the scenario.

>he never experienced ME3 because of day 1 DLC
>while regularly spending money on a Star Trek gacha
>and racing with his wallet to get every new Hearthstone card on the day new set releases
This is what arse cancer does to you.

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Morale is probably the single most important variable a general/commanding officer has to consider
Even at the heart of the battle of Stalingrad, Russian soldiers were still permitted leaves to hug their wives and mothers one last time

>can't distinguish between central east African and fucking dude-weed language

Why was he the best squadmate?

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>"we have long term mass effect fans right?"
>"they own both 1 and 2 and love both?"
>"so they're probably gonna buy the N7 collectors edition right?"
>"so you know how EA is forcing us to cut content and make more DLC's? we can just give it as a 'free' one to the people who are obviously fans"
Stop being poor and buying the wrong version of the game, fucking poser.

>But you pay more for it

Literal fucking RETARD

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i left him to die

How abou they do what they did with ME2 and make the disk locked day 1 DLC shit just pay 2 win guns that you can choose not to use if it came with whatever edition you bought for the dragon dildo instead of locking vital story content behind it?

And if his cancer went back into remission he would've probably dropped everything for fucking fortnite skins, god took him at just the right time.

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Because he was an unapologetic dick that often came out with some funny shit. Also decent in combat.

You seriously need to learn how to operate a comma.

What part of that was hard to understand?

It wasn't free so what's your point again?

I salute this man
Stay mad forever, user

Based prothean shitting all over your waifubait

>Romancing Liara
>Touching any asari
>Having anything but contempt for blue space whores

What's the problem, user?

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is there a mod to romance EDI? that camel toe makes my dick diamonds

Has anyone ever died while fuming with anger? If not, I think I'll be living forever thanks to this.

The voice actor is from Nigeria. How the fuck was he supposed to speak?

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Romancing a character than can positively crush your mind with a single thought is a weirdly appealing concept.

Best ME3 character, period.

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Based Javik.

That it wasn't?
It was just included in the collectors edition that I happily paid more for at the time because I thought surely the third installment would be good.
And considering what I got with the N7 edition it was probably cheaper than what some pleb would have to pay for it for just buying the regular version like a fag.

>people legit arguing about a $5 character
Yeah, it was bullshit to remove him. But if you were really that shitter shattered by it, why cry so hard? Either don't spend the pittance that is $5, which your entirely entitled to do as EA doesn't deserve it anyway, or fucking buy him. Just shut the fuck up about it. It's been seven fucking year.

He was in the main game when the story was leaked, after that Bioware decided to redo the entire story and he was made into DLC instead.

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>The Reapers twisted and warped the Protheans' form
>Collectors are the end result of thousands of years of genetic manipulations and surgical alterations
>Prothean statuary gives us a glimpse of what they once looked like
>Nah, fuckit, let's just make him a Collector.



It's Prometheus and the space jockeys all over again

>mod that removes the kid any any form of sequence with little shithead
that mod alone improved the game tenfold

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because he was youif you played as renegade but older

>ME2 is objectively the worst Mass Effect, maybe tied with Andromeda

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But he did
Only if he didn't touch the memory shard
Not really as mongol didn't force their way of life or religion on people they conquered.

Citadel was a bad way to finish Mass Effect 3, but it was a fantastic way to finish the Mass Effect trilogy.


It reminds me of that Ridley Scott movie Prometheus, it turns out that the cool space jockeys from Alien don't actually have elephant noses and that was just a flight suit

Remember when protheans looked like some lovecraftian race with big facial tentacles and had all this incredible knowledge to impart to us? Lol jk now they’re just funky looking space bugs voiced by niggers

I am amazed that this technically inferior facial animation has more emotion in it than anything in ME:A.

Nope, just like how I can't remember how a machine full of himself is supposed to be some big all important moment that everyone who wants to learn about writing should read up on.

>has more emotion in it than anything in ME:A
Before or after they mixed it?

To be fair to the BW team they had to work with an engine that didn't have its own animation tools

C'mon user, I can't put ME2 with the likes of Andromeda. ME:A somehow ruined every fucking thing in the series. The gunplay, the characters, the great multiplayer from ME3, ALL of it.

I'm still 50/50 on the whole thing. I agree with the "bad for ME3, good for ME" part though.
On the one hand, having played since the first game released, having a final goodbye, goofy set of missions with characters I've liked since 2007 was nice.
On the other hand, playing the game without it contributes more to the drspiration of the game. Since they had to give Shepard a character, it seems incredibly out of character for a driven Shepard to hold a big party.

That was EA's fault.
In the original script for ME3 Javik was a main focus of the game since he was the Catalyst instead of starchild and the Citadel.
It's just you'd be chasing him for the first half of the game, and then Cerberus would try to kidnap him, which got replaced with the Prothean VI in the final game.

me2 was bad too

The first time you get to actually converse with Soverign was based as fuck and actually made you feel somewhat hopeless about the whole thing. A race of giant sentient space octopods that control how the entire universe grows and discovers technology? That’s a neat as fuck idea. They just had zero idea how to turn them from “far-off but very real threat” into “enemy the player has to finally combat”. They got dumbed down, made their reasonings seem far more unfounded and meaningless, and all your choices /fighting against them amount to shit. Never have I been so let down by an antagonist before.

The game would have been better without him, we never needed to see a living prothean bar in flashbacks. Wether him being dlc was someone coming to that realization but didn't want to cancel all the work or them just being greedy fucks. Dont know

I will never not be mad they replaced weapon mods and tactical burst firing to keep your gun cool WITH FUCKING THERMAL CLIPS HUR DUR IMMA RELOAD COVER ME

If the Reapers only exist within the Milky Way, how come the galaxy in Andromeda wasn't overrun by evil AI?

Or get this, the machine is full of himself and is talking out of his ass. It's not hard to comprehend a giant robot

This pistol doesn't have a thermal clip.

Maybe it was, we won't know because MEA got shitposted to death. What we do know that one of the major species in the galaxy was created by unknown force while the other consumes everything they come across

Shit of course, I forgot.
It's a shame Andromeda was bad, I don't like it when stories are left inconclusive, even if they are bad.

>Or get this, the machine is full of himself and is talking out of his ass.
A combined fleet of every citadel race couldn't kill Sovereign, he only died when he removed his mind from his body like a retard. In ME3 they're nerfed to shit and die all the time on top of adding smaller shitter reapers as cannon fodder.

Except everything they showed in ME1 and some of ME2 would lend zero credence to the idea he was talking out of his ass. Soverign might have been autistic but he wasn’t some boasting chad. He just knew that all resistance was pointless because they had already done this cycle so many times

Btw, the Reapers motivation was also retconned.
Originally they harvested species who got into spaceflight era because tampering with eezo affected dark energy, which increased enthropy and hastened the end of the universe.
Apparently biotics held the key to fixing the issue permanently, and humans had something that made them the best possible candidates for that fix. ME3 would end in having to choose between sacrificing humanity, letting it be harvested and seeing if the Reapers could save the universe, or destroying them and facing the increasing unstable universe due to dark energy tampering.
This was already hinted at in Mass Effect 2, during the Maestrom quest, where you save Tali, where that system's sun is about to go supernova despite being fine only a couple of centuries ago, and she and Kal'Reegar end up guessing that dark energy made that star age extremely fast.

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Maybe they can get some garbage company to continue it in comics. Next Mass Effect has to be in Milky Way but they dont have the balls to choose a canon ending. I'd want them to go with destroy but wouldn't throw toys about if they didn't

>In ME3 they're nerfed to shit
Nerefed to shit? Nobody could fucking do shit against them, you needed the bigger thresher maw in the galaxy in the galaxy and the biggest fleet in the galaxy to kill two land units and that was the small ones. Everyone was losing on all fronts

Furthermore if you're going to lie then at least by correct in your lies, only the alliance fleet showed up to fight Sovereign.

You don't know what the fuck retcon means so stop using the word
>Originally they harvested species who got into spaceflight era because tampering with eezo affected dark energy, which increased enthropy and hastened the end of the universe.
It's not "originally" if that idea never made it into the game, you talk about something that never made into into the final product so it's non-canon.

It's what Drew Karphyshin, the main writer of ME1 and 2 planned.
The trash we got was rewritten stuff by Mac Walters and Casey Hudson.
It doesn't even fit the game because the whole synthetics vs organics theme ends with the Quarian and Geth arc, and suddenly, not only it comes back, but turns out to be the center pillar of everything?
They had no idea what they were doing.

I enjoyed him just because he just fucking ripped on everyone else. It was pretty great.

Yes he planned that, but it never made it into the final product so it's non-canon. It's not a retcon because it wasn't canon

Yes, semantics, whatever, the point is everything got derailed for no reason at all.

Maybe, but the ME books outside of Karpyshyns are trash, and his are decent at best.
I don't get the issue with the ending. Just say destroy was canon and have that be the end of it.
What will happen is they'll set it in the Milky Way but 1000s of years in the future so no choice matters.

>Nerefed to shit? Nobody could fucking do shit against them, you needed the bigger thresher maw in the galaxy in the galaxy and the biggest fleet in the galaxy to kill two land units and that was the small ones.
One of them was killed just by Quarians shooting fucking missiles at it and there was another on Earth you kill with one shot from the Cain.
>Furthermore if you're going to lie then at least by correct in your lies, only the alliance fleet showed up to fight Sovereign.
Plus everyone who was already there including the big dick ship that had as much firepower as the entire Asari fleet.

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Your clarification only makes you more retarded.........

>Karphyshin moves to write the Revan shit on swtor
>Walters and Hudson ruin ME3
Really great move there.

People spent the last 3 years reverse engineering reaper weapons, done

Oh the tech they can't figure out and refuses to accept exists?

>only the alliance fleet showed up to fight Sovereign

*one alliance fleet

>One of them was killed just by Quarians shooting fucking missiles at it and there was another on Earth
Yeah, one of the smallest ones, a Reaper destroyer, not a Capital ship.
And what you destroy with a Cain shot in ME3 is just artillery.
Not really specified what it is exactly, but it seemed even smaller than a Reaper destroyer.

They have, actually.
The Thannix cannon that you buy for the Normandy in ME2 is a reverse engineered version of Sovereign's main gun, and the missiles you use to kill the Reaper destroyer in the Earth mission are also called Thannix, so they must have something from that since they killed a Reaper in a couple of shots.

>legitimate failings of a race
>50k years, when most of them are basically in the stone age
Fucking pick one, thats like goin to the Fertile Crescent in 48k BC and calling everyone a retarded caveman who cant into space travel, and they are double retards for not understanding your smartphone

They accept the Reaper ship existed user just that they werent a threat after 1. In fact, the phalaxn cannon Normandy upgrade from 2 is explicitly stated to be a (i think turian) production version of the Sovereign main cannon. Reaper and Geth tech did get incorporated

>They accept the Reaper ship existed user just that they werent a threat after 1
Fucking what?

>Ah yes Reapers

You know when I got to the Citadel in 2 and the AI told me that the Reapers weren't being acknowledged I thought it was just a cover story to keep the citizens from freaking out. But no they actually believed their own bullshit

There's also the problem with how Frostbyte handles models. Some SFM artists that tired to extract the Andromeda models, they were extremely poorly rigged.

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Come home, earth man

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>barely a matron and already rivals Benezia
Mommy would be proud.

Literally the jews of Mass Effect, no thanks.

Sleep on that, blue skank.

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>Play the games as child and teenager, forgetting almost everything
>replay them as young adult
>Will never have the same fun as me playing it as a child/teenager

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I bet both of them have dicks.

>sounds like a nigger
nothing beats the goon squad which is comprised of garus and wrex

you must be 18 or older to post here

You mean in the games, or just in that video?

>create shepard in me1, play thru
>import him into me2, all is fine, play thru that
>CAN'T import him into me3 because they fucked something up in the importing process
I don't know what the fuck they were thinking or if this was ever fixed

You mean only the facial reconstruction or in general? If it's that, yeah, the bug still exists in which the savefile has generated the wrong facecode. You have to manually delete the facecode from 2's savefiles so 3 will use first games silder settings instead.

It would matter if you picked synthesis, they'd have to explain why races dont have the same genetic make up. such a fucking stupid ending

Sorry meant for

no thanks

Yes, and you still bought it didn't you?
thanks for proving their point

After 3 /meg/ made giant postcards to send to Bioware, and at least one had comments separated into 3 columns (positive blue, neutral green, and negative red). There were also shitty doodles of the Tali face.

I haven't seen them since they were edited, does anyone have them?

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I'm older than you, faggot

>postan used good

go to sleep timmy you have school tomorrow

Is this what you mom just told you?

>the best he can come up with is a no u

That's a yikes if I ever saw one.

reddit the DLC

He was the best complement to renegade shepherd, I wish they did more with him.

>extended cut implication that Javik and Awakened Collectors all commit sudoku if Shepard doesn't tell Javik to cut it out
But why
Just grab a fucking planet and rebuild. Have Javik clone himself some female versions and have sex with them, fucking rebuild instead of muh honor

lol what a cunt

Tbf his original story was pretty dumb.

Cause Andromeda doesn't have mass relays.

Appreciate ya user!

never got into liara, she was soo much of a virgin that turned me off