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Can't wait to play DQ XI next week!

>3 that low
>10 that low
>2 over 1
baka desu sempai

Why don't the west like Dragon Quest?

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3 is really, really overrated. its popularity is memetic in japan so people are scared to death of speaking badly about it.

All dq are alike but each one has their unique gimmicks, (monster recruiting, vocations) the worst ones are the ones with bad ones or not even anything unique
This is some shit taste dude

Because is among the best, it defined what a DQ game should be like and it's still better than most it's successors

Very probably OP didn't even play X

4 blows 3 out of the water in every percievable way, and I'd still even argue that 2 is a better game than 3. The party design shit was ripped straight out of final fantasy and felt just as uncooked as it was in that game.

>3 and 9 basically had the same gimmick, with 9 being more polished. The party members were basically cardboard cut outs, making the journey boring as fuck
>5 tells a better story with actual characters, and the monster taming is very fun. However, the pacing in 5 sucks ass

Putting 4 that low is criminal

Yeah, I didn’t. I’m sure it’s better than the Erdrick trilogy and maybe some others, but it still probably would’ve worked better as a spin off than a main series game.

>4 better than 3
4 is literally just a worst 3 with fixed party members and a shitty gimmick that kills any replay value
For the time both 9 and 3 were amazing
>putting 4 that low
Not my fault all the other game have interesting and good gimmicks to make them unique like alchemy, vocations, grottos, monster recruiting, etc

>ff invented party creation
hello retarded zoomer, that was Wizardry or probably other western rpg

Why are all DQ games the same? Same character archetypes, same type of plot, same tropes, same monsters, same music, same everything.

wizardry is the oldest i can think of, although im not sure how far back pen and paper DnD goes

They will when it comes out on the Switch.

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I know this is bait but they can be opposites like IX and VIII, people that like VIII won't like IX because muh characters and people that like IX won't like VIII because it doesn't has a 300 hours postgame

>thinking this is a good series

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I played only 4 and 5, and 5 was better

what fucking not-cashgrab series needs THAT MANY fucking installments?

did I say that ff invented the fucking role play, you stonemouthed milkdrinker? DQ3 didnt take the idea from Wizardry, they probably never heard of the series, but they saw Sakaguchi use it and ripped the ideas off of him.

>7 that high
>3 that low
what the fuck, bro

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That's one title every roughly 3.5 years, or about 2 per console generation.

>7s replay value is literally killed by Alltrades abbey and the sheer amount of grinding required to get a good vocation, while balancing under cap
>murdaw in 6 is a chore to beat
>the entire child segment in 5 is boring as hell, and is really only important for the game to hard ship you with Bianca

4 added a depth to the adventure, which the whole Erdrick trilogy failed to do. Your party members had actual personalities, and the game was split into chapters to give a balance of seeing them all

>4 added a depth to the adventure, which the whole Erdrick trilogy failed to do
2 exists, its really only 3 that has a soulless husk of a story


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One of the better lists ive seen. Dq3 is overrated as fuck

>dq didn't take the idea from wizardry
it did with I and it also took ideas from ultima, jrpg are literally wrpg but made easier so everyone can get in them, ff was just a good clone of the million of dq clones, pretty sure you're baiting at this point, this is well known
Seven has the second best story only beat by 5, it only lacks in characters but the mini stories you experience along the way make up for it, the vocation system is also nice, unlike other game that got rid of it for no reason or anything in exchange at least
>7s replay value is literally killed by Alltrades abbey
It was good chapter but yeah 7 gets really good after you get the vocations like 6, so make a second save? At least you get something interest, unlike other certain chapter heavy dq
>muh levels
Not even a problem but go play the remake if it bothers you that much
>5 child part is useless
No, it is important, it gives more impact to the story and it's not all about muh Bianca, it's more about Pankraz
>4 added muh story because I have no imagination
So you suck story cock while complaining about story in 5 and 7?
>4 characters had personalities
Only if you played the mobile version

4 turns to shit the minute the characters group up.

>the game was split into chapters to give a balance of seeing them all
and murder the replay value

Dragon quest monsters in general 3 > 11 > 5 > 8 > 4 > 6 > 9

But the Wooper Troopers were based

You forgot 7 which has the Eggplatons or whatever are called now

>wizardry was literally the first video game

fuck off with your historical revisionism to fellate apple products. dq stole the idea from DEC titles like ADVENT, just like everyone else

>5 that low
>even ranking 10
>2 over 1

>literally said "or probably other wrpg" after it
learn to read

I never hear anyone talk about 6, is it really that average and non-memorable?

They only games I haven't played are 1,2,3,5&6. Starting 5 on PS2 soon and 1,2&3 on Switch next week.

Thought you replied to Well the same applies

Lots of people have played 6. No one has ever finished it.

The series has been around since 1987 and has spaced mainline releases apart by 5 years since 6.
7-9 all launched on different consoles and 11 was a full generation after 8 (9 was a handheld game and 10 was an MMO so they don't really count).
This isn't nearly on the same level as the shit Final Fantasy has pulled. It started the same year as DQ3, and here's all of its mainline titles:
>1-15 (15)
>4: The After Years (16)
>7: Crisis Core (17, Dirge is an actual spin-off, not a full on semi important prequel)
>X-2 (18)
>XIII-2 and LR (20)
20 fucking mainline games, 9 more than DQ despite DQ having a 2 year head start and being much more successful in Japan.
And before you argue spin-offs, FF definitely has more. DQ's major spin-offs are Monsters (which is currently at like 5 games if I recall, DQM3 never ever), Rocket Slime (3 games), Builders (2), Heroes (2), and that weird spin-off on the PS1 about the merchant guy from 4.
FF on the other hand had Tactics, Dirge, Kingdom Hearts (which became its own series), Dissidia, World, that weird mobile version of XV and much more.

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You should play 5 on the DS unless you really like the 3d and music or don't care about post game, also 6 is pretty good but there's not much to talk about

6 is the worst of the Zenethia trilogy, but I'd argue it's better than the Loto trilogy if each part of the Loto Trilogy is taken on its own and not part of a grander whole. It's also worse than the 3 mainline games that followed it and arguably XI.

You are right user, this series isn’t good. It’s great

>VI is the worst of the Zenethia triology
Nah that's IV, VI has two worlds, vocations, postgame and better replay value (which is a thing to note since VI also has a terrible replay value)

The real reason you don't hear much of 6 is because is hard as balls but not terribly like 2

>I play games for the story
The story was about you, you tard. 9 was fantastic because if I didn't like some shit character and their shit problems, they wouldn't be around for long. And I liked every character in every town because of it.
Exploring the world > shit characters in my party

This so fucking much

> Beat the main story of Dragon Quest 8
> See pic related reveal
My fuckin sides, this game

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>better than anything
I mean, i don't want to prove you wrong, but i started them in release order and had to stop at 4 because it was a huge fucking snoozefest, if you tell me THAT is the best DQ i can drop the entire franchise right now. I just hope you have a really bad taste.

Mortal Kombat?

i only played 9

any chance the stuff added in the switch version of DQ11 comes to PC?

It's called Yuzu

because it's a stale boring rpg with elments so standardize the only thing keeping it alive is japan's obsession with akira toriyama.

Haven't played it myself, but from all I've read it sounds like the evolution of IX. If that's the case then it sounds like it's just as deserving of being part of the main series.

curse you darkspawn

>5 this low

Dragon Ball wasn't even drawn by Toriyama during the Majin Buu saga?

Of course it was. There just wasn't a Dragon Quest game released during that saga, because it had already ended by the time VI released.

DQ6's artwork always reminded me of gt