Fun so far but kinda too cheesy, are the other routes better than Iris's?
AI: The Somnium Files
Other urls found in this thread:
My bad, there weren't any when I checked
Mizuki's route is wholesome as fuck.
how does this game compare to zero escape? does it live up to the hype?
>how does this game compare to zero escape? does it live up to the hype?
It's a legitimate murder mystery. As such it's not as crazy with the twists, and the ones they do have are telegraphed- but it ultimately means the plot is something that feels solvable the entire time, which is an excellent quality for a mystery VN. I really liked it.
The twists are so telegraphed that you'd legit think they aren't the twists at all but in the end they actually are and you'd go, "that's it?".
Mizuki's route is really, really good and could almost pass for a true ending in itself.
>Known only for a few months
>Known for years
>Took care of him before and after what he went through
>Blackmailed a lot of higher ups to protect him
I hate you. I never want to see you again.
>managed to get every bad end by complete accident
I really thought Date shooting Saito was the correct choice. Something about him proving that he doesn't need Aiba since she did literally all the work for him up to that point.
It was super obvious to me that the way it was going to end was via Aiba's self destruct.
The game finally picked up the pace and the whole thing slipped my mind. I should've figured, it's very obvious in hindsight.
>thought the whole game that it would happen after they talk about it on the car
>completely into the story by this point, forgot that
>mfw it happens
Date and Aiba became some of my favorite vidya characters too, this game was probably the loudest I ever cried playing something.
tfw immediately pick "Cry" while bawling IRL when she came back
If it makes you feel better I forgot she was going to die forever because the cloud was being hacked. And that was like 10 minutes ago, at the time. I just didn't put 2+2 together. All I did was think to myself "haha this dumbass put C4 into his eye socket and didn't even realize it."
Uchikoshi has personally asked [YOU] for advice. He's creating a new crossover game featuring characters from all the various games he's written. Eight characters will be trapped in a new Nonary Game and he wants [YOU] to choose.
Watching some gameplay and the AI waifu seems top tier.
Is the game actually worth playing though?
Yes. And your taste is patrician.
I'm going to play this game dubbed.
dub sounded good from what I've seen, but JP aibou is so much cuter
It's shit. Too much talking. Too little "happening" moments.
>"hmm, what has Uchikoshi even done besides ZE and Ever/Remember?"
>3D modeller for fucking Pepsiman of all things
Pepsiman is the mastermind
Dub is high quality this time because Uchi knows only the weebs buy his games so he probably sat in on the translations.
Which is probably why he put the translation team on blast in the ARG by highlighting their inability to come up with a replacement "drinkable furniture" pun.
I'm terribly disappointed Date didn't make a "I just blew your mind" one-liner while fighting back tears
He was involved with Pepsiman? Damn. That... actually makes total sense. I would totally believe he made the whole damn game.
True fans play through the game both dubbed and subbed because they're canon parallel worlds.
So does he get a waifu?
Hitomi's not a slut like Boss though.
Yeah. Hitomi
4 of them.
Yeah. Saito kinda fucked himself over by taking back the AI
His daughters don't count you sick fuck
Iris's route is the worst. Dumb action sequences, ending is fucking nothing. Literally every ending is better. That route singlehandedly takes the game from 10/10 to 9/10
>Iris's route is the worst. Dumb action sequences, ending is fucking nothing.
I tried for so long to make an arrow instead of a pentagram for some sort of secret ending. No luck. I think it's supposed to be a let down since people who "believe" her are more likely to think they're jumping world lines.
Iris' route is closest to the true ending than the others.
He doesn't feel ready to forgive himself and live happily married to Hitomi yet by the end, but it looks good. Everyone else is just a friend or daughter.
Well, it IS the route where you indulge Iris' autism and go insane from it...
So? The True ending is emotionally fufilling, Iris's isn't.
Yeah, it did feel the most "zero escape" of the endings, and I can appreciate the way you're guided into completing it first as a sort of misdirection.
Even though Hitomi's long forgiven him and understands what he did along with Iris making that demand about what he needs to do for them.
>So? The True ending is emotionally fufilling, Iris's isn't
Because it's setup for the true ending dummy.
I got super pissed that Date didn't make Aiba blow up in the Annihilation ending (where the Bad End ironically has a better outcome than the "actual" end) until I remembered they didn't set it up in that timeline. I hope Aiba's shock killed Saito in the Annihilation end and didn't just knock him out- Boss!Date looked pretty dead. Could've used a scene of Mizuki all alone crying her eyes out as literally everyone she knows and loves is dead.
To be fair she's the one who ran in the way of the bullet. It's not like he was trying to shoot her
she still had Mama
Boss's condition wasn't life threatening. It's far more likely they just swapped back and he got sent back to jail.
Meaning there is ZERO effective difference between telling him to fuck off and switching bodies. Except one is a bad end.
Nah, Saito's a goddamn coward and definitely wasn't going to let Date move around after swapping, and he didn't have his usual sedatives with him so he probably inflicted fatal wounds on Boss' body.
The dub was actually very good. Only a few lines from Iris and very few lines elsewhere stuck out as annoying. Everything else was on point and they deliver lines/jokes pretty well
>date concernedly asks mizuki if she's dating any boys
>she says she's not interested in stuff like that
>"Oh, thank god."
solid kek
I honestly wonder why Saito never went after Mizuki. He told Date in the Annihilation route that the people he targeted for the new Cyclops Killings were people close to Date(Ota was an extra because Saito was annoyed with him getting in his way all the time) while So was only targeted because of Saito's own grudge against him. But he never seemed to target Mizuki despite the girl living with Date and I'd think he'd know as the Mizuki route showed when he got his guys to trap her in the case but didn't kill her.
I think it was So who had Mizuki tied up, not Saito.
>RaTtY cAkE rAtTy CaKe
Everything else was good but holy fuck they should have just gotten a separate voice actor for 12-year-old Iris.
No it was definitely Saito. Remember that he was already in So's body at this point since it takes place after the attempted murder on Iris
I wondered that too, especially since he's not above trying to kill her in So's body in Mizuki's route. Maybe he didn't know about their relationship? Uchi probably didn't want unnecessary child murder (not unless Kodaka is involved at least) and decided that letting the killer murder all her friends and family one by one was more than enough suffering for Mizuki to have to go through
Yeah. Thankfully I played it in the Japanese dub.
That could be a reason. Though he didn't have any problem having Saito shoot Mizuki in the leg in the resolution route
He even gives the fireworks speech as he's about to kill Mizuki to make it perfectly clear it's 100% Saito... and the real so is just gonna have to live as Iris now
Oh, right. In that case, yeah. I guess it's just Uchikoshi not wanting to kill little kids, then. Like how Quark never explicitly dies in any timeline of VLR.
Maiming kids that can fight back is OK, it's snuffing out short lives that crosses the line
>gonna have to live as a sexy streamer idol
oh no that sucks
Yep. That line alone pretty much helps prove it's Saito tbqh. If Date wasn't onto him as long, he would have made his move on Boss next
That's what I'm thinking too. I mean it's the one thing that makes sense. Uchikoshi got soft here.
He's stuck with his daughter's brain tumor as well
Iris suddenly career changes from streamer to politician.
20 years later, Iris is elected Prime Minister of Japan and Detroit: Become Human unfolds
>Live as Iris
Remember the cancer? He doesn't live as Iris for very long.
>be me
>60 years old
>everyone hates me because "muh corruption"
>get kidnapped by some 9/10 qt3.14
>she swaps bodies with me
>wtf lol
>tfw I'm 18 again
>tfw I have nice titties
>people love me
>I'm okay with this
>I even have a thirsty gamer boy willing to tend to my every need
Is anyone else upset that Date and Aiba never actually solved the mystery themselves?
In Annihilation if Saitou hadn't revealed himself at the end as part of his plan he never would have been caught, and then in the final ending you just kind of stumble upon him by what amounts to little more than just pure chance and only put things together while confronting him.
Eh. I guess. But when you think about it, Iris and Manaka were minors when they died so I guess we're talking the really young minors here.
He'll probably just extort some politicians for money for the treatment since he knows all sorts of dirt from his days as a politician
> wtf I have a brain tumor now?
>If Date wasn't onto him as long, he would have made his move on Boss next
Yup. In fact, he still does in Ota's route, even though it's never addressed. Saito probably kills So in interrogation as Boss after that ending, when they go to interrogate "Iris" about the theft of Mayumi's knife
You think Amane wanted to succ Ota in secret?
I wish mermaid girl had a bigger role.
I mean, Date figures out enough of it that Saito confesses the rest, so I'm fine with it.
Yeah I did kinda noticed that bit. While those two were the ones who ultimately stopped him in the end, they never really did figure out the mystery in the end. They were close though
She's sequelbait. She will turn out to be a member of NAIXATLOZ
>She's actually a real mermaid and wasn't bullshitting
Literally why the FUCK does this game not mention this cult even ONCE? It was one of the text for the initial trailer and was talked about in the A-Set videos.
admit it, you fell for this red herring
Yeah. It was very obvious that he was in Boss' body at the end of Ota's route meaning that Hitomi was in danger next if she wasn't already taken at that point
Iris does talk about it in her route.
Conveniently, she dies of her brain tumor before she can find anything that implicates them
They talk about it extensively in the routes branching off of not curing Mizuki's aphonia. also, the A-Set videos were basically one enormous red herring lmao
That would be kino above mindhacks.
Not really. I kinda had a feeling what was going on at this point due to prior clues and what Pewter said about the Psync machine.
Literally sequelbait. Who wants to bet that they're the ones who helped in Saito's mom dying of "childbirth" and fucked up Saito's brain?
It gets brought up in Iris's route as a red herring, but since you learn she has a brain tumor like immediately afterwards, it really doesn't feel like Uchi even really attempted to make you fall for it.
Legit was convinced it was So and Boss knew all along all the way up until Renju appeared stabbing Shoko in the Somnium. Then I kicked myself for not immediately realizing that both of Iris' Somnia were Minecraft-themed and yet it didn't appear at all in the left path. Should've realized it waaaaay earlier but I fell hard for the bait
Can we not do this? If we act like all the dumb shit that doesn't matter needs to expanded upon in sequels, they'll do it.
Do you want Zero Time Dilemma? This is how you get Zero Time Dilemma.
If you paid attention to Pewters talks on that route it becomes insanely obvious that body swapping is a thing, so no.
It doesn't need to but writing is on the wall. You don't just vaguely mention this cult and not do anything with it.
>tfw her tumor actually was correct about that cult
Wadjet is the sequel bait.
Receptionist is the best heroine.
We now have no idea what the fuck was happening to Tesa's videos in the ARG if Naix doesn't exist... feels a little "JUST KIDDING I'M MAKING IT ALL UP" to me.
>tfw they're going to ruin a perfectly tight narrative in 8 years and Date is going to play fourth fiddle to a bunch of one-note characters who have mastered the art of Psyncing and it's all going to be a plot to stop the real bad guys that Naizatloz has been fighting this whole time that we never mentioned before lol
Delete this.
That ending with her was pure kino. How many babies did she and Date pop out there?
When you put it like that....then I'm fine with what we got. Though a Detective Mizuki game would be nice.
It's literally just a little girl that's about to die from a brain tumor buying into conspiracy theories to try and explain all the bad shit that happened to her.
It's not like Naix was ever even hinted at or brought up outside of her delusions, there is absolutely zero reason to think there is anything more to it.
>tfw it turns out she wasn't making it up
Oh but when it turns out that there is more to it, what will you do then?
It was all true, it just happened in the parallel universe where Iris was an idol working for Chunsoft instead of Lemniscate
Only if it takes place in the Mizuki END universe and she has Aiba as a shouldermon like Detective Pikachu
Nothing since there obviously won't be.
This entire game is fairly down to earth and tries it's hardest to be reasonable, most likely because Uchikoshi got a ton of flak for how retarded and out there Zero Escape ended up being.
That would be kino. But Uchikoshi did say that any follow up would take place after the true route
Why do you like making things up user? You're just setting yourself up for disappointment. >m
>This entire game is fairly down to earth and tries it's hardest to be reasonable
Yeah like when it introduces a 12 year old who beats up armed guards with a pipe and can jump hundreds of feet with no issue, as well as a man who can instantly kill everyone around him if triggered by the mention of porn, as well as distracting armed guards with nothing but porn and lingerie
Make peace with the fact that Uchikoshi is a good writer but a disgustingly bad story planner
Don't remind me
We've known about that cult for awhile plus we still need to know what the meaning is for that secret QR code with Manaka that can be found in the Sagan's home in the true route
iris' route is the WORST route by far.
So do you think Uchikoshi genuinely believes in the morphogenetic field?
He posts about it on To-Witter a lot, and I thought that was just going to be his gimmick for all his games in a loose shared universe, but Zero Escape is expressly fictional in the world of Ai The Somnium Files and they never bring up the morphogenetic field as a concept, yet Date clearly uses it in the same way that Junpei and Sigma did in Zero Escape.
He probably has his beliefs on it seeing as Junpei, Sigma and now Date can use those fields.
The morphogenetic field is real. They litearlly spoonfeed you the evidence in 999, but I can see how you'd miss it since it's mixed in with fake or unverified ideas
Wait what
Would be true except this is an Uchikoshi game. Remember All-Ice?
2 case file left bros, anything can top mizuki end? and fuck ota
I thought that the Wadjet system was basically a technological version of the morphogenetic field, which is already a "cloud" for human consciousness.
Nope, Mizuki is a perfect daughteru and she's not the focus of the true ending so it's not as good
I wonder if Aiba and Sean are friends
Don't leave me hanging, what [spoilet]QR code?[/spoiler]
Other user's aren't joking. Iris route made me uninstall
So is the game actually good or not?
Is it better than ZTD at least?
significantly. It's on par with the best parts of VLR and 999
Excuse me for being a brainlet, but I'm fairly certain I missed a really important detail in the story, but I think I may need clarification How was Date able to remember things between the routes towards the end of the game? Was there some VLR fuckery that I missed or was it because of his recovering memories or something?
just because
Pretty sure he's unironically a shifter.
Naix doesnt exist. The wadjet system is friendly. Snails never killed anyone.
Why does Mizuki have superhuman strength
If Saito retains enough memories from body jacking to effectively replicate that person well enough to fool people who knew them why didn't he have even a shred of knowledge about Aiba
Why did my game suddenly switch to the shitty dub actors for the final credit song?
The dub is better than the sub in AI.
The credit song is only in english across all versions. If I had to guess they couldn't get all the JP voice actors to sing the song together well enough (or having everyone sing was a last minute addition kind of thing)
>Snails never killed anyone
Alright, now I know you're bullshitting me, you damn brat
Why did the switching work every single time except for the first Falco(as Rohan) and Saito time?
Wish the game had a more memorable soundtrack. The only ones that i remember (not necessarily good, just that i remember them)
>the minecraft psync
>Iris's Pop song (which is kind of catchy but it's not good)
>the piano part of
>Lemniscates theme
and none of them compare to Morphogenetic Sorrow/Blue Bird
this game has so many references hidden
>ever17 directly referenced
>remember11 ignored except for you know what, if you played both it and ai
They never explain it. Uchikoshi believes in morphic resonance, so it makes sense that he would just make SHIFTing an assumed part of the universe for his stories.
Some of the stuff knows can't be explained by regaining memory so Date is a SHIFTer.
It's explained that the first Psynch was forcibly stopped, so some shenanigans with egg yolks and shit happened. As far as Aiba is concerned, I assume that information would have been irrelevant to him because all he cared about was getting his original body back and make Date suffer
Probably because it was an amateur's first time using the shitty prototype so he fucked something up.
I played it and didn't see it? Where was it?
You mean the fact that the blondie MC was originally in the black-haired antagonist's body?
also remember11's original development name was Parasite before it was turned into an infinity title
Why do american always have to look down being cheesy and are trying to take all of them serious as much as possible? What makes they fear actually? being seen as immature, ungrown-up manchildren?
I remember some years ago we talking about the Berestein Bears and the Mandela Effect with Uchikoshi in the twitter, he actually used them as reference in the game. lmao
Just got the ending.
Are there any extra scenes unlocked by finding all the hidden items in the Psyncs, or just concept art?
Just concept art. The real shit is filling up the appendix by exploring every object in the main part of the game. You get a lot of small character and plot details in some of them
Oh I did extensively search every single scene. I think I was still missing one or two entries from the appendix though.
good user!
>no manaka
you fucked up
Anyone not voting Aiba is plain wrong
He did nothing wrong
Anyone not voting for Boss are just fucking morons. That woman saved Date's ass for YEARS. Before, during, and after everything else. The one constant in his fucking miserable life.
Hitomi does not deserve shit.
Any other good VNs to play right now that are on Steam?
>kept watch for the fucking yakuza murders
>neglected his daughter
>turned a blind eye to his wife beating his daughter
>left Hitomi to wallow in near-poverty as a single mother when he made it rich
>got that haircut
what did he do right, exactly?
>left Hitomi to wallow in near-poverty as a single mother when he made it rich
wait stop for a moment where was this mentioned her house is pretty big
She can't even afford her daughter's medical treatments. Renju hired Iris out of pity but he could have just paid for it
Nonary Games and Zero Time Dilemma.
Iris on a mission the sacred herald,
ZTD is bad, let's not stay in denial. It's been 3 years.
Just got to my first route block on the green route and have to go play other segments to gather more information, then I saw this. Please tell me this was done on purpose.
Kara no Shoujo
Key stuff (Clannad, Little Busters)
Muv Luv
Dies Irae
ISLAND is a pretty good 7/10
Steins;Gate, Chaos;Child
There's actually quite a lot of semi-mainstream VNs on steam.
I had fun for a week and the ending made me laugh.
Finds a way
Which one of these didn't get censored by Valve?
user you are asking this like we said porn vns
Shut up, fag.
I think it's answered in the thread but I'm trying to evade black bar general stuff.
How's the dub compare to the Jp version? About to start the game now. I've skimmed a few comments suggesting that there are weak points in the dub, but overall it's good. If that's the case it'll do for me.
Just play on JP
not him because I can't give a shit but funnily enough most of that list do have porn scenes
There's no badly voiced dubbed characters.
At worst they're 'ok', most of them are good/great. The receptionist has a god tier english voice for her personality.
The dub is really good for this game. Out of everyone, I think Mizuki has the best performance dubwise, her personality is captured beautifully.
Only just 10 hours in, but aside from Aiba's screaming being rather annoying, I think the dub is really good and fit the characters really well.
It occurred to me that at the end of the Ota route, Date mentions that Iris has woken up and is being transferred out of the ICU. But we know the real Iris is dead, and the Iris in the hospital is really So Sejima trapped in Iris's body. Pretty fucked up ending.
today marks day 3 of not being able to get the chorus of Invincible Rainbow Arrow out of my fucking head senD HELp
is the ending song always dubbed? i play undub but then they start singing in English
Same thing happened to me, huge cringe.
I think it may be a bug.
quality wise it's fine when iris is singing, but it went haywire when mizuki came in
i want to date date
I can't help you, I got Invinicble Rainbow Arrow playing on repeat
>Hitomi dancing
literally what
>music by Renju
>lyrics by Iris
So that's why it sounds gay and the lyrics are retarded
Wet, bed, A-set!
Sorry man, can't think of anything
So, I just beat the game, but it crashed right before credits. Is that a known thing? I can't get to the credits. On PC obviously
I didn't crash during the credits, but I did crash a lot in various psyncs throughout the game.
The Yakuza theme cracks me up for some reason, it's very stereotypical and bombastic.
I know I'm to blame for clicking a video with the word "ENDING" in it, but fuck, I think just got spoiled.
>black bar general
>clicks link with ENDING in it
C'mon man
There's a Pop Team Epic sketch if you punch Plate A
>Date is voiced by Delta's VA when the game ends
Bravo Uchi
That whole somnium seemed like the one most peppered with references in the whole game (thanks to Ota being an otaku I guess).
I remember at least the MGS oil drum reference and the Evangelion quote from Aiba.
Please respond, it's not the first time you mentioned QR code in these threads.
why is almost every line in this game quotable?
I wouldn't say every line, but it's jam-packed with jokes, yeah.
Wait when was this? I got the achievement for inspecting it, but not with Iris's comment
During the epilogue, inspect if a few times.
During the epilogue
holy shit i just realized.
date only shot rohan because he couldn't see from his left side and see Hitomi.
>Date doesn't marry Hitomi
>Date marries Reika or the Receptionist
How do you feel?
The only one on that list that got censored as far as I'm aware is SubaHibi, and that was just 1 CG image depicting loli bestiality. The scene is still there, fully voiced, and everything, there's just one image they don't show you.
i fell for the receptionist ending
Receptionist already had her own end
whats with every fag and censorship?
jesus christ, there's always patches and if you're going to jack off then you might as well buy a porn game instead.
we are the villain all along
Because 90% of the random non-story related dialogue is references. From pop culture, to internet memes, over other games, all the way to super obscure doujin titles someone on the team must have played ages ago. There's an absolutely obscene amount of references in basically every scene.
This sound like something straight out of Danganronpa
I'm a bit disappointed.
In the epilogue Date's left eye doesn't work but the scenes don't look any different.
I liked all the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy jokes. The only ones you ever see anymore are lol42 xddd LUE xdd
Pretty good song desu
Am I the only one who took way too long on the pentagram puzzle?
love this bro.
Post the smuggest Aibas please
I like psycho-smile Aiba
>no fucks given ending
What was even the joke with that?
I feel like the whole Atami thing is supposed to be one big reference
The fuck? I thought steam cracked down hard on stuff like this
can someone explain the cup size joke?
No idea. But playing with jap audio I can tell how much of jokes and tongue twisters are missed in translation
That's one of the reasons why it's censored
That's half lost in translation.
The question Date asks can mean both "How many breasts do you have?" and "What's your breast size?", what you are asking for depends entirely on the context. She just ignores what he means entirely and answers she has two breasts. Because three would obviously be weird.
Atami is a famous hot springs town. I feel like it's probably a reference to some ancient adventure game that has you drop everything and just go to Atami as a joke ending, but who the fuck knows.
I have no idea why they added this to the game.
Fuck, forgot to spoiler the image first time
AHHHHHHHH I just got the big reveals (not sure if there's more)
so that you can see the best waifu dance, cab driver
whats the colour of your path?
path color is green, but I know there's probably more because there's one lock i haven't cleared yet
^ Spoilers
Well, that's why it was censored.
It's not some fucked up nukige all about little girls being raped by animals if that's what you are thinking, though it does get plenty fucked up at times.
I don't see anything that looks like a dick in that picture
Takuji's a true madlad. His chapter with Kimika's ending was something else.
i remember reading this but i cant remember much other than that chick who ended fucking her own dad then walking around town naked
easily the most memorable track in the game for me, along with Lemniscate's theme
If you fail it once (i put a block down and it just automatically tried to complete it) Aiba tells you you need to at least mirror each side with the blocks and because of the corrupted pedestals the only way you can place the blocks so that they mirror is the correct way anyway
Honestly wish I could play it again for the first time, what a fucking ride.
I still get goosebumps every time Yoru no Himawari pops up on my playlist.
I am actually kind of bummed out there never was a scene like
>guys the body swapping failed! hes still saito!
>no dont trust him! the swapping worked! hes saito!
aiba could just message/call the others and tell them anyway
Aiba would just yell look a porno mag
uncontested best area theme
Aiba would obviously be convienently short circuited.
this theme is also really good
>tfw you will never see your own Aiba dance next to a skeleton
The only way the true path functions is if Date can access the morphogenetic field, right?
Or just remember stuff via the memories that are in his head.
He's obviously mindhacking the collective unconsciousness, it's setting up for the sequel where he becomes Delta
but 999 is fiction inuniverse.
So Iris's route is the worst route?
It's just 1 cheeky poster, no?
I hope, that's the first one I've got.
Doesn't work. He remembers hugging Mizuki in the hospital (or whatever it was, might not be hugging) from the Mizuki route, he remembers the Taxi driver from whatever route he's in and the only reason he knows where Hitomi was taken in the true route is because of the annihilation ending. Date also half-remembers the body swapping Saito did with Renju/Shoko when you ask him about what he was doing on the other days in the true end
stop using spoiler tags. anyone who has not beaten the game should not be in these threads
It's Black Bar General for a reason, faggot.
why does it matter
The stuff he couldn't remember was mostly in the epilogue, so maybe we can write it off as small 4th wall break.
everything i mentioned bar taxi is pre-epilogue
There is a demo right? Which platform(s)? I need a timekiller and weeb let it die seems up my alley
On Steam if you have a timer, every game has a demo.
Just finished it. This is easily Uchikoshi's best game.
You could actually figure the mystery out yourself for once and weren't just at the mercy of last minute deus ex machinas turning everything you thought true over on its head. It was actually fair and respected your time.
>weeb let it die
You're thinking of Code Vein which is far closer to Weeb Souls or Weeb Surge than Let it die.
This is a visual novel. Code Vein's demo is ps4 only.
holy shit how embarassing but thank you anyway, I'll have a look
I think this is something people don't quite "get". If you go into this game thinking it's 999 or VLR, then you'll notice the following common complaints:
1) Too short
2) Plot twists were too easy to predict
3) Gameplay parts sucked
But if you think of this as a murder mystery, the plot twists are stuff you can SOLVE and the Gameplay is more than just the Somnium sections, it's listening to dialogue, thinking something sounds off, checking the Profiles, thinking, making inferences and trying to wrap your head around it. It's a 20 hour puzzle instead of several 15 minute ones with a stupid pseudoscience being responsible for all the inexplicable things happening.
>This is a visual novel
Fuck off. It's an adventure game, a point and click. Visual Novels do not have gameplay.
I prefer the Mayumi Somnium theme and the Date Somnium, I love me a good somber tune
but now that i look at the thread again, holy shit its uchikoshi? I remember being recommended 999 and then binging it and VLR for a week straight
I'm actually glad I mistook it for another game otherwise I wouuld never have heard of this
Both Psyncing in the Mountain and in the Captain were also amoung my favorites
My biggest issue is there's no gameplay climax, that comes from nailing down the final clues in the courtroom in DR/Ace Attorney, for example.
Although pretty retarded when you actually think about what was happening even 999 had it with Morphogenetic Sorrow playing during that Sudoku.
I guess it's a small thing but for me it's the difference between being an observer (like watching a movie play out) and actually being involved/engaged in the climax.
Please, I like the game but the psync scenes make up 15-20% of the game at most (and all are very easy) and outside of that you're on rails.
This. I think I spent most of the time just inspecting everything, it was just so fun. The workbooks at Hitomi's house, the journals at Lemniscate, the fridge at Mama, the glove compartment in the car and et cetera. And even though you visit every location quite a lot, they never repeat, and the characters often comment on things.
Sorry for the dumb question, but is it worth playing through 999/VLR/ZTD if I've been spoiled on some of the twists already or would it just ruin the experience?
The probably biggest things I've been spoiled on are:
- Junpei also being a character called Sigma or something like that
- Some things taking place on the moon
- "Shifters" that can jump between timelines being a thing
- Some bald guy with sunglasses having complex motives and probably being the main villain/mastermind
There's some smaller stuff I think I somewhat remember reading, like character deaths, but I'm not clear enough on the details of any of it to really know for sure so I don't think it'd matter too much.
It must be a sign user
Junpei is named tenmyouji you retard.
VLR takes place in the moon.
Yes about shifters
and the bald guy is actually in the Q team but you don't see him because he's off camera.
Doesn't sound too bad actually. I'd say go for it.
Character deaths mean nothing because there are multiple paths, so it could be anyone.
yeah sure
>Junpei also being a character called Sigma
This just isn't true
Junpei is the 999 MC
Sigma is the VLR MC
Both are completely unrelated different characters
You've got most of the things wrong, actually.
>fake spoilers
>fake spoilers
uh no sweetie, guess you didn't play the game huh.
if those are pretty much the only things you've been 'spoiled' on then you really haven't been spoiled much at all.
>hey guys these are the vague and even incorrect things i've heard do you think this would ruin the story for me
what is wrong with you dude
here's the bad guy too.
>I guess it's a small thing but for me it's the difference between being an observer (like watching a movie play out) and actually being involved/engaged in the climax.
I don't think you're wrong, but once the mystery is solved your role is basically over. The only thing you really need to remember is that HAHA SATOMI PUT AN EXPLOSIVE INTO HIS SKULL THE FUCKING DUMBASS. WHY THE FUCK WOULD I SHOOT WHEN I CAN JUST POP YOUR HEAD OFF?.
Also I think it IS more accurate to describe this as a point and click adventure game- but I'd also be willing to bet that the person adamant about saying it's not a VN would swear EVE was a VN.
You must be really fun at nonary games.
I'm confused, I thought he wanted to know the twists for the games. I must've misread his post.
Just don't respond to the retard.
I thought he wanted a recap.
>My biggest issue is there's no gameplay climax
Pretty much this. As soon as you get confirmation on the mystery's solution the game just stops being interesting.
The entire finale has zero suspense or anything, they just slowly rattle off the entire plot a couple times to make sure you understood what was happening even if you didn't solve anything yourself, which by the way takes up way too much fucking time, and then move onto that half hearted climax with the final Somnium and that hostage situation. The second Satou reveals himself the game just starts dragging its feet.
i made a mistake, how do i delete my posts?
The annihilation ending really should've had another branch/ending after the true one. Ending with BossDate just passing out instead of realizing he still has to care for Mizuki is a lame cop out.
Well, maybe I'll play through it in a decade when I forgot most of this shit. Have plenty of other things I can play right now anyways.
Thanks for the input.
How much has this degenerated into pathetic otaku pandering shit compared to 999?
Yeah actually I think the final Somnium of the Mizuki route was better in that regard than the actual finale of the whole game.
MC is also based and hates on otaku shit with his sidekick
Probably, but ultimately the game wants you to catch the villain. I think it'd be a little messed up if you had to PROVE who the killer was in the finale when you've basically gotten him arrested anyway.
It's absolutely filled to the brim with weeb references. If you find that offensive you probably won't enjoy this game.
the ota and iris endings feel like such a cop out when Saito is still at large and likely still leading up to murdering Date. They both need at least one extra day where Date is murdered by Saito-So on Iris's route and Boss-So on Ota's route
The otaku character is an ungrateful little shit. There's A LOT of sex and dick jokes, though.
To be fair, in the Mizuki ending you do actually catch the villain even if you're not fully aware of what was going on. [/spoiler]It just makes it look like So was behind everything, which, essentially, he was. It still creates a nice bookend for the story and helps reinforce Date as his own person rather than being tied down to Falco and Hitomi/Iris.[/spoiler]
This is why I imagine the final sequence in the Danganronpa Court Room battles is that comic strip where you have to correctly piece together the sequence of events, it makes you feel like you're nailing down what happened.
To be fair, in the Mizuki ending you do actually catch the villain even if you're not fully aware of what was going on. It just makes it look like So was behind everything, which, essentially, he was. It still creates a nice bookend for the story and helps reinforce Date as his own person rather than being tied down to Falco and Hitomi/Iris.
Delete what? You must've saw something from a parallel universe, user.
I think they went a bit extreme with trying to cram references into all the exploration and somnium parts.
Okay, but why is there a girl with cat ears featured heavily in the promotional material
It's a bit complicated but it has to do with cancer
she's your adoptive daughter and has a brain tumor and needs to wear it to slow it down. she says weird shit and misleads you because of her brain tumors.
She's literally, unironically a minecraft Let's Player who loves to dance on stream. Think of her as a typical titty streamer but instead of tits it's being cute.
the MC literally gains superpowers when near porn mags
Because there is no other poster girl alternative.
complexe motives guy is voiced by wesker
yeah, a sign to get the fuck out before I hover over some spoilers
>Okay, but why is there a girl with cat ears featured heavily in the promotional material
Anyone? I finally got home and checked the times when the Sagan residence appeared in the true route, but couldn't find it. Are you bullshiting me, user?
Man, this thread's pretty long-lived. It started when it was morning for me, and now it's almost night
Reminder that if Saito had a porn mag behind him in the climax, Date could have easily finished him off
doesn't that QR code just lead to a video of some dance or something? basically an easter egg.
That's what the Somnium sections are- if you understand the motivations behind characters and what the stuff "symbolizes" then there's very little guesswork.
There is no QR Code. It's just some guy falseflagging.
He keeps posting about it every fucking thread but never follows up with anything.
How many route locks does the game actually have? I only saw three of them on my playthrough, two on salvation route and one on annihilation route.
maybe he's confused on what he heard from someone else. The photo in Hitomi's house turns into a QR code in the last few seconds of one of the pre-release ARG videos.
there's 6 routes
Is the true ending on left or right side of Iris' Psync? I want to finish her route first and I'm unsure where do I go
Just play the fucking game, it won't let you get any of the spoilery endings until you've seen everything else regardless.
Right. Left is her own route.
Iris has 3 Psyncs. Which one are you talking about?
For her route, believe her. For the true route you need to do everything else anyway so the game would stop you.
>there's _ routes
I mean what's the maximum number of times the game could stop you with a "the case remains unsolved".
Her Shovelforge Psync? The game will stop you pretty quickly if you choose to not believe her and force you to finish her route first.
So Uchikoshi's endgame is becoming japanese David Cage right?
Redpill me on this. Will it scratch that itch for another Zero Escape/Danganronpa? Because Zanki Zero sure as hell isn't.
Wow that's a lot of yous for a simple question, thanks guys.
Yeah, it's the not minecraft one pretty cringe btw, I'm already locked at the A-ending so I want to go there first. Thanks.
As someone who finished both Zanki Zero and this, I'd say you have better chances with AI.
>pretty cringe btw
You're the one who wants to bang a high school egirl youtuber. Not me.
No, that's Chiyomaru, who in some recent interview said that the low popularity of VNs was because people don't want to read, that's why he made S;G Elite.
Yakuza 'shootout' was shit.
The bodyguard shootout at So's place was garbage.
Street shootout was ok.
Warehouse shootout was fucking kino.
I don't know why those scenes were in the game and I especially don't fucking understand why Mizuki has superstrength. It seems like the ONLY reason she's superhuman is so she can take place in those action scenes as a 12 year old.
imagine not liking fun
I thought they talked about her genetics
The credits music makes me think that at some point during devlopment the game was a serious sci-fi murder mystery with a darker tone
What a shame they went for the humor and emotional aspects, the game is good but it could have been a masterpiece
if they were all of the quality of warehouse/street would've been ok.
I don't even mind the porn fixation it's the superhuman date and especially mizuki that annoys me
I don't remember that ever being brought up unless i missed an optional dialogue, I know she was born like that but don't remember any explanation.
The action scenes were all garbage.
I get they are there because genre tropes they play for laughs, but they just completely missed the mark for me and very quickly got incredibly annoying.
Best girl
>You will never have a body part that's also a sarcastic, witty, tsundere electronic shrimp waifu
>Boss has a name
color me surprised
I fucking love Date.
I fucking love Aiba.
Sequel when?
Mario is the hero we need.
>I fucking love Aiba.
>About Renju...
Do you want another ZTD? Because that's how you get ZTD.
That will only happen when he accidentally makes a good game because the actors intentionally disregard his direction and become pure kino
Also I'll take Uchi's crude humor perviness over Cage's shower scene perviness any day.
Would you skullfuck Date just to get a chance to cover Aiba in your seed?
Is it ever explained why Date can remember events from other timelines? I just got the true ending and I feel like I missed something. Are we supposed to just assume he can access the morphogenic field like characters from Zero Escape can?
It's just a gameplay convenience with no story impact.
The only times it's even the only plausible explanation is with the taxi driver and the nurse in the final ending, all the other times you can easily explain it away with his memories slowly returning.
It's a bit of a throw-away reference to the other series and not really utilized at all.
My guess though is that Because the original psync Date went through was incomplete and only transferred over his consciousness, it resulted in giving him weak access to the morphogenic field
You faggots were talking yesterday that Mizuki is worst route. After finishing her route and last dive I can say you can kindly go and fuck yourself with LGBT baits.
Who said that? All left routes are great. "Believe" is the worst route.
I liked "believe" just for the reveal that parallel worlds don't exist. I thought that Ota's route was the worst.
>After finishing her route and last dive I can say you can kindly go and fuck yourself with LGBT baits.
People talking about how Mizuki is like "LGBT has artists" like that's not objectively fucking true and ignoring the fact that one gay guy abandons his daughter entirely giving her a severe complex about emotional neglect and the other is so blind to his love that even though he can make advanced AI he doesn't bother thinking that maybe breaking a serial killer out of jail might be a bad idea.
Mama is cool though.
Inside So's residence during fight. Did he tell Date that he's his son?
I finished.. it's all over now. I hate that void feeling..
>Ota's route was the worst.
Ota shouldn't be in this game. Annoying prick.
>Mizuki hospital scene
>easily explain
Anything in the epilogue might not be canon. Even Aiba's revival.
I thought it was some translation error.
It will make sense soon.
>Date literally thinking to himself during Saito's explanation "Wait why the fuck do I know all of this already".
And it's not about Date's mindswaps, either. It's about what Saito was doing.
>Even Aiba's revival.
Its canon metafiction.
Pewter one way or another probably knew #89 isn't serial killer since he should be onto the mind switching business. Boss on the other hand due to her lady boner for Falco performs mind switch using government top secret machine, which then falls into the hands of the worst person possible because Boss and Date are massive retards covering several death rows' worth of crimes between murders, political blackmail, corruption, and general mishandling of the police department.
Is final route completely blocked until you play through anything else? I already got one lock after Iris dive cancer reveal
There are two routes that are locked until you've done everything else. The game has you do them consecutively for the finale.
Heard there's a gay couple in this game. Are they hot? and do either die?
Do the Mizuki and Ota route actually unlock something on Salvation route? They don't really add any relevant facts to the case (aside from the Ota epilogue).
One always dies, the other is good guy half the time, bad guy the other half.
>Pewter one way or another probably knew #89 isn't serial killer since he should be onto the mind switching business.
They knew Rohan was an accomplice by Psyncing with him when they swapped. They all think Rohan is in Falco's body. That's why they were fine with him being in jail.
As for Boss, I believe the only black mail and "orders from higher up" that happen are because she knows of So's involvement with Saito. So is also, allegedly, the only government official that knows about ABIS in the first place, which begs several questions none of which are condemning of Boss. Also, Boss is a perfect human being and you're an asshole.
Where the fuck does Pewter go during the Annihilation ending? Shouldn't he be watching the interrogation / body switching parts of it?
does he stay good by the end and is he the green glasses guy who lives
Is Ota route the one alternative to Mizukis? Is it long, because I hate that obnoxious faggot.
It's about as long as Mizuki's and it's more about how Ota is an ungrateful fuckup failure.
I thought that Pewter ran off to organize the search before Saito asks Date to swap.
Green guy ends up in prison in the true ending because he helped the villain.
Yes, it isn't that long and mostly focuses on Mayumi.
Am I the only one who actually really likes Ota?
mainly because he reminds me of myself
That wouldn't make sense though for two reasons. One, there's no need for him personally to organize the search and two, the best thing to do would've been to keep an eye on the two during the body swap situation rather than bail and let him escape. Pewter just completely vanishes after you do the psync with bossaito.
No, I like him too.
I'm starting to hate a bunch of these newfag posters just going xD GAY FAGGOTS? HAHAHA LGBT? IS IT GOOD BECAUSE I DONT LIKE LGBT GAY PEOPLE HAHAHAHA XD
Yes, I thought the same thing. The game had kind of an ambient soundtrack the whole time. That's fine but then nothing stands out.
>what a shame they went with the emotional aspects
Do you literally, unironically hate art?
Post funny aibou faces please
just ignore this shit, we're on Yea Forums after all
That's why I hate him.
Most of his haters are people that relate to him too much and can't stand the sight of their reflection
Is uchi a heavy drinker?
No, I just hated poorly written and executed drama in VNs which is as far from art as it can gets
Iris was a lot less annoying in the game than the ARG youtube videos, even likeable. Minecraft Somnium 1 was the best somnium in the game, really feels like a fever dream and perfectly reflects her mental condition.
extremely based and redpilled results sk far
>yfw there are shovels in ShovelForge
Well in the ARG YouTube videos, she's parodying Kizuna Ai, so of course she's over-the-top with the genki girl routine
I kinda of want to redo all the somniums now that I've finished the game..
He would could save a lot of money just doing ambien
Okay but if you didn't cry during Mizuki's route, you might actually lack the empathy gene
You bang her mom.
* remembers being in the hospital
* remembers "parallel worlds exist!"
Date is SHIFTing but it doesn't directly affect the story.
Just finished all the route.
Loved it.
I think it is one of the Uchikoshi's best work.
>everything tied up beautifully
>no apparent plot holes
>no forced meta 4th wall breaking mind fuck (I know there is with the morphogenetic field shit but it wasn't being used as a major plot device)
Almost doesn't feel like a Uchikoshi's work.
I like Mizuki's route the most although it is actually kinda depressing once you learned that Iris get replaced in this route
The whole reason why you couldn't do anything against So outside of going solo is because So and Boss were in double blackmail situation. Don't forget tens of Falco assassinations for Yakuza she covered up. Rohan also actually kill people himself, by serial killer I meant Falco.
Renju and Pewter are unironically more morally clear than Falco before Date and Boss.
Every non-true ending is depressing when you consider Iris or whoever is in her body is dead/about to die from cancer.
So what the deal with Renju and Pewter?
Renju turned into a faggot after getting divorced?
>How does it feel to be killed by your own father?
Not hot, and yes death. Their relationship is not really dwelled on, and you never see them together. I'd say the gayest element of this game is the fat drag queen bartender that you talk to a lot.
Pewter is actually a nice guy while Shoko is a cold bitch.
I'm glad Uchikoshi didn't go into parallel world autism. Did you guys REALLY wanna retrend that shit again?
They have similar writing and humour, but you're not trying to escape. I'd say give it a go though, it's a really good game.
I liked the dream sequences, but I also missed the escape puzzles.
>Picking Mizuki's parents over Date
Shit, that must feel awful for unconscious Date to witness.
The psynched person doesnt experience the dream the same way as the psyncher tho
I know. But there's gotta be some feeling that he experiences.
The dub are actually pretty good.
What happens if you do?
This was the first ending I got and my favourite somnium, amazing use of game mechanics to bring emotional impact.
It's a gameover but you just see him in the distance just slowly looking dead as the screen fades to black.
Minor spoiler and not answer to question
The route is about how much of a cunt Ota is. It gets really emotional though so still worth it.
>tfw cant motivate myself to continue on Zanki Zero
Started disliking the game when I realized its not a survival simulator but rather a dying simulator and you have grind the same Shikabane for every character...
>The credit song is only in english across all versions.
Nope I played through the game in moon,
the credit song is in Japanese in my playthough.
can someone post the epilogue dance in japanese?
T. Brainlet
How to not believe Iris?
Do not follow her instructions. The path diverges in the beginning.
I think the action scenes would've been better if they weren't constantly interrupted by Aiba scanning for possibilities, Date loading his gun with a special bullet (with an admittedly cool-looking animation), and standard textboxes on top of it all. If they were quick and flowed like an action scene should, I don't think it would have bothered me.
Craft different items than what she tells you to.
Don't put the thing in the pedestal, go to the "???" in the map.
Follow your heart.
Here I'll spoonfeed you
>don't craft the disco ball, craft something else
>go where Marble is and talk to the guy, see THIS MAN and you'll get some materials
>choose to craft nothing at the second table
>from there it's obvious
>not believing your autistic daughteruwaifu
what the fuck is wrong with you
Sorry I have the game on Switch.
Oh someone else who played on Switch. Did you need to wait forever for those "bubbles" to pop up during dialogue? Sometimes I had to wait like 10+ seconds for them to load.
Oh okay, I know what I did wrong before, thanks guys
She's retarded and annoying, of course I won't believe her
Sorry but the autism is contagious when hooked up via brain. It might lead to something stupid like Date pointlessly ripping out Iris' eye in her final moments, convinced that Somnium will somehow cure her brain cancer
Yeah some of the bubble takes forever to load and the game is lagging in some scene.
But overall it is a serviceable port.
Does anyone find the gap between Day 5 and Day 6 of Mizuki's route to be odd? All of the other days have the same spacing between them.
>pointlessly ripping out Iris' eye in her final moments
I thought it was going RTFM but maybe other routes will correct me.
So why the fuck would Saito randomly decided it was a good idea to switch body with Rohan
This is the only part that doesn't make sense to me.
Brain damage
It mostly bothers me when it takes 10 seconds to open a bubble for one line of dialogue, only to immediately unload it and start loading another one. Gets very tiring after a while.
Did you see Renju?
*popup of Renju adjusting his collar*
or what do you mean you don't wanna see shoko's body for the 999999th time?
Since Date didn't feel pleasure since he was in Souji's body. Doesn't that mean his love of porn was something Aiba did cause she controlled Date's dopamine levels?
When it's just a character model it's pretty quick. When it's something like loading the Cold Storage Warehouse I'm usually stuck waiting a while.
During the epilogue in Hitomi's house if you interact with shoebox and audiosystem, Hitomi and Iris would both comment on how he was a pervert even 6 years ago. Maybe it was amplified with drugs, but it was definitely originally in him.
I thought there would be a twist where Souji's young mind was in Date's body and causing him to have the horniness of an adolscent boy.
ZTD would be fun if it didn't have shifting and a non shitty villian and deus ex machinas.
and no mira
Just finished Mizuki route
Mizuki is so adorable.
How do I get a tsundere adopted daughter?
Trick a gay guy into marrying a figid bitch who kills people and then be there for him emotionally when it all comes tumbling down.
did akane just fucking leave the people left behind in vlr? please tell me she had a makeshift solution for when things go to shit they can just leave. they aren't just stuck there for the end of time, are they?
They are. Aiba is the new hotness.
wow what a cunt.
True ending shows that while the 9 door won't open again, the elevator can be taken down to floor B and people are free to come and go using that door, assuming the first people to leave realize that fact.
>Uchikoshi's new game was actually really really good and might be his best work.
>Kodaka's new game was fucking terrible and had a really shitty plot and gameplay
What new Kodaka game?
What is Kodaka's new game?
Apparently his next game is a collaboration with Uchikoshi, so hopefully that bodes well
Zanki Zero
He didn't work on it though, just people left over from the Danganronpa team.
mother fucker fake news fucked me over
my bad folks
It happens to the best of us
Will Kodaka be a bad influence on Uchikoshi or will Uchikoshi be a good influence on Kodaka?
This was pure kino
Not wrong. She's an eyeball that can hack into 99.99% of any computers and has three different types of vision, including one that detects lies.
...Welcome back.
They will probably bring the worst out of each other and keep encouraging each others insanity.
Which is absolutelty desireable.
How do I get the secret in ota warehouse psync?
There is a jump button?
Absolute cringekino
Go near the forklift and walk behind the shelf.
Isn't Nakazawa also the part of a core team for Death March Club? Wouldn't it be his and Uchikoshi's first collaboration again since Infinity series?
invincible rainbow arrow is a catchy song.
you can tell the VAs had lots of fun with it.
>Delta's VA singing
They couldn't have come up with a better ending
They actually already collaborated on Punchline, so no.
He also directed Punch Line.
Because Spike Chunsoft US are garbage.
>The dub is better than the sub in AI.
I don't know how you could even think this about a game with such a Japanese setting, but even disregarding that the dub has some atrocious acting. Not to mention in the context of this song specifically they didn't even bother trying to tell Iris's VA to sing in tune.
>The credit song is only in english across all versions.
No it isn't.
what's with jp only always hating on the dub? I can respect the jp dub but the eng dub was definitely really good.
Thank you for posting this user, I wanted to see what the final scene was like in JP since mine weirdly switch to English there too.
Oh I see thanks
>Death March Club
Isnt it confirmed that its just some quirky platformer anyways?
Oh, right, I forgot about it. I didn't play it. And judging by the the posts about it, it wasn't good, right?
That's because Spike Chunsoft didn't bother to put the Japanese FMVs in the game. They likely did it to save file space for the Switch version, but every version is effected. I bet they won't even bother to patch it.
The eng dub has the same problem a LOT of eng dubs have- it's almost like standard practice to just tell people about a character then immediately start recording lines starting at the beginning- making the dub at the first bit of the game a lot worse than it is later on.
So why was only that scene affected? All the other proper cutscenes played in Japanese just fine.
Not sure but I think it's split into VN like sections and 2d puzzle sections, not strictly a platformer.
Because it isn't better, which is what that user said.
It's miles better in Japanese. Still kind of cheesy and out of place, but it doesn't actively make me cringe with every fiber of my being like the dubbed version.
Yeah, I have to admit. The dialogue and stuff felt a bit off/weird in the beginning. I almost thought it was going for a "this isn't the real world" gimmick.
But other than that the voice actors were really great.
Except the henchmen speaking English in the action sequences
he's definitely throwing shade at the english dub when I thought they did a good job.
Oh, I thought that was intended, not a fuck-up.
It is.
I think the big issue is that voice actors rarely play games or whatever- so they never really "understand" the characters they play. Even if they play a generic tsundere anime girl of the season.
I know a voice actor in real life. She not a big one, only some side roles of unimportant characters. But she has never seen a subbed anime in her life.
I really don't think they did a good job though. Especially not when compared to the Japanese. A lot of the acting is just downright bad.
Intended that is.
But I don't know. I thought they did pretty well. Nobody was completely misdirected like Rina for 2B in Nier Automata.
Sunset, Silhouette, A-set!
end spoiler Every time Date looks at himself through Aiba and compliments his own appearance, it's not really his own appearance.
Name 1 (one) good female character from this game, besides Boss
Protip: you can't
Big tittiet secretary.
big titty nurse
Thicc skeleton Mermaid
Try Aiba, the only decent character in the game other than Date
The game is pretty bad. The overall story is decent IMO but from what I can tell from after playing the game, they just threw in a basic game around scenes lifted straight from the anime (I haven't watched the anime yet to confirm) but gave it a new ending.