"it's just nostalgia, everyone is going to quit"

>"it's just nostalgia, everyone is going to quit"
>almost a month later, over 100 realms worldwide still hitting High / Full every single day


Attached: it's just nostalgia.png (1250x1210, 840K)

Other urls found in this thread:




>Bragging about paying to play shit


Say it with me


>A DLC was still more profitable by far


Attached: 1462320558899.jpg (461x523, 89K)

>nazitoss watermark removed





The left can't meme.

It's already dying lmao, in 6 months it's gonna have at most 5k players of the most nostalgic and sad boomers


Stonetoss is a Nazi.

And here's why that's a good thing:

you think you do but you dont


Attached: 123324.png (1080x1080, 525K)



wtf I love Stonetoss now

>over 100 realms worldwide still hitting High / Full every single day
>blizzard too jewish to spend money on additional server power means the game is doing well
you're not too bright are ya?

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Attached: A2E5EEF5-C3E9-431C-B2EB-996083CF625D.jpg (480x640, 57K)

>Say it with me

not concurrent. could only be 100k concurrent players for all we know. and it probably is that low going by user reports

>Yea Forums

>not concurrent.

So what? WoW didn't have 12 million people all on at the exact same time during wrath of the lich king.

Who gives a fuck about concurrent, wow player numbers have always been measured in subs.

>Who gives a fuck about concurrent
anyone who isn't a blizzdrone. you can check out dota and csgo concurrent right here. note that you can actually see these stats because valve isn't a niggerdly company like activizzard:

Sir, this is a thread about the video game Classic WoW

you can stop playing coy
no one's buying it anymore.

>90% of the thread deleted
>not the thread itself
what the fuck

stonetoss is a janny confirmed

>one samefag gets banned
>half the thread vanishes

>23 / 7 / 21 / 1
based retard

Why should the thread be deleted?

Man I wish them maybe then threads wouldn't get nuked because ONE person posted a stonetoss comic. I swear one comic is all it takes to derail a thread and get it deleted.

me no like comic man

Remember when the idea of "don't post an image more interesting than your topic" meant you posted an actually interesting picture and people didn't go off about nothing?

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I love seeing things succeed when people want it to fail. I don't even like MMOs and I'm laughing at all the TORtanic retards crying for this game to fail, lmao.

Attached: 1568350094924.jpg (1024x577, 49K)

Everything was going just fine, people were doing the usual name meme but then OF COURSE you have that one retard that says
and then it all goes to shit

OP is literally related to the topic.



Attached: 1567021033100.png (420x420, 399K)

>roll on an RPPVP server with a militant tauren with PTSD trying to run drill exercises

Attached: reaction.gif (600x400, 2.99M)


Attached: YFUMF.png (2737x1479, 1.96M)

I mean, it is clearly still nostalgia. "Popular" and "nostalgic" aren't mutually exclusive.


Janny if you want people to stop greentexting then either delete the op image or delete the thread.

> runs at capes because it reminds him of the blood shed on D-day

i no lifed it for 2 weeks. 8 days played to hit 60, 1 more day played to get prebis and kill rag on the guilds first raid night. got kinda bored because there was nothing left to do. i ganked people for a few hours and decided i was done. i dont get how people can play it longer than that. alts maybe?

>giving in to temper tantrums
Don't do that Janny.

>playing a mmo will insulate you from society falling apart
>anybody who chose to not play will die in said apocalypse
This cartoon is retarded

The original was bitcoins

>Current Player Data
>While the information present right now isn't very representative, it already shows impressive numbers. Between US and EU Realms, there have been already over 4 million characters scanned in Classic realms.

characters arent the same thing as players. 1 guy could have 50 characters (at maximum, not realistically). Id estimate its at around 1.3mil players because everyone reserved 3 names

>over 100 realms

Citation please, I think you're full of shit and desperate to prove that classic is a success in the face of overwhelming evidence it is not.

Attached: thetimefortalkhaspassed.jpg (1242x630, 65K)

Outside is retail wow.

>somehow electric/computer powered currency will protect people in cataclysm

>spend all money on bitcoin only to lose it
>warcraft player while lazy at least had money to spend on firearms & supplies

Attached: what a grand and intoxicating innocence.png (800x600, 477K)

it is you who are the retard. the outside 'world' represents the modern state of the game.

Attached: 1547560481794.jpg (500x336, 68K)

Do people still play WOW?
2007 was 12 years ago

Just givin you some context my dude

>he thinks the "outside world" doesn't represent Blizzard as a whole

Attached: blizzard reputation cannot be repaired.jpg (412x439, 59K)

Its fine
I'm just shitposting at the pic

this comic is exclusively used for shitposting, fuck the fuck off.

I will be more worried if Shadman was a mod.

Burning Crusade is still the better game.

I wouldn't
at least Shad can take criticism and if he can't he doesn't take it out on others

Also the Blizzardpill is finally coming. They have never made a good game, not even Starcraft which has a fucking super restrictive meta at intermediate-high level.


I'm playing classic right now and I cant help but agree with this statement. OP, we are nothing but degenerates so whats the purpose of bragging?

>mfw been here since 2006 and I've had to suppress the urge to call everyone a fucking newfag for unironically not only playing WoW but being this nostalgic for it because it still feels like yesterday when WoWbabbies were laughed off the board.

Attached: Distraught Old Man.jpg (506x337, 28K)

its also a slap in the face of devs and their nu-wow garbage, everyone been telling them its shit for years
but in the end blizzard still makes a bank so fuck classic too

imagine paying a monthly subscription to play a video game

Same. Also cod babbies and halo drones.
How time flies, now the standard is phone games and phoneposting. That says a lot.

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>invite layer plz
>lfm spellcleave
There is no nostalgia. This isnt the same game. I got more nostalgia from Nost than this shit.

so much coping

>mfw been here since 2006 and I've had to suppress the urge to call everyone a fucking newfag
I know that feel. It's just pointless to call out new cunts because the majority of active posters are new. I realised this when I started looking at unix codes on images. Everyone's fucking new.

To my defense I've been on Yea Forums since late 2005 and I really never saved many pictures/reaction images back then. Also I changed drives way too many times to even know where my old meme stashes have gone, sadly.

Oh, everyone will. 'Everyone' being like 80%+.
But it'll be another 3 months or so. It's an odd duck. Only games with actual longevity to their gameplay like EQ or FFXI survive long-term in their classic form outside of some dedicated nutters, but they're also too beyond most peoples' tastes to attract the kind of bonanza that WoW does.

But on the other hand, there's just nothing engaging or difficult about vanilla WoW. Even Naxx is piss easy by modern standards. Once people get the nostalgia out of their system, finally do the raids they never did, etc, there really won't be anything left for the vast majority.

Which is fine. But really. It is nostalgia. There's not really much in the way of actual, lasting content in a themepark, even back then when things weren't quite as constrained and "do this content exactly as we intend".

I'm totally glad for people having a blast, but what're people going to do in a few months? Stand around in town in BiS? The only thing keeping Casual Craig from facerolling AQ40 and Naxx is the farming and time required.

Same applies to halo. The reddit infestation is really bad on this board

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Yeah there's people like you who have new unix codes because of reasons like that but I think you would be in the minority. Try looking at peoples file names and count how many of them start with "14" or less. It's so fucking rare. But there's an over abundance of new ones. Just look out how many images start with "156" in this thread alone.

Don't you guys think it's time to grow up and move on? I mean think about it, you devote a not insignificant portion of your day to arguing with people half your age about things that don't appeal to you. You're pushing thirty and you're STILL here
>inb4 Y-y-you're here forever h-haha
Low willpower cope.

Been here since 2014 and i only play single player games, check out how cool i am!

These people are my age, they just flock here from reddit

Good on them, I never played wow at that period, I was playing EQ and endless online and then maplestory. I played wow during mists, a bit, with a group of friends and I found it really fun, so all the qol shit getting removed seems like a detriment to me.

What's with this sudden influx of "le wrong generation" kids who try really hard to impress old neckbeards on message boards?

I'm 29, I got a well paying job and a family. I also like to play videogames and to talk about them, mostly to keep up with news and find like-minded people.
As shit as Yea Forums is, it's still the best place to get somewhat crude/honest impressions about games and I get to talk to people who I share an interest with, as long as you learn not to be involved in retarded bait threads and intentional misdirection tactics/shilling.
It could be much better, and it was 10+ years ago, but the sad thing is that the rest of the Internet is still much worse when it comes to these topics.
The internet has become commoditized so much that big companies and journalists are in cahoot with each other for stealth advertisement and viral marketing through multiple medium. I can't read news sites because it's either clickbait, native ads, or heavily opinionated agenda pushing. I can't read reddit because most of the posters are either shills or easily impressed drones that are unknowingly heavily manipulated by people with money buying bot farms for karma (see pic related, there's no way this obvious advertisting is not manipulated by third parties, but people still fall for it).
So all I have left is Yea Forums.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-09-21 at 23.01.40.png (1780x1058, 454K)

no shit, im a dota player, but wow has always measured its players in sub numbers, why would you try to switch to concurrent now.

>that picture
jesus christ

Don't you ever feel guilty browsing Yea Forums when you have a kid? Like there's something, anything, you could be doing to enrich their life or your own life instead?

>classic isnt a success
im laffin.

I don't have a kid.
But regardless, not really, why would I be?

Well if you don't have a dependent then it's an irrelevant question to you so never mind.

Not 2005 here but casually since probably 2007 or so.
When the fuck saves memes over the course of 15 years?
In the time since I started visiting Yea Forums I've finished school, moved out of parents home, been a Uni student, finished a degree, got married, got a full time career, bought a house and had two children.
You think I'm going to save pictures of Cockgobbler and Courage Wolf through all of that?

nooo i'm offended by stonetoss noooo he's raping me

I have a kid but I'm also still a person myself. Having kids doesnt mean you are now only a parent and nothing else. I can shitpost with the best of them then go and budget with my wife. The people of our age group invented chan culture, and we get to define it however we want.

Same, I was in highschool when I started coming here. Two degrees, a career, 5 different countries, and a marriage later and here I am still. I moved house at least 8 times since then.


Don't bother talking to these morons, they're here to ruin what makes you.

When phase 3 hits and the honor system gets re-introduced it'll give the game more life again.

Hit 35 tonight finally finished up gnomer quests, now gathering up some scarlet monastery quests and do that next. Playing pally enjoying it. Got. A few alts too

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I'm 37, I lead a normal life, and I will never leave this place because it is unfiltered fun.

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How the FUCK do I tank? I ran WC as a 20 warior and it was a fucking tragedy, no matter how many sunders I stacked nothing would stick.


Seriously if anything is yellow, good luck holding aggro

I was going to make fun of you but there's no need really.

Yeah, but you'd probably have to make some incorrect assumptions for them to hit. That's the point of my comment. Being on Yea Forums doesn't just stop your life.

are your weapon skills up to par? I'm imagining you probably play with a 2h solo or something, so your 1h might not be up to skill. you may also be using a weapon that doesn't let you generate enough rage. don't thunder clap as that requires battle stance and you aren't holding aggro in battle stance. demo shout, tab and sunder. if a low health target gets loose, have someone cc it or ideally burst it down. if it goes to a healer then consider picking it up. but if the dps are hitting your target that's usually a non-issue. some mobs run away low health, let your dps finish them, no need to chase.

What's a 37 year old doing posting rage comics? Just wondering.

What are you insinuating by pointing out that I posted one?

Just wondering.

Wojaks are funny.

so why go off about nothing if you hate that? you okay retard?

I'm actually thinking of quitting. I have over 2 days of /played, but the game became hilariously unfun now that I'm in contested zones. Population is ridiculously unbalanced on my server, so there's basically no way to progress at this point, and the game became more of a chore than fun. I had enough fun with it at this point, time to move on.

>Be 10
>Be a pokemon trainer
>lose to a girl your age on purpose
>She rapes you
Hooh nostalgia


>eu lakeshire ratio

To be fair it requires people to be online with said character at least once, so it's going to be more.

>imagine being such a faggot
>you care how people spend their free time
So glad I'm better than most of you ragging faggots.

>Go on PokeTLC
>Have a documentary about red
>"It was just a normal day in pallet town,"
>"Until I accidentally lost,"
>Title: I got pounded by a 10 year old

Attached: IMG_20190919_134142.jpg (700x933, 81K)

Don't bother. Unless your party is willing to wait for you to tab sunder sunder tab sunder sunder all elite mobs in a pull, you're not gonna reliably hold aggro on low level warrior. You're unironically better off just bringing a 2h weapon and holding threat by outputting damage and swapping to defensive stance to taunt a stray mob if really necessary.

Mobs don't hurt enough for a tank to be super necessary at low levels, so even if your party members end up tanking a mob each, it's not really a problem. Pretty sure 2h warrior tanking is more efficient overall, all the way up to level 50+ because you're so rage-starved with 1h/shield that you might as well be fucking useless. Keep a sword and shield for bosses, as some of those do big physical damage and holding threat on a single boss is usually fine. Otherwise go in swinging with your 2h until endgame.

t. leveled Warrior from 1-60 recently.

I too have held retarded opinions for years and pretended they were lauded as majority consensus so that i can pretend that i am jaded and cool to the underage b&s, otherwise people might find out i'm a huge giga newfaggot trying to play gatekeeper

Man, I hope I’m not like you when I’m 37.