I know people here shit on Obsidian, but I'm willing to see what they'll do with proper budget and, hopefully...


I know people here shit on Obsidian, but I'm willing to see what they'll do with proper budget and, hopefully, good new hires.

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They're rising bros, bethsoft better beware

It's gonna be a Wasteland spinoff with New Vegas gameplay


Wow its nothing

imagine a rpg set in the halo universe

>12 people that will be fired the moment this extra load of work needed to reach a milestone or deadline is done with
No thanks

Getting bought out doesn't mean they fired all the writers, which they should have. Expect Spongebob tier humor with a thick coat of nihilistic anarchism.

Obsidian is owned by MS now the days of 1 year rushed deadlines should be a thing of the past

This, they have the resources there is literally no point in half assing it and fucking employees over. Especially when the expectations are not even on the sales as much as pushing GamePass.

imagine having about 80 IQ

maybe next life, champ

>Already forgetting Scalebound's dev hell

Well, now Spencer is the head honcho and he gave them autonomy to develop their games as they see fit, so days of execs coming over with their fresh new takes every month should be over.

>Crackdown 3

That have been in development hell way before his time in charge.

That would be hilarious.

First person pillars of eternity?


Sounds pretty shit. Halo is dudebro sci-fi. Good setting for shooting things, not for much else.

State of Decay 2? Sea of Thieves?

How many more excuses are you going to make?

he's been in charge since 2014
can you at least name a single game he oversaw in those 5 years?
because he really is just more of the same, microsoft is inept

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>Ignoring that Halo 2 and 3 were rushed out when the Bungie admitted they were crunched for time with releasing them
You've understood nothing, and you continue to learn nothing.

>First person pillars of eternity?
You mean the game that they literally said they have no ability to recreate and that it was a fluke?

He was only promoted in 2017 though. It was long time coming for sure, but not quite.

>In late March 2014, Satya Nadella announced in a corporate e-mail that Spencer was to "lead the Xbox, Xbox Live, Groove Music and Movies & TV teams, and Microsoft Studios".
stop making excuses, he has almost nothing to show after 5 years of being in charge of xbox and microsoft studios

I like a lot of their games, so I'm looking forward to seeing what they make. I'd want them to make another tyranny and kill pillars though, pillars is shit, tyranny is pretty comfy.

Crackdown 3 got 5 years under the current regime they'd be insane to rush out an RPG even if the company is used to it

>In September 2017, Spencer was promoted to the Senior Leadership Team, gaining the title of Executive Vice President of Gaming within the company. He reports directly to CEO Satya Nadella.

A memo saying that he "was to lead" is not a direct promotion, user. Corporate bureaucracy takes time.

>hiring 11 trannies and sois and POC.
>also hiring 1 capable programmer

I don't know how people still have faith in Obsidian after Chris Avellone left
nothing about the old obsidian that people liked remains anymore

5 years isn't even enough to make most big AAA games nowadays. He's contributed to development in some great indies like cuphead and ori but the biggest titles he's released are ones which have been commissioned by him after he got the lead so we're talking games with like 3 year dev times like gears 5. There's forza as well. The first truly big budget AAA game that will come out under him will be halo next year with a 5 year dev cycle and that will dictate if he's a worthwhile head or not. All these fable and obsidian games aren't going to be seen for another 5 years I bet. Even most of the big sony games this gen started development in 2013/14 like spiderman and God of war.

To be fair, Bungie mostly did it to themselves, first with switching genres and scope of the project, then by fucking around with fancy new stencil lighting until they had to scrap that altogether and crunch out the game.

that is a second promotion, he was already leading microsoft studios by 2014

>5 years isn't even enough to make most big AAA games nowadays.
Death Stranding only took 3 1/2 years to make with 80 employees
you are saying Microsoft can't even do something on par of that?

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desu I'd jam a Wasteland collab between Inexile and Obsidian if Sawyer was leading the project again.

Then Microsoft should have kept a tighter leash on them instead of just having them crap out a game that only the MP was worthwhile and that was because of the custom map making they built for the MP.

But Death Stranding looks like shit, user. And I'm not talking about the graphics.

Not saying Microsoft is without blame. They sure had their share of embarrassing fuckups.

Obsidian has never gotten even that much time to make a single game they certainly can put one out in 3 years

NV aged bad and Obsidian shouldn't even have bothered to replicate the exact gameplay.

Its ironic that inXile which was probably as a last minute adition to the acquisition is actually going better with Wasteland 3, considering that Wasteland 2 was their only previous great game (the rest was 6-7/10 games).

Obsidian on the other hand screams to have been asking to be acquired because after the sales flop of PoE 2, they realized that Outer Worlds was going to be shit and that Take Two would be suing up their asses or acquired them for free as a collateral.

They are still rushing, as I've noticed graphical updates in a short time frame, Microsoft is not even publishing this. Not sure how the fuck they bought it, maybe its made by a B team, because the other studios acquired left better impressions.

And death stranding looks boring as fuck with only literal shills saying it looks good. Barren open world with literally nothing in it. If microsoft had made a game like that you know yourself you'd be shitting on it for how shit it looks. It doesn't even compared remotely to games like spiderman or god of war which had around 4 years of development each with conceptualisation starting probably 5 or even 6 years before release. Games like days gone were in development as a whole (conceptualisation + dev time) for 7 years. Good games don't pop up from thin air you can just say ok let's make a game we have 3 years and then expect to release a good AAA game in that time. Even games like gears 5 which only had around 2.5-3 years of development time had the ability to continue the work they did with gears 4 it wasn't completely built from scratch like the new halo will or God of war. Even spiderman was based of the mechanics they had built for sunset overdrive. Control is another example where they build on what they already had and that game was in development for 4 years but reused loads of the mechanics of quantum break which was in development for something dumb like 6 years or something. There's a process to all of this you can't just make good games pop out of thin air and it's usually based on years of work on previous games. The upcoming halo is being made from scratch with a new engine and everything which is why its taking so long to come out at around a 5-6 dev time.

>Outer Worlds will flop
>MS sells them off
Can't wait

Outer Worlds isn't a MS Obsidian game we still have to wait some years to see any difference they have with big money and time behind them.

Sales are not the point, the point is building a library for GamePass. Besides that, Outer Worlds is not a Microsoft game and is not funded by them. Anything it makes will only be a bonus income.

>Microsoft should have kept a tighter leash on them
MS can never win to you people. They get criticised for apparently not giving devs enough freedom but then they also get criticised for giving devs too much freedom. It's a loss-loss in every situation. For most of this gen since spencer has been in control he's given the developers all the freedom they want to and he's getting shat on because of that. Games like sea of thieves is what happens when rare is allowed to do anything they want but people say MS forced them to make an online game which is completely wrong. It was their own project they'd been wanting to do for some time and they were given all the time they wanted for it. Gears 5 was also made with complete creative freedom and people also are shitting on that as well because muh stronk womyn and whatever and MS are getting shat on for not forcing them to make another gritty gears game.

I only really see Yea Forums shitting on Gears 5, regular people seem to like it just fine. Probably because they are not autistic and still enjoy video games.

Bullshit, if you want a short dev cycle of course you'd fucking keep an eye on the dev and let them know what your release goal is, and if the dev team is dumb enough to fucking think they can use a new engine and still shit out a competent game while meeting a short dev cycle, more power to them fucking falling apart and suffering a crunch they only forced on themselves. It's the same shit that happened for many devs once we hit the era of HD models and textures. No one expected that shit to be so expensive to develop.

It isn't, but they are going to shit on on how Microsoft shouldn't have bought them in that condition, or that they should have spent money on paying the fine clause for Take Two for delaying a year/cancelling it.

- Gears 5 is their first non Forza good game in years, and it surprised players to have a much better SP than 4, considering that TC went super secret on that until few days before the release.

- Compulsion who released We Happy Few just weeks after E3 had a mixed reception for the base game, yet the DLCs are considered much better.

-Double Fine even with Schafer personal opinions have delivered decent to great quality consistently and Psychonauts 2 looks promising.

- That Ninja Theory F2P game even with the memey OW art direction at least have an effort.

>200 people
This is why AAA games are always a shitty mess

>I only really see Yea Forums shitting on Gears 5, regular people seem to like it just fine.
It's lost 60% of its playerbase in 10 days user.

Its the "middle term", give them freedom, but not much. Unless you are considered the favorite by them. Otherwise those people only tolerated you at the best because their favorite platform was in a bad time and defending it would it clearly look like a retard.

>the locust were the results of human experiments, and man is the greatest monster of all!
the story of gears 5 is just retarded

It's just evil british scientists they're always creating monsters

>but I'm willing to see what they'll do with proper budget and, hopefully, good new hires.
Their own
Andromeda and DAI

IQs are a meme

>tfw I meet all requirements
I'd apply but I never actually got a degree so I doubt they'd take me

>Caring what a studio with Uncle Phil's tendrils on it is making

Fuck off, Klobrille.

just say you are 3/4ths native american or some shit
they'll give you a free ride

Reminder that Bioware made their best games when they were commissioned by MS. EA ruined them. MS not buying Bioware back when they were basically the Insomniac of Xbox was the biggest fuck up they ever did.

>first person melee combat

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It's not about who commissioned them.
Also, First KOTOR was remarkable only due to Karpyshin and his passion to make "how would SW look thousand years ago, but with all charm from movies"

did rareware teach you nothing retards

If you have the necessary experience you don't need a degree. Unless you're doing medicine or a science degrees are pointless anyway. People do dumb shit like accounting degrees when you can easily be trained to be an accountant as there isn't a lot of technical shit you have to be involved in. I know a guy who is on his way to being a chartered accountant without doing a single minute of accountancy or even math at university.

The amount of lay offs that will hit them...


You're probably not wrong tho

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Microsoft owns the rights to Shadowrun. Just sayin'.

Could be cool but with games like cb2077 coming out it will be the benchmark for that genre and most likely everything else will be seen as a disappointment regardless of how good they are because they're not cb2077. Kinda like how we are now where if a game isn't a literal walking simulator with a heavy focus on story and narrative driven its seen as a shit game because of god of war.

More trannies
More women
More onions

If they won't have a set player character and give player more freedom for roleplay, it could be a hook that CP2077 does not have. Not to mention all the extra cool shit Shadowrun setting has beyond just cyberpunk.

>implying both PoE games weren't boring as shit

>good new hires

So in other words a load of fat "genderqueer" women with bad haircuts

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>with a proper budget
Obsidian literally had 15 million into poe2 and 3 years of development time and they made their worst game so far.

It's time to accept that all the talent left.

conveniently forgot
- epic exclusive
sorry i can't support these fags anymore after selling out like that

That was Bungie's own fault for being glorified retards plus they do better on crunch, them rushing Halo CE-3 gave us some of the greatest games in gaming, when they didn't crunch they gave use the worst Halo games in the series to date, stop being a Bungie cocksucker.

They did when they owned them with Halo CE-3, that's why those were so good, when Bungie went independent, ODST and Reach ended up being shit.

That's on the publisher not them. As far as MS are concerned epic games store can fuck themselves and have already said they're going with steam for all future 1st party games which includes obsidian too.

No, it's just that regular people aren't poor like the third worlders here.

user, that was Take2 who sold them out. They sold all their Private Label games out to Epic.

This was known since Gears 2 though.

Rareware sucking is why Nintendo gave them up in the first place.

How many studios has microsoft ruined ?

Whatever Dawn of War 2 is considered would work best.

I personally loved Halo Wars 2.

About as many as other AAA publishers. Still not nearly as efficient at it as EA.

Obsidian already was ruined with faggot Sawyer who is anti-thesis to the rule of cool and atmosphere

>good new hires
cant wait to see the final work of the 8 female human resources employees, three pajeets for the code and a chink for the concept art

Maybe now they can make some good gameplay for once and have good writing for the first time in a decade.

Only Rare so far, as far as I'm aware. Everything else was either shit or left.

>15 million
That's not a big AAA budget

They were in that development hell for four years, m8.

This, it's barely a AA budget.

PoE isn't AAA. Then again neither was Hellblade with only a budget of 10m but the end result was pretty impressive almost on par with AAA levels of production.


Maybe they will finally finish Stormlands.

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Spencer is shit, I don't doubt that a significant portion of anons here could run that company better than him, he really has no idea what he is doing.

For simple minded, uneducated fools like you everything is a meme. Now log off of life m8.

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Your a Microsoft shill and I usually don’t care too much about shills.

What is that?


>multiple Death Stranding threads
>single Xbox related thread

>Double Fine even with Schafer personal opinions have delivered decent to great quality consistently
I wish I could be this delusional.

This sounds like complete garbage
>40 man raids
Nah fuck that

Basically, Obsidian pitched Microsoft an RPG, got a contract and then MS execs came in and started fucking it up with their retarded ideas about 1 million player raids and other nonsensical shit. In the end it got bogged down in development hell and cancelled.

Microsoft related thread heading into euro hours on a Saturday. This should go well.

There's nothing in the post which is shilling at all. In fact it's quite accurate.

The initial pitch from Obsidian was a third person perspective action RPG like Mass Effect, then it got stupid.

more Queens hopefully

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If it's not that, it's a shitposting Euro Nintendo thread, a shitposting Euro Halo thread, or a shitposting Euro Metroid thread. I thought their government was supposed to ban them from the internet?

200 employees

>1 head of office
>1 secretary
>1 development manager
>1 IT manager
>1 HR manager
>1 sales manager
>1 sourcing manager
>1 contract manager
>1 legal manager
>2 diversity managers
>2 quality manager
>4 narrative directors
>20 working in the workforce management
>20 working in the qualification field
>20 other administrative workers
>20 running the customer/service line
>5-10 team leaders / game directors

And now the rest can do things like
>level design
>art design
>engine programming / tech design
>sound design

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You don't need a big budget to make a good game. They will make another bland trash with more special effects this time.

Heard of paragraphs, you dumb Xcuck?

Truth. Fags here have hate boners for Microsoft and Xbox. Take a look at people actually hating gamepass of all things.

Dumb logic because money dictates the scope of the game. You could make a good game with fuck all money but enjoy it being an app store tier game. AA requires millions in investment and AAA can require hundreds of millions.

There he is. Yea Forums's official number 1 Sony dickrider.

Shame Queers 5 ended up being more of the same shit with a token dead open world to collects pointless trinkets in, Klobrille.

>none of the future Microsoft games will be any good because fuck Microsoft
You literally can't discuss them here.

What do you think of The last of Us 2?

In theory.

Kino. The Godfather II of games.

Everyone calls you Xcuck, you seething shit.

When will Europoors be ranged banned?

Doesn't really matter because the majority userbase doesn't care about console wars. If a good game comes out they just buy it and aren't swayed by autists on some random image board. Console wars are retarded as fuck though I legit cannot see how its worth anyone's time to spend defending or shitting on companies they don't even know they exist. Most console war fags must be 16 with too much time on their hands because life is too stressful to even dedicate hours of your time getting mad over fucking nothing on the internet once you hit adulthood.

Don't really give a fuck but I know it'll at least have soul unlike Matt Booty's trash.

Fuck off back to Xcuckera then, they have a nice containment thread there just for you.

No, in practice.

Tell that to Underrail devs you faggot

Halo 3 was 12 years ago. Halo 2 was 16 years ago.

This board is just shit desu. Most of the nonsense posted here is obviously from people who don't play many video games. Of course nothing really matters that goes on here.


>Asking for shitty qualifications


An active gamer with a passion for making games
3+ years of professional game writing experience with at least one shipped game
Experience working as a writer on at least one shipped game with branching dialogue
High working knowledge of RPG conventions
Experience working with dedicated dialogue tools for game development

Well I guess they cant really go into detail about the role without giving away what the game is about.

They need monkeys to pay shit. So only use that job to give you extra points in your resume

It's gonna be soulless like most AAA games.

Yeah instead we get games 5 years in development that feel rushed instead like crackdown 3 now

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Oh great,
another case of Big Triple-A greedy company who thinks taking the souls of a well known 3rd party developer studio would ultimately make money making machine syndrome.

What else is new....

Looks like their staff is already bailing out to avoid MS' jackboot.