Now that it no longer has the graphics argument...

Now that it no longer has the graphics argument, can we admit that Link's Awakening does literally everything better than Link to the Past?
Except framerate please hurry Yuzu

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Now that it no longer has the graphics argument

fuck off

graphics were never a problem
Item management was

Nah, the only reason alttp is still relevant is the sequence breaking so randomizer runs work way better than they have any right to

It shouldn't be hard for a big budget $60 remake to be better than a literal Gameboy game. Especially when they're advertising it like it's their big game of 2019.

It's a disappointment compared to what it SHOULD have been.

I never understood that soul vs soulless meme until I seen this game.

Baby toy game fit for Ninten-year-olds. Nintendo knows it sells garbage to people with child-size, underdeveloped brains, so it fits that this game is not only garbage, looks like trash, and astonishingly performs like trash, but is priced at $60, instead of being free. Since it’s trash.

Imagine actually liking how this looks.
Imagine actually playing this.
Imagine actually paying for this.
Imagine actually paying $60 for this.

What the fuck is wrong with you retards.

>$120 price tag
>2 hour play time
>performs at buttery smooth 15-20 FPS
>garbage baby Playmobile aesthetic
Cucked does not even begin to describe anyone who buys this

it looks great when you're actually playing it
...except for the piece of shit framerate that ruins everything

You could have understood it years ago by looking at Pokemon.

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Should have done a remake of Minish Cap instead desu.

Attached: 1558482515185.gif (500x393, 266K)

Right you are OP
But Oracle of Seasons is a directly superior sequel to Link's Awakening
>70% approval
Unsurprisingly team "Mom can't afford my new Zelda but she can afford internet" makes up the majority of posts

Attached: 1567550255840.gif (540x304, 1.78M)

>this delusion

easily the worst looking artstyle I've seen from nintendo, graphics themselves don't seem great either, like muddy textures and all that, but the style itself is fucking horrible

>shilling this hard

I know, it's fucking ridiculous. The framerate has its moments but it's still a really pretty game.

>p-please Nintendo give me more low quality shovelware and charge full price!
This is what you sound like. I’ll

Ages was better imo, but this game sold extremely well, so maybe we'll get an Ages + Seasons remake next.

>if I pause the game it looks good
>stop saying mean things!
Go cry into a trash can with this game.

it looks worse than it did before but it was always miles ahead of lttp as an experience

Do you guys think we'll get a remake of the oracle games in a couple years?

great game. no regrets on it. holds up to the original. would be hard to name a remake that was as true to the original, barring maybe resident evil

>5 sonybucks have been deposited intoyour bank account

8-way controls feel awkward.
Forced analog is annoying.
Framerate issues.
Warped environment for the top-down perspective is fucked, has negative effect on gameplay.
Too expensive.
Already gave it to a friend.

Yes, but they should be modernized.
Shield strafing is a QoL improvement you can't come back from for example.

yeah this useless port sure isn't low quality shovelware at a full price...

>I chose hero mode and couldn't beat the first dungeon

I'd rather they remade the vision of the game not the limitations of the time

Did you play the original as a child? Remaking a concept with a completely different style is pretty stupid. Might as well just create a whole new game at that point

>8-way controls feel awkward.
>Forced analog is annoying.
this shit makes no sense to me. how could any game produced in 2019 not have full analog movement? and why the fuck is the d-pad not mapped to anything if you're going to do 8 directional control anyway?

Yes. And it will be just as trash as this one. And you’ll pay $120 + tip for all three games

>i-it’s good, I swear
Do they pay you in bing bing wahoo coins?

no you can literally take the setting and idea of the original and make it with modern hardware in mind, to not be limited to the limitations of the original

I've played the original

>mental gymnastics to cope with such a trash fire game

I chose hero mode and got to key cavern before saying fuck it. Speaking about that, why is the hero mode icon always visible?
Are the devs retards?
I beat the original game dozens of times, there is nothing that this game does better except feel more awkward. I'd continue if it let me use the d-pad. And why does it run so bad?
It's not just after entering doors, I notice it in the field too.
I guess they want to make the movement snappy to make it look like a moving toy.

>Nintendo as a developer
>Nintendo as a developer who puts effort into their products

Nah I paid to relive a part of my childhood and got exactly what I paid for.

sounds gay. thats why you dont work as an idea guy

>I need that tile for tile 60 usd remake with ugly visuals to boot because I can't play the original game

>trash game
Did you expect quality? This is a cash grab. They don’t care about you.

as soon as nintendo actually reboots something as suggested you will be praising it you eternal virgin

They're about the same, however LttP is a console title so it beats out mobile titles by default.

>buyers remorse deludes these people into justifying bad purchases
>Haha, yeah. I had fun. Seriously I did, haha.
>please believe me

no nintendo NEEDS to price this at the CHEAP LOW PRICE OF 60 bucks don't you understand this cost them 200 million to develop???? games aren't cheap to make!!!!!

>coping this hard
How far will you go to defend this trash fire?

Who are you quoting nigger? I want to fund games that are in line with my interests so they make more.

Again, who are you quoting nigger? You know that you can return games within 30 days right? poorfag

as far is it takes you low functioning autist

Link to the Past’s overworld is a complete bitch to navigate let me just switch between dark and light world whenever i want you motherfuckers

Why? All mobile Zelda titles rank higher for me, I never even liked LttP.

>these mental gymnastics
You belong in an asylum you corporate shill. Why are defending this trash heap?

>no response
That’s what I thought.

top one, I'm referring to you

>yeah I could return it, but it was fun! I swear it was, haha
>seriously it is. But you can return it. I didn’t.

>we got a full version in English

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I'm defending it from low functioning autists like you

Yeah except I didn't say any of that. Learn to greentext

Link's Awakening, Oracle of Seasons, and Oracle of Ages were always better than LttP.

Damn straight I didn't. You'll learn greentext if you lurk some more.

seems like you need to learn greentexting, but whatever makes your limited mental capacity focus on something else since you can't handle the crux of the matter

So is the game really as bad as people say? That would be disappointing because Links Awakening was my favorite Zelda game

please an hero you faggot zoomer.

>all he can reply with is the same regurgitated babble

True but they really added nothing to the whole experience besides their usual QoL stuff (Aka making a joke of a game in terms of difficulty even easier for retards), adding bottles (For even easier experience as you can now hold multiple fairies) making lvl 2 sword a grind just to pad the length and replacing the games few sidequests with an even more annoying one.
why make it look like it's for babies?

Yeah. It’s a trash fire. Sell your Switch and play games on a different console or PC instead.

>I know how to greentext
its okay pal, you'll get there someday

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Game is ugly as fuck
Soulles artstyle

I know you are but what am I

Because that’s Nintendo’s market.

I don't own a switch nigga, it was just one of the few games that might make me get one

who are you quoting?

What annoying side quest are you talking about, the dungeon builder?
Which side quests did they remove? I don't recall anything missing, but it has been ~25 years

>he keeps trying to cope

We have to. This engine and look can only be used for one other pair of games.

all vidoegames are for babies
yeah, you just got owned big time

based /jp/aboo
cringe Yea Forumsirgin

I know you are but what am I

Hell no, I'm in the second dungeon and so far the game has been extremely underwhelming.

>first 2 dungeons are generic
>Boss of the second dungeon constantly interrupts you with text
>Retarded design choices like lighting up torches with fucking magic powder

I really hope this game gets better because the begining has been weak as fuck.

>he can't be so stupid to fall for this bait, but let's give it a shot
>still falls for it

Stick with a PS4 or PC kiddo. They have higher quality games which don’t insult your intelligence.

what a masterful bait, you act like a retard and get treated like a retard

>he can’t stop spamming
So this is the state of Nintendo fans now. Wow.

Sell it along with that Switch. Play only on PS4 or PC

I guess you know what it’s like to be shill now

The graphics were always better than LttP, even before color was added. Your brain is very tiny if you can't see this.

Attached: 1562645761184.jpg (660x371, 27K)

It still looks like cal arts garbage. Yes I won a switch and no, I won't play this garbage.

I guess so

>those robot vocals

>I won a Switch
go on...

imagine being this much of a cuck

I don't think you know what Cal Arts garbage looks like... 'cause this ain't it.

I didn’t know disability grants included electronics giveaways.

Link to the past was always better

Fave song?

8 years worth of good hubby points

>Switchies so desperate for new games they play a 4 hour long childish remake of a 26 year old game for full retail price

Fucking embarrassing.

would've been better with sprites instead to be honest

something like minish cap looks infinitely more pleasing

own and won have the same letters in them. Typos happen.

It looks exactly like it.

Yuzu's performance is going to be garbage probably for another year :(. we wont be able to play these games properly for ages. by the time 60fps astral chain comes around I may have lost all interest.

>It looks exactly like it.
It in no way resembles the shitty Cal Arts style.

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 147K)

>not liking it = poor
I get that this is just bait, but why do you care to that extent? What's so enjoyable about riling people up about nothing?

Why does Yea Forums seethe so much about some random art school that most animators don't go to?

not him but yeah it looks like 1930's mickey mouse instead
it's seem as some sort of prestigious artschool

What do you mean? Can't see how that would work with randomizers, unless there's an underlying logic to avoid playlocking. Only game I can think of that truly works with true randomizer is Pokemon games

Link's Awakening was always better, and you can really feel the passion in the game's world and enemies. LTTP is sterile generice Zelda. Original and DX are better than the Switch version though.

The randomizer people use for aLttP goes out of its way to create completable games. It even has settings so if you want it to be beatable without relying on major glitches, it'll do that. The other user doesn't know what he's talking about.

I just want everyone in here to know, that the Armos Knight has been changed from piss easy to fucking bullshit and he's invincible to arrows and your sword and there's only one bullshit way to defeat him.

You have to charge your sword, face away from him, and jump to avoid his drop attack, 4 hits and he's dead. There are no indicators that this is how to do the fight, they give you arrows before the fight, sometimes you can hit him in the back with the arrows but it hits 1/20 times, the sword will do 0 damage unless you hit him the way I described above and this boss pissed me the fuck off.

Attached: Link_s_Awakening_Face_Key_Armos_Knight_mini_boss_fight.jpg (1400x788, 173K)

I'd like a proper 3D open world zelda that doesn't take place in hyrule but instead somewhere like this

I know wind waker

Just don't shoot the shield user... don't worry, a buddy of mine took 2 hours to figure out you had to charge into the center of the eyeball boss. You're not alone.

Why is everything so claustrophobic in the remake?

>4 hits and he's dead
>There are no indicators that this is how to do the fight
Sounds like you're just complaining that you tried the same thing a bunch and it didn't work despite it being easy.

>buddy of mine took 2 hours to figure out you had to charge into the center of the eyeball boss
y-yeah who would do such a thing h-haha

I thought Link's awakening was pretty boring. Give me the Oracle games anyday

Can you still get a million rupees from the color dungeon in the remake?

no I tried everything, hitting him from the back, bombs, arrows, powder, dodging, waiting for the animation to stop, going under him, hitting him on the shoulder, level 2 sword, etc.

Nothing worked except what I wrote

Why was the sword your last instinct when it should be your first then?

Whats the trick to fishing?
How do I keep the Cheep Cheeps from breaking the line?
Am I supposed to let go of A when they are pulling away or what?

Attached: iu.jpg (740x416, 80K)

does hitting him from the back not indicate I used the sword first?

no mash A as fast as you can when they're on the line, when they pull tap A slowly otherwise they split, and unlock the larger lure.

There's a bottle in that pic bottom left

Okay, thanks
I was trying a lot of different ways except for that

Most animators used to go there. Dexter's Lab is Cal Arts alumni. The reason it's now a term of derision is that anybody can now get a degree there with the most minimal effort, and it shows, which is why tumblr trannies love it and why it is used in political shows like Steven Universe and shitty reboots of beloved old shows like Thundercats.

After a long and successful career as a dentist, Hermey was lost on a flight over the Pacific, travelling to the South Pole to help Santa's new workshop with their tooth hygiene; he washes up on a distant shore, with no memory and his clothes stained a dark green from the algae...

Because it seems to produce cookie cutter art styles, but this looks nothing like that though

The style name doesn’t have much to do with the school itself. Yea Forums and people in general hate it because it’s lazy, uninspired, completely characterless and absolutely everywhere.

It sounds like what happened to Runescape's soundtrack, where the old songs get buried under embellishments, making a sort of meta-syncopation where you're expecting the old song's note/beat and the new song throws that out the window. Sometimes it's cool like the house theme, other times it's annoying like the Mabe village theme where the instrument switches every ten seconds.

Got it first try
Thanks for the advice

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>t nostalgia poster
Bet you post the soul vs soulless pictures too

no problem

Link's Awakening's sprite art was more appealing than ALTTP.
If you think they recycled it twice just for shits and giggles, you're an idiot.

Did they remove the longass message every time you get an acorn or triangle or compass or map or beak?

New Thundercats was great what are you talking abo... oh yeah I forgot about that one

DX is good, but it has always been soulless compared to the original, as the graphics were drawn and designed to be appealing without color. Most people that ascribe "Link's Awakening" as being synonymous with LADX didn't play a Zelda game until OoT.

it gives you a message it isn't long though

I think they removed the messages for every time

Chibi Link is cool but it doesn't compare to LTTP the art is completely different.

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me on the left

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You didn't use it much then, my first instinct for anything is the spin attack.

god this game looks like souless funko pop trash and only retards would actually like this and this is coming from someone who's favorite zelda was link's awakening

Attached: Dpbqrn7UUAAAfCJ.jpg (950x803, 305K)

it doesn't work if you look at him, you have to be facing away that's what makes it bullshit

They recycled it so they wouldn't have to make an entirely new engine and to dive straight into development.

What do you mean? If range is the issue, you need to adjust for that in any 2D Zelda.

I mean you literally have to charge your sword without Link looking at the Armos Knight your back has to be facing the Armos Knight

Cute game. Shame about the art direction.

My sister, who is a literal retard and asked me for help multiple times during the game because she was too much of a shitter never even mentioned this dude.

I think you're just trash. From the bosses I witnessed, they made the game even easier than the GB version.

all of them are easy, even easier with the red tunic, except this one, in fact this is the only one I even died on.

Attached: chest.jpg (1280x720, 223K)
All you have to do is spin attack him.

excellent work

no, you don't, if you watch the video when he's facing him he only gets a hit when he's in the air and strikes the middle of his back which is extremely hard to do and not get hit look how close he is to the Armos Knight, he also gets a much easier hit when he's facing away from him.

The hitbox for his back is extremely small

I don't think I've ever, ever seen a video game pull off "it was just a dream" in such an emotionally pulling way.
I really think the game works best if the player was 'spoiled' before starting. Every beat of progression is done knowing that it's one step closer to saving Link from drowning, but one step closer to all of your new friends and adventures fading to oblivion.
It's urgent dread and it's both concerning and compelling. I was very impressed.

Attached: extract-from-Superman-Annual-11-1985.jpg (961x644, 774K)

I can't imagine it, I think I'd have to suffer severe head trauma to even consider buying this.

The only legitimate bitches about this game are the price point, the performance, and the lack of picture mouse. Outside of the third point, this is going to be remembered as a fantastic game once Switch emulation takes off.

dungeon making is just for rupee farming and you can't share it and there's no reason to farm rupees

Yeah I guess, but when evaluating a remake I see it in terms of direct comparison to the original. Dampe wasn't in the original so I see his invitation here as, at worst, weird. Miyamoto did say he wants a full Zelda maker someday so maybe a proper dungeon crafter will come eventually.

there's also a collectable side quest thing from the trendy game, it doesn't do anything but lower the price of the trendy game once you've completed it and now have no reason to play the trendy game.

Is there? Must have missed it, I stopped playing after getting the real collectibles like the heart piece and seashell

yeah you get statues and put them in peoples houses, like the goomba and cheep cheep and spiny.

>full Zelda maker
just C&D purezc and steal their shit and also put windows on the switch
How hard could it be?

Even if that is true, your position doesn't matter, you just have to reach the back by whatever means.

no you can be pretty far away if you're facing away from him.

Hard no.
Link's Awakening is fun, and the remake is tight aside from the frame drops; but no way it's Superior to ALTTP.
Plus Link Between Worlds is the superior game.

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>Odyssey is Rock solid 60 fps
>This piece of trash constantly dips at 20

This makes me so fucking mad. I can only deduce that whoever made this game is like team e of Nintendo while the 3d Mario and 3d Zelda ones are their best teams. How come this shit has the same price than Odyssey and BotW at release, it's fucking mind-blowing.

Sequence breaking means that the randomizer can put most of the items anywhere and it still works just fine.
Most gamescant do that with key items like alttp where the hookshot or any other item isnt even needed for the majority of the game because other items can pick up the slack
Its not perfect as you can get stuck and have to save and quit but most games cant have a single key item moved and still have progression feel natural while alttp can have that done to nearly the entire game.
Sequence breakin is why certain old games develop cult appeal

5 nintendbucks have been deposited into your account

That would be very disappointing. I thought they'd at least offer some special extra hard / secret dungeons, challenges, enhanced boss gauntlet etc.. that unlock something special both in terms of gear and a story/lore element.

nope, it has 4 little quests, all you get out of it is a fairy bottle, of which there are 3, they don't auto revive.

Is it really only four hours long? I might buy it if so, I like short and sweet games.

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Not unless you know what you are doing.
Many people could probably take ten hours to finish it since they are stupid as fuck.
If you are decent at zelda its pretty quick though

It felt like a lot of the bosses got way harder. You couldn't dodge the cyclops' grab this time around...

To be fair, they give you like a millisecond to line it up and run.

I took about ten to fifteen hours to beat it but I looked for all the heart pieces and seashells. Never a moment in this game where I felt like I was wasting time. Would recommend when it comes to Nintendo selects and I can get it for my friends for $20

its not even better than the oracle games

Best-selling Nintendo game of 2019, BTFO even Mario Maker 2

So what kind of game was For Frogs the Bells Toll anyway?

>Except framerate please hurry Yuzu
If Yuzu fixes the framerate without mods it's actually a garbage emulator