You might not like it, but this is what peak Castlevania looks like

You might not like it, but this is what peak Castlevania looks like.

Attached: GOATCastlevanias.jpg (1590x790, 392K)

Other urls found in this thread:

OP here sorry I meant to post this image

Attached: Castlevania.jpg (2000x1433, 466K)

Is this the most kino box art of all time?

OP again, made a mistake

Attached: Castlevania_Chronicles_-_(NA)_-_01.jpg (949x918, 503K)

Attached: 1456536127114.png (471x237, 87K)

That cover doesn't show the peak Castlevania though.

Attached: x68000.jpg (1116x926, 108K)

>Leon's fiancee became the Vampire Killer
Jesus christ, I hope she's not conscious in there.

Wouldn't that be funny?

Attached: 947367_Castlevania_Charlotte_Aulin_Portrait_of_Ruin_jonathan_morris.png (1181x759, 87K)

>Yea Forums doesn't want to talk about Castlevania anymore
The absolute state of this board.

Wel, ya see see see

Handheld remasters when?

Attached: 1455265173189.gif (176x168, 11K)

the true peak of the series. its a real shame we get endless games like SOTN instead of more linear games.

Why did the action platformer die?

i dont know, it just sucks that the only place to get them is in half baked indie crap, or when by some stroke of luck we get a new donkey kong country game

Attached: when bones attack.png (3840x2560, 851K)

>Indie action platformers are shi-

Attached: 287545-shovel-knight-macintosh-front-cover.jpg (342x482, 64K)

Attached: 1559446926249.png (1271x794, 1.59M)

They said we can't post her in Castlevania threads anymore.

They post by saying a lot of things, and they don't ever post Castlevania when they complain.

Attached: 1433820738836.png (176x192, 2K)

>missing this

Attached: OoE.jpg (800x718, 180K)

walk forward and whip the game

Coming soon to iOS and Android!

Gimme a drink, bartender.

Attached: drowning of sorrow.png (4096x3072, 99K)

Attached: the town with no name.png (888x1460, 494K)

Attached: 1537394013660.webm (432x208, 95K)

Bros help me, i just left this game 1 week ago and now im forgot where to go, i already got skula and undine

Attached: 0999 - Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (U)(GBATemp)_1569129036922.png (240x160, 3K)

Bonesposting was peak Yea Forums.

Attached: when bones kino updated.webm (960x640, 2.66M)

Obligatory boneposting

Attached: 0999 - Castlevania - Aria of Sorrow (U)(GBATemp)_1569129033137.png (240x160, 17K)

hold up, that's his walk cycle?, i've never seen it because i dash all the fucking time

Attached: HoD-Speedrun.webm (480x320, 2.4M)

Boneposting was some of the most fun I've ever had here.

Attached: creaky's zebesian adventure.webm (768x672, 676K)

more boneposting

Attached: triple skull souls.webm (960x640, 664K)

You are 100% correct, those are probably my favorite two games in the series.

Attached: 1532984927848.png (1194x1200, 861K)

Peak ludo.

Attached: Soma, Julius and Creaking Skull.png (3840x2560, 100K)

has anyone tried grimoire of souls yet?

lol neat


>I'm a lover, not a fighter
Absolutely based.

Attached: robotnikPepe.png (680x680, 126K)

You seem to have made a mistake, user. You didn't post Portrait of Ruin

If my memory serves me right, you'll want to go towards the bottom of the castle. Y'know that big hallway with a bunch of zombies near the beginning? Go past there to the next screen all the way to the right, then go all the way down and to the left. Should be a bunch of water there, and that's where you go next iirc.

Attached: 1567676715217.jpg (1000x776, 233K)

Attached: AoS-JuliusFight.webm (480x320, 1.97M)

The best of their styles. Top tier taste

Attached: Charlotte.gif (292x172, 12K)


Attached: image.png (1177x582, 621K)

Attached: kira.png (573x472, 403K)

harmony >>>> aria

>brap harvesting

Attached: HoD-Speedrun2.webm (1280x720, 2.72M)

It took me a disturbingly long amount of time to realize that “Rondo” is a musical term and that the game was not about someone named Rondo who was “of Blood.”

This should’ve been in Smash, it’s the best Rondo song (despite it being a medley)

Did you know that aria is also a musical term?

That I did know. I guess the only reason why I had no idea Rondo was a musical term was because it sounds a lot like Rhonda and I never heard anyone use the term before, especially in musical context

Just finished Lament of Innocence.
It was actually alright, better than I thought it'd be. Way too many corridors, though. Do you get anything cool if you go back and find all those keys/unlock magical doors?

>You didn't post Portrait of Ruin
Based. And I’m not just saying that because my name is Jonathan so hearing a vidya character saying it makes me feel a bit giddy

Attached: boss intro.webm (640x480, 1.25M)

go outside more.

no, this is what peak Castlevania looks like :^)

Attached: Screenshot_20190921-093957.png (1440x720, 1.06M)

Attached: 2ec34.png (330x319, 178K)

I have nothing to back it up, but I feel like Alucard wouldn't say "hell" like that.

Stop shitposting faggot, it's actually good.

Find a flaw.

Attached: 483304-bloodstained-curse-of-the-moon-nintendo-3ds-front-cover.jpg (800x800, 189K)

Dying to the painting bosses OHKO attack puts a character inside the portrait, but it doesn't do anything lewd when it does it to Miriam.

Attached: Unholy Sanctuary Painting.gif (56x124, 8K)

>stamina system
>always online
konami knows it's audience

Attached: 1555337313745.gif (300x168, 732K)

Only Zangetsu has a solo mode. Also no cyberpunk sequel.

Attached: DeCdNr1U0AAocJX.jpg (1200x675, 47K)

Keep crying cuck

Attached: 1569060035285.jpg (674x717, 45K)

every character felt awful except for the whip girl. if i didnt get it free on xbox gold i would have been more upset

ah, the leddit apologist is here spouting the brand new meme words he just learnt, nice


Big thank user, ill try it after my shift ended

Attached: Charlotte_HD.png (438x611, 1.04M)

Harmony of Dissonance is the thinking man's vania

Attached: juste maxim kino.png (556x883, 987K)

good taste

Attached: hod.gif (500x362, 654K)

Was Juste the best Belmont?
>Already has cute gf
>Cucks Maxim
>Interior decorator
>Superior spell castor
>Almost as beautiful as Alucard
>Fastest Belmont

Attached: 9f691600b527373c3f76ed12e7884322.jpg (300x300, 21K)

Umm actually sweetie peak Castlevania is actually Simon's Quest, m'kay?? M'kay.

underrated game, somewhat

>the best Belmont

Attached: Julius_Belmont.gif (250x250, 20K)

Simon's Quest is unironically ludo and a pleb filter.

Attached: DebCliffNado.jpg.jpg (662x504, 87K)

high tier game but the translation killed it. it was never that cryptic in japanese


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Zombieland Saga - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_16.25_[2018.10.25_18.13.41].jpg (1920x1080, 141K)

Julius? More like... NO 1999 GAME!

SoTN on steam when

Attached: 20190713002222_1.jpg (1920x1080, 350K)

It's already playable on PC via emulation. Why do you want it on steam specifically?

Simon deserves a better ending to his story. Be it a redux of Simon's Quest, or a third game having him face off against Dracula for the last time.

too much effort to emulate.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Zombieland Saga - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_16.20_[2018.10.11_23.15.12].jpg (1920x1080, 177K)

vs the effort of earning money to throw at valve

AoS isn't flawless but it is my favorite, you actually feel like the king of the castle by the end of the game with all the abilities you now have, that sort of power trip in a game of this type was pretty fun. Never played the DS sequel though.

Its the easiest fucking game in the world to emulate

spoonfeed me pls

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Zombieland Saga - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.21_[2018.12.13_19.12.37].jpg (1920x1080, 175K)

Being able to move while in the air feels so fucking wrong

if you want the most straightforward brainlet way to get it running, download retroarch. you can point it to any game you want to emulate and it'll handle all the bullshit, you don't need to look for different emulators per system. it does it all for you.

Has the photograph been fixed yet?

>download Retroarch
>download a SotN rom
>open Retroarch
>install the Beetle core in the cores list
>open SotN with Beetle
Wow that sure was difficult

where's the best place to get roms these days? i've only had experience with GBA ones, and that was about a decade ago.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Zombieland Saga - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.38_[2018.10.25_18.09.37].jpg (1920x1080, 249K)

nice try konami legal team, fuck off

Nintendo's the only one who cares about this sort of thing
Actually I think they do hunt down places that host GBA roms even

>t. Konami secret ninja department

Best Dracula boss fight was CVIII

I have yet to play AoS
Harmony of dissonance was kinda eh, so I didnt know if castlevania format was just weaker in general after SotN or if it was an outlier.

Fuck off ironic weeb avatarfagging zoomer.

Attached: suggestion.jpg (420x247, 17K)

Which game is Castlevania 8?

>4 buzzwords
lmao such a redditor

You're not fooling anyone, child. Go back where you came from.

yep, redditor confirmed.

Ran out of nu-weeb shows for your reaction images? Go to r/animememes or wherever you spend most of your time.

Attached: 1474655037959.jpg (425x512, 55K)

OP is based.