Who would have thought he was a bug hunter all along?
Who would have thought he was a bug hunter all along?
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Im 12 and what is this?
What's wrong with hunting bugs? I haven't played 3 but there are a lot of murderous wildlife in the first couple games so I don't see anything wrong with hunting bugs. You'll be happy to have a bug hunter around when you realize there are no more giant insects trying to kill you.
pretty sure it's been known for a long time
This. Bugs are pretty big in Borderlands.
What do you mean?
he was always gay. why does everyone on this shithole have a room temperature IQ?
Anyone who played past the tutorial area in BL2? He implies he's gay pretty early on.
Why is literally everyone in Borderlands gay?
I assume deadly planets covered in bandits isn't exactly a female tourist hotspot?
Half the people in the games are women, even the enemies
define "everyone". I cant think of anyone of note besides hammerlock.
>that girl who goes by "him" and really wants coffee
>enemies like that Psycho chick who is holding Kayagawa's sister hostage
Man, Moxxi fucks literally everyone and anyone, that's the whole thing about her character.
What kinda bugs you talking about; animal bugs, disease bugs, or glitch bugs? Because Borderlands has all of those.
user means "bug" as in "boipucci"
it's a genderless robot
she has kids and fucks literally anything
2 of the others are minor NPCs out of how many? are you even trying?
>male design
>male voice "actor"
What a joke.
what does this have to so with him being gay? provide one shred of evidence that he is.
Tiny Tina
Janey Springs
Doctor Samuels
Even Torgue is gay? I know it seems obvious in hindsight but wth
Moxxi isn't gay, she's omnisexual
>gay mans ass - the most dangerous gane
They live in post-scarcity worlds. They don't need to ensure future generations so they can love and fuck whoever they want.
>They don't need to ensure future generations
What does that have to do with suffering eternal hell fire?
I know you're just memeing but imagine thinking that was true. Good fucking lord.
mortal sin isnt a meme.
>Good fucking lord.
Ironic using his name.
You're supposed to capitalize the H when you do that.
Also your God told you to mind your own business. If you read the book you'd know that.
to be fair the book says whatever you want it to.
>implying sola scriptura means anything
>implying idividuals have the authority to interpret the Bible without Sacred Tradition or the Magisterium
>sola scriptura
Well I learned a new term today. So where else does authority come from if not the scripture? Surely people aren't retarded enough to believe that there are guys running around on planet earth who god himself talks to
The three sources of authority of Christianity is Sacred Tradition, the Magisterium, and Sacred Scripture. The idea that the Bible is the only source of Christian teachings that can be interpreted by the whims of the individual started with the Reformation, 1500 years after the begining of Christianity.
>Surely people aren't retarded enough to believe that there are guys running around on planet earth who god himself talks to
No. Its complicated but for simplicity sake (since this is Yea Forums of all places) Ill give the most basic of run downs. Tradition is what allways been accepted and has been passed down. The Bible acts as the guide. The Magisterium is what interrupts teachings. All of which cant come in conflict with each other. So the three act as safe guards against new heretical or contradictory teachings. Think of it as a 2000 year old divine Checks and Balances. That an Grace of the holy spirit but that a whole other conversation.
Imagine being a protestant and thinking that for the first 1500 years of Christianity there were no Christians. Are you telling me that none of the crusaders going to Jerusalem were Christians?
Has there been a single shred of evidence that Zane is pansexual? Because all I can find is the Washington Post article that doesn't have any sources behind it. There's even people claiming the conventional repping skins are somehow flags for lesbian & trans pride. It's all such bullshit what people will attach to this game.
We've known this since 2, we just didn't know it was THE Jakobs he was involved with
huh? no
maybe in BL3
but not in the other 2
thanks for playing, try again next week
I want to see Moze x Ellie porn. Petite girl on SSBBW is THE hottest shit.
Crusades were literally excuses to go pillaging sanctioned by extremely corrupt institute. Nobody liked those zealous fucks and countries like Czech and Poland even had open war with them
Based. Protestant genocide when?
The 1st 2nd and 3rd crusade were 100% justified.
Martin Luther was absolutely right and called out all of the Catholic Church's bullshit. Christianity and the western world would be in an objectively worse position if it weren't for him and Protestants.
I just want maya and ava
>Moze is a rugmuncher
Proofs where?
>the man who through his shit against the prison wall because demons were taunting him was right
user... I
She and Ellie specifically flirt with each other in BL3.
Ellie litterally flirts with every character when you meet her and every character says the same fucking thing to her which boils down to
>Wow you're Sturdy!!
That's it you dune coon
>Tiny Tina
Tina's orientation is literally based on whatever would be funniest at that moment
The entire point is that she fucks everyone
Hush. Ellie x Moze is canon.
Were Hammerlock and his sister always black? I can't tell if it's just shitty lighting but they look dark as fuck in 3
Doesn't he flirt with Janey Springs at the beginning of TPS?
Speaking of her, what happened to Janey and Athena after TPS?
Had the same question. Hammerlock definently wasnt/isnt. His sisters ethnicity is confusing the hell out of me. I cant remember what she looked like in 2.
And here's proof before some bitch ass nigga tells me other wise
Hammerlock doesn't even look black
His sister was in the Pre-Sequel and looks like this
This is what he looks like in 2
Moxxi is a slut that's her entire character user it's been this way since BL1
I always assumed he was tanned because he's out in the sun studying animals all day. They probably made him and Aurelia darker in TPS and 3 to make it more obvious.
His ethnicity is a lot more understandable in his concept art.
Is anyhing lol. She’s not a pathetic /u/ queer, I won’t have those yuri demons claim another soul
Has like 3 kids and fucks anything that moves since she’s a freak
why can't western developers stay away from fags and politics whenever they make new games?
>med skin
>blue eyes
probably Lebanese
Hammerlock has been gay since his first game and there is nothing political in BL3 besides there being a statue of a black guy which Yea Forums might find anti-white.
Axton & Gaige should be canon romance.
>Heterosexual romance
it will either be a complete shitfest (like Roland x Lilith) or it will something like "oh we were a couple for like a month or 2 but it didn't work out because im/he/she's gay" also Axton is a faggot.
Krieg x Maya was a thing and so it seems that Zero x Lorelei is being pushed if Echos are anything to go by. Plus Zane wants to fuck Ellie. Why did you hate Roland and Lillith?
Axton is bi, and if we go by the DLCs for BL2, Gaige has a thing for older men and was massively attracted to Hammerlock
whats the point of all of this?