Let's play some Secret Hitler.
password: the usual
>roles are randomly assigned: you're liberal, fascist or literally Hitler. liberals have majority
>fascists can see everyone's roles, liberals and Hitler don't know shit
>everyone pretends to be liberal
>each turn a player gets to be president and pick a chancellor, players vote on whether the pair is a go
>having an order that will give info on as many players as possible in as few rounds as possible is a good idea, i.e. 1-5 -> 2-6 -> 3-7 in a 7 player game
>president draws 3 policy cards which are either liberal or fascist, discards one and passes 2 to the chancellor
>chancellor makes the final choice on which policy to pass
>first team to max policies wins (5 for liberals, 6 for fascists)
>presidental powers are unlocked as more fascist policies are passed, for example after 3 are down the next player to be elected president, if a fascist policy is passed, will have a gun and shoot a player off the map
>if Hitler is shot liberals insta-win
>if Hitler is elected chancellor with 3 fascist policies down, fascists auto-win
>liberals win by taking notes, paying attention and trying to figure out who lied based on inconsistencies in the deck, attitude etc and pausing to discuss the game logically, trying to solve it as a puzzle
>fascists win by lying, conflicting with others, sewing chaos, framing others and rushing votes
full rules here: secrethitler.io
The account is free and doesn't require an email as far as I know. Mods get anal about "naughty" words in your username but once you get into the game they can't touch you.
>A primer on understanding the "loop skip" meta: pastebin.com
Secret Hitler
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4 more lads
Yea Forums is terrible at shit like epicmafia and secret hitler
They require all the players to have a sense of self-preservation
The password doesn't work for me :(
"the usual" is not the passwordrage is
rage is the password
lurk for 2 years before posting
Two More Needed!
rules url doesn't work
remove the last backslash
Special Election, where a president picks the next president instead of the normal rotation. After the SE, the president who wouldve been next if not for the SE, is the new president candidate.
investigate, where a president sees another player's party membership. he reports it to the group, but can lie
liberal policy
fascist policy
has done something to invoke suspicion, or has had a suspicious person ally with them, to the point where they are unviable for election
confirmed not hitler. all players who become chancellor after 3 fascist policies are CNH, but can still be fascists
conflicting. fascists dont typically conflict with other fascists, so if players conflict, generally one is fascist and the other is liberal. exceptions may include 2 liberals turning on each other, or hitler accidentally outing one of his fascists
game started
What's the current game?
I must have just missed it, F.
The game hasnt started yet, you're still good.
>4 claims 3 to be fas
>both get shot
>turns out both were lib
I honestly thought we were both fash and in the same team.
Someone start a new game all these are full
Here I come, cucks. And I have homework to do. Oh well, it will have to wait.
I can always brainstorm in the chat.
Someone asked, I see 3 red and 2 blue cards
seems legit
you claim about the cards you get, not the ones that are already played
>roles are randomly assigned: you're liberal, fascist or literally Hitler. liberals have majority
>fascists can see everyone's roles, liberals and Hitler don't know shit
>everyone pretends to be liberal
So this isn't supposed to be realistic?
No, this is epicmafia but without the silly roles
How do I know which one are played?
1 and 9 weren't actually fash, I can't even begin to believe it.
>3 and 6 slander 1 and 9 from the first turn and everyone blindly believes them
>1 and 9 nein all of the governments that play red
Really makes me think.
cause those are in the table, as a president, you get 3 cards, you discard 1, that is what you claim, if you got 3 red you are fucked, but if you got 2 red and 1 blue, you can either discard a blue, and claim you got 3 red, if you are a fas, or discard a red and enable a blue policy, if you are lib, find a tutorial somewhere m8, most people get it in 1 game
They all look the same to me
6 here. It was some real low IQ plays. Literally all we had to do was spark the flames and every one else followed suit. It didn't help their case that 1 claimed RRR at the first turn and inv'd 9 as lib on his first turn with zero discussion. After that we didn't really have to do much since 2 libs were out of the game on turn 1. Later in the game I just played nice guy with 9 and 1 so I would seem more neutral and they ended up trying to make me chance.
>draw 3 blue cards for the libs
>get called a fasc
I feel you, 4.
We were being sheeped by the fas all along.
2nd lobby up. Password rage
comfy 7p
but join next game!
Oh well, at least their reversal was cool to see
4 more. Join for comfy 7p game
2 more. Join you Yea Forumsirgins
1 more bois
see ya folks
need some more!
why's there another lobby
the original has 5 people in it
the original is full of retards, so get in here.
that's true
Because the new lobby is comfier with people that practice intrigue. I like it
we made our own lobby with blackjack and hookers
intrigue is for morons
Three more needed!
where's the lobby with not stupid people
this new lobby that was advertised as smart is full of stupid people
don't join it then, we don't want stupid people either.
pass: rage
New lobby for more than 7 players!
2 more
get in here
get in here bros
update the game 6