How the fuck do you do not die as MUL-T
Risk of Rain 2
Other urls found in this thread:
Is ten man still up? If not, I'll host one.
how do you die as mul-t? he has the highest fucking hp in the game, literally over twice as much as cuntress
Just went down.
borb too bige
Any lemurian requests?
keeps dying after bazaar, might be cause borb as a partner killing shit for us they modded in
if it ever comes back up
mounting huntress
An important thing to note with him is that his mobility skill gives as much armor as a dunestrider gets during its WHIRRR, so you even if you can't get to cover you can tank heavy hits with it. Also jump a lot.
that gif but with lemurians
see 478877717
I fucked that up
To glass or not glass?
[x] glass him
you're already at the point where any fire will kill you, so why not?
The fuck did they do to the drop rates? I haven't seen a single red since the update and can only seem to get 2 different kinds of equipment per run.
Not really, I can still tank around 3-4 shots
What the shit happened to your coins?
I grinded for those in Drizzle
Someone host 10 man
he cheated
>open a big chest
>wake of vultures/headstompers/crappiest mask/n'kuhana/soulbound catalyst
>instantly diappointed
I'm right here, stop shouting
Ten man Risky 2. CTRL+alt+~ connect
>Players can join at any time
>Bigger Bazaar (prices are a bit higher)
>Enemies with items at stage 8
We never got past stage 5 the other night, so the sacrifice rates are relatively low, the price of the bazaar scaled sort of high to compensate for no enemies with items.
>soulbound catalyst in there
are you retarded
Well in that case you deserve to win by stacking lunars! Everything is working as intended and this system is well thought out.
HP doesn't matter if the regen rate is 1 point per second
He cheated him in. I'm starting to feel there's a divide between people who barely use the bazaar saving their coins and people who cheat coins in and use the bazaar every chance they get. Literally every Monsoon clear screenshot has lunar items up the butt these days.
>any of these are bad
okay retard
You're a moron
just get transcendence dude lol lmao rolf
Another glass would be unnecessary at this point I think
baited for these exact responses
I just leave the moment I see someone has cheated in lunar coins now
>corpsebloom x2
>brittle crown x2
the people cheating in lunar coins are the same shitters who played glass/command in ror1
>spent 3 hours straight in a run just to get the 12 crowbars for huntress
fuck I don't even play this character
>Killed 2 Overloading Magma Worms
>Got through 20 stages without any lunar items
>None of the skills unlocked?
Is it a bug, I just obliterated myself, and I really don't want to put myself in that again.
>get Preon Accumulator out of a usable item box as Engi in stage 1
>repeately nuke every boss within 2-3 seconds thanks to batteries
>no chiefo
fuck you too hopoo
I'm not looking forward to those "kill a boss in 3 seconds" challenges
Yeah there's several setups that can do it but good lord is it a pain overall
does the multitude mod work in the latest skills 2.0 update?
I think it says something that the people POSTING monsoon obliteration speedruns have lots of lunars: That lunars are a crutch that can help bad players. I promise you there are many players who do not post any of these pictures because it's just not all that impressive to have a good run in general.
just unlock it manually via text edit, game is buggy.
help I can't stop fapping to risk of rain
Some challenges are definitely bugged right now , I can't unlock rusted key despite one shotting bosses
artificer forcing it into amazon position
>didn't play since the first release
>decide to give the new update a go
>game crashes on startup now even if it worked fine in the past
What did hotpoo do this time?
Can you tell me where in files, I never have edited the game before and don't want to fuck anything up.
>Cheated in enough to get Artificer
I don't think I did the wrong thing, I didn't know if I'd like the game but she made me enjoy it so I started playing fairly after that
You forgot the people that like to run drizzle/rainstorm and can easily get 5 coins per run. I still spend my coins as often as possible though, because it's fun.
Just follow the steps, put the things where it tells you to put them, but for skills it should be right at the top. Make a back up before you edit it.
crybaby scrubs won't get it, they don't use the lunar shops, half the time I go there I don't get anything.
I think rex is mostly fine and his ultimate borders on broken
>use mercs new right click on an imp
>it goes flying into the stratosphere
thanks hotpoo
Let me know whether it just unlocks the skills or also unlocks the achievement in the challenge log. I've heard mixed reports about this and am curious.
How do we fix Rex?
>Increase projectile speed of m1, make weaken stronger
>Remove the backwards shit from shift
Anyone have the old/alternative lewd mods user has been making?
join me for monsoon
if you unlock the challenge/cheevo you get the stuff.
What difficulty do you usually play on? Not trying to be harsh, just trying to understand what context this statement is relating to, because I feel like he's legitimately worse than the rest of the cast.
>Invalid lobby ID
Only thing I did was added what I needed, thanks user.
It's more like his sole redeeming factor
Wiped, open.
sorry i let you guys down, i only had like 5 items. was merc in that 10p game
The one thing I really like about him is that he has a 'support' ability with his debuffs that is really good for teams, but also really good solo. That's something I feel the game could use more of.
Teamwork abilities that are on fully competent solo characters, but when you get one on your team you're like "Oh awesome, now we're all going to do better!".
Like think Haste from Maplestory.
Does it show up in the challenge log as you having completed it like normal though?
We need more unique enemies. Too many maps lose their thematic strength when it feels like every mob spawns in every zone during the first loop. Same thing with bosses. Stages stop feeling distinct when you're getting wandering vagrants twice in a row.
how do you host ten mans
Oh yeah forgot to mention that. Yes it does. Shows up there as well.
Where can I get the 10-man mod to host?
It's not a mod. You need to forward a port or two (11100 was Risk of Rain 1's port).
lemurian loader
fuck its full
Part of the problem is Grovetender only spawns in Scorched Acres, and Solus now only spawns in Siren's Call. The new Vultures also only spawn in Siren's Call. It gives the maps their own uniqueness but during the second or more loops every boss should have a chance to spawn at every map same for basic enemies
>not wanting soulbound and spamming your equipment
>not wanting to become Overloading [class] and dropping lighning balls all over with a giga sheild
>not wanting to make a fire path and walk right through a bunch of enemies or shoot them for x99 stacks
What is wrong with you
dear hopoo:
let me read the ingame wiki in the lobby while we're waiting / setting up
So long as you get some decent speed/ mobility boosts he's great.
You have to use him strategically though.
Simply just leave a bunch of lesser adds alive to farm hp from as you rain death on any major threat.
Once your run gets off the ground he shines a bit more.
fireworks is the item that I always miss when I don't have it but I will never willingly take from a selection of 3
this but unironically
People STILL hate Wake of Vultures and think it's shit?
Did all of you forgot Old Guillotine exists?
>Get Blazing ability
>Get Overloading ability
>Get Celestine on top of that.
>Enemies dying left and right from constant stacks
Why are there so many spergs when playing with Yea Forums? Shouting NIGGERS and such in chat like it's funny, rushing to teleporter and hogging all items. its so rare to find a decent group
>Acts like a retard
>Gets called a retard
No, you're just retarded.
>rushing to teleporter
where the fuck are these people?
when i play with Yea Forums it's always looting every chest on the map before popping tele, wasting like 2+ minutes per stage for no reason
WoV is already but I'd rather have something like meat hook or dio's desu
What difficulty. what character do you play?
his knockback is the funnest part of his kit
>pin a bunch of enemies near a cliff
>scoot around then
>poof them all off
i want a merc player that uses uppercut so I can blast monsters all over
Not him but monsoon and I never spend more than 3 minutes per stage.
What character do you play?
It's feels the retards come crawling out when ever there's a new update
I get the feeling that the only reason dune striders spawn out of the desert, or imp overlords out of rallypoint is because there weren't enough bosses in the game to start out with to justify having them be level exclusives. Then what is there? Titans for plains, and vagrants for swamps? Magma worms for Depths? Beetle queen for Roost?
To me ideally they'd all be level exclusives with another 4-5 generic bosses that can spawn anywhere to mix things up, and then they only start leaving their exclusive levels on loops.
all except for huntress
WoV is extremely cool and strong late game when there's constant elites, but it's pretty weak early-mid game and won't carry you like a lot of the other reds(which are still insane late game). It could be buffed from 8 seconds to 10 seconds if you ask me.
>pick Huntress
Why do people say she is bad? With a few Backup Mags you can just lead enemies near the boss, spam M2 and watch the boss die in seconds. Plus she has insane mobility and 2700% damage on her R.
I'll give you Wake of Vultures and Headstompers, but Mask is always a good thing to have, Soulbound is fucking wack if you have a low-cooldown item, Fuel Cell, and War Horn, and N'Kuhana is awesome if you have any strong source of regen.
She's really good right now. My only gripe is her auto-aiming M1. I'd love for a new skill to be a manually aiming M1 at the cost of auto-aim and damage, but it can be held to charge it like pulling back an arrow.
Do you play multiplayer monsoon?
Some cheevos are bugged. Did huntess's no-hit challenge but didnt get the unlock and had to cheat it in. at least i didnt do it on drizzle
Rex just starts out slow but can quickly scale pretty well. However the regen changes hit him harder than anyone else in the cast. Rex on Monsoon is basically sadomasochism, and this is coming from a guy who mostly plays Commando. At least I got a shotgun.
How do you rush teleporters in multiplayer on monsoon as item dependent characters?
There are no item dependent characters, if you need any particular items to carry you, you're just shit.
Huntress's no damage challenge counts normal shield damage(as in blue bar). So getting Transcendence doesn't qualify you for it. Only damage you can take is on Topaz or Aegis shields(yellow).
Yeah, auto aim makes me feel dirty. Though she is fun to play from time to time with like 20 goat hooves and energy drinks.
Ok. if there are no item dependent characters why can I get both loader cheevs in under 15 minutes but it takes me 3+ just to kill a boss on monsoon as commando?
Such is the way of glass
Fun game though boys
I honestly felt the opposite
Everyone else having shit regen makes his R makes more attractive for general use since you just toss it at a blob of enemies then focus down the big shit
You're shit.
Post ror2 memes that didn't age well.
? Oh i get it, im shit because the items i did loot on the way were bad. woops bad rng guess im just garbage.
I know you are fucking lying and you dont play multiplayer monsoon as item dependent characters. Its a fucking slog right now.
Are the 4+ player mods not ready yet for this update yet? I've been trying to get them to work but with no success
No, you're just shit if you can only do the achievements on loader because that character is crazy overpowered right now.
Someone has been hosting a 10 player room, so I guess it's working.
because loader is an extremely low skill cap character that any retard can play to 100% of its potential on their first run and commando requires game knowledge and good dodging skills
you fucking retard, kill yourself
No it's not, it's because loader doesn't need items to deal big damage, have mobility and survive unlike the other characters.
lmao, kys
literally every single imagine regarding blazing stone titian
>the mountain in Scorched Acres can be climbed if you hook over there
>it's fully detailed with steps and scenery pieces
What the fuck why not just make this a natural extension of the level? I miss how vast and desolate the stages in RoR1 felt, and that's partially because of how big they were. Slow down Monsoon's pacing and open shit up a bit with more chests/enemies spread around. One of the first stages also has two areas that are only sometimes open, which is fucking retarded with how low mobility is when they could be embracing big areas really easily with more bridges or ropes. I like having secrets to open up as you progress, but most of the levels feel too small and lacking in landmarks/setpieces.
Wiped, open. FUCK celestines, and FUCK malachites.
the fact that you were already overloading by the time I offered up a shaped glass was very amusing.
Fun game indeed
like i said it's extremely low skill cap
if you can only play monsoon successfully on loader, you're fucking garbage
Does BanditPlus not work on current patch?
Ive done every achievement up to this point on monsoon. What happened to monsoon? The item pool is fucking awful now.
that was not what we were discussing....
are you sure? i cant connect
I don't think the author updated it, no. Banditclassic works though.
Patrician taste
there's a newt altar spawn up there, so it's intentional that you can get to that area
It's used to hide the newt altar. Also odd enough one of the scenery parts is not aligned to the ground
nevermind im in
you lie
Nice, just got into modding and wanna see him in action.
which one is the best? BanditPlus or BanditClassic?
What's a good way to increase your chances of surviving with like 5-6 shaped glasses?
Is there a convenient pastebin I can be linked about all of these mods everyone is using?
you have brain damage if you think it's not relevant
commando is NOT item dependent, if you think so you're a complete shitter, and by your own admission you fucking suck at commando
go back to drizzle, which i'm 100% sure is how you managed to unlock loader in the first place
Classic is the one that works so that wins by default.
But i unlocked loader on monsoon, ive done all of my achievements on monsoon. Commando is item dependent.
Who does everyone main?
Pic related
Same as you brother
I literally cannot loop in Monsoon with any other character, im a complete shitter.
pic related
no character has to rely on RNG for monsoon wins, if you need good drops then you just fucking suck
end of story
If you don't take the shotgun, yeah. If you do then by the time the shotgun stops carrying you you'll have so many items that there's no way they're all bad.
I don't really main anybody. Lately I've been playing a lot of artificer and commando
That honestly feels ridiculously out of the way for something not every character can even access early on. Let alone for something that's only kind of "good" and dependant on a rare currency. There's hidden and then there's dumb. The area's really nice too, overlooking the entire map while it leads to a dead end. It just sort of feels like wasted space when there's just an altar up there.
Take a guess
Please put a little more effort into the columns on he left, I'm begging you.
I dont have the shotgun yet. I cant unlock it on monsoon because of the shitty items now. I just got my skin in a 55 minute run where i had a clover and 2 ukes as my only proc items. I would have went further but i mean fucking hell. The item pool is fucking dogshit right now.
>t. doesn't actually play the game
>t. drizzlet
Why yes, I main HAN-D.
i miss him
>needs items to carry him
>calls someone drizzlet
Why do I get frame drops with a modded client even without any active mods?
there's been retarded newt altars since day 1, rallypoint delta has one way up by the shipping container that you can't reach without like 10 feathers
literally why? he was garbage, a slowass robot who cant dodge attacks and whose only defense is the pitiful healing from his drones
the game is better off without him
choose one
loader doesn't scale as well as other classes late game due to the nature of how shift dependent they are for big damage
way to out yourself as someone who doesn't play the game
>doesnt play on monsoon
>pretends he does
caught you out scrub
Unless you take 10 minutes per stage you never run into that problem.
>has headshot damage
Wow I didn't expect a mod to have this, I didn't even think it was realistic for an official character to have it added. Does it feel consistent or is it super janky?
Also that dash is what I had been suggesting commando have added to his roll if I-frames were out of the question.
I just want sniper to be real so bad bros
cope harder shitter
yesterday I got a soulbound catalyst and a meathook, two in a row from tier 1 chests
hahaha your so fucking bad you cant even play on monsoon lmao you think your opinion matters
The adults are talking right now hush.
anyone else have this issue?
I'm talking about monsoon, which you obviously don't play
Does queen's gland have a visual effect? I've never actually noticed before
t. shitters who take 10 minutes per stage and cry that they need best item rng to carry them because content outscales them
Charge punch continues to destroy everything in sight, just in the mid-late game it'll be by triggering massive damage item procs like ukulele zaps that one shot all golems in a 30 meter radius. Cube is almost mandatory though for consistency's sake.
I don’t really main anyone, but I’m the most comfortable on merc. I’m the only one I know who tries to make Rex a thing
I'm going to wait to play with Yea Forums again until all the FoTM people have left, the absolute state of the thread is so awful now.
reinstall, this usually happens after updates
the lobbies are still enjoyable
i mean, everyone kinda sucks at the game but we all have a good time
don't let the autists in the threads get to you
I just cant obliterate on monsoon boys
I've come so close so many times but I'm just too defeated
I take 3 minutes per stage, how many do you take drizzlet? Post your no-item monsoon commando run btw, since he's not item dependent.
play monsoon and come back if you want to talk about playing monsoon
There’s one super aggressive dude who just sits in these threads trying to make the same stupid points over and over. I wonder if he wants to sperg out about Huntress again
loader with pants or loader with shorts?
>tfw big titty loader mod doesn't work
Sad times, friends. I want all survivors to have fat T&A. All of them. Including rex.
>when you're such a scrub you think that getting far on monsoon without items is an achievement so you screenshot every time you don't get filtered by the first boss
Needs a proper model
Loader with spats
he wasnt bad though
his base attack rate meant he could time his attacks with jumps and mitigate a lot of the damage he would take that way without slowing his dps until he got a big syringe stack
if you just tried to march at enemies and mash punch of course you were gonna get fucked
he was the og tank
i like tanky characters
and i want to hit things with a big hammer
You arent actually following the argument. Did you have a stroke?
Loader with bicycle shorts
Ok, so you don't have any proof and are just shitposting then. God, it's like summer 2.0 in here
Doesn't Loader wear a full body suit? How would she spats?
>speedrunning autists are infesting Risk of rain now
Do guys think it'd work if Stone Titan fired his laser in a burst of three steady shots instead of his five second beam? The inconsistent tracking drives me up the goddamn wall, and using the environment to fight bosses when the porter placement is random feels like bad design.
>I'm so trash the most basic monsoon gameplay is in the crazy unbelieveable shit territory for me
my sides
I also thought she had slut pockets like Ibuki does
>I've come close
Then you can do it bro. Stick with it. We're all gonna obliterate ourselves
Just needs her bodysuit's color changed to something lighter so the black stands out more.
US Monsoon
Why jerk off over how great you are at monsoon instead of just enjoying comfy solo rainstorm runs?
Keep the thong
I could give her slut pockets. Pretty much anything could potentially be done
Lets see it. Lets see your no items commando oblit on monsoon. Commando is just as good as loader right? Lets see it.
blue commando, and red merc. I would also like to add BANDIT TO THAT LIST HOOPOO YOU FUCKING QUEER.
those are called on the outside of the suit, or give her bare legs & spats
Its fucking rough, since the update Ive had two good runs. You can do it user believe in the heart of the cards
I'm just so sick of beating the boss and then getting wrecked when 10 elite whips spawn on top of me or an elite jellyfish exploding on me
Because rainstorm is fucked as well if you're not playing a class with innate regen and armor
I don't like calling them spats because the extremely small potential for them being confused with the shoe type of spats triggers my autism
same. the worst is when I'm at stage 6 and I can feel myself crawling towards an inevitable slow death.
sometimes literally cause I have too few mobility items
what happened to these threads, all it is these days is git gud cause hopoo fucked up the patch. Feels like a bunch of 18 and under kids screaming git gud if anyone mentions they have a bit of trouble with monsoon and bad item or enemy spawn rng
agreed. fireworks legit make opening chests more fun, always like to have them and always sad if the printer grabs the last one
guys which artifcer optional skills are better i keep hearing conflicting opinions
(for monsoon of course)
>elitists exist
I think it's fine to have trouble on the hard difficulty the problem is when people make no real effort to adapt and instead just want the game made easier because they feel they deserve to be able to win.
redid the lobby after crash
They’re just so satisfying. Popping a barrel without them feels lame
trannies started to play the game
her m2 and r have balanced side-grades, her alt. m1 is shitty and bugged
Developers should ignore the people who play their games 99% of the time.
hey there me how are you
imagine trying to do this on anything but drizzle
The taste of victory at the summit will be that much sweeter when you do it.
It took people time to get used to malachite too.
Just accept the rain, fag.
invalid id
malachite is still garbage though
Time is your enemy in this game.
Rejoin if you crashed.
which is weird cause there is no "win" in this game yet.
No final boss no anything, just people ranting more about bad runs cause of the monsoon health regen stuff and I guess that made the degenerates of Yea Forums crawl out of their cave to yell git gud into the void to feel entitled and speshul even though they're most likely drizzlets themselves.
Now that there's rewards for killing yourself and loadouts it makes people post more bout bad rng but god forbid we do that when there's 30 wisps on our asses or elite elemental bosses spawn
Debatable. M2 is better for single targets and hitting multiple bosses, while default is better for general AoE uses. R is better for early game survivability but isn't really necessary if you get 2-3 feathers, but leaves your early game DPS in a poorer state and holes in your spell rotation.
M1 alternate just sucks. A bit better late with its bigger AoE, but FAR worse early since you have no burn meaning wisps take two shots lemurians take 3, etc.
>Nigga Tha Run is Gonna End From Obliteration Anyway - Fuck Tha Rules & Smoke Ukuleles 4 Life
Hopoo's been doing exactly that, look at how well that's turned out for them.
Do I do it?
That's be awesome, but probably look out of place and be extra work for you
enjoying shooting the bosses for 10 minutes for a couple chronobaubles
Adapt to what? This shit feels like binding of isaac post "everything is awful" now. The item pool is full of utter dogshit. Getting a chronobauble, stealth kit, gland, whip, bandolier, or buckler from a shrine of the mountain boss is rage inducing. Why are so many greens so dependent on commons? Haha wew you got harvesters scythe or pred from the first boss lol thats helpful weeeeee
it's RISK of rain, not casual of rain
RoR1's Monsoon was much easier in comparison, so I can see why people dont like it to be as ballbustingly hard as it is now.
There are two basic 'win conditions' in most people's minds it seems. Either obliterate ASAP, or reach stage 20+becoming an absolute deity of destruction until you get too tired to continue, or eventually die from a momentary lapse of judgement.
I personally haven't had the issue of too many wisps, but I've changed my strategy since the patch to focus them as priority target in early game if I don't have a drone to do it for me. I think it's nice that they're not able to be ignored all game now.
Threads are getting popular that's all. We've been going nonstop all day for several days. Notice how the current shit posting isn't anything you really have to play the game to follow? It's literally just ur2slow and >being a speedrunner.
I think the most recent patch just made it appearent how bad some items are and how ridiculous the enemy design in this game is when characters are more vulnerable. It's really easy for people join in say "gitgud" when people start to criticize frustrating design choices that were bearable when other things were strong.
i never do it
im still mad that it doesnt upgrade boss drops to red ever
I felt they're about equal. RoR1 had artifacts though which allowed people to modify the difficulty further.
malachite is stil bad, it's just "hp sponge: the enemy" fucking terrible.
I don't mean to sound like an elitist but the rainstorm's difficulty pacing is so slow it actually puts me to sleep
Enemies are slow to spawn and you don't start seeing elites until you're half way into your first loop
Fun 10 man. HOST WHEN.
Inb4 blazing greater wisp with so much health it takes you 5+ minutes to kill and you get a whip for your efforts.
Closed. Thanks to all who joined. Might be back in an hour.
Considering I gotta remodel her pants nearly entirely, it's well within the realm of possibility.
at least stealthkit and bandolier can be good
Its really obvious who doesnt actually play monsoon. Wish jannies still banned for trolling but here we are.
drawfag here give me ideas for lewd art I can draw
Haven't checked these threads in two months. Any new porn?
Well that didn't go well. Probably not the best time to try the new Commando R
US West Monsoon
Loader standing over Commando who is laying on the ground in fear.
>all those huntresses
can be, after you have a well balanced spread of items already
loader with BEEG muscle.
My experience has been
>enjoy patch though it's harder now and requires you to play a bit differently but still feels fair
>wtf the game is unplayably hard now this is bullshit change it back
>give suggestions on how to avoid taking damage to wisps and how to better survive the occasional hit you are bound to take
>people say it's pointless to try any of that because it was bad to bother with it pre-patch
Slut pockets with pants would probably be the way to go, desu
I guess its a personal thing then. I always played vanilla RoR1 (Glass and Command are for casuals imo) and I could always get a half decent run going for at least a little while.
in RoR2 Monsoon slaps me silly even on the first fucking stage sometimes.
Maybe its the difference in bosses. Nothing in the first few stages in 1 could cheap you out super hard, whereas in 2 bad luck can leave you SOL if a jelly or stone titan spawns.
>transcendence is ba-
Ctrl+Alt+~ 'connect'
join for prismatic trial multiplayer
I still can't get over the fact that I had to make merc even shorter in order to get a female body to work.
What is prismatic trial and why should I care about it?
any kind of paizuri involving arti or huntress
full, sorry fren
this game has some giant balance problems and if you try to bring that up constructively anywhere it gets shut down because most "official" outlets are echo chambers. For example, hitscan enemies that can hit you from the entire map away, homing projectiles you can only dodge with terrain, homing lasers you can only dodge with terrain, hp sponge enemies, aoe spams you can only dodge with terrain, heavy dot damage nothing counteracts, large pools of worthless items with retards claiming they do anything.
hoopoo will never fix any of this and "muh difficulty" fags will be satisfied beating their empty heads against an rng brick wall until they get a good payout and claim it was skill. Fucking retarded.
Just fuckin ignore 'em, it's a classic bait and there's no reason to ever respond to such people.
lemurian mounting huntress
artificer forcing lemurian into amazon position
lemurian loader
huntress getting facefucked through one of her helmet ports
>tfw no mommy-mercenary gf
Do anons who draw here upload their stuff to common websites or is there a mega somewhere?
Artificer locked in lunar stasis and being used like a public relief slut.
Who'd it spawn and how'd it go?
>some speak of legends who can win Yea Forums rules with enforcer, but such legends no longer play
I've only actually played with Yea Forums maybe three times, but on one of those occasions we were getting crushed hard every level, and there was one guy on enforcer who would carry us through to the next level every time. It went like that all night long.
I don't remember what his name was, but your memory lives on, you crazy enforcer.
I find bandos to be mandatory on engi for turret upkeep, and stealthkits are especially useful now after the slogpatch
I see no problem
The thing is with glass/command is that it's mostly 1 guy carrying the whole game in 95% of the runs. So it just happened to be an Enforcer that survived and got all the items to become an unkillable god.
Loader is a fucking girl? He's a guy in RoR1
having to rely so heavily on terrain is what kills the game for me. It's not enough to keep moving, its to keep moving and always be near a goddamn wall in case one of the bosses does their bullshit homing attacks that saps all your health. Sometimes that's not even possible given the area.
never forget
It's his daughter
None of the characters are the RoR1 characters
malachites now are worse than blazing elites ever were desu
leech seed, harvesters scythes, lensmakers. get lots of tougher times and pray that you don't get domed and die instantly before your retarded seed/scythe regen heals you
this post needs greater attention; where is all the art going? r34 is dead, the booru doesn't let you register an account anymore, twitter has a godawful tag system where no one can agree on what universal tags to use, tumblr's no different, and pixiv is mostly in moon runes so good luck finding what you're looking for unless you're a slope or a weeb
that's pretty good lol
Two questions for anyone to answer.
First: Has Wake of Vultures been made usable yet?
Second: What are some good strategies for LOADZILLA?
I want in on this! Make it so!
>Take one instance of damage from a blazing titan laser
>Die from one tick of the dot
holy shit the fucking resolution is killing my browser
>Log on five minutes before closing
Damn it all. Will murk for awhile to see if you guys turn it back on in an hour.
Grapple big thing, swing around till shift is off cooldown, use r on cooldown if you are not being focused m1
>Want to get Loader's grapple
>Figure I'll blast through it on Drizzle
>First boss is a hoard of Greater Wisps
>Fifth boss is a hoard of Malachite Lemurians
be spiderman
Just what object is N'Kuhana's Opinion supposed to represent? Horns?
Celestine are pretty spooky too.
>start dodging templars left and right
>see celestine wisp
>all templars decide to huddle up under its buff
Seeing a wall of lead tearing towards you with no discernible source is horrifying. The cloak is god damn cool to play around but it's horrifying when you realize that a high-threat mob is now invisible and under the protection of another super tanky mob.
If we had only played a game or two, I'd give you that, but we played at least 8 - 10 games, and every last one of them was him running things.
like you said, everyone else go crushed on every level which means he was the one getting all the items.
Strats for getting skins bois?
get good items
dont get bad bosses
wait until they fix monsoon
When are they gonna make it so bosses drop loot, I feel like that's something from the first game that's really missing.
I also wish the mountain shrines items were not duplicates.
I know hopoo reads these threads, these ideas could only improve the game.
oh worm?
Not him but, Malachite's are just this games version of Leeching
Have a friend carry you.
nah, dunestrider, though if you have no mobility any boss is nightmare right now
you can literally just hide behind the spikes on the teleporter, retard.
Cheat them in lole
Worm is a fine boss. Bad boss is early game elite hordes if you're anyone but artificier.
ok but he ground punches if you stand still. Do you play the game?
literally anything is better than the shit we already have.
I want this. if mountain shrines dropped different stuff I wouldn't hate spending so long for a couple heal flowers.
right now I just don't use them
Enforcer fucking WHEN
his shield might actually be useful in a 3D environment
there are two spikes, retard. force him to punch the edge of one and then move to the other.
one of the more well thought ou arguments against all the retards posting lately
ok but then you are getting lazered for a few seconds and the regen is so bad that you dont get that health back the whole teleporter event
>Decide to play quick play
>2 chinise players
>ching chong and shit
Then you move out of the giant circle as the sound queue gives you an obvious count down when the fist will appear
Do you play this game? Not enough clearly
I'm glad I'm not the only one that had this idea. God bless.
just change direction once it hunches over. there's also a sound cue you can hear cause it's early game and not drowned out
It does, the giant bug that follows you
found your problem
yes but if you move out of the circle while being targeted with the lazer you get lazered, do you have any reading comprehension? not enough clearly
how can i lock everything outside america?
We were talking about dodging the lazer behind the telporter poles. If you move out of the way of the fist he will lazer you, are you reading the thread?
Oh no I took one(1) tick of damage laser damage! how ever will i recover?
There's no region lock to speak of
na lobbiers
>he doesn't know
You will take more than one tick of damage. Stop being dismissive with the regen the way it currently is.
Huntress holding a quiver of arrows between her butt cheeks
>arcs bombs up through the air
>rolls them on the ground, which can also climb up surfaces
>tars you on top of having reasonable damage
>vortexs you if you're close
Some of these bosses are designed with no particular flaws and it's fucking mind boggling.
I honestly think the worm could be more aggressive. There's so many times on Delta Point where he's off fucking around on his own. They should have simply made him dive towards you more often while slowing down his movement speed a little. His snake scurry is honestly fucking annoying and looks pretty dumb.
How do you join these things? Do you have to mod the game?
t. newfag
Some of them are though, aren't they?
>overloading laser
>blazing laser
>malachite laser
have fun not getting that hp back for literally 10 minutes
Better question, how the fuck do I reach round 20 with Commando and no lunars?
I wonder how 10 man lobby guy mods his game and changes parameters. I kind of want to try my hand at making a lobby like his.
get skill
Use the method he said in his post. There's a mod that allows non modders to join, so it's just plug and play.
There's no shame in it user, no one will know, and at least you'll be better than the people who cheated it in
get a godrun or just do drizzle
It Spawned Beetle Queens and and a whole lot of enemies. I zerg rushed the teleporter which I normally do but considering i had a double trial I should've geared a little. I killed one and almost got the second before I got spit on when roll was on cd
Loot good items. Dont loot bad items.
Four alien dicks
yeah, just keep the spike between you and titan. if he's so close that you can't even move, then you should have just sprinted around him like normal to avoid the laser
We've had a whole shitter squad trying to D-Day that shit. Attack failed, now regrouping.
wish they'd upload more
ITT: shitter crutches
Drizzle. Use coins to open the shop and go to the shop portal then leave because that counts as a level.
What character do you play that can sprint faster than the titan can track you?
RoR2 has had headshot detection inside since it came out.
Glass is fine in a vacuum, it's only a crutch if you cheated in the coins to stack it
That's the only way to do the Artificer one shot though.
What if you cheated cause the achievements and challenges are bugged?
You'll take exactly 1 tick if your timing is correct the fist has like 2 active frames, get your shit together
about what? regen? if his health was in such a sorry state that he was about die then he should've have hit the TP in the first place
Again, I would hope you had a better threat assessment to realize standing out in the open when one of these spawn is a bad idea or had enough speed items to casually outrun the laser
This whole hypothetical is just getting increasingly retarded
RoRBooru, duh.
Cheating in coins or doing 15 non-Lunar runs to build up coins the results are the same. Sounds like the issue would be how coins persist between games is your problem.
>shop portal counts as a level
holy shit, is that actually true?
if you hug its legs and sprint circles around it, as long as you don't get hit initially the laser won't touch you. this may not work with MUL-T cause he's bigger (I think), but his dash should be able to keep him safe anyway
glass is a crutch if you take just one
any more and you just die if you're a shitter
i did arti 1shot without glass
crit preon into a vagrant point blank
git gud
That's the only acceptable time to do it
Or if your game crashes on stage 19 due to Overloading Worm particle effects like mine did
Yes I'm still fucking mad
What's the latest way to play Bandit? I've never tried him but kinda wanna. I assume you can't play him with others unless they have modded clients as well?
it used to be true, but not anymore
Haven't touched the since about 2 weeks after release. What kind of cool mods and porn are out now?
Give up the runs that could be 40+ and cash out as soon as possible
>the booru doesn't let you register an account anymore
you kind of need one to upload
it's a difference between earning the coins through playing the game as intended and making the game a cakewalk through literal cheating
I'd rather not rely on crit.
Is my game busted?
Clover no longer appears in my logbook and instead in its spot it says "find this item in the world to unlock it"
Is my file fucked? I haven't had any clovers in a long time
Did they make the game less boring now? After 20 hours of playtime it just gets so repetitive and not even in a fun way.
No big lost, you can always just edit it back in
anybody got the pic of Merc asking the Huntress "why does she suck so much dick?"
>t. orange dog
Have yourself a blessed day
How? You didn't even address what I said. You say stacking Glass is bad if you cheat but there's nothing stopping someone from playing 100 games to build up a huge quantity of coins and then doing precisely the same shit the cheater is doing. The results don't change. Again, your problem with glass stacking sounds like you don't really have one or that perhaps the current implementation of coins being saved between runs is a problem, I'm not really sure and you don't appear to be entire sure either. Your stance on cheating is obvious but really not related.
Im with you, I keep scraping by to the final level as arti but I never have enough damage/healing/mobility to finish up when I'm deep into HAHAHAHA, it's hard to get all 3 of the things you need in such a short time
They made it a bit less boring as the game is actual somewhat hard now.
Late night US East run
don't lie to this poor guy it still count
thanks m8, you are a fucking legend.
just like any other run, get 5+ wisps and the game plays itself
So is loader's alternate skill just a straight upgrade? I'm failing to see any downsides here.
>put in time and effort to get reward
>reward is earned and you deserve to use it
>reward is expected to be used in moderate quantities
>skip putting in time and effort
>get undeserved reward
>abuse reward by stacking it past unintended amounts
I don't get what's so hard to grasp here; when used moderately it's not a crutch, when abused it is a crutch.
I guess the downside is if you really liked swining on wisps?
Pretty major downside IMHO
>Try playing as Loader seriously.
>Worst character in the game.
>Bandit died for this.
>worst character
git gud
>worst character
By the time elite titans show up you will always have enough mobility to fuck off to cover on the opposite side of the map.
Did I fucking stutter?
have you considered that enemies sometimes don't spawn at all so it's harmful to rush tp when you actually need items
At what point do you end a run?
shorts are superior
Loader is so fucking strong
It's the only character that can withstand the new monsoon without pulling every hair of your body
I challenge you or anyone really to pull a screen of an obliteration in monsoon under 25 min
My honest take on this is I don't think i could do it with any char except loader in a consistent way
your brain stuttered by the looks of it
Loader with or without slut pockets?
There is no effort put into earning lunar coins. It's entirely proportional to your time spent playing the game.
>you will always have enough mobility
>always have enough mobility
>always have enough
>RNG, the game
Worm was so much worse for anyone without hitscan attacks before it had the horizontal movement pattern. It was an absolute chore. You're right though, it does need a new AI mode that if it isn't at full health will check if there are any players within a certain distance, and if not head towards them. Even if it has to look goofy and move in a straight line, it shouldn't be getting stuck on terrain far away from the teleporter.
Slut pocket
Do a booty short
You can join any game with him.
that ass looks ridiculous
>no effort
You can't walk away from your PC and come back to magically earn coins user, it's going to take some effort.
color the bodysuit into a onesie swimsuit/leotard, then shorts with pocket
It's actually true in this case, because you either get enough mobility before they show up due to RNG or you're dead from not having enough mobility, so either way by the time they show up you always have enough mobility
Magma worm is just a shit boss for a 3d game. They should remove it, easiest boss in the game by far but also one of the most annoying.
You do not deserve to be rewarded with easy runs for obliterating yourself 10 times on drizzle beforehand.
Am I a retard or is this game starting to get really hard
Not just the regen changes, the spawn AI changes are fucking my ass. It feels like HP sponges are spawning everywhere so I need to go even more on offense, but the regen changes mean I'm fucked if I don't pick up healing
Nah m8 eat a dick. A better system is instancing a wallet each new run and granting lunar coins for mountain shrines and combat shrines.
Yes, you will. The further you get the more items you find. The more items you find the more they will trend towards the average. I'd be seriously impressed to see anyone reach an elite titan without fast enough movespeed to move to cover from the teleporter zone. Not just from the pure low odds of it happening, but from them even getting to elite titans to begin with.
If you hit a mountain shrine post-loop, then sure. But if you do that without being geared for it that's your own fault.
Shorts would looks something like this
not feeling it. shorts
They have consistently been trying to make the game harder with every update, aside from fixing broken mechanics like the old blazing damage. Personally I consider that a good thing but I can understand why others wouldn't like it.
He literally has the best healing
Get leech seeds and scythes
Just looks like her hips are clipping through the pants. WIthout. Doesn't fit that body type regardless.
i mean, they looked fine before, nkw they look like a diaper
chad commando
I'm feeling this too. elite bosses by stage 3, wisps always accompanied by one. it's awful.
Looks good from the front, but yeah from the side looks like a diaper.
how do you actually get the models into the game? im no stranger to modeling and rigging, but i dont know how to use unity to extract/repack stuff
Well, these are loose shapes for now. I plan on tightening them a bit on her.
Just the thong looked best to me. A sleek, simple bodysuit.
I'm conflicted, it's not bad but it look too much like a diaper and i'm not into that
Maybe it look good in movement
make it longer
edit your save file so you dont have all the shit items unlocked
I put the old instructions on the mega
The workflow is pretty much the same, I'll post the blend files later when I make sure everything will actually work. The last time some guy followed the instructions, it kept on breaking on him somehow.
I plan on tightening the shorts. That's just a WIP to show where it might cut off.
10 man user where the fuck are you im so bored
\Steam\userdata\*Your steam ID*\632360\remote\UserProfiles
you risk of rain save file is just a .txt file that you can and copy and paste a text with that will unlock everything
Where's the link to the >4 players mod?
I miss depths bros
Or is it a console command? "sv_maxplayers 10"?
i miss magma barracks
Console command, then you type host 1, then whoever has your IP can join you.
Servers went down when I was like 2 hits off of the boss to unlock loader. I was livid lol
>it's a Loader doesn't take Transcendence episode
It's literally the perfect item for her. Attack enemy with Shift, run away and let Transcendence heal you to full in ~3 seconds, and then Shift again. Also the +50% max health makes you tanky as fuck.
does it work out of the box or do I need to do things to play him
cool ill give a stab at this tomorrow. i assume every character/monster follows the same filename conventions?
I can't remember the name of the new level, but I got the worm on that level, and couldn't fucking find him for a long while. Partially my own fault, because I had bought one of those random turrets scattered about at one point, and he was off dicking around with that for a good amount of time.
Every time I see the worm's name pop up when I hit a teleporter, I moan a little, because he's not hard at all, but is just tedious. Once I've looped through once, I'll usually fight the random boss spawn before starting the teleporter, but I'll just ignore the worm if it's him. He just isn't worth the time it takes. I'll just play as if he isn't there, and eventually he will die from just getting in the way.
Fuck it, I'm just going to do a poll
i got loader's on the third run and huntress on my second.
go for mediocre items in shops rather than randoms. prioritize slug/turtle/fungus until you have atleast 3 minimum make sure you have somewhere to hide behind in early levels (golem laser, beetle spit and jellyfish aoe). try spending 4-6 minutes on levels 1 & 2. farm for the red on level 4. kill bosses that spawn on loops then go for items before doing tele.
most importantly, do not be afraid to run from a fight. worst case you die running away. best case you hide for 20 seconds and live to fight more. dont be greedy
Transcendence on loader makes me so hard
i made a wallpaper for you all cuz you gave me the merc shitting on huntress pic, plz rate.
Sort of. I use AssetStudio in order to get all of their specific names. If you need the blend files for a specific model, say so. I'll post what I have on the mega if they're usable.
How retarded can you be
You need the things it asks of you at the top of the page.
alright thanks
10 minutes or so.
God bless.
has anybody tried the Switch port?
Just how bad is it?
the late night hosts are killing my sleep schedule
one-shot protection is a literal lie and a falsehood.
it exists but doesn't really work on overloading or blazing elites
or if you just take two hits at once
not bad 7/10
One such protection is real however most enemies have mutli-hit moves or some kind of after effect on their attack that you'll immediately get damaged and die
Yes you do, you put in the time. This is like saying you don't deserve to eat at a nice restaurant just because you saved up your wages from working retail instead of having a career.
Ok, I don't necessarily disagree, but that's not what we were discussing
>I'd be seriously impressed to see anyone reach an elite titan without fast enough movespeed to move to cover from the teleporter zone
>stage 4
>movement items are red whips and a headstomper
How do I into Commando?
I just died from full HP with no personal shield generators from a clay dunestrider rolling ball. I was watching my HP. I was completely at full.
Just keep the thong, unless you're making multiple options.
Did someone order lizard tits?
It's going to be options later down the line, but I'm going to include it in the next WIP
Yes, the impact of the ball left you at 1hp but ball also sets you fire so you immediately died before you could even react
Did you take like an hour to hit stage 4 or something? The most common suggestion for how to easily get the deicide achievement was to use a mountain shrine on stage 5.
use m2 to reset accuracy. r snipes from a distance. get on hit items since his on hit chance is great. attack speed up is great. hit multiple enemies with m2. use roll all the time to move.
dunestrider rolling ball attack is not a multihit. they did not have a blazing affix either.
>get transendence as huntress
>don't get rally point delta achievement
>kill imp overlord with preon as mulT
>don't get achievement
george is getting ANGRY
It's more like saying you deserve to eat at a nice restaurants because you put in the effort of banging rocks together in your back yard.
l e o t a r d p l s
the ball has an after-effect
>I was watching my HP
That's why you didn't see what killed you.
Doesn't artificer already have a leotard?
Shields count as HP. It's stupid, but also would be far too easy otherwise. Has to be a boss overlord with a red heatlthbar, and it has to be killed by the impact of the preon; not the energy tendrils, and not an on-hit the preon aplies. Good luck user, you can do this.
shields count as healthy. get the polnareff turtle
>Did you take like an hour to hit stage 4 or something?
No, I'm playing current patch monsoon, I got there in like 20 minutes
>>get transendence
blue shields are considered part of your total health (100%), meaning psg and transcendence
only topaz and aegis (yellow shield) counts as """over 100%""", so stack those up instead.
strawmanning doesn't make you any more correct
yes why can't loader have delicious bare thighs too
>find tonic + 1 gesture
>cant find any other gestures
>mfw 11 afflictions
front reaction angle and back angle of loader shooting her fist to grab some cheek of either Arti or Huntress
I know it slows, but it does not have any other damage properties.
while this is a completely fair point, there was nothing else on the map.
Where the fuck is my Enforcer HotPoo?
It's worth it. Just two more fuel cells and you're in the clear.
>Has to be a boss overlord with a red heatlthbar, and it has to be killed by the impact of the preon; not the energy tendrils, and not an on-hit the preon aplies. Good luck user, you can do this.
yeah I met these conditions
>not an on-hit the preon aplies
w h o k n o w s
You can go spawn one and test if you want
Does anyone actually use the grenade on commando?
no, suppressing fire is too god damn good, and you can't see where the grenade is gonna go anyway
so are the instructions what one needs to do to install these or are they already packed to simply overwrite the old files?
>mfw bouncing a grenade off a wisp and it detonates for 4x damage
i'm not a modder, I don't know how to fuck with the game like that.
so it's a multihit?
Yes, that's why you got hit and immediately died
one shot protection exist but it's meme in a game were nearly every hit is multi hit
christ seriously.
that seems like one of the only attacks in the entire game that would logically be a single hit since it's a slow-moving projectile.
I do, helps clear mobs even if it is weak.
I think one of the only attack that aren't multi hit or have an after effect is the big horn bison's charge, but it sends you like 50 feet into the air and you'll take fall damage
It's what you need to do to get a custom skin of your own into RoR2. There's a blend file for using to rig your model normally, and then the blend file that you would use to import into unity. Use the second file to append your mesh from the first file and then bring it into unity. Then put it into a scene and rip the raw data file and import that raw data file into RoR2's asset file with Unity Asset Bundle Extractor. That's pretty much the process
i crashed, wait for me in shop
You can't die from fall damage thankfully.