Why was it so good? I miss it bros

Why was it so good? I miss it bros

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Rising Storm 2 was so shit for some reason - when it ran at all. Fucking Unreal

Can't see shit: the simulator

Playing in the beta was fucking insane
>coordinated banzai charges to blitz the next capture point
>watch it either be a huge success or get roasted by a flamer with good positioning
>steal an officer's katana
>oh shit a second one shows up
>starts charging with his katana
>sprint sidestep and he misses his sprint attack
>slash him in the head and get the achievement

It's the maps. The gameplay doesn't lend itself to the constant barrage of fire you see from 60 mothafuckin' cocksuckin' players in vehicles and on MGs bombarding you from every angle, when you die in one fuckin' shot and have no cover besides a cocksuckin' bush 90% of the time.


MOtherfuckers get spray LMGs from the hip and get multikills while i do the same pointblank and hit all the surroundings but them

the soundtrack youtu.be/RhhP-IJS2Ro
also, not every class has access to automatic weapons like in RS2

Attached: banzai.png (620x514, 760K)

just imagine a laser beam coming out from your hipfired weapon model. It wobbles all around as you move so you constantly have to be accounting for that. Also it doesn't work well with rifles; they go flying everywhere when hip fired

prove you're worthy. i remember the day I got this achievement because we steamrolled the americans thanks to our commander: Overkill

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America!! Fuck yeah!

*very patriotic hymn to the Emperor of Japan plays*

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RS2's color palette and voice acting are so lacking in comparison to the original
Despite being about Vietnam, the soldiers never act like they're terrified

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I still play it every day.

That one reused audio line for getting TORCHED really makes it obvious how shitty the new VA is

Attached: Get on my level retard.png (252x138, 43K)

somehow makes me feel patriotic for Imperial Japan

I still think knee mortars were way worse than flamethrowers if put in the right hands.

Attached: flamethrower.webm (640x360, 1.9M)

I miss it too

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>3 servers
>all in London
this shit pisses me off so much

They changed their focus and overall aesthetic in RS2 (for the worse). Instead of building off of what the first game did they scrapped it and made it more like a dumb action movie.

Attached: itsmagic.webm (640x360, 2.42M)

Its a shame RS1 doesn't have the lasting power of RO2 for some reason, when you think about the millions and millions of WW2 games set in the european theatre and only a fraction of games set in the pacific. Finally here comes one with the RO engine and its pretty much dead today while RO2 still has a few sizeable servers that isn't full of bots.

Tripwire went full retard with RS2 like how Infinity Ward went full retard with MW2 with nothing but constant explosives spam

have the first two (pretty easy if you play it past its prime with bots) but what achievement is the last one?

RS2 achievement for winning the Skirmish mode 100 times. (It's actually super fun, especially since the game is paced way faster than RO2/RS1).

The voice acting honestly kills it for me in RS2. The voice acting in RO2/RS1 is so good and makes it so easy to get immersed into the game.
>make a game set in Vietnam
>barely let your VAs swear and never let them say gook, zipperhead, slope, etc.
>on top of already really low quality VAs
I'm honestly really surprised that RS2 is still kicking to this day with how fucking sloppy its launch was.
>bugs from beta testing were still present at launch
>IIRC 5 maps (not counting Skirmish) maps at launch
>mapping tools were broken for about a couple months - if I remember right the bug was that you couldn't raise/lower terrain

i liked the original red orchestra more tbhwyf


liked the soviet vs nazis more

>tfw tripwire has went permanent jew
>will never see games like RO2,RS2 or KF again

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>faggot using the flamethrower enteres the thread

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*arisakas you from 167m away*
heh, nothing personal kid

I would gas a Belorussian village for another red orchestra game

>You're not putting this bull to pasture!
>*nearby soldier dies* Damn, not another one!
>I have six feet of Russia for you, Fritz!
>Tchort, I've been hit!
>Save me, my God, save me!
It's painful to boot up RS2 and take in how mediocre it all is compared to the previous entries.

Attached: casey cant take this shit no more.jpg (400x400, 29K)

The gameplay in RO2 was great but the maps were abysmal. 90% of each map was barren fields with defenders in entrenched positions. Sprint-die-repeat until the commander calls in support made it tiresome. While the voice acting and giving everyone assault weapons in RS2 sucks, the maps are much better designed with far more cover, terrain variation, and team abilities.

I hope the team behind '83 takes lessons learned from both games and gives a solid release.

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*very nonchalantly*
Foxtro iz beein attacc

>tfw tripwire has went permanent jew
what happened?



i feel like you got RO2 and RS2 mixed up with your description.

Confirmed for never played either one.

Look at rising storm 2 and KF2

>Typical FNGs, getting themselves killed.
>Man, I sure could use a joint right now.
>Getting a heart for this one.
>Man, I'm seriously fugazi.
A year ago I thought to myself, "If some community voice actors got together and made a modpack that replaces the abysmal voice acting it would make the game so much better." But a couple of months ago I had the realization a community voicepack isn't going to fix just how unfun it feels.

300 hours on RO2/RS
only 80 on RS2 because its a piece of shit campfest

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Blowing up american dogs with the knee mortar was a blast

I'm not sure if I ever won the campaign as the japs.

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have sex

>still has a few sizable servers
Are you being serious? I'm so fucking tired of RS2, and Day of Infamy is dead now too. I'd love to go back to RO2

whoops, didint link the user i was replying too

Red Orchestra 3 when????

Did you guys like the tank combat in RO2?

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I still play on the Divided server, it's the only one reasonable for my ping and it's mostly 80% full in its peak timezone.

I had a realism mod for RO2 and Rising Storm that made it so explosives shot out random projectiles of shrapnel from the epicenter of the explosion, whizzing by like bullets for a pretty long range.

It also made characters scream like this

games a shitshow.now devs only cater to a small circle of circle jerking autismos.

Tank combat was nice assuming you knew how to use it

ro2 wasn't great but its better then rs2

RS1>>>>>RO2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rising shit 2

It was so good, it struck a great balance between simulation and fun gameplay. Until people figured out you can one-shot Panzer 4s by aiming for a small spot right below the lower glacis. Just wish it was way more popular...

I thought it was more fun as a tank game than World of Tanks or whatever

I liked shooting tanks with anti-tank rifle hoping to do something but doing nothing

This is still the only game to date where I've seen 30 man PUGS coordinate and feel a sense of camaraderie with one another when we win. I miss pinging slants with the BAR so god damn badly.

the power of Banzai compels you to take orders

I miss it too, but I do regret spending money on the original Rising Storm. I found myself always defaulting to the Springfield 03A3 because the sights on the Garand are so fucking bad compared to other games.

Fuck, I miss RO2 so much. I miss the comfy server I was playing on around 2015-2016, logging in, taking a look at the scoreboard and knowing like 80% of the people in there. I tried forcing myself to like RS2 as much as I did RO2 but it just wasn't the same.

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>regret spending money on the original Rising Storm

See the rest of the comment. It can be played for free, you're only paying to be able to spawn with weapons other than the Springfield 1903A3.

Don't mind me, just being the worst RS map

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The love of nip slaying inspires me to make progress

there is no bad map on RS, please delete this post

They're going back in their rat hole!

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anti-tank rifle only kills if you hit a very damaged plate, either by you shooting it in the same plate repeatedly or by shooting it in the same place you just saw it take a hit from a friendly tank

>Sniping a nigga with the PTRS and watching his body explode

Especially the Vietnamese voice lines. I speak it and they did an awful job. It sounds like a guy in a recording booth reading a script, in the worst way possible.
The South VN update was a little bit better, voice wise. Still not that great but an improvement from the Northern voices.
I still enjoy the game, but it is vastly different from the rest of the franchise.

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If anything RS2 colors are too fucking vibrant for a supposedly gloomy WW2 shooter and the bushes are green to the point of blinding instead of washed out like pic related you posted

>he does not have full-auto C96 Mauser
>he does not have silencer for Nagant revolver