Just build a PC bro!

>just build a PC bro!
>it's as easy as legos bro!
I hate you.

Attached: building.jpg (1000x720, 162K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Based retart

Why would you need 2 computers?

Looks like you're doin alright. Stick with it

The annoying part is cable management.

Why the fuck are you building on the floor? Also it's not fucking difficult. You're just stupid.

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get off v and put it together

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>building on carpet
what the fuck

>browsing and posting in a wojak thread or perhaps even MAKING a wojak thread, revealing himself as a brainlet.

It is literally as easy as legos except for connecting the fan cables, but even those are labelled on the actual mobo.

>doing on the carpet
put that shit on the table ya retard, static electricity ain't a meme

It's not as hard as you're making it out to be. GANBARE!

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my 12 year old cousin built his own PC, idiot

I really want to get a Mac.

>Take out Motherboard
>Install CPU and CPU Heatsink to Motherboard
>Install RAM to Motherboard
>Install Power Supply Unit to Case
>Install Motherboard to Case
>Install Video Card(s) to Motherboard
>Consult Motherboard Manuals to plug in Wires (This is the only tricky part)
>Make sure you plug in Front USB and all Motherboard and Case Power Wires
>Install Hard Drives and so on, this is all easy now

In short, read the fucking manual.

>retarded Mac user can't build a PC

Why is anyone surprised?

All of these steps are harder than you make them out to be.

>Doing this on the carpet
Seriously, building a computer in 2019 is the easiest it's ever been. How fucking dumb are you?

No it's not. Just pay attention to what you're doing and stop posting on Yea Forums.

not him but I used this guide and it was simple. The hardest part for me was threading all four corners of the CPU cooler on.

Why do zoomers have 0 motor skills?

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It's only as hard as you think it is. It's like riding a bike, or a first cousin, after the first time it gets much easier.

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You picked micro atx and the case. You brought it on yourself. trade it in and get something bigger if you can't handle the form factor.

Hope you researched the compatibility charts.

Reading is not hard.

they spend too much time playing video games and masturbating

>Both jerking it and gayming need manual skills

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I dont own a computer at all.

Is she a succubus?

It's not as easy as Legos though.
It's as easy as Technics - meaning ages 11+.

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what the hell dimension did this come out of. a flattery picture of literally who?

Literally the easiest shit in the world you fucking retard.

Some kind of vagina centered demon, that's for sure.

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Ew stop. Piercings are gross and she looks like she has the most busted roast beef of all time.

she's just a whore, open up tinder and you'll see endless women like her drowning their late twenties do nothing know nothing shame in oceans of cum from random guys

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I'd like to see her try to suck a bus.

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desu her pussy is actually clean in a labia sense.

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zoomers can't read, user

brainlet OP, posts about how hard building a simple ass PC on /v using his mac laptop.
i cant make this shit up if i tired

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just stop giving him (You)s
op's pic is from an old thread from last year arch.b4k.co/v/thread/397333582/

here's YOUR (you)
now go back to jerking off to trannies

>last year

There should be a youtube video for each component.

I'm VERY retarded and I was able to do it despite some complications. Also get that shit off the carpet man, what the fuck are you doing?

it is though, i literally did it as a 15 year old. i thought i fucked it up for a bit, turns out i forgot to connect my graphics card to the PSU. only error I made with my first ever build, and my second all i did was not stick a stick of ram in fully. its really easy.

The only real hard part of it is the front panel connectors and maybe any liquid cooling you got.

>If you forget one of us your pc will get fucked.

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I never got it to fit in the case...

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>gtx 1060
>b350 chipset

don't even care if this is bait

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Dude I'm a legit retard (I failed college and it wasn't even a particularly elite one) and I built mine without any issues except for the CPU cooler since I bought that EVO one with the shitty fixation system and my case was tiny.

you are retarded, you are worse than a nigger, prove me wrong. A nigger could assembling a pc.

the sad part is your not building shit, you
are a assembly monkey this is what building a computer looks like faggot.

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only way i can see it being hard to build if you can some tryhard case that has like 50 cables and complex setup for LEDs, but you got a basic case.

Just follow the advice of the guy who wrote his steps out, and if you still can't do it, just bring it to your local repair shop and pay them $50 or whatever to put it together for you.

What's bad about that?

you are retarded, 8 year old can assemble a pc, you failing college means nothing.

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my motherboard is kept in place by two of you, we do okay

retard, the chad way to make a PC is to buy it pre built and then take out the garbage parts and put in new parts. i got a $600 prebuilt pc from skytech and i added 16 gb of ram to the 8gb in it and i got a new core i7 processor in it and its a beast (for my low standards, its a beast)

>gtx 1060

cmon man

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>Paying for parts you don't need and won't use
Now who is the retard here?

You are legitimately retarded. I hope you have a caretaker because you should not be allowed to live alone and put others at risk.

>gtx 1060
>Intel stock cooler.
>shitty router/ap on the floor for no reason
>case is backwards
>psu outside of case
>dvd reader outside
>phone on floor charging on top of box it came from.

why are you are your parts shit?I am concerned how you are allowed to operate without supervision of mental healthcare worker user.

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>not reselling the parts you wont use on craigslist
cmon user, i know youre smarter than that

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Why isn't your PC watercooled?

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Enjoy your losses, I guess.

>gtx 1060
Please tell me you weren't retarded enough to get the 3gb version

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Is this bad? I can run TF2 and Skyrim fine..
The case is backwards cause I couldn't get the usb and audio ports on the front to work.

>Desk cycle
I can't be the only person that finds that to be the funniest part of the pic

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because I don't want to combine electronics with liquid, it's just too whack

>posting plumber user's case.
You think showing retard user a water cooled pc with brazing would? you think the retard could scree in a waterblock?
Stop giving him idea,

lmoa even I managed to build a gaming PC and I'm a literal fried brain retard. Just use PC part picker to make sure all your shit is compatible.

Hell in my build I got an ATX mobo even though my case could BARELY fit it, and my power supply didn't have the right power connectors for the mobo, and I still managed to fit everythign in there and get it working.

The pump drives me crazy, the loudest thing in my room is a telechron. We are a passive household.


that's an old pic

I don't know what's wrong with it, please explain.

Is that fucking cardboard as a mousepad

They have literal videos showing you what to do.

>disapproving dog


maybe they can help OP

>assembling on carpet
Fucking retard.

probably nothing, he's probably a fa/g/got who only accepts perfectly optimised builds utilising knowledge of how the bios interacts with the vram

>2 apple products
>shitty table
>shitty chair
>paper taped for a mousemat
god why

yeah I moved since then
still haven't gotten PSU to fit...

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Not him but I'm a wagecuck who spends at least eight hours behind a desk,this thing looks cool when there's nothing to do.

clean your fucking room guy

are you by chance the user that was asking if pre-made computers are worth it a few days ago?

I prefer the kneeling desk. All the benefits of the standing desk and giving a blowjob without the knee pain.

Not necessarily a bad purchase but we all know it's going to be outdated rather soon

>He is also fucking left handed
Kill yourself

Jesus Christ how do people live like this?

>He actually got the 3GB variant
Enjoy your bottlenecked graphics card, dumbass.

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Wat, I'm right handed.
There's a legal pad under the pillow for the mouse.

you're not user
I laffed out loud also

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>mixing metals in a custom loop

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Imagine being too brainlet to assemble a fucking PC. There are full, detailed guides on Youtube, shit is color coded. You can't accidentally a stick of ram into a PCIE slot. Get it together, user.

clean your room jesus how do you live like this

they're just pretending to be elite fag/g/ots. Of course, it gets the job done but you'll need a better one "soon"
>implying there are any new games worth playing
If it's your first build there's nothing wrong with it.

Why is your room so messy, are you a fucking child?

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They don't. You can't even call that living.

Oh, I swear the board was on goofy

I recently built a ryzen machine for kvm windows passthrougg. Now getting the audio to not crackle was a test of my autism.

>not going all the way

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>building on the floor
>carpeted floor
If you had a triple-digit IQ, you would have read guides and watched videos of other builds BEFORE doing this, and making yourself look like an idiot.

Nah I'm regular but I know people who ride goofy and are right handed.
Gonna set it to duck this season and practice switch desu.

>those op image names
And you fucking tools are responding like anything op says isn't stolen from something else

who ever still fucking thinks the legos analogy is apt is fucking dumb and deserves having their hardware get fucked
read the fucking manual

>tfw didnt go modular
>cable management is a mess
>can barely fit 2 SSD's in
>have to use extenders to actually connect them

Attached: 1553807251381.jpg (499x389, 72K)

That motherboard is gonna snap one day.

they're my pics bro

I tape my ssds to my case lid

cable management is the worst part of building a pc
shit never fits anywhere

not really, with a modular PSU and velcro cable ties its a cakewalk.

Take a new one right now and prove it

>that mobo flex
>fans roped to CPU heatsink
>fan roped to passive GPU
>on top of that using VGA input at any time in the past 10 years

the dedication to the shitpost is strong

Lets look at the pros and cons.
>Provides no extra benifit to cooling over good quality fan and case set up
>Riskier to parts, due to the obivous issue of water leakage.
>Very expensive compared to even the best quality fan set ups
>Computers are not people who burn up with a bit of heat, and the idea that you need to keep a sub 30c temp or run the risk of damaging your shit is a joke.
>There are none.
Legit the biggest meme pushed in the pc market. Companies are absolutely fucking thrilled to sell you over priced water pipes you don't need.

are amdrones this retarded?

In general games will use 4gb or more. Absolutely zero reason for the 4gb card to exist, its unironically worthless and you should seriously consider returning it. Also get a 1660 if you're going to get low end trash, the 1060 is out dated.

Building a PC is easy.
My latest build was made 5-6 years ago with just a change in a video card over 2 years ago.

I never had any issues with it.

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hey i remember u from the battlestation threads (i was the guy that replied to everyone) ur room is still comfy af

Did you connect them to the mobo?

Thats bait user, its a pasta about some poor homeless guy

I always have shit cable management but I don't really care as long as nothing is getting in the way of fans.

>Always built my own PCs since I was ten years old (Now 36)
>Never had any issue outside of broken hardware
>Friend of the same age has always gone with pre built due to laziness
>He comes into money trouble and has to save best he can for the next PC, builds it himself
>Fucks up, it doesn't work.
>Retries, works fine for a few weeks, breaks
>Returns all the parts, tries again. Few months later, breaks again
>This has literally never happened with his pre builts
>Suggest that he might be doing something wroing
>Insists that he is doing everything right and I'm just lucky to have never had any real issues
>Gives up and saves for a shitty pre built
>Now a year in with no problems
Some people are just destined to be faggots.

i recently build a computer in that very case and i know for a fact it comes with a simple fold out instruction sheet telling you to install the PSU before you put the motherboard in.

Other than that i see no problems here.

Your first build will be full of anxieties as you wonder if you are doing something wrong but then everything will work out and you will have no problems in the future.

If OP is serious, baring any dead parts which is incredibly rare I'd be willing to bet he simply has the cpu cable backwards or something. Its about the only thing you can get wrong in a build.

Well, at least it'll stay cool.....

They don't know how to operate a computer without swiping the screen.

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>Wow this 2 year old who has only ever seen touch screen phones is trying to use this phone like object as a touch screen, really makes ya think

Don´t sweat, user.
It´s incredible hard... it is a computer, what did you expect?
The majority of Yea Forums is composed of geniuses and Intel engineers who like to shitpost anime waifus here between developing new processors and designing chip printing processes for the new UV 10nm generation of CPUs.

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he's just pretending.

stupid bitch. I could knock her out cold easy.

My brother's room is like that too, I unironically have no fucking idea how he sleeps in the pigsty he calls a bedroom.

He once dropped totinios pizza on the floor and landed face down.
He left it there for a month out of sheer laziness until he got tired of being made fun of for it.
I legit don't know how people who live like him don't catch some airborne disease that they incubate in their own room.

Imagine being this much of a retard.
Good thing building a PC is a casual filter to keep all the trash out.

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just ran the numbers, found pic of OP

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>fans below the tubes
>one small leak means water can get anywhere and fry the mother

Just build it

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Installing CPU and putting heat paste on is a little scary.
Ram needs to be violently be put onto the MB, I admit.
Everything else is follow the fucking manual you baby.

prebuilts still exist

I bet it's the cooling. Also
>having a friend who can do a thing better than you, not asking for advice or help to spend time together with a couple of beers

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>all these faggots shit talking watercooling
>meanwhile I the one I bought was just plug and play with no setup makes 0 noise and hasn't malfunctioned in 3 years

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He lived too far away and his entire house smelt of shit because he was a turbo neet who never washed, so I wouldn't really have wanted to go anyway. But I offered as much help online as possible and he followed various guides, read instructions etc.

I'm also betting it was the cooling, as I said, turbo neet. Never really left his room, never opened a window, never cleaned up after himself. Room must have been 90% dust.

it's only difficult the first time, then you'll be like everyone else in this thread - calling newbuilders retards, you fuckin' retard

If you can put a basic air cooled computer together and install windows you are 99% retarded.

Closed loops are great, but get shit on a lot because watercooling fags are furious you didn't custom build some needless garbage to get the same results.


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I dont really get into dumb pc shit of comparing stats so I just got one from corsair and it works just fine I assume custom fags build big complicated systems to show off?

Your AIO cost more, is louder and is less efficient than a tower cooler.

Unless you're on an m-atx build there is 100% no reason for water cooling outside of a full custom loop.

It's okay, user. Not everybody possesses average intelligence. Some people are a little on the slower side, and that's okay. There are still plenty of opportunities for folks like yourself, like janitorial work or grocery bagging.

>Take out mobo from box
>put cpu in
>put cooler on top of cpu
>put ram in
>put mobo in case
>put power supply in case
>put storage in case
>put gpu in case
>plug in and manage cables
wow so hard

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Custom loops are going to be better typically than a 120/140mm loop but a standard 240rad will be on par with literally any of them. Its only autists who would ever care about the difference really. The parts don't care if they are running at 25c or 30c. Literally anything under 60c is perfectly fine.

Temp wars is the most retarded shit in the pc market.

you know average originally didn't mean what you think it does, it referred to the sum of the cargo lost when shipping overseas. so it really meant something wasted and lost. so much for your average intelligence.

What shit tier closed loops have you seen? I've only used a corsair one before but its absolutely dead silent.

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Mine stays between 20-24C usually and has only ever hit 30C when Im running tons of shit so I think I should be fine until the next big thing comes out

holy shit, got a hearty kek out of that, thanks user.

>consoleboys this SEETHING

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I fucking love this image

Water cooling has fans + pump. Air has fans.

Which means an AIO will ALWAYS produce more noise than an air cooler. Just grab a noctua whatever, it'll outperform the AIO and be cheaper + quieter.

To get near parity in performance/quietness you'd need to buy noctua fans anyway, further increasing the price discrepancy.

You're ignoring a whole bunch of factors. Cases matter, some leak noise like nobodies business, others don't, and while obviously more stuff make more noise (No shit retard) its AUDIBLE noise that matters.

A radiator and pump is so silent, at least in my experience, with my cases, that I don't hear them, and with good quality fans, you don't need them either. And those combined still cost less than a custom loop, while providing the same cooling and none of the downsides. Stop trying to argue that custom loops are anything but a meme, because they aren't. Back when fans were dog shit and closed loops didn't exist they had a place, but nowadays they may as well be RGB lighting, they serve the same purpose, making your "rigs" look good to other autistic faggots. They are simply not as good as a good air or closed loop set up.

....Do you not know what "RPM" means or something, you fucking retard?

I'm not even a water fag, but you have no idea what you're talking about if you think those fans aren't running slower on a rad.

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I'm saying water cooling has no purpose, barring a custom loop, which is when you can actually get better performance. My argument is against AIO having no logical reason to go to, barring m-atx/itx builds that an air cooler can't physically fit.

A D14's fans would run at a lower rpm then any 240mm rad AIO that likely costs 20-30% more and performs worse.

>1060 in 2019
Nice b8 thread

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Its not hard OP
>line up holes of Mobo/case
>screw it in. Dont overtighten
>put in power supply and do that wiring first
>put in cpu + fan
>put in ram in ram slot
>put in drive in drive tray
>put in gpu in gpu hole
>do anything else you have left
>put case on
You can do it OP, just borrow your dad's screwdriver and a flashlight. It took me 20 mins my first time.

>carpet on the wall
Of course.

First time I built a PC, literally the only part I had trouble with was installing the front I/O to the motherboard.

I bought a really cheap motherboard and the "manual" was only a single piece of paper. They didn't explain where any of the front I/O went, so I couldn't get the PC to turn on at all.

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>Color coded everything
>everything fits very obviously
>no ribbon cables
>no molex anymore
>no super fragile hard drives
>no super delicate electrically conductive parts because all the boards have esd protection
You little niggers should've been building in the 90s when it was actually resembling something difficult.

>even The Verge did better than OP

Take it to microcenter. Lol

Built my first PC when I was 13 in 1993. Back when we had to set IRQs, motherboard jumpers, and Master/Slave switches. Building PC's today really is like legos compared to how it used to be. There's no reason you shouldn't be able to figure it out.

Motherboard goes in the case first, then you build up from there. The case is a ground for static electricity which can wreak havoc on a chipset.

what about when one of them touches the case slightly making the most annoying buzzing sounds?

oh fuck I forgot about irqs. slave/master was never that bad though. ribbon cables not working was more annoying imo

What the fuck? IT IS.
Just put the piece in there and start that shit up.

>It's like riding a bike, or a first cousin
wait, what?

>I'm saying water cooling has no purpose, barring a custom loop, which is when you can actually get better performance
And while you're 'right' you're also wrong. You get better performance, but it makes absolutely no real world difference, at all. This wouldn't be the case many years ago when fans were shit and closed loops didn't exist, but nowadays water cooling is something people do for fun or to show off, its not at all cost effective, and not at all needed even in the most outlandish, top end overclocked system.

if you cant figure this our your actually a retard, its literally legos

took me 4 hours first time.

Id sell my journalistic integrity in a heartbeat for that.

Zoomers minds would implode if they saw a ribbon cable.

>sata hd
>self detecting memory (speed/latency wise)
>integrated ethernet/sound/and even video if he doesn't have a separate card

Look you little shit, back in my day you had to set jumpers on every damn thing, even the MB itself.
And NOTHING came with a built in driver: TRANSLATION: NO SUCH THING AS "PLUG & PLAY"

You kids have it a million times easier as far as hardware assembly / software installation is concerned

>summer is over
>time to change paste and clean pc
>put a desk fan blowing inside the case since 108F all summer
>dust as shit
>unsure on how to dust it off
>heatsink is 212 evo
Oh boy, I hate it.

same this dude us tarded

Probably has to do with the style of play they did early in life. People born before 2000 grew up with legos, action figures, and other shit without screens. We fine-tuned our motor skills early in life. Something as simple as making 2 action figures fight required insane amounts of precise finger placement and motion to position the limbs just right with hand. People raised on electronics will never hold a candle to the motor skills of a boomer.

Actually the weight is better distributed this way then when its on the side.

But you are obviously a high functioning adult when compared to the average Yea Forumstard

You secretly hate your "friend" dont you?
Did he fuck you over at some point?

>not assembling the mobo on its box with nothing but the cpu, cooler, ram, gpu, and psu for a POST

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This is why I bought a gaming laptop

This fucking thread

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>Not hating your friends
True friendships are built on hate user.

>go modular
>end up using all but 1 SATA cable anyway


If I'm not mistaken, RAM banks are no longer picky about placement either. Back then, if you had 4 banks and 2 sticks of RAM, you had to check the motherboard manual to see which slots to put them. It usually alternating. Like XOXO. If you put them side by side (XXOO) it wouldn't work.

I played that PC Building Simulator a while back and noticed it didn't give a fuck where you put the RAM. I thought it was a bug at first.


You are expecting too much here!

>or a first cousin

Attached: Smug5.jpg (458x458, 40K)

>the meaning of words doesn't change over time
Yes, please tell me more, o' wise & intelligent user.

Thread shoulda ended here

>applefags in charge of anything

holy kek

I am more concerned over that vertical hard drive

Bruh oh no look at this dude

>no longer
as in starting this year? I have z77 and I had to buy one of these because every time I ended up accidentally bumping my desk I would crash my pc and then I would have to start playing the ram lottery, up to 45 minutes of reboot to reseat and guess the slots.
That's actually my biggest fear whenever I clean my pc, one slight tap to the ram and it's back to the lottery.

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they still are usually it's abab and you get a dual kit for latency and put them in a or b

>You get better performance,
Not him, but no. You just need to get good fans. The thing with water cooling is the water itself is COOLED BY FANS. I shouldn't need to get into a physics discussion on heat and energy exchange for you to realize this entire process just complicates the very simple goal of cooling off the CPU. Not to mention the cooling portion of a CPU water cooling setup is a brick that covers 2 1/2 massive fans on the front of most cases. This blocks a third of the airflow into the PC, assuming you have 7 intake fans. And, by the way, those fans being blocked are the one aimed right at the fucking GRAPHICS CARD which needs the most airflow in that case.

The only reason to use water cooling is if it's a complete internal-loop with an external refrigerant that's doing the cooling. And that is just stupidly overkill.

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nice and poor



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Yeah totally, see the file name says poor college student.
Would a Yea Forums post lie to you user?

r8 my first time gayman PC (not the actual parts, I know a Mini ITX mobo looks weird here, r8 only the guts)
The silver SSD is just on top with nothing to hold it except the Sata cables, the case only had space for one and there's a black one beneath it installed. I use two SSDs because I dualboot Mac and Windows.

Also what can I do with this fucking mess of cables from the non-modular PSU if I don't wanna buy another one?

Attached: IMG_5361.jpg (4032x3024, 2.74M)

>The thing with water cooling is the water itself is COOLED BY FANS
Maybe if you're a fucking pleb, real gamers cool their water with some ice cubes every evening before bed.

Then by all accounts I am a man of wealth and taste

It seems to be a PC and it seems to be working I give it a solid working PC out of ten.
>What should I do with this mess of cables
Literally fucking nothing you faggot, nobody but you and fat autistic retards care how your cables are managed. Unless a cable is touching a fan, you shouldn't give a shit.

yeah I was mirin. Your place looks nicer than mine and I have two roomates.

i remember when i built my first PC, i did it really fucking retardedly, but it still worked.
>put mobo into case without anything on it
>put in everything else while still having mobo secured in the case
>almost give up when installing CPU Cooler
>finally get it all put together
>it werks just fine
that was, until i tried to install new parts. i got myself a new CPU Cooler later in the year because even if the AMD one was great, it didn't pair well with the staggering amount of dust in the house.
>while installing new CPU Cooler, decide to take out RAM so i could have an easier time mounting it
>once done mounting, put RAM back in
>try to boot
>orange light on mobo
>look up what that means, apparently means bad RAM
>quick-order a new set of RAM
>doesn't work either
>after half a week of almost pulling my hair out, realize i wasn't even pushing the sticks of RAM all the way in
everyone's a little retarded, except for me, i am really retarded.

Built computers on carpet for over 20 years and never had a problem.

The first job I had after getting my A+ Certification (this was around 2000) they told me to take this old computer out back and put it on the sidewalk and blow out the dust with a canister vacuum on reverse. Needless to say vacuums are total static-electricity generators and this went against everything I was taught. Which including such fun things as the electronic discharge strap you wore on your wrist and clipped to the case.

The computer survived. But I couldn't help but wonder how many they'd killed doing that.

it shouldn't be too bad static really can't travel through air all that well.

>nobody but you and fat autistic retards care how your cables are managed
Wanna know how I know the bottom of your desk looks like shit?

yeah they'd try and eat it thinking it's candy

>Mac user finds this difficult

I taped my computer cables to the back of the chair leg. I'm not enough of a Chad to have someone sucking my dick under the table so literally nobody sees them. Long as they out of the way for the vacuum cleaner I couldn't give less of a shit.

Keep being autistic though.

>Keep being autistic though
I will, and I will start by saying "Arigatō, isha"

Attached: IMG_5134.jpg (4032x3024, 1.35M)

If it works it works.

Attached: worried laughter.gif (540x300, 2.7M)

You're free to leave any time zoomie.

Attached: 1541040880550.jpg (496x600, 57K)

I cried when I built my first PC ama

>riding a bike, or a first cousin
Yoda what the fuck

Well to be fair I was gonna build a Sleeper until I realized there was no space for 120mm fans so thermals would've been shit, had to go with a cheap clear panel case.
There's nothing wrong with LEDs as long as you use only one solid color, 2 max.

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WTF is this thread? I have no words.

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>copper tubing
What is the fucking point if you're just gonna leak all the heat into your case anyway?

Attached: bestow my wisdom.png (1148x1000, 1.01M)

What in god's name is going on here?

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>no IO shield
Oh shit call the cops. Seriously though that's not that bad. The IO not the PC, That pc looks like cancer.

based. everyone has that one cousin. you just would. you just would.

Honestly that's not so bad. Dissipates heat from the parts at least. Honestly never understood water cooling. I had a friend who worked in tech and fucked around with nitrogen though that was rad.

>it's as easy as legos bro!
It really is.

Water cooling's really only useful if you're doing some pretty gnarly overclocking or constant workloads. It does have a legitimate benefit in that you can redirect the heat to a more optimal area and expand the dissipation of that heat with bigger radiators. So it isn't ENTIRELY a meme. But for most people, stock clocks are more than enough for air to handle, and considering how low-maintenance it is, it's generally a better option for most people.

That's a good thing. The tubing probably acts as a series of miniature radiators.

>Building on carpet

You fucked up

Attached: IMG_20190920_163510.jpg (394x1024, 101K)

I really hope that you're using copper all the way with that, or you're going to get a very nasty visit from the Galvanic Corrosion Fairy

>constant workloads.
Once the loop warms up you may as well be running air. The majority of benchmarks with water are bullshit.

>compression fittings instead of solder
what a god damn disgrace

>Sort of Poor
My arse.

That and most AIO are known for breaking. all things considered getting a better spreader and some good fans are always a better investment.


I got baited and do not care


is it bad I can't see what's wrong with it

>all these replies about carpet
Static is a fucking meme, never broken a computer with it.

>actually admitting he's too dumb to play with legos

i kind of want one, already im getting venous insufficiency

it looks like most of the shit is mounted. what's the problem here?

It isn't some ultra-tidy Youtuber studio? Honestly it looks decently competent.

Static destroying things outright is rare but the issue is it can damage components leading to instability or failure later. Not taking basic precautions is retarded.

And are still shit

Fixing the thumbstick on the switch fuckers is a nightmare because you have to undo 6 fucking ribbon cable connections to get into the controller deep enough to remove and replace the thumbstick, and then connect them all back and relatch them with all the clearance of a switch joycon.

Still not as bad as having to solder on the cables for rumble packs in some cheap xbox controllers because god help if the wires snap from the chinese soldering job the whole pad short circuits and is rendered inoperable.

They are not 'hard'. It is not *difficult* to screw the power supply into the designated location. It is not *difficult* to slot the specially-designated CPU into it's specially-marked slot and use the locking mechanism. None of these steps are hard, they are just elaborate. Each component is not a LEGO, each step is a LEGO.

some people need more than 2

>try and prove yourself by building your own pc
>something goes wrong and it's your own problem
>buy a prebuilt like a normal human
>something goes wrong and it's the company's problem
Come on now.

Attached: 3u7mQU.jpg (494x703, 174K)

only thing that would be scary for a newbies is installing the CPU and getting confused by front panel headers. almost everything only goes in 1 way and provided it's not some super cheap or super old board almost everything would be labeled

Attached: MSI can't into pcs.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

>the state of the room

I think building a pc should probably wait.

you got most of your shit already in place at least you're not this bad

Attached: p13.png (512x512, 49K)

thats even worse
t. gayming laptop owner

id fuck the life out this bitch. shes decent in my book


how i know Yea Forums has almost no experience actually working on pcs


I want you to take an old motherboard or any kind of PCB and try as hard as you can to break it in half one day. Cars, etc, are allowed.

why the fuck would you do it on the carpet though

I build my pc without prior knowledge by following a 30 minutes tutorial on youtube. You can literally google for any question you might have you dumb retard

>buy a prebuilt like a tech illiterate grandpa

Attached: 1560041165960.gif (390x373, 2.54M)

because its comfy to sit on the floor and put a pc together fucks wrong with you?

enjoy getting a rape accusation that everyone believes in spite of no evidence in about 3 years

enjoy it not mattering one bit since my life is predicated on my own self and not my professional relationships with people who wear plastic black frame glasses

imagine being dumber than a nigger

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>>buy a prebuilt like a normal human

Attached: 1568696518724.png (432x348, 148K)

All my cousins were 10 years younger than me or more.

Attached: 1474649809003.jpg (329x329, 10K)

>his hand placement
this motherfucker

Attached: 1568960601937.gif (320x240, 2.09M)

>Autistically hunched over the literal ground waiting for a static shock to short out your hundreds of dollars of equipment
I'm not some asshole that is going to get mad for not wearing those retarded bracelet things but that's neither comfortable, nor an intelligent decision.

Don’t look at me. I’m a fucking moron who asks my brother to build rigs and replace parts. I tried to do it once and ruined my MoBo.

Attached: 25AC387D-4EB7-4704-BDA8-613C936AB352.jpg (579x341, 38K)

>waiting for a static shock to short out your hundreds of dollars of equipment

yes please, show me even harder how little you know about building shit

Sure thing bud.

>buy a prebuilt like a normal human

Attached: 1569133579086.gif (190x200, 2.56M)

whoa awesome a wikipedia article

heres the reality though: it doesnt happen. it's not a thing that happens. static cannot destroy your components

Lmao fucking mc fags apple cocksucker

>static cannot destroy your components
God-tier bait.

Oh wow it's so hard to copy what you o do from one of anthonies Ltt videos or literally millions of other videos or guides

Stupid fucking zoomer

Attached: CBA1F111D4E241E0B4F5CE3114010ABB.jpg (852x479, 326K)

Be honest, you had that moment where you forgot to turn on the PSU and freaked out for a moment

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The only thing that pisses me off is that CPUs never come with thermal paste. It should be included in a little sachet.


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When I bought my first PC as an 18yo I did buy custom parts, but was simply too scared of fucking up. So I bought assembly service along with the parts. Cost about 50 eurodollars, but I didn't think it was such a big investment when the total PC value was close to 1000€ (and all of my summer trainee salary).

Later I got to practise with old junk PCs and realized it wasn't that hard. Built my current rig about 4 years ago, and it has worked like a charm.

I do admit however that when dealing with delicate, expensive electronic components, there's always an element of anxiety.

bc its happened to you or someone you know right

how many pcs have you ever built? bc its several hundred for me

how long for you? 25+ years for me


nothing you install in a computer is delicate that's just the point as i am saying once you have built hundreds of pcs you will literally just throw around random top tier components. you CAN'T damage them. they're invulnerable

Have you ever bent pins?

Prebuilts aren't even that bad these days, as long as you avoid the department stores that boomers go to and instead go to small local shops or some online stores.

dont put laptop on the carpet, you will kill its fans that way

thats why you buy a cosmos

Attached: images (2).jpg (259x194, 4K)

They do though, unless you're buying Goytel of course.

Attached: jr.jpg (1500x1054, 122K)

I'm sorry you're mentally retarded

I haven't laughed that hard in a while, thanks user.

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yeah i've bent them and then physically unbent them so they went back in the hole

guess what, doesnt matter. but why are you even bringing that up, when processors have had lands for 20 years now?

buddy that picture is like 8+ years old

Depends on the heat sink and case. With a lot of them you absolutely need access to the back of the mobo to install the heat sink, and while the majority of good cases have an access panel on the other side where you can properly install it, I've seen a couple absolute garbage cases that either have no access at all to the back or a tiny opening that is functionally useless. Those are mostly the cheap shitty ones though, or pre-built in which case you're too lazy to worry about that in the first place.

Holy fuck

Attached: chewie.png (1012x785, 1009K)

>that PCI-E USB hub/card reader on the front
Ruins the camo. Speaking of, what the fuck is up with modern computers only having (if you're lucky) 6 USB ports? I have a 4 in back, 2 on the side, an additional 7-port PCI-E card in the back, and 11-slot external AC-powered hub, and a 4-slot external hub, and every single plug is in use. I don't think anyone could have anticipated how far the USB protocol would go, but it's about time we adapted computers to it properly.

>ben eater
Absolutely based

Now that you mention it, heatsinks themselves can be so large that it causes issues working inside the case. For example, the RAM banks right next to the CPU bank. If the heatsink is as big as it should be, it could be tricky safely seating the RAM or even the graphic card.

OP, any progress?

Attached: 1551522329410.gif (127x128, 17K)

OP here. Everything's fine.

Attached: 1555344410936.png (480x360, 309K)

>computers have X numbers of usb ports

er, no.

also, if you have like 20 USB devices plugged in, you are an idiot with life issues

"er no" what? Are you debating the presence of USB ports? I've never seen a computer with more than 8 ports stock. half of them are 6 ports, the other half are 4 port. And if you're not using at least 12 USB ports, you're not actually a PC user.
I have
>number pad
wireless mouse dongle
media keyboard
ANOTHER wired mouse dongle (ergonomic)
Xbox controller dongle
bluetooth dongle
Logitech Unifying reciever
A stray USB-C cord for my phone
A stray USB-Micro to to charge my headphones (2 pairs of those)
.... and those are just the ones on my desk. Coming from my PC:
VR headset
External hard drive
Backup power supply
wired mouse
USB-Passthrough for Monitor
USB-Passthrough for Keyboard

>considers himself an "actual PC user"
>has a tenkeyless keyboard


Building a PC is fun and exciting, you're probably a brainlet with no patience

it was implied you had an iq over 83

who cares, cable management dosent impact your airflow at all. It just for fat nerds to complain about something.

Plenty have more than 8 ports. Standard motherboard has 6 + 1x 2.0 usb header + 1x 3.0 usb header.

Not to mention any usb 3.0 port can draw enough power/has enough bandwidth for anything you need if you buy a usb dock.

it's not difficult but you can fuck off, it isn't fun. it's literally work. the fun part is when you play games on it.

>he still fell for the PC meme, even in 2019

>i wasn't even pushing the sticks of RAM all the way in
don't worry user, i've done exactly this too
took me four days to figure out
we can both be thoroughly retarded
after all, aren't we on Yea Forums?

It literally is, piss easy. You might be clinically retarded.

Attached: you are better at using obsolete vintage tech than a literal three year old.gif (270x333, 2.99M)

>any usb 3.0 port can draw enough power/has enough bandwidth for anything you need if you buy a usb dock.

USB 3.0 can't handle more than 7 ports, and it requires a separate AC feed to support the power needs. For example, most of the time that people complain about VR headsets losing tracking, it's because the headset is plugged into a hub without an external power feed.

>that webm
Please fucking tell me that's one of those retarded mayo-under-cpu tier joke videos, I can't honestly believe that's an official instructional.

Attached: war_death_famine_pestilence.jpg (750x692, 53K)

>assuming you have 7 intake fans
>7 fucking intake fans
what the fuck

Hey my x4 955 had pins that I bent to shit by dropping it
Still werked after bending it back

>Backup power supply

>number pad
>wireless mouse dongle
>media keyboard
>ANOTHER wired mouse dongle (ergonomic)
>Logitech Unifying reciever
>A stray USB-C cord for my phone
>A stray USB-Micro to to charge my headphones
>Backup power supply
>USB-Passthrough for Monitor
>USB-Passthrough for Keyboard
just kill yourself

>tfw you read through a thread replying to posts and only at the end realize that it's 6 hours old and dead
worst feel

>amd garbo
>uses vastly outdated technology

color me surprised

anyway bending pens has never mattered you can fucking solder back on a pin that broke even!

Its easier than Legos

Attached: fbst.jpg (4032x3024, 2.03M)

Man I really have to learn soldering one of these days

Apple's tech makes people stupid. There's your problem.

If you drink the AIO juice you can get a better irl framerate

>doesn't own a chair
lmao look at this fuckin faggot

>can't even snap together parts that only go in one way into their slots on the motherboard
>phillips screwdrivers are far too advanced


fuck that webm always gives me anxiety

The only difficult part is when you put it all together correctly and one of the parts is borked and the manufacturer is the literal embodiment of the jew rubbing hands meme when you try to RMA it.

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Attached: tenor.gif (298x200, 772K)

true patrician build right here

don't buy a see through rgb case, stuff the wires in, and wowee suddenly the chicks think you're mature. No gay colors, and pussy. It is a win-win.

Attached: i laugh every fucking time I see this tupid fucking pc case.png (1024x768, 965K)

It literally is, though. Anyway, if you have the money to buy all the components, you should have just paid somebody to assemble it for you then you don't have to deal with it.

If they knew how to use the scraper properly they could actually do an extremely good job. But, they dont.

Real talk how would a massive fan spinning at low rpm work for cooling a rig

Is that actually a giant fucking fan on the side or just a stupid looking giant vent?

Attached: 1560564083540.png (450x422, 165K)

at least the cable managment looks ok

I built my first PC in december last year and I was surprised at how fucking easy it was. I could probably teach my grandfather how to build one. It's that easy.
You're a retarded apple fag

assembling it is fun tho

Attached: 4xmrpu9kjdi31.png (900x566, 715K)

Probably not well. But if you're at the point that you need that, you might as well just leave the side panel off of your PC and just point a table fan at it or leave it directly in front of an AC.


>tfw you start seating the heatsink but the last two legs don't wanna go down and you have to push so much harder than you want to with all this shit you just spent so much money on

Attached: crying-photo-620x310.jpg (620x310, 19K)

I mean you probably wouldn't need any other case fans and it'd be very quiet

Get yourself tested, you might be severely retarded.

>cases are moving away from accommodating optical drives
This shit triggers me harder than gore posting

it's 3038 user

When was the last time you used one of those, honestly?

about an hour ago

the room looks so comfy with the lights off, I'd fuck you in the ass and cuddle with you in there

>implying it filters at all

>that manlet ass bed

low rpm shitty fan

Sure, if you know what you're doing.

The heatsink really is the only major problem with messing around with computer internals. GPU's, PSU's, HDD's, SSD's, case fans, it's all trivially easy, but the moment I need to start fucking around with the thermal paste and the heatsink, I know I'm in for a miserable ordeal.

Somebody needs to fix CPU placing, thermal and cooling application in modern PCs; that's really the only thing that feels scary and really shitty when you do it.

>push as much as possible of the cables to the side behind the motherboard
>every cable comes out of the same hole
>lay the PC flat on the ground and close the back side
Here's your cable management bro. Works for me.

>tfw those old intel stock coolers
Shit almost put me off from building my own PCs for life when I was 16.


I'm facing this because I tried the stock cooler on the 3900x first. Bought a fresh Noctua cooler.

he still hadn't finished building it

>push down
>the motherboard bends

>he installed moba first
hello Verge guy, how's the thermal paste doing? still a fucking mess on your CPU?

Attached: 321445.jpg (229x220, 12K)

I got the same one, was no issue at all though like 2 clips iirc

it's like you live intentionally choosing to do the opposite of the correct thing

surely you can't be that stupid

>its still not enough and you have to push harder to start screwing it in

Attached: 1487234123421.jpg (960x729, 80K)

Installing the stock on my 2600 was the most rage inducing moment during my build. Should have just bought a 212 LED from the get-go.

Attached: ArcticReliableFluke-max-1mb.gif (280x280, 810K)

Did it for the first time in april. The only part I had a problem with was the fucking stock cpu fan. Shit literally did not fit and I felt like I was going to snap the fucking thing trying to screw it in.

>reality is that I know about electronics therefore I'm sitting on the carpet like a electronic fairy I am, sweating like a pig and moving my hands on the comfy carpet creating a static electricity with my piglet fingers
you are the reason Yea Forums will never be acknowledged by /g/ in anything else than being a bunch of vidya tards

>copper pipes

good luck

>push too hard and it slips and hits the mobo, pray to the fucking lord it still works

Attached: 1542780863120.jpg (620x620, 53K)

AMD's CPU + Cooler come with thermal paste

>tfw putting the CPU and RAMs into the motherboard for the first time
>all those fucking cracking sounds
Literally mfw. I wanted to put the PC together as fast as possible to test if I didn't fuck anything up.

Attached: fug.jpg (300x300, 15K)


>it was difficult
it's literally components you put together. a fucking toddler does that with logic blocks, you fucking tardie



worse part are those huge third party coolers you cant line up with socket and end up fucking the paste. and no matter how secure you think they are they can still move around on the cpu. fuck that shit. i go with easy peasy stock fan from now on


>Depends on the heat sink and case. With a lot of them you absolutely need access to the back of the mobo to install the heat sink

I've literally never seen this, all heatsinks ive ever used are secured to the front around the CPU

no, u

Attached: talented-11-year-old-joshua-ngoka-invents-a-new-computer-the-east-19330500.png (500x522, 131K)

you sure are a pro

Attached: 31703478.jpg (400x424, 33K)

>That fucking bed

Keep yer feet on the ground

>you actually thought it would be a good idea to post this


What's a good cooler that's not a gigantic brick of metal like the hyper 212 evo?

even more cringe

who else /only wear underwear when building pc/ here?

The last AIO I bought had a mounting bracket that needed to be put on the back, sandwiching the motherboard between it and the front bracket.

Attached: DSC_6845-800x514.jpg (800x514, 92K)

your stock cooler is 100% fine and the fact that people buy them is self fellating shit.

Fiddly and slightly scary sometimes (like with the ram and GPU, always feels like they are gonna bend) yes, hard not really.

>GPU doesn't snap in on first try so you have to put a bit more force on it

Attached: 1joc8h.jpg (400x325, 106K)

Depends entirely on the cpu and fan

I don't use stock coolers just for the fact that in the past they were 1000% a bitch to put in correctly, unless that's changed in the past decade. Last time I used a stock cooler was like 2007 though.

not op but why is it that sometimes with parts that are definitely compatible there are sometimes those one or two niggers that are just super fucking hard to physically push into their slots? Ram and the cpu cooler in particular seem to be the most common annoyances. Has anyone ever straight up snapped a motherboard from pushing so hard on a cooler or ram?

Oh wow, weird, but good to know

>in the past they were 1000% a bitch to put in correctly

in the past (that you are referring to probably) they were extremely easy to put in. intel: put on top and push the pins down

what is hard about that

You only need an aftermarket heatsink if you're overclocking to 5GHz or something equally retarded that has absolutely no practical benefit unless you work at Pixar.
Stock GPU coolers can sometimes be shit but only if you cheap out and get the lowest-tier MSI cards or whatever

Power backups tend to plug into the computer and relay real-time information about how much longer the battery will last in an outage. My CyberPC one has one. With my computer, networking equipment, and monitor all plugged in, it says the battery can keep it going for 18 minutes. The software has other features like forcing computer to sleep once it gets halfway drained to extend the battery life 50-fold so information doesn't get lost. Useful if you AFK alot.

you cannot snap a mother board no matter how hard you try

you kids are really fuckin clueless about this shit. afraid to put a little force on something. jesus.

Worst fucking feel, you actually gotta be a bit brute strength about it too sometimes or it won't go in properly sometimes, it's unnerving territory

>that unused bike

Attached: ▄█▀ █▬█ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▀█▀.jpg (500x500, 81K)

>making full use of a computer's flexibility and function
>console users get jealous and tell you to kill yourself
Yea Forums

>jam the fucker in there like your life depends on it
>realize you forgot to remove the plastic cover

Even light overclocking can cause stock fans to be obnoxiously loud
Hell some stocks are garbage loud under normal use
20 bucks for a 212x is well worth it

>CPU cooler demands a blood sacrifice
Every fucking time

Attached: Masuda.jpg (123x125, 2K)

I always put the motherboard on top of the box it came in with the anti-static bag in between and never had a problem. I like to think the box takes most of the force when I have to push any piece down.

Just build up an immunity to fan noise by sitting in front of a loud one for 12 hours a day, what are you retarded

Yo I have the exact same desk but I ended up taking the top part off. Shit's falling apart now after like 8 years of use.

Attached: 1565387182476.png (516x632, 451K)

I felt fucking retarded. Retarded as hell and shit. Fucking hell and shit combined.

Attached: 1559445798172.jpg (564x564, 50K)

>forgot to push down the flap one time before jamming it in

Attached: c6e9132deb32fb89b594a154e457023e.jpg (612x612, 62K)

I imagine it'd work very well, actually. You wouldn't need to drive it at desk fan speeds to achieve good airflow inside the case.
The only problem would be that unless you also had a huge dust filter, you'd need to point it outwards and have filters on the intakes with no fans, which means low air pressure inside the case, which means that dust will get in through any openings in the case.

Wow thats saying something when a low iq nigger kid can build a computer and OP cant

Attached: 1551583744893.png (359x340, 118K)

Good point

>it's as easy as legos bro
It is and if you can't figure it out you're basically a retard.

I swear it's worth it. Just kidding

Attached: 1478316781809.gif (500x422, 820K)

>you forgot to install the i/o shield

The old push and twist pins on intel stock coolers from like 10+ years ago were notorious for being a pain in the ass. I remember having to go through the same shit every time I put on thermal paste where one of the pins would always refuse to go in, and then I'd have to spend a good like 20-30 minutes trying to reseat the thing until it'd finally go in. It happened every time to me on several different PCs with different motherboards. You can even look up a ton of old forum posts from that time about how intel coolers were pieces of shit. Again, I don't know if they're still like that, but that was my and many other peoples' experience with them.

Can confirm, just upgraded from an i5-2500k to a Ryzen 7 and when I took my old mobo out I noticed all the little plastic screws on the Intel cooler were stripped
It was literally just sheer luck that it never fell out

why do people refer to assembling a few parts as "building"?
do zoomers have such low standards that they think this is what building is?

I have put together 3 computers, forgot and left them off each time

I use a modular PSU. It's fucking comfy.

>incompetent retard
Back to twitter and Instagram , lil zoom.

>Hm this thing have connector
>Hm this thing have matching hole
>It go in only one way
>Hmm all other part same...

>not buying a console
Serves you right, faggot.

applefag confirms
just buy a pre-built piece of shit and replace everything in it

Attached: 1461390949305.gif (251x199, 1001K)

What kind of subhuman faggot lays PC parts on their disgusting ass carpet?
You should end up just giving those parts to someone who actually deserves them and shoot your retarded ass afterwards.

You sound angry and poor, amd bitter because you're poor. Yes it's ill-advised but as long as it doesnt break the parts it's ultimately a non issue

Unironically thank you for putting a red square around that shit, i definitely would not have found it otherwise

>Buying a console

Look at the faggot calling anyone a faggot, fuck off goy, don't you have an internet privilege subscription to pay?

>one slight tap
What the fuck is wrong with your computer?

>paying hundreds of dollars for ebin custom 280mm radmemes
>not using a car rad with some random fans you had lying around

What's wrong buying a pre-built one? I'm planning to get my first PC and worried I'll be too retarded to build a PC so it feels somewhat safer to just get one at the store.

>Build computer
>lol RAM is dead t. POST
>Have to wait for replacement

~40% upcharge at least. inferior components, don't get to control components

you aren't too retarded to build a pc. it's extremely easy. there is literally no reason for *any* person who comes to places like this to buy a prebuilt

>copper tubing
My god, are PCúcks this retarded? Can someone help this poor retard?

go away ballz

The only thing I hate about building computers is when it comes to all those tiny cables that has to go into tiny sockets with tiny-ass text next to them. FUCK that part is frustrating.

>console on coffee table

You forgot check the mobo standoff screws are present as a first step you doublenigger.

>mixing metals
based retard, can't expect anything less from Yea Forums...

Post the part where his ceiling falls down.

I discovered two different ways of putting heat paste on the internet. One of them could possibly fuck up my processor.

The only difficult way to build your own computer is if you're doing it with a breadboard and a microprocessor chip. And even then it's pretty easy as long as you read the datasheet.

Anyone here collect free, broken old computers and parts from decades ago and build functioning computers out of them? Just me? I thought so.


>backups are bad
based retard

construct (something) by putting parts or material together.
"the ironworks were built in 1736"

How am I poor for saying carpets are disgusting and you shouldn't put computer parts on them?
Treating your possessions with care doesn't make you poor faggot, just look at super rich people with tons of expensive cars who baby the hell out of them.
You sound like a projecting faggot though, bet you just got your first NVidia card huh kid?

>not being able to determine what is a reliable source of information or not

based 89 iq bro

Jesus you losers should do a meetup if you think slowchat is so awesome. OP could show his faggot PC again.

That's not quite true.
If you really look into some good stores, you'll find prebuilt ones at a reasonable cost. They do tend to have not ideal parts, but atleast it's working.
As an alternative, you could get one built for you at some website/store. That way you have control over what's going to be in AND you can't fuck shit up.

You're still overpaying for what you're getting though. If it's a decent price, it's most likely horribly outdated or has some other flaw you'll find immediately when you get it home and take it apart.

Don't.....Don't do this.

Some of the shit i've seen and and read in this thread hurts my soul.

Attached: 1561775208933.png (760x839, 760K)

There is so much wrong with this picture i dont even know where to begin with

I chose my parts individually and paid a guy so he build it for me cuz back then i didnt know how to build a PC

Why even have the case at that point? Why not just keep all the components in a big pile?

All parts are either copper, nickel or brass, all of which are compatible. Yes, nickel is very slightly more noble than copper, but I won't be running this for 20 years so it won't matter.
I'm a plumber. I've been a plumber for 10 years.
I know more than you and I know what I'm doing.

Shit user how are we meant to know you're a fucking retard if you don't have your handler post for you?

Sort your neckbeard nest out man, Jesus Christ.

its better idea to choose parts by yourself and pay like, ~20$ extra for online shop to assemble it for you.
choosing parts is actually easy as fuck, just make sure your choose correct CPU slot, and DDR3/4
also it would be wise to buy larger parts, larger case larger mobo
I still have PTSD when I tried to put case cables into Fpanel but GPU took so much fucking space I had to use tweezers because my hand couldn't fit

>Built a new PC 2 days ago
>R5 3600 going nuclear with jumping temp, voltage and core speed every few seconds
>Cinebench test gets my CPU to fucking 95C
>Idle is sitting at 45C but keeps jumping to 50-60, voltage also keeps jumping to 1.4 every few seconds
>While gaming it seems to usually be less than 70C, only 1 game managed to pass 70C so far
>Boot up the same game that managed to pass 70C yesterday evening
What the actual fuck? I've changed thermal paste and checked the cooler a couple of times already. Also looked around online and tons of people are having the same problems as me while AMD claims that it's working like intended. What the fuck is up with AMD and furnaces?

If you arent retard

>love building small PCs
>hate that cable management is almost always impossible
It's a give and take.

>be retarded
>lash out at random people when facing slight difficulty
Checks out

>modular PSU
>modern case
cable management is done in literally like 2 minutes it couldn't be any easier these days

Fucking burgers and their carpet floors

Because it's completely pointless, more expensive and comes with a serious risk of irreversibly damaging all of your parts.

Carpets go on the floor not the wall, you silly goose.


I had the exact feeling, brother. I don't know why I decided to do it in the middle of summer, on the hottest days of the year. I was fucking dripping m8.

It would look a lot nicer if you skipped the case entirely, and just put everything in a big wooden box/crate.

Looks like you're doing okay though.

You wouldn't order all those parts unless you felt okay with assembly, would you? You not a moron, are you?

If you think that's bad be glad you didn't buy a modern Intel oven.

t. irrelevant country fag, thinly veiled seething that got they dropped on their head on hardwood/tiles as baby
Sad honestly.

I remember on the 775 socket mobos like the 680i and x48 ones, there is no cracking sound at all when the CPU is inserted. It's a somewhat new phenomena. I can confirm it's normal to hear on LGA2011 boards.

Brainlet detected.

> t. 500 lbs lard mountain

protip - install on motherboard everything you can before you put it in pc

prebuilts often cheap out on some parts, like good cpu, gpu but horrible psu which will burn down and take all pc along

Have basically no fat people in my family.
Chances are if you're an eufag though your country's obesity rate isn't much better.
Imagine being fat and irrelevant.

>all heatsinks ive ever used are secured to the front around the CPU
That's new. On most mobos until a few years ago (I'm not sure when it changed, maybe somewhere between 2009 and 2012), on most (or maybe all) mobos the heatsink was secured with a backplate. Nowadays some still use a backplate but most don't.

>the eu is a country

Attached: pepe cringe.png (250x202, 8K)

You build your houses in preparation of dropping babies on the floor?

Retard detected!

How autistic do you have to be to think I was implying the eu was one country?
Fat, irrelevant and poor reading comprehension.

I know, but for getting started with something, you can buy a prebuilt one.
And I don't know where you're getting the notion that you're overpaying much. Well, it is regular in big stores, but I've been skimming through alot of stores work related, and I've seen a fair share of prebuilt PCs from named Brands that were fairly good with their Prices.
But beware, most, if not all of them, were not consumer PCs or consumer stores.
If the complete price of Parts on the market is 1200$ and the prebuilt one is somewhere around 1300-1400$ish imo it's a fairly good price + warranty.
However warranty on prebuilt PCs is trash, and getting a company to build one for you is far better, because you'll have warranty on the individual parts instead of a stupid seal on your PC that you're not allowed to break even if you want to change or upgrade

There is one legit pro, sometimes you need cooling capacity that simply can't be facilitated by a aircooler on top of the CPU for space reasons (typically with small/tight PC builds), so you have to move the heat exchange elsewhere. Performance wise, there's zero tangible benefit relatively speaking.
>Computers are not people who burn up with a bit of heat, and the idea that you need to keep a sub 30c temp or run the risk of damaging your shit is a joke.
>Hasn't run their CPU at 100% for hours/days on end to render something out
The constant heat abuse will damage the CPU eventually, better to keep things as cool as possible to mitigate that for as long as possible.



Nah that sounds really weird, no offense. I'm going to keep using legos.

we invented legos we'll call them whatever the fuck we want.

You get warranty on your parts anyway, sure its easier to buy prebuilt one, but theres always someone to ask for help etc. Ive helped many friends and acquaintances put together rigs. Its just a matter of asking. We all know someone who is into stuff like that

disgusting fucking pig

>admitting to being a D*ne

Attached: 1558882975838.png (711x590, 395K)

same here, I built my pic in 2013, 4770k,8 gb of ram and a 760, added another hdd in 2015, upgraded to 16 gb and a 1070 last year

>Nah that sounds really weird, no offense.
I bet you call it Aluminum, too.

>Seal of warranty void if broken.

Those are actually illegal in the US.

>my power supply didn't have the right power connectors for the mobo, and I still managed to fit everythign in there and get it working

I actually can't remember the last time I've used that word.

i'm american. we invented legos

legos were actually invented by the english and as americans we own all of englands stuff, forever.

it did have the right connectors and he's stupid.


Imagine suppressing the fact that your region is going down the shitter by nitpicking how people in a far superior region call things.

Attached: 1500562859648.jpg (1504x1416, 585K)

Fucking hell.
What ARE those wires though?

Attached: 95456148.png (726x590, 49K)

Good. Atleast one thing.
Shit's stupid.

I do not play online games on console you abolute nigger retard

wraith coolers are just as bad as intel's despite what amd shills say. also set a negative voltage offset.

Fuck off to /pol/ you nigger faggot tranny spazmo

I was watching a weekly video game show on tv as a kid and one time they showed a segment naming new pc hardware and brands for about 5 minutes. Then they showed the games and they looked a lot better and more varied than what I had seen on the ps1 or n64. It also looked like it was aimed at teens and not kids, they also showed mature rating games running while the guy narrated.

It was in 1999 or 2000. So 11 years old? I just asked my parents if I could have a computer for school work.
So I bought the parts from a nearby store, spent an hour picking the stuff, off-brand motherboard, duron cpu, riva tnt2, 64mb of ram, 8gb hard drive and monitor. Assembled my pc myself, installed the os and drivers. Back on a windows 98 machine.

You OP and the rest are just fucking retarded. Simpletons doomed to fail at life even when everything is simple to use and handed down to you nowadays.

Usually they charge quite a bit for putting it together, so you pay much more of its value. Also you are often forced to buy the pre-installed OS too, which is basically free if you ain't stupid, or can get it much cheaper elsewhere.
But I give you that, you save the trouble of researching if your components even work together or not. Some coolers don't work on some mobas, the chasing might be too small, so on, can be a bitch. For some it might be worth to pay like 50% more.

It's not. when it's in a case, it has (~9) stand-offs bolted in.