What games you do you genuinely hate seeing in any "best of all time" list
What games you do you genuinely hate seeing in any "best of all time" list
Any MGS "game" they're a pile of crap.
Gameboy Tetris.
came to post this,stealth sucks big dicks,even worse,the games are stealth with cinematics
Super Mario 64 and as much as I love MGS I don't think any of them are top 10 of all time potential. The only one I think you can really make an argument for is the first one but people always shit on that one in favor of Sneeter.
Final Fantasy VII
i'd take all but a few of the other non-MMO mainline FFs over it
Anything that's only included because of influence or mainstream popularity, not actually because the person making the list thinks it's good.
> Doom
> Super Mario Bros
> Minecraft
> Grand Theft Auto V
> Tetris
> Call of Duty 4
> Pokemon Red & Blue
> Skyrim
> GoldenEye 007
> The Legend of Zelda
> Starcraft
> Mass Effect 2
> Overwatch
> Red Dead Redemption 2
> Assassin's Creed II
dark spuls
Oh and add FF7 to this list as well, i see tons of site not even call it a top 5 FF game only to include it as a top 50 game anyway simply due to it's popularity
I’m playing VII after I get through IX and then VIII, figured I’d play the less hyped ones first. XI is great so far
The top 10 because it's the same every time. I'm not advocating bad metrics, but bringing more variety to a list by excluding pleb opinions would really liven it up. JRPGs are the worst offender.
But doom wads are good to this day. I don't even like doom all that much but the rest of your list is on point.
Nier automata and anything from the n64
>anything from n64
It's ugly. The story and characters aren't that special. Slow, laggy, boring battle system. Not even close to being the best in the series.
Any heavily story driven game.
No, YOU cope with the fact that it's just OK and you only think it's amazing because you played it as a kid.
That's an odd but somehow appropriate way to play. You'll probably end up liking them after sifting through all the shit and gems because 7 is good and 8 is full blown weird when it comes down to it.
Hate is the wrong word, but any of the following make me disregard it all
>Metal Gear Solid 4
>BioShock Infinite
>God of War III
>any Pokemon
but note that any list with Another World on it you know is solid.
It's a shitty console with bad/ boring games
Nah, the first MGS was great at the timez though like many ps2 games it feels clunky now. Awesome game, great characters and plenty of replay value with the easter eggs and secret items.
Any Nintendo game other than Smash Bros Melee
Any CRPG other than Fallout 1
disgusting post
Anything ever because I’m a useless contrarian that doesn’t play video games
Minecraft, because zoomerfags should be killed.
Mods don't count towards the quality of the game, they are enhancements. People just list vanilla doom with the comment of it being influential. Same with the original Zelda, Oracle of Ages/Seasons, Minish Cap & Link's Awakening were infinitely better games, but don't get the level of recognition because they weren't influential
OoT and Undertale. They are good games but not best of all time tier
Your opinion is shit contrarianism bait, which is why nobody shares it zoomer
Most of the answers in this thread are just going to stem from rabid contrarianism. At the very least, most of the games on these lists are at least decent.
However, there is one game that I hold absolute fucking contempt for. The Last of Us is a game that genuinely does not deserve success in any way, shape or form. I genuinely think games like Uncharted and The Last of Us are way more harmful than something like Battlefront. I feel like the vast majority of people know that lootboxes suck; it's just the minority of people who do play them are willing to spend a lot of money on them, and that's how they flourish. The Last of Us, however, is an actual fucking blight on the game industry. It's the biggest inspiration for this "video games are not for gamers anymore" mindset. It's a game made exclusively for fart-huffing psuedo intellectuals that don't actually play games. This mentality that games shouldn't focus on being fun anymore, or that games should be pandering to leftist ideology is stemming from The Last of Us. This goddamn "game" is responsible for nearly everything wrong with this industry, and it's my fucking dream for this game to flop.
I don't care if you think Breath of the Wild or Dark Souls is overrated. Those games are still at least video games.
upvoted desu
>and it's my fucking dream for this game to flop
Forgot pic related
have sex
mostly based but mario games are legit great. tight platforming, great level design and polish. could take or leave zelda, even though i have a soft spot for it
Dark Souls (2011) is basically 3D Diablo mixed with SoulCalibur's combat, i have no idea how anyone can hate multiplayer Dark Souls
>not liking Tetris
>Everyone is wrong
>Except me
i dunno, personally i found last of us fun and enjoyed the story. its not as """fun""" as other games, but people love shit like journey which barely has gameplay at all
Yes, you are objectively fucking wrong if you think video games are not allowed to be video games anymore.
The wad system is a core part of the game. I'm stretching it a bit here but it's about more than influence, people are still playing and modding it. It's a game that proved the shareware model on an inconceivable level. It's like explaining Bitcoin to your mom. It's not influence, it's raw success.
I agree with the influence issue, that's why I want better metrics. I'd like to see weighted lists and meta analyses only to get a better idea. Something better than scrolling to page 3 of emupara for the really good games that only fans of the genre really understand enough to enjoy.
>DaS1 is 3D Diablo
How the fuck did you even come to this conclusion?
agreed,if i'm gonna be honest i actually hate seeing my favorite games in top 10 lists because all it does is bring it one step closer to normalfaghood(be it in the form of sequels or whatever),having in sight that journalists are and have always been mostly a joke such as pic related,i can't believe people actually get paid to do this
Holy fuck you are mad lol
>that image
the most b8 I've ever seen in one place
That's a bad mindset to have. It's a GOOD thing that your favorite games are in the spotlight, because that means devs will prioritize those elements and design philosophies to their projects. If devs prioritize garbage like The Last of Us, then gaming will truly be dead.
Yes? Of course I'm fucking mad. Why shouldn't I be?
I can't tell if this list is cancer or based.
I thought The Last of Us was solid. Not GOAT material, but crank up the difficulty and TLoU and Uncharted are decent enough games. I think the critical reception to TLoU is what really did the damage. It gave Naughty Dog an undeserved sense of superiority and the notion that they need to be arbiters of cultural advancement. You didn't hear the "We don't use the fun" and "Diversity is a pillar of game design" bullshit until people creamed their pants over TLoU.
The Last of Us.
Most overrated pile of steaming shit of the millennium. I wish Naughty Dog and every employee contributing to its existence died a violent death never to be seen again, but that's being greedy in my wishes.
>you are objectively fucking wrong
>if you think video games are not allowed to be video games anymore.
Hollow Knight being called one of the best metroidvanias of all time, I'll never understand that one.
I'm glad you can read, dipshit. I'd be proud of you if I wasn't so utterly disgusted.
Any zelda and mario. Literal childrens games
in contrast feel like super mario 64 is almost a game id expect to see on most lists. especially if you judge by historical significance. it was the first good 3d platformer and did so much right that the platforming even in odyssey is still not that far removed from it. the whole structure of the game with the overworld and individual worlds was such a good way of getting maximum variety into the game without it feeling forced
>its impossible to genuinely like anything that is remotely popular
you sound like a fucking faggot
i cant even pretend to care about what nitpicks metroidvaniafags have with hollowknight - whatever the fuck it is its great. the art, atmosphere, combat, exploration are all amazing.
>its for kids!!!1!!
not an argument
What lists do you see with ANY of these games on them, except for GOTY lists? I don't think I've ever seen any of these, except maybe 1st gen pokemon, mentioned on any GOAT lists
T. Manchild with no friends
As much as I'll get shit for this, any modern Sony game. As they are now they haven't added anything to their respective genres and in the case of GoW and TLoU they regressed by removing key elements like aerial combos and fun respectively.
only one of those is true
You're a manchild?
for real, none of those are even close to GOAT contenders. 1st gen pokemon too, its not even the best pokemon game. gen 3 master race
Played Hollow Knight first then went back to play SOTN and Metroid after how much boomers hyped them up to be so much better
They've aged terribly and feel so clunky in comparison
i'll leave it for you to decide
Mostly older lists to be honest
>Dark Souls
>Fallout New Vegas
>Metal Gear Solid 3
>Super Mario 64
>Metal Gear Solid
>Super Smash Bros Melee
>Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
agree, i played fusion and zero mission as a kid and i loved them then, but they are not as good as i remember them. games have gotten a lot of general-purpose quality-of-life improvements in the past decade or so
Can't say of your awareness, sadly. But, you go tiger.
Mischief Makers and Mystical Ninja starring Goemon would like a word with you.
do you like any games user?
3rd is the best, and 1st gen is definitely really weak, but I can at least understand people arguing for it just because of the gigantic influence it had on video games. None of those games on except 1st gen pokemon are rarely, if ever, mentioned on anyones GOAT lists
any zelda games, especially those gb shitty ones
yeah true i can understand that. feel like you cant allow historical significance for GOAT lists tho, too many games were insanely important to the industry but have aged horribly. GoldenEye comes to mind
Not that I hate all of these (I quite like some of them), but I'm just so sick of hearing about them being "so good" and "the best" all the damn time:
Gameboy-era/early ds era zelda games
Uncharted 4
Witcher 3
Fallout New Vegas
Batman Arkham City
Assassins Creed Black Flag
Half Life 2
Street Fighter 5
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
Kingdom Hearts 2
Stardew Valley
Animal Crossing games
Goat Simulator
Any COD game after MW3
The sims series
Civ 5
starcraft 2
any telltale game
borderlands series
Dark souls or bloodborne
this, Puyo Puyo Tetris is the pinnacle of the series so far gameplay wise
but nostalgiafags be dick riding GB Tetris and Tetris DS so hard
yeah agree, banjo is shit
Really? IIRC, Spore got a lot of mixed reactions when it was released. it was nothing like it was promised, and how the only interesting thing about it was the creature creation tool (which is probably the best creature creation tool of any game, even 10+ years later). It was also one of the first single-player focused games with DRM, and I remember hearing a lot about it being one of the most pirated games around that time, and some lawsuits against EA for it (i was like 13 at the time, so i might be wrong on that)
BotW and Skyrim. Skyrim doesn't appear that often any more, thankfully. BotW is 7/10, good but not even the best Zelda game. I don't know what people see in it.
I don't like seeing Ocarina of Time either, but that's just because it's always at the No. 1 spot on every single list. Incredible game but it's just tiring.
last of us
still great and regularly play it.
in fact I arguably still play skyrim too.
not because its bad or something, but people parrot its quality so fucking much. you honestly can't get anyone to say what they gush about when they say hl2 was great.
any list with a game made during the current gen is a shit list. Part of a game being a GOAT is seeing how it influenced gaming in general, or how it aged. Some games are good for the time, but aged like shit or didn't have a big influence on gaming (outside of niche hobbies like speedrunning). Many of these games are good, but I automatically ignore a "journalists" opinion
>if the list includes games from current gens
>Half Life 2
>WoW (unless it qualifies its inclusion as only being vanilla and BC, and I could also understand WotLK even though I disagree with it)
>most Zelda games
>games that have multiple entries in a series but the author doesn't specify which version they're talking about (IE Tetris, Pacman, SF2, etc. Theres a ton of different versions of these games with similar, but different mechanics. Puyo Puyo Tetris is different than Tengen, which is different than Tetris 99)
>Star Fox 64
>any Elder Scrolls game
>any Fallout game except 2
>any Soul Caliber
>any GTA outside of 3, SA, or VC
>WIi Sports, or any other glorified tech demo
>games that rely too heavily on gimmicks, IE Wii Sports
>any Assassin's Creed game
>any Mass Effect game
>any story-focused game/interactive move (any Quantic Dream game, Telltale games, some others I'm probably forgetting)
>purely online multiplayer games
hl2 is not as good as hl1
Half Life 2 was a step back in pretty much every single way except graphically from Half Life 1. Maybe its because I didn't have a PC at the time so I'm looking back at it from a retrospective angle, but I genuinely don't understand the hype around it. When I played it, it felt like a 7/10 game, not amazing but definitely not terrible. The puzzles are easy compared to 1, guns don't feel as satisfying, enemy AI is stupid even for its time, and the generic story doesn't actually have an ending. The only memorable set pieces from HL2 are the beginning train sequence where you can throw a can at the guard, and the end with the G man. I don't remember episode 1 at all, and the only part from 2 I remember are when you're fighting waves of enemies in the sewer near the beginning and setting up defenses. The only reasons I can think of for people hyping up HL2 are 1) because of le epic "Valve can't count to 3 xddd" memes that started because of HL2 and its episodes, or 2) because it helped launch Steam.
get gud
Majora's Mask because the game sucks ass but people love the SOUL and atmosphere of the game so much that they pretend it's not utter shit and a rushed sequel to OoT.
>Half Life 2 was a step back in pretty much every single way except graphically from Half Life 1.
besides level design (in replay-ability). I would argue you're wholey wrong. Maybe some stuff like weapon options, but other than that, its objectively an upgrade.
what do you remember from hl1 btw?