Do you prefer harvins? Or draphs?

Do you prefer harvins? Or draphs?

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the fucks a harvin

It's a type of potato

For me it's Monki

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she's soo healthy!


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>dont really care for monki
>get her from free roll
>same with chicken and sheep
>actually want doggo
>never get her
its not fair bro

Dog is unavailable, save you rolls if you want her badly and nothing else.

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smol and sturdy

Harvins are where its at. As hot as draphs are, they are boring.

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My only zodiac is perfect piggu-chan

Erunes. Also, get back to work. All those GW honors aren't going to farm themselves.

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I think she's only available in new years and the new year ticket.

For me it's only the finest.

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>gold bar short of niyon
>hundred astral short of moon potato
I hate it all

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Erunes are #1, the rest are okay.

Harvins or Draphs if they have big boobs

Why ask?

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I would mash a potato

I stopped playing. I can barely be bothered to log back in.

I would also mash a potato

We'll make it someday Harvenbro. Just so long as we don't give up. I myself had to ticket every SSR Harven I got. I was never able to roll any of them. Now the only one I'm missing is the old man with the cool shades.

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Harvins, but also this

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Draphs because I'm not a porn sick pedo

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What bro?

Doggo was only available last year. You'll have to get her next year when she's featured.

If you can, spark Kumbhira, it'll be the same case with her next year.

I, too, love the axilla

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Get further in the story for the ultimate mommy.

Nice 0 quads
In the story i'm when the Golden Knight kidnaps Drang, she and Freesia are cute cakes