ITT: Games only autistic people have beaten

ITT: Games only autistic people have beaten
Mean Bean Machine is fucking impossible for normal people

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>mfw i can't even beat coconuts

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Get good schlomo

Mean Bean Machine felt nearly impossible first time through when I had no idea how to play, but if you know how to set up combos it becomes really easy. Just quick 2-3 combos is enough to beat the CPU.

Mean Bean Machine has the greatest game over screen though

The challenge always came in multiple waves:
>Everyone past Grounder

But man, Robotnik's defeat howl made that win all the more satisfying.
This site helps a lot. Just going through the first two parts is plenty for beating the CPU in pretty much any Puyo game.

obviously you fucking idiot your job as a kid was to guess all the shortcut codes until you got robotnik and practice on him. I found scratch to be harder than robotni

CPU in Puyo is so fucking easy, dude. You can drop randomly and as long as your colors are near each other hit chains without trying.

wanna know how I know you need to play more Puyo games

Attached: 1BASEDARLE.png (1472x1668, 794K)

He might've been. I heard somewhere that Satan/Robotnik drop speed is so fast in that game that even the AI can't properly keep up with it. I've had Satan kill himself in like 16 seconds in Puyo Tsu as well.


>level 1 is braindead easy
>level 2 kicks my shit in
What the fuck is the difficulty curve in this game. It's absurd how quickly it ramps up.

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But that's cheating, and cheating is wrong!

>first level is pretty easy
>get a god damn quad combo on the second guy and he somehow fucks me into losing

I don't fucking understand

Theme music is pretty rad as fuck for Genesis though.

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>your job as a kid was to guess all the shortcut codes until you got robotnik
Yeah, like OP said: Autism.

5 colors in Puyo is dumb
Puyo 1 rules in general are dumb

>CPU in Puyo is so fucking easy, dude
In the early puyo games, sure. Everything from Fever onward has pretty hard AI at the highest setting.

Attached: core ai.webm (900x506, 2.82M)

Yeah, totally forgot about 5 colors before I played 1 again last time. Threw me off a lot.