What are some videogames that have a higher female playerbase than male playerbase?
What are some videogames that have a higher female playerbase than male playerbase?
Other urls found in this thread:
the sims
not any one game just zelda, sometimes known as zorldo
Does it really matter?
candy crush
Animal Crossing
this picture is pretty fuckin funny
Candy crush and bejeweled
What is that thing on the left?
the last line should be a new banner image
most mobile games, maybe The Sims and Animal Crossing
I'd say its pretty even
what is it with trannies forgetting they are trannies? is like they conveniently behave by their biological gender when it favors them
>No difficulty
>No skill
>Colorful but not real colorful; just pinks and related stuff.
>Mostly reliant of RNG of sorts
>More visual than anyting.
>I think I'm quite gorgeous
laughed to hard to keep reading after that
Because "body dysmorphia" isn't a real thing and tranny-mania is completely fueled by uncontrolled sexual fetishism, aka mental illness
>Do you feel in charge?
That was a wholesome read. Pic still funny but now I see. I think I'm officially off the wavelength of this place, because I wish I could be that happy. Time to leave. Sorry Yea Forums, but 11 years here and it's stopped giving fun. See you space cowboys.
Hmmm... I dunno, user
>Kamala Harris actually replied to this
That actually makes me feel kinda bad for him. I guess if he's happy then so be it, I never understand why people have to post these things online, but to each their own.
Based and philosopher pilled. I can't compare to such a man, only praise him and make his words more visible.
he's not happy at all. he's delusional and lying to himself. you don't want to be like him, trust me.
quick rundown please?
Literally who?
you got big gay
You raise a good point user but you're going to have to post more to convince me otherwise
Kill em all
He's not happy.
That text is some icycalm-tier shit right there.
Can't believe an anonymous post could generate so much butthurt.
That's not being happy; it's thinking being happy. There's a fine line between know what's better for you as an individual and become deluded in complacency. In this last decade that line has gone way more thinner.
Godspeed, user.
Dead By Daylight
Prove me wrong
Holy shit so did Cory Booker. Just trying to stay relevant while sinking.
But seriously, we live in a society.
Fucking Kamala Harris replied to it.
in all fields
Sure, user
Do grills really fix every problem by telling each other they are GORGEOUS or is it just a band aid?
I agree with this user
Some sad being of the 21st average person having such a huge ego it feels the need to write long shit like it were so important to... anyone to see it!
Meowriza is nothing but the same 3 angles that make his ass look larger than it is
Fire Emblem post awakening
You are so brave!!! So beautiful!!
So, “homosexual transsexuals” are more attractive than the other? That’s all I can take away from this.
>I guess you might look at that image and cringe in disbelief
Yeah, that sums it up pretty well. There's no double take where I find beauty in your images.
tl;dr she's more comfortable being an ugly girl than an attractive man and haters gonna hate
I ain't reading all that shit, but that is pretty sad that person had to get confronted with this so much. They've got a mental condition that makes them feel self-loathing when they're reminded of their masculine features.
Don't forget, you're here forever
women compliment each other and don't mean it
men insult each other and don't mean it
Girls don't give eachother solutions, they always just try to cheer eachother up. If you've ever had a gf and you listen to her vent about shit, and try to tell her "well, what if you do ___ to solve ____" she won't actually apply it, she just wants to vent and continue doing the same shit over and over, she just wants you to make her feel better in the moment.
Final Fantasy XIV
>I'm perfectly happy
>that's why I need to go on a huge tirade about how I'm happy
>and why I need a huge thread telling me it's okay and not to kill myself
>and how everyone who tells me I'm not happy is an evil misogynistic fucking TERF troll REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Ah yes totally in the right state of mind
This is what made aniki such a legit nice guy, you know he was really meaning it.
Why is it that only the non-passing transgendered folk seem to get support, but passing or cute ones are always shit on by lefties?
Yes she.
Like I'll call you a he because that's what you prefer
No fucking kidding
Huh? Who shits on passing transwomen?
Fucking hell
Is he still writing? Hes pretty insufferable but his arcade article was good.
like supports like. I will acknowledge you as a woman but dear god stay away from me you disgusting hormonal melting pot.
No trannies pass in real life. They might pass in their online hugspace where they have camera angles and photo editing at their disposal though.
This is a cis girl larping for donations from closet gays, don't be fooled
Non passing transwomen and "allies"
Joke's on you.
I'm a girl(female).
Ogres like the one in the OP won't ever be real women and I don't want them in my public restrooms.
>feel self loathing when reminded of who you really are
Maybe they should just stop pretending to be something they're not?
Because while the right's shtick is a contest of who can be more autistic, the left's shtick is who is more oppressed/has a harder time?
Actual attractive trannies that can pass have an easier time than ogre men who cannot possibly look feminine but are still brain damaged to pretend.
You can't fight nature, Jack
You dont want to hear them grunt in the stall next to you while the struggle to heft their panties down?
Nobody cares, hambeast.
>multiple replies use the word "yucky"
Why do they talk like this?
Also, am I the only person replying who's both happy and redpilled? Everyone else is going on about "I wish I was as happy as him".
Hmm yes very good. What were we talking about?
The people of the west attack beauty. Too many people aren't brutally honest enough and when they are no one listens to the truth. Lies and compliments are easier to accept than Truths and criticisms
Here's my experience:
>Nerdy but attractive Asian women
Zelda on Nintendo Switch
>Attractive women of all kinds
Candy Crush or something similar
>Average to slightly chubby white women
Portal 2, Garry's Mod, and things like that on PC
>Land whale feminist white women
Rainbow Six Siege, Global Offensive, and things like that on PC
>Femcel wizard overlord white women
World of Warcraft
That's about it from my experience. PC gaming and more "hardcore" video games are almost dominated by white women. The more hardcore the game, the worse the woman.
Normal everyday people = dark web
you don't own anything public, that's why it's called "public"
It's doesn't have the right to be funny
If they see anyone comfortable with their femininity, they instantly become jealous and scornful. The sick irony is that the creatures more feminine than them are crossdressing men.
There's photos of him naked with a penis.
This is oddly accurate. But I've also met some pretty hot white Chicks that are purple hair mentally unstable types that okay NEET level wow/ff14
My fucking sister is doing this with her ex.
>"He keeps texting me"
>"Block him"
>Excuses about how he's using a random number generator app or some shit
>She hasn't blocked him once
I fucking hate women you have a new boyfriend why do you even care?
why, my peenus weanus of course :)
hahah! :D
it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah
What are some videogames that have a higher female playerbase than male playerbase? - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D
He's been running a philosophy site for a few years now.
keep crying, roastie
Non-waifu mobile games.
people fell for this fucking obvious bait, COME ON Yea Forums GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME!
Maybe I'm gay, but I find tomboy transgirls usually more attractive than ones that try too hard to be femme
Maybe she knows how to make and apply a prosthetic penis really well
And the idea that transexualism is a fetish out of control and not actual gender dysphoria
Go away gamer
They can't help it, at least insofar as the HRT and SRS stuff. I'm not fully convinced the pronouns and recognition as "real women" are relevant to the condition beyond a modern context. Historically (and in the not so recent past) there have been communities of crossdressers who clearly had gender dysphoria, but didn't place weight on being recognized as women beyond the validation of being attractive as women to some men. That particular aspect of it seems highly culturally contingent, but the actual gender dysphoria seems to be more transhistorical, indicative that there is something going on on the nature side that they can't control. It's expression as the transgender movement is clearly particular to our society today, though.
You know, without the religious nut's second sentence, I would have thought he was agreeing with "us".
Protestantism is a hell of a drug.
pseudo-trannies are ruining video games. They have become the women that dismantled our WoW guilds 10 years ago, except cybernetic and relentless.
Overwatch, Lol, et cetera.
c u tomorrow user
You tell them, sister
>god is good and made us as we are
lmfao god made u a dude homeboy
It's so sad seeing these pathetic creatures try and cope.
Imagine having to take that cross dressing fetishist seriously.
The heroin addict feels quite happy when he shoots his dope too. Should we continue to support and praise his habit because it makes himself feel good?
*barks your path*
Because the cute ones aren't trannies. They're all just boys who don't take hormones and don't fall for the SJW shit. Every single person who takes estrogen is fucking disgusting as shit.
stfu faggot.
Are there more MtF lesbians than female lesbians at this point?
Dead before 40, your genepool ends here.
that's just a guy. he's not a tranny. and the reason you find him more attractive is because he doesn't mutilate his body with hormones. all trannies and hormone takers are ugly.
Tell that to the parasite in my uterus bro
>Yea Forums only defends trannies when they look good
I am a he because that is how I was born. It is inherent.
Ella Hollywood *is* on estrogen though.
candy crush
Are you trying to tell me that thing is either passing or cute?
and he's fucking disgusting. he's not one of the good ones at all.
>he's cute because he doesn't take hormones
>actually he does
Which is why "Ella" is fucking disgustingly ugly as shit. Pretty boys don't ever take hormones. If they do, they're not pretty anymore because it makes them hideous.
Thank god I'm not white.
no one ever called that monstrosity cute. ella is a fucking trainwreck.
Shut up faggot
>"body dysmorphia" isn't a real thing
Eh I'm willing to believe it's real. I'm also willing to believe trannies co-opted it and made it a caricature of itself though.
>maybe I'm gay
Niggers are more likely to be trans
So basically thai ladyboys are the "good" trannies
why the hell are we encouraging people to fuck with their hormones?
I hope you get your SRS as quickly as possible. Be the person you were always meant to be.