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Still a couple of months left, and really you guys all waited too long so we're kind of doomed now to another decade of console-owner induced stagnation thanks to Windows 10.
But hey, PC gaming on GNU/Linux is still better than its ever been, and honestly if PC gaming stagnates for another decade that gives us a chance to catch up and maybe even get ahead of the 'AAA' games with native GNU/Linux gaming.

>still using windows

mine still runs fine and i have dissabled autoupdates a long time ago...

P-please update to windows 10

Why cant microsoft create an OS as comfy and not so overloaded whit shit like XP and 7 were?
it was so simple, the formula was there, heck they could just keep updating 7 and will be like nothing happened, or just launch a enhanced version like what 7 was to vista.

I miss windows 7. Feel nostalgic for it.

>usually a 3-4 year release cycle for new windows versions
>10 has been out for over four years
>no word on 11
When the fuck are they replacing this shit?

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What's happening to Windows 7?

They did. 10 is 8 without most of the bloat. It has some shitty bloat on by default, but you can disable all of it.

They aren't going to. Microsoft said that 10 is going to be the only windows from now on and will only do updates.

if its free again
then maybe
otherwise I will probably keep using 7 until I really need to upgrade to window 12

They're never releasing another number update numbnuts. It'll be roll-over updates as they want to get in on that "rental OS" where you basically pay a subscription for an updated version. It'll still have version update numbers, but the OS itself won't change.

Windows 8.1 + Classic Shell + OldNewExplorer is superior.

They already have full access to and control of your Windows 10 software and can update it to do whatever they want. Yes, they'll break things and mismanage it. No you don't have a choice.

>When the fuck are they replacing this shit?
They're not, not for a while anyway. 10 was designed to received extensive updates to extend its liftime. April of this year marked a massive upgrade for performance with newer hardware. 10 is fine, disable the shit just like you disabled UAC in 7.

Can I go back to 7 still?

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You shouldn't once support gets dropped, for the same reasons you shouldn't use XP. Any new security vulnerabilities will not be patched out. 10 isn't as bad as the die-hard retards say it is. You just need to take a moment to disable some of the initial bloat.

i was under the impression you could not actually disable it, just minimize it to a smaller degree

god i'm going to hate being forced to use this shitty fucking garbage tablet OS, already got a taste of it setting up a new desktop for my parents this year

And yet they keep breaking their own security features, like how a recent patch literally made Defender only scan 7 files and claim it did a full scan or even a short smart scan.

Aren't they going to do a subscription for 10 updates? If so that's fucking gay.

Go to 8.1, wish I had tried it sooner
Open shell and Winaero tweaker kill all the metro stuff and then it's just a slightly snappier 7

Also if you have 2 screens and one is 144hz and the big one for animu is 60hz it just werks™
On 7 I always had to have them be multiples of each other or something silly, a few little things like that that I've forgotten about are fixed on 8.1

People have been saying that for years, and it's still not the case.

You do know you can set it up to look like most other Windows versions, right?

That depends on what you're talking about. Most if not all of the features people bitch about can be modified through options, or disabled all together. I can say that Windows 10's start menu is the first that I actually go out of my way to use for some things. But that's mostly because you can search through it just by opening it and typing. The side advertisement/app bullshit can all be disabled. You can even hide the extended bar if you don't want it. Or you can set frequently used shortcuts there. It's pretty customizable.

i recall when it first came out multiple breakdowns of how the spyware on windows 10 and telemetry couldn't be cut off

who /LTSC/ gang here?

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>the spyware on windows 10

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Every other day I see Microsoft breaking something critical in Windows 10. It's a fucking disaster and anyone who defends it should be mocked and raped to death.

nigger who cares about your updates
Im still running service pack 1 and will do so for years more

>Any new security vulnerabilities will not be patched out.
Literally who cares? Those patches always comes weeks after the vulnerabilities have been discovered and publicized. They're practically pointless, there are unpublicized vulnerabilities for 7/10 right now

I'm sticking with 7 until either my computer completely dies, they kick the trannies out of Linux or they replace Win10 with something better.

Yes, and when they are publicized and any script kiddy can download windows7pwner_2020 you will be vulnerable.

man i don't know about computer stuff i'm just asking questions

will I be okay if I just never stop using it?

What exactly do you imagine will happen to the standard user who has a standard router with ports blocked? You have to go out of your way to use unsafe software that invites the script kiddies right in. If you use Win 7, no updates at all for bloody VIDEO GAMES what is going to happen to you? Literally nothing.

wait whats this about linux and trannies

>not using 8.1

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Right here

I don't like having fingers being jammed in me and be lead by them

>being such a contrarian that you use Windows 8

the trannies are living under your bed, and in your closet

>windows 10
>Running a Quick or Full scan will fail after a few seconds and only go through a handful of files, resulting in incomplete, superficial results. Such scans are usually known to take tens of minutes, and even hours.
>The bug impacts Windows Defender version 4.18.1908.7 and later, released earlier this week. The bug was introduced while Microsoft tried to fix another bug introduced with the July 2019 Patch Tuesday.
>The bug was introduced while Microsoft tried to fix another bug introduced with the July 2019 Patch Tuesday.

Not a problem when CommonSense Antivirus keeps doing its job

bro im using it for another 4-5 years

Hmm, the only real risk is if you online game, and a script kiddy happens to dislike you, notes your IP and finds some exploit to fuck you.
That aside, there's zero risk. You IP is hidden everywhere else on the net. No random website is going to throw something at you that basic AV software won't catch.

Remember when we all hated 7 like we hate 10? I do. Once the next windows comes out people will defend 10

10 is 8 but good

You talk so much, yet nothing

10 is 8 but broken
>Users are reporting the Start Menu and search function are broken, while some have also pointed to broken functionality with the Action Center and calendar feature.

>"This update has practically bricked my main computer. It operates extremely slowly, all of the things mentioned in his thread apply (broken Action Center, no response to many clicks), nothing can connect to the internet - email, browsers, etc. all time out," one user complained in a Microsoft thread.

>Microsoft has admitted on the update site it began investigating the issue on 13 September and will provide an update once more information is available.

>Remember when we all hated 7 like we hate 10?
No. Vista was so shit that everybody loved 7.

i like it when newfag make up lore

And thats the reason why no one should bother to give a single fuck

>Remember when we all hated 7 like we hate 10?
No? Everyone was so busy hating the fuck out of Vista they acted like 7 was a god-send.

What, everyone praised it over the pile of shit that was Vista.

This is what I remember
>7 is Vista, but good
Even fucking Microsoft made fun of Vista in their roll out of 7. Seriously, this history rewrite is pathetic. We live in the internet age, when we can actually go back and look. Not slipping that shit past here.

>we all hated 7
Literally never happened, retard

Holy shit guys, you've been crying about this for over a year. Don't want to use Windows 10? Just install Linux. You want easy mode? Linux Mint. Easy as Windows. You'll most likely never have to use the terminal, unless you're copying and pasting something into it.
>but it's hard
>but video games
>but muh particular video game that doesn't work with Proton
Install Windows 10 on a secondary partition used only for playing that game, if you really have to play it. Then do your patriotic duty by leaving a negative review about the game's lack of Linux support.

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>Install Windows 10 on a secondary partition
you know they'll never manage to figure out how to do that

>10 is 8 without most of the bloat.
I'd argue that 10 is more bloated than 8. Same thing with Server 2016 and 2019 being more bloated than Server 2012 R2.

Even if i need to change my toaster to newer one i will find a way to install 7 on it.

>No you don't have a choice
That's where you're wrong, bucko.

>Remember when we all hated 7 like we hate 10?
>Hate 7
I'll take "things that never happened" for $100

This is what I've decided on desu, I don't really play AAA games anyway so it's not such a hard choice for me. I'm sure I'll run into issue or something eventually but I'm just glad to be free from Windows since it seems like it's only going to keep getting worse.

>tfw using windows 10
I swear, I have never had an OS give me as many problems as this shit before. I've seen problems I didn't know computers could fucking HAVE on this shit. I've seen the copy and paste function break. I've tried setting my computer to auto login, only for that to not work, and break the login page instead. I've had times where I had to reboot a laptop just to get it charge, because they somehow managed to make the ability to charge your laptop a software problem. You have to install a custom menu just to get the computer to not have a terrible UI. A fresh install of windows 10 on a brand spanking new computer takes longer to boot up than my more-than-a-decade-old piece of shit with vista on it. They decided to split various settings into two completely different menus for no fucking reason.
It is like this shit was designed from the ground up to be as terrible and unintuitive an OS as possible. If you told me that windows 10 was solely designed by somebody who had infiltrated microsoft with the intent to sabotage their business as hard as possible, I would believe you.

Even fucking vista gave me fewer problems than this absolute joke of an OS.

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>Microsoft yesterday shipped Windows 10 KB4515384 with a number of security improvements and fix for Cortana’s high CPU usage bug. While Microsoft has managed to resolve the high CPU usage caused by Cortana, it looks like the update breaks down Windows Search once again.

>In the changelog of Windows 10 KB4515384 (Build 18362.356), Microsoft noted that the update has addressed an issue that may have caused high CPU usage for Cortana process (SearchUI.exe) on some PCs.

>According to our own findings, the bug was hitting PCs that used customized Windows 10 privacy-focused registry keys to disable Bing integration in Windows Search. On Windows Dashboard, Microsoft has marked both CPU and broken Search issue as ‘resolved’.

>“Addresses an issue that causes high CPU usage from SearchUI.exe for a small number of users. This issue only occurs on devices that have disabled searching the web using Windows Desktop Search,” the company said.

>This patch was apparently supposed to resolve Search issues as well but as it turns out, it didn’t and it also broke the Start menu for some users.


They took control of Linux a while ago, rubbed their CoC on everything and this week they did a hostile takeover of the FSF. Open source is the tranny playground now.

I hope they could just do an internet search for step-by-step instructions.

Although, now that I think about it, people have said that Windows 10 has a habit of fucking up dual-boot set-ups, and the recommended course of action is to install Windows 10 first and then install Linux.

But you could also do what I did: Buy a second hard drive. If you're really afraid of fucking up your existing OS, install the second OS on a separate HDD while the HDD containing your first OS is physically disconnected. I bought my second hard drive just because I didn't want to split a single terabyte between two operating systems, but it actually made things much easier. I had Windows 7 installed already; so I disconnected that drive, connected a new empty one, and installed Linux on the empty one. Then I reconnected the Windows one, booted to Linux, and ran a copy-pasted command to update Grub, thus enabling dual boot. If I reinstall Windows 7 or replace it with Windows 10, I'll just disconnect the Linux drive to avoid possibly messing it up.

why do you think 7 will evaporate the moment it stops being officially supported? XP is still being used in a lot of places and even has unofficial patches for shit

>if its free again then maybe
It is, Windows 10 accepts any legit Win 7/8 key. It will auto-convert it to a Win 10 key and tie it to your MS account/PC mobo. Not sure if the upgrade tool still works though, but it doesn't matter.

Can't these people use vulnerability scanners to meme random ips to find something vulnerable? I feel like if you're connected to the net with old ass unsecure OS you're going to get memed eventually

>tie it to your MS account/PC mobo
So if I upgrade I have to buy Windows again?

Yeah nah, I'm using 8.1 with the classic shell and I encounter none of the bullshit people run into with windows 10.

If you change your mobo I think you can still reuse the same key, but it's permitted like once every X months or something. Upgrading your other PC parts doesn't matter, I've changed some and it's okay.

I still have this fucking bug.

And yeah, I disabled ALL the shit.

>buying windows
jesus fuck

>using an OS so shitty that a 0.1 version update is considered it's own release

all of them have been worked around now
you do have to spend a little time turning off the bullshit but it can all be turned off or disabled

Kek, all these pajeet subhumans want you to stop using 7 so hard.
I guess they still believe in 3 months they will become superpower.

>using a crack on the most important piece of software on your PC
peak retard

got ya, thanks
The pajeets already won on space tech.

>still that disgusting obvious touch screen shit whenever you so much as press start

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You don't even need a crack, retard, just a keygen.



They're so determined not to poo in loo that they're launching it into space now?

im using it now and disable auto updates and i have no problems
it will still work when support stops, they just wont push out any new updates

You do realize you can right-click and delete all the touch tiles right? When you do this the Start Menu shrinks appropriately and becomes normal again

come the fuck on

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holy fucking kek

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I know all about it, it's not a real keygen, it's a hack that makes the OS think your key is legit when it's not.

Literally just buy a $20 key on HRK or something. I got lucky and simply reused my Win 7 key from the sticker on my 10 year old laptop I had collecting dust in my closet.

No way this is real

That’s pretty fucked up
Trannies in tech are probably one of the biggest threats to our future advancement as a species


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At least 2019 partially unfucked the servicing stack. Still worse than it was in 2012R2, though.