Hey Yea Forums something I don't understand are the dumb flame wars in this place about epic vs steam. I have both installed, I try to get the best deal for games - whether its on steam or epic. I don't see why people take sides one way or another.
Hey Yea Forums something I don't understand are the dumb flame wars in this place about epic vs steam...
fuck off winnie
From what I understand Epic = Bad because they're buying devs and creating a market of exclusives
That's bad because it kinda makes them immune to competition in a way, because if only they have X games then they can price it however they like it, force you to do multiple things to play it, etc.
While when it is available in multiple platforms/stores if one is too jewish you just use another
Well, the Epic store doesn't run on my operating system (Ubuntu Linux) while Steam does. Obviously Steam is far superior to a store that doesn't even work.
Another big problem is the fact that it’s on mostly by China’s government
What is was suppose to do
>two stores
>Better prices for gamers!
Now it's
>two stores
>one hogs all the games
>prices the same
I would be 100% fine with EGS if they just had the games on there for better prices (49.99 was the thought since devs didnt have to charge so much to make their money back)
But that's not how it is, and I will not use a store that promote Exclusivity on the PC platform.
And you cannot say Steam has all the games and you could only exclusively get them there, Steam never forced devs to EXCLUSIVELY put it on their store, they always had the option to sell it somewhere else.
They did try to strongarm Klei Entertainment way back in 2005 or 2006, but that was more of a "there aren't any standards for this kind of arrangement yet" situation than Valve trying to dick them over. But yeah, Valve's pretty fine with 3rd party key sales.
Valve makes no money off of 3rd party sells
But they still provide the servers and downloads for it.
They also cover transaction fees that may occur from other countries with different payment methods
has there been any proof of this? I keep seeing people post it
I just like free games from Epic. Regional pricing is still cancer on EGS, and Steam combined with russian VPN and steam sales is still the best option. Last sale I bought Prey, for about 7 bucks, earlier I bought Rise of The Tomb Raider and Deus Ex Mankind Divided for 5 dollars each. You won't get better deals anywhere else, not counting piratebay that is.
Epic sucks mostly because of its current state.
It has less features than steam and some of these features such as a sensible cart system should be in EGS by default.
Epic hasn't improved much because all it's money goes towards creating exclusive deals which means that for a lot of games you can ONLY get them on epic. This is bad because it hurts other vendors like GG, GMG, and GOG which all had pluses over Steam and were even transferable in some regards.
Exclusivity means EGS can do whatever they want with these games. Let's use Control for example. If they want to set Control at 60$ for the next decade on the pc market while retaining exclusivity, they can do that. They have no competition to compel them to lower the price, and even a lack of demand can still allow them to justify whatever price they want since the digital version of the game from pc comes from them alone.
It's just a store that's being really aggressive about making its market, and isn't earning a lot of good will because it chooses muscle over actually being significantly better than steam in both features and selection.
Tencent owns 40% of Epic.
You telling me a company that owns 40% has NO say on what goes on it in?
I don't like Epic because they specifically target popular unreleased games that have advertised on Steam for a good long while only to pull out last minute weeks or days before their release date. And yes, this has affected releases on GOG as well so fuck 'em.
Also because they can't shut the fuck up about the MUH 12% narrative.
I'll still download the free games though.
oh I see now it's just another bit of nonsense steam drones use to hate the new guy in town. Thanks for clearing that up.
Get out of here Chang
Any game that has been bought by Epic to be exclusive is an obvious pirate on day one. Tim already paid for my copy with exclusivity deal, my hands are clean :^)
I mean maybe if you had any proof you would have a leg to stand on, right now you just look like a drone that hates that something threatened his corporate overlord
will I be able to sell my game with unlocked achievements as well? I think it might be a new venue for me
Phoenix Point was the big casualty for me. But then again PP kinda dropped off for me when it started to go for nuXCOM style. I like NuCOM, but it had the opportunity to be much more unique and a hell of a lot darker. Now it's like Xenonauts 2 and trying to just follow in the footsteps of someone else.
proof of what? Tencent owning 40% of the company?
>it's another "OP pretends not to understand what's going on" thread
1. Epic's store is bare-bones as fuck, and has almost none of the features that are standard elsewhere.
2. Instead of attempting to provide a better service, Epic just pays publishers not to release games on other stores.
3. Epic then tells gamers to fuck off when they get mad about it.
Bonus: Epic is also actively anti-Linux, so fuck them.
That said, buy games from wherever you want. Letting anonymous idiots on an imageboard tell you what to do is the lowest form of cuckery.
I abandoned console because i got sick of the exclusives BS.
If Epic drops that i'd give them a try, otherwise I'm voting with my wallet.
why would I install chinese spyware on my computer? It's bad enough having to tell steam to fuck off every time I reboot. Why would I want more of that shit running in the background?
They lost me with the whole Darq thing
>Hey want exclusivity on our store? We think your game is unique and cool and we want it!
>oh no thanks I want to release on steam as well, but hey I would love to be on your store though! And I can give all the money from sales to charity!
>No your game isn't good enough
What a fucking crock of shit, he turned it down and asked to still be able to sell on the store but they all but blocked him on social media.
Fuck Tim, Fuck Epic.