Best indie game of 2019 or best indie game of 2019?

Best indie game of 2019 or best indie game of 2019?

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Excuse me, but i'm about to cööm.

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that would be blazing chrome

lol no

That's not GOOSE

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>not Untitled Goose Game
>not Katana Zero
>not Wargroove
>not My Friend Pedro
>not Risk Of Rain 2

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Did they fix the small visual missing elements in the Switch version like they said they would?
It's been months and i haven't noticed a patch yet.
They've already shown what they plan to do to make those effects work on the Switch, so i know for a fact half the work is already done.

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C'mon niggers, don't waste my time here.
>My Friend Pedro
>Risk Of Rain 2
Not YET, for now at least, the game needs to be more polished and expanded first to even compete.
>Katana Zero
The only serious suggestion here, but it needs more of it to feel more complete.
After the creator patches in the DLC we'll see.

Best indie game of this year is Baba is You, no question.

>licensed game published by asw

>not wanting to be an asshole goose ruining everyones day
That alone made me look past the tumblr noses

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>hating on Untitled Goose Game
It’s like Goat Simulator, but not shit.

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I was excited for it when they made it look like a stealth game. Now that it's out it's transparently just another wacky physics goat simulator piece of shit.

Where do you get off calling other games unpolished when RCG has that hilariously amateur mistake where you can't attack near an entrance / exit or else you'll leave the area

Christ, you're so boring with these shitty meme games you'll forget about in a month or so.

there's stealth in it, you just get shoo'd away or chased from the persons general areas

I never said RCG is the best, i'm not OP.
It's ok, i like it but to me there's much better indies out there right now.

really cause goat simulator was also a shitty meme game and we talking about it right now

The fuck? The sandbox / physics shit is barely a part of the actual game, it's more of a puzzle game than anything else. If you're going to fault it fault it for being short as fuck and not worth the pricetag which isn't even that high anyways.

Oh please, quit pretending it's something it's not. They made it look like it might be an actual game worth caring about in the trailers but it's obvious now that it's just streamer bait.
If you want to be EXTREMELY GENEROUS, you could call it a puzzle game, but really it's just Goat Simulator with a new coat of paint.

going to start reading indie as meaning excruciatingly low fidelity production

what's a mixel?
best indie coming through guys

I probably will forget about it, I do with most indie games after finishing them, I just enjoy them for a little while then move on

combining pixel sizes. Like all the ingame sprites have big chunky pixels but the UI has clear vector graphics, or even worse, rotating pixels.

God I hate it when indies do that.

I loved the game, but no.

But Windjammers 2 isn’t out yet



wayforward and arcsys are not indie studios

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No and no.

Mixels are fine

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Katana 0 was a lot of fun

>company that makes endless licensed games
Not even close.

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oh I see well that is pretty shitty
if it's not psuedo-3D then pixel size should be constant

its fun for 15-20 minutes and then there is no reason to ever play it again

Lot of people found the mami + hasebe fight so far.
But how many of you found the Extra battle so far?

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>Calarts the game
>thirty dollars

>not Baba Is You
You're a brainlet aren't you?

That's not Disco Elysium.