>Game is easier in an overseas version
Game is easier in an overseas version
I don't get it
americans have holes in them like sponges and non americans dont, its simple math
non-americans are just incomplete copies of americans
I believe it's because the one on the left is full of holes (bullets)
this shouldn't be this funny
Those aren't bullet holes though. That's Spongebob. He's a sponge. Sponges have holes to facilitate the absorption of water.
>dude school shootings lmao
>dude americans are so weird and have qerinks i dont as a foreigner dont understand lmao
these threads smell of assblasted foreigners
I don't get it
>Visit America on vacation
>Go to a Walmart to pick up some supplies, see a fucking assault rifle being sold
>Later on see some old fat white guy with a huge ass rifle strapped to his back walking down the street
>See some black people toting their handguns around like it's a new watch
What the fuck is wrong with America? Jesus Christ.
What the hell? do American school children actually get acne? What kind of dogshit weather you people have there? You people really live in a mist of polution?
I don’t get it.
are you done melting from your average american summer yet, m8?
I don't get it
I don't get it
>American "humor"
is the joke "they dont go to school" because that's sort of lame
give the spongebob on the right like stab wounds or something
>See people safely handling objects you're not allowed to own without any fear or negative consequences
>Become angry and afraid because it forces you to confront the reality of living in a conquered, declawed NWO-slave-state
Maybe you'd get it if you went to school, dumbass yuropoors.
i dont think you're supposed to
what did he mean by this?
Have you beat him yet user?
They can't keep getting away with it
>old people
>safely handling objects
Oh my god. Dog noses are made out of playstation controller analog sticks?