How's that Guiding Lands leveling goin?
Monster Hunter
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Holy shit the Mount & Plunder is amazing. Makes bank and just seeing the little guy go is hilarious, he even causes trips from time to time.
Ok. I’ve done the Forest as much as I intend to, gotten a Scarred Garuga investigation finally so I can focus on something else. Working on Wildspire and Coral now so I can get the metal Raths, and saving Brute Nigrex for last.
Man, Tigrex feels so satisfying to fight in IB, same goes to the other pseudewyverns.
Now that people are getting to endgame what is everyone's favorite monsters in IB?
I feel no drive to turn it back on. I finished the story, augmented a couple weapons and built a couple endgame sets, got a couple guiding lands keychains, and then felt nothing.
I had a lot of fun for like a week, but at this point, why bother going back? To fight the same monsters I've been fighting nonstop for 10 years?
Namielle is just incredible, quickly became one of my favorite monsters. Everything about it is phenomenal, makes me so pissed that he doesn't have a unique model for all weapons.
namielle no contest, it's just a cool fucking elder dragon all around
>fall down
>every single blademaster instantly teleports behind ur tail and unsheathes weapon
Nothin' personal, beast.
Need more tempered dragons for that sweet spiritvein material. I just got forest to 7 and kushala "nigger" daora decides to come in once in a blue moon, mostly just passing by when I summon another monster for whatever reason and he zips away.
For breaking off Shara's scalp, any weapon will work?
>Catlolis will NEVER EVER show up again
>finish the mr100 ruiner fight
>have to do MORE grinding lands shit if I want to even see it again
yeah nah
Namiella is the best ED in the series. Great design, great fight, great set, great weapon designs (for the unique ones).
Really weird they gave no build-up to him. Almost feels like they're saving his potential for underwater combat in MH6
Join SOS or other people's GL you retard, you'll find them there if you're impatient
Cutest set
Who else here running the best weapon type
It's just chameleos at a rave.
>they have both final bosses AND their main flagship use the magala skeleton
>don't bother adding the magalas and just outright put a new skeleton for Rajang
I legit don't get it
Got an offensive guard/handicraft deco so I guess I gotta make a lance set
Rajang was more popular or had more points in a poll or something
It is very strange, i guess the only reason they don't add him is because they can't just plop him into such a story-heavy game like World without doing anything about Frenzy
>all shit except for zinogre which everyone and their mother uses
Rajang is better, that's why :^)
They did with GU. Albeit not story-heavy, but they still added him in and his frenzy was nowhere near as destructive as 4U
Just make up some bullshit about xebo's elder dragon energy or shara's tectonic movement
Capcom knows what the Huntresses really want.
Or, you know, they just do what Frontier and XX did and not give a shit about Frenzy beyond an armor gimmick. They've abandoned story elements to bring back monsters before, otherwise Kushala, Teo, and Chameleos would've never made it outside of Dos.
PCbro here. I beat AT Nergigante last night for the first time. It was honestly mostly pretty unpleasant -- I know a lot of people have made the same complaint but the AT fights are largely difficulty done wrong. Nerg seems like the ultimate expression of that.
I'm curious how Master Rank fares in comparison. Are there any fights that are as difficult and/or feel as unpleasant to complete as AT Nerg does using HR gear?
Zorah’s is the best fuck zingogre
Bros i cant take this legiana mantles just wont drop , i am finally going insane
rajang's got more history and charisma. as much as I would have preferred to see the magalas (2 excellent monsters for the price of one!), he's got more personality than they do
still holding out in the hope that they make it to world. they'd be the perfect excuse to justify the existence of tempered/AT monsters
Luna remains a complete garbage fight, and with the flash pod nerfs Kushala and Azure Rathalos are boring and insufferable.
>Tempered Velk just has permanent frost mode so it barely staggers
I'm absolutely expecting Gore and Valstrax to make it into World as DLC later down the line. I would honestly be surprised if they don't. Fatalis also seems very possible.
I'm hoping for at least one or two more unique skeletons before World is finished though -- a crab/insect/arachnid type of enemy.
What weapon types would you add, if any, or do you think the weapon variety we have now is sufficient?
all we need is another blunt weapon. Ball & Chain has potential
How bad is AT Luna? I haven't done her yet either but she's coming next week and I want to at least get her waist. It can't be as bad as Nerg, right?
And how bad is the Flash nerf? I know they said monsters would be less affected for a time but eventually pods could be used again -- seemed to me like more balanced than outright nerfed. I guess it doesn't play out like that in practice?
Nothing personnel, kiddo.
I have now done all content in world and beaten ruiner nerg in iceborne...
...and I still cant tell a difference with elderseal. On all elder dragons. I'm convinced it does nothing and its just a placebo
If I had my way, I'd just add more moves and/or styles to existing weapons, ala Valor Mode or whatever (never played it myself but that seems like the gist.)
If we opted for weapons, I'd like something like a gauntlet/claw that would use like a hand to hand style.
It's just a secondary status that builds up to shut off auras for a little while.
I rather like the hunting hound idea. other than that, idk. boomerangs seem redundant. whips meanwhile are incapable of dealing serious injury to cattle. in fact it's precisely because of that quality that they're even a thing IRL
idk i'm at glavenus and i might be done. it's all so tiresome
If I have Crit Eye 7, do I want Weakness Exploit or any other affinity increasing skill or should I get Crit Boost to make use of the 40% affinity?
that is a pretty good idea
AT Luna is just regular Luna but does more damage and has more health.
Flash nerf is not the problem, it's okay in theory, the real problem are these fights. If you want to look at an example of a monster who flies a lot but is also fun, look at Velkhana, plenty of flying moves but mostly stays grounded.
Yeah but MH doesn't have to have IRL logic. These are whips infused with magic monster parts and eldrich energy and shit.
I'd also like a straight up Scythe style weapon that specializes in CC'ing monsters like in a lot of games but I see that being hard to balance in a game like MH, especially with the addition of the Clutch Claw.
LS used to have scythes models. They need to put one in
You wouldn't make it in the guiding lands.
No, I get it, I hate those fights in World, especially their AT variants where you literally have only three shots and the rest is just managing their asses staying in the sky. I play CB so it's tedious as shit.
From what I was reading Clutch Claw can help with that though, is that right? Like you can knock them out of the sky with it or sommat.
Man, I can't fucking wait for IB on PC. The Guiding Lands sounds like everything I wanted from World -- just endless hunting for fun and profit. I always found the Investigation system so tedious.
Focus on crit eye and WE first, then you can get crit boost if you can fit it in.
Sell me on Sword and Shield, why should I use it over anything else?
This is nature's balancer
I'm hoping they can give Najarala another shot in MH6, it's a great design and concept ruined by a meh fight and the bad camera of the handheld games.
Hell i wish they gave Snake Wyverns another try, they barely used the skeleton.
>punching monsters in the face so hard their horns and shit pop off
pls god
You can do it, but after you do that they enrage and are immune to it until they calm down. So they are still a huge waste of time.
I'm upto that badass, going full set and LS, Nothing like watching spastic cart when the big boom happens
You do use tne steamworks, don't you user?
The hardest thing about AT lunastra is how fast she enrage and go for another supernova
I guess there is a hidden meter for guiding lands once it's past lvl 7 since I killed a silver los to get it to 7 and then did a normal los right after in the forest and while fighting normal los it went back to 6
Shit sucks
I'm at level 6 forest and trying to grind to MR99
How many times must I crack Shara's dome?
that's actually a good point. and speaking of clutch claw, whips would be a great excuse to port their ability to drive monsters into cliff sides and trees and large rocks into a MH title that didn't have clutch claw. and even in world they could work along the same lines and not be wholly redundant because they could have them work in situations where the clutch claw doesn't. also, they could have whips inflict flinch
I have no idea how MH doesn't have a fist weapon yet. It's Capcom, they know how to make punching feel good.
How often do they add new weapons? Heard that CB is pretty recent.
Brb coming to your house to kill u
>All throughout world GS was the only weapon that felt "Right"
>GS is shit if not incredibly frustrating to play vs iceborne spergs unless you use memedraw.
Guess I'll just spam Rocksteady, traps wallbangs and mounts like a degenerate.
Or try out critdraw.
You mean the way we've played GS for 12 years?
Why are Sacs such a pain in the ass to get, even with investigations ffs
What was your reaction to Shara when you first saw him? Dude was outright creepy, but the reveal music was amazing and the fight was unnervingly hard since its 80% aoe
I don't need critical eye if I have critical draw, right? Or is it better to have critical eye 7 + crit draw 2 so I can do other moves besides the first move of GS?
How the fuck do you even cut Narga’s tail? I swear to god I was wailing on that cunt’s Tail for the entire quest and it just barely got scratched at the end. Is there something I need to do to cut it like Glav’s tail?
>Give GS a new way to play in world that's fun and engaging
>then force players to play the old way in iceborne
What did capcom mean by this?
MR Kush in the ancient forest while savage jho was on my ass 24/7 was the worst experience of my adult life
You don't have to sheathe when using an item. I paired this up with the tigrex set, threw in wide range, maxed out free meal and with speed eating, I am almost immortal and carrying teams
Do what you want but IMO that’s a waste of skill space. Either stick with crit draw or go overall crit chance.
That the new way wasn't actually fun and engaging, and the people that liked it were the memes all along.
Serious question, what is Sword and Shields place in the world? Every weapon can do what they do but better so I have no idea what the point of it is now.
You can only cut it when it's enraged.
Is it only useful as a support weapon?
If you want affinity for TCS when the monsters down you should just take exploit weakness
Even though GS has the worst clutch claw attack.
>fun and engaging
Lmao let’s not pretend that it’s just crit draw 2.0 with more work thrown in.
I use it as a support, I rarely used SnS until I found the tigrex set, I've been using the Brachy SnS. I don't know about now but people also used it for inflicting poison or paralysis
Dumb nigger. Learn positioning and wallbangs
resource management with the HBG seems fucking annoying. why do I have to farm and craft every single bullet I fire?
They added Charge Blade and Insect Glaive in 4, which was the last generation before this. So pretty recently.
idk about IB, but in world people could solo nergigante with HR SnS in under 2 minutes using basic SnS moves (in contrast to ledge whoring GS/hammer/bow users)
Can always farcast to camp
Wide Range/Item support
the advancing slash closes gaps really quickly, really good at mounting, shits out infinite combos with ease, slinger burst is amusing, falling bashing monster's heads is fun, backhop is fun to try to dodge with, it's both really mobile and has a shield
This piece of shit is the worst monster in MH. Trash fight, trash design, and thank god its weapons and armor are shit in World so theres no reason to hunt its no-fun-allowed ass.
Are Zinogre investigations a thing?
I got fuck all from hunting it in the guiding lands.
Gotta suck it up and use anti-blast.
Usually it’s a couple new ones every generation. Most recently was Charge Blade in 4 and Insect Glaive in 4U. There were no new weapons in Generation and Generations Ultimate because they decided to focus on Arts and Styles instead, and no new weapons in World and Iceborne due to having to remake everything from scratch and focusing on the Clutch Claw respectively.
There’s a good chance of the next game adding new weapons again though.
How do you cut Glav's tail?
Ok, I'm kinda bored anyway so might as well learn a new weapon. Should I go for elemental, status, or raw?
Sure, if you're not into drugs. 75% free meal and might pill abuse and suddenly you're suplexing a fucking deviljho
Thinking of going back to 3u after I'm done with world, are gunlances good in that game?
>Starting to really dislike GS due to how slow it is against Fastborne
>Only other weapons I used were Charge Blade (Which has that problem from SAED) and >>>>>Switch Axe
It’s also an element DPS weapon with more flexibility. But it gets used as a “support” weapon more because of the utilities it have. Even solo, a good SnS user can easily disable a monster for a long time.
cut it while it's heated up
Does Anti-Blast counter Slime too? Cause I noticed Slime was it’s own status again this time with a unique icon and everything, albeit just a recoloured Blast icon.
depends what you want to do
sns has the funny problem of some of its attacks not being affected by element, namely your shield attacks
so if you want to falling bash the enemy's face a bunch and land some KOs, go raw
if you want to constantly chain spiral slashes on the enemy's knees, go element or status.
both are pretty viable.
ancient forest is one of the worst maps ever and the scoutflies got a downgrade because they are awful at leading the way than before not to mention is complete bullshit how you are still on gajalakas' target despite running areas away from them
Yes. Slime is an annoying super blast, it takes 4-5 rolls to clear and hits harder. With 3/3 you just have to worry about learning Brachy's combos and tells.
Try out SnS. The moveset takes a lot of getting used to but once I got used to it it filled the same niche that CB and GS did but much faster, making certain monsters way less cancerous to fight.
>endgame weapon meta is 90% Nerg and Jho
good. Not a single bone/iron shit
>b-b-but muh custom mods
only give out like 1.5% bonuses so only literal TAutists will use them
im not sure if im doing it right, all i get are meh items
My cat made me so fucking rich that zenny is literally worthless to me now. But the lil nigga just keeps adding to my stacks
>Brachy CB is in
Thank you God, I will use fucking nothing else.
DB's entire element line-up consists of custom modded weapons. Nothing can get close to Jyura, Beo, and Anja when it comes to element damage.
Ok nice. I’ve literally never enjoyed Brachydios fights in any game so I guess I was just geared incorrectly. It always seemed like a cool fight but the slimeblight got in the way. The punches and explosive AoEs look like a genuinely engaging fight if not for the constant threat of exploding for so much as looking at a slime puddle.
My problem with brachy is that if you're in the same map as him you're permanently blast blighted.
Thats what i got with 10000 coal
Might have to, reccomend any good ones? I never really fucked with elemental weapons so I might need to farm a bit.
Currently at Fulger Anjanath and want to pick up something new while I grind out some of the upgrade giving options
Shit opinion bro
Dilate and adquire efficiency
It’s completely random, there’s no strategy to it nor a pattern to rewards.
I haven’t messed around too much with it in Master Rank but I like the Shara SnS with the Namielle set bonus. It’s probably far from optimal but transitioning from raw to dragon was fun. Alternatively it’s just a good raw SnS with hidden dragon element, plus it looks fucking awesome like most Shara weapons.
Is Raw decent for SnS (with Hidden Element?)
Do your guiding lands need to be a certain level for the rare molys to show? I'm trying to catch them all first because fighting around them and potentially missing them stresses me too much.
I'm eating for Zoomaster but I only ever see the regular ones. My lands are about level 2-3 atm. Can't find ant straight info on this yet.
Running along the top of the ore tree to the Chrome line is pretty foolproof for testing a weapon. Also lets you socket Non-Elemental if you were active in end game World.
Element is better for SnS because of speedy attacks but with Non Elemental Boost in my experience raw SnS can still compete.
What's the deal with LBG? I hadn't really given it a good try, but it's feeling like the mines flinch monsters really hard whenever they're attacked into by them. Sliding reload is awesome too. Is there a cealing you eventually hit with the ranged weapons where you'll run out of ammo, normal lvl 1 apart, before being able to finish something off? Cause that's the only thing I'm afraid will happen.
I wish the tzitzi helm was good, I enjoy how retarded it looks.
>his jizz can now slow you down like mud
>he have ANOTHER leap move that have a wide hitbox and repositions him at the same time
For what reason?
Only when it tells me the reward is a celestial print, it seems to take a long time for the reward to change though
Just teleport to camp when the monster runs. If it's a big arena fight use a farcaster. If this triggers tryhard autism you can carry raw mats and craft in the field.
Any tips on leveling a region quickly? I'm stuck at 6 and I'm not progressing very fast
I’ve heard from an user here that caught several of the rare ones that look like mini Nergs that they only spawn in the Vale section of the Guiding Lands, but again finding actual documentation on this is difficult. Worth trying though.
Go whatever but I honestly do not recommend using raw SnS. It was viable in HR when the monsters were slower but in Iceborne you won’t even have the opening to land the entire shield slam dunk combo. Which happens to be the bread and butter of raw SnS. Hell, even if you do land it, by the time you are falling back with your shield the monster is already out of the way.
>hurr learn positioning and wallbang
>posts velkhana getting stunlocked
having a brain is not your strong point.
Might I recommend sleep bombing SnS? It’s kinda cheesing it but it makes farming monsters so much more bearable, and satisfying. At least for me.
Keep forgetting that resupplying mid fight is an option in this one. That makes sense then.
They need to add transmog already. Layered armor proves they have the tech, they just don't want to.
Everyone already said it namielle is just way too fucking cool.
Just carry a farcaster. If you ever run out of ammo just brap your way back to the camp.
>fire is actually useful in Iceborne
>no good fire duals
Anjanath weapons are trash now.
I forgot his name but a lead dev wants the player to choose between fashion and function.
Even though set bonuses exist and early game armors are 100% unusable due to slots and defence.
>freezes them and then just watches
I understood that reference
Newbie here. I exclusively use IG and Bow and have wondered what the weapons I should be using in the upgrade tree when I have the resources to craft them. I am only at Anjaranth right now and have heard that water is useful against it, but I also see upgrades for iron and bone weapons with no status or elemental traits. Are those weapons beginner traps or do weapons with just raw damage useful in a sense?
to dab on shitters like yourself
One of the lead directors on the series believes that in game design you should have to prioritise either what looks cool or what’s effective, because if you can get both then it leads to minmaxing and all the fights will have to be designed around what’s meta, which in turn means they have less room to be creative with designing fights, like MMO powercreep. I understand where he’s coming from but they could at least give us layered armour behind a grind or absurdly difficult challenge though.
It's a weekly thing.
>Glav duals
>not good
Thats not A.Leshen
That's the dumbest shit. People already minmax like hell, are we gonna pretend like base World wasn't literally just affinity stacking Drachen for every single weapon?
Meh, guiding lands is a bust for me. I can't stand the aimless grinding. They need to change the way luring monsters works. They need to make it so you can lure out any monster of the zones max level rather than being a random monster.
Also everything has way too much fucking health and constantly runs around spastically so you have to chase them around. I'm done for the time being.
Raw is all around the most useful damage type since it hits decently against everything, whereas elements are all absurdly good in their own fields but below average in the rest. You’re still in Low Rank from the sounds of it so I don’t think you need to think too hard on what damage type you’re dealing right now, that’s only really important in High Rank and especially Master Rank. As long as you aren’t using fire against a fire monster or something like that then you should be ok for the time being. Also those weapons with no element all have hidden elements that you can awaken later in the game through the use of a skill, or through the use of another one you can keep the element sealed but boost the raw damage.
I was just using a cool set because I don't have autism.
Now the best GS set is also very fucking sexy, so I get the best of both worlds.
>24 fire
Might as well use Shara's.
My wife.
He didn’t direct the base game, only Iceborne.
How do i get brute tigrex to actually show up? I've got level 5 on rotten vale.
IG and Bow works better with elemental weapons. You could go Raw damage on IG with the Diablos weapon branch though.
The issue with adding a new weapon is that iceborne shows they’re clearly still struggling to produce weapon assets in time to ship, and a new weapon would just further increase that workload
get to 7
What the fuck was his problem? Why is he such an asshole?
I have no idea why they couldn't have made more weapon skins, the game made a ton of money so they should have the funds/manpower to do it.
>Been playing IB with a dude I know that's always talking about how much he loves monhun etc
>he starts screeching and screaming if he gets carted about how it's not his fault
>he went back with MR gear (including the zino HBG) to get temporal from HR teo and luna
>gets carted somehow
>starts actually screening
I just peaced out after that shit, I just wanted comfy coop honting not this trash. I'm going back to being xxxlonehonterxxx.
>it's a shireking legiana + legiana quest
i know in master rank there are more chances of encountering more than 2 monsters per area but holy shit, the legianas are a pain in the ass
Rajang's their favorite "lol you wanted a challenge so have fun faggots" monster.
I would imagine they've just got some of the team cranking out monsters at this point and they're picking and choosing which ones to get ready as DLC and which ones they're saving for the next game.
He's one cold blooded motherfucker
Affinity is just crit chance, right? I just got myself crit draw and it looks like the first hit does more damage all the time compared to the second one, even if the damage indicator says that it's a critical hit, what gives?
I just went back and did that one and fucking slaughtered them with my teo mixed set and gold rath weapon, now I'm glad I left it for later.
It’s weirdly fucked up on how they chose to skip out on the weapon designs. They clearly know how to transfer the old designs into world yet they seem to deliberately choose not to do it for half of the weapons. If the argument was time constraints then I don’t know why they choose to give unique models to weapons that no one really build yet most of the popular ones gets the shitstick treatment. Thank god they didn’t fucked up Tigrex GS and Zinogre HH though.
On the other hand they managed to retain unique weapon designs for palicos. Like fuck, just take their weapons and enlarge the model, I would have been happy with that as well.
Does hammer need focus or am I better off with some other skill?
>barioth for the first time
You need punishing draw.
I’m a bit lost, what is the question here again? Yes affinity is crit chance and crit draw only increases the crit of the first unsheath attack so that one will obviously do more damage than the following attacks.
>tfw you'll never be stranded with her in the Coral Highlands and have to cater to her physical needs
It’s all about preference. Some people like having the second charge available faster, some people prefer slower charge to give them more time to hold the 2nd charge.
Personally I’m more of a slugger guy.
Great Boomerang
Ball & Chain
Gun _____
Haha wait till you try using GS against Brachydios. It’s like Bazel but worse.
Focus is a double-edged sword with Hammer, your low level charges are actually pretty useful.
What happened to the challenge? None of these fights are difficult, they’re just one to the next. The fuck happened to this series.
monster hunter isn't hard if you're using optimal setups 99% of the time
The only time it's actually hard is when you're trying to kill something with multiplayer HP in G-rank.
>monster hunter
Using focus on hammer only fucks your timing, it's never worth it
Stick to affinity, non-elemental, airborne, affinity sliding, and 1 level of flinch free if you're playing online
wait for the extrememoth solo of iceborne, which will probably be either alatreon or fatalis.
She would make a great corpse!
Tempered is the place where they want to put challenges now.
IB is the hardest G game in the entire series
cope bibiwa
Don’t even @ me unless you use at least half the weapons.
>dual blades
>sword n shield
>long sword
>switch axe
>insect glave
>charge blade
>hunting horn
The only thing is it’s a complete bitch crafting everything you want to use
Gunlongsword, Gungreatsword, Sword and Gunshield when?
>need tempered luna mane for handicraft charm upgrade
>fight her once
>get 15 of them
thank fuck, fuck this bitch.
I fucking hate regular Luna, I couldn't imagine tempered.
Anyone else doing Extremoth and A.Lesehn now they have MR gear? Fuck these fights.
Base element doesn't really hurt as much since you can boost it by stupid amounts. Namielle's set bonus is a flat 15 extra, which should have constant uptime if you're playing dual blades, or you can go Silver Los for that 1.6 element modifier on true crit element for dual blades.
The damage marker tells you if you landed a critical hit, right? My second hit for GS always do less damage than the first even if it's a critical.
I don’t believe it, i had the psp game when I was like 17 and I remember this shit being daunting. I’ve already ass blasted like 15 monsters I would have thought I’d hit a challenge by now. Where the fuck is my khezu
>Tackling at thin air and hoping the monster walk into your TCS
you were younger and less skilled
go back to those games now and they'll be easy as shit
As someone who has used hammer non-stop since Tri, my first monhun.
I think it's complete shit it's not a skill you need on every hammer set and it'll just fuck up your muscle memory at first.
Props to anyone who can use it but I just don't need it and find it annoying.
Rolled credits on world a few days ago and right now I’m just farming weapons. Should I jump into iceborne or spend a little more time in the base game?
Doing the MR 150 quest in Silver los gear is nonstop terror
Haven't felt this good beating a quest in a long ass time though even though it was my first try
Wanted a bigger audience so they made it very easy despite a lot of the gaming community these days love hard games because of the souls series, Iceborne is a complete joke to the franchise.
No point in doing what little endgame vanilla World has, it's best to just jump into IB.
To those who have already finished iceborne should I take my time working through the game?
No need to farm weapons, early MR weapons quickly outclass the best HR ones, even those from DLC
Ok so what attacks are you even doing with the GS anyways?
Because when people use crit draw they usually go for the sheath > draw charge attack. I’m not even sure what you are doing. Though if you are getting a second crit after the initial draw attack, it could be that your weapon probably have its own crit chance.
>just got a offense guard/handicraft
>take them all
>go to set decorations
>its not there
>got a mushroomancer/handicraft deco from the rewards too
Why even deal with Kirins bullshit thunder, he's even easier in IB because of the clutch claw tenderizing and Nami is just another Vaal where you just go crazy on it's big ass body.
Oh fuck I thought we had to keep upgrading our weapons well that was all for nothing I guess. Oh well.
Make sure you've actually selected a 4-wide slot instead of a 3-wide.
What are some skills I should get as a hammer user? New to the weapon so i don't know.
Is this actually worth using SnS?
>Brachy Lance is not in
I just want my Lightbreak Lance again man
I don't even care that Blast keeps getting nerfed every gen
Well no shit. MHFU was only hard because it’s your first entry into this series and you literally have no idea what to do. Now even with all the new monsters and new moves you have a pretty firm grasp on what to do and what to expect. Go back and play FU if you don’t believe what I’m saying. Shit’s laughably easy now.
MH was never hard. Every single hunt in every single game can be done easily by learning how the monsters behave and not getting hit. It's not hard, just takes the most basic bitch amount of patience and effort.
SnS is generally the all around beginner weapon. People like using it for support though since it is very good at support.
i got a crook as a bonus even when i failed the quest
such a conflicting feeling
I dropped this game on the Anjanax.
Fucking multiplayer grindfest.
Oh in that sense yeah you have to upgrade HR ones to get the MR ones, but you shouldn't go out of your way to get augments and weapons for endgame HR monsters since it'll be a while before you get to them again in MR
i.e. you won't see MR elder dragons for a long while, but Tobi will be back pretty soon
It's real easy to know people are just larping whenever they say FU was hard. Hell, anyone's first MH game is hard no matter what title. Once you beat one, you beat them all and the cycle goes on
FU and 3rd portable were so fucking easy I played through all of G-rank in both with ore armor sets and no decos because I couldn't make sense out ot armor skills
Realistically if you carry Gunpowder + Berries with you the only way you can run out is with Sticky Ammo focused guns. You get a gorillion Pierce/Spread/Elemental shots if you bring shit to craft.
The second charge attack idk what the name is
It's the healer/support class, you pair it with wide range and keep everyone buffed and healed while still fighting semi-decently. I wouldn't bother without it outside of that though personally.
If you want to be the basic bitch. Only “healslut” trannies builds for wide range SnS. You are either stabbing elements and statuses into the monster’s face or slam dunking them with your shield.
when you use clutch claw it will have the same effect as a critical although it's not really a critical
Support seems interested but is it that good in this kind of game? I also like the idea of supporting through making monster parts weak with clutch claw and stuff like that.
>do optional Shara with friend
>we're BOTH in the SKIPPABLE cutscene
so why the fuck do they insist on everyone having to watch story cutscenes first before being able to join others and why can't we skip all the boring ass talking cutscenes
user... atleast make your baits more believable
I spent a good day an a half hunting for rare molys, couldn't find any, just regular molys with zoomaster.
As soon as I got Ancient region to Level 5, a Mossy one showed up pretty quickly, so I do believe that region level affects it, level 5 being the quickest way to get them to show up.
Haven't tried levelling the other regions yet, but I definitely want to collect them all.
I would argue the and has the worst one, lowest damage and the uppercut out of the roll is actually useless as there I no benefit to using it instead of repositioning and attaching to the part you want. At least the GS clutch attack does a shitton of damage.
If you play online a lot it can save your other hunters from carting and prevent a mission from failing. I wouldn't do it solo.
having to sit through the Kulve Taroth cutscene every time is annoying as well
but the real question is that why didnt they make all the cutscenes skippable
Oh I assumed as much for it being an online type of playstyle. Now my question is what skills work best other than just wide-range for that style?
>portable 3rd
user I...
Free meal, speed eating, decos that enhance your element/status effects.
You got too used to styling on the monsters in HR with overpowered gear and after already learning their movesets. Everyone made (and makes) the same complaint about HR, the solution is to get better, learn the monsters, and start True Charge Slashing them again.
Crit draw is the mediocre backup strategy for when you're just not good enough yet, don't settle for it.
Thanks user for the advice and suggestions. I am a supportfag at my core so something like this might be cool.
not bait, I just forgot since it was a long time ago.
I'll add to this by saying that I downloaded a psp emulator, booted FU again and beat the double rajang quest in 3 tries too
I never understood this. Whenever I fight Brachy with GS it's like we're made for each other. It feels like we're dancing, all our moves are perfectly in sync and I fucking beat the shit out of him.
Kulve's cutscene is skippable though. Everyone just needs to mash Options.
Because tje quests dont start with a cutscene, so if one player entered the trigger zone for the cutscene what would happen? Would it play for both and teleport one player, or play it when the other person gets there?
>3 tries
I’m the same way man. I love dancing with Brachy. It’s fun as fuck.
Just teleport the player. Or, better yet, have the monster intro cutscene at the end of the previous assignment, like it already does sometimes like with Pukei and Legiana in the base game.
Absolutely right.
Also bowgun clusters are just crit draw from a distance. Lance is just repeated crit draws without sheathing. Mega barrel bombs are just crit draws in an item.
Hell yeah. There's some monsters that you just wail on with GS, and others that you just always seem to miss, but ever since 3U, fighting Brachy just felt right.
I miss Lagi and Ludroth as well. Ludroth was my favourite punching bag.
I'm gonna test out Velk+Nami mix but swapping the Beo arms for Anja and see what happens. I'm going in with low expectations.
Also if I have Awaken 1 on a weapon, does 2pc Nami Divinity bump it up to awaken 3? I've been thinking of trying out Banbaro's duals since they have even higher ice than Beo's while still having higher raw despite only hitting blue sharpness.
I ain’t being sarcastic when I say I would love to see a footage of that. Because when I tried using GS against Brach it was just an absolute nightmare. It feels like there is just no openings with that fucker since he’s always repositioning or increasing the distance between you and him. You’re lucky to even get one slash in before he’s already behind you, about to punch down. Hell even when you have that rare opening you can’t take advantage of it because he’s either standing on his own slime or surrounded by it. Him applying blast blight at the lightest touch is dildos but I’m gonna chalk that one up to my fault for not bringing blast res.
Anyways, once again not trying to sound like a dick but I seriously can’t wrap my head around how one would even manage to take on Brach with a slow weapon.
I think shara sns has potential to be meta dragon sns. Its raw matches savage jho sns’s raw, which is a pretty solid sns. I’m sure you can just use free element to unlock the dragon instead of relying on nami’s skill as well. With dragon unlocked,it straight up easily overtake jho’s sns dragon while having shit load of more dragon and 20 more base affinity.
>saw rare jellyfish as I was webswinging up the peak
>blizzard forms and rare jelly and all of the common ones vanish before I reach the top
Is the HBG bad for solo? Its slowness and bad mobility seems like a real challenge.
You need quick sheathing for it and evade extender helps.
I was a bit rusty, I did just download to try that again because some people kept speaking of it like peak mh difficulty at some point mh threads.
Throw on shields and pretend that you are a tank with legs.
You can move while shooting in World and have an extended roll. Mobility is the last thing you have to worry about.
HBG used to be a casual filter in solo play.
>crit draw
>quick sheathe
Not even the same guy, brachy is just all about tempo and momentum. The trick is to not be scared of him
>SOS page for MR100 guiding lands is packed as fuck and any open slots are quickly filled
>Also if I have Awaken 1 on a weapon, does 2pc Nami Divinity bump it up to awaken 3?
I guess just practice. Like I said in another post, I've been fighting him since 3U, a good chunk of time playing GS, so most of it is muscle memory.
When you're used to playing GS, you know when to attack and where to hit. I usually aim for his tail or his legs. If his tail is cut, I'll aim for his head after he does his big dive. I'll admit his new big 180 punch does catch me offguard, cause it's a new move and it's hitbox is weird. But all his old moves feel right at home.
I feel the same with Zinogre.
>the easiest iteration of Brachy is shitting on people
That's hilarious
Brute Tigrex, the Metal Raths and Scarred Garuga only show up once you’ve gotten their respective region to level 6. Scarred Yian Garuga is in the Forest, Gold Rathian is in Wildspire, Silver Rathalos is in Coral, and Brute Tigrex is in the Vale. Also Lunastra can show up in Wildspire starting at level 6 too.
>5 fingers
fucking shit image
That’s not the issue, every other part of the game is filled with unique and well produced assets. The actual issue was that Bone and Iron weapons were an intentional design choice, not born of any lack in staff, time or money.
but that's not 4U
Yeah the main team has been working on something since World released while a smaller team worked on Iceborne, so there’s probably a lot of stuff ready to go already.
IB Brachy is the closest we got to a 3U Brachy. Slimes are also bigger, takes more time to explode, and the temp version spams it everywhere. It is NOWHERE easier
Monster Hunter has always been a casual series, I don’t get what you’re saying.
Heavy Bowguns are the easiest weapon to solo with by far. Just add a shield. You can win without worrying about positioning for attacks since you're ranged, and without even having to evade anything because you auto block when not firing/reloading. To do *well* you'll have to worry about that stuff, but just in terms of surviving and doing enough damage to kill things it's piss easy.
You're fucking crazy
There was NOTHING casual about pre-P3rd Monster Hunter.
Luna shows up at 5 like all Elders. Tempered Elders show up at 7.
>there was nothing casual about MH1, G, and Dos
Portable 2nd and 2G were casual as fuck and balanced around the lunch time of salarymen and school children.
That's how it was with my friends. World is their first MH game and they always talk about how much they love it but then complain about literally every monster.
Yada Yada Yada. I'm glad IB came out for PS4 first so I can have some fuckin peace to myself.
MH and MH Dos sure, but FU was only hard because of janky hitboxes, and outside of that, it wasnt hard. It was, by definition, everyone's first MH game
>can't even cancel his animations like previous iterations could
>not easier than 3U/4U/Gen
Alright, I'll concede. He's the second easiest iteration of Brachy. I forgot Nuclear exists. Also the fact that you can now gem in blast resists on a whim allows ANY weapon that can block to cheese the fight.
Carry the crafting materials and use the radial menu.
I tried and failed to catch it three times before I finally got it. The first time it became daytime just as I got to the peak so he despawned. The second time Shrieking Legiana decided to glitch his way up to the mountain top and knock me all the fucking way back down, scaring the jellyfish away. The third time I didn’t have a hot drink before leaving camp, and it turns out the geyser that launches you up to the top of the mountain doesn’t work while your character is shivering from the cold for some dumb fucking reason. By the time I’d gone back to camp and gotten some hot drinks and came back, it was morning and it despawned.
Finally got it yesterday, but with how fucking rare the spawn is I was positively fucking seething by that point.
>bad hitboxes compared to prior installments
Ask me how I know you've never played first gen monster hunter or dos.
This reminds me of that one chink who'd edge for weeks when record himself hotglueing monsters.
What fun times those threads were.
I didn't imply they didn't have, but MH1 had much more than just janky hitboxes.
Then do us a favor and point out which Brach was even close to being harder than IB’s Version.
Fuck MR Uragaan and his nonstop rolling bullshit. I don't have enough traps for this shit.
>when he coats himself in hellfire and rolls even faster
Went from a chill HR hunt that wasn’t amazing but still had a nice flow to it to cancer lord in MR.
>animation cancels
This has never existed in Monster Hunter. Stop using this term incorrectly. Many old monsters just had active frames earlier in their animations and 3 to 5 frame start ups. Some monsters had actual feints, but those were routine animations that were part of their move lists and not animation cancels.
Never have monsters been able to cancel an animation in the middle of starting or attacking.
How the fuck do i get the waterproof mantle+? Wiki says its a 2 star quest but I can't figure out how to unlock it. Does it require a certain amount of new monsters research to max?
Except that if you were playing from the start, then you'd know that FU's hitboxes were actually pretty good by MH standards at the time.
3U is the hardest by a country mile. This isn't up for debate. Higher aggression, bigger hitboxes, much higher damage output and movement speed.
Where are you at in the story? I think you need to have hunted the monster in the quest to unlock the mantle upgrade quest.
SnS comes into contact with every aspect of the game's combat mechanics.
Obviously it deals severing damage, impact, and mounting. And before Iceborne, it was the only one that could use the Slinger without sheathing. Though now it has the new ability to use the shotgun mode on a whim. And I find that its fast sheath speed combined with its ability to use items on the fly allows it to pick up and or equip different ammo types very easily.
The SnS has plenty of viable, satisfying combos, as well as being one of the few weapons able to effectively take advantage of Raw, Elemental, and even Status builds.
Though the name of the game for SnS is basically never-ending aggression. The weapon can adjust its swings mid-combo if you need to reposition and the backhop ability can be performed after most attacks and has more i-frames than a dodge roll. The fact that each attack tends to have very little animation commitment also means that you can react to a monster's actions accordingly.
And, you know, sometimes its nice to have the option to block when you're a shit player like me, and have no idea how to otherwise evade certain attacks.
Freedom 1 also had a nice bug where you could farm Garuga in low rank and speed through the game. Granted I was a gen 1 gs mouthbreather, nowadays I dont even know how I put up with that
Rajang uses a modified Behemoth skeleton instead of a modified Popo.
It's a coral pukei pukei according to the wiki but ive fought 5 of them and captured 3 of them. The quest for the mantle just isn't showing up plus his research is maxed.
>Except that if you were playing from the start, then you'd know that FU's hitboxes were actually pretty good by MH standards at the time
and that's why I'm saying FU is easy, but lets not forget the outliers like Tigrex and Plesioth
No it doesn’t, it’s animations and proportions are all different so it uses a different rig. Unless you’re saying everything with four limbs uses the same skeleton.
FU is objectively the hardest of the second gen games.
The mantle upgrade quests are in a chain, so you need to beat earlier ones to unlock later ones. IIRC you need to beat the quest to get the Health Booster+ before the Waterproof Mantle+ one will become available.
This monster perpetuated the myth of animation cancels because you fucking retards don't actually know what that is.
Yian Garuga can't charge a fireball, stop the fireball, then do a dive. It can't stop a lunge right before the peck then fireball. Garuga still completes every move its assigned then goes into the next one. Having one 0 frame start up charge isn't animation cancelling. These fuckers aren't pulling FADCs on their moves or V-trigger cancels.
Any tips on combos and how do they shotgun on a whim?
G Rank Black Diablos
Several Frenzied monsters, notoriously Frenzied Brachydios canceling his pivot punch into fucking everything
>animation cancelling means FADC or V-trigger
>doesn't know the first monster that could cancel one attack into the next was 3U G rank Brachydios
Fucking retarded ass 09er. Please stop posting. You have no idea what you're talking about.
>encounter Golden Rathian in GL
>5 carts
>4 of them to his nuke
Yeah, I'm thinking this is literally impossible.
Yeah it sucks. It’s actually a really good multiplayer fight though, really feels like it’s moveset was balanced around multiple players and not the one.
>when you join some HR10 guy going through the story with MR gear
This is funny.
Protip: Focus one leg to trip her then focus her weakpoint which is the wings. This isn't like Lunastra where she trips once in a blue moon due to head trauma.
>using 09er like you've ever played a fighting game
>doesn't understand what examples are
Do I need to go through GG, CvS2, and all version of SF3 just to prove you're a dumbshit?
Just because you're a fucking casual that can't comprehend 2 frame start ups and 3 frame recovery doesn't make Brachy chaining attacks animation cancelling. He never cancels his shit. All animations are played from completion to end.
Deviljhos are stupid and ugly.
I've just been doing a ton of investigations while practicing Hunting Horn. Barely MR 63
So far the Speed Boost+Evade Window song has spoiled me rotten and I hate that I'd have to farm Tigrex for his HH
DBfags what armor are you guys using? I just made the Odo armor since it seemed pretty good for DB.
throw rocks at them
>have fun with MHW on PC, with hours played exceeding 900
>based on the information provided, it's guaranteed I'll enjoy Iceborne when it gets on PC
>except there's one thing missing
>there's still no satisfying asshole-widening fuckoff cannon to absolutely bring the true might of the hunters down on a huge motherfucker, complete with an impactful Proof of a Hero music change
>instead it's kind of half-assed on Zorah, who you can't even repel, let alone kill, with your own weapons
This game could be perfect. The main theme of the series needs a moment to truly shine.
It's okay, subhuman. You don't need to read shit you found on wikipedia. You have no credibility here.
oh boy is this a fighting game flex thread?
I once sent snake eyez to losers with a perfect at SCR within months of him winning EVO. made it to winners finals but got third because daigo and valle
I'm rockin Fulgur/Velk/Kirin/Velk/Fulgur with Wonderkirins and razor sharp charm. I value the extra stamina Anjanath's set bonus gives me. For ice, I run Velk/Velk/Beo/Nami/Nami with Beotodus DBs and razor sharp charm. You'll find out later on that Namielle has incredible armor for element sets while Velkhana has a 2pc set bonus for crit element.
I hear Silver Rathalos's 4pc true crit element is strong as hell too. You have a lot of options for DBs later on. At your point in the game, make 3pc Nargacuga for true razor sharp and stack element or attack if you plan to use Diablos.
So someone on this board posted a picture of their hunter in the hot springs with a fat fucking ass.
Anyone save that picture?
Ya know, for science?
I fucking love Serious Handler.
Search it yourself lazy fuck
Hammer, HH or SnS?
>been farming lr rathian since yesterday
>still no plate
Oh I'm to the guiding lands, I've just been wondering about things to make since I never really played DBs before. The Nami stuff looks really good.
I took this damn screenshot in the first place, and I'll be damned if I don't help a friend in need.
I'm also the resident xbone poster, for what it's worth
whats better for CB, the zorah set for 5 artillery or master touch, people seems divided on this and I'm too much of a brainlet
You know they drop plates in HR too right
I just got World on PC and I've never played a MH before. Don't know what weapon type to go with. Hammer or Glaive, lads?
The key is to essentially "Slash Combo" the legs of a monster until it trips, and then falling shield bash the head repeatedly if you're using Raw. It helps to lock onto a monster's head during this.
I'm not too sure what the idea is for Elemental. Given how much Element your weapon actually has, you may either just use the same moves as Raw, treating the element strictly as a bonus, or use a different moveset.
This different moveset I THINK can use whats called the "Blade Waltz", which is just spamming of light attacks (Triangle or Y depending on controller) until the monster trips. Then, instead of falling shield bash spam, you either do Perfect Rush, or just keep slashing away without any change at a good weakpoint. I'm hearing conflicting things about how good Perfect Rush actually is.
Nice thing about status is that you get to essentially use both playstyles. You act like an elemental weapon until the status procs, in which case you start using the raw-focused moves instead. In which case, you really do want a status weapon that has decent raw, and not necessarily that much status damage.
To switch to burst mode for the slinger, just aim the slinger, and then press R3 while the weapon is unsheathed.
LS build I've been messing with. It's cheap and has high raw. Rarest gem is the Challenger +4
Oh hey there pard! Did you know there's a handy dandy training room you can use to try out weapons? Give it a whirl and pick the weapon that suits you best!
You're a legend, and I'm an xbone fag too
You may have noticed I only posted thunder and ice sets. That's because they are by far the best elements in the game and are great places to start with DBs. Water might be very good too if the metal Raths are still super weak to it. Shame Teo is still weaker to ice than water in World for some reason.
whats the verdict?
I wish there were more fights were the monsters are on the same side. Fighting those bitches is fun.
>need plates AND rubies
>none of them ever drop
I am going to genocide the rath family
hammer! hammer hammer hammer
but then I'm definitely biased. break those faces. make them wheeze. stun them plenty. mantles, please
GS is the quintessential Monster Hunter weapon but most people start off with LS in World
He's based
What about fire? Is Glav's DBs worth getting?
He's way harder than his subspecies
>laughs rathalosian in flashbomb nerf
Perfect rush is better than shield bash now weapons with any bit of elements but if the monster is knock down longer than the duration of the perfect rush then you can squeeze in a shield bash then finish your perfect rush combo.
>no health 3
enjoy your OHKOs with tempered EDs
Like fucking hell he is. Glav is pretty simple. Acidic Glav spins like a beyblade constantly.
Fire is in a weird spot because Glavenus has mediocre fire and Anjanath has -20% affinity and blue sharpness without handicraft. I'm making Glavenus DBs right now and I'll have a verdict later this weekend. Probably tomorrow night since I'll be busy tomorrow. As of now, its effectiveness is going to ride on how much Namielle Divinity can boost its element.
Speaking of Namielle Divinity, awaken jewel+set skill gives Shara's duals a shitload of dragon. Goddamn, it's arcana 2.0. Watch Alatreon have an even better version of the skill.
bros can i run this with a 2500k and a 1060?
my wife wants me to buy a switch for the kid so i can't afford a real pc. i really wish this game was available on switch.
Are oils still a thing for SnS or was that just a one off thing? I liked them.
Glav also spams exploding fireballs. Fuck projectiles. Also Acidic Glav's spins are easier to roll through than the slams from either version.
At least with Glav you have the wide open areas of wildspire. The places where Acidic fucks around in are confined as hell outside of maybe the room where you fight Vaal.
Elemental and status effects aren't great because you specialize in fewer harder hits. Spin to win by rolling down hills because it's fucking great. Decos are things like handicraft, crit eye, attack boost, etc.
put a punch/kick weapon in MH6
Use tailraider taxi in the forest.
buy it and refund it if it runs unacceptably
make sure to turn off volumetric fog and anti-aliasing
>Why yes, I do main the Longsword. Pray tell, what gave you the notion? 'Twas my stylish headwear?
>absolutely love SA with the morph change combos and zero sum discharge
>always suck at it and cart
One day when the stars align I will get good at this weapon.
doesn't switch have GU? world might have QoL and new monsters, but GU has the larger cast/equipment selection, no?
It's been a while since I played World and been to these threads but I remember back then people here fucking hated HH and said it was a shit and useless weapon, have things changed since then?
Is CB on the same level as LS when it comes to despising its users? I kinda want to try it, but literally everyone will think of me as a shitter.
it's the hardest weapon to solo with, but it's great for 4 man groups
Iceborne gave pretty much everything new moves. HH also got damage buffs on literally all its attacks.
I think you can but with low, maybe some medium, settings. Also this , volumetric fog tanks performances and make the game uglier, disabling it was a massive fps boost on my pc which is relatively high end. You can refund on steam if you have less than 2 hours played. If you really want to be sure pirate before, though I believe the pirated version runs better because there's no denuvo
A good hh user is a godsend
A bad hh user is literally dead weight
It's always been a fine weapon, but some people take the "support" aspect a little too literally
I main CB, just ignore the haters. You’re only a shitter if you use it as a crutch and never actually get good at it.
All right I might give it a shot again in groups. Building HH is still the same right? Use AuL horns exclusively and use the same skills you would as a hammer?
Depends entirely on the hunt. People will love you if you bring the right utility song for the hunt. Element up horns are also god tier for element users.
They better make Lagi in MH6 worth the wait.
They better make Ukanlos worth the wait in Iceborne
I love Ukanlos and Akantor and want them back. I am also the person who wants shit like Dalamadur, Gogmazios and Dire Miralis back.
Horn Master as well. Especially now that it got a level 2 upgrade to it.
>have to break twice
>will die pretty much a single hit after that
We had 2 HBG with part breaker and a single LS user and we only went for the head. 2 shots after scalp broke off she died.
Does Hunting Horn really need Attack jewels? Crit ones I can understand.
What do you mean? Crit is more important, but for what possible reason would any particular weapon want more damage less then the others?
Because of AuXL giving a ton of Attack in the first place.
EVERYTHING wants attack jewels
add a shield with a Guard Up deco and become FUCKING INVINCIBLE
I probably was the only person who accidentally bypassed Sundowner's second stage by just spamming escape slash with invulnerability frames so that it would still trigger his blast plating without hurting Raiden.
>can't take it anymore
>decide to buy a Xbox too play Iceborne
>got a Xbox controller to play world on pc first to see how it feels
>can't fight correctly and it makes me dizzy as hell
I tried this method today and it worked great, it's extremely easy to do.
If they want to complain about it it is their own fault for not having flinch free.
> awesome monster
> absolute shit armor/weapons
The HH is great
I do pretty great with a laptop 1070 so a 1060 should do just fine.
>no health boost
>no evade window
>no stun resistance
>no divine protection
>user: "I can't move!"
Gs has been playing that way forever if you don't like it do something else
whats this new echo bubble mechanic?
the hunter notes dont give a good explanation
The best defensive skill in the game is killing the monster faster. The sooner it dies, the less likely it is to kill you.
>predicted ages ago that whatever the old everwyrm was, it was going to have dragon weapons
>end up being only half right
Kind of bummed out by the lack of unique weapon gimmicks. I’m sure a crazy sonic blasting buddhist dragon could have something more interesting than drago.
I use its little pussy brother because I love laying mines. Watching dumbfucks run into them is the highlight of any hunt
but fucking why? nobody plays MH on Xbox
How's this senpai?
? but isn't health 3 like earplugs and evade window? you shouldn't even need it if you know when to roll
Well apparently there's three different anons in this thread that play on Xbox. This meme needs to die.
>B-bb-but muh TAs
Echo bubbles create a small zone that buffs hunters that pass trough it with temporary regenerating health or halved stamina use. The halved stamina use one also makes horn users run around like fucking Sonic, but only horn users. I say horn users and not just you because all horn users in the hunt can get this benefit if they pass through the bubble.
what determines what kind of bubble you make?
You retards have no idea what hell you're in for once you upcap MR at MR100. Tempered EDs does some of the most bullshit damage out there even at peak sets. 900 defense, 3 vitality decos, max res on element, and EDs still does 60/70% damage from a basic jab. Dropped my meta set and went for defensive and it helped mitigate the issue.
If you fucks are still clinging to Teo set bonus bullshittery, Tempered Namiella and Velk will be your worst nightmare since Teo pieces give you negative water and ice res, making half their attacks an instant death
Namielle LS with full Namielle armor may not be meta, but it is fun as hell.
The song(s) you play
Just dodge bro.
>tempered OHKO endgame again
I plan to stop playing after I beat Ruiner Nerg anyway. Tempered is a godawful mechanic that shouldn't have returned.
Does offensive guard scale with all the raw you can get or is it weapon base raw only like charge blade phials?
>15+ minute hunts with monsters that 1-2 hit kills you
And people still say this is the easiest MH game.
Recommendations for skills for IG and LS?
I just afk with a rubber band holding down R2 and check back every 5-10 mins till I'm out.
Maximum Might works real well for LS cause none of the combos use stamina, Glavenus set is pretty cool for that.
>shit armor
Nigga what, hes got one of the most powerful set bonuses in the game and a good assortment of skills
I used to think like this but then i actually just learned the fight better and found solutions to the gay shit that the monsters do.
Now tempered bois aren't that ridiculous.
Except for tempered teo because for some reason he can consistently kill me with his "run you over" attack which is weird because i have no problems with AT teo.
negative res in the single digits isnt exactly the end of the world since each res is 1 percent damage all you need are elemental mantles
>carve Namielle near wings
>3 wing parts
>carve Namielle near head
>4 whiskers
If 99% of the game is a cakewalk, then it's still an easy game overall. This is why I consider 4U an easy game despite it having 140 GQs.
but it's artificial difficulty bro. in exactly the way that deciding to give players shittier action options isn't
It's not, guiding lands is a fucking chore and I got better things to do
git gud lmao
You find Teo's classic charge+oki game too much for you but MR Kirin's unreactable lightning bolts are perfectly fine?
Getting full crit eye, weakness exploit and crit boost should easily be possible, even if you’re using a weapon that needs additional skills.
>get that camera item
>only use it it to take pictures of third fleet master
Interestingly enough, if you go to her hub she will be talking about "the song" before the story has mentioned it. I guess nobody in testing visited her either.
Post hot spring huntresses
Yeah it’s for auras and shit, pretty sure you can use elderseal to prevent some of their special abilities too. like when Teostra is about to explode he charges himself and you can remove the charge if you hit enough
I'm dead fucking set on making this Elemental LS shit work, whatever it takes.
and with attack boost you'll get even more.
>Teo's classic charge+oki game too much for you
Just the charge itself is what kills me i've never been charged into swipe or that attack her does a bite 180
>MR Kirin's unreactable lightning bolts are perfectly fine?
I'm Pc
That wouldn't be a great set bonus, but it would mean his pieces would come with some attack boost at least. It's unbelievable how bad every single piece of his set is.
There’s a good chance that region level does affect the spawn rates. I’ve only ever found rare ones in the coral region, which is the only one i have above level 4.
>2% of people in this thread
>Jho using glav as a greatsword
Can you imagine the POWER
Outdamaged by Ebony Odogaron hammer.
Or I just eat for elemental resistance because the damage gain from eating for attack is microscopic.
>when you get her to cook for you in camp and she does that excited fist pump when you like the meal
She's great.
You haven't even gotten to the hardest hitters in the game. Thicc Jagras will one shot you at 500 defense.
How do I get the megaman costume for my palico?
>tfw no calpico crossover
wait for the event to come back around whenever capcom feels like letting you play it and then play it.
The real gem of using the Megaman palico set is having the chibi Lightning mod installed
Post weapons.
cant beat shara
i give up
Sharpness multiplier is better for the than raw so the white sharpness is a must
What weapon?
Nami LS.
>needing zenny
Yeah, I remember how tough it was to buy things before breaking 100 hours of playtime
Have your cat use Shieldspire, stick to his tail, and slug away. You can do it. Pop temporal when it uses the spirit bomb.
People said that about high rank tempered elders and it turned out to be hyperbolic bullshit. Do you guys just eat the biggest attack and try to conflate it with a little paw swipe?
What do I even do in the guiding lands? Just gather tracks and hunt shit until I can hunt GL exclusives?
Nobody said this about any tempered elder with the sole exception of Kirin. Granted, this changed with every dlc fight starting with Lunastra.
Yes. Different monsters won't start showing up casually wandering around until certain biomes have reached particular levels, so look those up and focus them if you want the specific monsters. You can get them earlier via the lures though, the meters in the top right that fill up as you sniff and break parts. Zinogre doesn't show up on his own until forest level 3, but you can get a zinogre lure starting from the moment you set foot in the guiding lands. Probably also true for Garuga. I think the rest of the exclusive monsters have MR requirements so you will have to grind for them.
Augmentations and high level charm upgrades require monster parts that you only get there, so hunt a variety of monsters. tobi-kadachi stuff for upgrading thunder attack charm, coral pukei for water attack, etc.
>Only use full armor sets
>Still make a great build for some stuff
Is there a better feeling?
>Take Bazel lance and Teostra beta, color the armor's fur detail the same shade as the shield's fur rim
>Enough handicraft for some purple
>Can hit 85% affinity with WE, 100% when latent power kicks in
>Max blast attack
Here comes the boom
Is element worth my time on anything besides SnS, DBs, CB, IG, and Bow?
Garuga is holding the entire LBG tree for ransom and World Lance seems to favor raw unlike older titles.
garuga, they somehow made him fun and watching cocaine bird go crazy is always fun to watch
no not really element is shit on slow hitting weapons
Long sword
>join low levels fighting nerg
>goes for his mega dive 1shot
>everyone runs for the fucking hills
>drop a heal booster and take the headbutt like it was nothing
>blast in World
Consider the following. Your weapon is an outclassed raw weapon whenever you don't proc blast. Incressing the buildup does fuck-all when you still have only a 1/3 chance to proc buildup, explosion thresholds are sky high after the second or third, and the damage output from said explosions are crap.
There are no good status weapons in MHW - only powerful weapons that just happen to also have poison on them that get powercrept by Ruiner Nerg weapons later on.
What the fuck bros. My first velkhana kill took 40 minutes. I almost triple carted. Felt like I was fighting Gog but he has multiplayer HP scaling so him taking that long is justified. I was using the same hammer that everything else up to this point has taken 15-20 minutes to beat. What did I do wrong? Is your first velkhana kill supposed to take this long?
Why do you guys hate switch axes?
>Great Boomerang
Mine took a little under 20 with Lance. You struggled a bit. That's fine, because now it's time to gradually get better at the fight and eventually cut that time in half.
Dead weight against anything that isn't a punching bag fight and actually moves around. SA is simply incompatible with modern Monster Hunter.
>still no long reach dual blades with high skill cap and in-built clutch claw gapcloser
Gun gun
To be fair, dual blades are long overdue for a massive rework.
They fill their own niche as super mobile weapon class. Demon mode mechanic is dumb though.
Sango was literally the best thing to come from Inuyasha
>fought Velkhana for hours in the beta, just so i could get a single kill
>in the actual game i kicked his ass because i could remember most of his patterns and bullshit
I ruined the fight for myself didn't i?
What the fuck are you talking about? They are fucking awesome in World. Demon mode spin forward move is great for mobility, the new clutch claw rising slash looks cool as fuck.
It's full unga bunga when you just wail on something.
Finished Masters Test in 4U. Get on my level.
>Only “healslut” trannies builds for wide range SnS.
Try saying that when randos keep carting in quests. At this point I only bother with the support aspect because the alternative is having shitters ruin the hunt with their incompetence. It's a different story in the GL though. If it's a GL expedition then its every man for himself because fuck you it's time for the endless slash n' bonk.
That's why I didn't play the beta.
That's exactly why I passed on that beta. I ruined Nergigante for the base game and didn't want it to happen again.
I didn't play the beta exactly for this reason bro
>Is your first velkhana kill supposed to take this long?
mine took 20 minutes but he carted me once
>weapon is useless outside a mechanic that forces you to lose stamina to deal damage
>item that was used as a workaround was nerfed so Capcom could push bow being braindead. Hunting horn's most popular song by far being gutted was also collateral damage.
>in return DBs gained.....a nerf to its damage output outside demon mode
>in addition, Capcom removed the ability to do double verticle slash without having to use forward spin first. Want to cut tails or break Shara's head? Too bad, go fuck yourself.
>no one cares because nearly all DB mains are akin to niggers that buy Madden and NBA2K
It's hell on earth, and it'll never change.
Why jump through the hoops of stamina management when I could use literally any other weapon and get the same results? Demon mode is con, not a pro.
>wear full Shara set
>got to help someone with Teo and Luna
>tank Luna's supernova because it true gaia's veil when mantle is on negates wind pressure and she can't chip faster than my heals and recovery can fix
>laugh when she immediately aggros on someone else despite me being right in front of her
>Put up with DB and SNS just because I'm an autist who can't put up with the idea of bringing slow ass giant shit against equally giant but a million time faster shit that also spew fire and what not
What is the cure for this
Frostcraft crit draw GS. Now you have the power AND mobility.
Who hurt you
I don't know how it is on Iceborn, but on World I'm legitimately surprised I don't see that much if any people running with Odogaron + LB/DB.
You'd think something that breath weeb incarnate like that would be more popular
They have to pick between using their weeb fashion or using the hottest metaset they saw online, they obviously pick the second one.
>Not getting shit done without having to clownsuit
I almost never clownsuit. Even though my Palico is named Clowney.
Fashion hunters for life.
Hey, i'm not saying i do it, just that shitters will gravitate to "the best set" instead of going full set like a man.
maybe they want to keep it exclusive to portable titles? ditto unique weapon models. maybe if they added these things to world it'd shit on their other entries too much
Should have seen the first month of the game
Thats an ambitious fucking Tobi
>Don't worry master, I have come to your aid
I don't know why but this reply made me think about how fucking rad it would be to ride a Tobi
You DB niggers brought this on yourselves
why don't the weapons show true raw? seeing 900+ damage on greatswords in smithy is some retarded shit
Gold Rathian is better than Ruiner Nerg in a lot of cases.
because people like big fancy numbers
I play lance and i want to learn a new weapon, i hesitate between LS and Hammer, what should i go for?
I don’t think Portable entries are gonna be a thing going forward. After World’s success they’ll want every title to be a multiplat if possible, so outside phone games I don’t see any more Portable games happening unless they also release on home consoles and PC, which defeats the purpose.
I could see it if they manage to reuse enough assets and the game doesn't cost that much to produce.
Do you enjoy to UNGA BUNGA smash the fuck out of everything that is in front of you?
Then walk the path of the Grug with your hammer in hand.
Would you prefer to endlessly zip around like a motherfucker and trip everyone?
Or alternatively, attempt to zip around only to get triple cart?
Go for LS my dude.
I think elemental matching works out to be worth doing for great sword, but you don't build for the element specifically, you just build up the raw like normal but use weapons with the right element against monsters weak to them and it'll speed things up.
Don't listen to this bozo elemental long sword is a meme, your strongest move has an incredibly low elemental modifier and goldian is just too good.
people keep parroting these things. Fact remains GU is still a current title and still an asset
Go for LS. You can even still kind of counter stuff with foresight slash and the iaido-parry.
It's more accurate than showing something like 90 raw when it hits for 25x higher damage
According to Fujioka you either have to choose looking good or wearing clown suits. You can't have both because he likes the lengths players go to look good. Transmog hides your shame of being a brainlet. Meanwhile event layered lets them make outfits that can't be acquired by hunting monsters, but also mostly look silly or goofy.
>current title
You don't know how generations work do you? A 4th gen game isn't a current title in 5th gen.
>elemental gs
lmao at ur life
do you think that when a new title comes out, the other ones are removed from shops / digital removed from eshop? are you fucking retarded?
Because the best raw options also happen to have element, yes, elemental gs. Like I said, you don't take element attack skills, or pick weaker a GS for the elemental damage, or bother with using free element on one with hidden element, it's purely bonus damage.
What LS are good to go for? should i aim for raw or elemental?
Aren't there just 2 to 4 non ele weapons in any tree? Doesn't it get a bit boring to play with the same weapon?
Crystal burst his roll, bro.
Youre saying something entirely different now, you advocated elemental weakness matching before and now youre just posting that just use the best gs that happens to have element tacked on to it
You also use the blast one to mix it up
user, way to prove you're a fucking retard. How is a 4th generation game related to 5th generation games when they've already said World is the basis for franchise development going forward?
No, I'm not saying anything different because what I was saying in those posts aren't mutually exclusive. Explain how "don't use element skills, don't sacrifice raw, and don't free element" contradicts elemental weakness matching.
Ele gs ever. What kinda drugs you on?
what are you babbling on about you nincompoop? I'm talking about games currently available and active. Go get some fresh air, you are waffling.
>you just build up the raw like normal but use weapons with the right element against monsters weak to them and it'll speed things up.
This literally means taking the weaker options when your post says to not sacrifice raw, which you are doing if you element match with GS
Yes but the game existed before World released, all that was done was localisation. The game was finished and already released in Japan before World released.
you're talking but not saying anything. GU is still on shelves and eshops, still has current userbase, therefore is still a current asset.
If you were talking about 3DS , WIiiU, PSP etc. titles then maybe we could talk in terms of them being extinct as you are wont to do, since the consoles don't exist / are not currently active. MHGU on the other hand is still officially on shelves.
Obviously it hit a very raw nerve suggesting that Capcom may want to keep Transmog and unique weapon models as an exclusive perk for portable spinoff title MHGU. Some triggered folks ITT.