How hard is too hard?

Was Sekiro too hard for you to enjoy? Did you beat it?

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No but I will go back to it eventually it was fun I just need to get better at timing my parries

It wasn't that hard, though. After getting the platinum, I played PS4 Spider Man and I still cannot get the highest medal on the drone missions.

After hearing all the horror stories I just decided to stay the fuck away from it.

The true game lives in NG+ with demon bell and charmless. But I'm taking a break. Too hard.

>cheesed my way thru the entire game
Game was easy as shit, stills its difficulty makes souls/BB look like a picnic
In terms of difficulty,
Sekiro>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else
The amount of ragers and shitposters that complain about
>muh no pvp
>muh no dlc
>muh no different weapons
goes to show how many of the easier bosses completely filtered these pseuds
Game was a masterpiece

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The combat clicked for me when playing against Genichiro for the first time, and after that it was smooth sailing.
I only struggle on Ape during replays now. It just takes so long.

Sekiro is fucking kaizou levels of bullshit.

It was just hard enough to give me troubles on my first playthrough but any frustration of dying repeatedly was alleviated by not having to slowly walk back to the fight

Take a Minikiro

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No, I found it quite easy once it clicks.

Pirated it just to be sure and it was a fucking human performance test, magnitudes more difficult than any Dark Souls game. Noped out hard.

only fight that got me frustrated was the demon but i always knew that i would beat him eventually after enough try's so no not really.


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How can one game have so many kino bosses?

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ss isshin's fight is perfection. an actual hard final boss in these games

It was fun and I had a blast finishing it 4 times to get all the endings. Unfortunately I don't see much replay value over what I already did except for a nice play once a year maybe.
But that's ok, I got my 100 hours of fun with it, I think it was good value.
Actually it's still my goty for now

I feel like an autist for saying this but I was unironically dissapointed with Sekiro because I thought it was too easy.

No it was too easy

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I found the Demon of Hatred to be a bigger pain in the ass, it certainly took me more time to kill him.
I mean the demon has 3 phases, and I'd say only the first is easy peasy, the 2nd phase things get definitely harder and 3rd phase is some tough shit to get through (no Malcontent cheese, ofc) and it takes ages because it's kinda hard to build his posture.

SS Isshin has 4 phases, and the Genichiro phase is a total cakewalk at that point, while the second phase is pretty damn easy as well.
3rd phase is arguably the hard one and where you hit the wall until you learn his patterns.
4th phase is surprisingly easier than the 3rd because lightning will wipe out like 30% of his health per shot.

I think SS Isshin is a perfect final boss, but the Demon got me angry like no other bosses in this game.

I have a theory that Sekiro is harder to learn for people who play a lot of Soulsborne games than it would be for a new player. The reason for that is because dodging is gimped, so the only viable strategy is to block/parry.

IMO this was the wrong move. The game is great, but it should have had more freedom with the way you approach combat.

Can you back that claim up ?

Refunded because artificial difficulty.

>The only reason there's a controversy surrounding Sekiro's difficulty is because From's games are popular. Sekiro is really not that hard.
Was he right?

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Owl (Father) kicked my ass because I was too autistic to figure out how to dodge his firecracker slash, got the most frustrated with him out of all the bosses.
Demon of Hatred is a pain in the ass with how long it takes to kill. Spend half the time running around dodging shit. Can't even deflect and build up the bar, you have to do it the old fashioned way.
Ishin fight is pure kino. Perfect final boss. Not too bad desu once you realise you can jump on his head to avoid the 360 slash.
Why no DLC Fromsoft?

>how long it takes to kill.

Attached: Demon of Hatred.webm (1280x720, 2.15M)

I got bored when I explored everything up to the ape (I found the other two ingredients.) The combat was too repetitive for me, I just didn't care about parrying anymore.

Every From game requires a degree of average mechanical skill as a player but the RPG elements and intelligent preparation allow you to wear every single one of them down with enough time.

they still haven't fixed that disgusting cheese?

i wanna go back to it and play more but i got bored. also didn't like how they hyped up weaknesses only for them to be pointless and shitty

Dodging is amazing in this game, the fuck are you talking about.

>TFW can't remember a single track from Sekiro's OST
What the FUCK went wrong?

Old isshin is way a better fight than young isshin

I don't know how it's possible to forget the title screen track, it's just masterful

The first playthrough was too easy for anyone who had played the rest of the Soulsbourne games. You never really got stuck on anything and you could one-shot a bunch of bosses despite them being cool so it was a bit anticlimactic.

NG+ without Kuro's charm was a bit too frustrating for me to have much fun with though.

It took me a while to get used to the way battles worked (so used to dark souls), but once I got the hang of it everything in the game felt worthless. No sense in picking up items because they're all just fluff (another fistful of ash?!?! YAY!), no sense in getting skills unless you want to add a little flash to your combat, no sense in buying items unless you really want another prosthetic tool to use once or twice just to make fighting enemies a little faster, etc.

I made it up to the golden buddha temple (apparently you ring a bell and fight the folding screen monkeys there) before I just put it down because I was so bored with it. I didn't think the lack of stat builds, weapon/armor variety, and more would be enough to ruin my interest in the game; I was wrong.

I can see what they were going for :

but it just doesn't translate well into videogame format, at least in my opinion.

My GOTY my man. My GOTY.

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You didnt even finish the tutorial

>S Tier
Isshin, the Sword Saint
Owl 2
>A Tier
Corrupted Monk 2
Owl 1
>B Tier
Isshin Ashina
Guardian Ape
Divine Dragon
Corrupted Monk 1
>C Tier
Folding Screen Monkeys (would be a great fight, if it actually worked as intended)
2 Ape
Lady Butterfly
Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa
>D Tier
Demon of Hatred

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if the exploration wasnt so shit it would be perfect


You literally are talking out of your ass.

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why do i find DS harder than sekiro? I'm at the tomb of the giants and everything I block gets my posture ruined and thrown like a ragdoll. Is building stat just as important as my skill?

I didn't beat it but it was pretty fun for what I played. Reminded me of old school Ninja Gaiden or just old school games general.

I really liked it. Though challenging it never felt as hard as journos made it out to be because you didn't have to walk too far to bossfights.

I don't remember when the combat really "clicked" for me, I think it was when fighting that Seven-Ashina-Spears miniboss. All I know is that I was able to be Genichiro on my first try, so I definitely got a hand of the combat by then.

Genichiro is the tutorial, beat him on the first try.
Just got tired of skulking through environments, picking up useless items, fighting hordes of useless enemies, and wasting time only to realize I could have simply run past ALL of it in the first place because there is no fog wall blocking anything.

I made it down to the gun fort and fought the miniboss there, but it felt like I was going the wrong way, so I went back up the mountain and finally just set it aside.

Your first mistake was using a shield. Strip down until you can ninja roll, then roll into attacks and punish with R1 spam.

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>i dont want to learn how to parry
even if you don’t want to parry you can still dodge, dodging is still OP
>beats impossible game in

In Dark Souls your stats are way more important than your skill (that is unless you're at a very high skill where you don't need any gear at all and you're just rolling/parrying all the time).

But assuming you're playing the game "normally". You need to put points in Endurance to increase your Stamina and also upgrade/replace your shield for better Stability (less stamina drain), it's a stat on all shields. The shields are very good in DS1, but you need the stats.

As for the Tomb of the Giants, those doggo skeletons can easily break your guard, be careful out there, block their first attack, then sidestep around them.

This run uses glitches, though.

It wasn't that hard, and I'm a bizarre autist that will restart runs if I die too much or too soon.

loved it and 100% it

I liked it a lot more than either Dark Souls sequel, but it wasn't as good as Dark Souls or Bloodborne.
I wish they elaborated more on the movement aspects of the game more by maybe having optional augmentations in the world à la Zelda or Metroid and fleshed out the stealth to not be a joke. All in all, a solid 8/10.

I had to stop dodging because your i-frames are barely there. I beat SSI with parries and it was very fun, but the game is super limited and repetitive without the variety in approach options.

But that's wrong.

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pfffr, fucking scrubs

Looks cool but you have to admit deflecting is usually better since it helps you build up posture as well. Dodging is only useful against some attacks where bosses leave big opening after the attack, like Isshin’s jump attacks or flame Ichinonji.

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Bought it day 1, struggled for hours, left a negative review and refunded the game.

Loved all the other FROM games (except for maybe DS3), but this one is just straight up trolling.

Fuck you Miyazaki, frustration =/= fun.

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i really liked it, unlike other shitty soul games, this one is actually good, just didnt like it enough to ng+ it

>Was Sekiro too hard for you to enjoy?
I enjoyed the game overall but there were a few frustrating moments - double apes (more annoying than hard) and father Owl (just genuinely assfuckingly hard)
>Did you beat it?

Owl 1 or 2?

hahahhahahha what a fucking shitter lmao, you're so fucking bad at videogames, maybe you should git gut instead of giving up like a faggot

I have no idea if there's any way to prove this but I beat over half of the bosses first try and the bosses that did take me multiple tries didn't feel very satisfying to beat because I felt like I was still making way too many mistakes by the time I've beaten them and that I hadn't really "mastered" the fights.

I found Demon's Souls to be infinitely more frustrating than Sekiro, and I played it for the first time right before Sekiro's release (emulated it last year). I love all the games, but Demon's Souls is probably the one that kills more more consistently.
Once you get the rhythm of Sekiro's combat, it's ridiculously fun.

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I beat both Father Owl and SS Isshin in about five tries each. I can understand what made Isshin difficult, but I thought Father Owl wasn't any more difficult than anything else the game throws at you.
I beat every boss in Sekiro in one sitting. I think the boss that gave me the most trouble in the series was Fume Knight, but that was back when I was still a shitter.

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did all endings all bosses, there was blocks where i spent hours at a time on one boss, then i beat 2 or 3 back to back.

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they did iirc

Yes it was too hard for me. I thought 300 hours in blood-borne will prepare me for this. Now I shitpost whenever I get the chance about this game.


I got stuck on Lady Butterfly for days because she is the gatekeeper for runs. Yeah she's easily cheeseable for her strength is much higher than what early game Wolf has. I came back later with a few attack and health upgrades and mopped the floor with her.
I think the biggest flaw is how limited tools are, so you're not really keen on trying them out in a serious fight. Some like the spear makes the guardian ape a joke.

>I got stuck on Lady Butterfly for days

Attached: Lady Butterfly.webm (800x450, 2.85M)

>be extremely ill
>disguise yourself as your favorite Fortnite character.
>go outside when it's winter, barefoot and armed only with a sword and kill young purple niggas at the peak of their capabilities


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Isshin's English voice is godlike

>Playing with the dub

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sekiro was too easy. it's a game that casuals can hold up as amazing to pretend that they're not bad at games.

I did my first three runs. I'm going for the final ending now with Japanese. It feels weird, but Wolf definitely sounds better.

Naw I loved the game. Owl forced me to finally git gud at parrying instead of just dodging shit like souls, and after that the game wasn't too bad.

I've been parrying most of the parryable enemies and I just put all of my stats on dex and my hp/endurance stats are like below 15. Did I make myself too hard? It got somewhat easy after getting stamina regen ring but I have no idea how to manage my inventory and equips

It was only hard the first playthrough

>put all of my stats on dex and my hp/endurance stats are like below 15
Sure hope you're trolling? But if not, in DS1 most builds go for 40-50 VIT, 40 END, and the rest in STR/whatever your weapon requirements are.

40 is the softcap for most stats and stamina maxes out at 40 END, any more points in END would only increase your equip load capacity.

Just beat sword saint last night after about a month of failures.
Felt good man

I hate niggers

I beat double apes first try after dying for about a day to guardian.
Just use the flame vent to stun the girl ape and wail on her

>He doesn't fast roll with full Havel's
Pleb spotted.

I got all the way to S.S.Isshin without cheesing enemies with firecrackers/ash/pea or shit but then i got burnt out and didn't feel like finishing the game.

Demon of hatred took me a little longer than ss. I never liked DS games so the whole run around the ankles of a huge boss was something I wasn't a fan of/used to. Same with monkey.

Just tap R1 and occasionally push the circle button when you see red
It isn't hard

No. Only Ishin and True Monk gave me any real trouble.
Yes I did beat it. Best FromSoft game by a long mile.

Once you go charmless. you'll will never go back. The vanilla mode is way too easy now.

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Boy I just can't beat Isshin. I have 30 skill points saved up, should I just pour them into attack strength or is there a skill that will make this easier?

Kek this, i beat lady butterfly on my 2nd attempt

I recommend the 'Git Gud' skill.

Attached: Isshin, the Sword Saint.webm (782x440, 2.94M)

Its funny how everyone seems to struggle with completely different bosses. Lady Buttefly gave me issues but Headless Ape and Owl I beat in my 2nd and 3rd tries.

I'm serious user, will an extra 6 attack strength help me through it?

finally a frog with taste

I mean, not if you can't get hits in anyway. Isshin plays extremely defensively. It's hard to actually damage him. You'll almost certainly defeat him with a posture death, except for the 3rd phase, where you can kill him with lightning.

my 12 year old brother beat the game. if you cant beat it you are an idiot and a pathetic loser

>>D Tier
>Demon of Hatred
i guess we know who beat ur ass now

no because parrying is more important than hitting him
if you can't parry he'll eventually break you posture and kill you over and over
don't dodge, don't run, parry.

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Easily my GOTY. Doing Lady Butterfly before Gyoubu really helped by forcing me to learn parrying early.

I was surprised by how much people exaggerated it's difficulty. It was a little bit harder than Bloodborne but mostly due to having to learn something new for once in this series. After the first few levels it was pretty easy, mostly because most of the enemies in the game are the same as the ones in the starting area. I expected to be destroyed by this game but really it wasn't tough at all. I think most people have just gotten so used to cheesing Dark Souls that when they aren't able to do the exact same shit they always did they freak out.

Demon of Hatred is utter garbage. He's a Dark Souls/Bloodborne boss in a game that plays fundamentally different from Dark Souls/Bloodborne.

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Need to kill with posture, make sure you max out posture skill points

He's still fun, though. Especially if you use the right tools and zip around the arena.

yeah, very fitting for an optional late game boss
i think u got got

That's the whole point. You learn how to ride a bike all over again with Sekiro's new systems and then they go "Let's see how well you remember how to play soulsborne, fuccboi"
I thought it was fun, especially since its the only boss like that.

First half of this game was absolute dogshit and then the second half actually became good when they finally decide to hand over the keys to all the fun stuff

basing this game in dark souls rpg style leveling was a mistake

There are definitely bullshit moments when they attack you faster than the eyes can see, but deflecting them is so incredibly satisfying.

Worst part about it was the delayed attack patterns form offenders like SSI and the red ministry ninja.

I turned on cheat engine and gave my self infinite health
A true shinobi wins no matter what

>mfw so many people never realized how overpowered blocking is in Sekiro
The game throws pop up tutorials at you, just follow the instructions, motherfucker.

does anyone know where to find FAP in DS? the golden knight is nowhere to be seen and I'm at duke's archive

How would you guys make Sekiro even harder?

oh boy, if you ever try charmless you're gonna have a bad time

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not hard desu

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I just haven't liked it so far. I've died a handful of times and beat the ogre, but the combat feels so disconnected and I don't really ever feel like I'm squaring off against an opponent like dark souls or bloodborne.


remove firecracker

don't do that, don't make me lose hope in humanity

It was challenging, there were bosses I died a lot to while I understood everything and also most bosses in this game heavily depend on you learning their attacks and acting appropietly

I think it's a lot harder than Dark Souls but wouldn't say it's too hard once you know how to properly parry and see develop the reflex to do counters. I don't really play games with this much difficulty to begin with so I was getting my ass beat by the Seven Spears guy but this game really did improve my reflexes.
I had a hard time with this Lady Butterfly because I didn't fully get a grasp of the game's mechanics. Didn't realize the sword would make a louder clashing sounds when it's the enemy's turn to attack. Also that Webm is just cheesing.

just beat it too
fuck the exp farming

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hardening the demon bell and charmless even more?

remove hitstun on enemy or add stamina, that is what makes the game piss easy

It took me a whole day to beat the owl inside the memory and Isshin, end game bosses are hard

You need the dark eye orb or something (not red, it's unique) and then go back to where you got the lordvessel. Just Google it lol

I played it and beat it, got the platinum trophy as well because I felt as though I would be a failure if video games were my main hobby and I wouldn't be able to beat it. I stopped having fun when I reached Sword Saint and Demon of Hatred.

Journos loved the game, though.

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play with plasma TV
use 3rd party wireless controller
You'll be a fucking tiger if you can beat it like that.

The Ogre is barely even the start of the game. Continue onward until you start unlocking skills. The game isn't fun until you start filling out your kit.

It was too boring lol??

bruh I beat SS isshin in ~23 mins (with upgrading my gear after DoH)

>dying to ogre
he’s probably the easiest boss in game
>don’t cheese
t. miyazaki
Losing half items on death

actually the opposite, i found it too easy for me to enjoy. the woes of being a godtier gamer

What makes him such a pleb filter?

Attached: DSP Chained Ogre.webm (888x500, 2.81M)

>Losing half items on death
that won't make it harder, the only item you truly need is divine confetti

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I never died to ogre though. randomly fell like twice and died against one of the generals and the drunkard.
I know I wasn't that far in but I've been too busy for games lately. I'm hoping to get back to it soon. I really feel like it's fundamentally different from ds or bb. bb I jumped into and died like 100 times before gehrman and then I couldn't put it down. I've 100%'d it and done every kind of build. Now I can reliably 1 try orphan. I want to sit down for a couple hours and give it an honest try, see if I can get it to click.

It's easier than Dark Souls or Bloodborne once you get used to it. You can endlessly parry almost everything for no damage and not have your posture meter go past 99%

I love and miss this game. Great experience.

the fucking ape was such a pain. fuck this game

>lose half items on death
thank fuck you arent a developer that half currency penalty was the worst fucking decision of all time.

Deflecting is still blocking, just timed correctly, and timing deflects is very easy in Sekiro once you figure out the patterns. People just never bothered, they are too used to wiping the floor rolling in Souls.

SS Isshin was hard as fuck because I've been expecting every humanoid with a weapon to block my R1s if I press it. He hyperarmours them in spear phase, which caught me off-guard. He even hyperarmours Ichimonjis.

>miss this game.
It didn't go anywhere.

Just like in the webm, they dont realize you can stealth kill his first life. Also he has weird hitboxes, but even then he’s still laughably easy
How about this, you take damage if you don’t successfully parry, no holding block

>and timing deflects is very easy in Sekiro once you figure out the patterns
wait are you telling me things get easier once you figure them out? who would've thought

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Where the CÜCK do I find gunpowder to beat that horse boss?

>game is based on historical feudal Japan
>has giant flying snakes

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From a sick kid called Robert.

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I just got sick of playing it because it feels like every other souls game.
>woooooooow some new palette swaps

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Right here

Just git gud and time your deflects.

I made it to the last boss and lost all motivation to kill him. I know i could if i gave it more tries but whats the point theres no extra game after that or new areas just the end cutscene which i can see on youtube.


Why the fuck did he attack Wolf?
>Drop your sword!
>Then die!

i think the monks tasked him with guarding the bridge in return for helping his sick son or some shit

Better question is where did he get 13th century European plate armor in Sengoku-era Japan?

he came from the west in search of the rejuvenating waters to cure his sick son

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I don’t replay things.

I used the huge ass boulder on the middle of the arena to get a break from him. Easy as fuck.

I feel like I'm the only person in the world that thought this shit was WAYYYY easier than souls.

In sekiro, there are no alternate weapons, abilities, armor, spells, etc. Everyone gets the same equipment and prosthetics and you don't miss out on anything. From an enemy design perspective, this means that all the enemies and bosses in the game were made with this arsenal in mind. For every boss and enemy in the game, you party and then attack and you don't have to worry much about attack windows or anything, since your swing speed is always the same. There are also no compromises in sekiro upgrades. In souls if I want to deal more damage I might put a point into strength, but if I really want to take advantage of high raw damage I need to switch to a heavy weapon which is slow, uses up stamina, and takes up a lot of weight. Upgrading your attack power in sekiro has literally no trade-off though.
What I'm trying to get to by saying this is that in souls there are enemies and bosses that might be very easy for someone with a different builds to fight, but not you. For example, I always play as a heavy strength specced character. I had a pretty tough time with dancer since she's really fast and the attack windows are small, whereas someone with a high sex build might've fares better. In sekiro, every boss is intended to be defeated the exact same way.

Also, I just kind of felt that in souls even after learning how to roll, the game is still difficult. In sekiro, once you learn how to parry the game gets much easier, especially with extra advantages like legitimate stealth, and your mobility which leads to being able to escape fights very quickly.

Literally just learn to time your parries or whatever they're called.

Every counter plays out the exact same. Common enemies are pushovers while bosses take no damage at all and require you to be mashing parry nonstop for 3 years. The levels are not interesting, the setting is bland and generic, there is nothing cool to find, there is no cool lore to make you intrigued and it just feels like a Dark Souls mod. Most of the arts are just attacks/spells from Dark Souls or Bloodborne, they are mostly useless and extremely gimmicky. The combat system didn't innovate anything, it's just stripped down Dark Souls with Bloodborne dashes. That's it. Boring as fuck, which is why it came and went with nobody giving a fuck about it. Meanwhile, people still talk about Dark Souls to this day. FROM tried to innovate while not innovating anything because stripping down mechanics isn't what people consider exciting. I legit don't even remember this game came out unless I stumble upon one of these threads once in a blue moon.

You didn’t know from’s B team developed this?

It's brutally difficult (cue the hardcore gamerz saying it isn't that tough at all). So much so that over my playthrough I have spent more time not enjoying it than I have enjoying it. The game is absolutely fantastic and when you finally beat an incredibly difficult boss you get a great sense of satisfaction. This is where people split: do you prefer a challenge that is overcome and the feeling that goes with it or the enjoyment of a game where you are challenged but know that you will move forward at a relatively brisk pace?

I made it all the way to the last boss and then decided to take a break. I didn't even fight him more than once (always expecting to just learn his moves and never really expecting to win on the first few tries) but I had heard that he was amazingly hard. Now here I am a month later rusty as hell and facing the SS Ashin who will spend the next several days raping me.

As much as I like this game it will likely be my last very difficult game as I don't have the time to devote to this hobby that I once did. Got a little older, some responsibilities, and now I can't throw the same amount of time at games. So the hour or so I get to play per evening I want to spend advancing, not banging my head against a wall. As great as it is to finally beat a tough boss it's no longer worth the much more precious time.

That goes without saying. It's pretty obvious this was just a lazy cashgrab they could sell on the side while working on their actual game (Elden Ring) instead of this fancy mod.

You have to be a special kind of retard to play it in a language you dont even understand

I don’t get Sekiro’s story
Who is Kuro’s uncle?
What are the Rejuvinating Waters? Just good immortality water from near the Dragon?
How does everyone seem to know Kuro? Is he the only true immortal? Why does he get absorbed into the Divine Child?

I completely disagree with your statement. The prosthetic can be game changing on certain bosses. Items also have very good uses vs certain enemies. These things are just situational is all.

>How does everyone seem to know Kuro?
He's the divine heir, everybody knows his because he was selected as a young child to be the one to inherit the gift of immorality. It's the same reason any noble child is well known in a kingdom, because of their nobility.

Japanese felt more than right. it felt like i was watching a Japanese film at times. Plus shit feels way less cringe in a language you don't understand.

breezed through more or less everybody
had trouble in genichiro, ape and isshin
beat the gaem tho and enjoyed it