Is this the scariest enemy in all of videogames?

Is this the scariest enemy in all of videogames?

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Not so fast.

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It will get you the first couple of times but then you realize it's attack patterns are very consistent.
It's designed in such a way that his initial rush confuses you, so you aren't ready for the attack, and this can be especially dangerous in cursed dungeons where 2 hits max will end you.
The trick is to be perfectly still, and only focus on the incoming hit.
Parry it, and you'll be fine.
Sometimes it will still hit you and then get into the kneel down animation but it's fine because you'll get your hp back when you finish it.

It's basically scary the first times you meet it but once you understand the trick it's really not so bad.
You know what's really bullshit?
This garbage ass boss in a cursed dungeon.
50000000 million hp, unconfortable hitboxes, one mistake and you fucking die instantly.

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Cyborg Midwives from SS2 probably got me the most.

I've never had a problem with Amygdalas. Now THIS fucking cuck gives me nightmares.

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POP goes the weasel!

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That too, definitely.
Basically the dungeons contain some bosses that are DS2 tier design with disjointed hitboxes.
Disjointed hitboxes + AOE + 1 hit kill = a fucking nightmare every time

honestly found the enemies in amnesia TDD hella fucking disturbing, same with penumbra 2's

no it's the weird dog things with the big glowing eyes that you can find in the chalices
I found a pitch-black room where there was like 5 of them & two Keepers and have never NOPE'd out of an encounter so fast

>round a corner
>six of thease fuckers are standing 1 meter in front of you

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>the weird dog things with the big glowing eyes
you mean the keeper's pet dogs with horns?

they're so spastic and it feels like they have infinite stamina so they can combo you to death in a second, especially if there's 2 of them on you.

I usually cheese them because dogs are always knocked down by bullets so just shoot them and then wail on them when they stand back up

Motherfucker, you went to cursed chalice with that much HP and still have the balls to complain?

If you overlevel you're trash.
Every souls game is meant to be played with a tight build that is contained within a collectively agreed upon arbitrary limit and you need to optimize it within those limits.
Pushing your stats to the point of third tier diminishing returns makes the entire game meaningless.

Also that's not my pic, even.

Not the guy who started this conversation, but in most souls games I like to push my HP, stamina, and primary offensive stat to their second softcap (40-50)

This will almost always have you somewhere between level 119-129.

There are always ample blood / souls / gems to get you to this level easily in the normal course of NG play

fuck that boss and FUCK cursed dungeons I cheesed it with arcane fucking fight me

30 is generally where most people stop.
40 is pushing it.
50 you're just basically breaking the game.

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There's a spot between its legs that makes you unhittable and triggers its head lowering over and over

yeah fpbp
this is the only one that's truly traumatic


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The invisible fuckers scared the living shit out of me, you just hear the noises and then you get bonked in the head confused as hell.

yeah. chalice dungeons were so half-baked and boring, that that shit was terrifying to be subjected to.
>he actually did chalice dungeons

Chalice dungeons have unique bosses and enemies you need to do them to see it all

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>want to replay game
>remember I need to do chalice dungeons to get most of the non-shit gems
>don't replay

I did all chalice dungeons on like 6 different characters.
It wasn't too bad, i just put on a podcast and zoned out.
They're solid timewasters.
They're not very well designed but provided some free extra gameplay content and made me log in more hours in BB that i did in most other souls games overall.

>needing non-shit gems to play Bloodborne
You must be complete shit at the game.

ghost gloves

up triangle square square

>>needing anything besides a level 1 weaponless character to play Bloodborne
>You must be complete shit at the game.

>Why i'm burnin...
>50 damage.

But honestly hitscan enemies are much more a pain than ones with projectiles.

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that giant monster that would chase you around the lab in Hybrid Heaven was the scariest imho