
Was fusion a good conclusion to the timeline? Do we need one that takes place after?

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Who drew that and why did the fuck up the shoulders so badly?

I would like another game, but it would take some serious mental gymnastics to get the fusion suit off of her, so I doubt they do another "mainline" game

No, that's why we're getting a sequel. Yes because the series needed a sequel and Samus needs her suit fully restored.

Really want someone to find that out.

Sakamoto hinted in Q&A for Zero Mission that she can fully restore her suit meaning that will happen in Metroid 5.

Does it though? Fusion seemed like a good conclusion because of how it doesn't hold back.
>Ship destroyed
>Relation with federation up in the air
>Suit gone
That just seemed like maybe they were going all out for a crazy finale.

I love Fusion but I have officially played it too many times. I'm getting pissed at the complete radio silence on Metroid Prime 4. Not even some concept art or anything, and when was it announced, 2 years ago? This franchise is so fucking great, it just needs some fresh content, the last 3D Metroid game was on the fucking Wii.
link to this interview?

That moment when you realize there has never been an official HD metroid game

I can see that as being an awesome moment in Metroid 5, restoring the power suit. But I kind of like the idea of things never being the same after Fusion (and that shown visually with samus' suit being permanently changed)

I love giving Metroid more exposure than the next guy, but I wouldn't want a film. Metroid is meant to be a game. It's universe isn't ripe for stories like Pokemon, and its structure was never made for linear story telling

>When she absorbed the core of the SAX (the perfect condition of Samus), she basically reconstituted her genetic condition. She didn't recover the physical damage of her amputated suit, but she did recover her genetic condition.
>She didn't recover the physical damage of her amputated suit
That's a hint.

>new ship
>Federation faction was a small corrupt faction that Adam can blackmail mixed in with the new antagonist pushing their shit in
>can be restored or recovered

Wouldn't it be cool if this series was on the same level of hype and attention as Zelda or something?

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I don't understand why the fanbase is as small as it is: the gameplay of the series ranges from solid to great, the music has always been topnotch, sci-fi has been popular for many decades, the protagonist is hot. Like, does it need to be more anime? Does it need more waifus?

>Was fusion a good conclusion to the timeline? Do we need one that takes place after?
The ideal situation is with other M and fusion being retconned alongside adam and having super be the current last game and a new one continuing after.

I guess there's the answer. So I guess if they feel like it whenever

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It needs to play itself for losers who can't play games.

Going by Samus Returns, they finally feel like it.

Open the catalog, and count how many of the thread OPs are just semi-lewd girls and anime. This, unfortunately, is the video game market now.

Evil Group of Chozo is a really fascinating idea. Maybe they have their own Samus equivalent, you know, for a 3rd samus doppleganger

they stopped the retards at SR-388 from fucking up more


they stopped the retards at SSR-388 from fucking up more what's there to explain? look at the video you posted

Times have been a changin'
>Traditional open world with a ton of side quests
>Anime plots with dialogue
>Hallway games
>Traditional FPS'
Metroid is none of these

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Seens like they just killed the chozo who created and then sealed off the metroids

yeah they just made one abomination after another fucking with aeion

The Chozo will be her evil doppelganger this time since they're wearing her suit.

>Chozo created metroids and aeon
What did the Chad Chozos make then?

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that’s the lamest direction to take the series. it just needs a mysterious alien planet with new monsters

And now we got that, Chozo were always important in the 2D games.

this, fuck this evil GF and chozo shit

not really, the only time chozo were important was prime 1. All other times they're just backdrops

How was fusion a conclusion to the timeline? What about the other games?

Really don't like that idea. Fusion has its rightful place, and Other M is a prequel and is kind of unimportant

>Forgetting that Phazon is just a more powerful version of aeion
The Chozo are just as bad as the Space Pirates, pirating designs like that

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please no more games in this time frame

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nice vid

for real though

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Not a huge fan of the bulk of the varia suit, but the new gravity suit is aesthetic as heck

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It ends in a cliffhanger so no, it's not a good conclusion.

>Metroid 1 had not sold well
What? It was literally the best-selling title in the franchise until Prime 1 happened.

Why would we need to get rid of the Fusion Suit? It's perfectly functional.

What's ur favorite suit? Pic related

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Metroid NES sold a couple million, compared to Mario's 10's of millions

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We're always in Chozo locations in the 2D games, it was only a matter of time until we ran into the real thing.

It's weak, ugly, incomplete, and doesn't have an iconic design.

Unironically the new suit at the end of Fusion.

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>the gameplay of the series ranges from solid to great
The problem might be that, too much gameplay and the games aren't that easy for the mainstream.

It'd be nice to get a sequel. Either a proper metroid or if done properly, they could let another person be the mc. maybe a fed who defects and is looking for Samus and we see what happened to her after the federation goes after her.

That should give you an idea of just how poor the sales of this franchise have ALWAYS been, Metroid Prime 4 is the real test, however well it sells will inform the frequency of new games, that's why they stopped making them after Other M for such a long while, but they're expecting MP4 to pull another BotW and bring the series to mainstream popularity now that games are more popular.

I'm not looking forward to the extremely awkward and contrived removal/dummying out of the Adam AI in Metroid 5. I know it's like tearing off a band-aid but we all know it's not getting axed/diminished organically.

Why does no one talk about this?
>Samus has a claw
>She can walk on walls
>Whole game is on a time limit?

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>but they're expecting MP4 to pull another BotW and bring the series to mainstream popularity now that games are more popular
That will never happen, for starters Zelda always had more mindshare for starters.

I really extremely pray that Prime 4 pulls a BotW and dramatically reimagines the series rather than just being a safe, standard Prime game

>inb4 crying about botw
It reinvigorated a stagnant series and that’s a fact, whether you like the changes or not

>BotW for Metroid

Do you really want another Halo 5?

It may be reworked to something better. I mean we did have the Scan Pulse in SR.

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And LoZ isn't even THAT big of a series. Sure, it's iconic among the hardcore crowd, but the BotW was outsold x5 by fucking Horizon of all things.

They realized how stupid it was to call a series Metroid and have its namesake creature be killed off. So the only option was to continue the series and force metroids in there somehow even thought they're supposed to be eradicated. Or just make a separate series detailing the events of things between two of the mainline games.

We could have a series between Metroid 2 and Super.

MP4 will be pretty safe because trying to make the BotW out of anything could be an impending disaster and the series is on shaky grounds as is, first they'll get it back on track and then they might go bigger, which in the case of Metroid not sure what it would imply.

yeah, halo 5 came to mind when I typed that, which is why I added if" done properly". if fusion is the end of the timeline then it means they either reboot it or we keep getting interquels.

Even before BotW it was far bigger than Metroid for sure.

But Metroid has that, right?
Well not really. To the casual, the waifu is never on the box art.

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fusion is what brought adam and the retarded evil GF shit, it can fuck off too

I feel like Samus Returns was the safe bet “making sure there’s interest” game already though. It was as safe as it could possibly have been. Considering they scrapped all their work on 4 so far, I can only assume they’re really trying to go all-out on it. Though going back to Retro implies whatever they were trying in-house was too radical a departure.

>but the BotW was outsold x5 by fucking Horizon of all things
That's not true where the hell are you getting your numbers?

Of course. It's just weird to me that I, and many others, see Zelda as far bigger than what it is.

My theory is because it was basically absent form the N64 and then the Wii U era. Combine that with the fact that new game releases have always been a bit spotty and makes sense it's not as popular with random fans as one might think.

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It's not though, Sakamoto said it's not several times for years.

I think MP4 will be look a lot more like MP1 than bring too much new shit to the table. Also 2D Metroid and MP aren't the same thing when it comes to safe, Samus Return was thing they had to do anyway to dispose Metroid II the same way Zero Mission did for the first Metroid.

Sorry, I misspoke. Completely wrong. They've sold around the same.

but N64 and Wii U are two of Nintendo's worst selling consoles.

>I think MP4 will be look a lot more like MP1
God I hope not, I really don't think the current market gives a shit about that type of gameplay.

but the n64 era at least is when most of the big series re-invited and defined what they are for the at the time current generation. Also my point was more just that there were huge gaps where we basically saw nothing to do with Metroid at all. Compare that with all the mario and zelda games we got in the meantime.

>absent form the N64 and then the Wii U era
Not sure if the Wii U era would've changed anything really. With the N64 era I guess the problem was that everything(with a few exception) was moving from 2D to 3D and they likely were unsure what the hell to do with Metroid on 3D, even if they had tried a FPS the N64 wasn't ideal for that even if there were games like Goldeneye.

But then what should it be like?

>Samus with a claw
What could have been.

Samus returns on switch when

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I keep asking myself this question. Together with Castlevania, these games perfected a genre that indies (of all things) try to emulate today. It's won awards and even sjw champion Samus for being a great character. My guess is that people are just brainlets. As cool as metroid is, the game-play doesn't suit short burst sessions and it requires a moderate degree of logical skill. You can just mash the buttons on Mario and win, Zelda has a ton of boomer fans and zoomers flock to oot. We have at least two oot level games in prime and super, but not enough people grew up with these for the word to spread.

Metroid games are not hard.

The first Arkham game (Asylum) did a third person Metroid Prime type game pretty well. I want to see something like that for Metroid.

After Metroid 5

You've probably heard it before, but I think a mixture of Dark Souls 1 level design and Doom Eternal (sans glory kills) for the combat could do the trick. I favor Titanfall 2's gameplay as I think it would better represent Samus' agility from the 2D games but Doom's formula is more friendly. Keep the scanning and environmental story telling as is.

Metroid is too much for brainlets, plain and simple. The average "gamer" today calls braindead gameplay with 0 difficulty, busywork, and excessive cutscenes "quality of life" features.

>even sjw champion Samus for being a great character
They champion her for what they think her character is supposed to be not what it is, when her character was more fleshed out we ended up with Other M.

ZSS is one of the most sexualised Nintoedn characters so it's not that either.

They aren't particularly hard, that's true, however they do require consistent engagement and being able to use all of your tools at a decent level.
It's too much for some, especially for those that cannot remember what the maps look like

>Brie Larson wants to play samus
I feel like none of these people really understand what Metroid even is other than
>female protagonist

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Is Samus a tomboy?

yeah, fusion was way too easy honestly

If I were in charge, I'd make it incorporated into her physiology and dormant so she has a regular suit but that you can unlock it and some new abilities based on it later on. Best of both worlds imo.

hell no. She is a proud mother

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No, she just did what had to be done with what she had at hand at the given time.

>Sakamoto, make this a shitty anime RPG with dialogue.
>Sakamoto: fuck that noise
>Super Metroid becomes one of the greatest games of all time

Sakamoto is a fucking Chad. He may have dropped the ball on Other M, but I'm so glad he's running this show.

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*confused emoji*

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What was his problem again?

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Agreed, people seem to take him for granted.

dude can you imagine if you mixed aeion with phazon

You can't find box art better than this.

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Say what you want about Other M, but it is one of, if not the best looking game on the Wii

She's a woman with a mission.

What about Prime 3

Lol dude nah, boot up the game again when you get the chance and take a long, hard look at the textures in the ice and forest sectors, the game looks like absolute shit. Samus and some of the bosses are the only good looking things. Prime 3 looks better.

I don't think so. Switch is a hot as fuck item, and games on there are selling amazingly well. If Nintendo just puts a marketing campaign behind Metroid (which they most certainly will), it can definitely get to 5 million (which is a conservative estimate, but will also be more than any game in the series I believe).

Curiosity is in the air. I can see it with all the new Switch owners. They want to play games that come from critically acclaimed series. I have heard numerous times from new Switch owners how they want to play Metroid. How it's supposed to be a part of gaming history and it's supposed to be amazing, but they just never got the opportunity to.

I wager that Metroid Prime 4 will be the best selling Metroid game.

That reminds me, you guys did get the only good amiibo, right?

So she's a military woman, I like that.

>Mix phazon with aeion
>Get Phazon X-Parasites
Literally only Metroids could stop this.

Huh, it's nice that there's a good Metroid thread for once.
Reminded me of this

Nah, I'd love to have that moment of restoring the power suit. It'd be pure fucking bliss.

I fucking love tubes.

doesn't even come close to skyward sword or madworld

Would the absorb the phazon safely or mutate into the Metroid species on phaaze or even a Prime?

>An emphasis being put on designing a perfect labyrinth, without any mistakes
Well they sure fucked that up, considering all the sequence breaks the game has.

Probably some sort of Tallon or Fission branch if it survives, since I think the Prime was more of a lightning in a bottle type of deal

You say that like the non glitch ones weren't intended

They're just Phazon intolerant. They'll be fine with the X-Parasite bits but not the rest I imagine.

Zero Mission Power Suit followed by the Dark Suit. I miss this artstyle. It looks so fucking good.

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Many of them were developer oversights. Things the devs didn't think would be possible.

Thats the third worst suit after the fusion's purple one and the yellow with puke green.

You know you have a problem when the first suit in the game looks cooler that the final form.

In the concept with Samus next to Kraid it says Samus's suit is 1.9 meters which is 190 cm, 6'3" I guess that means the suit is 6'3" and Samus is 5'10" out of her suit. Now seeing how the suit is very heavy, I doubt it's 198 lbs, that has to be Samus's weight.

I wish we could find a better quality copy of this. Something interesting is how the ship looks like the ones in Metroid Prime 3 and how Samus can apparently walk on wall with her gravity suit.

>since I think the Prime was more of a lightning in a bottle type of deal
You say that but Phaaze was filled with shells.

The whole life of THE BABY was so fucking sad.
>Entire race was killed
>Born as a fucking genocide survivor
>Taken from its only companion, Samus
>Experimented and mutated on to the point where it had grown violent, uncontrollable and confused
>Attacks its former companion, then stops when it realized what it was doing
>gets fucking hyper beamed
>All while knowing it was just a young, confused, scared animal
>its fucking cry

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Sakamoto is a weird creature, in one hand he made Supermetroid on the other he made Other M.

>Metroid with the call of duty audience

no, just no.

I wish we got something on this. Like a statement on what t was going to be with cleaner footage or something.

Was originally going to be on GBC?

This would be a fucking horrible way to die.

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I live the background, feels Alien like but not a direct ripoff.

That would mean Samus is a fat Womanlet.

They were all dead, so we don't know if they were failed attempts of Dark Samus at making an army or if she killed them to maintain dominance.

She does have muscle user, and 5'10" for a woman isn't really short.


This was the best Dark Samus ever looked. Much prefer it to Prime 3.

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thanks doc

Prime 2's beta sure was weird.

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Why do the Space Pirates and Covenant love purple?

What is the best game in this trilogy, and why is it Prime 2?

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Does 3 emulate well, control wise?? Haven't beaten it yet.

Use trilogy version on Dolphin. Motion controls (or mouse if you can get it working) are great.

Trilogy version has morph ball jump too, which makes a certain short part of the game not awful.

It's also on Wii U virtual console
>but who has one of those?

oh whoops, that was about 2.

idk about 3. 3 has weird motion controls scarcely sprinkled in that makes virtual console version of it better than mouse controls probably

Yeah, those waggle gimmicks were what made me question it. Guess I'll grab a Wii someday to play it.

You shouldn't throw out wagglan on a whim like that, a lot of games put it to good use which is why RE4 is one of the best versions.

still am a fan of prime 3, but emulation with the wii mote is still doable. You just need a powerful enough device to run the game on dolphin. The device also needs to have blutooth for the wiimote connectivity, and then as for actually connecting it for motion controls, you can buy a USB wii motion bar

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