What is the best 2D platformer of all time?

What is the best 2D platformer of all time?

Attached: Dustforce 3.webm (640x400, 1.93M)

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From a pure run and jump experience with very little side bullshit to distract you, Dustforce is up there, along with Celeste, Super Meat Boy, off the top of my head.


if you're going to spam dustforce now at least make your webms run at 60fps

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dustforce had such an incredible ost

This image has single handedly ruined most platformer threads and given driveby lazy shitposters ammo to just shit up a thread and then move on with no arguments.
I unironically wish upon whoever made it to get testicular cancer and die alone and unloved.


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The truth hurts.

>t. seething Megamanfag
It's Dustforce or N

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gonna coom


lmao you missed one

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Some stages have what I think is a glitch that allows the player to miss certain pieces of dust and still get S rank. I've seen other players do this too.

abe's oddysee

Check out Rain World.

I mean, i love both Abe's games, but i don't know if i'd call them "the best 2D platformers of all time".
Mechanically speaking they're more like slow paced puzzle games, i guess?

I'm conflicted on this, on one hand that's a legitimate approach, on the other hand i've been trained by default to think that good platformer = breakneck fast as fuck platformer, especially when it comes to 2D.
I guess some parts of those games are pretty fast?
And if you factor in the artstyle, amazing ambient music, the interesting plot/premise/setting, it might rise up above the rest as an overall game.

Dunno, Abe's games definitely bring something unique to the table, i think the main reason why i'm hesitant to call them "the greatest" is because it opens the doors to a whole bunch of submediocre slow ass "story focused" indie platformers that are mechanically incredibly basic, while only Abe or something like Another World managed to do it correctly.
Good suggestion tho, definitely made me think.

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They're called cinematic platformers.

>slow paced puzzle games, i guess?
cinematic platformers, you never heard of the og PoP and another world? abe is just a derivative of them and it could be the peak of it

That's such an ugly ass name.
I don't want to call anything "cinematic" these days, it has such terrible connotations.
Also forgot to mention Heart of Darkness is another one that did it right.
And PoP, of course, i played that on my Amiga back in the day.

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Sonic 3 & Knuckles

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Ironically, most cinematic platformers (Rain World, Ico, OddWorld, Inside, Limbo, etc.) tell all their stories through gameplay and or environmental storytelling. Anyways, that term has been around forever and isn't going anywhere.

>What is the best 2D platformer of all time?
Monster Bash

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You're not even wrong.
It's a shame Sonic has such an abysman reputation nowdays and the 3D games shat on it's legacy so much.
Otherwise no one would question S3&K as one of the greatest.
And Mania is up there too.

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it's how they were called back in the day and its technically what the devs intended to, besides what would you call them? maybe puzzle platformers but they're more focused on blending both story and gameplay in a solid way

>I don't want to call anything "cinematic" these days, it has such terrible connotations.
shut the fuck up

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Super Metroid or Metroid Zero Mission.

Mega Man X. Easy if you're skilled, tough if you're not, no bullshit, and very good at what it does all around.

Superior action platformer coming through.

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Super Mario.

Tell your friends you like "cinematic" games these days.
See what happens.
Go on.

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this is factual


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DK frozen dong is technically a 2.5D platformer.

they'll think I play good action games?

What version of N do you prefer? Why?

Mega Man X focuses more on speed to Castlevania's tight platforming.
I prefer speedy games, but to each their own.

not him but N++ is certainly the defacto best version.

I win

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Both are 10/10, anyways. Too bad the action platformer died.

This one is my favorite

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I respect Dustforce for it's style, tight controls, and smooth OST.
But I can't play it. I'm just not autistic enough to speedrun perfect every level like Dustforce pushes you to do.

Look at that fat fuck riding that thing.
Look how unconfortable it looks because it can feel it's sweaty balls and asscrack all over it's back.
Jesus, this cover is intense.

I prefer 4, but pretty damn based anyways.

He makes it look so easy. That level took me half an hour to sloppily get my SS

You don't have to speedrun to SS levels. I've SSed all the base levels and I'm not even top 5,000 for any of them.

This literally only applies to one Dustforce level, Hideout and even SMB and TEiN have heaps of safe areas.

>That missed platform


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I loved tropical freeze but I'm going to admit, half of it was the great presentation. It had good mechanics and expanded on them well but the final level was a huge turn off for me because it was so ugly. I never finished and I'm worried I missed good bonus levels and a good final boss

What were they thinking?

Attached: Dustforce - Hideout.webm (640x360, 2.8M)

Hold on, theres that one area in the town area thats just climbing up and up with shit tons of spikes everywhere, that library level where you're just moving through a spike hallway, that computer core(?) level in the webm in the OP, and several others too.

I love Dustforce but its full of that shit

I've never played 4, but I've heard that's it's not completely derivative of the previous entries like the succession of 1-3. What's so different about it and why do you prefer it? Also super ai is one of the most disappointing games of franchises that I love to leap from 8 bit to the 16 bit era. It just feels so floaty, and they didn't even include a run button. How can a sequel be so mechanically inferior to games that were so perfect? Aesthetically it's also pretty disappointing

>A Marksel replay

bad look.

You posted it.

Granted I've only SSed every level except Yotta and Infini because fuck that noise.

Ah fuck, the second I saw the stage all the traumatic memories came back.

Just jump off the spikes lol what are you a pussy. I don't even know how you do this

The bonus levels are worse than the bonus levels in the first DKCR imo.

Is Marksel peak Dustforce?

If you have no air charge, you can hold down and buffer a jump off of a 45 degree surface to technically never touch that surface.
You're on it for 0 frames, so you don't die to spikes
Important that it only works on 45s

He literally cheated
Several of his runs were TAS made to look like a human might have been playing it.
The funny thing is, there are people who are better than that real time now.

It's very different from 2-3. It's not divided into stages, it's all an interconnected map. You have an inventory and can switch weapons on the fly as you acquire them. You still have to progress the dungeons in a specific order, but you have to get there on your own.
Something I really liked is that the intro has the bad guy appear and Higgins instinctively gets ready to protect his girlfriend...so the bad guy kidnaps the dinosaurs instead. But that also means you have to unlock them as you progress the game, and then you can only take one from your home and if it dies you're gonna have to wait until you can get home again to pick it back up.

Was this considered an action platformer?

TFW you realize Matthewmatosis use to be one of the best Dustforce players.

Attached: Dustforce2.webm (640x360, 1.59M)

Platformers in general a fucking garbage broung genre.

The kidnapped dinosaurs seems like a nice twist. From what you're describing it seems more like an adventure game than the previous entries. Im sure I have it in my everdrive but unfortunately I have to start getting ready for work soon

I've never played it, but an action platformer is a basically a platformer with a large emphasis on combat encounters. Best examples being the Classicvania games.

Some favorites of mine:
>Wario Land II & 4
>Dragonball Advanced Adventure
>Shovel Knight Treasure Trove
>Rondo of Blood
>Mega Man 3, 4, 10, 11, & X
>Mega Man Zero series
>Spark The Electric Jester
>Bloodstained Curse of the Moon
>Donkey Kong Country 2, Jungle Beat, & Country Tropical Freeze
>Gunman Clive
>some Capcom Disney titles like Darkwing Duck, Aladdin, and Ducktales

That said, for certain sub-genres
>Puzzle Platformer
Donkey Kong '94, easily.
>Run & Gun
Metal Slug 3, easily.
No clue, honestly. Super Metroid is where my experience begins and ends.

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>eewhhhh y gaem isn't braindead pew pew pew hold my hand cowa dooty pew pew gaem
Be gone lil zoom quadroon

God damn, Shovel Knight's OST kicks ass.

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>unga bunga me jump on platform go from a to b in a linear hallway
platformers are fucking lame if they just rely on jumping, walljumping and dashing like most do.

Classic Platforming wise? A tie bwteeen DKC Tropical Freeze and Rayman Legends

The platformers with action? Shovel Knight or Megaman X

The string 1 kill indie boogaloo? Tie between Super Meat Boy and Celeste

We live in an age with powerful computers and all people can churn out is pixelshit. Lazy is the right word

It's not even hard either

Attached: Dustforce 2019.09.21 - (640x360, 2.83M)

>unga bunga me jump on platform
That actually cracked me up
And I concede part of the appeal to me is probably nostalgia as I grew up these sorts of games. I actually don't care for a lot of nuplatformers. Can't quite put my finger on why.

Post your own gameplay, if you're so great

Attached: Dustforce Observatory.webm (1280x684, 2.11M)

>Entirely vertical level
>Not using Dustworth

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It's bufferable, so yeah, it's simple
They probably should have patched it out, but w/e.
Level designers can just work around it since it's 45 degree slopes only

oldfag here. 8 eyes.

Attached: Dustforce - Abyss.webm (640x362, 2.64M)

When the fuck is Team Hitbox's next game going to come out?

Mischief makers manages to be harder than any of these games without the pixel perfect bullshit
It does have its problems but it's my favorite 2d platformer personally

I love and hate this stage. Open vertical areas like that make me extremely nervous but I also love going through them.


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I hated it until I realised that you're not supposed to treat it even a little bit like a precision platformer and that the platforms are more or less set up so that you can go fast.

Mischief Maker's actual levels are very hit or miss, with most levels being unmemorable.
Best bosses in a platformer though.

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I think you meant to post this in the Smash thread, user.

>last blog update was 3 years ago
piece of shit devs
your game deserves to flop if you abandon your blogs

Metal Slug series barely have platforming. They are top tier, so do not believe I am trashing them or knocking them down in anyway, but they do not belong on any platformer list.

when it came out brainlets mislabeled it as a precision platformer(including me) in reality it's a momentum platformer.

Mega Man Zero 3 is the absolute peak of the genre.

I don't know but the description of the game changed recently to something that sounds hipster as hell:
>Spire is an upcoming adventure game about finding the bounds in a boundless world.

Disappointing final boss
>B-but thematically it's very-
Don't care, difficulty-wise I beat him barely taking any damage.

I'm not great, but i can post a couple replays.

Attached: Dustkid Peta.webm (640x360, 2.68M)

This thread started off coherent but then a bunch of people showed up presenting metroidvanias and other misc shit that they think qualifies just because it has platforming ELEMENTS.
We were talking about pure platformers here.
You faggots always gotta shove in your shit because your vidya taste is so limited you don't know how to name pure platformers that qualify for this thread.
Fucking babies.

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That's why I sectioned off as run & gun since they still have their roots in platformers. There's occasional platforming as well, more than other run & guns like say Alien Soldier, but less than Contra (I would definitely understand if Contra is where you'd draw the line on what constitutes counting to be fair).

I agree with this 100%
Even if some levels had mediocre gimmicks, they were only there for two acts. I was blown away when I was 6 and playing this game, and I complete it multiple times each year. I simply can't get bored of it.

it's such a dumbass trend, just watching the OP makes me sigh

Why is Dustkid the least used character by a huge margin for every level?

Attached: Dustman Mega.webm (640x360, 2.78M)

Attached: Dustforce - Apartments.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

Why not megaman 2?

go try to SS hideout with dustkid then get back to me. But seriously, despite her double air charge, she struggles with a lot of levels, some requireing spike jumps for her to complete, and even in specific levels require jorfs. Jorf being a thing where you have to land on a pixel to stand on the corner of a spike platform/wall, see image. I think it was named after a player.

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The one you posted.

I like Specter of Torment for the traditional level-based department.

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Are there any levels where she's the most optimal character?

I'd say the combat levels, and a normal level that comes to mind is ghost parapets.

I went back to my earlier levels once and it was kind of fun to watch.

Pretty accurate and I used to like platformers, however in the past few years I've really grown to dislike being forced to progress through every level in one set way.
Also have to agree that having near pixel perfect precision is aids, you can say it's skillful but in reality it relies heavily on being "the run" which is objectively bad design.
Can't tell you how many games I've seen where bosses/levels have random aspects to their patterns and people just reset even when playing casually, not just on speedruns.

>which is objectively good design

Celeste is full of side shit to distract you, what the fuck are you talking about

Maybe in an autist's eyes, but most people don't like replaying the same level a hundred times.
Seen quite a few platformers with extremely tight jumps that have that gay ass slide from the character's momentum which is completely counter-intuitive if you require that level of precision.
A truly good game gives the player the tools to kick its ass if they know how, but when you see speedrunners and perfectionists for this genre constantly resetting if they mess up on even one level you can definitely attribute it to being poor design.

How do you guys feel about Mario momentum in platformers? Should we stick to Megaman's precise air control?

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She's used in the full game TAS ~13% of the time, by frames

What's the difference between blue guy and red girl?

it's desync in the replays that happens sometimes
he actually got everything when he played it

Red girl naturally begins falling faster, but this is mostly a handicap because blue guy can just down dash in air, so he can be floaty or fall fast and girl can only fall fast.
Also the hit boxes on her attacks are different, and this is usually an advantage for her.
They're so close though that some of the time the TAS picks one over the other is because of how many frames character select takes.

Rayman Origins
Rayman Legends
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Yoshi's Island

Those are the goats

Based and Ancelpilled.

Momentum is only acceptable if a level doesn't require near frame perfect inputs.
When you have all these new games that are often just spike tunnels with small safe ledges at near maximum jump height/length it's trash and shouldn't be in it, unless there's some other mechanic to counteract it, but that just adds another layer of "why" when you could just have it be a full stop the moment you touch the ground.

What ever happened to that game he was making where you could control Wild animals?

It's officially listed as vaporware on Wikipedia.

I'd accept Yoshi's Island, Mega Man X, or Sonic3&K

The dinosaurs are so fucking cool.

Celeste, VVVVVV


Bionic Commando Remastered, Sonic Mania

Rearmed deserved way more attention than it got. Damn near perfect.

I could never get into these, it seems like you're just supposed to be replaying the level until you memorize it. That doesn't seem like a case of "git gud" anymore than playing I Wanna Be The Guy. Then again I've only played a few so maybe there are some better ones out there.

There were people upset about 'WHY BIONIC MAN CANT JUMP', so I imagine that's part of the reason why. Still, it did really well and is a pretty much flawless remake of the original. Shame it's one of those mid 360-era downloadable games and looks fairly rough graphically nowadays. If Rearmed had a modern rerelease with another art style pass it would be much better.

At least it's available on Steam. Lots of games of that downloadable 360 era don't even have that much.

Super Meat Boy feels the best to me. You can flick him around so easily on controller. Nice, nimble apples and just enough sticky-ness.
Any other games like it?

I tried Dustforce and N++ but they just feel wrong in comparison.


Jesus christ, I couldn't even make it to the final levels and I put 23 hours into it. I couldn't SS one of the harder city themed levels

It's Hideout, isn't it?
Even the Concrete Temple is easier than Hideout...

If it makes you feel better, I got filtered by almost every Laboratory level.

Never, they fell down the black hole of procedural generation. It's sad because they could have made 2 games in the time they wasted.

They've been doing Gamejams, they released a game from one of them.

Attached: bg[1].jpg (1280x800, 80K)

And here I thought procedural generation was suppose to speed up dev time because it meant you didn't have to design levels

Off the top of my head:
Super Mario Bros. 3, World, Sonic 3K, Mania, CD, Rayman Origins & Legends, Super Meat Boy, Cave Story, every single Donkey Kong Country game, Mega Man 1-3 & 9, Mega Man X, and a fucking shitload of others. Cant even begin to quantify which could be the best of all time, there are way too many to choose from and so many are good for different reasons desu. Esp if we’re counting games like Contra and Metal Slug to be platformers too

It does if you're lazy, I think what they wanted was a step too far. A system that would build infinite beautiful environments that felt hand crafted which could also be traversed in a graceful manner, all with a 3d movement system as complex as dustforce. Just figuring out one of those things would be too much for most developers.

I probably wouldn't call it the *best* platformer but The End is Nigh is a favorite of mine.

I'd say Dustforce is probably the most well executed.

One of my favorite things about Dustforce is that, provided you're a fast enough thinker and actor, you can save yourself from almost any mistake.

the best 2d platformers are games like contra 3, metal slug and vectorman
if you want a pure 2d platformer I'd suggest ristar or the first rayman