Enjoying the Steam Library Beta update?
- What do you guys think could be improved?
- Have you made any custom cover art?
Post screens.
Enjoying the Steam Library Beta update?
- What do you guys think could be improved?
- Have you made any custom cover art?
Post screens.
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As like it as is but I which I could delete some games and pretend I never had them in the first place, achievements and all
You can do that, user
Understandable. There's a lot of junk games I have from Humble Bundles, etc, that I would like to purge.
I'll dump some covers I liked that were posted in the SCAT Steam Cover Art Thumbnail Thread yesterday
Its garbage until im able to filter out family shared games
is there an updated site/resource with a library of these kind of stock images? not expecting anything expansive so far but I can't find many for my games and my autism is preventing me from looking at my library until I can clean it up
posting the only good one I found so far
>- What do you guys think could be improved?
letting me actually customize it; move stuff around, change fonts, change colors, turn off stuff i dont care about seeing, turning off the stupid "glow" on achievements, etc. etc.
takes up almost a gig of ram while the current one only takes 60 MB, lol no thanks
is there a way to add covers to games automatically? i dont want to go through 400 games.
Yes, there's a script you can use that pulls from IGDB.
>l-look at my custom art
Bitch, who cares. Why are you wasting your time when the library ain't even out of beta? More art will be added as it goes along. Save your breath for when the thing is out for real.
big thanks user
unfortunately a lot of my games don't have cover art that fits the new library
oh fuck, mind spoonfeeding?
there's been custom art scenes for steam banners for fucking years, nothing about this is new besides the image format which is why this thread exists
last one
Look up Earlopain on Github. And then read the README.
>I want to permanently remove this game from my account
This is actually a lie btw. The game will be removed from your library, but you're able to restore it at any point by clicking on it in your purchase history and following a couple prompts. I've done this with games I "permanently removed" over a year ago.
i opted in 2 check it out and it was kinda cool but immediately i stopped liking it; there's not much point, it looks coolish but it takes longer to do shit then i opted out
this is oddly comforting
Fucking based. I wish I could find a good one for Vanquish now.
This is really neat, has anyone made a pack for multiple games yet?
Nobody fucking wants animated cover art shut the fuck up and fuck off
grumpy boi
anyone else prefer art without labels?
It doesn't work when you are not a filthy retard with like ten games.
Why does Leon's face look so fucked?
how do you change the cover art?
Right click the cover image, manage, add cover image.
Absolutely not it's a clusterfuck and I hate about as much as I hated the previous design at first.
Does anyone have good cover art for stuff like Blazblue, Guilty Gear, or King Of Fighters? I saw the Skullgirls stuff ITT but the rest of my fighting games don't have appropriate covers.
anyway you can change this?
Where can I find covers that look similar to these, they are beautiful
Made one for RE2MAKE
enjoy some kino boxart
tfw this doesn't work with tf2 (or f2p in general?)
ill never escape the 2000 hours on record from a decade ago
I erased Warframe just fine.
>Settings > Account Details > View licenses and product key activations
anyone have a good cover for Resident Evill remake and 0?
guess it works for some games then.
couple months ago i even asked support if they could completely remove the game, but they basically told me to fuck off
where is the custom art stored?
Bumping in support of this
Anyone have a Cat Lady cover art? Also Downfall? that'd be great
how do I cover art
Find me a cover for Blade Strangers, I dare you.
I finally made art for every cover that didn't have one. Honestly shouldn't have done it
Do you have plus Monster Girl Island?
how do you change the game backgrounds?
Very nice, do you have any for Metal Gear Rising?
Anything decent for Lisa, JSR, and Chroma Squad? I'll take anything. I just hate the default.
thats for the cover not the background
anyone have a good cover art for Spark the Electric jester 2? closest i can find is this but no original image
Does anyone have a cleaner version of this? it's easily the best RE4 cover
If you mean the banner you could go to \Steam\appcache\librarycache
and change the [appid]_library_hero
That cover for RE4 doesn't fit the style of the game at all though
It's still the most kino cover for the game, much better than the one of leon just standing next to a bunch of Villagers
Does anyone have art for Slap City and The Silver Case/
this works but why isnt there native support for this? its annoying to have a good background but a weird banner like this
Whats the resolution on steam library images? Since I apparently have to replace my fucking custom images from the last steam library.
The default cover steam has for it is pretty nice
Hopefully they add a setting for it by the time the new library is fully released
It also sucks how you can't change the game text to a logo or something
Thank you, anonymous
cool phone app bro
Post that in the feeback section of the beta group
when can i sell my games
How? I'm a brainlet. Well I guess where is more accurate. Like how do I get to the feedback section.
Does anyone have a La Mulana 2 pic?
Here's AoT2 if someone other than me owns it.
I don't use Steam a lot. I signed up for the Steam Machine testing lottery and been using it infrequently. A large portion of my library is from "family" sharing, and the owner of the games is a lot more active than me. So it's important I have a distinction between our respective libraries. The new interface doesn't seem to make the distinction. I can't find how to sort things up between my games and the other account's games.
I didn't look too deep into the new interface, though. I launch my games via desktop shortcuts and close Steam after I finish playing.
any good website for high quality cover art
it looks like garbage like every single other """modernized""" updated steam does
kys retard.
sweet thanks
I really want to remove warthunder from my fucking entire profile.
Go to help.steampowered.com
holy shit is this new? i don't remember this being possible for F2P games.
thanks so much user
I love you. So fucking much
Looks like you found your way back here from h8tch
1) Performance absolutely needs fixing. It's slow, which makes using it feel like shit.
2) They shouldn't let this out of beta before most games have official box art, because using the little banner images and filling the rest with blur is awful; it looks like garbage floating in garbage water. Manually setting box art is nice, if you're a baby with 10 games or if you just want to do a few favorites, but they should still have non-trash images by default.
someone has a MGSV TPP avatar that isn't shinkawa trash?
You can try using this one.
Meant for though it doesn't have a title.
For any Due Process alpha males
Made this one. Thinking about changing it.