night is gonna be pretty lit night is gonna be pretty lit.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>eating that shit
Just do cocaine. More fun, less addictive and less harmful for your health

Hey man could I get one of those donuts?

Shit son, i'd need to cure my depression with junk food as well if all i had to show for my consoles for 5 years straight was two games.

did you cum on the bottom middle one?

How are you going to play BOTW and Bloodborne at the same time? You're just setting yourself up for failure, every second that you're playing one game you're going to be thinking about how much fun you might be having playing the other game, and then you'll cycle through both until neither game gives you fun and then you're in backlog limbo.

You're gonna get donut leavings under your joy con sticks and buttons and then they will malfunction ha ha!

Attached: tumblr_inline_p7trjh4Swj1urfgew_500.png (425x290, 44K)

just have that insulin pen at the ready.

>drinking a Lime a Rita and playing Tekken

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There was a time I could have eaten half of those in an evening and been fine. Now I don't think I could eat one without feeling sick. I actually have no desire to eat that stuff anymore. Getting old isn't great but it's not as bad as I had feared.

>less addictive and less harmful for your health
b8 lol. Ex coke addicts have irreversible brain damage from stimulant abuse.

Sometimes I go all out like this and then feel bad after for the arteries I'm clogging

>no fiber
>no protein
>no micronutrients/antioxidants
0/10 would no eat.


What is that, krispy kreme pleb shit? You need to get a box of donuts from one of those donut shops run by asians. They know how to donut.

>getting anything other than a baker's dozen of glazed
shit taste

Jannies on a powertrip tonight OP. Gonna get your thread deleted.

>Little ceasars
>Mountain dew game fuel
>MW beta on PC

Its like I'm a kid again but on a grown man console this time.

Multi Joycon Drifting is a serious matter, better check those crumbs user.

>five donuts and a cinnamon roll
what games let you have donuts as a food item?

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Literally why? There are doughnuts 10x better than glazed

You can't beat simple perfection, just like vanilla is the king of ice cream flavors

im pretty sure sugar is 10x more addictive than cocaine but I could be wrong


If you're gonna eat crap the least you can do is do it right nigga.

>little Caesar's
Damn, fuck living in bumfuck nowhwere, I miss getting a Hot N' Ready and eating half and half with my bro.

cocaine is most certainly more damaging to your health than doughnuts my friend.

I was going to scold you, but sometimes I eat an entire large pizza by myself.

If you are addicted to cocaine you need stimulants to feel normal, and you become depressed if you're sober. What's worse is that a lot of stimulant addicts need a downer which is usually alcohol. When you mix alcohol and coke, the substance is awful for your heart and a lot of people have heart attacks from it. Pretty sure it's how Chris Farley died,

coke isn't good for you, but it is unironically probably not as bad or addictive as eating all those donuts.

I've got a tall glass of half orange juice, half grappa and am playing link's awakening.

>vanilla is the best ice cream flavor
Holy fuck how milquetoast can one individual be?

Chris Farley was also very overweight, which contributed to his death as much as the cocaine

>vanilla is the king of ice cream flavors
It's actually vanilla bean, so you're at least half right.

So do sugar addicts

It's hard to become this enlightened user, I'm sorry for you.

iirc Undertale

I am not going to berate OP for his food choice. However, I simply could not eat that without feeling like absolute shit 10 minutes later. For me the sugar crash is almost unbearable and food like that simply doesn't fill you up.

I tend to get a proper meal before gaming sessions. If I really want to have a snack, I usually stick to nuts and dried fruit.

One is a much slower detriment to your health than the other. The problem with cocaine tends to be that it affects your social circle, habits, etc. in a more intrusive manner on a more immediate level. That and associated drug taboos

>sugar crash
ur weak

i just checked, it wasn't alcohol but he mixed coke and morphine. Upper + downer = bad time. If you're going to do drugs just do one at a time

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>Chris Farley


donuts are far to high octane for gaming, also too sticky. granola bars or fig newtons or something are superior

Dumbass bitch doesn't know how to eat a donut.

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Not him, but even though I really love other flavors, it’s totally fine to have a simple flavor as the best. Coffee and French vanilla top ice cream flavors for me personally

why would it matter at all unless you have shit genes?

prove it retard

Was coincidentally at the supermarket earlier hovering over the donuts before i decided not to. They were all at 300-600calories each

Who else had greek yogurt oats and fruit here? Fuck empty calories when trying to play games. I’d rather just not eat.

Not OP, but I don’t eat donuts more than like once every 5-6 months. Having a box of glazed, classic, and French crullers downed with milk is a simple pleasure that’s worth the regret

only cream filled glazed with chocolate, toasted coconut crumb, apple fritters, cinnamon sugar, and cinnamon powder donuts are the acceptable flavors

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Are you Scandinavian? Most people do not have gluten sensitivities.

I've never heard of brain damage from consuming too much sugar, although I wouldn't completely discount it. I am going to assume that it is no where near as detrimental as being a coke addict for 10+ years.

Imagine unironically having trash-tier genes

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I generally eat yogurt, fruits, or cucumbers before or when I play games. The sweet flavors are nice, but really I think I just want something cold for my mouth to chew while I focus on other stuff. I like to melt ice by moving it around my mouth with my tongue while I study

>no boston creme

>grown man console

fucking lol. In your mind, grown men play games hunched over a computer desk using a mouse and keyboard as some half assed controller? Man I remember being a teenager having to play on the families pc before I got a job and could afford a console. Was always jealous of my friends who could afford a console or had a family that bought them one. Even then I wasn’t pathetic enough to cope myself into believing playing on a computer designed for doing work was in any way better then playing on a console literally designed for games. You guys autism is hilarious. I’m sure you believe as I sit on my comfy couch with a 65” 4k tv playing games designed for the system they are on, using a comfy controller designed for gaming, that I’m seething that you guys might be getting a better frame rate while hunched over your shitty desk tapping away on a keyboard like an autist. Hilarious

Cocaine alters your brain structure which leads to quite a long list of different mental effects and brain damage so not exactly ideal

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What the fuck even is gluten? Some kind of pussy bitch thing that only faggots get affected by?


Doesn't that make you feel like absolute ass? How can you eat that garbage?

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The one near my house donuts 24/7. Based chinks.
Vanilla is the god tier ice cream flavor. Anyone who disagrees is a smelly nigger.

Damn you've got a lot of pent up COPE there, consolebabby. My PC is hooked up to a TV btw.

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typical fat american having zero nutritional knowledge

t. sugar brain

What do you guys get from here?

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>less harmful for your health

t. coke dealer

More like I'm not a faggot who has a bitch stomach. I bet you're lactose intolerant and allergic to peanuts.

what the fuck is that thing in the bottom middle?

There’s this local donut shop that opens at 4am and I’d go there at least once a couple weeks mostly because they had strawberry filled donuts with the pink frosting. I had to stop going there for that reason alone.

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cinnamon bun, looks like

You bet wrong retard... maybe if you watched what you eat you wouldn't be such a blathering fucking retard

>Proud Amerilard surrounded by other burgers dying of heart disease, obesity and cancer

Shut up faggot. Hope you misread the packaging one day and die of anaphylactic shock because your onions snacks were made in a plant that handles peanuts. Gay homosexual faggot. Muh gluten muh msgs

>tfw tim hortons drove everyone else out of business

id rather eat 6 donuts than do any cocaine, am i weird?

>about 5k carbs in junk food
>not showing whatever sugary drink he's gonna down that shit with
ever considered not being a disgustingly fat mutt?

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Nothing to cope about buddy. I’m not poor so I own a pc(that I mostly use for work) a gaming laptop for when I travel and of course consoles for actually gaming at home. The fact you actually hook up your pc to a tv is nice though, I rarely see anyone do that. Means you aren’t totally hopeless.

I've always turned down cocaine just because I don't like the idea of sucking powder up into my nose. Just creeps me out, I can barely even do nasal sprays without cringing at the sensation.


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I can attest. I abused adderall (200mg a day near the end) for two years and 6 or 7 years later I have a jaw thatll twitch internally now if I'm stressed, dont eat, dont get much sleep or simply when it's at rest, mostly at night. I could get muscle relaxers but I'm so used to it at this point. It doesnt affect my speech. It's just annoying at times but its manageable. Still, it sucks to have it. I just assume it's from adderall abuse. Every doctor has dismissed it and since it's been going on for such a long time then I just assume its nerve damage from the adderall. The clenching teeth will fuck you up.



It definitely is worse.

Nah man, cocaine abuse ruins people’s lives faster. Although I’d say that being morbidly obese is a slow burn of suffering. Everything in moderation.

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Durr chlorofluorocarbons are bad for the ozone. Aspertane bad. Kys faggot. Go choke on a vegan kebab.

Killing you faster or killing you slowly. I'd rather die faster than die of fucking stomach cancer screaming from the pain.

Donuts are great guys. Reminder anyone who doesn't like donuts isn't a real American (and if you're not a real American then I don't wanna talk to you).

Attached: activates my donuts.webm (640x640, 2.87M)

I bet she would love to eat cum glazed donuts

Lmao @ replies
Always funny to see the straight edge gamers think cocaine = certain death

Stick to videogays and your water fucking loser.

ok junkie

based and glazedpilled

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From the thumbnail I thought she was trying to goatse that donut

I can't eat gluten, Bros. What does a donut taste like?

Donut ever post this again

Only tastes good if you're a sugar addict

Don't @ me gamer you're beneath even the lowest aids ridden syringe sticking crocodile taking junkie

I'm 29 and never drink alcohol, never smoke and never take drugs.

you cannot stop her, son

Attached: activates my hotdog buns.webm (640x640, 1.61M)

Didn't you have them yesterday. You're gonna get diabeetus.

>Ameritards pride themselves on dying just because it'll happen in 10 years and they can't feel it now
Your life expectancy is actually lowering because you like corporate dick up the butt. I'd work on that.

What if you just licked or chewed a donut but didnt actually swallow any of it?

HAHAHA wtf is wrong with her

>6 donuts
I've only ever had that much in one sitting once, and it was right before I went to swim practice back in high school. At one point I hopped out of the pool, puked my guts out into a trashcan, then hopped back in
After that day donuts have never really been appetizing to me

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It really depends on the type of donut.

why are you even here if you think video games are gay? You also said doing coke was less addictive and harmful than eating a donut, that's beyond retarded.

highly concentrated white powdery substance extracted from the Coca leaves, it's highly addictive and its consumption causes damage to the human organism
highly concentrated white powdery substance extracted from the sugar cane, it's highly addictive and its consumption causes damage to the human organism
what did science mean by this?

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>>no protein

If you do cocaine once a week it will be less bad than eating sugar daily

she's out of control

Attached: bread girl.webm (640x640, 2.81M)

Just taste like breaded sugar?

I'd be okay I think unless any of it stayed on my tongue or in my teeth, then I'd probably be fucked.

Like fried dough and a cup full of sugar.

Whatever Druggie

Why do humans like drugs?

>Just taste like breaded sugar?
pretty much, can be a bit better depending on what you have on top of it

Chris Farley died from an overdose due to heroine mixed with speed otherwise known as a speed ball

Ask your mum

Pretty sure everybody here thinks videogames are gay, hell i sometimes misclick into Yea Forums and it takes me a while to realize I'm not on Yea Forums.

Anyways i don't think i did. But it's been months if not years since I've had coke and only a few hours since my last donut, in fact op makes me wanna get another one. So you're beyond retarded you and stick to videogays and water losers.

Animals like drugs too my man. Messing with your brain is just another way to entertain yourself

>gay homosexual faggot

All she does is drink bottles of wine alone. She doesnt take drugs.

It's good to indulge once in awhile.

I haven’t laughed this hard to something this stupid in a long time, thanks user.

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That's a drug too, just a really boring one

>Alcohol isn't drug

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wife material

You're a retard if you don't think he's fucking with you at this point

Reminder to go KETOSIS mode if you know what's good for you

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good afternoon officer did you shoot any "unarmed" black men today?

that's just kinda what happens to a cinnamon roll when the person glazing it doesn't flip it to let the valley drip out

I hate donuts but then again my family runs a bakery so I've always been surrounded by them and that just means I inevitably burnt out hard on them before I even entered middle school. And now I make them every day since I work there so that doesn't help matters.

here's another. I have these webms saved but I do not know what her end game is

Attached: bread rolls girl.webm (640x640, 2.77M)

Why is this turning me on

It's also fun to shitpost, faggot

Her flat face is perfect for crushing foods

These would be much better if she didn't use shitty cheap bread

hard to find a wholesome girl who wants to rub her face on food

Attached: pie.webm (640x1136, 1.97M)

Remove the fucking plastic from your switch retard

>stick to videogays and water losers.
..Thank you?

Doesn't look like a woman

That's not very nice of you user. Pls be nice or you're a nigger.

I wouldn't eat it all at once either. Maybe 2 a day.

You're welcome?

>i sometimes misclick into Yea Forums and it takes me a while to realize I'm not on Yea Forums.
> i don't think i did
>it's been months if not years

>do drugs
>can't remember anything

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Make your points clear.

based healthy user


Salty milk and coins

I wanna buy switch but have only 1 monitor with single port. Is playing switch portable better

>there are americans fattening themselves and eating their way to an early grave right now
what a bliss. I feel so entertained.
wish I could watch a reality show where americans would age 30 years in 1 by just eating junk and playing games

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When was the last time you ate a jelly donut

Send that bitch my way.

Some games get a resolution/performance hit and you'll have to worry about getting your joy con sticks dirty or they drift.
It is definitely comfy though

I also never had sex or gf and only drink water and coffee (no sugar).

If you're implying I'm the dude that brought up cocaine at the start then you're pretty fucking dumb gamer.

The doughnut one was a sensible chuckle but this shit has me fucking rolling.

>Black Coffee
Okay that’s BASED

Why do you rob yourself of pleasure user?

My dad has had doughnuts and coffee for breakfast for 50 years and is healthy and strong as a bull. Eat shit retard

let me clarify, I actually can eat gluten but I choose not to because I think it's a shit source of protein and I stay away from refined starches

not a significant source of protein rather, and the protein is does have is gluten, which is undesirable. I understand that gluten is protein (not complete protein though)

That's good for you though, the donuts are bad but some ppl are just lucky

>based adult rewarding himself on a saturday night with some harmless donuts enjoying vidya his way
>drives actual fatties into a seethe

I used to get pleasure from video games but that stopped 5 or 6 years ago.

Doesn't little caesar's specialize in being in bumfuck nowhere?

Has anyone here ever stuck it into a donut just to see?

y tho

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>there's people out there putting hard work into their food and diet and they still get fucked over by health problems
>meanwhile there's degenerates who have pizza everyday and are just fine
Life is rigged

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When did Yea Forums become full of righteous health conscious crusaders?

I'm american but not not "real" american which I take it means moridly obese

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you know thin people can pig-out once in a while right?


Big yikes fatty

>haven't had a donut in years
It just doesn't make logistical sense, you have to go out of your way to the donut shop, unless you buy in increments of 6, you're overpaying and have leftovers, and day-old donuts are weak.

>implying anyone in this thread is under 175 pounds
Yea Forums loves to LARP

Some people have friends and family you know

Must be nice.

I don't really care about food. I only eat to survive. I wish they could just put optimal daily requirements into a drug that you could take instead.

you're a new fag if you don't expect everyone to freak out the second anything slightly sugary or fattening is posted.

celery and water is the true gamer fuel!

I'm skinnyfat 160 pounds and 5'10. Zero muscle and all fat.

If you really want to have a fun night, get drunk and then go to a nightclub

Is this some sort of humillation fetish

Too many videogames now. Too many of them are repetitive shit we've seen a million times. That's not at all surprising.

What the actual fuck is going on in this thread? Why is everyone LARPing as health freaks and pretending to give good advice?

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Is this whole thread some kind of food analogy?

the free pizza stacked higher than the lid from their dumpsters

I'm 6' and 150 lbs.

Not larp. I never drink alcohol, smoke, take drugs or have sex. I just work and play video games.

We zoomers are health conscious because we dont want to be disgusting blobs

>6 donutes zelda and bloodborn

hmm so a 30 minute night?

shut up retard and get addicted to cocaine, it's much better for you than eating a donut and some coffee once in a while. trust me i'm a lawyer

The food analogy was the friends we ate along the way

Corporate cuck loser.

>yes consume more goyim


figure out how much protein you need daily, and take it all at once, w/ a multivitamin. close as you can get


>yes goyim! do thousands of dollars of work for pennies! yes goyim thats it! make me millions and i'll give you my smegma as payment haha!

if you're not burger then disregard this post.

>donut and coffee
>once in a while
Literally impossible.

Cocaine though...

this lady has 100's of videos of herself just smashing her face into food like this can't remember the name of the youtube channel though


>Not eating nothing but plain donuts with coffee
I understand why cops developed a stereotype for this shit.

What did she mean by this?

Life ain't fair but eating pizza every day will eventually catch up to anyone even with good genetics

poor american. I can't even imagine your shock once you travel to an european country that isn't the UK and see that everybody eats 2 healthy meals a day and looks 20 years younger than you despite being the same age

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huh? how am I a corporate cocksucker? I run my own business selling religious souvenirs and artefacts

>he doesn't know about trans fat

yikes, also you're sucking uncle sams cock. the only way to win in burgerland is to leave.

too much effort. I'm extremely lazy. I don't want to have to think about it. I just want someone else to make drug and I just take it once a day and then don't need to eat for rest of day

based user. don't let Yea Forums or any normietrash cult corrupt you. people in here overdose on mcdonalds and don't brush their teeth for a week after and want to give advice on how we should live our lives

>What do you do for a living?
>I'm a professional food cruncher

God I wish I had donuts

I'm not american. I'm Italian

eating a donut =\= eating a box of donuts

Prime american, fattie

i am enjoying my switch as well

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how fat do you need to be to eat 6 donuts and nothing else as your dinner? i mean i gorge, yknow, im not skinny, but id be sick of them after like 2


I'm not based. I may abstain from bad things but I don't exercise

op never said he was eating the entire box of donuts ;-)

Why don't they have like a fast food place but for healthy food?

>implying you could even eat more than two of those without getting sick
>implying you’re going to play BotW and bloodborne in the same night for some reason
Honestly doesn’t seem very appealing to me at all

It’s called subway user.

>b-but bread is bad for you
Not really. And you consuming your entire daily vegetable intake in a foot long. Also they offer salads if you really can’t handle a bit of bread.

Invent new donuts, senpai.
Try something like fried icecream donut.

I don't really think subway is considered healthy desu

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It can be healthy if you just load up on vegetables. It’s only unhealthy if you go in there and order a foot long meatball sub with double cheese, no vegetables, and then add a large Pepsi and a cookie. The majority of the items they offer are fairly healthy though.


>tfw I eat zero fruit or vegetables
>only meat and junk food
>rarely ever cook food, always go for microwavable trash
>only weigh about 135-140 lbs
>have perfect blood pressure
>have good health in general
Feels good to be born with action replay cheats active.

Me too but I’m 25 years old and I’ve just noticed that my belly has started to expand a little bit so I’m starting to think my days of eating shitty food are numbered.

My sister is like you. Shes always eating junk food and drinking coke but is like a twig. Whereas I never eat junk food and only drink water but am skinnyfat

Just fucking make your own sandwich. Even the veggies that are in a subway are lower quality/filled with additives as fuck. Fucking americans, man.

The user was asking for healthy fast food options though. “Make your own food” doesn’t really help as an answer.

>getting fat
Literally how? Just count your fucking calories. You don't have to starve yourself or give up your favorite cookies, just literally don't go above your limit. How is that hard?

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Glaze, sprinkles, icing, leftover cum from when you fuck the donut, custard from an eclair, leftover cum from fucking the custard eclair
All creeping under that infamously finicky analog stick!

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your health long-term might be declining compared to if you were to well. Also you could get cancer

Go to a deli and get them to make you a sandwich instead of Subway

They are, and that number is low. Your mid-20's are when your metabolism starts to shit the bed and so do your looks if you don't start eating right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

i lost 60 pounds and nothing changed

I feel love donuts but they're caloric bombs, I always feel like shit after eating them.

Please stop i come here to avoid my problems

Stop eating lunch. Never snack. Don't drink anything that isn't water unless it's during a meal.

This is literally the easiest way to lose weight. You will be shocked at how well this works.

enjoy heaving heart problems at 35

I’m a lanklet, but I can’t even imagine counting calories. That just sounds like the most mind numbing, annoying thing to do. You mean every single time you eat something you look up the calorie content of all of the ingredients online and add them up? Sounds like a pain in the ass.

Wouldn't surprise me.

>non cemu BOTW

Timbits > Donuts
eat shit america

I just dropped my iphone x and i freaked out but nothing happened to it, thank fucking good

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I wish I was that young and naive again.
I'm 30 and I can tell you, once you hit the 25 mark your body will start to literally fall apart. You gotta watch your food bro, it's not all about fat.


Your body won't be able to survive on that diet forever AND you're building bad habits that are gonna be hard to get rid of.

It's like thinking you can just marry and never cheat after sleeping with 20 people to "get it out of your system" yet what you're actually doing is getting used to sleep with tons of different people.

I drop my phone all the fucking time and I’ve never damaged the screen. I never understand how people manage to shatter their screens. Are they throwing the phone? Are they dropping it face first onto some kind of jagged object?

Must have dropped my current phone like 20 times and it has no cracks on the screen at all.

>tfw understood this reference

based op

yeah I used to have a samsung J5 prime and dropped it so many times and never a single scratch on the screen, it's weird, I think it just happens when you put really heavy objects on it.

Reference to what?

was coming home from work the other day and saw this ~40 year old OL drunk as fuck trying to cross the street. This was like 7pm, mind you. She literally tropped her phone 4 times right in the middle of the road (no traffic luckily) and was crawling on the floor trying to pick it up again.

Fucking Japanese drunkards, man.

Have you ever had an iphone? Shit's designed to sell cases cos otherwise you're fucked after one drop.

>he doesn't know

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Now that's what I call a faceroll

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Maybe you haven't noticed yet, but Yea Forums will take literally ANY excuse to insult strangers in any way it possibly can.

I doubt I'll be able to change my eating habits. Its not even like I choose not to eat fruit or vegetables, I find myself physically unable to eat and swallow 99% of them, I hate the way they they crunch and shit, and the only ones things related that don't bother me are mashed potatoes, corn on the cob specifically (which does literally nothing anyways) and cranberry sauce (is this one even healthy at all?)
I can at least enjoy the taste of fruits, I'm fine with drinking juice, so there's that I guess.

I know, but at this point I'm basically committed to it. I don't even have any reason to bother with changing.

That is a man.

that's obviously a guy, not even a tranny just a poor androgynous manlet

many donuts, peak 'murrica. one is fine, donuts aren't a fucking substitute for dinner. sad.

I've only ever seen cracked screen phones that don't have armor on them. Put casing on your phones kids.

>Its not even like I choose not to eat fruit or vegetables, I find myself physically unable to eat and swallow 99% of them, I hate the way they they crunch and shit,
Holy fuck imagine being this autistic
Fucking christ dude, what are you, 4 years old?

u skinny twink put on some weight

It just really fucks me up, my head starts rapidly shaking and shit when I try to force myself to eat fruit. Haven't even bothered with vegetables in a decade to be honest, since I'm sure it'll be the same result, and the fruit at least has a good taste to help me into trying to force myself to eat it.

are you near a krispy kreme? they have a few in toronto and they are actually like crack, every donut there is good

Dude, it's fucking food. It's literally food that everyone in the entire fucking world eats. Stop being a baby and just start eating it. You'll get used to it. Stop being such a special snowflake, unless you have an actual allergy (I would know, I'm allergic to like 50% of the fruit out there), you'll be fine.

are you playing stench of the wild during bloodborne's ridiculous loading times?

this and also bad luck, i've been watching videos and it really matters on what angle it hits the ground

>tfw allergic to gluten and have to buy from gluten free exclusive bake shops
>tfw they are expensive :(

>virgin american doughnut
>chad slav pączek
how can amerifats even compete?

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based and good-health and thriftypilled

judging by how fat americans are I'd say they compete pretty well

That costs half your annual wages though

Actually and genuinely based, dude. Again, like that other user said, don't let yourself succumb to the garbage the rest of us pretend to like because we don't want to admit we are wrong


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Not everyone enjoys the same foods. I don't know why exactly but something about the way the shit crunches makes me want to spit it out. I cannot eat it.

>hell i sometimes misclick into Yea Forums and it takes me a while to realize I'm not on Yea Forums.
And you say drugs aren't bad. Your brain has already deteriorated

Dude, it's okay not to enjoy it. I don't enjoy a lot of food I eat. But you gotta eat it because it's good for your health. You're not a kid anymore, you can't just eat ice cream and candies every day becase it's your favorite comfort food. Grow up, your body needs that stuff to survive.

Straight edge fags actually think that eating garbage like that is better than getting high every now and then. You will be happier and healthier with the occasional joint or bump of coke than shoveling down deep fried dough, also improves games.

have sex

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The combination of sugar and fat in huge quantities like in op causes inflammation and damage to the cells in your colon that notify you when to stop eating. This damage is irreversible. Every time you introduce fat to your digestive tract that isn't immediately put to use (because in this case your body is trying to make priority use of the sugar) you make yourself a little hungrier permanently.

I'm male 5'4 and 123lbs. Thoughts?

>mfw i live in polish america

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But whats the point in even trying to live for a long time? I lost my father, I'm not fond of my mother, the rest of my family feel like strangers to me, I'm in love with a fictional character and stopped giving a shit about real girls entirely. What's the fucking point? I'm not going to be building a family, I'm just going to take care of my dad's cat, and try to enjoy myself until I die. There's no real point in me extended my life out as long as possible, the only goals in life I have are to play as many video games as I can, and to buy use VR along with other things to give myself the closest feeling I possibly can to my waifu being real.