Just how ass hurt will Yea Forums be when this comes out?

just how ass hurt will Yea Forums be when this comes out?

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A wise user once said, “If controversy and anger is all one talks about concerning the game, the game itself probably isn’t very good.”

V will be right about this one

Like a lot this virgins hate Tomboys.

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Shut up, faggot

lol epic they mad as fuck :^)

That's a good way of putting it.

>A handful of /pol/ discord shills shitting over a game means it's probably not very good

There is a difference between a tomboy and a dyke. Ellie looks like she'll be insufferable in this game, and this is coming from someone who enjoyed the first game a lot until the horrible DLC came out.

yep, expect manufactured controversy

You mean assblasted nintendoids

Eh, most movies don't really have a lasting cultural effect.

>A wise user

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oh damn a cutscene heavy third person over the shoulder Playstation Template shooter with stealth mechanics that is guaranteed a 95 metacritic and numerous GOTY awards will surely make us seethe because this is completely unexpected :-)!!!!

Ellie looks fine retard, She born in Post-Apocalyptic world, what are u expecting? A girl who love take pictures? Virgin.

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And all you fags will still be buying it. I like strong woman characters, always have so it doesn't really bother me.

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ugly dyke is ugly

What age is Ellie in this one? She was I think like 17 in the first one? She looked way hotter in the first game.

She's 14 in the original and this is 5 years later so 19


>lesbians are bad!
ok /poI/SIS we've heard you

Oh fuck. Never mind so. I was just joking

"if a fp makes people seethe in the replies, it is unequivocally a bp"

nigga idgaf. let em have their moviegames

>Game is released
>Shilling faggots will spam Yea Forums constantly with threads about the game
>"lol u mad bro"
>Years later they make threads "So why do people hate this game its pretty good..."

The game has been barely showcased and Yea Forums is already mad as fuck. The state of the board around the time of release will be glorious (or cancer depending on how you view it)

FF7 remake is going to get snubbed at game awards so that press can gush about this game

2020 will be the year of extreme asshurt, and I'm going to relish in it. despite being a fan of zelda and TLoU, I'm going to shit on the "loser" when GotY's start to drop for TLoU2 and BotW2

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Imagine how much nicer this board will be once we've purged the incels

>breaking up a 35 hour game into three full priced titles with extended universe garbage
7 doesn't deserve shit

I think botw 2 will probably be 2021

Yea Forums pretends they aren't asshurt, but look at how TLOU came out in 2013 yet people on this board's heads explode at the mere mention of it.

Game Awards doesn't fucking matter you redditor

I don't care much for movie games, even less for SJW movie games, so probably close to zero.

Nintendo doesnt reveal games this early outside of special circumstances like prime 4

Is this still even coming out this year? Been seeing 0 marketing for it

Well wasnt botw shown like 4 years before it released?

I'm preordering the most expensive version, going to the midnight release, and taking 2 days off work to fully dedicate myself to it. TLOU is my favorite game ever and I haven't been this excited for a game in years.

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>And Bayo 3
>And Animal Crossing

3, and that was also a special circumstance because it shifted from being developed for the WiiU to the switch instead.

If you suck all the incels off then there would be no incels on Yea Forums, its all up to you :^)

Look, I wouldn't mind the obvious political agenda of the "game" if it was, well, a fucking game.TLOU is a movie, the gameplay is just a thing to justify the price and to make it more "interesting" for journos and normalfags

Shocking how many of you guys don't like tomboys

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>bayo 3
not nintendo

really not far off from its reveal, despite being delayed

was never announced for this year, most signs point to february

No joel+shit characters = no sale

Not as ass hurt as she will be in the inevitable rape scene

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i mean i'd be ass hurt too if i spend a dollar on another piece of shit naughty dog game like a retard

That goblina scares me. Please don't ever post it again.

The fuck training is this? How does grinding your knuckles on abs do anything.

okay basic bitch

I always think peoplr that bash TLoU never actually played. It was pretty good. It doesnt have replay value but it was quite a ride from start to finish.

Guess how many hits in the balls the game will have

>Loves TLOU
>Niggerball watching cuckold

Makes sense

They already did that (basically) in 1, will they run out of ideas that quickly?

this stupid board gets angry about every game you fucking idiot

mad pussy

Huge and i can't wait to see the madness in Yea Forums because fuck Yea Forums you faggot nigger losers think you know anything about video games YOU DON'T all of you are trash zoomer fuck up cunts who know nothing you are nothing.
Yea Forums is pure cancer and i pray you all kill yourselves with a rusty knife in the throat. Get mad GET ANGRY YOU FAGGOTS IF YOU DON'T LIKE THIS IT? DIE NOW!

face it, you just are afraid of tomboys

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There's exceptions, never seen a mad mgsr thread

It's so fucking contrived holy shit, everything wrong with the West distilled into video game format.

well the guy that prevented exploding zombie tits left the studio, so probably yeah

Daily reminder
All zoomers should have to register to post and put on there own board. If they come here they are perma banned and killed.

I really hope the multiplayer is as good as it was in the first one but people still probably wont play it. Seriously, fuck the story, the multiplayer was one of the best shooters I've played in a while

this is generally true for nu naughty dog

5% legit tears. 95% marketing shilling.

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kinda bassed

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Go dilate you fucking tranny shit. Literal pancake.exe, you worthless ass hats go on every fucking board screeching about the /pol/ boogeyman whenever possible, shitting up already shit boards.

Go and be a fucking statistic.

>spending time attempting to achieve something nature itself caps you at drastically low
Or you could try to be a good woman? Man it feels good to have a penis.

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Fine we won't kill them geeze.

fucking based

geniunely the only game I'm hyped about as a PCfag, still no in-game footage though

also it's the only actual exclusive remaining for snoybros

I don't know I'm excited for it.

Leave and it'll be done.

Anyone reading the replay chain will see that I replied to the /pol/fag, but of course you're mentally retarded and expect everyone else to be likewise.

You're probably also part of the discord group that actively raids every other place. Just like your faggot partner that enters Yea Forums only to say that

Why do they bother putting multiplayer in everything no one really plays Naughty Dog games for that

A wise user once said, “If controversy and anger is all one talks about concerning the game, and Yea Forums hates it the game itself is very good.”
Fixed that for you zoomer trash

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How can anyone be hyped for this game? It's literally just another cover based shooter with inhumanely cringe writing

i will want to fuck ellie now that she is of age



what is she not 18 when this game takes place

at least it's better than GoW

The stealth in 1 is satisfying and this looks like it has more kill animations and ways to do it

You pedo scum fuck

Why would you waste your time on either?

Play literally any other game with stealth, all of them are better than Last of Us.


I'm upset that we're going to be ellie again. I would rather have had a new character in the world or frankly a new ip all together. I understand that would never happen but her story felt complete. I'm scared it's going to be another Uncharted 4 situation where it's a stark improvement on the previous title but with a much worse story that is too drawn out and boring.

How about you don't give any financial support to this drivel.

>going to the midnight release,
what year do you think this is? 2011?

It'll be worse than Link's Awakening remake or any other Nintendo exclusive that does well.

>the gym dwarf will never rub you down
it's not fair

How about i chimp out and break your face in with a rocket.

This game is not kinda popular as shitposting magnet. Even RDR2 shitposting was joke and faded very fast. Look at Cyberpunk shitposting or Obsidian shitposting as example. For successful shitposting you need shizos who able to post 24/7 for 5-6 years.

How about you do.

It needs to be on pc for the supreme autists to care.

I’ll just watch it on YouTube lol

No steam no buy no watch no care.

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Probably 8/10 levels of butthurt. I will be pissed if the multiplayer (primarily map design) is garbage. Survivors was probably the best last gen multiplayer for me

The TLoU campaign was serviceable but clearly limited by last gen hardware and engine. Invisible walls, etc. The level design was decent except for the few corridor sections, like the one early in the game where you walk through the city (them invisible walls), and the game had high production values overall. Worth a single playthrough

The shitposting was primarily by non-idorts

it's been 8 years dude
who gives a fuck

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Well people will critique the game honestly and those that make shit threads like this will cry and shitpost in a vain attempt to drain them out.

Ill play it for free on youtube.


Seems like you already made up your mind

>even less for SJW movie games

See above, you've been discovered. Get triggered somewhere else. 90% of the shitposting over this game is just muh identity politics, aka "/pol/"

Such sophisticated level design

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>And all you fags will still be buying it.
Nope, I made the mistake of buying the first one and I'm never fucking buying another shitty walky talky cinematic movie game ever again.

The levels were generally wide enough to allow a player some freedom while still feeling hand crafted. The designers found that happy medium a lot of the time; of course I don't think anyone is defending the planks or dumpsters

They better to not fuck up multiplayer. It was hidden gem

as asshurt as they are about any ps4 exclusive

so very

Another wise user said OP is a faggot and he didn't waste so many syllables.

Another wise user said Nigflot blorny quando floon

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the game is in development hell
it looks nice visually (sometimes), but is a definite step backwards from the original, which, depending on your opinion of the first is either laughable or devastating

Amy Hennig was shitcanned for this garbage.

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Isn't it coming out next year?

if you only knew the original launch date....

When is it coming out then?

If the game was in development hell they wouldn’t be showing it in their state of play presentation dummy

Guaranteed there will be cocksuckers spoiling everything at least a few days before release in random threads.

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who is this

shut the fuck up faggot

>If controversy and anger is all one talks about concerning the game
>all one talks about
Don't you mean all Yea Forums talks about? Because the only people who will be getting butthurt will be this board while the other 99% of people playing the game don't give a shit about that stuff.
And who in there right mind would ever care about the shit opinions from faggots on here anyway?

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>possesses genes that could save humanity
>is a lesbian
What did they mean by this?

Only people talking about it are discord transfaggots who spam an image of lezzos kissing with the quote "YASS QUEEN SLAY YOU MAD?"

Already planning to spoil stuff day one without marking them. Even in threads not on Yea Forums

To begin with the first game is awful, and I mean it as a game, the story is good, the characters are good, but good god, what a shit game, even Phoenix Wright have more gameplay than this shit, and yet people call it the best game ever, do people really like to have no challenges whatsoever or what in the fuck.

COPE harder /pol/tard


Who else here didn’t buy Spider-man because of the gay shit?

TLOU gameplay is great

Based and true.
The seethe proves it.

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Spiderman is gay anyway so who cares if they added one more.

this, on survivor it was intense. i liked how scarce ammo was

Phew, there are WAY too many incels in this thread. Ellie canonically won't fuck you, get over it.

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The devs are showcasing how dykes are awful, selfish creatures.

Shes got severe fungal problems anyway.

Do people really do this? Talk to other anons on discord?

Anyone who uses Discord is a faggot so clearly faggots would use it for such things.

What if all the controversy is manufactured and spammed from one or more dedicated shitposters, like with Cyberpunk 2077? What if people are just after another Tortanic like they always are? And how would you know if the game isn't very good if the game isn't even fucking out yet? Your statement and post is utterly asinine and pointless.

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No. She was just infected with a non-virulent strain of the fungus so she can't get infected by the one that turns people.

Wrong. Her friend was bit by the same zombie and turned

Enjoy your retcon dyke.

Is it me or she's looking more like Emma Watson and not Ellen Page?

Why didn't they just make Ellie straight? Then literally no one would have a problem with this game.

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What's wrong with it? It's going to be another mediocre AAA movie game with decent gameplay and lots of story scenes that's gonna be praised by critics and shilled to hell and back. So, nothing special. Still, maybe a nice buy on a sale a year after release and a good distraction for a few after work evenings.

>uggos with guns the stronk adventure

Hard pass, I only buy games with sexy cis women (there are only two genders btw)

true botw is really bad

>(there are only two genders btw)

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>deflecting all the actual criticism of enemy AI, linearity, obvious waist high sections, Ellie AI, immersion breaking moments, and fake advertising and shouting /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/ /pol/

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No point in criticizing something that has a 90+ Metacritic score, a rapid fanbase, and millions of copies sold. It's just like shouting into the wind, unfortunately.

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I would be willing to discuss those totally legitimate problems if people weren’t too busy screaming like monkeys. I don’t care if it’s /pol/ or fanboys or what, it’s pretty hard to talk about this fucking game without people getting in a tizzy.

I just hope everything about this game is an absolute shitshow on all levels. Even if the game is competently put together I just want to watch some people raise hell.

Should be pretty entertaining.

I only want it for the multiplayer. I was surprised by how fun it was and playing it with buddies made the experience even better. The singleplayer I couldn't give a single fuck

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Imagine thinking Naughty Dog would make a shit game
