Link's Awakening

>completely redone enemy AI
>free-scrolling overworld (no screen transitions)
>dramatically reduced item swapping pauses
>increased difficulty with Hero mode (2x damage, no heart pickups or fairies)
>can actually do a 3-heart run now, adding even more challenge
>don't have to scroll through walls of text anytime you get a powerup

This is basically a perfect remaster/remake. Why is Yea Forums shitting on it?

Attached: 960x0.jpg (441x400, 93K)

Other urls found in this thread:

the fucking depth of field, blur or whatever the fuck it is looks like ass

>>free-scrolling overworld (no screen transitions)
Another user pointed this out, but that actually ruins the appearance of the in game areas by making them smaller.
>Why is Yea Forums shitting on it?
The visuals/music don't fit the game and Link moves a lot more slowly for some reason, possibly because they fucked with the aspect ratio.

visuals, soundtrack and price point, mainly

Attached: kuribo shoe.gif (200x350, 46K)

>>free-scrolling overworld (no screen transitions)
This was my favorite part of the Gameboy version because of the warp glitch.

I personally like how the ost doesn't stray too far from the original

Can't steal from the shop this time

new OST was great, what is this meme


Been having a blast. I wish they had made a master quest mode for it though. Also would have been nice if they included the original game with the remake.

Literally all of this worthless when it constantly feels like the game is falling apart because it runs like shit.

Is this OP samefagging on suicide watch ?

the game barely runs for me and has soft locked 4 times since I bought it. It's absolute shit and a waste of money

[Citation needed]

only a handful of songs are pretty good
>half the OST can't decide between orchestral and chiptune and tries blending both
>Mabe Village's start is grating and you never spend that much time in the village for it to really pick up and get to the backing track they added
>meanwhile Animal Village is still the same repetitive tune but made worse with the constant animal sounds
>Eagle's Tower starts strong with the piano but then ruins itself
Tal Tal Heights, Face Shrine, and Turtle Rock are the highlights

I can't even stand Tal Tal Heights, using castanets and a violin was the worst decision they could've made.

Fuck...bros...please tell me she was real.... She was real, right? Link talked to her, she sung, and had dreams........She couldnt have been a dream, right? She was real, I saw her.

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shouldn't have pirated it fags. It runs fine on the system memory and cartdrige

Of course she is real
She is the seagull that flew with that giant whale

>hero mode

Let me guess, you have to beat the game first to unlock it? Cause if not, I’m more interested in picking this up later.

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you actually have to beat the game twice (the second time with an amiibo) in order to get hero mode

You might like this then.

SURPRISINGLY, nah you don't have to.

Unlocked from the beginning, luckily
I'll be playing it on that mode from the beginning as well

It's available from the get go, which made for a pretty sweet first play-through for me.

>have never gotten around to finishing the original due to the two item equip limit and constant swapping
>absolutely hate the blur filter
I'm torn on whether or not I should get this.

You pirated the game, didn't you?

Just suck it up and do the item switching. I never even noticed the issue honestly.

It should have been 30 usd tops. Sixty is way overpriced for a remake of a Gameboy game

Just imagine full resolution full framerate in this perfectly stylized game

Attached: Nintendo_Switch_.png (2100x1500, 1.83M)


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I'm convinced Yea Forums actually doesn't have a phone

Only thing preventing him from GOAT status is the framerate. Like come on. So close to perfection.

It would have been a day one purchase is it was $40

Hero mode is kicking my ass, I'm at 41 deaths at 6/8 dungeons done.

I finished it in one sitting.
I really enjoyed it, especially the Color Dungeon since I hadn't played DX.
As much as I liked it, I doubt I'll ever play it again, and it really didn't last all that long.
They did a great job, but it's about 20 bucks more than it should be.

Theres screen transitions when you do the side scrolling crap.

The powerups always give you text.
Game looks good but its far from great. If Microsoft made a game with slowdown, you’d be shitposting all day all week

Agreed. Please fucking patch it, Grezzo. I will buy the game even at full price if you can fix it.

Literally just needs a performance patch

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Apparently the dungeon creator was Miyamoto's idea, no wonder it turned out so lame.

Gets rid of the depressing and sad atmosphere and replaces it with a kiddy look

I bought the game yesterday and been playing the whole day, no issue here. Let me guess, you pirated the game?

>two instruments for the overworld

LA was darkfags are the worst.

True, it's pretty much a carbon copy

>frame drops every 10 seconds

It's called tilt shift and it looks great.

Attached: 1568501359712.jpg (745x419, 57K)

I wouldn't really call LA depressing or sad.
It's more bittersweet if anything.
Well at least the ending.