How come they do all their best work with Nintendo?
How come they do all their best work with Nintendo?
Because Nintendo gives them the most money.
Nintendo had nothing to do with Bayonetta 1 though
They're Nintendo fanboys who consider the rest of the market to be just paypigs not worth their best work.
because you suck at bayo1 and mgr
Bayonetta mf died.
Isn't the sequel generally hated because how more QTE infested it is compared to the original?
I’ve played mgr and Bayo 1. You’re batshit insane.
Do your homework kiddo.
Wonderful 101 is their best but their 2nd best has never and will never be on a Nintendo platform. Granted I haven't played Astral Chain yet but I've heard so much good that it's possible that it usurps Bayo 1's #3 spot.
That's the opposite of the truth; Bayo 2 has less instant-death QTEs than the original. The problem is that the combat mechanics, scoring system, and enemy design took a huge dip in quality because the game's director had no experience with game design. It's a good game but a classic case of two steps forward, three steps back.
Switch port when or do i just buy a wii u for w101
What do you think #2 is?
There used to be a time in which their games were on multiple platforms but since everybody except for Nintendo refuses to give them money it's obvious their best work will be for Nintendo from now on. If anyone deserves criticism is SEGA for funding Bayo 2, Konami for hiring them once Rising was crashing and burning and rushing development and Microsoft for cancelling Scalebound.
user, I watched astral chain then went on to play atomato, it's kinda the same
Their two biggest hits (MGRR and Automata) were their only big games NOT on Nintendo though.
Inaba's been teasing it in interviews for months, telling people to "be patient" and that he was "glad we looked into fan interest of Wonderful 101". Probably just took Nintendo a while to greenlight a port of a game that flopped hard.
Transformers Devastation. Not many share my opinion, but I firmly believe it. After that is Bayo, then Revengeance & Vanquish, then Bayo 2 & Madworld, then the rest. Haven't played Automata or AC (yet).
Microsoft legit screwed Kamiya over with Scalebound.
Their best game is Vanquish and that will never be on a Nintendo Platform.
I hope Nintendo funds Vanquish 2. Doesn't seem like Sega will do it.
Sega still own Bayonetta, so that's pretty safe, I'm betting if 3 hits 2 million units Sega will pull it back in and make the next one multiplat/PS4 exclusive, although I'm surprised that they haven't capitalized on the success of Nier Automata and published new titles by Platinum, now is the time to invest in new Platinum titles, unless you want to make them for nintendo platforms, probably not the best course of action.
Madworld was underrated.
Could a port of MGR to switch be enough to bait konami into giving us a sequel?
Probably not. Konami is both stupid and stubborn.
>Wonderful 101
Nah, only Kamiya cocksuckers think this. Automata, MGR and Astral Chain are their best.
Astral Chain is basically a tribute to Platinum itself.
What's the logic behind this, it would end up selling less than MGR did initially, if anything it would bait Konami into making a Metal Gear game for phones, remember the Belmonts in Smash Bros.
>Revengeance port to Switch
>Includes Sam & Wolf DLC
>Konami Code secret can be performed on actual Nintendo hardware
>Compatibility with Snake Amiibo (gives you a free box or a grenade or something)
Outside of W101 I've never played a Kamiya game I'd give above, say, 8.5/10, and haven't even played RE2 or Okami to be honest. I'd even go as far as to say that Saito is my preferred director at Platinum despite W101 being my favorite game.
Hopefully the last sane man at konami would realize that a Metal Gear Rising sequel would be the easiest way to win back some customer interest.
Hopefully Konami have no more sane people left and their company collapses and its IPs are sold off.
It's the only new Metal Gear project they could do that would garner a positive reaction. A new mainline MG would cause an uproar, something like Survive would get pushback from fans and/or be ignored. Rising 2 under Platinum would be the only thing that would give them good PR, since outside of some light supervision that game didn't really have much input from Kojima and was still a success.
The thing about Konami is that they didn't start as a game company or any sort of entertainment company, and they never relied on gaming as their primary revenue stream. IIRC they're in the insurance or health care business. If they wanted, they could shut down all their video game-related business units and keep on trucking with the IPs in their pocket forever.
That reminds me: does Contra Rogue Corps look decent?
I have no idea why they didn't do something, anything other than Survive after kojimbo left. Sell the last third of MGSV, hire kojima's co-writers to make a spin-off series around Liquid, Ocelot, The Boss, or one of the other characters fans liked, or just have Platinum do the same thing again. They could have gotten away with selling a few more MGS games before everyone checked out, but they decided to skip to that part right away.
Vanquish and Bayo are still their best work.
imagine a new vanquish
Why the fuck was Nintendo the only ones to fund Bayonetta 2?
You will get Bayonetta 1 rereleased on every new platform and you will like it.
Because Sega drop it.
>If they wanted, they could shut down all their video game-related business units and keep on trucking with the IPs in their pocket forever.
Nintendo were pants on head retarded to not bail out Hudson, now Bomberman is locked in the Konami vault forever, along with all the others. At least there's Bloodstained, too bad Ritual of the Night was shart.
>does Contra Rogue Corps look decent?
It's too meh to care about.
It looks like a cancelled 360 downloadable game. The demo was alright.
Everybody asking for Vanquish needs to realize that Mikami directed that game and then left to form Tango. Vanquish 2 wouldn't be the same without him; Bayo 2 is proof enough that such a strong concept being given to another director can lead to negative results. Maybe Saito could pull it off but I'd rather he work on something else, something that takes concepts he toyed with in Devastation and fleshes them out. That's why I want Babylon's Fall to be his game, and that it's a dungeon crawler with fast-paced combat polished to a mirror sheen.
I hope Ghostwire Tokyo is cool too.
Graphical limitations forces developers to make a complete game that's fun to play in order to be successful instead of relying solely on cinematics, open world & graphics. That's why Square Enix fell apart after the SNES/PS1 era
Bayonetta isn't owned by nintendo at all, Sega can pull it out from under them at any point, if sega had no interest in the IP at all, why do they still own it? Although IP ownershit is pretty retarded, with companies often holding onto IPs they will literally never use again, if they let go if it and someone makes money then they just lost money,
>Nintendo were pants on head retarded to not bail out Hudson, now Bomberman is locked in the Konami vault forever, along with all the others.
Damn. Bloody Roar might be alive today in that timeline.
>At least there's Bloodstained, too bad Ritual of the Night was shart.
Guess I made the right call buying Curse of the Moon and continuing to ignore Metroidvanias.
I'm making the mother of all threads here can't fret over every user
Who the hell is P-star?
I will ignore anything they release on non-Nintendo platforms, because they're biased.
Babylon's Fall will be mediocre.
A ojoj reference
>yfw one if their best games is is a licensed games but it's rad as hell because it's a cool license
Nintendo's the only one giving them not shovelware-tier budgets and enough creative freedom to truly make what they want.
OK and do you have a point?
Nintendo is bailing Sega out the way Microsoft did right after they went bankrupt. Keeping Sega alive means more sales from hot fucking IPs and Nintendo still makes money doing so. Courting Sega in this way is some book of five rings business war shit.
Soo, the question is when is Nintendo gonna buy Platinum? I know it's not a "Nintendo thing to do", but I think it's a matter of time before it happens.
They're playing the long game with a lot of devs this way. I'm waiting to see the payoff somewhere around next gen.
When Scalebound 2.0 happens.
Nintendo doesn't really buy up studios. Which is a shame because Factor 5 and Silicon Knights really could have used the help.
It was good that Nintendo didn't buy Silicon Knights.
You might as well ask Nintendo to buy Gearbox.
MGR:R is Plat's best and if you think otherwise you haven't played it enough.
Unless you count their work as Clover too, then God Hand's the best.
Korra had fun combat but the fights were too easy, if it had harder, more intelligent enemies I could see myself putting it near the top of Plat's catalog.
See I think they're collecting auteurs, hot studios, and indie devs for a long play where their games are future exclusives or first releases. They're wielding soft power through obligation.
I can't wait until Platinum and Monolith Soft team up on a project.
A mediocre game that a lot of people are clinging to for unique snowflake points
Wonderful 101 is better than all the games you've mentioned. Viewtiful Joe was Clover's best work.
They did all their best work with Sega, Sega does what Nintendon't.
how the fuck does mgr get better the more you play it? It has zero depth and is only enjoyed for how memorable it is
I miss it.
Anarchy Reigns successor with all the Platinum characters when?
Nobody was really doing action games at the time.
I don't have a Wii U unfortunately, but I've heard from a lot of friends that have played it that it's good but not quite as good as MGR:R. Viewtiful Joe is fun but it doesn't do it for me like God Hand does.
It has way more depth in its enemy's variety and behavior than any other 3d beat 'em up, while maintaining equally as high character depth, if you can't consistently finish the gauntlet VR missions you probably don't know enough to appreciate it and should play it more.
Bayonetta won't stay exclusive forever, nintendo don't have anyway to ensure that it does, and as soon as nintendo's investments into it give it an audience Sega will take their game elsewhere.
>Nintendo is bailing Sega out
That's not even happening at all though, and if it somehow was Sega doesn't care, all their games are everywhere but nintendo, hell even mario and Sonic is being developed in tandem with Sega's own IP that allows them to make the same game twice
>courting sega
By what logic, if nintendo are courting Sega then Sega clearly don't care, if Sega gave even a slight fuck then Yakuza would be on switch, and so would Sakura wars, hell the only miku game they are getting is some kind of port, there's nothing else from Sega, they clearly don't care about the switch, or nintendo. even Monkey Ball is now full multiplat with the switch version being gimped.
you're delusional
Nintendo aren't buying Platinum ever, Platinum could literally be facing a full buyout by Sega or Square Enix and both these companies could say that they will literally never publish another Platinum title to a Nintendo platform, and Nintendo could be in the middle of a hot trilogy of games, and they wouldn't do a single thing to secure them. Why do I say this, because it's happened before, Hudson's bank collapsed and Nintendo were publishing at the time multiple games from Hudson, both Bomberman and Mario Party, and bot were doing well, but instead of paying a cent Nintendo let Konami buy them. Similar with Atlus, Nintendo were literally publishing a game by Atlus and had a lot of SMT games coming out for their platforms, Nintendo let Sega buy them out and suddenly most of that has stopped completely, and Sega are pushing for Atlus to develop more titles for Playstation hardware.
In retrospect that game was good in spite of it's developers.
>sanity poorly handled
>story ends with sequel bait
>core gameplay pretty meh
>not really inventive outside of sanity
It's best Nintendo didn't buy them, but Nintendo should have done something with the IP, the only thing Silicon Knights were good for were making something and then having another developer take it and completely outdo them with it.
Who is working on Bayonetta 3?
Hashimoto left, kamiya doesnt do sequels and taura was working on astral chain. Is it Saito?
Rumor has it the whole project got scrapped and they're back to the drawing board because of DMC 5.
Nintendo would never give them the budget needed to achieve this.
Fucking cringe song phenomenal game
I dunno. Nintendo doesn't always act according to corporate logic. Remember Prime 4?
It'd be their best if beating the DLC let you play as Sam in the main game
>He doesn't like Beverly's Kamen Rider OPs
baka desu senpai
It's in development hell, just like Babylon's fall.
>Korra was decent
>Transformers Devastation was fucking awesome
>TMNT was absolute trash.
What the hell happened?
Rumor based on what? This is the first I'm hearing about this.
Prime 4 was a fuck up of Nintendo trusting third parties too much, easily the one thing they constantly fuck up and never learn from.
I think the situation with Pt is a little different given that Nintendo has a crazy invested interest in them and Pt genuinely really likes Nintendo's relatively offhand advice giving approach to them. Pt probably would rather die than get bought out by anyone though. They like their "renegade" status.
What would that even be?
Devastation was a huge fluke and I don't even know how that happened.
>tfw no sequel because Activation revoked the license
It was announced back in 2017 and hasn't been mentioned since the DMC 5 trailer dropped, put two and two together user.
I kinda think Bayonetta is sticking with Nintendo. There could totally be some contract where she's essentially a Nintendo character given that they funded 2/3 of her series.
Korra & TMNT had an inexperienced director who had to work with a shoestring budget for Korra and some bullshit from Activision for TMNT. Devastation was directed by Saito and seemed to have nothing wrong with its development besides a lower-than-average budget which it sidesteps masterfully with its design.
Because no one else wants them. Not even Microsoft and they're pretty desperate these days.
Shame. There was a lot of stuff they could have used. Even if they limited themselves to Genwun.
>No Boss fight against Unicron
>No Decepticon campaign
>No Arcee.
I wonder how much DMCV actually influenced development. Inaba in interviews has stated that Bayo2's development was more of the same, so Bayo3 has them trying something different. It could easily be their most ambitious game, even more than AC, which is their current most ambitious game.
is that a jojo reference
Why are so many people still ass hurt of the Nintendo x Platinum relationship? Did you guys not see what happened with Capcom 5? This was bound to happen. Nintendo just needed a good excuse to get in that shit.
It’s still bayo. It’s already locked in to a lot of conventions and the only thing they can really fix is the presentation and maybe having a real overworld for whatever reason.
I just want to remain somewhat hopeful that Bayo3 isn't on fire. Nintendo clearly asked them to make something to get people hyped for the Switch, so they pulled that and MP4. SMTV is just Atlus being stupid like always.
I really hope they just keep refining it because Bayo's rewarding for its own reasons totally divorced from DMCV. I'm just glad that at least a couple people are keeping this genre alive and kicking. Hopefully we get a new Ninja Gaiden game that focuses way more on efficiency than style.
They're probably wary of major acquisitions ever since they watched Rare get sold off for an absurd amount of money only to release fuck-all in terms of quality or profitability ever after. Having to chuck all the shit Retro was working on and watch them like a hawk during Prime's development probably didn't help either. It seems like cooperative development and franchise loaning is their go-to method for third party relations for now.
I said I would buy a switch when either Bayo 3 or SMTV came out. I've always been a bit of a spendthrift, so I guess I choose good? picks.
Why doesn't Nintendo just buy them and make then a first-party subsidiary?
I feel like we're still at a point where we can sort of assume that information isn't out on the game yet because it would run the risk of cannibalizing Astral Chain's sales. If nothing's announced by the end of E3 next year, then it's time to panic.
Friendly reminder that Babylon's Fall was announced for THIS YEAR and we've been getting nothing but radio silence on it. That's a better title to freak out about.
To be fair, Retro was headed by an actual asshole that spent company money on hookers. Platinum is a Japanese company that probably isn't too far from Nintendo's R&D building. They also trust them completely given how hands off they were with Bayo2.
Still makes me wonder why they bought 96% of MonolithSoft considering they really didn't have too much to their name.
>their 2 best games are a Metal Gear spin off and a Transformers cash in game
You're just wrong here, lad
>square enix
Thats just simply a case of Namco wanting to sell and Nintendo being the only buyer.
Fair enough. AC will probably be Platinum's 2nd best selling game and Bayo3 will totally surpass it in sales. I really do hope that is the case. The fact that we knew literally nothing about this game until Feb 2019 and Taura was directing in secret is still really cool.
Neither party sees a gain in this? The only universe where I see it happening is if someone else tries to come in and buy them, then Nintendo will probably use the fuck you wii ds money it has to buy a majority stake in them.
Doesn't Nintendo also own part of Cygames?
My gut feeling is Babylon's Fall is a Nier Automata followup.
they don't. vanquish, metal gear rising and nier automata were all exclusively NOT on nintendo.
I guess that makes sense. Thinks worked out for Takahashi I guess. MonolithSoft has 3 studios and is working on 3 games at the moment. He's also allowed to basically do whatever the fuck he wants too.
Were we not supposed to hear about what Taro was doing next this past TGS? Or was it the FF14 thing?
The fact that neither of those games will get ported to modern consoles makes me sad. Everyone should experience "RULES OF NATURE" at least once.
rare didn't go to shit because they got bought, they went to shit because they got bought BY MICROSOFT. microsoft will always run every studio they acquire into the ground by meddling in their games with terrible ideas. if nintendo or sony had bought rare instead, they'd be in much better shape right now.
Automata has brain dead easy combat and a boring world with unsatisfying exploration tied together with a nice ass. Storyfags go away
The whole point of Platinum games was to escape companies like Nintendo. It will never happen.
I doubt such a contract exists, if she's a Nintendo property why would Sega own any of it, she's still owned by Sega, Sega just haven no interest in ever letting her go because they would be missing out on money if they did.
Sega only owns the rights to do anything with the first Bayo game.
Not even that. They need Nintendo's permission to use the new dubs they made for the Wii U release.
I mean you never know. But Nintendo seems extremely aggressive with her especially. She strengthens the overall brand by a decent amount despite not being a sales juggernaut.
>Like Nintendo
I like shitting on them as much as the next guy, but Capcom did Clover really dirty. I don't think that's a fair comparison considering Nintendo let's Takahashi do whatever he feels like and is willing to totally restart development on a game if it isn't working.
probably because nintendo asks for something different while everyone else asks for a dmc clone
save for bayo2 lmao
i'd be totally down for Nintendo asking for a DMC clone honestly
They still have one flop under Nintendo.
Here is the deal with Bayo.
>Sega owns Bayo 1
>Sega and Nintendo own one half of Bayo 2
>Nintendo owns Bayo 3
They don't want anyone dictating what they do, that's why they leaved team 4 and ultimately leaved capcom. Kamiya and the other guy are non conformist.
This was more of a Miyamoto joint than anything else.
Does anyone know if there's a way to pay off platinum so they don't put QTEs in Bayonetta games anymore?
PT will do whatever it takes to stay in business, but the current management could easily leave and the companies internal culture could change.
Rare sold themselves off because Nintendo didn't want to buy them outright, Nintendo don't like buying companies, considering what Microsoft paid the asking price was probably way too high, but Nintendo made the right decision, by the Stamper Bros were looking to sell Rare the company had already lost a lot of it's talent, but more importantly Rare having some independence is why they were so successful, being able to say no to Nintendo led to a lot of their more successful titles seeing a release, also the Stampers managed the company well, and losing them would have been a big loss for the company. Microsoft just turned a bad situation into the worst possible situation.
Retro are still being mismanaged. 6 years and no game, that's pretty significant.
MonolithSoft have 5 studios working on 3 games.
Nintendo clearly killed that game halfway through development due to the Wii U failing spectacularly. There's a vehicle in the training mode they didn't even bother putting literally anywhere else in the game.
Personally I think Miyamoto focused more on Starfox Guard because it is a shockingly feature-dense and lengthy game despite allegedly being the side project. Zero felt like Nintendo went "Here, give this to your code monkeys who finish up their Bayo 2 work to keep em busy."
But it doesn't seem like Nintendo has a history of being too hands on with anything outside of telling them to make Bayonetta sexier and making AC have a cyberpunk setting. Pt will probably try their damndest to survive as an independent and self publish, but the safest out will probably be Nintendo.
>Personally I think Miyamoto focused more on Starfox Guard because it is a shockingly feature-dense and lengthy game despite allegedly being the side project.
Is it? My local Fucking Gamestop has like 6 copies of it for 99 cents each. Maybe I'll grab it sometime if it's a solid tower defense.
>I wonder how much DMCV actually influenced development.
Zero. Bayo is already a good action game on it's own regardless if you like the combat more or less than DMC. Besides DMC still has some level design issues as it is corridors and corridors packed with ragdolls until you get the boss.
Bayonetta overall is a better game.
Tell that to Square.
Not that Neir was bad.
>I'm betting if 3 hits 2 million units Sega will pull it back in and make the next one multiplat/PS4 exclusive,
Extremely unlikely.
It has nothing to do with Nintendo being good or bad Kamiya wants to be his own boss.
It's no GOTY pick by any means but there's a ton of levels, a level creator, boss fights, gear upgrades, good variety of enemies to kill. Plus it wasn't afraid to blitzkrieg your ass with some tough challenges.
Retro is still shockingly consistent at least. I do wonder about the sheer amount of cancelled projects they have because they had to have been working on something.
Takahashi is living the fucking dream.
Nier barely has a budget. That game feels really bare minimum in a lot of places. Why do you think you essentially play the same game 4 times?
That would be weird at this point too.
>She strengthens the overall brand by a decent amount despite not being a sales juggernaut.
Yeah but Nintendo don't know that, or else they wouldn't have dropped so many third parties.
You're ignoring the actual deal
>sega owns bayonetta the IP
>sega owns bayonetta 1 nintendo owns the japanese va for bayonetta 1
>sega licensed bayonetta to nintendo for bayonetta 2 nintendo owns the game outright
>bayonetta 3 is the same deal nintendo only own the actual games
>sega at any time could publish a new bayonetta title and nintendo has no say
>sega can revoke the license for bayonetta 2/3 barring nintendo from re-releasing them at any time
Nintendo don't own shit, they are just kind of dumb that way, I could imagine any deal over purchasing the IP with Sega claiming that it's worth over half a billion dollars, because companies horrendously overvalue their intellectual property. Square Enix would probably ask Nintendo for 10 million for ownership of Geno alone, a singular character who appears in a Mario game that Square Enix will literally never use again.
>PS4 exclusive
Even if that's the case. Sega has always been retarded. So it's not like it matters in the end and Nintendo gets all the benefits.
>Nier barely has a budget
Nier is literally the most expensive game they've made. It would have been Scalebound if that happened though.
>sega can revoke the license for bayonetta 2/3 barring nintendo from re-releasing them at any time
That's not how it works.
Every single article about Bayo 3 since the announcement pointed out Kamiya is in fact the director, when did it turn out he wasn't the one directing it?
Doubt it. I would rather bet they didn't mention it so far because they didn't want to steal Astral Chain's thunder by revealing details about another hack n' slash from an estabilished franchise at the same time they were marketing AC. Probably wanted to keep Bayo's fans thirsty for action so they would go out and pick up AC. Given how understading the community was of the Metroid Prime 4 announcement I am sure they would have already mentioned troubles in a similar way and asked for the community's patience, plus given's Platinum MO so far I don't think they give a fuck about other companies are doing, Nintendo probably just pulled the trigger too early and announced Bayo right at the beginning of it's development cycle just to have some really big new at the game awards, hell I wouldn't be surprised if the new Bayo trailer drops at this year's game awards, sounds like something Platinum + Nintendo would do.
AC is clearly their most expensive game with the most time in. They've been working on it since 2015. Everything about it feels fully realized.
...other than the framerate.
What if Platinum made a horror game?
>directing sequels
Kamiya hates horror games.
Yea. Geoff's show seems likes a reasonable place to show off Bayo3. Hopefully it's more than a CG trailer and more in the vein of the two BOTW demos.
He directed one of the best horror games of all time though.
>They've been working on it since 2015.
Where did you get that from? They only made the pitch itself in 2017.
Nier itself also went into production in 2014.
Sega own the trademark and IP outright, they can bar Nintendo from using the Bayonetta name and characters, they own them. And if you think Sega doesn't have the balls to shit on Nintendo they are literally taking Mario and Sonic and making a game for all platforms from the same engine. Sega doesn't care for Nintendo, they don't even care enough to put in the same effort on their platform they do for others.
Yeah he also worked on the first Resident Evil and he still hates horror games.
>they can bar Nintendo from using the Bayonetta name and characters, they own them
user, the contract itself was for the rights of bayo games 2 and beyond.
I just think you're dumb for thinking if Bayonetta stopped being a Nintendo franchise, it would be PS4 exclusive. Sega doesn't actually give a fuck about Sony either.
>they are literally taking Mario and Sonic and making a game for all platforms from the same engine.
Okay? You do realise it's not a proprietary game engine, right?
Well the lighting engine is but that was made for Sonic to begin with.
Do you even like Bayonetta or are you just asshurt because is not on PS4?
>Trusting sites that fall for "Next week in game magazines"
Also he has never directed a sequel to one of his games.
The latter most likely. In the, I think, 8 years it was announced they haven't gotten over it.
Quote is in the article. Taura was juggling shit for a decent amount of time goddamn. Nier came out really quickly then. 3 years of development is real short for a game of that scale. AC probably had way more kinks to work out. Kind of weird thinking it might have been a WiiU game at an early stage, but it makes sense enough.
The asshurt for Pt will never end. Their games don't even sell that well. Why do people care?
The demo was fun. I have mild hopes for the game.
It's an obscenely ugly game, but that's a non-issue for a game than isn't full price.
>they don't even care enough to put in the same effort on their platform they do for others.
But user, Sega has released almost every game that isn't Yakuza on Nintendo systems too.
Sakura Wars is still a big missed opportunity. That and a SKIES OF ARCADIA REMASTER GODDAMMIT.
>Their games don't even sell that well. Why do people care?
The whole exclusivity thing, other people having something they can't have makes them incredibly mad.
>Implying Sega didn't pull a PDS and lost the source code for Skies.
>Sakura Wars is still a big missed opportunity
Not really, it is a niche game series.
>Nobody remembers Infinite Space.
I care because I want them to do well and stop whoring out to activision and square enix.
I do.
I never finished it because I was a brainlet who didn't understand how to play. But I remember.
That's because it was a collaboration between them and nude maker.
Nier: Automata is better than Astral Chain. Deal with it.
It isn't happening no matter what Inaba wants.
Then fucking get a job jesus christ. I remember when Immovable Gonzalez complained about Bayo2 without understanding anything when the guy has all the money he needs.
That's totally fair, but my nightmare situation is that this a Stadia series that uses real life music in the game instead of Naganuma (who doesn't even live in Japan anymore).
Please don't say that.
The Switch seems like a safe place for niche games. Nintendo would at least market the game.
2 bad games and 1 cool one that will never lead to anything in the future
Fair enough. Babylon's Fall has 2 months to come out still.
Not exactly, more like escaping companies like Capcom or Konami.
Their whole point was to get away from Capcom. They had the option of just joining Capcom again when Clover was shuttered.
>like Nintendo
Capcom, user. They wanted to escape Capcom.
>Then fucking get a job jesus christ
The problem isn't the money, well not usually. The problem is that they just have a burning hatred for Nintendo and can't bear buying their stuff.
Okami definitely isn't above an 8.5/10. It's pretty, but it's a slog to get through
>like Nintendo
Why would they want to get away from companies that want to work with them without wanting to own them.
How old are these people? Like imagine not owning the platforms with games you're interested in due to shit like that.
>How old are these people?
18 to mid 20s most likely.
Isn't it really short sighted of you to say Transformers will never be on a Nintendo system? Activision has reupped contracts to rerelease licensed games before. They did it with the Ultimate Alliance games and Deadpool.
I don't know if Shiggy is as bad as Inafune but he is bad now a days.
Not him but the question is does anyone want it at this point? Unless they add a slew of new content I can't see anyone being interested in it.
And? Beside Star Fox, when has Platinum ever had to deal with Shigg?
Nah, Shiggy's only mistake was Star Fox and one in over ten years is a good track record.
And Paper Mario and neglecting Fzero.
Besides Star fox. I don't see the issue
Okay maybe if you're a F-Zero fag too. But I can at least understand that topping GX would be hard to do.
What does any of that have to do with Platinum Games? Are you daft or something?
>Paper Mario
It feels like no one knows what to do with it even if it will be an easy success.
I honestly think they should do something like a bounty hunting game with Captain Falcon punching and kicking shit while racing after things. Like a character action game made in-house.
>Paper Mario
That was Tanabe and Kudo. Ironically if they had listened to him we would have had another TTYD.
The last F-Zero game was over 10 years ago too.
>is real short for a game of that scale.
Is it? The assets look pretty simple. The world isn't that big and there's a lot of retreading built into the story
But Metal Gear Rising isn't on a single Nintendo system.
Yes that Platinum doesn't want to be bossed around by a 70 year old boomer that's why they will never accept being bought by nintendo or anyone.
user, the reason they like Nintendo is because they have no intention of buying them.
F-Zero was in decline and Paper Mario was Tanabe's fault.
>Like a character action game made in-house.
Not by Platinum?
Not by Platinum. I want a new player to come in outside of Capcom, Pt, and KT.
>most expensive
>won't even pay to patch it
>he got plebfiltered
Yet Sega still own the IP and trademark, you're misinterpreting that licence, that licence would be to make the games and sell them, but wouldn't give them unlimited rights to resell them, or else Sega would have sold the IP which inarguably held no value at the time that they let Nintendo use it.
Multiplat or, Sega has multiple Playstation exclusives, and almost all of their games would be Playstation exclusives if Steam didn't take off like it did.
They are still reusing things like AI, character controllers etc, it's the same game with a new skin, because Sega wants to pull away from nintendo.
that's kind of irrelevant, whether I want it or not Sega are moving away from nintendo, so you can practically bank on them dropping nintendo as soon as Bayonetta gets somewhere.
That's not true at all though, what about Persona 5, and that new Atlus title, Sega regularly try and stay away from nintendo, even catherine, games like Persona Q that's understandable, that's locked to the 3ds, but games like Catherine? that came out on the Vita instead of the switch.
i want NG back
imagine being this much of a sony-pony
You know that most of those games are timed exclusives right? Sony is much more autistic about not discussing the timed nature of their exclusivity agreements than other platform holders.
you hate to see it
Oh yeah, I'm sure Persona 5 is coming to switch, any day now, it must be. Hell are there any publishers actually interested in the switch?
Why are Nintenfats so uppity? MGR shits all over Trannynetta and Nier outsold all Platinum Nintendo games put together.