*cucks you*

*cucks you*

Attached: Cass.jpg (1680x1050, 232K)

You never had a romantic relationship with her in first place.

just fuck Red lucy or that girl from the vault

Thank YOU user! You ARE a GOOD user! Give ME Red Lucy wife! (Give me! Give me!)

Attached: Red Lucy.jpg (800x571, 140K)

>Get 10 CHA
>Get 10 LUC
>Get Ladykiller
>Can bang like 3 women at best
nice roleplaying game

Obsidian at its finest.

Attached: Mira_High_Rez.jpg (1376x1870, 427K)

Thank YOU user! You ARE a GOOD user! Obsidian IS poop AT wifes user! Deadfire DOES have ONLY unfaithful female wifes user BUT it DOES have faithful male wifes user! What! Outer Worlds does NOT have ANY wifes user! What! Do NOT give ME Obsidian user BECAUSE they ARE poop user UNTIL they DO give GOOD wifes user BUT they ARE poop FOR now user! (They are! They are!)

Attached: Xoti.jpg (210x330, 59K)

For me beating Dead Money is the true ending of the game I always fail to continue afterwards

Attached: oliver.jpg (622x510, 160K)

>You ARE a GOOD user!

All crpg romance fags honestly should just kill them selves.

user DID say THAT Obsidian writer DOES have poop cuck fetish FOR female wifes user AND I do NOT discriminate ANY wife customer user BUT I do NOT want cuck wifes user AND it DOES look LIKE Obsidian DOES have poop cuck fetish wifes user SO do NOT give ME Obsidian user UNTIL they DO give BETTER wifes user! (Do not! Do not!)

Attached: Maia.jpg (210x330, 24K)



bruh i dont know how to tell you this

none of these characters are real bro omg im so sorry

That's what you get for picking that drunken NCR whore.

Attached: 1567870670603.jpg (365x346, 13K)

No! I do NOT play wife games FOR flesh women user I ONLY play wife games FOR wifes user BUT wifes AND flesh women DO say ME cute! (They do! They do!)

Your desire for virtual romance continues to bring down this genre like a stone attached to a swimmers ankle.

How does she do it? You weren't romantic evolved in the first place desu.

>All female companions are lesbians
what did obsidian mean by this?

Give ME swimmer wife!

Attached: Cute Juno.jpg (580x960, 38K)

>Your desire for virtual romance continues to bring down this genre like a stone attached to a swimmers ankle.
Nah, what's bringing down this genre is focusing on RTWP, dumbing shit down and making romance that's focused more on ticking boxes so that the game has a lesbian, gay etc.

Obsidian DID ignore wife anons that DID want Ydwin wife user! What! Obsidian DID make Xoti wife AND Maia wife unfaithful poop cuck wifes that DO leave Watcher IN ending user BUT Obsidian DID have faithful male wife Aloth that does NOT leave Watcher IN ending user! What! Obsidian IS bad AT female wifes user SO they SHOULD make BETTER female wifes user! (They should! They should!)

Attached: Ydwin.jpg (210x330, 26K)

Dunno what characters your even talking about, I dropped PoE pretty fast, mostly due to shit world building and all classes feeling pretty meh and I did not like even a single one of companions so I just ran whole custom party. Never played PoE 2 because of all the gay shit.

>Cuck's her beloved NCR
The House always wins

They ARE poop Deadfire wifes user! Obsidian DID say THAT they WOULD make Ydwin wife BUT they did NOT make Ydwin wife user AND they DID betray wife anons user! They DID say there WAS romance AND wifes FOR male anons BUT Xoti DOES leave you IN ending user AND Maia DOES leave you IN ending user AND the ONLY wife that does NOT leave you IN ending IS male wife user AND I am NOT gay user BUT gay IS okay user BUT I am NOT gay user SO I DO want female wifes user BUT Deadfire DOES have ONLY cuck fetish female wifes user! (It does! It does!)

Attached: Iovara.jpg (179x282, 6K)

Ye, didn't really see the appeal of dead fire.

Thank YOU user! You ARE a GOOD user!