>people don't react to Cloud
People don't react to Cloud
> He looks like a typical SOLDIER in a tyrannical dystopian universe.
> People leave in alone
You don't look up when the gestapo are walking through.
How long before Japan copies RDR2's talking system? I'd love to be able to engage in side talk without Cloud just kind of... will the NPC to talk at him.
Do any JRPG have the character actually initiate conversation? I'm blanking.
Its just another weeb from the lower plate infesting the trains, ugh
when is shinra gonna do something?
But he's a SOLDIER 1st Class, and they all have super fan clubs.
Not enough games lets you be part of a superhuman organization with matching uniforms
>Finally got off an 14 hour shift at the Shinra labs
>Had to endure Hojo harassing the lab girls asking them to volunteer to fuck this dog monster
>Got bit by a gene monster
>Got to see Scarlet's cleavage so it wasn't all bad
>At least nobody rides the train at 2 am
>Suddenly a cute Wutai girl sits across from me
>Nights looking up
>Then this huge black dude with a fucking gun arm comes in and takes an an entire bench like an asshole
>Then a fucking Zack cosplayer with a cardboard sword comes in and starts arguing with the black dude about money
>Fuck this shit too weird for me
>Better to get off on the next stop and walk home
I'd rather deal with ghosts and hedgehog pies than this shit, gonna check out that comfy looking house down the street, I gotta take a leak real bad
Is Tifa letting out a fart in the background?
People usually try to avoid eye contract with police.
A lot of JRPG's do but the uniforms are almost always glorified Japanese High school uniforms or the characters are so out of regs (weird colors, excessive flair) that they might as well be wearing street cloths
Did they or was it just Sephiroth? I've only played the original and not Crisis Core tho
Sounds like you're referring to Final Fantasy Type-0 and Trails of Cold Steel
Astral Chain honestly needed more rival fights
then play crisis core
ew no don't do that
Why not? It's a good game outside of the slot nonsense.
cuz he's white
Gackt isn't in the new game. Sorry not canon
>Final Fantasy Type-0 and Trails of Cold Steel
Throw in early Valkyria Chronicles, Dark Rose Valkyrie, God Eater 2 and arguably FF 15 (everyones cloths were technically their King's Guard uniforms/fatigues). I'd love a game where you play as an actual member of a military and wear actual uniforms with just enough flair (hats, capes, scarfs ect) but without shit like mini skirts or a complete lack of uniform regulations (liberalish regs are good so you can give some personalty to characters but soldiers shouldn't be wearing what are functionally different uniforms). It's a shame they default to highschool esque uniforms because back in the day before standardized modern camo patterns, uniforms were stylish as fuck and should be used more as inspiration
never said he was?
Sorry those are uniforms for ants
This. Nobody pays any attention to a white guy openly carrying a weapon around UNTIL he actually starts doing shit with it
and pic related