Why was Rayquaza a bad guy in Subspace Emissary? He's not a bad guy in the games

Why was Rayquaza a bad guy in Subspace Emissary? He's not a bad guy in the games.
For that matter, what's he doing in a lake? He's supposed to be the sky Pokémon!

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because fug you that's why

>Why was Rayquaza a bad guy in Subspace Emissary?
Rayquaza is a legendary Pokémon and Legendary Pokémon have no gender and he was a “bad guy”

Iwata and Sakurai were trying to say people who don’t recognize their gender are bad guys and it’s probably why brawl got so much hate

Why weren't Ganondorf and Bowser bosses in subspace emissary? Why was Master Hand in it at all? Why was half of the plot revealed only in a Sakurai blog post?

Rayquaza just fucking hates furries

This is now my headcanon

Based fug.

Tabuu caught him so he has to do his bidding now

SSE is a mode that doesn't make any sense

Ganondorf and Bowser were working for Tabuu because they're cunts, with Ganondorf only doing it so he could find and free Master Hand
Master Hand was sealed away by Tabuu so it couldn't interfere with the world being pulled into subspace
The plot was fine if you weren't a retard that can't see things that happen

It was my understanding that Ganondorf wanted to betray Master Hand and usurp his throne.

Why the fuck was he in a lake in a first place,

user was wrong.
Bowser and Ganondorf were working for who they assumed to be Master Hand.
Master Hand was manipulated by Tabuu because Tabuu can't leave Subspace.
Dorf planned to betray Master Hand, but Tabuu threw a wrench into that plan.

He was taking a bath okay

Probably to wash off all the dead bugs and birdshit from flying all the time

didn't he literally murder a girl

Bullshit, he was bad guy on the first mystery dungeon

He´s still an animal, so if you go into the wild and disturb a wild animal it´s possible it will try to attack you, specially if he sees you as weaker and as potential food. So this is my guess, not that he was directly involved with the subspace army.

When I first fought and killed Rayquaza, during this mission, I was like shit I just killed a legendary Pokemon and ill never be able to catch him now.

Or maybe you just need to treat her better I hope you get to read this letter, I just hope it reaches you

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I agree

Who cares the cutscene was kickass

The bigger question is why was Fug in the bottom of a random lake when he typically resides in the ozone layer

It should've been Dialga since Gen 4 was the most recent gen at the time.

>tfw no fug boss in ultimate
>tfw samurai said there would be no more modes, and thus deconfirming boss rush

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Fug is a way better Pokemon than anything from Gen 4.

That pic is my reaction to the "fug" meme.

Bowser had 2 boss fights idiot

Because he fell in there when Fox crashed into him

Darkrai should’ve been the playable one

>t. Newfag

Dialga was already on Spear Pillar

With Rayquaza, pokemon from every generation at the time had an important role

What are the odds this was supposed to be Gyarados at first

No character was really evil in Brawl except Taboo. And maybe Ganondorf and Bowser.

It's a creation of the Subspace fuckers, not meant to be the real Rayquaza joining the bad guys, the cutscene of his defeat should make it obvious.

You know how as a kid you'll use a random toy/action figure to be the bad guy?
That's the feel Sakurai was going for with the story mode.

>Samurai said
He's gone back on his word in the past and it sounds like they want to support Ultimate for a good while. I wouldn't be surprised to see a boss rush down the line.

Rayquaza gives no fucks about mortal plebs and has bo qualms of kicking the shit out of some shmucks who cut in on his bath time.
Crippled her, actually.

Did you forget when Fug stabbed a girl in in stomach and hyper beamed her in the face?

Completely justifiable. No court would convict him.

"Fuck mortals." -Rayquaza

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Did Rayquaza just kill a little girl with blood in an official Pokémon manga? That's fucking hardcore.

>her blood spills out onto her own salamance's head
man he's gonna have panic attacks whenever he takes a shower from now on. poor guy

You probably mean newfug

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Why was Meta Ridley’s fight so generic, fucker should have dropped bombs on you and shot out the giant laser beam

All of the Subspace Emissary were basic as fuck, as much as I agree with you I find it weird that you're singling out Ridley's

Because Rayquaza is a wild animal. It's not good or bad, it's just wild. Just because it gets tired of Groudon and Kyogre's shit doesn't make it good.

I thought the fug fight was kino, he and Galleom are my favorite SE bosses

she lives
also she absolutely deserved it

>tfw you beat subspace with your brother and your friends, you'll never share those experiences again

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The rayquaza wasnt even fucking real.


Not even humans die in pokemon, user. She lives just fine.

Rayquaza canonically sustains itself off meteorites, water, and other particles as it flies, so it probably wouldn't eat a random Pokemon/human, especially since it's been shown to be relatively benevolent in all media as long as you don't piss it off.

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he wasn't bad, in fact, he saved the whole world. He just didn't realize that the meteor was falling until after the fight with him and only fought you because you were trespassing.

This is correct.

This is 100% bullshit.

You solved the mystery yourself.
Clearly Rayquaza was bathing, and just wanted to reach these peeping toms a lesson.

I'd say that he was more angry than doing evilness like the others. Is still strange to me the not much people thinks or mentions that Rayquaza probably got hit by Fox's arwing off-scene (not shown in cutscenes), explaining why it later appears in the lake (where he landed), and the arwing crashed near too.
If we follow this idea, then in the cutscene where Diddy aproaches, Rayquaza thinks that he's responsible of the "attack", or is just furious and reacts by instinct, proceeding to Fox helping Diddy and then the boss fight to advoid being killed by the Pokemon.

inb4 all enemies were revived for the great maze, but that would include every threat no matter if is part of the emmisary, is evil, or just a powerful being, including Rayquaza who probably is still furious in the lake, trying to attack you when it sees you.

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>It lives in the ozone layer, where it becomes food for stronger Pokémon. When it tries to run away, it falls to the ground.

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I like this answer

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I wish boss rush was a mode, IK at the end of WOL there's a boss rush but it's not properly balanced or even meant to be played without spirits so it's fucking trash.

rayquaza can't even learn dig but it uses it as an attack in this all the time

Sakurai just don't care, there was no Gen 3 playable character so it got a boss instead

Rayquaza was taking a bath and does not like to be disturbed.

Wasn't he the villain in the first mystery dungeon? I vaguely recall something like that

He wasn't a villian. He was in his house sleeping peacefully when you commit a b and e and demand he fuck up a falling meteroite.

>samurai said there would be no more modes
excuse me

I miss when Sakurai tried.

>Be Fug
>Live in Ozone layer
>rarely leave unless some cunt finds me in my favorite spot ala sky pillar
>Cruising through my regular route
>Some asshole tries to crash land on my planet
>Blow it the fuck up
>Transform into a gem
>years later
>some cunt tries it again
>blast the fucker of my layer
>hit the wing and is made of ice
>thinks it didnt make it
>Some cunt tries to control me with bullshit
>slice her stomach and dragon pulse her soul to oblivion
Was he really the big bad?

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he mentioned that home run was "probably the last mode for a while"
doesn't mean there won't be anymore or that there isn't another one in the works but it does seem to imply we shouldn't be expecting anything major anytime soon
still hoping for a melee-style adventure mode with proper stages tho

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Real talk PMD Grovyle would've been a really cool pick for Smash Bros

>no new legendary pokemon
>No Octavio
>No Eggman
>No metal geah
Ultimate missed some opportunities with bosses
>No Kraid
>No Gruntilda

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>Nobody even posts spurdo or gondola anymore

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I don't like that picture. :(

This she was a cunt.

You could've had him as a playable character user

I agree, Lucario was kinda forced trash that didn't matter in the long run, same for Zororak, Darkrai would have been a proper substitute for Mewtwo

My favorite pokemon movie

But you could still catch him with the trophy stand item


Why are you so retarded you can't interpret a cutscene?

>He is not a bad guy in the games
He stabbed a little girl in the uterus

It's kinda surreal to have one of the bosses from SSE be a playable character on a smaller scale

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didn't norman die because of using too much fug energy? also the girl from magma died because of tentacruel, sure celebi somehow fixed it but still

I didn't play DP but didn't Cyrus get eaten by Satan or something?

It’s extremely territorial

Unfaithful Rayquaza

Giratina drags Cyrus into its dimension. He stays there though because the dimension has no purpose for existing and there’s nothing of meaning there, which is what Cyrus wanted

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Break the Targets though... best extra mode imo

he was a wild pokemon that probably hit by foxes ship on its way down and now is pissed.

That Fug is too small.

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why? what's the context?

Realistically, is boss rush feasible?

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Lysandre would have liked to have a word with you.

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He's a bad guy in the other games. always trying to murder an innocent alien.

i like how everybody is look shocked in a way but gengar just dont give a fuck

Nice one buddeh

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Apparently there was originally supposed to be a cutscene showing Fox crashing into fug, which is why he fell into the lake and was pissed at Fox.

i miss my high school/early 20s years.

Your life isn’t over user. Make these years worth missing

Why was Wario so fucking evil in this game? He straight up killed a kid.

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I could probably accept it more if it was Wario Land Wario but they did such a good job of distancing him from those games as much as possible in Brawl focusing on his WW personality which is completely different, it really doesn't make sense

That being said, I always assumed the intent behind it was less Wario being evil and supposed to be him turning people into trophies because it's essentially turning them into Treasure for him to collect

>Ganondorf is forgiven despite genociding R.O.B. race

>PS2 controllers

Haha remember the bucculus in that level. I played as peach zelda and zss at the forest lvl a lot to find them early haha

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>no mention of the sfm video with the pokemon go girl
im impressed

Why did this thing appear only in cutscenes and nowhere else

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As far as the site explains, Wario was doing it to be a dick essentially.
>Wario cares very little for the actual objective he was given and wants to continue just doing whatever he likes.

because the trophy disc had basically the same function

But the cannon thing is a one hit kill.

>no gender