Vidya related comics thread

Vidya related comics thread.

Attached: helix (1).webm (800x732, 1.05M)

Other urls found in this thread:

I dont get it

i wanna fuck every nurse joy at once

>TPP was over 5 years ago

The dumb voting system ruined it.

No The Phantom Pain came out 4 years ago.

TPP came out 4 years ago

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Is this supposed to be an inside joke about an AI or a fish playing the game or something?

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>you will never be this new again

You better be fucking baiting, faggot

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I ducked out the second they added a voting system.

>twitch plays Pokémon
filthy newfags go away and stay there

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What black magic is this!?


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One of my personal favorites.

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I miss it so fucking much, bros.


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ANARCHY or Start9


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the ps4's face looks like it belongs in a family guy cutaway gag

I don't get it.
Orange man bad?

What's the joke here?
Why would trump call mario and luigi to build his wall.
Does the artist think they are mexican?

But every home console does that?
But the unique thing about switch is that it can be taken elsewhere?
But why does the PS4 have an ugly as fuck Seth MacFarlane face?

where's the joke?



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This isn't vidya related

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the DNC

Everyone who falls for this is a fucking newfag


Why did his hair change?

Jokes on you, I recognize that sim picture meme so I don't need to see it again

I always click just to see what new twist has been added to it.

That's not how insect-based foods work

I laughed out loud at this one haha

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Maybe it's a reference to Wrecking Crew? But that's deeper than I expect any political cartoonist to cut.


I had forgotten the switch is literally a toaster

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Original was funnier

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>that copypasting
I hate stonetoss so fucking much

I don't get it?



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zoomers amirite?

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>PS4 fan

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Can Helix fossil ever be topped in any future pokemon game?

look closer

Got a laugh outta me

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nice scratches bro


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I want water

>That pokechu


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It's almost as if we lived in a society

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thats hot desu

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The woman ruins it, I want to see this sexy man by himself.

That escalated quickly

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so fucking true bros

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I don't play pokemon
Explain the joke

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imagine wearing a woman suit haha


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what the fuck kind of kingdom hearts shit is this

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What about her?

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twtich plays pokemon

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haha im gonna add this guy to friends

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>Those changing panels
I clicked on it on purpose, it brings me back.


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So I guess this is another video game comic thread ruined. I wish, just once, we could have one of these that have actual video game content, instead of some retard spamming a series.

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can someone link me to the comic

Doesn't work since the viewer is naturally inclined to finish reading the strip before following the instructions, and the eye is naturally drawn to the "The Game" text, ruining the joke.

would you still fuck?

>I will show you pvp bitch
Every time.
Whatever happened to seanbaby?

fuck off faggot

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>say that when not posting a videogame comic

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how old is that?

>hurrr technology bad!
It saddens me to know this type of person is seen as intellectual

I love it hurts but god if this isnt the dumb shit ive seen in a while

thats pretty good, been fucking years since i lost

Epic, simply epic

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Hint: cross your eyes

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From my assumption, I would say it’s relating to video games and how they are taking over people and stuff. Not that I’m a 25 year old Anti Vaxx Facebook mom, but yeah, basically.

lyk dis if u cry evrytime

old enough

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whats this webcomic called? i want to read it

and then Rorschach said "I'm nutty!"

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can someone post the laser cheese comic?

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Who's twitch

>arcade junkies shitting on mortal kombat
fortnitecraft zoomers this desperate to look good

>tfw no Galko gf

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it's clearly to make the reader understand
like how ben garrison has to explain what everything means

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I read It Hurts from beginning to end a few weeks ago and the void it has left in my heart has still not been filled.
Please Forgive Me is alright, but it feels like something is missing.

That's like drawing a picture of jello with animal bones sticking out of it

how do I know you're a zoomer


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Go to bed, Clarise

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Nice thread you got there, fellas.

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can someone post the one where the man goes to the futuristic brothel and he tells OPs mom a really long story all through text please?

Haha us gamers, huh?

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Kids these days will never understand

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Who was in the wrong?

think you'll find it was buffalo bill that was making the woman suit

Fucking bastard

Does this mean im no longer a newfag?

I like it.
As long as it doesn't turn into furshit.

No child reacts like this

>Obligatory comment that points out that you can read these panels in any order.

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>actually watching that fucking trash
Kill yourselves.

Not everyone played My First RPG Cockfighting Edition like you fucking kids.

you're a complete retard if you aren't aware of the cultural lag behind technology

I'm pretty invested at this point. Soss?

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post the real bill cosby version

why? doushite?

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I don't get it, is this Twitch plays Pokemon?

>(c) B^U

I smirked a bit. Here's your (You)

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Literally me

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hey i like it

based dogisaga

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>watch the Super Show on Netflix
>every episode shows previews for the next Legend of Zelda
>Netflix doesn't have it
It's slightly annoying.

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Unrealistic, Johnny Bravo couldn't be a bouncer because he'd be too busy trying to fuck Ariel like the absolute CHAD he is

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Did something happen the 4chanX? I used to be able to see deleted images.

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Why does no one post oglaf anymore?


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New archive dont save pictures

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It's not 4chanX it's the archive

Fireden stopped archiving Yea Forums

you're still a fag, but well played

They got FBI subpoena'd for having CP that should have been deleted so they announced no more deleted images are allowed.

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Page 1/13

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im too lazy to read that shit but the butthurt is based
good shit

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I need a followup where he gets with the raccoon.

check archive b4k

God these stupid fucking magic eye pictures were such a stupid phenomenon. I had a couple posters up in my room. Every kid did. And it's was like, wow an ugly fucking poster hanging on your wall and if you strain yourself to look at it right you can kind of see a simple image.

God we were fucking dumb in the 90s. That's why I don't rag on the zoomers so much.

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Top right was me and it was when I knew I was becoming a boomer

I lost

We've seen all the good ones a million times and the jokes are usually too lewd for mods to handle

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actually laughed

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gimme the sauce on this i gotta binge read this all now you fucker

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Because Yea Forums comic threads are for funny comics.

Google's not giving me shit, even googling the characters names and other things isn't pointing anywhere. What's the source?

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He doesn’t bite the side that was in his ass. It’s all an illusion

Gotta love the retards that shit their diapers every time someone even hints that society or culture in general might not be absolutely perfect in every way

>tfw no dragon gf

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>PS3 shelf empty


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I want to ____ Tatsumaki

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source already

This is much better than the one with Alexstrasza.

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Marry? Bully?

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that's fair, something like It Hurts!! is pretty much a once in a lifetime thing. Maybe Gobo can pull it off again, but you shouldn't hold him to such high expectations.

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The punchline is the One Punch Man

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w-what kind of growth does the milk cause?

Are you a bot or something? Could you please give us the source already, man?

Fun fact, this is the shortest chapter in the entire series. The longest is a whopping 148 pages.

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not him, but the comic is called jobgoblin, been trying to find it online but I can only find reviews of it

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Stomach growth

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go ahead and keep being smug for no reason idiot, tech is here to stay whether you like it or not :^)

She should get some friends.

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A WoW edit being worse than an original tends to be the rule rather than the exception.

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Orange man makes bad position choices

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I suppose it would be unfair to do so.
But whatever, I'll still keep following whatever he'll work on, even if it won't reach the heights of It Hurts.

>tfw you'll never be squeezed by a hotdog

Saitama becomes her friend after they fight.

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i swear they do that in order to cover up the fact they are selling you a generic brand soda.

The cows are rising

well played

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what? Just look at it for a minute and your eyes will refocus naturally.

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RIP hotdog, the most threatening monster

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I think you meant to say

Funny how this trigger people every time it's posted.
I love how simply showing reality can rustle so much jimmies, yet nobody willing to change.

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yeah that's pretty funny haha

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And thus Tatsumaki defeated the 12 inch hotdog between some buns.

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deep dude, you must be old enough for a license with that kind of insight

I wish I'd die between her "buns"

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lol where's this from? I could use a good laugh

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So would 90% of Yea Forums, if not Yea Forums as a whole.

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>worked with mental patients
>this reads exactly like a journal from one of the manic obsessives that did horrible shit to little critters
spooks me out, man

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this is overly violent, I LOVE IT.

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Sounds like fun work

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explore skinsuit tag on sadpanda many funny things there haha


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why does the water have a karl pilkington face?

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God she's absolutely perfect

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Absolutely this.

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Fuck off, Tatsumaki is for tummy-fags.

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if i ever saw karl in real life i would just say "cheers about the money, sorry you had to deal with such a twat for it"


Knowing their personalities bottom is more possible

Malric must fall!

It's not, man. It's soul crushing. One step forward two steps back is the course of 99% of cases for involuntary commits. The only differences are how fast their death spiral is. If you want to help fix people only go to wards that have voluntary. It's a million times more chill, and it's like 50/50 rehabilitation.


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stay mad, virgin

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>that theme

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Carl seems like the chillest dude.
My dream podcast would be Carl and Limmy just shooting the shit.

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don't lie

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>newfag actually thinks this proves anything

oh dude same, i love limmy as well. i've been gone back and watching his falconhoof stuff and it's hilarious. did you know he streams on twitch?

Alright, back to Vinesauce with ye.

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faggot, link yourself so I can ignore the other trash

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>walls that only go a couple inches into the ground
>walls that extend that far up that only go that deep and aren't falling over
my immersion is ruined and now I'm angry

So you're saying you're the ultimate obnoxious faggot but don't give a fuck.

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based and chadpilled

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some say they are still fucking that chicken to this day.

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Actually based

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hey wait a sec isnt this supposed to be some shitty drawn autistic comic


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So do starfox characters have dog legs or what

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it's the remaster

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>tfw he deleted a pair from his pixiv
Still fucking mad that I could never find them again

games for this feel?

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>M Bison isn't just evil Rose


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Yeah, it's a great watch. Now you got me thinking the two of them playing something coop would be amazing.
's wa'ah.

Yeah but someone made it soulless

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you just know

You just know

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gay as fuck.


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It's almost harvesting season

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what's this artist's problem with elves


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You love those knife eared cunts?

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what the fuck are they doing


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He does requests on patreon and people find the stuff funny

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>implying i would ever go through the effort to inspect element all those posts

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>Literally the best time to be alive in Human History
I hope the faggot who made this thinks he could survive the black plague after I kick him so hard where his testicles should be that he ends up going back in time 1000 years ago. Tell me how life is then and what world you would rather live in


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my firs ty question would be " how the fuck do you live in this house and not know where the trash can is

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It's not hard

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White boys smooch dogs

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Can you hear it?

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this is simply not true
in 2040 we manage to bu

i usually don't like bodysuit stuff since while it's technically genderbending it's rarely like the normal stuff in the genre

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ah yea imagine them figuring out portal 2 together or trying to pull off a heist in payday 2 or something. I don't really see karl as being interested in games though. then again, i never pictured limmy would be a twitch streamer, either.

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The wolf is showing submission to the guy, they do that to show affection

>not "perish like a pokemon creature"

It's called juvenoia, the next generation is never worth it.

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>Attempts a 1930s cartoon aesthetic but doesn't have any pitch black people with super big lips

What's the point

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>t. crummy water fetcher

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What the fuck did she mean by this?

i don't have a gay extension for Yea Forums

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I mean why the fuck is the guy opening his mouth

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I love happy endings

this panel makes Yea Forums obsolete

based fag slayer

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What the fuck was that

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war is hell

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Good old ring of regen.

infinitely creampie

How did his blonde dad give birth to him in the first scene. Is it ftm to or something.

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what the fuck was this comic? two crusaders killing peasants and looting towns before a random knight clubs them to death? brutal as fuck, i liked it but im so confused

More tragic than you actually know.
They went through a lot together, just to get killed in such a simple manner...


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To show that he's the alpha, he's probably one of those people who has lived with a pack for a long time

american women are just that ugly

Equally based

Who's Steve jobs?

It's an edit, dumbass

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Did they fuck later?

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This still has copypasting you utter cretin

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>my Mom shared this video unironically on Facebook and took it completely seriously

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Where's the joke

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No faggot. You are awful for watching twitch garbage
Go back

when are they gonna fuck?

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>zoomers posting twitch memes on Yea Forums
this is just sad

the problem isn't that it isn't true, the problem is that it's incredibly base level analysis

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annnnd I hate it

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hounskull chad endeth these shieldwielding faggots

laugh out loud

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what comic?

absolutely based but the comic is still shit

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The master mind behind Temple OS

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Keep going

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what you couldn't tell that shit was building up feg

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what the fuck

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the "joke" is that there are worse things in vydia to worry about than politics
the real comedy is stonetoss of all people making a comic about that

>but that's not funny
a bad joke is still a joke

boring as fuck, you can stop posting anytime sweety

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I miss NSMB. Shit was wholesome as fuck and now it's politicized and raciss. Same with making fun of Cosby's voice.

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There was a recent wave of media articles in english speaking countries telling us how good insects are for food.

I never actually watched TPP, I think there have been multiple by now. Should I watch the entire thing or just some best of clips? Seems like something you had to be there live for to enjoy.

I like how he did this one.

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I bet bees taste sweet

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But insect-based food wouldn't literally be bugs sticking out of a burger

>It Hurts
My fucking nigga of taste

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I do wish my PS4 would do that.

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>no one has posted this one yet

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I love how It Hurts is the prime example of "it gets good 100 pages in". Even before that it still has some gold though.

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Thread is autosaging, post weird shit.

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...there are people on this board right now who don't understand this.

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damn that looks good.
is there anymore to it?

I'm sure they do

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One more before the thread dies.

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They wanted to piss and shit on PS4's?

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why did this thread turn into such an autismfest

What's the image limit on Yea Forums again? I thought it was 251

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It's from Twitch Plays Pokemon. Don't worry my friend because Pokemon and Twitch go hand in hand with being a complete faggot.

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You should have been posting weird shit to begin with

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this. sadly hes never responded to any replies on his posts and im convinced he's just posted this to get people invested in the story and blueball us

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user what the fuck

its 300 on every board except Yea Forums and /f/
because fuck Yea Forums and well you know, can't really post much on /f/

>absolutely no one pointing out that you don't need any skill to get linen cloth

How this comic/web end ?

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At least we can find comfort in the likelihood the story turned to shit because of the romance subplot becoming far too prevalent. It's what happens every time in these stories. We're probably not missing out on much

absolutely demonic

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imagine the smell

So what is this from?

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You let wolves tongue up your tongue or you get your throat clamped nigga

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I mean makes sense he was essentially in a slow cooker for two weeks. i fucking forget about my chicken in the slow cooker and half a day later that shit is mush

i've never been bothered by a romance subplot. its a natural part of character development. it'd be weird if the main character was a sterile virgin the whole time.

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Too many stories take it too far and end up becoming essentially a slice of life with entire arcs only existing for the hero/heroine to save their partner rather than achieve any real goal.
It happens too often in stories, both unprofessional and professional

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Where's this from?

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>Tfw also like Jeremy Brett
That was a good version of Sherlock Holmes

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Save it if you like it, I've only seen it posted here.

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Saved it from Yea Forums 3 years ago. The guy who posted it said he found it on /ic/ 4 years before he posted it.

30 minutes on the clock everyone.

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Jokes on you, I read the 4th panel jacket before reading the filename.

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Name a few. Trying to figure out if I'm totally oblivious or lucky enough to have not run into a story that divebombs like this. That sounds like nothing more than some rescuing the princess bullshit and that's such a tired trope that I'd be be shocked if it was still employed today.

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thats bitter. someone mentioned it's called jobgoblin, but i can't find it anywhere, even on the russian torrent sites with the obscure shit. i've really become invested in it and the story seems promising. oh well.

who knows if this even got a proper ending? this must be at least 12 years old

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I was talking about the Templar comic, not the one that's still being posted

They were talkin' about the pair of violent templars comic.

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Keep posting though.

oh, yeah. didn't look through the replies.

why does he have a dick for his emblem?

Not that user, but the hobbit trilogy and its shitty romance subplot took up way more screen time than it deserved. I watched an edited version of the movie that cut out pretty much every scene with them involved in a seamless manner and it essentially cut the entire trilogy length in half and was much more watchable

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page 10, user. mega dump link or source if you would, please.

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>watching the hobbit movies at all


Based. Ban multi strip posters.

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Out of all the TECHNOLOGY BAD boomer comics, this one is by far the worst and most ignorant
It's like they don't understand the concept of taking a picture and then putting the phone away. Which is just bizarre, because boomers used to do the same exact thing with video cameras back in the day

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>and then putting the phone away
They either don't put the phone away or they walk away. You overestimate how involved modern parents are

the fact that i cant even remember a romance subplot in the hobbit trilogy is probably a testament to what a shitty plot device it was. i just remember some of the cool bits and how i was kinda bummed that it didn't compare to the lotr movies well

post trap edit

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are you going to leave us without so much as a source 4 images away from the limit, you sadist?

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I like the giantess one better

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it's called jobgoblin and it pretty much doesn't exist anymore, i couldn't find it anywhere

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It had literally no impact on the story's original plot at all. I saw the edit before the full movie and it didn't feel like any important moments were skipped over, everything was coherent. Still sucked, especially compared to LoTR, but it shows how pointless that plotline was.

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And we're on page 10

we also hit the image limit too

Brian Fukushima seems to be the author.

he's got a twitter. pester him there for it