Fangame is better than the original game it was based on

>fangame is better than the original game it was based on
What's her name, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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They're both about the same
Seethe cringe cope have sex tranny etc

post webms of this fangame

Touhou is the ultimate testament to the fact that if you make your entire cast girls it doesn't matter if your game is good, it'll get a retarded community of Brony-tier autists regardless.

So have you ever actually played the games, user?

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How is this on youtube, wtf.

Ikaruga is better

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Russians just don't give a fuck.

Cute pantsu

i mean there was that video on utube where some chick masturabates but its ok cause its educational

>fan game requires you to be a patreon to get its full content
you know you think people like this would get into a huge heap of trouble using the assets from the real game to make their fan game and then asking people money to play their fan game

Is it still on? How?
>mfw there's dilation videos
Fucking hell.

Attached: tfw another 10 minutes battle phase.jpg (225x350, 32K)

no there isn't

Ikaruga is a meme game that casuals turn to if they need to pretend to sound informed. It's like saying your favorite fps is Half-Life 2.
Why not try some other shmups? ZANGEKI WARP is pretty fun, as is Astebreed.

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Based Russia.

>Is it still on? How?
fuck if I know, I saw it like a year ago. It was in educational category and they were showing it off in front of a classroom

>waifu fag comes to the rescue yet again
If you like the sub par anime girls just say so, you don't need to pretend the games are anything noteworthy.

>Ikaruga is a meme game
Stopped reading there, regardless of what you say to impress random people in the internet (which is pathetic) Ikaruga is still a good game

Touhou games are fun and simple. They invoke a very "arcady" feeling, which is why I enjoy them.

Cool so you just want to shitpost, got it.

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>Ikaruga is still a good game
Not him, but it really isn't. Try Armed Police Batrider or Battle Garegga.

>Ikaruga is a meme game that casuals turn to if they need to pretend to sound informed.
I mean, Touhou is more of a meme game. It's such a meme game that 90% of the people who talk about it don't actually play ZUN's games. Ikaruga is just a rare example of a bullet hell that isn't atrociously boring. Actual shmups like R-Type are vastly superior.

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time for you to dilate

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If Ikaruga isn't a good game, then Touhou is irredeemable

oof, harsh but true.

Seihou Project and Uwabami Breakers are LITERALLY Touhou without the cute girls, they have the same gameplay and even music composed by ZUN. But no cute girls and as a result literally no one gives a shit about these low energy franchises.

>Ikaruga is a meme

Says the fag shilling a literal meme game.

Attached: toho owes its popularity to this video.jpg (498x362, 17K)

Ikaruga is THE shmup people who are trash at the genre fellate the most. Should have said Guwange or Dragon Blaze.

Seihou went to shit when ZUN left, and as such only has 2 good games. Also personally not a big fan of the patterns and the heavy emphasis on micro movements.
Uwabami Breakers is a fantastic game and I love it. But it's also a stand alone game released over a decade ago.

Touhou has a lot of content that attracts casuals, sadly.
R-Type games seem fun but I've never been very fond of horizontal shmups so I've never given them a fair shot.

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Some arcade era shoot em up were really good. i loved ths game i wonder how many people heree played it

>even the fangame is shilling for the real game
How much do you wanna get the devs made the game themselves to drum up R34 interest like Randy did with Battleborn? The custom sprites seem pretty accurate for a fan game, especially for a literally-who game no one in the West cares about.

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replace the girl with a wojak

So this or H-Doom?

Ikaruga is easily one of the weakest Treasure games. Their best shooter is radiant silvergun, Ikaruga is mediocre.

>The custom sprites
Nah, they're rips. The game files are unencrypted.

No, that's Tyrian but Ikaruga is the next step up.

it's a big possibility considering how much people hate RCG, it was a truly terrible game that nobody has talked about in weeks.

Attached: rcg-flop2.png (719x412, 112K)

RCG deserves better.

Touhou SRW clones are better games than actual srw at this point

It deserves to have its source code deleted. It was truly terrible and a black mark on kunio.

I know this artist, they've been doing random arts for Yea Forums and KSG for years.

Eh, only the first one was really good.
Everything after that had really bad writing, the creators really fucked themselves over by trying to follow the mainline game's plots. Should have just had an original story.


That's really not saying much, coming from a guy who loves SRW.

why, touhou is a lot better than ikaruga

>it was a truly terrible game that nobody has talked about in weeks.
that's funny

>it was a truly terrible game that nobody has talked about in weeks
you mean days

Including the cock-sucking animation?

There is actual movies on youtube that actively show people having sex as part of the plot. There are also live birth videos, breast feeding videos, and masturbation videos. You just need to know where to look.

>He didn't get the secret ending

Based user can't get banned because it's a YouTube link

Don't know if they're still up but I remember seeing educational "how to put on a condom" videos. The guys always had huge fuckin cocks.

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>everything is shilling
user get the fuck off of Yea Forums for awhile and stop taking shit so fucking literally.

Reminds me of sex Ed class at my school. The teacher gave everyone a condom and pulled out a banana dildo, then told everyone to take turns putting their condom on the dildo. A lot of the boys tried to save their given condoms.

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You are literally shilling for anti Yea Forums activities right now.

Girls spreading their legs is kind of hot.

Man, that's creepy.

This post doesnt make any sense
>its a seething numale anime poster

>How much do you wanna get the devs made the game themselves to drum up R34 interest like Randy did with Battleborn?
100% sure. The Shantae and Skullshits devs used teh exact same strategy to great effect.


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oh oh

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The only black mark on Kunio is the one put there by his bull with the mushroom stamp.


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Alright, where's the stuff of her being diddled by the baseball bat. I know it exists.

>get decked and sent on the floor
>guys all beeline to me
>fucking nothing happens
My slut soul weeps at those moments, why would you make them beeline to knocked player so suggestively.

Glorious official art.

So based and redpilled.

Fucking this. This fangame is an endorsement of everything we as channers stand against. Buying it is the same as buying the official game.

In what fucking way?

There's no reasoning with waifufags

Fuck off Wayforward. Reported for shilling.

It should be our duty to remove gamers form this board.

I'd liken that more to Neptunia.
Touhou has plenty of great games
Neptunia has no good games, even the supposed 'best' ones are okay.

Oof, harsh but too true, gaht damn

VIIR is pretty fun and the fake mmo was ok for a mindless joke of an mmo.
The rebirths are pretty bad but then the original games have some serious issues too so you're just kind of shit out of luck.
The original HDN is definitely the best but the shit with the healing is retarded

looks good

I can't jack it to h-games desu
It feels too autistic to me, why not just read a doujin?

>Flinging shit at Ikaruga
Mongoloid and brainlet
>Liking Touhou at all
Ah, no wonder

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I like h-games that give me the opportunity to go for a purity run. Makes the failure all the more infuriating and ragefaps as you watch your heroine get raped are always the best.

i thought this game was dead and forgotten, why are there like 5 threasd up for it then?

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Phoneposter spotted

>This fangame is an endorsement of everything we as channers stand against.

when did shantae ever do that

>Getting this assblasted because someone said the truth

Google it. WF has a long history of this shit.


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fuck off secondary scum

Fuckin this. Tohou is one of our most hated series due to how scummily low effort it is. Only reddit normies like it.

>Fucking this. This fangame is an endorsement of everything we as channers stand against. Buying it is the same as buying the official game.
But this fangame is free.
And I only played it for the porn. I'm not interested in the original game.

Yea Forums never liked Touhou, it was just a forced thing by Discord trannies!

The fangame was created by WF to shill RCG

Wayforward commissions porn animators to make "fan art". Also their association with ZONE.


>Only reddit normies like it.
>/jp/ exists
Your newfag is showing.

>no mami or hasebe

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based commies

Oh shit, I’ve been found out!

>low effort
Nigga wat. EVERYTHING is done by a single guy, if anything each game is a colossal effort.

Eww. is there any source for that? And how come i've never seen anyone talk about this until now

why are you fags replying to obvious as fuck bait?

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wait, whats missing from the pay what you want version?

You can't even say the name right.

only one enemy type and 2 animations cant even play as the better girl

As long as you're putting less effort into your responses than the shitposters are, it's fine.
That's also why I'm ignoring most of the responses, not worth the effort.

Are you still mad?

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>All these newfags in thread
I'm going to go back in time an kill 2016! I gotta do it to save Yea Forums and getting these fucking RETARDS! OFF! MY! BOARD!!!

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I like H games. Just please don't end up like Project X did.

How embarrassing.

Touhou is board culture, practically every board has some funny meem related to it even though it's barely related to it. From /jp/, Yea Forums,
/vg/ and /bant/ to /tg/, /pol/, Yea Forums, /m/, Yea Forums, and and pretty much almost every board.
2hu is everywhere, /jp/ as a board was created mainly because Yea Forums was overflowing with 2hu.

I agree

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It pisses me off that this is what we got. They had one last chance for a BIG push with Kunio in the West after the niche sales of the 3DS games and Underground.

more like coomies

>All these newfags in thread
>I'm going to go back in time an kill 2007! I gotta do it to save Yea Forums and getting these fucking RETARDS! OFF! MY! BOARD!!!

Kunio is deader in Japan.

Just download it form F95 negro


Not gonna' lie, but I've never coom'd harder than when my wife was sitting on my face and jerking me off.

>No lesbians

Those two need much more porn.

>devs says it's "completed"
>might do updates
>so far it's literally just 4 map transitions, one enemy type, kyoko only, only 3 positions, barebones copypaste of combat with only the basic 3 hit combo, outfits only show up during blowjob position, no Misako, so scenes when losing at all
I hope they update it more

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If you ask me, I do think he was asked to work on the game by RCG’s devs as a publicity stunt.


read the thread stupid

Imagine having to ask for the download link for a free game with the title on the first post of the thread. Is this your brain on coom?

this will get more right?

Probably not. Developer says he’s done with it and the patreon isn’t pulling a lot of money either.


damn it, theres not enough games out there

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Was tweeted 10 hours ago and it looks like their patreon was only made 3 days ago.

Are they just going to give up and quit within 3 days of launching their patreon?

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Don't give us hope.
at least this could inspire a mod...right?

The game is marked as "completed."

Also, I'm not sure if it's a good idea of promote that game on patreon. The girls are underage aren't they? he's gonna get b&

Sonic Mania

>those two getting lewded
>this whole thing in general
Based vodkaniggers.

>that Hideri in the background at the very start of the level

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Definitely not this shit

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12th graders who are 18 isn't that uncommon.

Maybe in America

But the rest of the world, you know, where people arent dumb ass bricks thanks to standardized testing, normal highschool age for final years is 16

me too it'd be better than the original game

Dude, the game isn't even out yet. Shipments aren't coming out until the end of the month, these guys probably bought it early from Best Buy

What the fuck? No way.

Clearly didn't work on you.


Is this a real game or a """game""" made in gamemaker and features the usual gamemaker staples of shit controls and awful hitboxes?

more liek coomunists

rent free in your head

Shouldn't it say grade: 12
12 grade doesn't make sense

What does America have to do with anything here

Its not even about being rent free faggot. Look at any statistics for average graduating age

12th grade is senior year of high school.


What? It's out digitally on everything right now. It's just the physical version is coming later.

>12th graders who are 18 in not uncommon
Literally the WHOLE post. Most of the world outside of America, the average 12th grader equivalent age is 16. Because of how the American school system works, the average 12th grade age is 17-18

Even if they were officially listed as under 18 in the source material, it doesn't matter as long as you put a disclaimer at the start of the porn that says, "All characters are 18 or over". There are plenty of parody porn games with characters who are officially underage in their source material, and still appear to be children in the porn game, but as long as they put that disclaimer at the beginning and never do anything in the game to contradict that, they're fine.

why are you so obsessed with America

>Its not even about being rent free faggot.
It most certainly is, third worlder.

user, there's a decent amount of non-american countries where you graduate at 18.
I should know, since I live in one.

Got news for you, I AM American. And a teacher. Thats how I know our system is fucked

Uh-oh, now he's larping.

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>on f95 already
>want to go to bed
>this comes out
the SHIT I put up with

>other hentai beat em ups: lose to get more scenes
Bad game design
>this game: win to get more scenes

I'd post my DL, but even I'm not THAT stupid.

Sure thing don't worry i believe you 100% you couldn't be bull shitting on the internet because you made a fool of your self.

>I AM American
We're all Americans inside user


What the fuck am I missing here. The game won't even run for me. Do you need a Unity runtime installed or something?

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I think you are because I looked up all the developed countries and I couldn't find a single one where they didn't graduate at 17-19.
Name even one where kids finish high school at 16

obsessed in your body

I need a rip of the theme song. Please, user.

Grade 11 and Grade 12 are your senior years


9 = freshman
10= junior
11 = sophomore
12 = senior

Plug the cartridge into your switch or put the disc in your PS4
Simple as mate

Its translated?

Did any mod came out to fix the gameplay itself or is RCG still a trainwreck?

You mixed Junior and sophomore.

>OMG they made them 18 year olds in a videogame.
Who the fuck cares

What in gods name is a freshman and a sophomore. Look I graduated 15 years ago I don't know these new age terms like LGBTQA and sophomore Grade 9 and 10 was Junior, 11 and 12 was senior. I don't know how you kids do it these days and frankly I don't care you shouldn't be posting on here

gameplay is fine you must be doing something wrong


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In every fucking way

what you're saying is true for other games but Touhou is an ok series
Not nearly as good as the fanbase would imply though, for sure

you must of gone to a shit school because i graduated 15 years ago aswell and it was always Freshmen > sophomore > Junior > Senior, sorry your parents hated you user but no need to take it out on everyone who had parents who loved them (unlike you)

Riki must be a massive faggot to deny Kyoko.

why are people arguing about this stupid shit and not about if Kyoko or Misako is the hottest?

>some neckbeard sitting in his mom's basement and screeching into a 10 dollar logitech microphone STILL sounds better than christina vee

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Because it's been settled that misako is way hotter than thotko

Don't (You) me you mass replying faggot.


I was in what is probably the richest public school in Toronto, in one of the richest neighbourhoods in Canada. Unless youre going to UCC you can't get better than what we had, the only second language courses my school offered was Latin and Ancient Greek

Same as . What kind of retard are you that you never heard of the terms freshman and sophomore?

>I was in what is probably the richest public school in Toronto, in one of the richest neighbourhoods in Canada.
A fucking LEAF

Attached: lolicon.jpg (147x239, 10K)

>a fucking leaf
Well, that explains everything.

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Looks like shit

According to their patreon they are still "working" on Lewd City Girls. Just ask for more stuff on Twitter and see if that works, I guess.

Riki and Kunio are men of taste who know that flat is justice

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that was quick

Oh, I get it. You guys are some Euro homos that think everyone in the world uses your gay ass names for things
Well I'm Canadian we don't call ourselves sophomores, we don't measure our cocks in millimetres, we don't drink millilitres.
We use inches and we use pints, the only metric I use is in the calibre of a bullet in the gun I can buy legally at Canadian Tire because I'm not from a communist shithole

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what are you doing nigger?

I'm from new orleans you dumb leaf

Tfw I like the artstyle of a lot of indie pixelshit games, but I fucking hate sidescrollers in general.

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I wanna be as cool as Riki and Kunio to regularly slam Hasebe and Mami.

I'm an East Coast American, doofus.

>Good combat beat em up.
>Porn is added to combos.
>You actually win by doing that.
WTF This is the best shit i have ever seen.
Based "Comrade" don't giving a fuck about YouTube.

Attached: Real shit.png (576x576, 587K)

Okay Hozay Cortez whatever you say

i love how canadians are so terrible they cant even do americanposting right

Which one has a dick?

>yfw you report the video

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>The game proper is loaded in amateur foresights
>The porn parody nails several good game design for it's genre
Literally how.

what the fuck is behind that spoiler

Based russian

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The game is actually shit. There are only 3 sex animations, like 6 rooms and the game lasts 5 minutes if you're lucky.

>the game lasts 5 minutes if you're lucky
Just the right time

Jesus when did newfags start infesting this board?

very bad video

late 2014, after the fappening.

why's it bad?

she's for mating purposes only

Porn is the main source of power in that game. Like Shantae, but in a minor doce.

Attached: What, why.gif (320x240, 3.73M)


2016 Election
etc. etc. etc.

Pick and choose really.

HGH was just kind of "eh" but Pirate's Curse was a pretty fucking amazing game, really made me want to go out and play some of the good GBC-GBA era platformers

2006, after the Habbo Raid

why would anyone waste their time fixing a wayforward game for free
have you ever seen that happen even once


probably some in the past few years because of shootings

It’s meant to masturbate to, not play. The devs themselves have said that.

Because indieshitters are in it for the money rather than the love. The gaming industry has become pure shit on all levels. VIDEO GAME CRASH WHEN?

And its low quality porn at that. Wow shit ontop of shit. Whod have thought

Never you IF

Holy shit

>hentai beat 'em up but instead of you getting raped for losing you just rape them after beating them up
holy mother of based

>bruh lets make a 2d coop brawler in 2019
>lets not have online coop though
I was so ready to buy this game


>People making this but not making a porn version of Shantae Pirate's Curse in its moment
What's wrong with the degenerates?

Shantae is shit

Easier sprite work?

don't let your dreams be dreams

if they were doing things right, then they wouldn't be degenerates, now would they?

>Shantae pole dancing and lap dancing rhythm game

That was a good fap.

I have this head Canon about Shantae…
See how characters like Dante Bayonetta or Zero can every single weapon even if they have never touched said weapon in their entire lives as if they had been using them from the day they are born?
Shantae can do that but whit every single Dance style

The real game isn't three rooms long, surely?
here's the game

Attached: burning boners.jpg (604x453, 45K)

>Shantae handholding and kissing rhythm game

>can't play best girl
>no jap dub
no buy

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>who is minus8

imprisoned by the corean government

Needs to be a full game.

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Didn't he just come out with a new animation?


>reddit normies
do you think this is some secret club or something? we’re all just autists on an anime image board stop being such a newfag. the difference in thought on this board is extremely vast (expect Smashniggers and Nintendies infesting the place with their faggot janny overlords saving their threads)

>says rent free and responds with obsessed and viceversa
like clockwork.