What's the stupidest excuse you've heard from people who blindly try to defend a game?
What's the stupidest excuse you've heard from people who blindly try to defend a game?
Anything MGS2 fags have to say.
u jus hav 2 git gud
>its fun with friends
Whenever someone tries to fill the gaping plotholes in undertale with headcanons or 'h-he'll explain it in the game nobody knew would even exist a year ago' or try to act as if the characters are deep and complex and not just random tv tropes stereotypes with lolrandumb and woah so deep and emotional moments ductaped on
>The fact that your choices don’t matter is a genius writing choice!
Guess the game the retard was defending
It gets better 20 hours in. (It's a 28 hour game)
Mass Effect 3?
Spec Ops: the line?
The line
>It's supposed to be bad.
>it looks slow and campy now but that will change once we have unlocked its potential
every new smash I get to see this
When Nintendies get butthurt and post Metacritic scores if you dare have an opinion on their games.
>it's still an rpg even if the choices and consequences are removed
>you just didn’t get it!
Bioshock Infinite
Weapon degradation is a good thing.
the only game where i actually didn't mind weapon degradation is BOTW, mainly because that is the only game i can think of where there is no way to repair them and you just kinda have to accept that they are going to brake. Any game were you have to constantly repair your equipment is just adding retarded busywork.
Someone defending any JRPG
>You have to play 60 hours for the story to pick up.
Bitch I shouldnt have to spend more than a literal day for a game to get good.
Weapon degradation should be left for player to toggle on or off, sorta like it's done in Streets of Rogue. In geneal, all potentially anti-fun mechanics should be left optional, and most of the time that probably wouldn't even be hard for devs to implement.
This is why FFVII is actually so great. It gets into the action and excitement right away. Within 3 minutes of hitting new game you've already had your first battle.
>it's on ps4 so obviously it's better!
So, never?
Ding ding ding.
"You just hate it because it's popular!"
Any and all arguments in defense of grinding
fire emblem awakening
Deltarune, where it isn't even true
Can't believe some retards have actually fallen for the "your choices don't matter" meme when it literally changes the ending of the Dark World completely.
>it's fun with friends
I hate this very much. If a game has shit content then the game is boring to play in general. I would rather have fun with friends on a good game than waste money on a shit game and try to find our own fun. And people still use this to defend no man's sky and sea of thieves, both games with nothing much to do
>It's ok if it has over 20 hours of cutscenes cause there's more with gameplay! it's not a movie game!
>a million shrines , radio towers & deku seeds is good game design
>collecting thousands of moons often by doing extremely trivial tasks or by repeating the exact same thing in another world is meaningful
>see this mountain in the distance? you can climb it! isnt it fun climbing for 50+ hours, especially when it rains?
>weapons breaking is more immersive game design, what do you mean were are the blacksmith's which can repair equipment duration? huh ..whats a repair powder?
>It gets good after 10 hours
Im going to use all of these now that I know it makes you seethe
>it's comfy
>it's got soul
what meaningless fucking buzzwords
>it's kino!
>"X isn't THAT bad"
Chances are if you have to say this, its IS that bad
Red Dead Redemption 2
Life is Strange
>lol who cares if the game is easy and dumbed down to shit, the series has always been casual
Life is strange?
>The dex cut is great since they are removing the boxfiller Pokemon and they can use their time to develop a better postgame
>Galar is filled with shitmons no one cares about
life is strange
Half of the Link's Awakening threads on here at the moment flat out open with the sentence "You are not allowed to have an opinion on this game if you think $60 is a bad price".
>the game sold a lot so if you have any criticism of it you're a console warrior
only children think undertale is deep and only teenagers are annoyed with children for thinking undertale is deep. Undertale is a cute charming little adventure story with unusual gameplay mechanics and catchy music. It doesn't have to be more or less than that
>things literally no one has ever said
Maybe like 7 hours, and if you're that hungry for the story to pick up why not just watch a fucking movie lol
The alternative version that pisses me off more is the "what's wrong with them dumbing it down? It's good for new players to get invested in the series". Like fuck you, that's what tutorials are for you fucking mongoloids
Its okay in Fire Emblem, even if you grind, the game gives more than enough and you can always steal weaponry from the units you will never use.
man game sounds like its full of choices and has multiple endings
Came here to post this.
If the gameplay is good and the story/ cutscenes are well paced with it then its completely okay.
Have you not seen people defending the shitty writing for ME:andromeda? They said that the story starts picking up after like ten hours or so. Why would anyone waste money to play a huge shitty chunk to get to the decent stuff? Fuck that
Git Gud.
Some TellTale game?
TWD first season was great and then It directly threw itself into the trash.
It is some libshit game that Yea Forums genuinely likes. They want the studio to do a Steven Universe game.
Almost every encounter is trivialized by ridiculously overpowered moves at your disposal
Literally 3/4ths of the them are no-name creatures that aren't even difficult or memorable. The others can be cheesed by the previously stated overpowered moveset.
have people actually said that to you?
>Yeah, but I like it anyway
Ít's happening all the time with Pokemon Sword and Shield shills right now.
First they claimed the pokedex cuts wouldn't be permanent, then they claimed that the graphics are indeed new when they're not, now they're going with some bullshit about crunch and the poor poor devs who are being overworked, BECAUSE THEY'D RATHER MAKE TWO GAMES AT THE SAME TIME THAN DELAY ONE.
The game endings boil down to two choices that are completely irrelevant to the many, many choices prior to it, and both succeed in invalidating them completely even further by killing off all the charachters except the protagonist and destroying the location where everything happened, and them fucking off so they dont even check on the possible survivors and Going back in time to the very beggining of the game and changing history so that none of the choices happened to begin with
This pretty much.
I hate it because my favorite game is Dark Souls, but people can't think of real reasons to defend it. They just spout "lol git gud" and it makes the game look bad.
I don’t even remember making any decisions in that game
>It's really popular
>look at its sales
found the friendless loser
Jumping off a bridge with friends doesn't sound fun at all.
What is Neir tomato
Then why do so many fuckers in my area decide to do it into the various rivers around here?
>if the game is so bad let's see you make a better one
It gets good after 10hrs
The last time it happened was during the release of fallout 4. I played it and said that the series is somehow even more dumbned down and people came at me saying what's wrong with having the series being casual now. Some old fans chime in saying that it alienates the old fans with how they love how things worked back then while the other side argue saying that it's perfect for inviting new players who aren't good etc. Why even play games if you suck at them then?
Weebs that defend half their games being cutscenes because "UMM AKSHUALLY IT LOOKS ANIMU SO IT CAN'T BE A MOVIE GAME!"
fucking hell
at least we have Underrail and ATOM
Go ahead, I'm not even playing video games at this point.
Is underrail good? It caught my attention but don't know if it's worth buying
>Almost every encounter is trivialized by ridiculously overpowered moves at your disposal
This sounds like an experience only people who spends their time picking the game apart to find the perfect strat or combination of moves get, or people who grind too much, or people who play on Beginner/Normal(this one leads to another discussion on whether or not Normal should be challenging instead of putting a modicum of difficulty in Proud mode, but I digress)
>Literally 3/4ths of the them are no-name creatures that aren't even difficult or memorable. The others can be cheesed by the previously stated overpowered moveset.
Ditto, you sound like the guy who posts the webm of Sora defeating Lingering Will with only 2 moves over and over. But I do accept that Nobody/Hearless bosses are really forgettable with perhaps 2 personal exceptions, SE should really stop wanking Darkside.
It's good but look up a build guide before you get into it, the game is very combat heavy and some playstyles are blatantly better than others while some are absolute garbage,I had to give up a 60 hour run right near the end because I mismanaged my build and got stuck past a point of no return area getting instagibbed over and over
I thought it was quite good, some might say that it suffers from minor slavnik balance issues, but the core of it is quite good. I hear the expansion is even better, but I haven't bought it yet because my backlog has 5 Geneforge games on it.
I hate when people say this.
Hurr durr, I have to be a professional athlete to criticize one. No. I don't need a medical degree to recognize when someone's leg is egregiously broken, and I don't need game development experience to know when a game is a giant turd.
Thanks anons I'll go give it try
Complaining about something like Limits or the Stitch summon being overpowered is not nitpicking.
So either ending means any interactions don't mean shit when everyone either just dies or everything gets reverted? Who the fuck thought that was a good idea for an ending? That's just a huge slap to the face and telling you that you wasted your time
I like the two Switch Nigtendie games enough but they were pretty weak entries overall.