Which Fallout DLCs were the best?

Which Fallout DLCs were the best?

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Far Harbor, Old World Blues and Point Lookout

honest hearts>far harbor>the pitt>operation anchorage>dead money>nuka world>old world blues>point lookout>lonesome road>mothership zeta>broken steel

Some shit from New Vegas. Since it's the only fallout elitists faggots care about

Point Lookout and Dead Money

Far Harbor is the best 3D Fallout DLC bar none. Story is the only thing the NV DLCs have going for them.

The Pitt is shockingly good, surprising that Bethesda made it.

Pit, Point Lookout, and Honest Farts

The Pitt was literally the only good one desu.

Pitt, Point Lookout, Honest Hearts, Far Harbor

Broken Steel, Dead Money, Nuka World

>he doesn't think Old World Blues blows them all out of the water

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>broken steel
Imagine making your core RPG story so badly that you need DLC to add an ending to your game.

dead money has god tier atmosphere but the rest is shit.

Dead Money>Old World Blues>Lonesome Road>Honest Hearts>Far Harbor>The Pitt>Point Lookout

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Why do people not like dead money?
I thought it was better than honest hearts and lonesome road, at least.

>Zoomers think grey morality makes a compelling story.

Only zoomer Yea Forums would unironically recommend The Pitt. Gameplay wise it was shit, enjoy your shitty collecathon, better hope none of those ingots fall through the map : ^ )

being taken from a really open ended RPG to a stealth game is annoying. Also those radios sucked. The story, characters, and atmosphere more than make up for it though

If you're not playing for completion in a fucking bethesda game of all things, then all in all it's pretty good.

I agree. I actually thought honest hearts was kind of shit, it felt so swallow and rushed.
Can’t decide what I like better, old world blues or dead money. I think Fallout 3 and 4 overall had better dlc.

I think dead money shat too hard on fags that played guns only. They deserved it but still.

Dead Money is a gem in the rough, the others are just ok

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The atmosphere really was something else


lol pleb

>all the anons saying Far Harbor
Why? Chasing down some ungrateful brat so you can get drawn into yet another tedious “SYNTHS GOOD, PREJUDICE BAD” moral debate on a flooded, irradiated island sounds fun for exactly four seconds. The settlements are garbage, and the only fun quest (the murder mystery) is ironically the one Bethesda stole from a modder. What about it puts it so high on your lists?


It's a one-and-done kind of DLC. I won't lie, the first time through was quite enjoyable, if not tense, and the ending I got was quite cathartic. After that, it's a chore to do over, because all of the surprise is gone.

I love New Vegas but the more I think about it the less I like the DLCs
>Dead Money
Great all around so long as you have the proper build (sneak, guns, survival) and mindset to play it
>Old World Blues
Repetitive and the humor can get grating after a while (stop talking about Richie Marcus)
>Honest Hearts
Short yet boring with some of the worst side quests (finding the lost Bighornner calf) but it's saved by great loot, high tier enemies and Joshua Graham's charisma
>Lonesome Road
Bullshit enemies and constantly dealing with Eddie and Ulysses stopping you to spout exposition, but saved by the Marked Men being great enemies and lots and lots of expensive loot to obtain and great atmosphere

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It's not like people play through the game that many times though, right?

It's the most traditional expansion
Large explorable new map with plenty of new enemies, factions, side quests, and unique locations
Plus the main quest has a lot of different choices and endings with shades of grey

Dead Money is great if you're a sneak/guns player since you can actually avoid traps and get sneak kills or flat out avoid Ghost People

From F3: Point Lookout. 2nd place: The Pitt.

From FNV: Old World Blues. 2nd Place: Dead Money.

Haven't played F4 yet, not that it matters bc F4 is supposedly a glorified ARPG at this point.

Anyway, of the F3 & FNV DLCs, the only ones that didn't grab me was Broken Steel (more a continuation of the game than a DLC), Honest Hearts (Nice setting but meh story) & Lonesome Road (Nice setting but even more meh than Honest Hearts).

Dead Money > Honest Hearts > Lonesome Road > Fallout 3 DLCs > OWB >>>>>>>>>>> Fallout 4 anything

I still find it funny how bad Bethesda broke Fallout with Op Anchorage and The Pitt, Chinese Stealth Armor and The Infliltrator/Operator were the most aggressively broken shit

Old World Blues > Lonesome Road > Dead Money >>>> Honest Hearts

Doesn't the whole "Who gets the baby" thing have a weird karma problem where the choices outside the baby eating one makes sense, but you get a heavy karma loss for one of them? I haven't played 3 in years.

From what I understand, the FNV DLCs had to be made on a very strict budget as dictated by Bethesda. Otherwise, they would've been much larger and one of the proposed DLCs that never got made due to size and budget constraints would've added back in a huge area from the main game that got axed which was supposedly a very large Legion controlled area.

calm down Todd people still bought your game

>drawn into yet another tedious “SYNTHS GOOD, PREJUDICE BAD”
You never played the DLC have you?

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Far Harbor is generally regarded as good by people who have played them all. NV is very picky because each piece is radically different from one another. F3 sucks except for I think Point Lookout. Nuka world was meh and had a host of issues

F3: Point Lookout
FNV: Honest Hearts
F4: Far Harbor

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>Large explorable new map with plenty of new enemies, factions, side quests, and unique locations
you forgot that it actually add stat checks in some of those locations

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Point Lookout > OWB > Dead Money > Lonesome Road > Far Harbor > Broken Steel > The Pitt > Honest Hearts >Nuka World > Anchorage > Zeta

Point Lookout and Lonesome Road are my favorite though. Say what you will about LR but I love the atmosphere, weapons, and I do very much enjoy the theme of the story.

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We settled this a very long time ago. Dead Money is the best by far

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I’m the only one that liked Broken Steel I think.

ReMind was always going to happen, are you fucking retarded? It's explaining HOW things changed. It's still stupid, but at least it's not XV levels of stupid where they were going to add ANOTHER DLC to get an alternate ending.

Far Harbor however it will make you mad they didn't put that much thought into the rest of the game
I think Dead Money was great but the average gamer can't handle a F3 game that demands paying attention

worse two was Nuka World and Mothership Zeta. Both felt forced with NW feeling like a separate game to what F4 was and Zeta was a weird railroaded shooter stage.

It would've been better if you could join the Enclave

I'm not convinced that he's not following me

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>"Don't be Greedy: The DLC"
>Able to steal all the gold in the end until the next DLC

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>Both felt forced
NW was shit because of how it tried and failed to integrate itself into the main game showing how much of an after thought it was

MZ felt bethesda wanted to have fun with aliens


Dead Money
The Pitt
Old World Blues

High Tier

Point Lookout
Far Harbor

Good Tier

Operation: Anchorage
Honest Hearts
Lonesome Road

Poor Tier

Broken Steel

Shit Tier

Mothership Zeta

Haven't played Nuka World

>Nuka World
>Level gated the one good looking rifle in the entire game
>Forced to take multiple level 50+ combat perks that ruin the game to make the gun actually look decent
I've never forgiven them for that

Dead Money was such a radical shift and I loved it. It offered a very different and fresh experience from the main game. Frustrating and exhausting yet inching ever closer to the vault. It makes for a profoundly memorable journey. Characters, atmosphere, plot, the harsher gameplay. My only regret is that other DLCs seem too plain and safe.

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Dead money is the most garbage DLC in existence. Never fucking speak to me again.

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>The Pitt

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t. brainlet who got raped by ghost men

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Dead money fucking sucks.

dead money was the worst by far


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I never played any of the FO3 DLC, should I go back and mod it and give it another play through?

Someone get him some lotion

The weapons were shit.
The map design was awful
The DLC is really small except you got to play without your weapons for a while in a cumbersome manner until you can fight back and kill everyone and reach the end of the DLC:

>Do you kill babby or you don't kill babby? it is all the same BTW, enjoy your perk.

It is really weird that some people here shit on Dead Money yet they sincerely liked The Pitt, that is some really trashy taste.

Yeah you’re right, truth be told I only played it three years ago too but I remember being more impressed by it then point lookout which everyone raves about. Fuck those bullet spongy mutants

play only Point Lookout and The Pitt, get OP Anchorage if you want a sexy stealth suit

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Dead money: Absolute fucking garbage. Ill never understand any faggot that praises this.
Old world blues: Funny at first but peters out towards the middle and then gets slightly better at the end
Honest hearts: Solid
Lonesome Road: Solid

Only Point Anchorage was fun and it is really short but it can be done as soon you exit the vault.

The Pitt is overrated because that and Ten Penny Tower are the only well written parts of what is otherwise a collection of sci-fi references and poor storytelling.

The main quest of FO3 might actually be worse than FO4 and FO4 is a pretty stupid game but at least it is consistent. I could not muster the strength to finish FO4 knowing it was a Blade Runner rip off.

>The main quest of FO3 might actually be worse than FO4

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>old meme blues

>Dead money is the most garbage DLC
>Gravity Daze 2 Raven's story
>Fallout 4 Autonoma
>Skyrim Hearthfire
>Bladewolf (saved by how fucking good Hot Wind Blowing is)
>Borderland 2 Captain Skarlette
There are far FAR worse DLCs out there than Dead Money


Karma in 3 in general is fucked to hell and back.

Honest Hearts is honest garbage.
People praise the characters, but the worlds got fuckall going on and the main story is all of 1.5 hours long.

They couldn't let go.

>Why do people not like dead money?
They didn't pay attention to anything happening in the game and passed all the speech checks without reading them.

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i haven't played fallout 4 but it is a fucking shame how it and 76 were handled. The entire series is a fucking mess but at least 3 and NV are enjoyable.

My favorites are Mothership Zeta, the Pit, dead money and old world blues

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>FO4 is a pretty stupid game but at least it is consistent
>the cereal man steals your baby
>looks the same when you find him again
>your baby is now a 60 year old man
>cereal man isn't even a cyberg
Now that's consistency

>>cereal man isn't even a cyborg
did you even play the game?

>looks the same when you find him again
this was explained ingame

I have played Fo3 and FoNV but not any of the DLC. Which game including all its DLC should I play?

I like DM but I like OWB more, HH and LR are no-goes for me, doubt I'll ever play them again.

>Which game including all its DLC should I play?

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>centaurs from the scrapped FO3 concept art
Nice I thought they didn't realise the design because it was too horrifying or something. I see they did alter the design and made it looking more harmelss and silly though. I thought the one guy was actually holding a kettle before I realised its a fucking lamp standing in the background lmao

Play FNV with TTW and just play all DLCs on one file.

>Bleak, unending
>General, another settlement has sent word that they need your assistance


I heard about this mod but is it stable? No gamebreaking bugs (well atleast not more than normal for bethesda games) will occur and fuck me over?

In my experience it didn't crash once in a >40 hour playthrough, it also has less bugs than both vanilla versions due to it having YUP and a lot of NVSE specific fixes.
Unless you really want to play the vanilla versions because of their specific bugs/mechanics I'd consider TTW the definitive way to experience both F3 and FNV.

Alright thank you. What do you think about the Jsawyer mod? I heard it recommended alot and there's even a patch to make it compatible with TTW.

Lonesome Road felt like a real journey, was pretty cool. I know a lot of people hate it and I totally get it, but I like it.