Well Cyberpunk is 100% dead and so is CDPR. It's gonna be Andromeda 2.0.
Well Cyberpunk is 100% dead and so is CDPR. It's gonna be Andromeda 2.0
I don't see what the problem is, gay people and liberals are good at making games
KEK good one
Tell me this isn’t fucking real
It's because of their investors. Same ones funding AAA schlock out of Cali studios.
>Oy vey...support LGBT or no funding, goy!
Still pathetic the Poles are selling out now too.
Which gameplay features will be affected by this?
can you name one conservative game developer
Guy who made Hatred.
Yup thats the whole Dev team out at the gay parade
CDPR has 887 employees and there's only 20 gay ones in that pic
>gay people are bad
spotted the 3rd world immigrant. Sorry sweetie but all of Europe celebrates LGBT pride.
Every japanese game that exists
I can't wait to pirate 77 and fuck around as a 6'7 black lesbian transexual with the voice of Geralt. Game will be fucking amazing
They've never even made a good game anyway.
>fuck around as a 6'7 black lesbian transexual with the voice of Geralt.
definitely dropped for good.
so what's the deal? you can choose the voice of a man if you choose the body of a female? that will be hilarious, they have to realize that
any western studios?
>pretending this isn’t a bad thing
How's it a bad thing?
thats the whole CDPR?
thats a really small studio
Proof of Japanese devs talking about their political opinions?
>TrannyPunk 2019 is going to good they said
I'm still laughing at you faggots.
Did you burgers only just now realize gay people existed outside of North America?
but gay people don't exist outside of North America
I heard Ireland is the most liberal country in Europe right now. That true?
t. need to fucking emigrate out of third world USA pronto
at what year were they compromised?
What is this "outside of the Untied States" of which you speak?
Democracy and liberties are only good as long as they're used in the exact way I want, otherwise they're bad. If you disagree with this then you hate freedom.
>t. /pol/
>Oy vey...support the thing that has the larger and more vocal group demanding it or no funding, goy!
Based jews, this is why they have money and you don't.
The guys that made Postal 2. Remember when they updated the game after ten years to patch Milo in? Fucking weird.
proof you are not a faggot?
depends what you mean by liberal. They have higher age of consent and strict abortion laws
It's just the marketing, guys. Calm down
That kid looks like he can steal your girlfriend
/pol/fags have long since deluded themselves into thinking not actively supporting the left = supporting the right.
shut the fuck up tranny
God said so.
What happened to the original dev team did they all quit or was this them all along?
Wheres the yellow hair dev you kids keep trying to shitpost about? You think she would miss pride? She was an sjw according to neo-Yea Forums.
Come to think of it... i dont recognize any of the people in the picture. Dont tell me you are full of shit OP?
alphabet people begone!
We should invent a new government where only virgins can vote or own land, then the west will be saved
>3rd worlder
>thinking there's a difference
Keep on keeping on faggot.
Basically, am I going to be demonized as a white male if I live there?
do you faggots really think developers and writers have ever been categorically less progressive or cause-conscious than they are now? It's just more obvious now because we can see all their antics on twitter.
You're literally winging about nothing, to yourselves. Every time you type "tranny" your words echo into darkness, spiraling down dark caverns in a torrent of impotent rage; all your sentiments coalesce in shadow and disperse like the tides.
Surely you must know this is never going to change. This is inevitable and there's nothing you can do to rearrange it
Give ME Bug wife!
>It's gonna be Andromeda 2.0.
It's a functional game so far so I seriously doubt that.
Why don't right wingers make good video games besides eurojank?
Sure buddy keep going.
Isn't faggotry banned in Poland?
>third world
Which part of the US bud?
I thought poland was based
>do you faggots really think developers and writers have ever been categorically less progressive or cause-conscious than they are now?
Are you 12? Homo/tranny virtue signaling is a recent phenomenon. Shit, game design before the mid-00s was full of right-libertarians, not lefties.
Is going to good user. Me.
>mfw not a tranny in sight at taleworlds entertainment
bannerlord will be great, I will play it for a few years and then off myself. feels good brehs
name me one franchise that didn't tured to shit with SJWs
Is /pol/ gonna cancel CDPR now?
>citation needed
it's coming
you can't hide
Wow, I guess conservatives really are shit at everything except for making the democrats have an autistic fit for saying something even slightly offensive.
>Set in the future
>Out of control population
>No moral compass
Oh no, why this game has faggots in it I don't like it
Cry me a river fuckers.
Depends if you're Irish or not remember they don't like the english over there in some parts
Imagine being so retarded you believe /pol/ lies to be true. Imagine being so retarded you believe that white americans are the most oppressed people on earth.
You're literally without question THE dumbest creatures alive right now.
Martin O'Donnell
/pol/ has absolutely convinced itself that video games were a rightwing conservative hobby until 2013 or so, and that almost all people who played or bought video games were right wing political activists, and also all leftwing people disliked video games because....reasons.
Do NOT worry anons it IS okay anons I am NOT gay BUT gay IS okay anons the ONLY thing that DOES matter IS cute wifes anons SO if Cyberpunk DOES have cute wifes anons it IS okay anons SO I WILL let anons know IF there ARE cute wifes anons! (I will! I will!)
remember when sane people called /pol/ niggers right wing SJWs and then /pol/ niggers responded with a bunch of I AM SILLY ms paint comics that framed this valid criticism as spineless centrism? i would like an apology now. there is literally no difference between a /pol/ nigger and a SJW
at least AIDS still kills faggots, even if the state stopped, thankfully.
they'll live a short filthy life and then get turned in to the furnace.
>"OMG you stupid white male, you are so dumb! White males are THE dumbest creatures alive!"
Thank you!
Uhhh no sweetie. The difference is that when we cancel people, demand censorship and support the exact tactics we hate, it's based because we are doing it to save western civilization from the evil jews
Yes go on, keep proving that /pol/fags are the most retarded creatures on God's earth.
they take this shit too seriously. they're worried about trannies in video games but they're cool with all manner of corporate cuckery E.G. polluting groundwater, selling federal lands to energy companies, and evidently they're even okay with lootboxes and microtransaction-driven games because they are afraid of legislation.
seeth more and dilate you trannyera discord tranny. now if you'll excuse me, I have to go make a thread about how tifa's tits getting smaller is a massive deal
Original comment is so is not actively supporting the left = gay and liberal?
>Liberal Sjw
>Have gone out their ways to ruin absolutely everything you love until you turn your head in disgust and move on to literally anything else.
>Have done absolutely nothing but shitpost on blue boards and repeat their same argument ad nauseam and post twitter screencaps.
Sjw get results, horrifying results but still results.
/pol/ has done absolutely nothing except that they have become the liberal media scapegoat.
Between the tow, SJWs are much more successful.
So, do you like trannies or not?
I'm more worried with how they change the game every week.
Europe has been doing pride parades since you were still in your dad’s balls.
If you're not Catholic, yeah.
Also this
You see /pol/ fags everywhere, don't you? Do they haunt your dreams? Would I trigger your PTSD by saying the N-word?
Thank YOU user! You ARE a GOOD user! Do NOT worry user I am wife scholar! I WILL let anons know IF Cyberpunk DOES have CUTE wifes user AND if Cyberpunk does NOT have CUTE wifes user I WILL let anons know user BECAUSE it IS the MOST important user! (It is! It is!)
It's about the devs, which live in the present.
OP here. Thats me far right in the back
>Poles selling out like pigs
You actually must be a little kid raised on /pol/ if you think that. What happened? Why aren't your parents looking after you?
Not is I not but is only does is so Does is SO I will If are.
(I thought you were writing in code.)
>make off-topic blatant /pol/ post
>get called out
>h-haha why so obsessed?
You're absolutely retarded.
I love your naivety and determination. You warm my heart, wife user.
Thank YOU anons! You ARE both GOOD anons!
Dorota Maslowska have predicted that in Snow White and Russian Red
>All the japanese devs
>The faggots from Kingdom come
>Some old western devs
>l-look at us! we're not bigots! we're good people! buy our game!
Right-wingers don't have the mental capacity to learn to code. Even trannies have picked that up.
The game is certainly doomed, personally I am disgusted with virtue signaling but I was not going to buy the game anyhow.
I do not feel comfortable with tranny signaling or lgbt signaling, not enough to do something about just enough to avoid this sort of product like any sane person do. I do not need to voice my opinion on social media or cause outrage when I can just ignore it.
What a actual faggot.
Yeah Muslims are basically the same as /pol/tards
pride parades are for perverts to show off their fetishes in front of kids
That was you.
I started responding afterwards.
That's a blatant lie,
I bet PedoEra will still find some way to bitch about this just because of their seething hatred for CDPR
Well I guess Muslims actually kill the people they don't like while /pol/tards just fantasize about it outside of the occasional Rodger or Tarrant. So Muslims are like /pol/tards except not pussies.
are there asian WIFES? are there SKIRT WIFES?
Killing people = not being a pussy? I'd stay a pussy if that's the case.
Lorne Lanning - oddworld
Doug TenNapel - earthworm jim and the neverhood
>see guys? I said the nigger word, so i'm definitely one of you
trying too hard
>T-They are doing their pride thing again vee! VEE! They won't stop! F-F..First the sun and now gays! W-Why won't they stop!
Very weak samefagging, has the exact same voice. You can do better.
leftists and gays can't code tho
I see so many fucking rainbow flags every day in my city, it's like we were conquered by a foreign army. I'm suspicious of any movement that is 100% backed by every bank and corporation.
I do NOT know user BUT if I DO find CUTE Asian Cyberpunk wife I WILL let anons know user! Here IS a CUTE Asian Cyberpunk wife HER from RUINER game user! She IS a CUTE wife user AND she DOES give me GREAT soreness user WHEN she DOES say ME puppy! (She does! She does!)
If /pol/ were actual conservatives they'd dislike video games and the effect they've had on society. Their obsession with fucking video game anime titties is pretty obvious proof that they're just edgy larpers.
You're too retarded to make a coherent post. Kill yourself.
>Games are made by hundreds, sometimes thousands of people
>Plenty of them will be white, black, mexican, gay, straight, left or right, male, female or brain damaged trannies.
>Caring what creatures make the games rather than the quality of the game itself, as if any studio, anywhere, is made up completely of whichever group you approve of
Its all so tiring.
I don't like gays
Who is this /pol/ organization? They have a unified system of beliefs, from what you seem to be saying. You aren't referring to the insanely chaotic and nonsensical politics board on Yea Forums, right? Because if you are, go there and try to count how many "conservative" "right wing" posts you can find lmao.
Pretty sure the dev team is hundreds of people instead of fucking 12.
What is going on that this company is being taken over by sjws out of nowhere?
Poland as a general rule is the exact opposite of this. So it couldn't have happened by accident.
Shut up nigger stop being retarded.
The developer of original Mafia and Kingdom come. Anyway game development isn't inherently liberal there are different people with different ideology working in a game. And as always stakeholders is going to be forcing some progressive shit into to them.
20 too many
Don't faggots have anything better to do then go on all day whining and bitching about wanting to feel special?
>I said the nigger word again guys I totally belong here
trying waaaaay too hard
>do you faggots really think developers and writers have ever been categorically less progressive or cause-conscious than they are now?
They obviously have, you fucking zoomer retard. Only way you could possibly think otherwise is if you literally don't remember the world before 2015.
Shut up nigger.
And its been shit all that time, whats your point
I posted one of those in 2014, I'm sorry. They'd genuinely made this board an unending hell of fake outrage.
Here's the faggot /pol/tardNow his partners from reddit are doing damage control on how /pol/ apparently isn't real.
I have serious doubts.
Poland has been cucked for a long time, you're just too blinded by "hurr durr we're the last hope for white people" memes to see the proof all around. Your first tip-off that Poland is fucked is the colossal amount of polish twerk team videos polluting youtube.
user sorry to break it to you but fags have been doing pride parades in america for along time too.
I'm not gonna hate /pol/ less just because they're slightly more retarded than the opposition.
>Make "right wing" game
>No (((funding)))
>No retail spaces or online publishers
What's left, kickstarting it? That pretty much died years ago thanks to endless projects like Star Citizen not delivering.
>2077 team is over 400 people
>20 of them go to rainbow homoparade
please cease this tomfoolery
You're gonna play it anyway
But the sun, you're forgetting about the sun.
This has no relevance to the topic at hand.
Jesus fuckin Christ. You know leftists don't hate white men, right? They just hate you because you hate minorities and women.
What went so wrong? I loved the back when Witcher 3 happened
How long before the zoomers in this place grow up and learn how the real world works? Crying about people having different view points as you is the upmost childish shit.
>You know leftists don't hate white men, right?
Yes they do and I should have the freedom to call niggers what they are.
They've been raised by the same millenials who cry about racism, sexism, transphobia when it's not there. Pendulum is swinging in the other direction now.
>liberal SJW
>want equality for everyone and more visible minorities in media
>far-right fascist SJW
>want blacks, trans, jews, gays, muslims, etc to be genocided or violently removed from society
>gamers: hey, let's be reasonable here. while i don't agree with them, they are entitled to their opinions.
Witcher 3, you mean the game that a cross dressing homosexual elf, a bisexual witch and a homosexual human man?
based strawman conservative, have an upvote
Wtf I love trannies and hate borders nao???
ho much of the entire studio is this? 1%?
I think the smartest way to do if you're politically on the right is not to say it on public. Because leftist mob will definitely ruin your career
Studios about 400 people or more.
how are lgbt people persecuted when multi-billion dollar mega-corporations are on their side
If they want equality for everyone why are they so obnoxious about it? Pretty sure it would've been a no-brainer for everyone to support them.
>Post a tweet
>Being obnoxious
It's amazing how fanatical resetera is about trying to btfo meanie conservatards who have different opinions from them.
Thank fuck.
Now I don't have to upgrade my PC.
>gay pride
Proud you can stretch your asshole and make video games suck?
>almost 2020
>Yea Forums still talking about this "game"
how about moving on and let the dead rest in peace?
Such a typical argument. Go back to Twitter.
Urbanites..., they always become degenerate.
yea... their games
Wheres that lady going? Whats her story?
>if you’re not with us you must want genocide
nice strawman
/pol/tards want to kill people though, they've made no secret of that, they're just scared to actually do it.
notice I wrote" far-right". The far-right is exclusively about wanting ethnostates.
Why are they waving around red flags?
You weren't as brainwashed back in 2015, it was still in its early stages then. If it came out now you'd probably call Ciri a tranny or something.
This is a perfect example of election wave shitters ruining this place. Nobody batted an eye outside one or two threads that were larger ignored when it came to Witcher 3's homo shit, but now you've got that faggot in the first post crying about missing the 'good old days'. As if anything has changed.
The only difference between then and now is everyone is living rent fucking free in the outrage culture.
Then please show me which “far-right” elected official is calling for genocide.
When your "side" advocates genocide all day you're going to be associated with genocide.
>post a tweet
>Zoe Quinn and Anita at the UN and complain about "muh harassment"
>report guys having a private conversation and making an immature joke at a conference/presentation leading to them losing their job
>minor allegations leading to character assassinations
>discriminatory hiring
>manufactured diversity for brownie points
>devs and reviewers sleeping in bed together
Unholy shit, all of you have memory holed everything that has caused the past outrage due to sensory overload. 2016 elections were a mistake. Too much of a big tent and ppl realised that they really don't like the person standing next to them.
How many of them? And how many of them are serious and not shitposting to get hoes mad? You're very confident in your assumptions, user. You really shouldn't be.
Day one pirate. fuck these faggots
What does any of this have to do with the tweet in OPs post?
Are you actually serious? Why else do you think SJWs are memed on so much with "TRIGGERED" and PC culture being a joke.
oh user...
The games full of sex and degeneracy? That stuff isn't conservative.
Huh, didn't know blacks were far-right.
I learn something new everyday.
>Pretending this is a bad thing or that it matters
It has to do with (You).
I always knew CDPR games were shit and overrated and now we have proof
>"Equality" = Blacks, representing a few percent at most of the US, and If male/female relationship, make 50%+ of them black male/white female despite this being very rare in the US, and virtually nonexistant in the rest of the west
>We should re-model our entire society to fit ~0.6% of the US population (trannies)
Ok, seems fair. Why shitpost on Yea Forums? Don't you have child consent laws to push or something?
Yeah, but basically as your pic shows, these days you're "racist" if you don't turn 1/3 of the peasants in your medieval european knight's game into niggers. For fuck's sake, even Google suggests "bbc blackwashing british history" when you search for part of it (inb4 this post is crawled and someone removes it to "balance the algorithm for fairness" as the google traitors do) because of shit like pic related. Zoom zooms might be the last generation, if they aren't already lost, which they might be, to grow up knowing anything other than a medival europe that (racially) looks like downtown Detroit.
*Sips drink*
>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesn't need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesn't need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't need VR support
>it doesn't matter that it's cinematic garbage
>it doesn't need good AI
>it doesn't need good vehicle handling
>it doesn't matter that it has a shit visual style
>it doesn't need to have genders
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to have substance
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
uh, no sweeties
What! It DOES need MANY cute wifes user! Give ME cute wifes user!
Imagine going through life getting angry that people are different than you. Like nigger how soft you gotta be.
>co workers never hang out from work
>this has to be the entire fucking team of developers in the picture
Zoomers lean heavily right as far as I know. Sjws might be creating Nazis with their actions, funnily enough.
What the fuck happened to persona?
persona was always trash
That's literally one of the fundamental parts of the human experience you autistic faggot.
Oh hey. How you doin', Shazamposter?
Even the Jews hate them.
What makes you think I'm angry? I'm not angered by rats or cockroaches, I'm just disgusted and want to make them go away.
>not mentally ill just "different"
>What makes you think I'm angry?
>endless info graphics made, endless threads created with twitter screencaps of people who annoy you posted here to share in the rage
>has made a household name out of calling people cucks, libtards etc
I dunno what gives people the impression that you guys might be a little angry.
Pretty sure apathy is a trait of softness. It's basically avoidance and non-confrontation.
It's understandable.
Imagine being a young man who's always tried to be smart and strong and presentable. Then you see this . You see the limp-wristed faggoty men. The fat tattooed thots. The androgynous freaks who like like they came right out of a low-budget horror movie. They're all monstrosities, prancing around in public in defiance of the natural order. Then you realize that every single one of them has more sex than you.
That'd drive anyone crazy.
running with scissors, the makers of postal
nice gaslighting attempt.
Inb4 none of that was him.
That should be /pol/'s motto
You seem to be mistaking me by someone else as I have never done any of those things. That said you don't really need anger to wish death upon these degenerates.
>If you're not investing all your time and energy into needlessly hating some faggots on twitter, you're apathic and soft
Nah. I save my anger for people who actively go out of their way to make my life worse like faggot shitskins who live nearby and ignore laws.
I know you're not old enough to remember the Bush years, but the gaming community was mostly liberal back then.
I am sorry, user. Perhaps you're right.
Yeah basically. Funny how when they are called out suddenly none of the angry faggots bringing their stupid culture war here are part of that group.
Zoomers will create SJWs for the next ten generations with how retarded they are.
low effort post
Its a really unhealthy mindset to just be mad and hateful for no reason, its just retarded. Not like I'm against racism. If you live in the LA hoods I'd never expect you to be anything but a nigger burner, its just logical, those people are scum. But what have these fags ever done? Post shitty tweets and go on gay parades?
It's all discord trannies, real /pol/ users are always happy
>Studio of 300 employess which 22 are fags
cool we dont even know if they all work there
>discord trannies
Theres another one of those faggy buzzwords again. I don't even get this one, guess I'm too much of an out of touch boomer.
you walked right into it, what was I supposed to do?
>be triggered tranny on Yea Forums
>uh oh some people like people that I don't like
Good, fuck off. Resetera is the place for you, so why do you come here?
Maybe it's important for people who wanna vote with their wallet?
You're fucking stupid.
not make a low effort post
when warner brothers bought them out. Around the time they claimed Polish were minorities, and Polish culture was important to them.
They got massive backlash saying "poland has no culture" "there are no polish myths" "whites aren't minorities" etc.
>funnily enough
thats literally how it happened before WW2.
Discord is a social media software that at one point had a stereotype to it for attracting trannies and having furry moderators that banned loli/shota but exempted cub porn. Alaso there were some malicious tranny groups present too.
>everyone I don't like is a tranny or from ResetEra
Jesus, you are obsessed. Do you angrily pace around your room mumbling about Discord Trannies too?
Far more than 300 works at CDPR, and that isn't even including those in business roles, those working on GOG, media roles, community roles etc.
Oh and when they stated "we think witcher 1 was childish and we regret it"
>being intentionally dense
Can't wait for black panther 2
I know what discord is, I use it, just never come across a "discord tranny", but then again I just use small private servers.
All the replies to this are has beens or actually shitty devs
Not to say that lib shit devs are better, just saying that, you know; do better
So what's going to be the new boogeyman once this blows over?
Good. Avoid large servers and use it to communicate with friends. The right way to go.
didnt they used to be based? this is the modern fall of rome
it'll never end unless Yea Forums actually helps out. we need filter words. we need moot.
>has made a household name out of calling people cucks, libtards etc
You realize that's because everyone hates you, right? The vast majority of people who simply want to enjoy their hobby despise you with every inch of their being, but tolerate you only because they're forced to. The only reason you see it so much on Yea Forums is because you're not banned for calling people cucks here when they act like cucks and insert their annoying opinions into every conversation.
Don't cry to us because you're some of the most detestable people to be made out of the recent culture war shitshow.
They don't give a shit about that or freedom. If a far right politician passed legislation to censor liberals and their "propaganda" it would be cheered here as based and you would get dog piled for pointing out the hypocrisy
New bad old good??
>Media should be controlled by international oligarchs that direct them to attempt to produce as much race mixing and gender confusion as possible in order to create a global Brazil
>A global market where everyone but the high caste are orange-brown mixed mutts with 85 IQ
>Just smart enough to run the machinery, but too dumb to ever rise up
>I wholeheartedly support this in the name of "equality", even though actual equality isn't the goal, but rather to achieve a specific political agenda
>A political agenda meant to end the west once and for all, so that the international elite have nobody left resisting them
Good goy.
So soon we'll get to shoot all you nazi fuckers again? Sweet.
They have always had homosexuals in their games from day one, and Witcher 3 not only had homos but a cross dresser too. Even a zoomer would know this, did you just squirt out of your mothers cunt five minutes ago?
>Comparing trannyposting to furries and ponyfags
Furries have always been degenerates injecting themselves everywhere, a plague on the internet. Ponyfags are one of the rare groups that were so cancerous they needed a containment board. Trannies and reddit are really the boogeymen. You also forgot cucks.
Wasn't it fucking pride month a few months ago? Why is both my work and college suddenly holding 'pride month/week' celebrations all of a sudden? Even the gays that work there hardly give a fuck. Entire thing is organised by straight roasties.
...what? what am I falseflagging as? a fan of cd projekt red?
Idk, which category do you fit in on the list? If neither, insernt another name.
Who cares. Stop giving it so much attention. You're just gonna encourage them to be more active in activism and they will start painting murals and building shrines for more gay worship.
I'm a straight white male in his mid thirties but continue to strawman with your terrible buzzwords you terrible weeb shitter.
>implying translators don't Insert their own shit personal views into the localizations.
Don't be so disingenuous.
You're false flagging as a retard, the Witcher games have always had fags in them.
Why would anyone be jealous of shitdicks fucking each other and getting aids after going through a few hundred men by 30?
Same can be applied to loose whores.
At that point you really don't care about your partner, just about getting off.
Typical libfaggots though can't do anything right themselves like spending a few days getting good at masturbating, so they have to have someone else fuck 'em to get off.
Go away, Mark. I know it's you.
You'll never be as brave or capable as an Allied soldier, Antifa LARPer.
>now basically illegal for new shooters to not have an ugly sheboon with the most unironically racist looking nigger lips imaginable being "hardcore special ops ranger"
Oh my god it's so fucking stupid.
Warsaw is super cucked. /pol/ likes to meme that Poland is based, but its really only certain regions. They have their "west coast" equivalent too, mainly in the larger cities such as Warsaw and other major population centers.
Something about dense populations creates degeneracy.
Yeah bro, murdering and stealing niggers is just "different" :)
>Gone from buzzwords to literally random names
I hate this place.
that's an awfully western-centric view of the world
there is nothing old about being normal
All JRPGs are trash but P5 does it stylishly.
Weird how the DHS is now considering white nationalist their main issue
>I'm a straight white male in his mid thirties
What does this have to do with everyone hating you? Most of these cucks demanding sweeping demands to the gaming industry and for the people who play them are white as a sheet. Actual minorities don't give a fuck and just want to play madden and halo.
Also my post.
>"lol using buzzwords"
>uses buzzwords
Christ your responses just read so "reddit", shoot yourself tourist
I don't think you have a high enough IQ to comprehend the truth of how our society works. It's way easier to blame the Jews and the immigrants instead of doing research or thinking critically. :)
Great, leave, no one will miss you.
Kys Nathan
My only gripe with those faggots are the ones that want to be special snowflake.
>I hate these cucks for demanding things out of the industry
>Never mind that I am demanding things out of the industry
>Its not a double standard because I'm right
>when you're 15 years old and you think you know shit because you've been breathing air for 15 years.
Haha much kek, danke
The guy who made Killer 7 supposedly is a hardcore nationalist
hmm i don't think they've hit their diversity quota yet
would be a shame if someone alerted kotaku
i think youre just using words that sound smart to try and own me. anyway, having gay people in the games isnt inherently bad, but the studio used to do what they wanted and not listen to bullshit "criticism". i guess selling out for consolefags ruined them
You too fag. Hit the road. I'm also leaving nobody will miss us.
If you project any harder, they could use you in a classroom to show off PowerPoint presentstions
Three things coming back next decade: the money you stole, the state of Palestine, and the ovens.
>But what have these fags ever done?
Where have you been for the last 5 years? Trannies and LGBTQ in general ruined gaming
>I'm a straight white male in his mid thirties
Most cucks are, ever check twitter to see who is pissing and moaning the most about gaming outrages? The vast majority of the people bitching and moaning are white millennials in their 30's or gay furfags.It's no wonder you cluster together when so many people outright despise you.
>boy those sjw basedpackets sure are making everyone hate them just by virtue of how loud and annoying they are
>let's be loud an annoying in retaliation libtard owned
The immigrants are just a means to an end, they legit bribe them to vote for dems in return for welfare benefits.
Just take a look at the 2016 election map by counties and you'll see that the majority of the counties immediately nearby the border are all blue.
>Witcher series: Contains faggots and a cross dresser
>This is apartently fine
>Cyberpunk: Contains faggots and likely cross dressing
>This is somehow different
You don't think its got anything to do with you being a rent free faggot who has been sucked into the political climate out being outraged about pointless shit, do you?
All of you faggots use the same talking points and revert to the same tired ass insults every thread, so it’s easy to lump you all together.
Pretty sure normalizing trannies leads to people getting harmed.
>Don't you hate sjws? Aren't they annoying? Let me get their stupid tweets and post them here so you can see them. See how annoying they are?
I wish /pol/ would be shut down. Getting all these faggots back to whatever hole they came from would improve this place ten fold, its never the sjws coming here, they are happy in their own holes.
>gays & PoC live in cuckservative brains 24/7 RENT FREE
Please just fucking kill yourselves already. The world will be better without you.
>the sjws never come here
Haven't you read the replies?
I don't give a shit if they want to fuck each other in the ass or cut off their dick.
Do whatever the fuck you want but don't fucking touch and go parading your political, degenerate shits in my hobby and then ask why i hate them.
Video games became normies is the worse, now it filled with shit that i hate from movie industry
>the sheer amount of SJW faggotry that has attached itself to this game
Never. What will happen is that they will lie and cheat themselves into power and force laws that basically criminalize any right they dislike, and also mandating you regularly listen to them or go to prison
very thought-provoking!
>I hate these cucks for demanding things out of the industry
>Never mind that I am demanding things out of the industry
I just want games to be fun. If you don't do that, I'll just not buy your game.
>Its not a double standard because I'm right
It's not a double standard because I'm not pissing to my twitter account every time a game is released that I don't agree with instead of just not buying the game. Maybe if you bought video games, you could do that.
instead you're on Yea Forums pissing and moaning because people who buy games want their games to be something they like. Oh boo hoo, poor you 30 year old millennial snapping your fingers on twitter over games you're not going to buy anyway.
Ion Fury called, you're a vocal minority that can't even review bomb one game. Maybe when you start buying games, companies will start caring about your opinion.