>Raytracing is a me-
Raytracing is a me-
It doesn't look good overall. Too soft. Whole game looks like plastic.
I'm legitimately not sure what I'm supposed to be impressed by.
Looks like ass, no more replies after this post
>no shadows
I can make the game look better with reshade w/o killing my fps.
Holy shit dude that looks sick! We truly are living in the next generation :^)
The main lightsource is directly above so there'd be no shadows.
Yeah considering this game wasn’t very good. Remedy should stick to Alan Wake or some shit.
user go stand under a lightbulb and look down. Notice how it's darker under you?
wet carpet?
Are you literally retarded?
>pirate this movie
>start it up
>character moves like hot butter on a soapy tile floor
nice framerate
>no manual saves
>nshittia NoDrivers(TM) housefire causes me to crash constantly
>savefile corrupted 5 hours in
thank god i didnt pay a dime for this piece of shit
this gave me motion sickness
>he can't even handle the slightest bit of inertia
It's not even that bad in this game. Unironically git gud.
What are those dark trails on her legs?
>the main lightsource is directly above do there'd ve no shadows.
you can literally see a trail of shadow follow her feet, it looks like a shitty spell effect.
That one portrait in the background is blurry as shit.
kill yourself
Tranny sorcery.
Realism in video games is fucking retarded.
no, you, fucking shiter who cries over semirealistic movement physics
why are you spazzing around
>simple reflections and shaders that have been around for over a decade is ray tracing
insert random tranny comment here
are you retarded? the entire ceiling is light. when you have a single point light it creates shadows but when you're being blasted from many angles with light there are no shadows
These are done in real time so it actually looks even worse
Did it rain in there?
Wowee the same effects we've had for years already but now it requires expensive hardware to run because businesses need to make money somehow.
>that silky smooth 20fps
He's actually not wrong in this specific scene.
There's enough lights in that room and reflective material for there to be no shadow, or atleast not a very noticeable one.
why is there fog indoors
thank you for confirming everyones suspicions...
Because the entire game is a literal acid trip.
What the fuck is going on in here?
The visuals will surely makes up for more of the same tedious run and gun mechanics we've all gotten sick of, along with nerfed RP, hand holding quest systems, and forced transgendered negro protagonists.
Ray tracing for games is just a retarded idea.
Unless you're playing a literal walking simulator you're not going to notice the difference.
>That fucking toe nail
>real time reflections
is it worth a pirate?
>make realistic physics in a video game
>it confuses neets and they call it bad graphics
Which games look good to you?
The story is apparently pretty good and its made by remedy who are wonderful at third person combat.
>you need gaytracing for reflections
This game looks like visual ambien, just the most boring and stale appearance imaginable.
>playing the ps4 version of GTA 5
you're cucking yourself out of the best experience gaming has to offer this decade.
Ah yes I too enjoy running back and forth like a retard to see the pretty shiny thing on walls and floors in my game, clearly that's what matters
I'm trying to think of a good-looking photorealistic game, but I can't because they all look too soft. For the cost, it's not worth it at the moment to be pixel accurate when you have games with prebaked lighting that look and run way better overall.
>Meme shoes.
>Using Source's water reflections in current year
Sure, there are mods to re-enable reflections, but good luck getting that shit to run on an sv_pure 1 sever. Not like it would help you in terms of framerate, seeing as the game runs like ass now.
>best version of the game
>cucking yourself out
Yeah yeah keep seething pc negro
omg bros reflections are a game changer. video games never had reflections before but now they do that to the power of NVidia
What's with that phenomenon in recent games? I don't think it's a lighting thing. That and greasy faces like in Dragon Age Inquisition.
Control has some subtly impressive reflections even without ray tracing.
>Sure, there are mods to re-enable reflection
actually hydro and junction run the old textures and such.
>modding map files
Pretty much this. I assume it's a graphicsfag thing.
The actual benefits of ray tracing are supposed to be real time dynamic shadows and global illumination, why are they only ever showcasing reflections?
Some user said it before, there's a spectrum between dull plastic and shiny metal
Not as an observation, but as some property in modeling/texturing
Because those two things would tank the FPS hard
>2019 game
>graphics are muddy, washed out, looks like dough or clay figures
What the FUCK went wrong with graphics in the past 5~ years
It looks nice enough at times and might make level design easier and more accessible in the future but seriously, it's not paying >$1000 for a GPU to barely run 1080p@60fps nice.
This. It's like we hit a wall or something, graphics are literally stale right now. Even in previous gens, at the end of their life cycle we'd see improved graphics, what the fuck is going on now?
>What the FUCK went wrong with graphics in the past 5~ years
This is most games though, at least shit like RE2make has some good contrast, but we're entering some sort of washed out Plasticine era of graphics instead of BROWN N BLOOM
My guess is that developer still prefer graphix over art style
>graphics over art-style
it's literally neither though, it's shitty generic ""realistic"" artstyle with poorly done graphics with shit textures
I wouldn't call the graphics shit.
It's definitely a bland looking game except during fights where you have a lot more distortion and color flying around.
Wish they would've doubled down on that style and made the fights look even more trippy.
I wish Remedy had doubled down and made the fights interesting. They quickly become a chore that repeats every couple of minutes while you're trying to push the story forward.
that's not a lightbulb. It's an area light covering the entire ceiling. General rule of thumb, the bigger the light source, the more diffuse and soft the lighting becomes. Also harder to compute accurately, since you need to sample rays from a much larger area.
That's fair, but we were talking about graphics.
>reflections on the floor/ground
Ah yes, I remember seeing that in NFS Underground on PS2 16 years ago.
hitman2's bank level has better reflections than this
Why are the shadows on her feet leaving ghosting trails like a 1995 LCD display?
this, but unironically.
Every new console gen there is a massive leap in graphics for most games and then for the next 4-7 years it stagnates until the next gen launches.
Play the game, you'll realise why.
wow, that shiny floor looks nice for the 5 seconds i'll spend admiring it, totally worth spending a small fortune
>Play the game
No thanks.
There's also the problem that we had effectively 0 competition between consoles this gen. It was either get a PS4 or get fucked, so devs got lazy and simply shat out minimum effort titles instead of trying to gain an advantage over the competition.
You can reach similar less costly results with screen space reflections.
Come on user, don't you like shiny floors and semi-fancy reflections?
>Epic paid 9.5 million euro for this
Who cares about graphics anymore. PS3 gen was already good enough.
Raytracing is unnecessary.
>make a shit game
>try to trick people into buying it by saying its got the biggest and best numbers
Good joke
Nothing, ray tracing is an objective improvement on graphical fideltiy across the board, it's just not very affordable.
Its funny, last gen Yea Forums lamented games not having any mirrors.
There was no end to it, as soon as a mirror popped up in a game you guys would scrutinise the game and judge it on its poor reflections or lack thereof
I'm not saying it wasn't justified, either mirrors were blank, broken or outright missing.
Mostly the blame was put on consoles holding technology back or lazy developers.
But now when the perfect technology shows up, creating flawless reflections - guess what?
Yea Forums hates it.
Fucking what?
RTX costs hundreds of dollars, most of Yea Forums is third-worlders and poorfags so they feel left out
This is an effect replicable with cubemaps or even double rendering (which was a technique used on Unreal).
A better showcase of raytracing would involve some obvious dynamic lighting element, sort of like that shaking light in FEAR, and cascading reflections. Which, really, is the only advantage that raytracing offers that other global illumination techniques and baked lighting can't already do.
>best version
>no mods, worse graphics, have to pay to use online
I mean GTAV is cringe without the console faggotry but come on
>But now when the perfect technology shows up, creating flawless reflections - guess what?
because it was already a thing, and didn't tank your fps to 20 you goof
games were made made fun because mirrors were a thing in games 20 years ago. you don't need an nvidia marketing meme to have them in games, you only need developers who give a shit.
So is this game actually any good? I had never even heard of it until after it was released.
>Yea Forums hating on video games and things related to video gaming, including technological improvements
Color me surprised
You know that the ray tracing is dx12 right? It’s just nvidia providing support for developers + hardware dedicated to it. I bet it would also surprise you to know that physx is the default physics system for UE and unity on all platforms not just nvidia cards.
They are retarded at advertising and shoot themselves in the foot every time, so I still think nvidia is retarded, but they have furthered graphics a lot in terms of CPu physics calculations, it’s just people only hear about gpu accelerated physx or RTX and misunderstand what is actually happening.
Why do every retard cannot finish the damn sentence?
the only marketing meme is the fact that your stupid ass was duped into thinking nvidia invented ray tracing
This game looks like a Unity game, where is the weird amount of hype coming from? Was it just because it's a Remedy game? Did everyone forget that Quantum Break was a turd?
what am i supposed to be seeing here?
what are you even trying to convey you stupid ass nigger lmao
So I didn't get it at first, but is raytracing seriously just calculating the scene once and then being to apply that calculation to any amount of reflective surfaces?
That actually does sound like THE FUTURE OF GRAFFIX, just one we're not yet ready for.
Hey look, it's christoph waltz
This board is fucking retarded. How can people actually complain that video game graphics are "stagnating" and then shit on ray tracing in the same sentence?
>Everybody has to be somewhere
>Create graphics meme
>Bullshot the ever loving hell out of it
>disable it or scale it back 99% on launch.
It's all so tiresome.
Reminder that Epic paid 10 million dollars to have this game as an EGS exclusive, and it was a complete flop.
They're using shaders with a shine/metal effect when they really shouldn't. Picking a shader with soft shadows would fix it.
If they're using an engine out of the box, and 90% of the time they are, it's literally a matter of picking something else and being done in 5 seconds.
>Reminder that Epic paid 10 million dollars to have this game as an EGS exclusive, and it was a complete flop.
So... what, they lost about a week's worth of profit from Fortnite?
Idgaf what people say, the telekinesis in this game is cool.
I fail to see how ray tracing looks better than any other current gen shader other than the reflections, it just seems like a whole lot of hardware stress for minimal gain
Jesus christ that framerate. Dont tell me you actually play like this
Control is a tedious action game.
Would have been a 10/10 VN, though.
Change my mind.
>giving a shit about visuals more when when every years games are less optimized pieces of crap, with worse story and worse game play.
it doesn't matter how much money they lose because the important part is strengthening the Chinese spy networks
I work as a shading value technician for an interior design firm and my job is to analyze the effects of lighting on static objects to determine the composite panoramic micro-vistas caused by the illumination from multi-tiered lighting sources in order to troubleshoot any incorrectly blended shades. With this in mind, this guy is correct.
I made the webm 15 fps to keep it under 3MB.
On 1080p, I get around 60 FPS on maxed everything.
I forget what developer it was, I think Rockstar?, but they just made a room that mirrored everything in it, and then added another player model, so when you looked in a mirror, it worked.
Did you not read his post, retard?
They are both my posts.
she's literally running into the heavily lit area, you shitposting retard