It's been over 13 years and Junpie's never recovered from this

>It's been over 13 years and Junpie's never recovered from this
>How could he ever recover from this
>Holy shit he fucking died.

Attached: Sick Burn.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

Other urls found in this thread:

the version where she says stupid faggot little cocksucker is better

Attached: 15619464185353.jpg (1541x1080, 586K)

>It's been over 13 years and Junpie's never recovered from this
>It's been over 13 years

Attached: 1543877172863.jpg (428x576, 83K)

if we're talking about the context of the game it's only been a decade, not 13 years.

I'm a blast at parties.

I remember that video on YouTube (before it got deleted). It’s surprising how many popular voice-actors did hentai roles. I’ve heard Eggman, Yugi Moto and Knuckles. You got to start somewhere I guess.

I want Yukari to sit on my face and call me stupid.

I agree with Goku that Gohan isn't as cool as he used to be but he was to harsh. His clothes aren't even that bad.


Attached: 1568062732312.png (225x225, 122K)

That’s it!
I’d post the link of the dub but it’s been deleted and the mirror is on.....pornhub.

I might be retarded but atleast my images aren't ant sized.

i got it from google sue me


Attached: Junpei.jpg (1243x635, 73K)

Where's the cocksucker part from?

Junpei x FeMC friendship is kino.

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I love......Fuuka?!

Attached: Bernie42.png (1280x960, 388K)

not the time man.
a man just got roasted to death 13 years ago

Sextra Credit dub.

yeah man learn to read the room, we're mourning da man right now

i really, really like this picture

damn is the full thing worth watching
any more like this?

>Most girls wouldn't be so understanding after being raped.

Attached: 1550096507076.png (431x580, 386K)

Yeah it's pretty good but that videos the highlight.
Yeah they're a couple of dubs like that one made in the 2000s good luck finding them. Here's another one though.
Ghost Stories dub is pretty good too. It's not hentai though.

Is this Code Vien or Koikatsu?

Yeah Ghost Stories I watched with Yea Forums at the turn of the decade. Remarkable adlibbing. Jesus girl was such a memorable character, used to quote some of the shit she said.

Why is Junpei so beloved compared to the other bros in SMT? The only other bro I see get love here is Walter and that's only like on an off day.

Attached: Junpei Da Man.jpg (386x458, 17K)

He starts as a hothead but calms the fuck down once he gets pussy

Because he's a beta cuck for like 70% of the game and the board identifies with him.

Because the guys not having social links until P3P FeMC means all their character development had to be done during the main story, which gives them much more fleshed out characters than in 4 and 5. Junpei in 3 goes from being a hothead with daddy issues and a massive inferiority complex, to slowly calming down, finding someone to fight for, and having respect for the player. He starts off flawed and overcomes those flaws, making the end result more satisfying than "by the way I'm your bro now" like Yosuke and to a lesser extent Ryuji.

Eikichi's better but nobody played P2.

What about Atsuro? Everyone loves him.

I will, just give me some time.

If they do I wouldn't know. I won't enter Devil Survivor threads until I beat the games...or 3 gets announced.

Atsuro and Naoya are legends and I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so.

>watch the hentai
>the character she voices doesn't even get any good solo scenes or action in general

Attached: 1528798086361.jpg (639x755, 56K)

I like him but his hat is still dumb.

Devil Survivor 1 has the one law ending character I like, so I consider it's character writing to be some kind of magic that doesn't count.

Save it, it's all yours my friend!

I understood this reference.

Female characters in these god forsaken games all have the exact same personality: Cunt.

Can we get one Persona game in which the girls aren't constantly bitching at/about the douche of the team? We know he's a fucking asshat, no need to make it the centerpiece of every single conversation.

name one girl who isn't a cunt

Persona 1?

Mitsuru & Fuuka

Persona 2 sounds like your cup of tea.

I like him because he doesn't slobber all over the MC's dick nearly to the degree that Yosuke or Ryuji do.


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aw fuck here come the clowns.


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Naoya is my favorite edgelord just because of how he manages to go all the way with it.

You don't want to be a hypocrite like GOD, do you? ahahahahaha!

Attached: aegis_glug.gif (214x405, 835K)

The social links really do hurt the pacing. I wish they would go away or get replaced with something better but that's not going to happen.

>one dimensional asshole tries so hard to be funny but just comes off as a massive retard
>absolutely no redeeming quality
>dies to get some emotional reaction from the player
Did they even try?

>aw fuck here come the clowns
huh, are aigifags clown or is aigis the clown? what did he mean by this?

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His name is Atsubro for a reason

Because he's simply a bro without his entire life revolving around us.

"dies to get some emotional reaction from the player"

Did you even play the game or are you trying to shit on it without knowing what the fuck you're talking about?

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I love Fuuka!

Attached: Fuuka is.png (336x504, 173K)

Fuuka is a dirty girl.

Fuuka is very clean!
Her room in P3DMN shows as much!

Attached: Fuuka's Smile.jpg (391x483, 41K)

>Her room in P3DMN shows as much!
She's not going to have the dildos just laying around user. Have some class.

>She's not going to have the dildos just laying around user

God I love Fujiko.

Would you dick her user?

How the fuck did Atlas get away with this bros?

>I'm... I'm... heehee, coming!
How does this make you feel Fuuka-user?

Because people have shit taste.

Attached: eikichi-mishina-shin-megami-tensei-persona-2-innocent-sin-0.28.jpg (210x240, 17K)

I'll dick her all night and have her slobbering all over my cock.

The 2000s was a different time user.

That's a vibrating waist slimmer user, you should pay closer attention!

Fuuka is for tender love only!
You shouldn't be asking these kind of questions anyway! It's very uncouth!

Attached: Fuuka !.jpg (597x600, 70K)

I fucking lose my shit every time I see this video.

Mitsuru is best girl

Attached: Mitsuru Arena.jpg (536x734, 59K)


I wanna rape you Fuukanon

Because from 4 onwards every character development came from the S.Links. In 3 the main plot serves to develop the entire team with the S.Links being a complement, as a result 4 and 5 can't have the characters evolve in the main story and they end up becominh very meh characters.