Other urls found in this thread:
I like pandass
male pandas are based
female pandas are cringe
Who let OP out of the containment thread?
Pandaren Paladins
Can a human impregnate a Pandaren?
cringe wowg poster
What do Pandaren smell like?
male and female pandas should have had the same model, and the only difference being voice and sound effects
based post, ugly roasties BTFO
Male Pandas are gross only females are attractive
Big fat panda tats
>that time in mop beta where female pandaren didn't have lingerie on
you are fucing retarded lmao get a load of this objectively wrong schizoid garble
More like panderin’ to furries
Greentea and Basedsauce
at least put the sauce in the filename
>you will never be a thick, warm, fuzzy panda girl's little spoon
When are we getting qt foxes?
New goblins soon™, at least.
Lili's fine, as she doesn't have the fempanda retard downsy face yet
All I have ever wanted is Sethrak. I quit WoW and said I would go back for Sethrak.
flied lice
God bless, user
>Using my old WoW Model Viewer image of my Panda from years ago.
My god.
I think I had one more. I was making one with a Goblin he was doing the mount idle look. Not sure if I ever did post it.
We need to discuss the Pandaren question. We require a final solution to the panda menace ruining a generation of impressionable Azeroth youth.
Pandas are nice but give me female tauren
hurry up retard we could die at any moment
Move them all to classic
Pandas are old and busted.
Cute fang
>Goblin reskins for Horde
>Playable never ever
Reminder that panda females chose Alliance over Horde
remember when retail WoW was good when everyone had fun together and enjoyed the game
Females go Alliance and males go Horde
That fucking name.
I remember legion yes
Legion was pretty chill, though the Order Hall stuff got pretty silly at points. I did think it was funny that the Death Knights went full Saturday morning cartoon villain and got sunlaser'd trying to steal Tirion Fordring's corpse.
>remove footwear
>they're still wearing footwear
Does this trigger anyone else? I like playing barefoot characters and this shit makes me so fucking mad.
>play in RP server
>always see panda girls together in a group of 3
>go to college
>always see Asian girls together in a group of 3
life imitates art a lot of the time
You've never seen Gilbert and Sullivan?
Not really trigger, but I do find it silly when equipment doesn't really change the model, so kinda.
panda feet are 2lewd
It's too stop footfag retarts like you
The shoes they wear are part of the model, if you delete it there's nothing underneath.
imagine the softness
This. Its not even a creative reskin. Except for the head its the EXACT same model as a goblin but with fur texture
Only if they're married, user.
Blizzard is retarded.
>Except for the head its the EXACT same model as a goblin but with fur texture
And the tail.
And the hands.
And the paws.
The hands are the same. The only difference with the feet is they added claws
no i am an uncultured swine who only RP's
Post more pandas?
don't deadname her
Can we post catgirl butt in here? Or does it have to be pandas?
Well, you should watch some of their stuff, they made some fun operettas. The Pirates of Penzance movie has Kevin Kline, too.
Only if it's cute.
Define "cute". Most of mine is thick.
What, you think you can't have both?
The catgirl is married and showing her rear off to excite her husband.
This thread made me like Pandaren. Too bad retail sucks.
Is this acceptable?
That might be a little too thicc
I don't have much that's "thinner" than this, honestly.
10/10 proportions
You got it backwards, faggot.
yoo source?
no you stupid nigger it's a fucking panda bear shove a molten rod up your urethra
humans > *
All playable races can impregnate one another in Warcraft
hey that isnt it
Oospie daisy, I accidentally left a digit out
no worries. thank you man
This is comparable thickness to this
Well how thick is too thicc, then?
Depends on the mood I'm in, honestly.
i love the belly
Sounds about right
fat people farts
I'm not seeing Pandas
Fuck pandas
That's the point.
Fug you
we had a furry thread that got a ton of replies and images before it got deleted last night. do i smell a repeat? i love how this is still up
Fug me? Fak you!
is exhentai down? all i got is a white page
I want panda booty in this thread right now.
>tfw no fatass panda gf
muh dick
You just know pandaren take huuuuge dumps considering the amount of food they eat. I wonder... How much one would charge for a day as their personal toilet? Or would they be so grateful for a mobile waste station that they'd drop their pants right on the spot and unload a thick log train right in my mouth?
I aonr thnjk asdassins aew a good rolk for pandare
This again?
You aren't even a panda, you stupidly cute cat sister
I wish classic had pandas or that retail didn't suck
>tfw creator broke up with his faghag coder and no new content
Same. I'd even settle for goblins or worgen. But vanilla races are just so boring now
Why, when there are elves?
elves aren't thicc
tfw when a great duo breaks up
That's where you're wrong, kiddo
Based and male pandapilled
After many years of research, I've deduced that it's an edit of
More loli pandas you bastards.
More fat pandas
because I have a need.
Less pandas
This is the ideal woman body
I too, desire sustenance.
Just a crop of an edit I made.
Uncle Chen should have been aunty Chen
Based and redpilled- pear-shaped women are the absolute peak.
>r63 chen
>no hint of a belly
no pudge no deal
I tried going back to retail like a week ago, then I decided to group for normal mythics with a couple of guys and realized that I need to farm 50 more levels to my neck (I left it on 15 when I quit) and also I need to farm "essences" and if I don't farm that shit I would never be able to group up for the content that matters. I've never been into pvp but pve has so many locks nowadays, not even the ilvl matters anymore. Oh and I can't reroll into another class or I would have to farm all that shit over again.
I only want this game to die for good so Activision would sell or create and rts or something better than a shitty mmo that left the rpg part of the game behind. Warcraft total war by creative assembly would be good
Because the fat went to the right places
>full nude
>except the shoes are still part of the model
Why though
I want to marry and impregnate a Draenei.
who's the artist I cant seem to get anything.
Goodbye :)
Holy shit. I quit in the middle of Wrath but Classic got me interested enough to read about Retail. It sounds like a fucking mess.
- no pvp servers! Basically everything is a pve server with optipnal flagging. What flaming faggots wanted that change?
- each server is now crossed with other servers? Wtf?
- wtf is this Averite system? Seems stupidly complicated and grindy
- back in my day you had normal and heroic dungeons. What the fuck is this Mythic speed run shit? Again too complex
-garrisons and farms? Hahah fucking mobile trash games
-the talent trees have been dumbed down , seriously wtf, one choice every 15 levels
I didn't realise retail was so bad. I tried to look on blizz forums about the changes but I forgot how cancerous it was there with blizzdrones, who at this point are £1000s deep in this game, defend it with a cultish zeal.
Fuck this game. Was considering classic but fuck giving money to blizzard
URL is in the actual image, along with the name... Don't know how half the people on Yea Forums never learned how to self sauce, but here, pic related.
A fellow man of taste
What are you, gay?
No, I want source on obvious porn of a fat male panda because I'm not gay
Okay good, just gotta make sure, you know?
The world would be a better place if everyone had a pandaren wife.
Begone, heretic
tfw the Pandaren lead both Horde and Alliance because all the other leaders are dead and in the Shadowlands
sauce PLEASE
was in a game but here ya go faggot
https //
>the actual game has no gear that even remotely resembles that
Dayum shame
Furry weeb trannies >>>vg
I'm too scared to think what other retarded race they are going to add to appeal to more faggots
It's gonna be the vulpera, isn't it
i hope they add snek bois too!
Never ever because helmets.
Vulpera and Mechagnomes are as good as confirmed, no way they put all the work in the customizations to not make them playable.
just convert them to face paints and visors/masks or something
I hope they add Vulpera and Sethrak because anyone who plays Modern WoW is a fucking tool and that game is only good for porn material now.
>It's gonna be the vulpera, isn't it
I sure fucking hope so
Too much work.
Light-aspected undead silver glowing eyes humans for Horde. Who can be paladins.
Maybe they can just hang the helmets/hats from the belt as a trinket or something?
they will never ever add vulpera as an allied race
mechagnomes, on the other part...
quite probable
Might as well go full retarded with Undead shit when Sylvanas and Nathanos ook like pale humans already.
This is the future the Forsaken choose and I will lovely dine in their tears. Should've embraced the monster aesthetic!
yes, good goy
keep shilling this fake as fuck shit
it's not like everyone and their mom has seen this FAKE shit already
you fucking dumb cunt
just make it a texture like the chest pieces.
besides, if anyones gunna drop money on multiple race changes it will be furrys. so not exactly going to lose money
>pale human
>light aspect undead
Literally what the fuck is going on
Elves are literally humans with goofy ears and are a mistake as well.
stay in wowg
panda riding a cock
And the retardedly long arms
Is it just be or is retail slowly becoming asianised? All the western grittiness of the racial aesthetics and world in general are slowly being beautified, akin to that of JRPGs where everyone looks like supermodel fresh out of the makeup room, 5 year old girls and furry animals running around with swords 5 times their size.
I want her to ride mine.
Blizz audience target was always Asia.
MoP was china : the expac.
And if you look at the recent trailers they look like Disney movies.
if you can fit helmets on taurens and worgens, you can put some dumb fucking helmets on snakes. It's not a big fucking deal retard.
fat disgusting kultiran lardass fat whores goes to show it's still american.
Fuck I was just n goldshire and none of the fem pandas were on...
You are going to hell for what you have done
But user I'm a good boy I didn't do anything wrong
only if they're boys
post more pandas
"The Light has made a bargain with the enemy of all."
Apparently we're going to interact with a higher tier of the Warcraft cosmology, with Elune and a god of Death being involved.
wanna fug?
anyone got the full of these?
>thread almost fully purged of lewds but still stands while not even thinly veiled as a fuzzy whammen thread
Mods. You aight.
Well, it's a WoW thread. Can't delete WoW threads, Blizzard would stop paying.
Most WoW threads are shitting on WoW though
I think it's isabell but couldn't find it on e so this sucks
Is that why this board constantly shills Classic?
>tfw we'll never Ogres, Mogu or Arrakoa due to this reason
Yo, I love thick stuff. Got a Discord?
Fug u
I would if I could. Bitch.
Bet you wouldn't
No balls
No bones
They always bring up those damn balls. I have plenty of bones to go around, yet they're still not fucking satisfied.
found it
that webm came from the creator's discord, i believe. i'm not in it and haven't seen any more chub from him so far, though.
Can goblins save wow?
Truly a man of culture.
Chinese food
what mods?
artist is Eidollon I think
>reinstall free trial
>run through starting Wandering Isle campaign
>yep, still comfy as fuck
>reach faction choice and uninstall
I love Pandaria, fuck you
that's my waifur
you dont want it anyway. the artist does scat and piss stuff. complete turnoff
I want to do funillegal things to Lili
>not wanting to protect that smol adeventurer in her trip across the world. I can't believe you've done this.
What kind of fucking Tumblr post did this come from? Holy shit, GO. BACK.
Holy fucking shit, on how many layers of shit writing WoW is currently? How can anyone like this shit? This is mind boggling to see how people still "enjoy" this "game"
Imagine thinking ironic posting is tumblr in 2019 when the thread unique count doesn't increase, HOLY BASED NEWFAG
She looks like she only fucks human men
I mean.. would you not?
Let's be honest, user. The "attracted to anthropomorphic animals" aspect of furries is their least offensive feature. It's the whole culture that makes them awful. Just wanting to fuck a sexy lady with some panda features is pretty fucking tame.
No joke. There's actually a quest line where a human in Warlords who has a thing for an Worgen leader (I think of your garrison). Also, there's a NPC that has the hots for a female Pandaren shop girl. I think it was in Kul'Tiras in Stormsong Valley. Furry's are literally cannon in the WoW universe...but only for the Alliance.
The Alliance. When were not doing anything remotely interesting lore-wise, we're trying to have sex with dogs and pandas.
>for Horde
You're really mentally retarded, aren't you?
And this is why Horde are cucks. Based Alliance dicking down EVERYONE.
Pandas would be alright if they werent so fat, and the odds of Li Li getting a unique model are slim to none, even though she is like 19 now
>character was suppose to be the subject of peripheral material from the game, explaining different lore and places in the game
>dropped it because it was easier to just create text lore dump characters in game
The fact she is in HoTs was around the time they were going to push the character, but then dropped it. She had a comic and everything. A true testiment to Blizzard design. "If it isnt broke, dont fix it, and if it isnt broke surely it is perfect"
I can do both
are there no quest where Tauren x Orc relationships happen?
I will always maintain, the Undead should not have been in the horde and shouldve been an enemy faction, or a 3rd faction altogether.
There a human npc that had a three way with two tauren.
I mean, there's a ton of interracial implied relationships throughout the games - there's a male gnome/female human couple, the entire Windrunner dynasty wants to fuck humans, Rexxar and Garona are half-orcs, there's a gnome/goblin couple that you go out to save... it's too bad we don't actually see many half-races, and if we do it's just one of them (see Arator).
>we don't actually see many half-races
I always figured they should keep it a dominant gene type thing where the child comes out whatever race the mother is. pic related is fucking cursed
She looks more like a tailspin character
At least that fuck is non-canon, but we have Rexxar who's... a pale orc? I guess? And Garona, who is supposedly half-Draenei but has zero Draenei features. It's fucking weird and inconsistent.
also that human-elf guy at honor hold
>Just wanting to fuck a sexy lady with some panda features is pretty fucking tame.
That's some slippery slope if I ever heard one.
Li Li is literally the only good thing about WoW pandas. All others can go burn in hell.
user, what the shit is the entirety of catgirl culture. Even David Bowie, on his fucking deathbed, creating Blackstars videoclip, added in the catgirl because she was hot. His words, not mine.
Anthro is just a half step forwards. Chubby panda chicks are fine.
>but we have Rexxar who's... a pale orc? I guess?
No he's an ogre and orc mix.
Mods are sleeping, post pandas.
But the mods just recently deleted a ton of lewd.
Every sentient, sapient species in WoW seems to be capable of knocking up every other sentient, sapient species.
Canonically there are a bunch of half-races running around but because the game sucks ass we only have a few named NPCs. Most of them are half-elves who have elf models too.
I mean appearance-wise, there's nothing particularly ogrish about him at all.
Go back to retail
There is, he's like twice the size of other orcs and his skin is more ogre then orc.
Isn’t he supposed to be unusually big for an orc? I vaguely recall reading fluff that orc/ogre hybrids are so large at birth that it almost always kills their mothers.
It's how they're ending the faction conflict permanently user.
>yeah it's not the idea of liking X, it's just the reality of the people who DO like X
I completely agree. I've never liked that shit.
Which client type would you be the most interested in?
Retail (9.0+ - new expansions as normal)
Classic (legacy server like what we have)
Classic+ (new Classic style content added onto Classic)
TBC (legacy servers with no new content)
TBC+ (new TBC style content added to TBC)
BFA (legacy realms that never go past 8.3)
If I'm honesty I'd honestly swap around too much, because just a single one is boring af
>cute fox people
>new worgen models
they finally after all these years are doing this but now that classic is out I simply don't give a fuck about retail and I will never, ever go back to playing it.
if they don't release burning crusade I'm cancelling my sub, and I have the feeling 80% of the entire subscription base is as well
reminders that pandas are quire literally too retarded to survive without human care
they NEED to be forced to fuck
If someone knows how that little belly bump is called, please let us know.
The only furrshit I'd ever draw is a fat WoW panda, its a shame all their hairstyles are shit.