>2019 MMO
>can't skip cutscenes
Alright, can we just agree that FFXIV is a terrible as fuck game, and that nothing will dethrone WoW now or ever?
>2019 MMO
>can't skip cutscenes
Alright, can we just agree that FFXIV is a terrible as fuck game, and that nothing will dethrone WoW now or ever?
dont even know where to go in this fucking game, maps are too big and you practically die immediately when you step out of the city and the combat is too complicated
shit game
>combat is too complicated
this has to be bait
Unironically is.
Endgame for XIV is 30+ buttons you have to press.
WoW is 3-5 max.
Seems like it's a good game for fags that want to play dress up while playing WoW at the same time.
i transmogged more in wow than i ever did in ffxiv
reminder that catboys belong to viera
I fucking hated all those buttons and resource management. More =/= complex. Pruning is the future for a reason.
>WoW is 3-5 max.
This is an obvious exaggeration, but he's not wrong. Including CDs and everything most WoW specs are around 12 - 15 abilities, while XIV is around 30.
>Level 80 white mage
>Spam Holy
>"Oh, someone needs healing"
>Only have the option to heal from 1 or 2 abilities
>To use any other abilities implies your party sucks
>Become top 50 guild in the world from doing nothing
I enjoy FF14 simply because it's a game I can play where I don't have to think. Call me casual, but nothing in the game is difficult in the slightest. If you just get a group of people who at least understand the basics of the game, there's nothing you can't clear.
WoW is in the process of dethroning itself.
WHM is the least involved class in the game
Both games suck dick. Singleplayer mmo's can go burn in hell.
Only classic barely "encourages" you to communicate with strangers.
Perhaps the same could be said of all classes.
>Wiping city
>Dumb healer try to rescue me outside the green AoE for the Mega Death mechanic
>She and the other healer die to it
Dumb useless bunnies not even good for sex appeal
That's what they get for using magic, the filthy witches
Only WoW can kill itself. XIV was never a competition
Witch healer with attack stance gimmick when?
SCH question. Which is better, Aetherpact or Dissipation?
They're both shit
But at least XIV has a story to it
What job encompasses the Umineko chad the most?
war for just being pure stubborn or mch for using magitek instead
>twitch viewers as an argument
Jesus Christ.
el retardo
Do NOT respond to anyone posting WoW argument shit.
>he actually sprints
Meanwhile here i am fappin or shitpostan while the teleporter activates
try that shit again on the tracks
Sure, but only if we can agree you should drink bleach already.
watching dyrus do ultimate bahamut, shame I'll never be able to do it. looks a bit too crazy for me to do all the mechanics. looks real cool though.
any good newbie streamers? i want something like two best friends play final fantasy xiv
Can't you just wait until next expansion and unsynch it with much better gear and numbers?
Fuck off egoraptor
Ultimates can't be unsynced, and it has a min ilvl set in order to keep the difficulty.
My friends keep telling me red mage is shit. Is it? I'm level 60 and I'm having fun
The fuck is wrong with you?
It's not the best DPS, but you should play what you enjoy.
because of its ability to throw out emergency heals and rezzes it is a bit lower dps than some other classes. it's a pretty fun job though.
Yeah man, ladybugs and little sheepies are too strong. They need to nerf those fuckers!
Well good luck then
Maybe they'll make the entire game easier a few more times, like how you don't have to worry about enmity or TP anymore
And some classes just get buttons merged or added for lower levels, making them better
Red mage is fine, it just doesn't do the damage people expect in endgame savage raids
Imagine being there as a support class more than doing big damage spells
It's a good job. It doesn't have top DPS but that doesn't matter because it brings utility. It's lack of DPS is greatly overblown too, since it still out DPSes Dancer and used to out DPS Ninja before the buffs. It's personal DPS is comparative with other mid tier DPS like Bard.
it can only really be said to healers, healers damage rotation is basically pressing one fucking button.
for healing you just make macros for you ogcd healing abilities which is 2-3 so you never have to untarget the enemy
healers is legit the easiest role to play in ff14, its most players who play healing make it way harder for themselves
Ironically, it's WoWfags that are the reason those two dungeons now have unskippable cutscenes. You morons wouldn't play nicely, and now nobody gets to have fun.
>Red mage is fine, it just doesn't do the damage people expect in endgame savage raids
RDM damage is fine in endgame savage raids. Again, look at the numbers. Its far less than BLM but everything is far less than BLM. It's within 1k DPS of every other DPS aside from BLM and SAM. RDM is never the reason why you aren't meeting DPS checks.
If Dissipation most of the time. I don't find myself using aetherpact that much unless maybe in a dungeon with the tank doing a wall to wall pull. And even then it's used to just dps instead of having to heal.
>Too shit to do ultimates
>Current EX's and Savages get boring after a while
>Nobody queing for unsynced older EX/Savage stuff
I just want moderately difficult content just add in an EX roulette already you gook bastards
i'd personally say that about any job
i just want to meet people who are at my level in this game that's good to clear savage but not outright parse crazy.
that isn't hard to find at all
It is true about every job. NIN had the lowest DPS in the game, even accounting for Trick Attack at the start of SHB but it was still able to clear all content. The difference in team comp only matters for optimization and speed runs, of which an extreme minority of players actually care about. As long as you don't die and properly geared, you should meet every DPS check with whatever comp you have. It's probably this way because the devs don't take healer DPS into account for DPS checks so you have a lot of leeway as long as no one dies.
The reason my group is not meeting DPS checks is because they all die to mechanics right before it happens and nobody communicates with the pubs
From PF, I just can't find people enjoyable enough to raid with. all the FCs I join are always too casual.
its hard if you parse in orange.
whats even harder to find though
is finding people are consistent on mechs.
Just because a group can clear a fight with high parses doesnt mean they are good if they 10+ pull for one clear.
ever since savage the nerf and new ultimate tier too many players have been thinking they are "good" at this game
glad to see others agree that everything is usable and people should play whatever they like.
I do think there's disparity between difficulty and how much damage a job deals, but that's a whole different topic.
i parse blue desu. so im not the best. I don't know if it's because I'm undergeared but honestly I just want a consistent group. 1 or 2 wipes I'm fine with but my last static was literally 6-7 wipes before we got a clear on E1S.
>They smell the scent of your cock
Me on the left
Exactly. People who say RDM's DPS is lacking or is bad, are bad players themselves. RDM isn't even bottom DPS, last time I checked (before the latest NIN patch), NIN and DNC did less damage. Yeah, they have rDPS, but rDPS has been a meme in Shadowbringers.
That said, RDM's have this reputation as being "easy" and having a support role so it attracts a lot of lazy shitters who don't bother to really learn the job and have lower than average DPS because they don't try. RDMs attract shit players that think that just because they are ressing that they are pulling their weight. Right now Dragoon is by far the most brain dead job so if you want to be brain dead, play DRG instead.
Difficulty is a meme. Who cares if you have to put more effort as a summoner for less dps than a blm. What matters is whether or not the job is fun or not. SAM is also a brain dead job and it is designed to shit out dps. RDM is "easy" but is filled with retards who can't fit their full melee combo within Manafication. Whinging that you are doing more work for less dps just means that you shouldn't be playing that job anyway since you think the numbers are more important than fun.
It's a decent job. Meta wise it has its spot being taken by BLM but at the end of the day, that doesn't mean all that much. Meta is far from being a requirement or obligation.
Some RDM mains in this thread though will constantly shitpost about how the job is useless and a grey BLM contributes more and whatnot.
>What matters is whether or not the job is fun or not.
I will agree, but for some people the fun is doing their rotation mixed with a pay off for it. I just have fun playing my job, I don't really care how I do, but I'm not those people.
I think a balance can be struck, and we're at a good spot for it right now anyway.
And BLM attracts shitters who think so long as they're playing the meta strong job they'll contribute and end up being complete fucking invalids. Which is to say, shitters flocking is an argument that cuts both ways.
So when are we killing crystal mom?
there's so many shitty fucking BLM. how is it even possible?
I usually get excited when I get a BLM in my parties but they're usually the one doing fucking 6k-8k AoE in ShB dungeons.
Never user. Once her mission is complete she will unsummon herself like Ramuh.
People flocking to the job because it's current fotm and then get absolutely destroyed because they thought it was "just spam one spell lmao" like some people shitpost here, but turns out they can't fucking cast enough to keep a good dps while dealing with an actual fight with actual mechanics.
i miss aggro management
i can't count the number of times i've died now due to tank incompetence where i could have saved myself via merciful eyes or diversion, although even those weren't enough sometimes
So is SMN better than both?
>tfw main blm and tear dungeons open even though i honestly think i'm not that good
i don't raid so i just try to do my best in normal raids and dungeons and extreme trials
Why do BLMs do so much damage? Not looking for a figurative or something but actual number explanation. Where is there damage coming from? Is it the boost from Astral Fire that makes them hit so much harder than other jobs?
Just checked now
The NIN buffs put it above RDM now, which was obvious with the huge potency gains they got. RDM had no changes since 5.0 so we'll see if they continue to get power creeped in 5.1 or not. Still, look at the max damage between SMN, MCH, BRD and RDM. Its a difference of about 300 dps between them. Its almost negligible. If 300 dps is the reason why your raid is failing then you're probably below minimum ilvl reqs.
Fuck those people. The complexity of your rotation should have nothing to do with your dps. Its balanced for raid utility now, the way it should be.
I'm just explaining why RDMs tend to be shit. Every job attracts shitters for different reasons. All I'm saying is that the prevalent perception that RDMs are "easy" is why the worst players tend to gravitate to them. RDM as a job is fine. But I'm always weary of randoms who play RDM because I know to have low expectations. BLMs are by far the shittiest players though since most people who play BLM don't realize that it's DPS is only high when you've completely learned the fight and know how to optimize your movement.
only on the lowest parses
How the fuck did the tank lose aggro? You can keep it by turning on tank stance and autoattacking.
I miss shirking people and then provoking to get it back before they die
Or shirking them and then using cover to see them panic
It was amusing
>it's DPS is only high when you've completely learned the fight and know how to optimize your movement.
Not quite. I progressed every savage fight this turn as a BLM and I was top dps during progression as well. Even first day of progression. Including titan. Though to be fair, at some point my gear was better because how we distributed it, but even before we had a lot of loots for that to make a difference I was still doing more than others. And people in my group are pretty fucking good.
>Not looking for a figurative or something but actual number explanation.
Not really sure what kind of explanation you're looking for then. Its attacks have the highest average potency. It's as simple as that.
Its getting a rework in 5.1 so who knows. SMN and RDM are about even now while BLM is designed to be the king of DPS.
Also, I just realized that RDM has by far the lowest minimum parses, which goes to prove my point that RDM is not actually as easy as people think and that the worst players play RDM. Imagine how easy RDM's rotation is yet there is a 3k dps difference between the top and bottom parses.
I'm not talking about being top DPS among your group. I'm talking about BLM being top DPS in the game. You probably weren't hitting 99th percentile dps just because your team mates did worse than you.
tank 1 dies
tank 2 or 3 are too braindead to even consider picking up the boss
Months after 5.0 still no houses open. Did no one unsub?
Sure, but if you're talking about 99, then what you said is true for every job. Not only BLM.
what server? I saw a shit ton of fucking houses.
manage to get an FC to rank 6 and buy the exact same house I was aiming for in the same week (well 2-3 days).
even if people stop playing the chance that they will stay subbed to renew the house is pretty high
there's someone in my FC that hasn't played since 3.1 and still renews their house
You're Yoshi-p's pet class that's why.
I haven't played BLM since SB but I imagine the difficulty barrier isn't as tall anymore with xenoglot. desu I think they went too far in giving BLM mobility since its now punished less for moving than SMN is.
high potencies and high modifiers from astral fire and enochian. i don't know what you're really asking since this should be obvious just by reading tool tips.
summon being "punished" moving seems to be a bug, that doesn't seem to be how the summons should work.
That was what I was wondering, really. Just felt weird BLM had such high multipliers but I was double checking to see if there was something else behind the numbers like said.
Xenoglossy is one global every 30 seconds, which, if used on AF, creates the issue of you just used one global on a spell that doesn't contribute to finishing the phase before the timer runs out and/or refreshes the timer. It's great to have it being instant, but I like how I sometimes see knowitalls on Yea Forums acting as if the spell suddenly turns BLM into a BRD.
Well the "bug" has been in place since Stormblood. If they didn't want it, they would have just made Bahamut plant his ass down wherever he's summoned. There's also the much bigger problem of the unresponsiveness during summoning and Wyrmwave ghosts.
Are the relic weapons out yet? did smn get a rework yet? did they change anything about nin or just buff potencies? did TA get gutted? I stopped playing about 2 months ago.
you're never getting a house, only old niggas allowed in the ward.
>"RDM is good actually"
What am I reading here? A RDM playing at 99th percentile does as much damage as a BLM playing only slightly above average at 60th percentile. RDM's raid support consists of a battle raise, which does not add dps in any manner (and shouldn't be your job as a dps), and a whopping 5% dps gain for melee jobs, with diminishing returns after 3 seconds.
Yes, you can play and clear with any job in the game, and you should absolutely play a job you enjoy playing and feel comfortable playing, however it goes without saying that RDM is severely undertuned. Playing RDM (or any of the bottom-barrel jobs) means you are actively making meeting the dps requirement for a clear harder on the other dps in the group.
Come back October 22 or 29
Shut up retard
I would assume an MMO having unskippable cutscenes is because of how many people said "lolcutscene" and just skipped it to CONTINUE THE DUNGEON only to be held up by other players who watched it because it was their first time maybe and they wanted to actually see the cutscene instead of ADHD rush like a speedrun autist.
The real problem being in that why the FUCK are you presenting cutscenes in an MMORPG? Make a fucking single-player RPG if you want to do that.
>job is borderline unplayable for 4 years
>only taken as a 4th during Stormblood because its competition was flat out worse
Because ff14 is a story driven mmo
>Shad has been out for almost three months already
Creates a shadow on target party member that absorbs the next incoming attack.
Physical damage up on target party member. Duration is reset upon a successful proc of Verflare or Verholy.
Works exactly as it used to on BRD and MCH.
Creates a shield on nearby party members totaling 5% of their current HP.
Basic DoT
Would this fix RDM?
I haven't tried Red Mage, but I hear it's good. I hear most classes are good. (Except maybe Ninja)
>The real problem being in that why the FUCK are you presenting cutscenes in an MMORPG? Make a fucking single-player RPG if you want to do that.
It's Final Fantasy with co-op.
Ninja is pretty good. If there's a job that's not good it's definitely not ninja, it's dancer.
>talking about percentiles
>not actual dps numbers
An RDM playing in the 99th percentile is doing about 300 dps less than any other ranged DPS job. 300 is a negligable number and if that 300 dps difference is a reason why your group isn't hitting checks then you've got a far more serious problem than what jobs you've decided to bring. The median difference between BLM and RDM is 1000dps, which is a lot, but not a difference that would hold any competent group back.
Those unskippable cutscenes only exist in two dungeons from ARR and never anywhere else. And in 5.3 they'll be gone too.
That's retarded. All they need to do is turn that 5/5 b/w mana gcd into an ogcd attack. Gameplay wise its fine. Maybe up the potencies on ver spells a bit too but there is no need to add bloat to its rotation.
Oh okay, I guess i'm just too smoothed brain to play Ninja then. That Ninjutsu move just had me going "nope.avi"
>retards would use any of that
Unless it’s damage it’s not getting used by 90% of people
Mitigation is damage, bro. Mitigation means healers have more time and MP to do damage.
>Basic DoT
no comment on the rest of your stuff but to this i say "no." there are enough damn dots in this game, it's the most boring way to add "complexity" to a job.
>Blizzcuck so worn down by bad storytelling for the past 10+ years that they think MMOs shouldn't be allowed to tell good stories
Hardly any jobs have DoTs anymore and I only added it because almost every single RDM I've seen complaining since the job came out is that it needs a DoT.
Retards don’t understand that, so they wouldn’t use it.
Reddit Mage is fine, but their players constantly complain because they want to do the best damage.
It won't matter what job you play if you're not some World First savage raider.
Those people are retarded. RDM doesn't need dots, it needs a third ogcd.
>but their players constantly complain because they want to do the best damage.
Reminds me of those RDM mains who are constantly here tossing shit on BLM and provoking them into shitposting wars. The grudge is endless.
Scorch could do with a guaranteed crit or direct crit modifier. Feels awful to see filler spells crit and went you get to scorch it doesn't crit.
Its because both jobs attract the worst players. RDM because they think its easy and the players are lazy and BLM because they stand in fire trying to pump out one last Fire 4.
Am I missing something or does this game track dps now? Or are you all just third party software tryhards?
You're just a newfag
>Fucking retard in E2 with the petrifing debuff that wont go to the back where nobody could see them
>It's always a DRGqueen
What a stupid retard.
god is this what MMO players have devolved into
you're going to be the type of people that turn all future MMOs into pussy shit
Are you going to pretend like WoW has complex mechanics when DBM exists to play the game for you?
I quit playing the game 2 years ago because retards only cared about current content and flipped out at me if they joined my party and saw level sync was on. There wasn't dps tracking in the game back then.
That's a beautiful fairy.
There's been dps tracking in this game since First Coil you stupid newfag.
Post more of my beautiful wife.
>There wasn't dps tracking in the game back then.
So is this the average IQ of someone who cries tryhard?
It’s retards.
Did you take a break? If so, what games have you played during the break?
Where is it located in the menus or on the screen?
There was parses in the game since 1.0
Played FE: Three Houses and Blasphemous. I bought Astral Chain too but I spilled milk on my pro controller so I can't play it yet.
Unfortunately there's just not a lot to post. I'd draw more but I'm a broke-ass nigga that needs to keep doing comms so I can pay my bills and nobody ever commissions me to do XIV stuff.
Stopped for about two weeks to finally play a pirated copy of Sekiro.
I really wish I'd played that game sooner, I loved it.
Any fellow Hrothdaddies around here? Looking for some hot spicy bros spend the weekend with.
I only log on to do some roulettes now. Mostly play FEH and MHW.
>and that nothing will dethrone WoW now or ever?
WoW has already been dethroned, Amerifat. FFXIV has 16 million subscribers. WoW never got close to that number.
I'm still subbed, but at this point I pretty much log in once, clear eden savage in 1 hour and a half, and then log off.
To answer your question, been playing 7 pirates on vita.
Yes and no. Like said, BLM is no where near BRD or MCH levels of moving wherever the fuck you want.
However, its complexity has been lowered quite a bit with AF/UI timer being increased to 15 seconds, a second Polyglot stack, and ice spells having no cost in UI. Your UI phase can be done in any order, and you can even hold Xeno for burst phases with TA, DS, or Devilment. Having that buffer time in AF also allows you to play around with when you refresh with Fire 1, since it gives you space for a 4th cast before needing to refresh. This timer only becomes an issue when doing your opener or re-opener and have to factor in Despair's higher cast time.
Please don't tell me that's the fucking gacha.
Oh I meant three houses.
weeb and gay
It's weeb but how is it gay? It's a bunch of pirate anime girls wearing swim suits being pirates and searching for treasure/
I wasn't comparing it to Bard, I was comparing it to SMN. BLM is more mobile than SMN right now and that should not be.
DRGqueen, MNKeys, DRoKs, BL Mage, etc. Any other I don't know about?
So is ShB AF gear dyable yet?
i dont play WoW because it ruined every other MMO around it like a cancer by trying to compete with it
AF being 15 seconds barely helps when it comes with a string attached, which is you now have a super slow casting spell to cast at the end at a point where before you'd be changing to UI.
Still waiting to know how to enable the built-in dps tracking system
You just know
Into the trash it goes
Good. You just saved yourself from being judged worse than trash.
Fgo collaboration when ?
>he can't do math on the fly and calculate his dps from reading the combat log
where the fuck do I download these sexy body mods
>tryong to skip the first cutscene on the game
Zoom zoom zoom
When we find out that she doesnt really care about the planet or its inhabitants and her sole reason for existing is to just keep Zodiar sealed away and has been using people for centuries as tools in doing so.
>the brainlet is still here
>just go through 50 hours of fetch quests and it gets better
>When we find out that she doesnt really care about the planet or its inhabitants
She visibly does though. The Ascians even used that property against her to start the Flood of Light. Zodiark probably cares about humanity too.
It's the easiest caster (which is saying something because they made BLM way easier this expansion) and one of the easiest DPS but if you have fun with it go for it. Just don't expect to be satisfied by your damage output because you can do your best and put in as much effort as possible and end up doing less damage than the BLM who just pressed the fire button a lot.
Jokes on you, I take the stairs.
>taking 50 hours to clear ARR
git gud
>Yoshi-P is going to nerf the filter
Jobs being made easier seems to be the overarching theme in xiv, with HW being the exception. I remember HW DRG being such a marvel. Look at DRG today.
That's a good thing though. It means less jump potioning retards who never read their tooltips.
>Kind of feel like making an alt even though it's a complete and utter waste of time
Oh no, RDM wasn't made easier in ShB. It's just always been piss easy. They just made it suck less in ShB
She only cares because everyone is doing her dirty work against the Ascians/darkness. Just look at the First, she willfullying allowed the star to be flooded by light in making so many WoLs to combat the Ascians/darkness. If it wasnt for one of her puppets, Minfilia, the star would have been destroyed and rejoined.
Not really, jobs have gotten more complex over time, the only exception being HW->SB and monk from SB->ShB
I was more commenting/expanding on what you said about BLM being made easier.
5.1 WHEN
>the star would have been destroyed and rejoined
Which doesn't help keep Zodiark sealed. She also nearly killed herself shielding us from Ultima and then saving Krile from Val. Hydaelyn is benevolent to a fault.
You get gil and items when working on an alt that you can send to your main. Plus storage for your mains crap. My alt is basic, 1 job at 80 and completed MSQ. Fuck doing gathering/crafting/side quests all over again.
Like i said, she only cares about us because without us there is no one to combat against the Ascians. Bitch dont care about anything else unless it has to do with here primary objective, which is to keep Zodiarc sealed.
DRG is absolute braindead no. It is by far the easiest job in the game since the rotation no longer cares about when you enter LotD. Its easier to play than RDM and SAM at the moment.
T-touch fluffy tail
But the devs have also confirmed that Answers and Dragonsong are sung by Hydaelyn. If you want to see Hydaelyn as evil, your angle should be why she insists death is a necessary part of life when it wasn't before she came along.
>jobs have gotten more complex with time
I'm looking at drg, drk and blm and trying to figure out what the fuck are you on about when I compare them to HW.
Needs a better outfit
You have 3 expansions and ARR, and you just put on blue jeans and a shirt?
>2 (two) months of nothing to already
>50 hours
You're missing a 0
This.I only play FFXIV to get glamours and tranny myself while I shove dildos up my butt.
I play WOW for anything else
Emet Selch more like Emet SUCKS
>the only exception being HW->SB
I've been randomly invited to two weddings since 5.0 and they were both viera+catboy
And it's been 2 expansions since them in which they still haven't recovered, in fact, they got worse. Have you seen DRK today? Have you seen DRG today?
Yeah but when you compare any SB or ShB job to any previous iteration that wasn't HW, they're more complex. DRK now is more complex than DRK in SB. DRG now is more complex than DRG in SB too. Not by much, but still. HW is the outlier.
I didn't know someone from Windy was a 4channer.
Why is Minfilia important to Hydaelyn?
>DRK now is more complex than DRK in SB
Oh boy.
The tank rotations play like gutted dps rotations. The dps rotations play like gutted HW dps rotations
Because that's how she was written.
No, really. She isn't anything special. She exists as Hydaelyn's mouthpiece just because she can be.
She did a pretty good job
And seems to be loyal at that
Wow wtf bro
Fuck primals.
Hydaelyn is a lesbo
Red Mage materia priorities are critical, DH, then Determination right? Also food? End game shit help please
>tfw you have to tell everyone in the trial what they have to do because they're too fucking stupid to do their role properly
Minfilia was extremely faithful to Hydaelyn and had both the Echo and the Blessing of Light. It was purely convenience. Hydaelyn chose her as a mouthpiece because she was in a situation in which Hydaelyn could get her into the Lifestream and sweep her away.
Viera have such great bodies, I feel sorry for the other races.
How do you cope with having tiny tits, no hips and twig legs?
How is one suppose to do Ultimates if your gear is sync since that means materia doesn't work?
Also should I be doing gather questlines while leveling up?
xivmodarchive. Login with discord or click the blob peeking at the bottom to acces NSFW without discord.
>How is one suppose to do Ultimates if your gear is sync since that means materia doesn't work?
You go get gear at the proper iLvl you brainlet.
I love Viera but I wish the the in-game models reflected that.
>Only 100 people or so showed up for the raid
>2 got arrested for peeing on a cactus or something
they're my fishing buddies nothing weird bro
Ugh, typical gamers
PLD - Mash/Galahad or King Hassan gear
WAR - Fran/Heracles
DRK - Artoria Alter/Lancelot Berserker
GNB - Maou Nobu/Emiya Alter
DRG - Brynhildr/Karna
MNK - Passionlip or Tamamo Cat/Yan Qing
SAM - Okita Alter/Izou
NIN - Jack or Danzo/Emiya
BRD - Tomoe Gozen or Atalante/Arjuna
MCH - Drake?/Billy or Moriarty
DNC - No fucking idea/Ashvatthaman
BLM - Jeanne Alter/Ozymandias
SMN - Blavastky/Caster Gil
RDM - Nero/Salieri
WHM - Jeanne/Merlin
SCH - Nursery Rhyme/Andersen
AST - Tamamo/No fucking idea
Did you dilate today?
what about blue mage.... oh wait....
Hopefully never.
fuck that fanbase borderline MLP tier
I had a pretty massive shit, does that count?
>BRD - Tomoe Gozen or Atalante/Arjuna
>not this fucker who's literally BRD
They are obviously using mods for erp reasons, that should have been the first red flag that they don't make good decisions.
DH > Crit > Det > SS. If you can get Crit above 3600, then Crit > DH.
That 3600 factors in raid buffs, such as Battle Litany, Chain Stratagem, and/or food, so it's really more like 3000.
He was my first option but Karna vs Arjuna Autism is stronger
Why can't I install this fucking game? I keep getting errors that stop the installation, and abysmal download speeds.
Looks like a fag also fuck fateshitters
how do you mod for erp reasons
no one else can see your character with those mods
They all use the same mods
Thanks friend, appreciate it.
>he doesn't know
>Keep getting hugged/pet when I'm afk
Will just the power rangers goldar armor be gone when GARO expires or will the other "Makai" gear also disappear? Basically everything held by the Disreputable Priest?
>i'll just clear this story dungeon then play something else
>start watching a movie
>forget im queued
>40 minutes have passed and its still looking
holy shit
Well don't be such a QT3,14 then
Are you a femroe? I only ever /hug femroes.
What dance is this?
Also, I just hit level 50 as a monk. What am I suppose to do with dragon kick? how does it fit into my rotation? I just don't understand the fucking tooltip.
I just love petting cute little lalas with thigh socks and short skirts.
Which one senpai?
everyone that ERPs uses mods whether they be the same body type or not.
Actually, it *technically* is getting easier to do ultimate, since right now everything but head/arms/feet at 470 downsync to have slightly higher substat total then melded diamond/ryukumuku gear
which DC and which dungeon lad
Dragon Kick doubles the potency of your next Bootshine, which crits if it's on the rear.
You should be Dragon Kicking every other time you get the chance.
How do you tell?
I avoid ERP because it attracts the worst kind of people
that has nothing to do with erp then
erp is roleplaying. Erotic roleplaying. You don't even need character models to do it.
Get someone to run it with you
Preferably a tank or healer someone
>go afk alone at random location away from everything in housing district
>come back to 4+ people all emoting around me
Using it grants leaden fist. Now read bootshien
>people play XIV instead of watching people play it
>Basically everything held by the Disreputable Priest?
Yeah, it's all Garo gear so it's all going away.
Season 2 when?
I need more of this murder loli.
Dude, she's a dude
Eh, their in-game bodies don't leave much to be desired in my opinion.
Could do with some more ass, but then again that's the general rule in this game, isn't it. Curves, big boobs and the Fran outfit already make them the best race by country mile, though.
>the only way to update logs to fflogs is to install a botnet 3rd party program
Are you fucking kidding me?
Is there a way to do it without?
well fuck, i thought it was just the shit that made you look like Goldar
I'm not sure i can stomach going through pvp hell again for more glamor
What about that costume stuff where if you wear certain items you get a title
you already downloaded act didn't you
>What about that costume stuff where if you wear certain items you get a title
That's Garo too. So are the robo-horse mounts associated.
Movie is surprisingly good and well paced if you haven't seen that.
Considering Yea Forums's memes, if she wasn't born with a penis, she's not a dude.
>le botnet
you already use a million things that are considered a botnet, dilate, faggot.
Is SMN fun? My favorite jobs are BLM and DRG if that matters; I also have a SCH in the 40s so a SMN won't be too painful to level relatively.
yes and?
>you already use a million things that are considered a botnet
I don't.
>dilate, faggot
I will right now, thanks for reminding me! brb
I love SMN but it's shit until level 70 and most players hate egi actions.
>he doesn't know
it's fun, but afaik you gotta play piano.
Why they make this shit so complicated.
Well I'm a controller pleb and can comfortably bind around 20 buttons for what it's worth
Not shit.
You can clear any content in this game with any job and you can do it with flying colours as long as you're not shit.
Do the msq
The job isn't that hard, rotationally.
You basically just use Dragon Kick>Twin Snakes every other Opo-Opo>Raptor.
If you mean in terms of not telling you what Leaden Fist does, I'll agree there, it's kind of weird.
Haven't run e1s with non-melee before, can someone give a retard a tldr of baiting orbs
tell me how naked pictures of my catgirl constitute as erp, please.
>picking the BLU of races
>Do you have Leaden Fist buff up?
If not, use Dragon Kick. If yes, use Bootshine.
>Do you have Twin Snakes buff up?
If not, use Twin Snakes. If yes, use True Strike.
>Do you have Demolish up?
If not, use Demolish. If yes, use Snap Punch.
The rotation literally writes itself bro.
Dilate tranny
>turn all future MMOs into pussy shit
We've been there for over a decade now, you git. And it's shit like MORE BUTTONS TO PUSH SUCH ROTATION that distracts idiots like you from realising how shallow it all is.
Stand further away than the melees
Don't stand in orange circles (They will now appear under you)
Make sure you still make it to your orb position before those fire
Wherever you are in relation to your orb, is where it will start firing. Look at how the orb is rotating, that is how the lasers will spin. You want to spin them in a manner that points the lasers away from the party.
>Grab North orb
>Have to stand East or West
>Orb is rotating Clockwise
>Stand West to bait lines
>lines will shoot W > WNW > NW > NNW > N > NNE > NE > ENE > E
by enjoying a different race more, but i'm glad you enjoy yours
Absolutely seething.
Oh you meant first set of orbs. Follow this guy's advice.
There's 5 sets of ground aoes that you'll drop, so bait them in a circle around your orb, ending just outside of where you need to stand to bait.
I cope by touching the viera without their consent
>BLU of races
That would be female Elezen.
They appeal to nobody. Elezen are only liked by fujo scum, and they only like the males for obvious reasons.
Is it better to let Demolish expire for a few seconds or refresh Demolish a few seconds early
Remember Bardam's Mettle? Do that.
As long as it's been up for 9 seconds it's been worth more than snap punch so it's fine to overwrite, though you shouldn't need to reapply it that soon anyway.
I think so anyway.
Is it because of it not actually being good, or because parsertrannies are missing the point of the job? I don't lay dancer, but it isn't a real dps job but a support job shafted to dps because it didn't fit anything else. Isn't the point to raise the general performance of the party rather than attaining a higher dps?
Dancer can only raise general performance of the party every 2 minutes, otherwise they only buff ONE person.
ahhh, are the buffs still worth it?
Dancer's dps is the lowest by a long mile, and that's WITH factoring in their raid buffs.
only at like the tippy toppest of percentiles and some of the lowest are they not at the bottom of rDPS (which is personal DPS PLUS DPS you help other people attain) and even then they're not that high.
why are they playing a high-fantasy game then?
>please unsub from my game between patches
>btw if you have bad RNG, you won't be getting your 475 weapon for 2 months lol
What did he mean by this?
you mean a high fantasy game that has denim jeans in it normally? dunno bro, but their mods don't mean anything in regards to that
I main SAM
XIV's roleplaying community exploded in late Stormblood. A shitload of people with zero interest in the game flooded in from Tera, Wildstar, and TOR just because their friends were moving to XIV to roleplay. They're not here because they're interested in the setting, they're here because all their roleplaying friends came here.
>Ever using Holy in real content
>Any WHM worth shit not using all their healing CDs
Not sure if bait or retarded
I have encountered some pretty modern-tier clothing, but never jeans. Care to show me the item? Why do japs put these things in when they don't fit the setting?
danke anons
Not the attack you're specifically referring to
There is an Extreme trial roulette, it's called the mentor roulette.
Too bad every mentor that actually uses it is a piece of trash who just wants their epic mount and usually ragequits after 1 wipe.
How do I know this? Because I and my friends queue for extremes in DF like intelligent people who actually want to play the game more than just clearing the latest Savage. And the queues do pop.
Not him but there are denim jeans and have been for a while. I forget the name, but look on the market board and you'll find them.
>Why do japs put these things in when they don't fit the setting?
XIV's setting has a shitload of variety in it. Eorzea is a very backwater region that's essentially considered the Africa of the world. Garlemald is much more modern, they even have computers and cameras. Garlemald has heavy trade with Thavnair and Kugane, both countries also trade with Eorzea. So it's not crazy for Garlean fashion to make its way to Eorzea.
World first groups often have a RDM though. You are clueless.
1. they do fit the setting, it's their game world and they chose to put it in, so it now fits.
2. spring shorts, they're shorts but they are denim. tantalus breeches, though you can argue them since they're Zidane's gear.
Based SAMbro.
If I had a way to hide all the buffs and only show Leaden Fist, it wouldn't be so bad. I really hate the UI of this fucking game.
Imagine making the healers or casters bait the ground aoes in Paradise Lost while tanks/melee can do it with no uptime loss. PUG strategies make no sense most of the time and seem like they're chosen out of a goddamn hat without any real thought to how a mechanic works.
I wouldn't consider Eorzea Africa at all, they're more like a Europe that hasn't really ever had a central governing body like Rome or Greece did for Europe (please don't shit on my history knowledge I'm doing my best here). They're definitely behind, because countries like Sharlayan are progressive, using terms like month instead of moon, and Garlemald creating magitek (in order to be on an even playing field, but it still puts them ahead in discovery).
But discovery and practice of magic is what keeps them so strong, too.
Hundreds of great outfits and you choose this. Is this the sign of an ERPfag?
>I wouldn't consider Eorzea Africa at all, they're more like a Europe that hasn't really ever had a central governing body like Rome or Greece did for Europe
Geographically, it is Africa. Look at the world map and you'll see it. Silvertear is even Lake Victoria. Culturally though it is based on the Greek city-states during Persian invasion. Garlemald being Persia.
>But discovery and practice of magic is what keeps them so strong, too.
Yeah, Eorzea isn't totally retarded. It has competent people and technology, and the higher aetherial density in Eorzea makes their magic supercharged. It's just that the rest of the world considers them to be backwards because Garlemald has conquered nearly everything else and has extended their own progress to those conquered nations. Garlemald is hundreds of years more advanced than Eorzea because Solus led them that way.
Put it up on PF
Min ilvl, synched
Good luck!
>Garlemald is hundreds of years more advanced than Eorzea
I don't disagree, and it's part of why Cid wants to help Eorzea with the ironworks, but I'm just saying that BEING behind doesn't really mean much when they're arguably tied for the most powerful region in the world, albeit some of that is due to the Warrior of Light themself.
There's a swiping at your iphone emote on mogstation
It fits the setting but it doesn't fit Eorzea
Actually not on mogstation, just gotta download the app.
Yeah, I'm talking strictly in terms of technology and why denim pants aren't really that out of place in Eorzea. Eorzeans on their own continent are a force to be reckoned with, which is why Gaius was smart and didn't try to attack them for 20 years and instead tried to use subversion to politically undermine them.
Eorzea is loosely baced on ancient Greece and surrounding areas, with its independent city states which banded together to repel the Persian empire invading from the east. Limsa in particular looks like a Greek city.
PUG strategies are just whatever takes the least thought for the majority and has the least possible points of failure
They absolutely will fuck it up if you give them the chance
Is healing fun
Fuck i thought Garlemarld is Rome, even their Republic era gear look straight out of Rome
It is my least liked role but I still like it because I just like playing every job in this game.
Why the 3600 number? Can you show the math please?
Garlemald is extremely strange, actually. Seems roman, with their military and emperor, and politics, but their region is actually russia. Meanwhile their actions are more like persian invasions.
No land in this game can really be boiled down to any one culture (even despite its rather desolate state and salt lakes, Ala Mhigo is partly based on Scotland), and it's part of why I love it.
They're culturally Roman yeah, but the whole setting itself was inspired by Greece under Persian invasion. That's also the reason why the Twelve so closely resemble the Greek pantheon, though they also have elements of other real world gods too. Nald'thal is a mix of Hades and Osiris, Althyk is a mix of Cronos and Odin, etc.
I like Scholar
>play PLD
>get anxiety everytime I queue for anything even though literally nobody ever has said shit about my tanking
How much of a pain in the ass are they to install?
I like Eos
Shit's easy, though it would have helped if someone told you you need textools. You literally click "add mod" and select the mod you want. Then it's in.
It may take some figuring out but if you've ever modded a bethesda game it's even easier than that.
tl;dr: ~3600 Crit is the point where its scaling surpasses that of both Det and DH, and thus has a higher stat weight in dps calculations.
Stop being a bitch and stop playing my role.
>Limsa in particular looks like a Greek city
Limsa to me has always felt more like the Caribbean under colonialism. Their clothes especially are very colonial.
One thing I've had trouble pinning down are Miqo'te names. Do their names have any root in real world culture?
I wouldn't have to play this role if 90% of tanks weren't braindead drooling retards
I saw a character called Healsut Catboii today
Which one of you was this?
They're not based on anything, that I can tell at least.
Can someone rate my BLM rotation
>B3 > enochian > T3 > B4 > Sharpcast > F3 > Leylines > F4 > Triple cast > F4 > F4 > F4 > F1 > more F4 spam > F3 proc > Despair > (manafront > F4 > despair) > T3 if proc'd > Xeno
Eorzea is absolutely not Africa geographically. Meracydia is Africa. The current world map only shows the part of the world that equates to Eurasia. Geographically, Eorzea is southern Europe.
Wow this is really interesting
Is Ishgard supposed to be scandinavian inspired culture ?
Reminds me of Hilary Duff's character from Food Fight.
Sharpcast during countdown. Triple Cast after F3 and spam 3 F4, weave oGCDs in between each instant F4.
Ishgard is a mix of French, Romans, and Germans
Meracydia is culturally African, but is more like a really big Madagascar or Australia shifted west.
Ishgard is France while it was the seat of the Papacy. The Avalonian civilization that existed before the war with the dragons was very Nordic though. The homeland of the Roegadyn, Aerslaent, is also Nordic as shown by their longboats.
I use the B3 start too, I go
B3>Enochian>T3>B4>F3>Triplecast>F4>Ley Lines>F4>Sharpcast>F4>Swiftcast>F4>F1>F4 until can't anymore>F3>Despair>Manafont>F4>Despair
If Thundercloud procs you should use it as your DoT is about to fall off or as you're about to lose the Thundercloud buff.
When did Yea Forums anons start playing this game?
>Is Ishgard supposed to be scandinavian inspired culture ?
Ishgard wasn't even snowy before ARR, actually. As others have said it's really just France.
December 2014, late 2.4.
Just started Heavensward after the fucking ARR grind.
When does it get good?
I like Feo Ui
Fairy glamour fucking when ?
Blizzard 4 opener is a DPS loss. This one is better
>Sharp prepull
>B3 > Oniichan > T3 > F3 > Triplecast > F4 pot/leylines > F4 > leylines (if potted) > F4 > swift > F4 > F4 > Despair >T3proc > F4 > Despair > B3 > sharp
Then assume your standard rotation.
Didn't you enjoy my patch story bro?
Aerslaent is Iceland. The mainland Nordics are represented to some extent by Dravania, especially the Hinterlands(Not the architecture though, which is Sharlayan, not native to Dravania). The dragons also all have names taken from or inspired by Norse mythology.
Can you show me the math for that chart? The numbers on theoryjerks (which we used for our tests and they seemed to be correct) don't actually back that up.
Same as this user.
Never "actually" played it until HW (getting into end game shit)
Ah I see, cause The Ashgadians have germanic as fuck name so i thought their land has always been cold, snowy like that like the nord in skyrim
If you don't think it's good after entering Ishgard, you've wasted your time and should cut your losses and unsub. The game isn't suddenly going to change from here.
Your rotation is the standard, safest rotation, but also offers the lowest dps out of the 3 openers. Use the F3P after Despair, so you don't clip Manafont. Also, save Xeno for UI or movement, unless if it's going to clip a 3rd Polyglot stack.
Pic is the highest dps opener. After this, you use Sharpcast on T3 every UI and use every TCP, unless if it'd cost you a F4 or Desu
Coerthas actually resembled the Hinterlands in terms of climate before the Seventh Umbral Calamity. You can look up screenshots of it from 1.0 if you want. The ice shit happened as a result of ice aspected aether going berserk after Bahamut fucked their shit up.
What the hell? The Ishgardians have French names, which are nothing whatsoever like Germanic ones.
In my opinion the game continues to get better as you go, but I agree if you aren't having fun you should not play. Honestly don't know why anyone would continue if they weren't enjoying even the worst parts of ARR.
I'm an asshole.
Their names are more romantic (spanish, portugese, belgian, french) than germanic.
Ishgardian names are more French. It's also an alpine region so it is colder, but it only became perma-winter after Bahamut twisted up the aetherflow of Eorzea and fucked the climate. Pic related was Coerthas beforehand. Highlanders have Germanic/Anglo names, and Roegadyn have the old Germanic stuff.
Not gonna reply to everyone individually, but thanks to everyone who replied
>fter this, you use Sharpcast on T3 every UI
Wrong. You use Sharp on anything as soon as you can without clipping your GCD off cooldown. Sharp T3 and sharp F3 are virtually identical in terms of DPS, and sharp F3 has the added bonus of letting you quickly refresh AF as well as being an extra option for movement if you need to move unexpectedly, on top of being a guaranteed DPS gain unlike sharp T3, which can be "wasted" if you get a natural proc before using your sharp proc
Don't listen to anyone posting about BLM in this thread, they're all SMN tourists.
>Honestly don't know why anyone would continue if they weren't enjoying even the worst parts of ARR.
I agree, I was really enjoying myself personally, but I can understand why others wouldn't. But if they don't, I would tell them to stop then and there, I don't think they'll like the rest of it.
>The mainland Nordics are represented to some extent by Dravania
Here's some old Ishgardian art that reinforces that too.
>nothing will dethrone WoW now or ever
I've heard Archeage is getting a P2P release at the end of the month and even though the game was a cruel mistress that beat me, it was still the only one I've ever substantially enjoyed before so I'm taking my chances. IF they managed to fix it, it might have a chance
This no longer applies dude
Now they can just Xenoglossy to the lever and then teleport back before the GCD is back up
ahh I see, talk about being cultural ignorance
I've mained BLM since 2.5 though :c
While true, I have rarely run into an occasion where Sharpcast was off CD in the middle of AF, and I have an opportunity to use it on F1, versus it neatly sliding into place in UI after opening with it, unless if I screwed up somewhere, or the boss jumped.
But I don't even have SMN leveled.
theres this lala that is stading in limsa on the same place since the beggining of the expasion and didn't level a thing, she just stand there, what the fuck
Sounds like an ERP alt.
It's all good man, as you can tell anons like me are very happy to discuss this type of thing, glad to answer questions.
Learning new things through vidya is a huge reason why I love it so much. Cheers bro.
it's called minmaxing
they're minimizing the amount they play to maximize how much they can enjoy life
>I have rarely run into an occasion where Sharpcast was off CD in the middle of AF
That's extremely unlikely unless you're saving shit for UI which you shouldn't be doing. You don't need to Xenoglossy during UI if you have a T3 proc or need to refresh T3 with a hardcast and you shouldn't save them for UI. Xenoglossy should only be used
>if you're going to lose a stack of polyglot
>if you need to move
>if you don't have a T3 proc or don't need to hardcast T3 during UI
>if you need to weave something
BLM is one of the most flexible rotations in the game right now and the literal only rules to it are "don't let T3 fall off, don't let UI or AF fall off, don't waste polyglot". Anything else is either a miniscule gain at the cost of flexibility or not even a gain at all.
Is their name Climate Change?
>Garlemald being Persia
Why do they use Roman military terminology then?
Because like this user said Most cultures in XIV are a blend of things. They were inspired by the Persians but given Roman names, language, and military structure. Geographically, they're also Russia.
Why is their whole reasoning for rising up against the rest of the world (Besides Ascian planning) because they were exiled to not-Russia then?
Because, as already mentioned, very few things in this game can be cut down to "based on this," they have a plethora of influences all around.
comfy thread btw
closest thing I've been able to find for Miqo'te names is some sort of mish mash between Yoruba, Zulu, and Igbo names. they aren't identical particularly with the Miqo'te tribal prefix but there's some similarity in the sound and structure
Late night threads are kino.
Here's a chart using the formulas from theoryjerks. These formulas lined up really well with our testing too.
Are you accounting for the tribal prefix not just being "Why-Shtola" or even "Yah-Shtola" and instead having a sound of their own that combines with any first consonant sound ("Yash-Tola" being the correct pronunciation)
Kill yourself.
It's weird because it's Saturday
Whoops! "Yahsh-Tola" would be the pronunciation, my bad.
>>can't skip cutscenes
I remember when I played it back before any expansions were out (but after the big reboot) that everybody skipped cutscenes and I ended up completely lost on the story whenever I did dungeons
or are you talking about non-dungeon cutscenes only?
>Can't skip MMO cutscene.
Is it just maybe possible you're talking about a masked loading screen?
No, you can't skip scenes where you have to respond somehow.
It's yah-SHtola. The prefix letter is its own separate sound.
It's still controlled by Trion.
So don't get your hopes up.
I just cleared ES3
Please tell me Titan is easy
You can't skip the intro cutscenes when you start the game. The only people who would get the impression that you can't skip all cutscenes are the people who have played the game for less than five minutes, AKA the most vocal critics of FFXIV.
Ignore me I'm retarded
He's not.
Fucking smooth
Then I'd just go with they're mostly maid up, wanting to give harsh-cat like sounds as the naming convention thread says.
Then it's another wonder where the Keeper of the Moon names come from.
>The apostrophe pronunciation rule applies here, as well.
>The first name Y’shtola would be pronounced “yash-TOE-lah” not “ya. shtoe-lah”
If their given name starts with a vowel, yes, they do the tribal sound first, but otherwise it flows together.
Haven't gone back yet. But I've been playing well finished playing this.
Harder to learn, but unironically easier overall compared to final e2s/e3s
Sorry I just posted, but it's all good user I don't think you're retarded :)
>Then it's another wonder where the Keeper of the Moon names come from.
Most of them were brought over from Mithra names in FFXI, but then I have no idea where they originated from for FFXI either.
i'd say keeper of the moon in general are even more similar to the african names
>go to the healer official forums
>80% of them are AST bitching about cards
>14% are sch wanting to do more dps
>1% are AST/SCH trying to nerf WHM whit terrible ideas
I love how there are 0 threads about WHM bitching about something
Much harder, but all the floors are braindead easy now with months of overgearing. I can't imagine how bad you'd have to be to struggle with any of them now.
ShB uncucked them
But then you have Miah, Khloe, Zhloe, they have a few "normal" sounding names and then you have shit like Ozkha.
What control scheme do I pick?
Khloe and Zhloe at least are Miqo'tezations of Japanese words Kuro and Shiro. Kuro-i and Shiro-i.
>all those "HERE'S MY IDEA FOR A NEW CLASS, PLEASE MAKE IT REAL" threads at the forums
Do they seriously think SE read their shit OC?
Whichever you prefer.
I think Khloe and Zhloe had more to do with that Japanese pun translation disaster, but it certainly doesn't help that they are prominent characters
Both are viable.
it's probably how we got the current nightmares that are BLU and SMN
They might hope they do, but those threads are probably more just for the fun brainstorming and speculating.
>lalafell girl
Its pronounced ISH-tola.
At least that's how the english voices in the game pronounce it.
I'm still hoping for an Orator healer class. I barely ever used them in FFT when I wasn't faith/bravery grinding but I think its a cool idea for a job.
Right, but let's consider that Khloe was chosen first, and honestly this works for even if the pun was decided and Zhloe was thought of beforehand. It's an often used name in Japanese media, so they know, even with the pun, that it will be Khloe.
That's all I really have to say actually. They knowingly named her Khloe, pun or not. I don't think it doesn't fit the race or anything, but it just stands out. Ironically with its translation, Zhloe seems more in line with the rest of the culture.
They have other normal sounding names too, like Miah.
Wat food should I use for Gathering at 80? Have all Gatherers freshly at 80.
Scholar is Orator bro. Adloquium means 'to cheer on'. Broil in JP means 'to talk big'. They're military commanders so it makes sense that their magic involves shouting commands and support.
It's Yashtola, you're hearing it wrong, and maybe some characters have poor voice direction, I haven't listened to the English dub that much.
Well yeah, but Khloe and Zhloe are because lore matters a lot less for JP audiences than it does for the western audience. Plus all the names are slightly different there. Koji just wanted to keep a faithful translation while also making it kinda feel like it could be a normal Miqo'te name. FFXI had similarly 'normal' names for Mithra like Nanaa.
Yeah, I'm thinking he's based
You're just wrong bro.
Dunno what to tell you. That violates literally every convention of English pronunciation.
Yeah, I'm probably looking too much at it instead of "just a few different types of names thrown together"
>That violates literally every convention of English pronunciation.
The alphabet in Eorzea isn't pronounced the same as in English. For the letter Y they don't say 'why'. They say 'yah'. So it's yahshtola.
GCD healing is wrong
Mic stand / loudspeaker weapon or death
Literally the word of the developers has been posted in this thread where they spell out the pronunciation, not to mention you hear it all the time in the game. How fucking retarded and delusional do you have to be to think you know the game better than the developers?
How do you even get up in the morning being this stupid?
Okay, but even given the english voice pronunciation, it's still MEANT to be pronounced "Yahsh-Tola" and you can even extend this to her father, Y'Rhul. It would be pronounced "Yahr-Hul." Yes, the otherwise silent H actually takes on sound, though the Miqo'te make it sound different with their speech anyway.
ARR VD got her name right, it was the one thing that bugged me going into HW and still hasn't been fixed.
>doesnt understand the subtle difference between modern english and older versions of english
ESL detected, fuck off.
I thought the Y in the Y'---- was not even a letter. They just adapted their original language into the alphabet so that B means Deer or some shit in original Miqo'te.
What the fuck are you talking about? The prefix letter in Seeker of the Sun names is pronounced according to the Eorzean pronunciation of individual letters.
You would say, "Ayy, Bee, See"
And Eorzean would say, "Ah, Bee, Ka"
There were 26 tribes of Miqo'te that original migrated to Eorzea. When they discovered the Eorzean alphabet had 26 letters, they took it as a sign from the gods and each tribe swapped their original name for a letter. So the original name of the Boar tribe didn't directly translate to 'B', they simply adopted the letter 'B'.
The 26 tribes had their own totem animals, and they took letters and sounds that were closest to said animals, but over time the Eorzean culture wore them down and they now just sound like the Eorzean letters, generally.
>Over time, this resulted in the changing of the pronunciation to more closely resemble the pronunciation of the Eorzean letter than that of the original word.
"Eorzean" English is an extrapolation of English pronunciation prior to the Danish Invasions. It's still English.
It also does this with the substitution of a few words. In fact the word Eorzea itself is derived from "eorþan", an Old English word for Earth.
what clothes would you suggest?
Something sluttier.
And what you don't understand is that "Y'shtola" isn't pronounced with the Y in context with the Shtola. The Y is considered a separate name with it's own specific pronunciation which then flows into her proper name Shtola. So it's not "Eeshtola". It's "Yahshtola".
>tfw rarely saw whm bitching even when they were shit for all of SB
A good way to look at it is to open the naming conventions, then put any letter, and its pronunciation in front of Shtola.
L'shtola. Leesh-Tola. A'shtola. Ahsh-Tola. S'shtola. Soosh-Tola.
Maybe her sister? Y'mhitra. Yahm-Hitra.
It isn't Eeshtola.
It also isn't Yahstola.
It's ISH-tola. ISH. Whether you like it or not, English pronunciation conventions causes the Y to merge with the S. The only people who "think otherwise" are ESLs.
5.1 when?
I'm already only raidlogging in classic, I miss XIV more and more every day
>Whether you like it or not, English pronunciation conventions causes the Y to merge with the S.
No, because the pronunciation of the Y as 'yah' comes first as a separate family name. I don't understand why you're arguing this when it's been posted by the devs.
>The first name Y’shtola would be pronounced “yash-TOE-lah” not “ya. shtoe-lah”
You are given a direct pronunciation guide by the developers. See: Why would you think otherwise unless you are trolling user?
"late october"
we'll learn the official date on the next liveletter
anyone else able to genuinely visualize the main characters saying their warrior of light's name
i have a seeker name and i still envision them saying it perfectly, according to the actual naming convention pronunciatioins
I definitely hear a y sound when they speak it.
I can but I'm a Midlander so I have a normal name.
>Separate family name
>somehow influences pronunciation
Not applicable. In the real world people with first and last names that have co-similar sounding letters at the ending of their first and beginning of their last names, that shit merges in common usage. Your opinion does not matter here.
The primary devs are Japanese. They are ESLs. They have no authority to dictate English pronunciation. They have every authority to dictate Japanese pronunciation; perhaps these names are pronounced in the way you think to a Japanese speaker or other ESL, but to native born English speakers, it's ISH-tola.
You're just wrong.
Deal with it.
>Make a Midlander
>Have a Midlander name
>Fantasised to a Raen girl in 2017
>Still have the Midlander name
I don't know man
who artist?
naming conventions are created by an english dev, user.
I'm having fun with him. I just started learning him today and I'm already nearing the end of phase 2. My best advice is not to greed phase 1. That 1 extra gcd isn't worth it if you're dead.
>Not applicable. In the real world
>In the real world
Miqo'te don't exist in the real world. Y'shtola's name is Shtola of the Y tribe. Her name is pronounced with the Y alone flowing into Shtola. Yahshtola.
>The primary devs are Japanese. They are ESLs.
Actually Koji is their in-house linguist that they hired in 1.0 specifically to map out Eorzean and beastman languages, and he's American.
raen names are just nip shit, which also technically works for midlanders since they cover the entire planet.
How do I not get hit by the exploding boulders from Crumbling Down? The ones that explode after Seismic Wave. I keep getting hit by them as a tank.
I'm talking about similar situations where in a persons first and last names end and start (respectively) with two letters that naturally merge in English. The existence of Miqo'te does not matter.
Your opinion means N O T H I N G in this matter. And their in-house linguist is the reason that Y'shtola has their name pronounced correctly in 1.0
Nah I got an Eorzean midlander name not an Othard/Hingashi midlander one
I hate how you have to precast everything as a healer. Everyone gets hit by the aoe after succer goes out.
Whitie has been out of the shed for a long time
>I'm talking about similar situations where in a persons first and last names end and start (respectively) with two letters that naturally merge in English.
Which is not relevant because Eorzean is not English.
Even if it operates generally the same, they can 100% say "this isn't the same" because it's their language.
No he's not, E2S and E3S are snoozefests compared to Titan, especially 3S which is basically an extreme primal + Hello Whorl 2
How much is a name change? Probably not worth it but if you care, I'd go for it.
>I'm talking about similar situations where in a persons first and last names end and start (respectively) with two letters that naturally merge in English.
Which is irrelevant here.
>Your opinion means N O T H I N G in this matter.
I'm not posting opinion, I'm posting official lore.
>Y'shtola has their name pronounced correctly in 1.0
Go ahead and post it. 1.0 barely had voice acting and I can't recall a single instance when Y'shtola had her name voiced.
First phase is kinda rough, but once you get the hang of it it's not too bad. Middle phase is fairly easy, more of a test of overall group coordination, most of my pugs for it have managed it well enough. Final phase has a movement pattern that can take some learning, but it's mostly a giant healer check.
Something to think about as a healer is whether you NEED to have everyone topped up immediately or not. If you can delay your healing until your next natural weave window, it's heaps better to do so. You'll probably make your cohealer heal a lot though if its in an uncoordinated pug
>tfw Heavensward post Vault scene
Why did they have to take my bro away?
Sure I'll agree with you so long as you leave the game and stop shitting up my groups nigger
I was playing with some friends on the JP server but because of timezones it became too hard to play with them so I unsubbed. Should I just switch to the NA server? How common is parsing? I don't really care for it and I'm not gonna tryhard autism every raid
How did you cure your blindness/
Gotta start to bring you into future story themes sometime bro.
meant for
Just as common as on JP servers which is to say everyone does it who actually plays the game for more than expert roulette
Parsing is common, but most people don't care how you're actually doing. They want to see their own numbers, and maybe laugh when someone is doing less than the tank.
If people are saying YOUR PARSE IS SHIT WHAT U SAY DOESN'T MATTER they're probably not people you want to play with anyway.
Isn't the entire point of sch and noct ast to mitigate damage?
I think it'll just confuse a lot of people on my friends list, FC, static. I've endured having a Raen Midlander for 2 years already
you've cleared both ultimates, right user? and you've cleared Eden by now as well? it's week 8, you know.
From those who've fallen, to those who will rise
A prayer to keep us ever by your side
An undying promise that we just might
Carry on
In a song
Could always throw them a warning if they're people you want to keep but don't talk to that often. Like I'd say static mates wouldn't really notice, for example, since you actually talk to them often.
That's a traps newer SCH and ASTs fall into. If you don't need a shield to survive damage (which generally only occurs at the start of a raid tier or in ultimate), its far better to just heal the damage afterwards with properly mapped out oGCDs
Eorzean is English. I already established this earlier.
Eorzean WRITING is clearly not English, but the spoken language is. Deal with it.
Is SAM okay? I was thinking about trying it. Should I stay just PLD till I get to 80 before I start thinking about trying other jobs?
I don't give a fuck about ultimates
I will not be dealing with anything because you're either entirely wrong and unwilling to accept that, or trolling me.
so seeya.
They're not really brought along for their damage mitigation, but for their (theoretically) high rDPS contribution and excellent oGCD healing
SAM is the worst DPS in the game at the moment
Nah, waiting for Hades Ex though.
I'm a pug boy but I don't want shit to feel painful, so I stick to ex's and 24mans. I still luv dis game.
Imagine being this retarded
I've done Eden savage, but I wasn't subbed during Stormblood and I don't have a competent group for the ultimates so fuck that. I'll try to get in on the new ultimate they're doing though, my money's on Knights of the Round
wow classic > osrs > ffxiv > anything else > gw2 > modern wow
It's true though? SAM is literally the worst melee by a huge margin, none of the other DPS have a bigger disparity in their role, not even RDM or SMN
I'm at Annihilation for UWU, I'm getting there
If I actually manage to find a group for ultimate that's willing to take a SAM and raids at my hour, I'll give it a go.
I would if my group would quit being lazy pieces of shit and bother with ucob. We've cleared ultimate and each tier relatively quick.
Stand tall my friend
May all of the dark deep inside you find light again
This time
Tumbling, turning we make amends
Eternal winds from the land ascend
Here to lift us that we won't end
mfw ill be playing archeage unchained on the 15th of October and everyone will be burnt out playing baby dick WoW
If FFXIV is shit, then it's because its inspiration WoW is shit.
FFXl was always better.
gamepad fucks are liabilities
SAM is still workable, RDM and DNC are peak meme, hell, the entire ranged physical role is barely hanging in there.
>sam is going 17k with full 470
>all other dps besides blm, mnk and drg are 2k or 3 under it
Based retard
When are people going to wake up and realize how retarded and gay and boring mmos are? Every single one of them now are 95% solo content then the other 5% is grinding for gear with angry incels on voice for it to only be replaced and outdated in a few months. Imagine the millions upon millions of wasted dollars SE has wasted on original content only to throw it away every few months for nobody to care about ever again. Rather than expanding the game and making it better they replace it with different shit and the stuff you were doing before is completely invalidated. Being an mmo cuck has to be the worst.
You need one of each role so really there's never any reason to bring a SAM.
based retard who doesn't understand how DPS works
So if MNK and DRG do as much damage and provide buffs and NIN provides the biggest buff in the game why would you ever take a SAM over any of those three?
>based retard who thinks 2k or 3k dps can be attained with party buffs
WHM's are pretty much content being slurping healsluts regardless of what their job actually entails.
sch/ast's are real people, so of course they'd be more aware of the garbage job chages.
>it isn't THE BEST so it's shit
Yes, some jobs are better. So what? Dancer is the worst rDPS despite its ability in the game and people are still taking it. Because it's what they want to play.
I mean you can pretend it doesn't but the numbers don't lie. There's no reason to bring a SAM over the other two melee DPS
Not being meta and being the worst dps are two different things.
MNK doesn't do as much damage as SAM and NIN is a Trick attack bot. The only melee DPS empathically better than SAM is DRG, and those spearniggers are better than everyone right now
People take DNC because you do less damage without one. Without a SAM you do more damage, because the other three melees provide more damage.
>post was about the worst dps overall
>just brings melees into the talk
based retard
I assume NA or EU?
Meta faggotry seems to be absent in the english speaking raid community on JP Elemental DC
Holy shit imagine being this retarded.
It's strictly worse than any other job because unlike the other jobs, it doesn't provide anything at all to your group AND you lose damage taking it. Even RDM at least provides a fucking raise which can help with prog a bit, to make up for being worse at actually dealing damage. SAM brings nothing.
>post was about the worst dps overall
>just brings melees into the talk
based retard
>he doesn't even know about role bonuses
Based SAM main who fails to understand the most basic mechanics of the game
Enjoy replacing your ranged with a SAM and having the entire party lose DPS as a result, including the SAM
>again he doesn't understand what are we even talking about
Please continue being a retard
I do though, you're sitting here unironically arguing that you'd replace a role with a third melee like some kind of retard who doesn't even know how the game works.
Oh hey look an unlabeled chart that proves a lot. Here's titan numbers, eat shit.
>replace a role with a third melee
none is talking about that
please read slower next time, retard
He's saying to replace one of the two melees if you're really going to be that gay about 1% exta stats.
And not bringing buffs doesn't mean it's shit. It just isn't as good. They'll be buffing it in 5.1 so it's the strongest melee anyway.
>has to cherrypick one boss fight to prove his point
Except you are. You either compare SAM to the other melees, or you're arguing that you replace a caster or ranged with a SAM. Pick one.
>He's saying to replace one of the two melees
But he's not, because he started sperging out in the first place because I said SAM was worse than all the other melees.
It's not the lack of buffs that make it shit, it's that it doesn't do any damage. Both monk and DRG have higher or similar personal DPS before factoring in their buffs.
>They'll be buffing it in 5.1 so it's the strongest melee anyway.
They're buffing NIN too though and as history has shown if a job that's been meta for the game's entire lifespan whines after an expansion releases they're going to get overbuffed
>I said SAM was worse than all the other melees.
you said SAM was the worst dps in general
Parsetrannies are a mistake
>logs autism shows up
>thread ain't comfy no more
I got nothin against parsing, I've done my own and uploaded runs of my own, but you aren't killing your group, unless you're a world first speedrunner, by playing the job you want. Play whatever you feel like anons.
FFXI was a fucking grindfest. Fuck that tedious shit.