ITT: that boss

ITT: that boss
What were they thinking?

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>t. cant appreciate peak ludo-kino

that boss was great, though. every time i see this i think of the Yea Forums poster that thought he was the last monkey and threw himself into the abyss

This was one of the best moments in the entire game and by far the most DeS-like
The fact some faggots can't appreciate it is laughable

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The boss is terrible though

How was it good? Running around like a retard with no skill check against some monkeys is good boos design now?

It was an intriguing boss fight.

>if I dont slam a giant with a billion hp who spits fire from his then it's a shit boss fight

You're a retard and a cancer

It's good because fromsoft can't make mistakes. You literally aren't allowed to criticize fromsoft games or else you're a pleb casual so lmao git gud nigger

I didn't care about the boss itself that much, but I found the area to be very calming and relaxing...
I had a nice time talkng to rice loli there.

Yes. We have plenty of honorabu duels in Souls now. Something like running around chasing down monkeys was fresh.

They were trying to make a fun puzzle boss but ultimately failed
>puzzle boss
>you can beat it without solving anything
It sucked

It's good because it's an extremely atmospheric puzzle you ADHD ridden newfag

What was the point of that entire level?

Arkham is immensely worse. Leviathan is just a mob boss but Arkham is a barely decent fight with mob elements and the style being taken away from you.

If you beat it as the devs intended, yeah. I accidentally bruteforced it the first time I played.

Why was this a "boss fight"?

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It's not a good puzzle if it can be beaten by not even solving it

It wouldn't have been a problem if the game had enough unique/good bosses but they reused corrupted monk and divine dragon was a gimmick as well.

>literally just killed them from a distance whenever I saw them

That boss was great though

When remembering Sekiro, out of all of the bosses, this is one of the few that occupies my mind. It was unique and inspired which is a lot more than I can say about half the other boss fights.

that boss gives me the impression that they planned to do more with the stealth system but it never got implemented

>Treating your opinion as fact and pretty much saying anyone who thinks otherwise is a fanboy

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It's more like
>Having a different opinion about something will make others criticize you instead by making false accusations which isn't related at all to the opinion just because they can't handle others saying there's something wrong with their game
You're a fanboy if you can't see there's something wrong with the game, and if someone points it out you shrug it off and shit on the person telling you instead

What was the puzzle?

>this game will never get a sequel

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So the Monkeys fight is basically broken right? I assumed you had to do the rooms in certain orders to trap them, but you can just chase them down and they'll eventually bug out in the attic.

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>WfC, FoC and Devastation are all dead
>only options are pirating or tracking down a physical copy
It's a fucking crime against humanity.

You can occasionally find matches on PS3 FoC, especially on weekends, but that's probably the most horrendous version of the game available.

A secret boss but holy it breaks the very fundamentals of gameplay

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try to find a cheaper boss, you can't.

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90% of Dark Souls 2's bosses

it was great
why do redditors hate it?

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It was completely out of the context of the game. None of the elements of Sekiro matter in it, you just use the stealth candy and wait for a luck out as you chase them.

>the devs literally throw in the hardest difficulty setting at the last minute without testing it at all
Genuinely boggles me how this got through any kind of logical test.

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